Clan House

Chapter 79 Impeachment

The envoy cried so badly that Zhu Qiyou couldn't help feeling compassionate.He tried to intercede with Song Yi, but was treated coldly by the other party.

"Why, have you taken a fancy to her?"

"Where did I go, I didn't look at her carefully," Zhu Qiyou hurriedly said, "When her claws came over, I was so shocked that I had goosebumps all over my body, so I kicked her right away, probably causing internal injuries."

"It's rare to see you pity the fragrance and cherish the jade." Song Yi rolled Zhu Qiyou's eyes, and called the servant to bring in water, "Wash his face, wash him well, and wipe it several times."

"Hey, no..." Zhu Qiyou had just opened his mouth when his face was covered with a wet towel.The internal attendant of Zhaohui Palace also had a good look, seeing that Song Yi was in a bad mood, so he used him as a foreigner for entertainment.He pulled back the scarf and went to look at Song Yi who had changed into a dragon robe: "Although you are strict under the imperial court, you rarely execute palace people. What's the matter today?"

"It's nothing, I'm not always moody, I like to make trouble for people..."

Zhu Qiyou was at a loss, seeing that Song Yi didn't seem to be jealous, he couldn't figure out why.

Zhu Qiyou tried to defend himself: "I really have nothing to do with her, I have been sleeping, and just woke up by her, you came here."

Song Yi let out a long breath. He only felt that Zhu Qiyou had a pig's brain, but he couldn't get angry.So he frowned, and explained patiently: "The court lady saw our relationship, if she is spared, if she goes out of the palace in the future, we will be punished by the officials."

"You mean..." Zhu Qiyou blinked, and suddenly rushed to the emperor, lowered his voice, and gestured to wipe his neck, "Shut up?"

Song Yi lowered his eyelashes, acquiescing to his guess.

Zhu Qiyou backed away a little, his closed lips moved slightly, and he wanted to say something.

"Can't bear it?" Song Yi's tone was cold.

"I..." Zhu Qiyou saw that Song Yi was expressionless, but he could tell that his mood was getting worse. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I don't think she made any big mistakes, but she lost her life because of our selfish desires. It's too pathetic."

Song Yi sneered: "You were born noble, so few people died because of you. I was seen by you in the court lady today, and there are others you can't see. You have become a deaf and blind fake good person."

Zhu Qiyou straightened his expression: "I haven't seen it, it hasn't been verified, so I can't judge. But today this happened before my eyes, I really can't just watch."

Song Yi was unmoved: "Unexpectedly, you have led soldiers and fought wars, and you are still so naive."

"It is precisely because I have experienced the battlefield that I cherish the preciousness of life." Zhu Qiyou leaned over again, and gently pulled Song Yi's sleeve, "Let her go, she is a little girl, I will threaten you, Thinking about it, she dared not say it."

This disagreement ended with Song Yi's compromise.However, Song Yi's worries were not resolved. With an inconspicuous memorandum sent to the imperial court, the news of the emperor's good south wind spread like wildfire, and a thunderstorm exploded in the court.

Throughout the annals of history, the fuse of major events is often insignificant.Even if Song Yi was prepared, he couldn't predict the possible consequences of every small incident at the beginning.

Among the eight emperors since the founding of the Daluo Dynasty, Song Yi can be regarded as diligent.He cared about government affairs, got up early every day, and rarely stopped court.However, because he concealed his illness, he was seriously ill for a few days and dropped out of court, and the reasons he provided could not stand the scrutiny, so he was strongly remonstrated by the speech officer.Song Yi was very helpless, but in order to maintain the court atmosphere he had built, he had to swallow his anger.When his body recovered, he immediately held a court meeting and commended several officials who wrote letters.

The cause of this turmoil was indeed Song Yi's fault.When the weather cooled down, not only the women in the harem, but even the emperor felt lazy and was unwilling to leave the dormitory.He indulged in the land of gentleness, drank too much wine with Zhu Qiyou, and after a ridiculous night, he naturally slept through the morning.It was already noon when he woke up, and the man beside him was still wrapped around the hands and feet of the emperor, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Realizing that the time for the early court was missed, Zhu Qiyou couldn't help lamenting that he was fierce and brave, but Song Yi had already begun to worry about the future.

The first person to write the letter was Liu Yicheng, the censor of Qiandu. This person is a professional speech officer, and everything he does is his duty.It was not the first time that Song Yi was troubled by him. He didn't even read the paperwork he sent, and only replied with a routine reply of "Got it".But he never thought that the courtiers who knew how to advance and retreat in the past seemed to be unable to understand the holy will, and became reluctant.

For several days, Song Yi received letters from Liu Yicheng.Even if he didn't care any more, he became a little curious.He ordered the Supervisor of Rituals to sort out Liu Yicheng's memorabilia, and after a quick look, he almost bleed out of anger.In the memorandum, Liu Yicheng spoke sharply and fiercely, denouncing the emperor for "disregarding human relations and showing no sign of licentiousness".

Song Yi was furious, and when he learned that the matter had been revealed, he immediately complained to the supervisor of ceremonies, reprimanding them for not reporting it earlier.Before he could send someone to quell the matter, the impeachment of Zhu Qiyou had already been sent to the imperial court like a snowflake.

The ministers dared to attack the emperor, and their words against Zhu Qiyou were naturally more vicious.Zhu Qiyou had never been wronged like this before, so he jumped up in anger and almost fought with others in the court.Song Yi was sitting on the dragon seat, and he couldn't let Zhu Qiyou argue for himself. He made an order, and the imperial guards entered the hall and pressed their boss on the cold ground.

"Silence!" Wang Yongfu dragged out a long and cold voice, "On the court, don't make any noise."

