[Western Fantasy] The Master is above

Chapter 58 The Land of the Dead

Although Hill had guessed this result a long time ago.But when they saw the complete map at this time, it proved that they had indeed left the range of Van Lance, and they still felt a little helpless when they came to a completely unfamiliar area.

From the perspective of the map, here are two completely different areas from Van Lance.Except for the direction of Dragon Island in the South China Sea, the rest of Vranance is connected as a whole continent.Here, the entire plate is more like two irregular circles overlapping each other.

The center of the circle in the middle is filled with darker gray and black, and the text marked on it cannot be deciphered for the time being.But at first glance, it should be a place name, and this marking method is very similar to marking the scope of a restricted area.

The area around the center of the circle is roughly divided into five areas by less obvious lines.Judging from the marks, there are forests, deserts, grasslands, deserts, and rivers, but there are very few marks in cities.Compared with the vast and prosperous Vatican, this place is like an abandoned rural village.

"Hill?" Although Eagle has a very poor sense of direction, he can still understand the map.He glanced worriedly at his companion who was staring at the map, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

The two of them came here strangely, not to mention the strange atmosphere in the surrounding environment, and they had no idea how to go back.For Laird and the others, the two of them must have disappeared suddenly.It's been several days, I don't know how anxious they should be.

"Let's eat something first." After a long silence, Hill put away the map, and rarely took the initiative to pick up the food that Iger brought over just now, "It's useless to think about it now, let's take a look in the next two days Let's talk about the surrounding situation."

Hill also understands Eagle's worries, but it's useless to worry now.The two of them couldn't even read the words on the map, let alone anything else.

In the next few days, the two walked around the streets every day, paying attention to the pedestrians around them, and went back and forth several times to the shops selling various commodities.Every day for lunch and dinner, I look for a lively restaurant or tavern, and quietly listen to the conversations of various pedestrians.

In the evening, Hill will find the books collected in the past two days, and together with Eagle, list the texts of various races and check them with the books.The most important thing for the two of them now is to master the text here as soon as possible, otherwise they will not even be able to fully understand the map, let alone find a way to go back.

"I found it again. It's pretty similar." Igor took the translation materials that Jesse had brought to the two of them from the ancient trial site, and compared it with the book on undead spells that he just bought.Point to one of them to show Hill.

Hill raised his head slightly, glanced at the two pages of rune in Eagle's hand, and then turned his gaze back to the map in his hand, "Well, it's much more convenient this way."

As early as a few days ago, the two of them discovered that the text here and Vlahan Lance are almost two completely different systems.But the magic system is similar to Quegu magic, and the spells and runes are almost the same.

This reassures Hill a lot. At least the two of them have some obstacles in reading, and it is not difficult to adjust the magic.It's just that the situation of the two of them outside is somewhat reversed now.

Hill and Igor have searched almost all the places that sell magic books, but the result is that Hill's undead spell books can be seen everywhere, but the holy magic books that Iger needs, the two have not found a single one so far. .

No other ornaments or utensils related to holy magic have been seen.Even from the inexplicable arrival of the two to this place, they haven't found a single holy magician with obvious identity.In Van Lance, although there are relatively few holy magicians compared to other departments, it is absolutely impossible for such a huge city to disappear.

It's as if there is no such profession as a holy magician here.

Igor didn't notice before, and accidentally took off his hood when buying food in the store.When I checked out, the boss looked at me with surprised eyes for a long time.

When Hill noticed it, he immediately covered him again.It wasn't until the two of them left the store that Hill realized that he and Igor had been focusing on the local people's writing, habits, and magic system, but ignored the most intuitive appearance of the pedestrians around them.

Looking at the pedestrians around him, it was only now that Hill realized that most of the people around him were darker in color.Although he hadn't seen him with black hair and black pupils at a glance, he didn't feel any disobedience when he walked into the crowd.None of the people around showed any surprise at his appearance.

But if Igor took off his hood and stood in it now, he could be seen across the street at a glance.It's as if a ray of light suddenly mixed into the gray and dark environment, which is so out of place that it makes people feel dazzling.

After Eagle discovered his current situation, he was also depressed for several days.Every day, poking the pudding that suddenly grew up like an air-filled pudding, resenting my life without seeing the light of day.

Seeing Hill wearing a cloak every day and looking calm as before, it was not absolutely difficult.Now that he was himself, just a few days made him feel a little unbearable.Sighing in his heart, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable about Hill's previous situation in Van Lance.

After that, Igor went out with his epee on his back in addition to his cloak.Hill used to hide his identity in the old way: depending on the situation, the identity of the magic swordsman cannot be publicized, so he can only show the first image of the epee swordsman to outsiders.

The two lived in the city of Oss for nearly three months, and they finally had a more detailed understanding of the area they were in.

Garcia is the name of this strange continent.

