[Western Fantasy] The Master is above

Chapter 53 The Land of the Dead

It is estimated that he was held back by the recent training for a long time. When it came to going out, Iger acted very quickly.He took the snacks that Jesse put in the cabinet, took the pudding, and urged Hill to go out.

Hill slowly followed one man and one tiger, watching the two running forward, fighting and running, stopping from time to time to wait for him.I have to feel that the energy of creatures with simple thinking is always so strong.

The scope of Misty Valley is really not small.Hill was taken away for nearly three or four hours, and only then did Eagle say that he was about to arrive.

"Have you never been here?" Hill looked at the increasingly lush woods and plants around him, and asked Eagle beside him.

"I've only been here once." Iger and Pudding were probably tired from running, and finally walked quietly beside Hill. "I came here once when I was bored when I was a child, but there is nothing here except the woods. Jesse also hates it." The environment here is not suitable for planting medicinal materials, and I have almost never been here.”

Hill looked up and saw that the dense branches almost blocked most of the light.Perhaps it also has something to do with the terrain, there is very little breeze in the woods.There was a faint smell of fallen leaves in the air.

Small plants cannot grow in such an environment at all, and it is easy to rot because of the lack of sunlight and the humid and dark environment here.No wonder Jesse hated this place.

Because the fallen leaves on the road were getting thicker and thicker, Pudding's short legs could no longer walk normally.Hill simply threw it at Eagle.

"It seems to be right in front." Igor took out the small cake that was just put in from the ring, and took a bite of the pudding on his shoulder.One side is still pointing to the front where the light is dim.

The two still walked slowly at a walking pace.As soon as he got close to the edge of the forest, the surrounding air suddenly became a little fresher.Without the cover of the surrounding trees, the field of vision has also expanded a lot.

Hill stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down with his head down.

In the terrain that was originally a valley, it is indeed strange that such a cliff appears.Because of the occlusion of the forest here, the light cannot be considered good.And the bottom of the cliff is even deeper.In addition to the steep overhang, some small trees growing horizontally can be clearly seen, and further down, there is only darkness.

"Do you want to go down?" Hill stared at the cliff where the cold wind kept sweeping under his feet, not understanding why Igor wanted to go to that kind of place.

"This is the only place in Misty Valley that I haven't been to." Eagle and Pudding answered naturally while chewing the small cake.

Hill shrugged indifferently, "It's up to you. How are you going to get down?"

Eagle glanced at Hill, "Of course I went straight down. It's not like you can't."

After speaking, Igor's body suddenly floated off the ground, and went directly down the cliff lightly.

Hill was helpless. Although the necromancer did not have the straightforward levitation technique of holy magic power, it was indeed not difficult to achieve Igor's level.

A burst of black smoke suddenly rose from Hill's feet, and the black robe on his body suddenly floated around.As soon as Hill's body lightened, he was quickly supported by the black mist, and followed Eagle slowly to float down the cliff.

The height of the cliff was deeper than Hill had imagined. Pudding was still looking around curiously at the beginning, and after a while he lay down on Igor's shoulder and licked his paws boredly.

The further down you go, the less light hits under the cliff.By the time it was almost pitch black, neither had reached the bottom.

"How deep is this?" Igor controlled his descent speed, while calling out a ball of holy light to float above his head, so that he and Hill could observe the surroundings.

The scope of the holy light ball's illumination is limited. After observing for a long time, Hill could vaguely recognize some strange plants growing on the surrounding mountain walls.The constant chill under his feet made him feel that there was still a long distance from the ground.

With a snap of his fingers, a nightmare suddenly came out of thin air, and dived down with a howl.But after a while, there was no response.

Hill frowned, just about to call out to stop Eagle beside him.The situation of the underground is unknown, anyway, they are just purely curious and want to see, so it is better to just forget about this kind of situation.

But before Hill could speak, Pudding, who was lying on Eagle's shoulder, suddenly raised his head.The pink nose sniffed the air, turned his head, and aimed at a certain direction in the darkness.

"Wow!" Pudding flicked his tail and patted Igor's cheek, motioning him to go that way.

"Pudin? Is there anything over there?" Eagle asked it curiously.

Pudding, of course, hadn't grown up enough to explain clearly, he just kept gesturing to Hill and Eagle to go in that direction.

Originally, Igor was also going to take Hill back, he just wanted to find a place to rest for a while, and came here to have a look when he was bored.It's just that the environment under the cliff is far from what he imagined, so he might as well go back to the manor and find a place to bask in the sun.

But Pudding's sudden performance made both of them hesitate again.Except when there was food, neither of them had ever seen Pudding so determined to go to one place.They exchanged glances with each other, and finally turned around in unison, following Pudding's intention.

It's all here, since Pudding wants to go, let's go and have a look.

The two maintained the height at this time, floating along the narrow and long cliff for an unknown how long.Pudding has been standing on Eagle's shoulder and flicking his tail, looking a little excited.

