Clan House

Chapter 69 Triumph

In order to celebrate the triumphant return of the Northern Expeditionary Army, Song Yi held a palace banquet in Taiye Pool.

In the past few years, there have been very few banquets in the palace, and even the New Year's banquets are kept simple.This time the banquet was organized by the Ministry of Rites, and Song Yi specially approved a large amount of silver, just to make the returning generals have a good time.

Civil servants in Daluo have a higher status than military officers, and it is easier for military officers to be promoted accordingly, because even if the official position is two levels higher, military officers must be polite to civilian officials.Zhu Qiyou has made meritorious service all the way, and without Song Yi making the final reward, he has already been promoted to the rank of the third rank.

Even so, at the palace banquet, the distance between the general and the emperor is still far away.

Song Yi asked for blueprints from the Ministry of Rites early in the morning. He knew the layout of the banquet, and he knew where Zhu Qiyou was sitting now, but he could only vaguely see his figure.

Looking from a distance, the man chatted happily with his colleagues, and seemed to be very popular with the military officers.The identity of Prince Wu Yi has finally become a thing of the past. Zhu Qiyou was 24 years old this year, and he established his position in the court with his military exploits.

Xu Shi's eyes on the throne were too hot, Zhu Qiyou drank the wine offered by his colleagues and looked up.The emperor behaved relaxedly, resting his chin on the imperial case with one hand, and raised his wine glass to him.

Halfway through the banquet, Song Yi left the table first.This is the size of the emperor to his courtiers. With him as the emperor, it is difficult for the courtiers to drink happily.

Wang Yu came over to give wine, Zhu Qiyou understood his eyes.But he was timid because of his closeness to his hometown, so he didn't leave the banquet immediately to go to Qianqing Palace, but continued to chat and laugh with his colleagues, as if the topic was really interesting.

After Song Yi returned to Qianqing Palace, he ordered the palace servants to light up many lamps, which made the interior of the palace very bright.The young emperor sat leaning on the edge for a while, pulled a book and threw it away, raised his right hand to cover his eyes.

"Turn off the lights." Song Yi ordered.

When Zhu Qiyou came over, the candles in the sleeping hall had already been extinguished.Song Yi sat alone on the stool, guarding a dim candle with one hand resting on his chin.Zhu Qiyou walked through the moon gate, supported the shelf of Duobao Pavilion with one hand, and watched Song Yi without speaking.The fire light illuminated half of Song Yi's face, flickering on and off, and his memory returned to that evening six years ago.

Zhu Qiyou lamented the time, unknowingly, the two of them had gone so far.

Zhu Qiyou started to speak poorly, he didn't know what to say, and he didn't plan to speak first.After being away for many years, the laziness in his bones is still there. When he hesitates, he is used to handing over the initiative to someone who is more assertive.

Sure enough, it was Song Yi who broke the deadlock first: "Are you going to stand like this forever?"

After three years apart, this was actually the first sentence when we met again, and others would only think that these two people were not familiar with each other.Zhu Qiyou breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had spoken anyway.

"I can't stay for long," he said, "After the banquet is over, I have to go back to the Marquis Mansion first."

"You..." Song Yi turned his head to look at him, his brows were tightly frowned, and he looked a little aggrieved against the dim light.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing." Song Yi's expression returned to indifference, "The little girl has already returned home, and you can see her when you go back. Do you want to rest for a few days, when will you return to the palace to be on duty?"

"Your Majesty hasn't arranged any official position for the minister!" Zhu Qiyou smiled, "If you still rush back to the palace as an eagle head, I'm afraid that the whole government and the public will know that the minister is the face of Your Majesty."

Facing Song Yi's astonished gaze, Zhu Qiyou bit his tongue in embarrassment.

"Hey, it's not..." the general stammered, "It's been a long time since I met the saint, I'm a little too excited and incoherent, um..."

Song Yi didn't want to listen to him making love anymore, and the two were not far away from him. He got up and threw himself into the man's arms, biting his lip.

Zhu Qiyou was bumped suddenly, and instinctively wanted to hit someone, but stopped in time to hug the young man who was rushing.He opened his mouth following Song Yi's movements, and his lower lip was immediately bitten by the other party. He hit back hard, and the two kissed out of order.He didn't let go of the boy's body until Song Yi was tired from kissing.

Song Yi helped Zhu Qiyou back up and stood up, and slowly loosened the man's sleeves.

"Are you not used to it?" Zhu Qiyou asked in deliberation, "Some...strange?"

Song Yi's eyelashes trembled and his eyes drooped.