The reason why it is said that this is another continent is because Hill has tried every means to find clues about Van Lance.But neither the books nor the natives of Garcia have any information about this at all.But just like when they were in Van Lance for a few months, they never knew that there was another continent with a different system in another part of the world.

Garcia's area is much smaller than that of Vatican.Excluding the forbidden area where organisms cannot survive in the middle of the plate, it is roughly divided into five areas, but there are no clear boundaries.

Among the five areas roughly divided, there are actually five different forces that the Garcia people are very convinced by.It's just that these five forces roughly divided Garcia into five. Although each of them did not interfere with the scope of the other four directions, it did not restrict the ordinary people within its own forces.Not to mention empires and principalities, five people can't even count as the lord of a city.

Perhaps this is also due to the free and unrestrained nature of the Garcia people. The five people who were divided can only be regarded as the unilateral respect of the five strong men.

And because of the vast land and sparse population, Garcia's racial distinction is not great.The locals in Garcia live casually, and not many people are willing to settle in a city for a long time, and most of them like to move as they like.

As a result, the scale of Garcia's urban development has always been unstable.And there is no distinction between empires and races, and the connections between people are also very indifferent.

Generally speaking, Garcia is more like the state of ancient times than the current Van Lance.

The local residents of Garcia generally have a high force value, but their dependence on staffs, long swords, bows and arrows, and attribute-boosting accessories and alchemy items is very low.Therefore, Garcia's craftsmanship in weapons, accessories, alchemy, etc. is very low.

After Hill and Eagle discovered this, they immediately put away their original weapons and bought new staffs and epees at the weapons store.

Fortunately, due to Hill's habit in Van Lance, he disguised himself as an alchemist except for special circumstances, and generally did not take out his staff.Eagle's epee was wrapped in a white cloth and carried on his back.It didn't attract the attention of others.

In a few months, not only the entire system of Garcia, but the two of them also had an understanding of many subtle aspects of life.For example, due to unknown reasons, the magic power and vindictiveness of the two were suppressed here, but for Pudding, it seemed to have a lot of improvement.

In three months, Pudding has completely lost the size of a cub, and finally has the demeanor of a dark devil tiger.

Although he still does not fall when he rolls around like a baby every day, but when he is not moving, running or jumping, he still has a bit or two of the majesty of a high-level monster.Basic dark magic, also learned two or three.Unlike a few months ago, no matter how angry I am, I will only scratch my claws and shine my teeth.

As for the dragon egg, although it has left the dragon's breath, it is estimated that it has entered the incubation period, and it does not rely too much on the heat of the dragon's breath.

Except for the first few days when there was no movement, it was almost like when the pudding was about to hatch.The old man was not happy to be locked in the ring by Eagle, and he liked to roll around in the room.No one cares about it, and it's a joy to be alone.

But the dragon egg and the dark devil tiger's egg are basically two levels.Before the pudding hatched, no matter how active it was, it was rolling on the mattress, petting the eggshell coquettishly with Hill, or bumping against Eagle twice when it was upset.

But the current dragon egg is twice as large as the pudding at that time.Not to mention the weight, Iger only had the strength to lift an epee, so he could hold it in his arms like a baby every day.If ordinary people want to attack it, two people have to carry it away to steal it.

With such a volume and quality, it doesn't take half an hour to be active, and there is nothing but a mess in the room.Needless to say, the chairs and cabinets, the bare bed was crushed and collapsed twice by it when it bounced around.

If Iger hadn't dangled the heavy sword in front of the innkeeper every day, and accidentally performed a performance of crushing table legs with his bare hands, and paid full compensation for the damaged things, the boss would have chased them out long ago. up.

For this kind of dragon egg that obviously shows a lack of physique before the shell is broken, Hill specially made a reinforced metal frame for it.

The toffee, which was firmly fixed on the shelf by Hill for a long time, and couldn't even turn around, finally became more honest after being cleaned up two or three times.Even if he got carried away occasionally, as long as Hill raised his finger to point to the shelf in the corner, he would immediately roll under the bed obediently, completely erasing his sense of existence.

During this period of time, Hill carefully understood Garcia's alchemy level.He didn't dare to use his own alchemy materials in the ring, so he bought materials directly from the material store in the city, made alchemy items and sold them.The income is completely enough for him and Eagle to live on, and there is even a lot of surplus.

Of course, this is also the case. During this period of time, I can afford the pudding that started to increase in appetite, and compensate for the furniture that was damaged by toffee every day some time ago.

But staying in a hotel is not a long-term solution. After the two of them collected almost the same information around them, they prepared to leave the city of Oss again.

Van Reims is like a place that doesn't even appear in fairy tales here.If you want to find a way to go back, it's impossible to just spin around here.Since they came here because of Kester's teleportation array hiding in the cave, it must be much easier to find his information than to directly find information about Vlahan Lance.

For Garcia, the status of an alchemist is much higher than that of Van Lance.If it is said that Garcia's overall combat level is better than that of Van Lance in terms of magic, fighting spirit, bow and arrow, hiding, etc., but the level of alchemy is just the opposite.

