[Western Fantasy] The Master is above

Chapter 49 Valley of Mists

As soon as Eagle's voice fell, the invisible pressure around Hill dissipated instantly.

But Eagle, who was the center of the gust of wind, suddenly lost the surrounding wind force, and instead staggered forward.A thin and tall figure came out of the woods, just in time to be bumped by Eagle.

"Jessie!" Igor hugged the man, with a hint of coquettishness in his tone, "I miss you so much."

Hill couldn't bear to turn his face away, and Lance and Luluka next to him also shook their goose bumps.

The man obviously didn't like Eagle's set, and he scolded with a black face, "Get out, why did you gain so much weight when you came back? How many times have you told me to take the road down the mountain when you come back, and you are not allowed to go to the top of the mountain?" Send it to my backyard!"

Seeing that this trick was useless, Eagle immediately put on an aggrieved expression, "I can't find that way..."

The man squeezed the staff tightly in his hand, closed his eyes and calmed down.When he opened his eyes, he saw the flat fire orchid grass still attached to the ground.In the end, he still couldn't help it, so he raised his hand and beat Igor aside with his staff.

Igor just lay down on the ground, motionless.The man snorted, but ignored him.

Hill sighed, and pulled up Igor who was lying in front of him and pretended to be dead.

While climbing up with Hill's strength, Igor moaned and expressed dissatisfaction with the man.With a glance from the corner of the man's eyes, Igor immediately became honest.Turning his gaze, he stayed on Hill again.

"Oh? Who is this? Where did you find a necromancer?"

Hill's expression didn't change, but his body froze immediately.The man gave him an unfathomable feeling from the moment he appeared, when he approached and when he cast the spell.Including the simple raising of his hand to beat Eagle just now, Hill was completely unaware of it.

He was obviously standing a few meters away, but he couldn't perceive the slightest aura on his body.

Hill's nerves were even more tense, his twins hung down in his robe, and he could take out his staff with a flick of his fingers.

Eagle sensed Hill's abnormality, and hurriedly said, "This is my friend. This is Hill, and those are Lance and Luluka."

"Oh." Although the man could see the identity of Hill's necromancer, he didn't seem to be very interested in him.At this time, he turned to Luluka and Lance, "Elf, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The man's lukewarm attitude made several people a little embarrassed.Hill continued to observe the man calmly, but still couldn't see any useful information.

In the end, Eagle quickly explained, "This is Jesse Anderson, um... it's my... father."

"Get out, I don't have a son as stupid as you." Jesse didn't show any face in flattering Igor, turned around and waved his hands, and the white mist around him dissipated immediately.The dense woods finally revealed its true colors.

Jessie turned around and led the others into the depths of the woods, "Don't be dumb, we'll talk when we have something to say. Watch your feet, anyone who steps on my things will be tied up tonight and hung on a khaki tree overnight."

When Hill heard Iger's introduction of Jesse's name, he felt a little familiar, and when he dug up the information from his memory, he was taken aback again.It wasn't until Jesse turned around and took a few steps that he followed under Eagle's reminder.Lance and Luluka also communicated silently with surprised expressions behind them.

Jesse Anderson, a holy-rank mage with two lines of Fengshui.He once became well-known on Vlaance with the holy magic swordsman Laird Bressington.About 20 years ago, the two suddenly lived in seclusion one after another, and have hardly appeared on the mainland since then.

Originally, Hill had vaguely guessed that Eagle and Laird were related at first, but now he suddenly said that Jesse was his father.Sure enough, from the very beginning in school, some of the rumors about Iger's complicated back were not groundless.

Igor beside him has always looked a little unnatural, and his eyes keep glancing at him.But Hill rested his emotions and returned to his usual indifferent look, as if he didn't care about what happened just now.

The five walked through Jesse's vast and luxuriant "backyard" in an extremely quiet way, and followed them to a small white manor.

The manor doesn't occupy too much land, but it can be seen from the layout that the owner has put a lot of thought into it.

The surrounding vegetation is lush, and unknown green vines surround the outer corners.Colorful flowers cover the windows on the first floor.There are also several fruit trees in the courtyard, and the faintly fluorescent fruits on the trees give the manor a more dreamy color.

After Jesse brought a few people into the living room, he turned around and went to the side cabinet to take out a bunch of teapots and cups and started tinkering.Eagle motioned the three of them to sit freely, then scratched his chin and thought about how he should explain.

"So, that's it. Let's stay here for a while. We'll go out after we've figured out what to do." Eagle smiled brightly and sincerely at the three of them, "Jessie's living here will not be crowded at all. I'm busy with my own business. Normally, my sight will directly filter us out, but here is the same as in Fayati, you can do whatever you want."

"..." Hill: "Complete the words before 'so'."

Eagle: "It's too complicated to tell the whole story."

Hill: "That's a brief overview."

