Clan House

Chapter 72 Dog Friends

Nao to Nao, Liu Ruozhong loves Xiao'er, the great disciple who opened the mountain very much.After leaving the city, he taught her a few formulas first, and then taught her the simple method of holding a knife.Although the child has never practiced martial arts, his bones are very good, and he often practiced riding and shooting in the palace, so he really learned and advanced very quickly.

Tong Yugui, who was on the side, looked at it and couldn't help feeling hot-eyed.It's a pity that his skills are too ordinary, and he doesn't have any skills to attract his apprentices, but Liu Ruozhong is a master of Bei Dao.

A few men played with the little girl for most of the day, after all, some activities that were not suitable for children were needed.Zhu Qiyou saw Tong Yugui's winks frequently, he didn't want to pay attention to it, but thought that the two of them had been with him for a day to take care of the child, and they should fulfill their wishes, so he found an excuse and sent the child back to the Hou Mansion first.

The three of them simply summed up, and they didn't have any other entertainment, so they decided to go to the tavern for a drink.Because Zhu Qiyou was the landlord, he decided to take them to the restaurant he often went to.When they arrived at the place, they wanted to find the private room on the second floor, but they saw that the lobby on the first floor was occupied by a group of sergeants, all of whom were familiar faces from the Western Expedition.It turned out that this winery was not somewhere else, but the place where Zhu Qiyou and Niu Tong didn't know each other.Niu Tong and this boss have known each other for a long time, and today he is hosting a banquet for his colleagues in the army.

"Hey, here we come!" Niu Tong was already slightly drunk, seeing the three of Zhu Qiyou, he naturally greeted them to the table, "I sent someone to your house, and they said that you went out early in the morning, but I didn't expect to come together! "

Zhu Qiyou and the others were also overjoyed when they saw Niu Tong. They originally planned to find a place to send someone to look for him, but they rushed together unexpectedly.

The owner of the winery knew that they were soldiers defending their home and country, so he specially discounted the drinks, and even went out of his own pocket to buy sauced beef on the street for the soldiers to drink with.

All the people were drunk, and they didn't walk home with each other's support until the lights came on.Many of them still lived in the barracks before they bought a house in Beijing.Zhu Qiyou was worried about the drunks walking around at night, worrying that they would violate the rules of Beijing by rampaging, so he planned to hire a few cars to take them back.

It's not yet ten minutes before the curfew, and the street market is bustling and lively.The sergeants walked down the street supporting each other, looking at the new objects, and gradually sobered up.I don't know who started it, everyone turned into a small alley, and saw many beautifully dressed flower girls, soliciting business.

"This is a brothel, I haven't dated girls in the capital yet," Tong Yugui beamed, and bumped Zhu Qiyou with his elbow, "You are from the capital, so you must know which girl is the best, show your brothers to open your eyes! "

Zhu Qiyou didn't want to talk to him at first, but when his colleagues showed longing looks, he hurriedly covered Tong Yugui's mouth to pull him out of the alley.When the Hua Niang at the side saw this group of people, she knew that there was a business coming, so she surrounded them one after another.

"What are you doing!" Tong Yugui struggled to push Zhu Qiyou away, "Couldn't you be a young boy? Lu timid?"

"Fart! I even gave birth to a child!" Zhu Qiyou blushed, and everyone burst into laughter when they heard Tong Yugui's words.

"Then why are you so afraid? Could it be that there is a tigress at home?" Someone grabbed Zhu Qiyou's arm again, "Walk around, go in and have a look."

There were more and more flower girls soliciting customers, and the soldiers, surrounded by the flower girls, came to an exquisite small building.Looking at the plaque, it turned out to be Wanhualou【1】.

It just so happened that there was a song and dance performance tonight, and each person needed a tael of silver to enter the building.Zhu Qiyou resigned himself to his fate and wanted to pay for it, but he didn't want to be recognized by the turtle.

"Gentlemen, did you come back from Beiguan?" the turtle asked.

