The teary-eyed Igor held his red forehead, and watched the monster eggs on the table shake more and more through his blurred vision.The gaps on the eggshell are also getting longer and longer, and there are more and more.

With a sound of "click", a small hole was finally broken in the eggshell, and the furry black claws poked out from the hole.As a result, it accidentally failed to stabilize, and the whole egg rolled forward with a crisp sound of cracking.The broken Warcraft egg could no longer withstand such tossing, and a black mass rolled out of the eggshell directly.

After watching the little black and fluffy thing rush out of the monster egg, he still couldn't stop his momentum and rolled forward on the table.Hill subconsciously reached out to pick it up, and as a result, a mass of warm and soft stuff rushed directly into his palm.

"Aw—huh," probably smelling the familiar smell from Hill, the little Dark Devil Tiger completely lost the arrogance and domineering it was in the egg just now, and snuggled its whole body softly into Hill's palm.The little head rubbed against Hill's fingers flatteringly, and let out a soft but energetic cry.

"Wow! So small!"

The cub finally came out of its shell, including Iger, whose forehead was still red, and Lilith, who had been squashed before, all surrounded Hill.

Compared with the previous monster egg whose diameter was half as long as an adult's arm, the little Dark Demon Tiger after breaking its shell was indeed much smaller.Now with fluffy and soft hair, it is only the size of two palms.

Luluka cautiously extended a finger and poked the little cub's long, thin tail.The cub was not angry either, and still acted like a baby in Hill's hands.

It was rare for Hill to have a gentle smile on his face at this time, and he freed a hand to take out a small food bowl that was only bigger than the face of the cub that he had prepared earlier from the ring.The food bowl contained some milky white liquid with small black particles.

The cub also seemed to smell the food, and immediately turned to stare in the direction of the food bowl.As soon as Hill put the food bowl on the table, it struggled to stand up from Hill's hand, and buried its whole head directly into the food bowl.

The stumbling and impatient and greedy look is really naive, Hill funnyly used his index finger to smooth the fluff on the top of the little thing's head.

The cub licked the liquid in the food bowl while enjoying Hill's touch.Even if he was in a hurry to eat, he still raised his head from time to time, licked two mouthfuls of Hill's fingers, and then continued to struggle.

Looking at the cub's obedient and docile appearance, Igor kept rubbing against Hill as if he was being scratched by his claws.It was only just now that he was roughly treated by the cubs before Podan, and Igor was more cautious than Luluka and Lance when he approached.

However, seeing that Luluka approached it and nothing happened, and she was still acting cute to Hill even after eating, she couldn't help reaching out to touch the cub's soft and cute belly...

"Ouch!" As soon as his hand was stretched out to the side of the cub, a black light flashed, and Igor immediately withdrew his hands and howled.Three bright red marks immediately appeared on the back of the hand.

"Aww!" The cub howled louder than Igor, and the obedient and docile appearance just now disappeared in an instant.At this time, the hair all over the body was blown up, the big amber eyes were rounded, and the small mouth that had not yet grown teeth was turned sideways to someone who wanted to touch him, threateningly showing that although he was not sharp enough, but Small black claws enough to scratch people.

"Hill!" Igor instantly felt that he was so fucking wronged, that he was rejected by a newly hatched cub?Does the person next to him who is the parent care? !

"It's eating, don't tease it now." Hill ran along the cub's small back, and immediately calmed it down.

Seeing the cub's attitude towards Hill and himself is obviously different, and the parent Hill has no intention of disciplining him at all.Eagle once again felt the malice from his companions.

"Pudin, how could you treat me like this? Forgot who wiped the eggshells and changed the nutrient solution for you along the way?"

Hill: "...Who is Pudding? Also, I'm doing all the things you said."

"Who else can Pudding be? Of course I gave it a name." Having said that, Igor finally felt a little better, and said proudly to Hill, "How is it? Does it sound good? I thought about it for a long time. decided."

Hill: "..."

It is estimated that seeing Hill's expression of being hardened to stone when he heard the word "pudding", Luluka on the side helped to persuade him tactfully,

"Is the name Pudding too common? As a Dark Devil Tiger, how about a slightly special name?"

"I think this name sounds good." Iger thought seriously, "When I got the egg from Hill and asked me to name it, I was thinking about what name to choose. After thinking about it for a long time, this one sounds the best. .is still not special enough?"

Luluka: "Yes, yes, I think it sounds good, but it should prefer a name that suits its Dark Devil Tiger identity." Or a normal name...

"Oh...then what do you think of 'black pudding'?" Igor re-proposed after thinking for a moment: "Adding one more word makes it more special and more suitable for this little guy."

Looking at the dark fur of the cub, Igor felt that the name was really suitable, "Then decide to call it Black Pudding, and the nickname can still be called Pudding. The full name is Pudding Black Hill Andris. How is it? Isn’t it nice, atmospheric and imposing.”

Seeing the excited Igor and Hill next to him whose expression was turning into a sculpture of ice, Luluka finally decided to shut up.

In any case, Hill had promised Igor a long time ago that he would take the name of the cub after it hatched.So no matter how much you despise Eagle's taste, you can't refute it.

Pudding didn't know that he had officially decided on such a "cute" nickname and a "dominant" full name. After eating and drinking, he rubbed it back into Hill's palm and began to doze lazily.

