
Of course, this section does not seem to be a long road, and there is no guarantee of what will happen in the middle.

In fact, to be honest, whether it is the skeleton array just now or the long corridor now, they are relatively common and simple items in the training ground.

But let alone letting him walk from here to the opposite magic circle, he would feel uncomfortable even lying down, being eroded by the dark magic element continuously, making him wish he could pass out.

"If you reach the magic circle over there, you will pass it, right?"

Hill turned to look at Igor, and found that the other party lowered his head sleepily and agreed.

Withdrawing his eyes, Hill slammed his staff on the ground, and the corpse puppets around the two instantly turned into black smoke and disappeared.Hill recited a spell, and soon, a gray-black distorted space appeared above the wand.

In the constantly distorted space zone, six black shadows jumped out.Sharp fangs, black fur, similar to the appearance of dogs.The saliva left by the constant ticking in the mouth corroded a puff of white smoke when it fell on the floor.

Six magic dogs half the height of a person immediately protected the two of them in the middle.

Igor paused when he saw the magic dog, but Hill suddenly squatted down while supporting his waist.

"Huh?" Before Iger could react, he suddenly became dizzy.When he came back to his senses, he was already upside down, and was held on his shoulders by Hill like a sack.

"Wait...wait..." Eagle struggled to protest.

"What are you waiting for, waiting for those things around you to pounce?" Hill ignored the opponent's weak resistance, fixed Igor's body with one hand, and held the staff in the other.The two magic dogs rushed out first at his instruction, followed by Hill.The remaining four heads still protect the two of them in the middle.

Being carried and run like this refreshed Iger's life experience once again.Since he was ten years old and justly rejected the old man's so-called fatherly embrace, he has never been treated like this again.It's hard to feel the hard shoulder blades against the stomach, especially when he's still head down.

The upside down and the bumps caused by running made Igor feel that he didn't need to run out of any strange things to make up for himself, and now he has already lost half of his life.

If possible, Igor wanted to draw out his epee right away, and let Hill see the majesty and aura of a pure man in him.But the reality is that he himself has to be carried by someone to escape like an epee.

Igor, who was carried by Hill and jumped left and right, resisted the desire to vomit.At the same time as dizzy, it was only then that he felt strange:

Isn't Hill a magician?Not only did he carry himself up so easily, but he still ran so happily? !

Let’s not talk about how easy it is for Hill to carry Igor, at least Hill feels that his current mood has nothing to do with joy.

Of the two magic dogs that opened the way, one of them had been dragged into the darkness on the right just now, and never came out again.The remaining five were also attacked by various attacks from both sides along the way.Although the undead creatures have no pain or flesh and blood, wisps of black mist continue to overflow from the wound of the magic dog.That is the proof that their lifelessness is constantly dissipating.

The light and shadow in the dark make it difficult to discern the real distance.The magic circle that didn't look far ahead was still far ahead of the two of them after Hill estimated that he had run for at least a quarter of an hour.That feeling of being unable to get past it, even though it is right in front of your eyes, is really depressing.

Hill, who was running, suddenly paused on his right leg, and at the same time jumped to the left by virtue of inertia.

With a "touch", the place where he was standing just now was hit by a black vine drawn from the side, and even a small hole was drawn out on the floor.

A magic dog on the right rushed up and bit the black vine immediately.Hill didn't stop at all, and continued to charge forward.

All kinds of weird attacks on both sides of the corridor kept hindering Hill's progress, but apart from the loss of a magic dog at the beginning, he was a little embarrassed.After gradually mastering the rhythm, Hill seemed to be able to do a job with ease, and his forward speed was not slowed down at all because he was carrying a boy who was similar in size to him.

The blue magic circle quickly approached in front of him, and even Hill was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt a chill behind him.

There was no time to find out what was behind him, and he jumped up instinctively.Two magic dogs blocked behind him at the same time.

Almost at the same time Hill left the spot, he heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air behind him.When he landed and looked back, the abdomens of the two magic dogs just now were cut in half.The black fur turned outwards, and even the snow-white ribs could be seen inside, but nothing substantial came out of the body.

The five demon dogs all lowered their bodies, fixedly staring at the undead creature that suddenly appeared, and began to growl in warning.

Standing not far away, the black-clothed warrior holding a long sword was completely unmoved.

Compared with the corpse puppet, the tall man dressed as a warrior in front of him clearly has a complete human appearance, and his actions are not in the slightest slow.But the pitch-black pupils stared blankly at Hill, without any breath of a living person.

Hill frowned, "Did the Black Warrior show up?"