Zhu Qiyou originally wanted to make up an identity, but before the military merits were discussed, it was reported that there was a group sex with prostitutes, and the court was afraid that he would be impeached.But he didn't think that Tong Yugui was stunned, so he also reported his family name.

The tortoise heard that it was the general who won the victory in Beiguan, so he hurriedly called the old bustard to come out.As soon as the old bustard saw everyone, she immediately smiled, not only exempting each person from the fee of one tael, but also providing free tea and snacks that night.

"How can this be? You still have to do business." Zhu Qiyou quickly declined.

"As a result, you are fighting with your heads up at the border. Although the sisters in our building can't get on the stage, they still want to do their part." The old bustard said with a smile, "We are not needed on weekdays to entertain the generals. There is still room for juggling.”

Seeing that the bustard was so enthusiastic, Zhu Qiyou could no longer refuse, and really wanted to go to Hualou.

Fortunately, watching the performance is really watching the performance. Everyone sat casually in the lobby on the first floor. The girl on the stage was covered with a veil, playing the piano and singing.If any guest and the girl saw the right eye and wanted to go upstairs to do something, they would have to pay for it themselves.

Zhu Qiyou looked at the friends around him, Niu Tong, Tong Yugui, and Liu Ruozhong all had families.Don't look at how vigorously they were rambling around the flower building just now, if they really asked them to stay overnight, I'm afraid no one would have the courage to do so.

The familiar sound of the pipa sounded, and Zhu Qiyou raised his eyes to look at the stage, and saw that it was a new young prostitute who was not yet old enough to receive customers.He got up and left the table, called the bustard to him, and asked her: "I'm asking you about someone, it should be your pipa teacher, he's not young, he's in his thirties..."

"The guest is talking about Bai Wei?" the woman said, "Bai Wei became a monk two years ago to become a female crown, and it is in Yunji Mountain outside the city. If guests want to find her, they can go to Wuyun Temple in Yunji Mountain."

Zhu Qiyou only met the pipa prostitute once, but he didn't know if it was the Bai Wei she was talking about, so he said: "I didn't really want to find her, but I heard that she played the pipa well before, so I wanted to invite her to the house. Since she I'm already a monk, so I don't want to disturb you, but I'd like to ask my mother to introduce some girls who play the pipa to me. Since you want to treat me, I don't want to refute your face, but we officials don't want to take advantage of your people. Cheap, in the future there will be a banquet in the nobleman's mansion in Beijing, I will recommend you to play the piano and sing, and I will also ask you to show your face in front of the nobleman."

When Zhu Qiyou said that, the old bustard was very happy and agreed with a smile.

After watching the singing and dancing, those who stayed overnight left the table.Zhu Qiyou hired several carts and sent Tong Yugui and others back to the barracks.He and Niu Tong own real estate in Beijing, and they are quite close to each other, so they walked home with each other supporting each other.

This day Niu Tong was drinking, he was already very drunk, but he used a lot in Wanhualou just now, now he is not sober, crying and laughing with Zhu Qiyou.Zhu Qiyou was proud of his martial arts skills, but he couldn't pull a drunk man with higher martial arts skills, so the two went back and forth on the street.

"But generals Zhu and Niu?" A red flame flashed in front of his eyes.Zhu Qiyou reluctantly held Niu Tong, and saw ten fifteen or sixteen-year-old maidservants in green clothes blocking the way, holding a red lantern in their hands.

"Slave Xiaoluan," the maid blessed her body, "My master is here to invite you."

Zhu Qiyou followed her gestures to look, saw a small building with one or two floors behind the little maid, and understood that the two of them hadn't walked out of Huajie yet.

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss. The two of us are tired from playing today, and my brother is too drunk, so we should visit another day." Zhu Qiyou politely declined.

But the little maid gave a "puchi" smile and said to Zhu Qiyou: "Sure enough, the master guessed it, and the young master definitely doesn't want to come. My master said that if the young master is a happy person, he should come upstairs today, otherwise he will not come another day." won't come."