Hill supported Pudding's small body with his left hand, and opened his index finger with one hand with his right hand.With the blood dripping out continuously, Hill fixed Pudding's forehead, and slowly drew complicated runes one by one in front of its forehead.

The blood beads followed the route that Hill's fingers passed, staying in mid-air, forming a blood-red circular pattern.When the entire rune was completed, Pudding's amber pupils suddenly enlarged.The rune flashed, as if it had rushed into Pudding's forehead, and disappeared instantly.

The formal blood contract was considered complete. The pudding was hatched by Hill alone. There was no resistance to Hill at all, and there was no obstacle to the signing of the entire contract.

Pudding blinked, as if he hadn't reacted yet.After being stunned for a long time, he lowered his head and rubbed against Hill's fingers, and continued to lie back in his palm.

The first night of the four of them staying in Fayati was lively and peaceful.Early the next morning, the four of them packed up and went out to purchase some necessary items that were still missing.

Pudding squatted obediently on Hill's shoulder, a small black ball, which looked no different from an ordinary pet cat.

Pudding, who was born less than a day ago, has a lively personality, and is also very smart and spiritual.After a night of getting along, according to Hill's attitude towards everyone, Pudding has already had a vague range of "his own people".Luluka and Lance, including Lilith, who was also bullied by pudding who was still an egg last night, can now approach it at will.Although he won't be as obedient and enthusiastic as he was with Hill, pudding generally won't resist stroking his head and smoothing his fur.

It's just that the one who doesn't resist is Yigel alone.

It is probably because of the relative restraint of attributes, not to mention being touched, Iger will immediately explode as soon as he gets close to the pudding.No matter how Igor coaxed him, the little black dumpling just didn't buy it.Igor was depressed all night, and until now he kept glancing over Hill's shoulder unwillingly.

Although it was a rest, the four of them also planned to stay here for at least a few months to half a year.So there are quite a lot of things to buy, so I have to go to the city to find and choose slowly.

Hill and Eagle need to calm down slowly and thoroughly observe the reaction of Albutt's family. Eagle's previously depleted body also needs time to adjust.More importantly, Little Pudding needs a period of stable growth. They can take it on long journeys together when it passes through the infant period where it can wrestle when it walks, only knows how to eat, sleep and bully Igor.

In view of the overly excited performance of Luluka, Iger and the two magic pets after entering the city, the four simply divided into two teams.Hill and Lance took care of two of them, shopping efficiently.

Eagle took the list given by Luluka, and compared the same items.Hill, on the other hand, put a bunch of honey, juice, biscuits and other unnecessary things back on the shelf next to him without leaving a trace.

"Put down my milk." Eagle took the list away and stared at Hill seriously. "I've tried my best to ignore the things just now. You have to know that people have limits!"

Even if he was caught on the spot, Hill still continued to throw things on the shelf calmly, leaving only two bottles of milk in the basket for Eagle, "I don't know what your bottom line is. But I know that if you don't restrain yourself, You're going to be overweight."

Igor glanced at his thin arm when he heard this, and snorted coldly with disdain.

"By the way, I know better where the bottom line of your purse is."

Hill's last sentence immediately made Igor wilt.

He still has some savings now, but since he wants to live here permanently, expenses are naturally a problem.Besides, they live in the city now, which is different from camping and eating dry food when they are on the road.There is everything in the city, and everything needs gold coins.Especially food, without gold coins, you can only watch but not eat, so what is the meaning of life?

Being homeless with no income is such a sad thing.

Igor plucked his hair depressingly, and when he looked up, through the transparent glass of the store, he saw the towering buildings in the distance——

"Hmm... Hill, what do you think of us going there to make some money?"

"Huh? Want to register a mercenary squad to take on missions and make money?"

The four of them went home to meet each other after shopping. While cleaning up the items in the living room, Luluka listened to Eagle's sudden suggestion and thought for a while, "Sounds good, but can it really work?"

"It stands to reason that if you don't take any difficult missions, you should be fine." Lance also spoke beside him, "Of course, the newly formed mercenary team can't accept high-level missions. So it's just to earn some pocket money. no problem."

"That's right, we can't just spend without getting in. It's not bad to have a little pocket money." Iger took out the cup he bought today, poured himself a glass full of milk, and added two spoons of honey , Stir it evenly with a spoon, "It's boring to live anyway, the mercenary team can apply for registration and formation with a minimum of three people. When we are idle, it's not bad to take two small tasks to pass the time."

"Okay, I think it's interesting too." Luluka shrugged, indicating that it's okay.Lilith rolled lazily on top of his head.It generally does not participate in things that require IQ.

Lance also nodded to indicate that it doesn't matter, and Hill had already approved this proposal - finally found something to distract Iger.

"Okay, then it's decided!" Igor drank half a glass of milk in one go, put the glass on the table, and immediately made a decision.

As soon as he put down the cup and turned around, he found that the pudding that should have been on Hill's body ran to Eagle's hand at some point.

Pudding's slender tail swayed and tapped on the table, and his big yellow eyes stared blankly at the cup in Eagle's hand.Noticing Igor's gaze on him, he immediately raised his head to please him, and let out a soft cry with a longer pitch.


The author has something to say: Pudding, do you still remember that you are a tiger? (""")

Thank you for another mine╭(╯3╰)╮ from the little angel of Thunder Night, forgive me when I got up to update yesterday morning, I was offline, and I forgot otl

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