The sixth-level undead summoned creature, the black warrior, can be regarded as an intermediate and high-level undead creature.In many aspects of appearance and behavior, he is no different from ordinary people, and has the strength of a third- and fourth-level swordsman.And because of the painless and fearless characteristics of undead creatures, the black warrior is a kind of undead that most other races fear.

Under normal circumstances, the level of summoning of undead creatures is equivalent to the level of magic power of the necromancer himself.Just now Hill summoned six fifth-level magic dogs, which is already the limit of his ability.

Hill sighed. The black warrior should have been ordered to block the progress of all living creatures, so his target has been locked on himself and Eagle.As long as any of them moved forward, they would be attacked immediately.

The magic circle was just a few steps away, but yet another black warrior rushed out.Hill's current mood is really bad to the extreme.

After whistling, the three-headed demon dog in front immediately let out a low bark, and retreated back to Hill vigilantly.The remaining two wounded just now still growled at the black warrior on the spot.

Hill squatted down, and put Igor, who was almost unconscious from the shaking on his shoulder, on one of the magic dogs.

After confirming that Igor was lying on the ground, he waved his hand, and the magic dog immediately supported Igor and rushed towards the direction of the magic circle, while the other two tightly guarded Igor's sides.

Eagle's departure sparked an immediate response from Darth Vader.With a sword, he split the two demon dogs that were pounced on him, and rushed towards Hill with the sword raised.

The two demon dogs that were split apart had almost no room to resist, and instantly dissipated into two puffs of black smoke.

Hill quickly took out a box of fluorescent dye from the ring and painted it on the bottom of the staff.At this time, the black warrior had already rushed in front of him.

Dodging the first sword of the black warrior sideways, his body jumped up as if he was not under gravity, and kicked the black warrior's sword-holding wrist.

With this help, Hill's body jumped a distance in the opposite direction.The black warrior was kicked in the wrist by Hill. Although he staggered a step or two, the long sword was still held tightly in his hand.

Although it didn't fully achieve its goal, Hill didn't like fighting.Taking advantage of this short time, quickly use the fluorescent powder at the bottom of the wand to draw a small magic circle on the ground.

When the black warrior rushed forward again, several huge vines suddenly waved from the magic circle, and tied up the black warrior who stepped on the magic circle.

Hill, who was two steps away, immediately turned his head and ran - such a low-level restraint formation couldn't trap the Black Warrior at all, it could only hinder it for a while.

Sure enough, Hill didn't even take a few steps, the black warrior broke free from the vines, raised his sword again and chased after him.

Fortunately, there was a little time for them to breathe in the training ground - it seemed that because of the appearance of the black warrior, the scattered and irregular attacks around them never appeared again.

Igor has been brought into the magic circle by the magic dog, but since they are the initial magic circle activated by two people, the current magic circle must be activated by two people at the same time.

Without Hill's order, the three magic dogs still obediently lay beside Igor.And Hill looked at the end point not far away, and became more and more irritable when he was constantly obstructed by the black warrior.

The author has something to say: Thank you little angel Fei Molu for mine╭(╯3╰)╮

By the way, Igor was also suddenly named a little angel by everyone... Well, starting today, a 180+ muscular little angel was officially born 233333

Did the Great Devil Hill, who was running wildly with a muscular angel on his back, have a big attack? <( ̄ˇ ̄)/ In the next chapter, Master Gong is going to explode his hidden skills and clear the entire dungeon. [thumb]

☆, Swamp Lost Domain ([-])

The sound of the black warrior waving his long sword through the air again and again was particularly obvious in the quiet corridor.

Another time, Darth Vader's longsword sliced ​​through the air, hitting the floor at Hill's feet.The tip of the long sword sank into the floor, and a small sharp stone bounced up, hitting the corner of Hill's eye.

Hill only felt his temples pop, and a part of his sanity was instantly shattered.

At the same time that the sword was flashed sideways, Hill happened to be standing on the inside of the black warrior.Crouching down and sweeping, the tall black warrior immediately tilted his body and fell backwards.While its body was still in mid-air, Hill kicked it with a side leg again, just right on the opponent's jaw.

The sound of bones breaking was particularly crisp and piercing in the empty corridor.The body of the black warrior who was leaning back changed its trajectory in an instant, was thrown obliquely into the air, and then slammed down with a "touch".

The black warrior hadn't landed yet, but Hill had already stood directly under it at some point.

The moment the sharp staff pierced the black warrior's throat, even the dust that was blown up by the black warrior's fall just now hadn't dissipated.