From Hill's point of view, half-finished alchemy artifacts that are about the same level as apprentices can be sold here for a considerable price.Alchemy products here are not only expensive and rare, but also seem to be completely monopolized by a certain force.So much so that alchemists vaguely have a special status in the entire Garcia.

Under such circumstances, it would be much easier to find someone with high-level alchemy abilities—although Kester only focused on the dark alchemy department, his own alchemy level could not be ignored.

The next destination that Hill will definitely go to again is Basso City, which is about half a distance away from Garcia.

I heard that the city of Basso happens to belong to the sphere of influence of the only high-level alchemist among Garcia's five major forces.In Garcia, as an alchemist who has no offensive power, but can be respected by the locals as one of Garcia's five major forces, he must be more special than the other four powerhouses.

The identity of this legendary alchemist is also more mysterious than the other four powerhouses.It is rumored that Garcia's alchemy monopoly has an inevitable connection with him.How he became one of Garcia's five great powers as an alchemist is still a mystery.

Once again embarking on a journey, the conditions were much better than when the two woke up completely confused at the beginning.This time, Hill has already planned out the route along the way in detail, and the things that need to be used during the journey.He even bought two Qima beasts as mounts.

Hill hung part of the packed food and water bag on the side of the saddle, and patted the Qima beast, which was about the same height as him and looked like a horse, but with fangs, claws and sharp horns.He picked up the pudding at his feet and put it on top of his head.

The Qima beast is a relatively advanced type of Garcia road beast. Because of its excellent endurance, speed, and certain attack power, it is very popular with the local Garcia people who live casually.Of course, the selling price will not be cheap.

If it weren't for the pudding's current size that can no longer be carried away in the pocket at will, and other street beasts are huge, but when they see the pudding, their legs will be weak and they will not be able to walk at all, Hill would not buy expensive unicorns. horse beast.

Money is one aspect, and the alchemy items sold by Hill in the past few months are also fully affordable for the two Qima beasts.But as a long-distance trip, Hill always thinks that walking or low-level road beasts will make the two of them much safer.

"Hill? Are you ready?" Now that the sky was light and the hotel was still silent, Igor walked out cautiously through the side door.There was a big bulging lump under the cloak, and it jumped out from time to time.Eagle's face was reddish, and he seemed to be struggling.

Hill raised his eyebrows, walked to Igor's side, and stretched out his hand to pick up Igor's cloak.The black dragon egg hidden under the cloak immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

The dragon egg is not small in size and not light in weight, and it is still very dishonest at this time.He kept twisting and turning, apparently trying to break free from Eagle's restraint.Even Igor's arm strength, which he used to swing the epee all day long, was a little out of breath at this moment.

Hill covered the cold eggshell with his palm, and the cold undead breath immediately surrounded it along the eggshell, "If you don't want to stay in Eagle's ring, come in mine. Or you would rather Want to stay in the ring with your exclusive shelf?"

As soon as the words fell, the dragon egg held in Eagle's arms trembled slightly, rubbed against Eagle's arm lightly, and remained still.

Hill snorted softly, stretched out his left hand, and signaled Igor to put it into his ring.The dragon egg seemed to have noticed it, and immediately twisted the round eggshell and burrowed into Iger's arms.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, he suppressed Igor's intercession, patted the eggshell, and said, "If you dare to damage anything in my ring, I will tie you to a shelf until you hatch."

After speaking, he patted Igor's palm away and quickly stuffed the dragon egg into the ring.Then he returned to his Qima beast, turned over neatly and rode on it.

Eagle also understands Toffee's reluctance to enter the interspatial ring, and feels distressed seeing its constant resistance.However, Hill's quick handling of Toffee at this time made him heave a sigh of relief.

Although I feel sorry for it staying in the dead space ring, I can't really hold it all the way.

Hill's suppression is needed before the shell is broken, and his temper is so bad, what should he do in the future?

Igor scratched Pudding's chin worriedly, and after receiving a look of contempt from it, he returned to his Qima beast and turned over.

Seeing that Eagle was also fully dressed, Hill reined in the reins.Two Qima beasts rushed out of the backyard of the hotel one after another, ran lightly across the empty street, and disappeared behind the city gate that had just been opened.

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, I came back to apologize with tears streaming down my face.The illness came on suddenly a while ago, and I haven’t suffered from such a serious illness in the past year. In addition, the third and fourth subjects of the driving school and the back-to-school time rushed together, so it was inexplicably interrupted for so many days.

I have already arrived at school to start class today, and the time has stabilized, and the daily update will resume, and it will never be interrupted like before 7.The daily update time can almost be reset, around ten o'clock every night.In the past two days, I will try my best to update each chapter, and slowly make up the debts of the previous few days, please forgive me.Thanks to the little angels of White Friday for the mines, it took so long for me to come back and keep you waiting m

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