The imperial guards didn't intend to hit hard, but Zhu Qiyou couldn't help struggling, so he had to use some strength to restrain him.Zhu Qiyou was pressed to the ground, with his face pressed against the cold floor tiles, and gradually calmed down.He stopped struggling, wanting to see Song Yi's response.The imperial guards no longer released water on him, his head was firmly held down and he could not move, only his eyes could move freely, but no matter how he turned, he couldn't see the person on the dragon seat.

It wasn't until the hall fell silent that the emperor spoke slowly: "General Zhu is the hero of Daluo who pacified the northern border. Do you have any proof for saying that he 'confuses the lord and invites favor'?"

"Could it be that your Majesty still has to shirk, this matter has been spread in the court, and no one knows about it."

"Do you have proof?" Song Yi raised his voice.

"Your Majesty lives in a secluded palace, and the ministers cannot see him, but everyone in the inner palace can bear witness."

"The people in the inner palace are the people around me." Song Yi asked back: "Who is it, and whose name is it? Now that you say you have evidence, summon the witness to the palace to testify in court."

Seeing the hesitation of the ministers, Song Yi turned his eyes to Wang Yongfu: "They don't tell, do you know, who can prove it?"

Wang Yongfu immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "I have never heard of such nonsense, and no one in the inner palace can testify to such nonsense that insults the holy reputation."

"The prince is a close minister of your majesty, and he only listens to your majesty's orders. His testimony is not credible." I saw Liu Yicheng come out, "I can see your majesty's behavior, if your majesty has nothing to do with Zhu Qiyou, how could it be?" Out of nowhere?"

"No evidence, no certificate, no grounds, these are rumors! You guys actually listened to rumors and questioned your father without verification. Is it because I don't care about human relations, or because I care about rules and regulations!" Song Yilang said: "Say I like Nan Wind, absolutely nothing!"

Song Yi's words were conclusive, and the ministers also retreated.Liu Yicheng was the one who started it, and he was still relentless: "Ten days before today, I wrote letters every day, advising Your Majesty to keep a distance from General Zhu and not indulge in masculinity. If Your Majesty has nothing to do with General Zhu, why did you reply 'I know' . Could it be that His Majesty gave such a reply to his ministers because of his wrongdoing first?"

"Lord Liu didn't know something, it was due to the negligence of the supervisor of ceremonies." Wang Yongfu replied, "Master Liu's words are sharp, and the memorial is quite disrespectful to His Majesty. Children are ignorant, and they are afraid of angering His Majesty, so I will send your letter to you." The booklet should be greeted with the commentary. Your majesty saw the commentary and regarded it as a routine greeting, so he didn’t read the adult’s memorial, but only made a routine reply. Now the child also knows his mistake and is sent to the clothes bureau to work as a coolie gone."

Liu Yicheng was prepared to quarrel, but he didn't want Song Yi to refuse to admit it, so he blocked all his words.He became a Squib immediately, his face flushed.

"Everyone, listen to the officer." Seeing that Song Yi had almost clarified, Xun Kuan stepped forward: "The Tongxing Society in the south frequently made trouble under the banner of the survivors of the previous dynasty. A few days ago, they sneaked into the After arriving in the capital, no one has been caught so far. Your Majesty is virtuous and dignified, and will never do such an unethical thing. Such rumors, An Zhi is not a trick of the Tongxing Society to separate the monarch and his ministers. You are all Da Luo's arms , don’t shake the foundation of the country because of this nonsense rumor.”

"Yes." Song Yi on the dragon seat stood up, and he took a few steps forward, trying to get closer to the officials. "Dun Lun between men and women is a matter of human relations and righteousness. I govern the country with propriety, so how can I know my mistakes and make mistakes. It is a crime for you to listen to rumors without verification and suspect your father. Keeping male pets as a fashion, so that the government is chaotic for a while, and the villain is in power. Even if I really like the south wind, the courtiers should persuade them in private. It is important to know that things that violate the rules of etiquette should not be spread widely, and should be avoided. The Qing and others have no regard for the overall situation It is the second crime to show off your quick tongue. Zhu Qiyou is also a hero of the country. You and others mistakenly believe in slander and slander the reputation of important officials. This is the third crime."

The officials were speechless and kowtowed to plead guilty.

"The officials in Liuyi City will be demoted to three ranks and transferred to other places." Song Yi said, "I don't want to pursue the matter. You and General Zhu will pay for it."

The forbidden soldiers got Song Yi's instructions, released Zhu Qiyou, and helped him get up.Zhu Qiyou shook off the supporting arm, turned over on the ground, and slapped the dust on his body viciously.

Seeing his ferocity, the civil servants felt a little apprehensive for a while.And some people who knew the identity of his former crown prince sweated themselves belatedly.

Wang Yongfu called to disperse the court, and the courtiers knelt to send the king off.Zhu Qiyou perfunctorily performed a military officer's salute, and before he finished singing Long Live, he threw off his official uniform and left the hall.


It's been a bit lately, it's actually coming to an end

Song Yi started out as a very self-interested person. The rules and regulations he set up, as well as the image of loyalty and filial piety he showed, were all means to achieve the purpose of ruling.Most of Song Yi's friendships with others have a purpose, and he only has a little kindness for the few people around him.Therefore, Song Yi, as the emperor, had no psychological barriers at all in order to kill a lot of people in order to maintain the basic love.

Zhu Qiyou is a kind person with a big heart. When two people live together, conflicts of values ​​will break out. As long as they don't break up, they have to compromise alone.

In this game, Song Yi compromised, Zhu Qiyou persuaded the emperor, and inadvertently achieved the achievement of "Xian Concubine".

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