Undead creatures have no pain or fear, and naturally there is no such thing as death.But that doesn't mean they are invincible.Once there are too many wounds on their bodies and the dead energy dissipates, they will naturally die.

The throat and chest are also the places where the most dead energy gathers.If you want to completely dissipate the undead creatures, you must focus on attacking these two places.

The arm of the black warrior lying flat on the ground twitched, and in the end, because he was unable to resist the restraint of the staff, he soon turned into black mist and dissipated in the air just like the magic dog before.

Igor retracted his staff calmly, closed his eyes and stood there for a while.He took a deep breath and let it out, as if something was slowly suppressed along with his breathing.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to his usual calm and self-possessed manner.

Walking a few steps into the magic circle, he lightly picked up Igor who was on the ground.With a flash of Huaguang, the two and the three dogs disappeared again.

While Hill was still teleporting in the magic circle, he poured a few more bottles of recovery potions into Eagle's mouth.Although he knew it was useless, he always thought it would be good to help Igor increase his physical strength a little bit.

When he finally looked at the pile of empty bottles in his hand, Hill couldn't help but smile wryly—when did he start using such meaningless things to seek psychological comfort?But seeing Igor's face becoming more and more useless, Hill even had a prayer-like idea: I hope he can last until he is taken out safely.

Thinking of Hill himself, he finds it ridiculous. Once upon a time, he was considered a demigod, escaped from reincarnation.As a result, now there is actually a weak mentality of prayer.

After being force-fed several bottles of the recovery agent Eagle, there was still no response and he continued to be in a coma.The surface of the earring on the left ear has been covered with a layer of gray and black, and the pendant on the chest is more like a warning and continues to emit high temperature.

At this time, the magic circle also slowly weakened its light.

At the same moment when the magic circle completely dimmed, suddenly two balls of white light came straight towards the two of them.

Although Hill instinctively felt something was wrong a moment ago, his body had no time to react.

Underestimating the enemy, the first two rounds of training gave them sufficient time to prepare, and he never expected to be attacked the moment he was teleported out.

Although the thing that hit Hill looked like a ball of white light, Hill was knocked several meters away by it.

The three-headed demon dogs that surrounded them disappeared without even a whimper.Not to mention the nightmare above the head, it is estimated that it will dissipate as soon as it enters here.The memory crystal and illuminator fell beside Igor with two clatters.

There was a sharp pain in his chest, and as soon as Hill stood up in embarrassment, he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"Cough... Huh... Eagle?!" Without time to care about anything else, Hill endured the bursting pain in his chest, and quickly got up to search for signs of Eagle.

Even if he was like this, what happened to the unconscious Eagle now?

Hill looked up anxiously, only to find that Eagle was still lying there.When Hill looked over, the white light just rushed into Igor's body.

But not only was Igor not knocked into the air like Hill, but his body seemed to have absorbed the entire mass of white light, and the white light disappeared instantly when it touched his body.

Hill was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

The strong atmosphere of holy magic around him has begun to purify the dead energy on his body little by little.

The holy magic element will only benefit Igor now, purifying his body damaged by the dark magic element.After relaxing, Hill casually wiped the blood from his mouth with the hem of his robe, and walked back to Igor's side.

"Igor? Are you okay?"


Seeing that Igor groaned twice and didn't respond, Hill had no choice but to carefully check the wounds all over the opponent's body.

The faint black mark on the edge of the wound before has completely disappeared, and his complexion looks much better.But it is estimated that the mental power was too much just now, but the person still has no intention of waking up.

Hill felt relieved, then picked up the illuminator on the ground and stuffed it into the ring, placed the memory crystal flat on the ground, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

The two seem to be back in the cave hall at the beginning, but compared to the warm yellow illuminator at the beginning, the entire hall is now illuminated by pure white, even somewhat dazzling light.

The dark magic power that Hill had previously leaked because of being angered by the black warrior had been almost purified.The few dark accessories he had made himself were showing signs of corrosion.

After confirming Eagle's safety, Hill took a deep breath and began to look around for the magic link of the magic circle.

Up to now, Hill also has to doubt how the human ancestors long ago had brain circuits.In the last level of the necromancer's practice site, the purification array of Jiansheng magic, what a strange brain circuit to come up with such an idea.

Why weren't they directly purified when they were built? !If it wasn't for his ability to restrain the dark aura on his body, it is estimated that the holy light just now would not have been as simple as making him vomit blood.

Now Hill's situation is completely reversed from that of Eagle before.