Seeing her eloquence, Zhu Qiyou felt a little unhappy, and immediately supported Niu Tong to disturb her.But the little servant girl had quick eyes and quick hands, and came to Niu Tong's side in a flash. She put the lantern in her waist, held Niu Tong's big hand and pressed it a few times, and the person who was still rambunctious just now became obedient.

Seeing Zhu Qiyou looking him up and down, the little servant girl smiled and said: "I'm showing my ugliness, I see a lot of drunks on weekdays, and I learned some tricks of acupressure from my master."

"Is the general willing to go upstairs now?" the little maid asked proudly, "I think it will be difficult to send this general Niu back to the mansion tonight, why don't the maid help you to help him upstairs, my master made tea for the two Sober up."

Niu Tong drank the soup that Xiao Luan brought up, and fell asleep, Zhu Qiyou could even hear his snoring.Yang Shan's tea skills are good, and Zhu Qiyou is not afraid of her tricks, so he tastes it calmly.

"How does the Son of Heaven feel? It's not bad to think about it. Otherwise, the descendants of Duke Yan, Marquis of Wu'an, would be willing to become the lackeys of the Song family..."

The woman's words were astonishing, even if Zhu Qiyou expected her to have some background, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"Who are you!"

"Secrecy is broken by humanity, is the general guilty?" Through the screen, the woman said slowly, "General, don't be in a hurry to kill people, my concubine belongs to the Yang family."

"Are you a descendant of Duke Yang?" Zhu Qiyou was even more shocked after guessing the woman's identity.

Zhu Qiyou's ancestor was Lord Yan, Marquis of Wu'an in the former dynasty. The Yan family of Marquis of Wu'an and the Zhu family of Su Yihou were originally related by marriage. Later, Su Yihou's family was wiped out in the war of defending the northern border. Yan Zheng, Marquis of Wu'an at that time, decided to adopt his son to Zhu. The family inherited the incense, this is Zhu Yulin, the first Wuding Marquis of the Daluo Dynasty.

When Duke Yan was alive, he was suspected by the emperor of the current dynasty, but he was always loyal to the previous dynasty, and finally he was shrouded in horse leather, living up to the name of loyalty.Zhu Yulin was close to Daluo Taizu since he was a child. After Taizu's incident, he switched to the camp and became Daluo's founding father.The Taizu was grateful for Zhu Yulin's loyalty, made him hereditary Marquis Wuding, and gave him an iron certificate of Danshu, which happened to be the sixth generation in Zhu Qiyou's generation.

Yang Gong, like Yan Gong, was an important general in the previous dynasty.After Taizu started the incident, he was fiercely resisted by Duke Yang. Afterwards, Duke Yang was defeated and captured. Taizu personally commanded peace, but Duke Yang injured one eye with a hidden weapon.Taizu was furious, and ordered Duke Yang to be beheaded, and all the men in the Yang family were assassinated, and the women were used as official prostitutes.

It has been more than a hundred years since the founding of Daluo, and Yang Gong's deeds have already become cold words in the annals of history, and the common people do not know who he is.Knowing this, Zhu Qiyou still listened to some old stories from his husband when he was the prince.The emperors of all dynasties were unwilling to break the laws of the Taizu, so no one has ever rehabilitated loyal ministers and descendants.After Song Yi ascended the throne, he made some substantive reforms, but because the Yang family had no reputation, he would not do such thankless things.

"Since you are a descendant of Duke Yang, I will not pursue the disrespect in your words today." Zhu Qiyou said to the woman, "Since you are not in the Jiaofang Division, you should cherish the life in front of you. It has been a hundred years since the previous dynasty, You make a good living, and don’t do rebellious acts in the future.”

But the woman sneered: "From Prince Wu Yi to Prince Yongding, the general has no complaints. Is that how he persuaded himself?"


[1] Wanhualou: Guiding the Way Chapter 29

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