"Wow!" Pudding suddenly howled again, and Hill and Eagle stopped at the same time.

Both of them noticed that on the mountain wall not far ahead, there seemed to be a slight light flickering gently.Although the light was very weak, the two of them could clearly see it in the dark environment.

Hill took out a small illuminator from the ring, adjusted the metal cover on the edge, gathered the light into a bunch, and shone on the mountain wall.

Such an illuminator is much easier to use than the holy light bomb above Eagle's head.Soon, Hill discovered that there was an empty depression on the dark mountain wall, which looked like a cave from here.The light and shadow that flashed from time to time came from inside.

"Pudin, is it inside?" Hill turned around and asked the excited Pudding.

"Aw!" Pudding nodded quickly, his eyes, which were shining in the darkness, became a little brighter at this moment.

Since Pudding suddenly and abnormally asked to come in this direction, Hill gradually became more cautious.Looking at the cave that was mostly covered by unknown plants, Hill hesitated for a while, nodded to Eagle, and went to the entrance of the cave first.

With just a movement of his body, Igor stopped him and drew the epee from the ring.Put the pudding on his shoulders, and float in front of him towards the hole.

Hill paused for a moment, but he didn't argue with Eagle.From a professional point of view, it is indeed more reasonable for melee swordsmen to explore the way first.

Hill waved his staff to summon two demon souls, surrounded Igor, and then followed closely behind, leaning towards the mountain wall.

The two leaned against the cave in the air, and after searching for a long time, they didn't sense any living things inside.The demon soul who rushed into the cave at the beginning did not bring any warning of danger.

Holding the mountain wall with one hand and the epee in the other, Eagle carefully stepped onto the edge of the cave.With his back against the hole, he raised his hand and threw a holy light bullet into the hole.

A brilliant white light flashed, and the scenery in the cave was instantly illuminated.Igor, who was looking in with his head, was taken aback. After a few seconds, the holy light bullet disappeared, and the surroundings returned to darkness.

"Are you okay?" Hill asked Eagle in front of him.

Igor shook his head, and summoned a few more holy light bombs, making them float in the cave.After waiting for a while, the surroundings were still as quiet as before, and then carefully walked in with the heavy sword in hand.

Hill was blocked by Eagle all the way, until he entered the cave and saw the scene illuminated by the light of the holy light bullet, and then raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

This is under the cliff deep in the misty valley, without any light all year round.Along the way, apart from plants, where no other living things were found, there was actually a cave where intelligent races had obviously lived.

This cave hidden in the mid-air of the cliff was arranged as a place similar to a study and a laboratory.The space in the cave is not large, the ground is flat, but the surrounding stone walls are very irregular.

There are a few simple wooden bookshelves barely leaning around the stone wall, which are filled with various books and materials.There is a huge experimental table in the middle, and a simple fireplace is built on the innermost stone wall.

There was still a gleam of light in the fireplace from time to time, and the inside of the cave was warmer and drier than the outside, obviously the fireplace was still burning.

Fireplace still burning? !

Hill inspected the cave several times, but did not find any breath of life.There is a uniform layer of thin dust on the surrounding bookshelves and laboratory benches.It doesn't look like there are still traces of people.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of both of them, and Pudding jumped off Hill's shoulder as early as entering the cave.Sniffing and touching around, it seems to be wondering, and it seems to be looking for something.

Pudding's sense of danger has always been very strong, and the way it behaved reassures the two of them, and they let it go by itself.At this time, the two were surprised at the still unextinguished fireplace, carefully walked around the test bench and walked inside.

Without the cover of the test bench and bookshelves, the whole picture of the fireplace was revealed.

But what surprised the two of them was that the flame dancing in the fireplace was pure black trimmed with gold.

Pure black flame?In Hill's consciousness, under normal circumstances, Van Lance does not have a pure black flame at all.Sometimes the black flames produced in alchemy experiments are just similar in appearance, they have no temperature at all, and they cannot be regarded as real flames.

And like the golden flashing at the top and the warm black flame at this time, it is naturally not a by-product of alchemy.

Such a black flame can only be explained by one substance - dragon's breath!

For this answer, Hill was so surprised that he couldn't recover.

And directly above the fireplace, there was something on a black metal shelf, but Hill had to believe his almost absurd answer - the hanging shelf was directly above the dragon's breath, and there was a star that could almost reach the height of Hill's calf. black dome.

"Dragon...egg?!" At this moment, Hill couldn't believe his own judgment.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Thunder Night, Ping Xie Wangdao, and the cat three little angels for their landmines, as well as the blue and white little angels for their advanced bombing with mines, grenades, and rocket launchers.Everyone is so generous, but the stupid author has nothing to repay, so he can only promise with his body (*/w\*)【roll

Does the new map need new partners? This should be roughly considered?The last major teammate.

Finally, the following is still the picture of the cute people who came here, everyone should hold on to 23333

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