But I have to say that such an environment is indeed a good test of the necromancer's resistance.Now the entire hall is a huge magic circle. If the main link eyes are not destroyed as soon as possible, even if Hill can restrain his aura, it will only be a matter of time before he is eroded and purified by the holy elements.

Hill has almost never seen the ancient magic formation on the wall, and can only tentatively solve the formation through a few similar drawing methods and one or two characters that can be recognized occasionally.

But in many places, Hill was bounced away before he got close.In some places, it looks normal no matter how you look at it, but as soon as you put your hand on it, you get burned instantly.

After several hours of tossing and bumping, there is still nothing to gain.Hill also clearly felt that his concentration began to decline, and his body showed obvious rejection.

Igor, who was originally lying in the middle of the hall, finally groaned at this time, and stood up while covering his forehead.

"Hmm... Hill?"

"Are you awake?" Hearing Eagle's voice, Hill gave up the incomprehensible rune in front of him and walked back.

"What... what's going on? Here is..."

Hill sighed helplessly, "As you can see, it is probably the last surprise that this ancient trial site gave us - a large holy magic purification array."

Igor was stunned, and touched his chest.All the symptoms of discomfort before have disappeared. Although there is still some dizziness and weakness in the body, it is generally fine.

However, Igor always felt a little strange. He was a holy swordsman himself, and it was naturally not the first time that his wounds were purified by the purification array.But now that the wound and the dark elements in the body are being purified, there is always a strange feeling.But where it is, I can't tell.

In fact, when the two first entered the evolutionary formation, Igor was sober for a short time.When the huge white light group rushed towards him, he still had some vague impressions.

It's just that he didn't know if it was an illusion of his insanity at that time. He seemed to see a black shadow in the white light.

"Iger? Still uncomfortable?"

"Ah, I'm fine, I just didn't realize it all at once." Forget it, it's probably an illusion that my body hasn't recovered.

Abandoning the inexplicably concerned things just now, Igor stood up, moved his limbs, smiled in Hill's questioning eyes, and signaled that he was fine.

Eagle woke up, and Hill was naturally much more relaxed.Of course Eagle knew much more about the Holy Magic Circle than Hill did.There is no need for Hill to touch the magic circle, and it will not be directly corroded.

The two of them faced the ancient magic language on the same wall, just like illiterates reading poetry.

But fortunately, two people are more powerful than one person, and their memory and thinking logic are considered to be super ordinary people, even guessing and reasoning.It took an unknown amount of time, and one of Eagle's runes was smoothed out.

"Click" sounded abruptly in the hall, Igor turned his head and looked at Hill, and the two immediately backed away cautiously.

Soon, the light in the hall began to change slightly.Looking up, I saw the high hall starting from the ceiling at the top, melting like snow quickly.

First the ceiling at the top, then the surrounding stone walls, and finally the floor under the feet.By the time Hill and Eagle reacted, they were already standing in a clearing in the woods.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the sun slanted down through the surrounding branches.

The thick dead leaves under the feet have a slight softness to step on, which is completely different from the hard hall floor just now.The subtle chirping of insects and birds around, and the slight coolness of the breeze on his cheeks made Igor take a deep breath.

The author has something to say: Another dungeon is finished, and Hill's general offensive momentum is only slightly revealed for everyone to experience 23333

It’s time for the diving party to change the water as usual. Diving for too long is not good for your health!

By the way, although the column has already posted an announcement, I am afraid that some girls of the claw machine party will not see it: this article will officially enter V tomorrow, thank you for your support and love.If you can, don’t abandon me QAQ after joining V!!

V texts are really not expensive, they cost a few cents per thousand words, and if you buy the full text, it will definitely not cost more than half a bowl of Little Chaos. Everyone, just ask Zha Yun to eat half a bowl of Hot Chaos when the cold wind is bleak every day. ?I am absolutely easy to raise, just half a bowl, really QAQ

Of course, if you really feel that this article is not worth buying V, friends who are leaving, Zha Yun hopes that you will come back to play in the next pitfall.But I just ask everyone not to go to Pirates.com, there are really a lot of viruses, unsafe and various small advertisements that damage the computer, please go【Look at my sincere eyes (┳▽┳)...

360-degree tiger landing kneeling m(__)m

Finally, thanks to the two little angels, Fei Molu and Lei Tingye, for blowing up the landmine again, rub it ━((*′▽`)Yao(′▽`*))━!!!

[PS: Tomorrow's update time will be temporarily delayed by two hours, around ten o'clock, and the content will be updated three times at a time.Please refresh again around ten o'clock, and resume at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow.Sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone. 】

Enya Empire

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