Eagle made a bitter face and tried hard to think about how to make a simple summary, "I was kicked out of the house by Jesse and the old man before, and then I met you, and then I met Lance and Luluka. That's it."

That's too easy!Luluka, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but want to complain.

Before Hill could reply, Igor was slapped on the back of the head suddenly, "How dare you say that killing my Spirit Blood Flower is not as simple as driving you out."

Jesse put the tray in his hand on the coffee table among the crowd, and sat down on the soft chair next to him.

Eagle handed the flowers and plants in the tray to everyone one by one, and Jesse on the side also asked:

"Tell me, what trouble did you cause outside? And brought back a group of children."

Eagle frowned for a long time, and then briefly explained the matter.

"Oh, a duke." Jesse replied flatly.

For Jesse of the Holy Order, a duke really cannot be put in his eyes.Under the law of Vlaance that strength determines status, even if the kings of Enya and Sikay see him now, their attitudes are still polite.

But Jesse didn't have any other dissatisfaction or blame for Iger running back with his friends in a mess because of a duke.Afterwards, he sat on the chair all the time, quietly listening to Igor's talk about his life outside the past few years.

Hill took advantage of this time to observe Jesse carefully again.

This person should be over a hundred years old at this time, and his face still maintains a youthful appearance.Although Iger has maintained a cold attitude since he came back to the present.The only few words uttered sounded like scolding.

But Igor talked long-windedly, listing all the big and small things about going out for a few years, but Jesse didn't show any sign of impatience, but listened very seriously.

After a little observation, you can clearly see the intimacy and familiarity between him and Igor, as well as the faint concern that cannot be hidden in his eyes.

Eagle talked for a while about what happened outside in the past few years, and more topics fell on Hill, getting along with Lance and Luluka.Of course, the most emphasis must be on Hill.

For the second time, Jesse looked back at the black-haired young man who was quietly sitting aside. This time, compared with the casual glance at the beginning, it obviously contained more other meanings.

"Iger these days, thank you for taking care of me." Jesse suddenly sat up straight, and nodded slightly to Hill in thanks.

Hill politely returned a smile, "You are so good, take care of each other."

Jesse sighed, "Iger usually gets lost at home. Not only does he eat a lot, he's also stupid. Please watch him more in the future."

Hill: "Okay, sure."

In the middle of speaking, Eagle was suddenly interrupted by the strange words and atmosphere of the two men.Looking around, she finally turned her head to Luluka wisely, and asked softly, "What are they talking about? Why can't I seem to understand?"

"..." Luluka stared at Igor for a long time, and finally whispered with a complicated expression: "You don't even understand, how would I know?"

Eagle: "..." Deceptive, that's not what your expression says.

The polite thanks between Hill and Jesse didn't last long, and there was a rush of footsteps on the wooden floor.

Jesse put down his teacup and frowned. A room on the second floor was suddenly opened rudely, making a loud noise.

"Baby! I heard Ling Feng say you're back!"

A tall man hastily stepped down the spiral wooden ladder on the second floor.A head of fiery red fluffy long hair is like a stirring flame, which looks extremely eye-catching.The facial features are deep, and the outline is like a knife, with firm edges and corners.

Obviously his face and figure can be classified as youth, but like Jesse, he always feels that people can't guess his age.Just like the fog outside, it makes people feel an unknown danger.

Hill looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and then glanced at the expressions of Igor and Jesse next to him, and he probably understood.Quietly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Compared to Hill's indifference, Igor felt like a fried pudding when he saw the man. With a "whoosh", he jumped up from the chair, turned around and was about to hide behind Jesse.

But in the eyes of other people of the same level, Igor's incomparably swift and fierce skills are usually like catching chickens under the men's hands.The man stretched his long legs, and before he could see clearly, he was already standing beside Igor.

"Baby, do you miss me after so long? Come, let Dad give you a hug."

Eagle tried to hide in horror, but was forcibly suppressed by the man with absolute strength.Not only wrapped around Iger's waist, but lifted Iger off the ground in the standard posture of holding a child.Even shaking his body, he let out a choked sob similar to joy,

"Be careful, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you've gained weight again. It's okay, just eat hard, no matter how fat you grow, Dad can hug you."

"Bastard, put me down!" Igor blushed and waved his fists angrily.Normally, one punch can beat a wild boar, and the other hand can lift an epee with brute strength, but at this time, it hit the man, but it didn't attract his attention at all. .

The author has something to say: Thanks again for the two grenades of the blue and white little angel, and the mines of the thundering night and the late drunk little angel, thank you for your support. ━((*′д`)Yao (′д`*))━!!!!

Damn, I'm trying to die every day, this full-time security guard is so hard.Thank you for your blessings and blessings, my friends. I really passed the second section once. o(≧v≦)o~~ Tomorrow is a day off, so I must code early and update early! o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) make a fist!

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