Zhu Qiyou understood, and smiled uncomfortably: "To tell you the truth, I am too. When I was at the border before, I couldn't see you, and I imagined you in my mind all night. Now I see someone, it's like a dream , a little unsure if you really grew up like this..."

"Who did you learn from? It's a slippery tone." Song Yi couldn't hold back his laughter when he saw how stupid he was.

"It's better to light up the lights," Zhu Qiyou said with a smile, "Tell me to see you clearly first, to see if you are an emperor, and don't be an eunuch pretending to be."

Song Yi wanted to push Zhu Qiyou, but he was still a little shy and unwilling to make such an intimate gesture.He looked outside the hall and wanted to call for someone, but Zhu Qiyou stopped him.

"I'll have some."

Zhu Qiyou took off the lampshade and carefully lit the other candles.

With the act of lighting the lamp, Zhu Qiyou lowered his head halfway and told Song Yi the jokes among his colleagues.

"Your Majesty knows that Liu Ruozhong is my brother. When he was sixteen, his family told him about a woman. Before he got married, he went to the girl's house for dinner. He was a very cheerful person, but he was so nervous that day that he didn't dare to look up. Looking at people, he has always regarded the mother-in-law as his future daughter-in-law. After dinner, the girl's father sent the mother-in-law to wash the dishes, and he also left with an excuse, wanting to ask the young man to have a chat. Then Liu Ruozhong just followed the mother-in-law and looked down. Then he went to the kitchen. The mother-in-law was very happy to see him like this, so she asked him: "Liu Er, the auntie is going to wash the dishes, what are you doing with me? After doing our work, you have to stay and be your son-in-law." !' Liu Ruozhong blushed, and when the girl asked him something afterwards, he faltered and couldn't speak, thinking in his heart that this marriage must be a mess."

"This marriage should be done." Seeing Zhu Qiyou stop, Song Yi said.

"It's done, otherwise it won't be treated as a joke." Zhu Qiyou put down the candle in his hand and reinstalled the lampshade. "You know how I feel right now, just like Liu Ruozhong. I'm terribly afraid. I don't dare to look at you too much. If there is a eunuch wearing a dragon robe right now, I'm afraid I could be fooled away by him too."

"Which eunuch is tired of living, the more he talks, the more shameful he is." Song Yi sat down again, raised his left hand to hold Zhu Qiyou's hand on the lampshade.

"Of course the eunuch doesn't dare, I'm just giving you an example." Zhu Qiyou looked at the shadow of Song Yi's fingers on the back of his hand, and bowed without moving. "I started thinking about you when I never left Beijing. I thought about you when I was marching, when I was training soldiers, when I was training eagles, and when I was eating. I didn't dare to be distracted when I went to battle, but after fighting I still think about it, thinking about it like crazy. Your appearance should be imprinted in my mind, but I can’t remember it more and more. After discovering this, I began to be afraid, afraid that I would not see you for a long time , and I was afraid to see you. I was not used to the life at the border at first, but I gradually got used to it, and I also fell in love with barbecue. The days in Beijing and the life in the forbidden palace in the past seemed more and more illusory. Sometimes I thought, do I really know the emperor, was the time with you a dream?"

Song Yi suddenly grabbed Zhu Qiyou's hand, pulled at the skirt of his clothes and pulled him down.Zhu Qiyou's center of gravity was unstable, he leaned over and took a lunge, and put his other hand on Song Yi's shoulder.Their eyes met, and Zhu Qiyou was able to see Song Yi's dark and deep eyes clearly.

It can't be wrong, even if time changes Song Yi in Zhu Qiyou's mind beyond recognition, he will never forget those eyes.Song Yi is cold and indifferent, but he has always looked at Zhu Qiyou seriously, and Zhu Qiyou is also used to judging this person's emotions by the color of his eyes.When the love is strong, Song Yi also likes to look at Zhu Qiyou, just like looking at him now.

"I'm sorry," Song Yi said, facing Zhu Qiyou's confused gaze, "I miss you too, but I miss you not as much as you miss me."

"It's okay, you are the emperor." Zhu Qiyou raised his hand and rubbed Song Yi's head tentatively.I don't know which palace maid combed the emperor's hair, but the hair crown bound the hair too tightly.

"But you are also a general," Song Yi said, feeling the looseness of the hairpin. "The front line is hard, and you still don't forget to miss me. But for my own ambition, I have to worry about many things, and I can't spare too much time to miss you."

"Only you can say," Zhu Qiyou sneered, not taking it seriously, "Then Your Majesty will compensate me!"

"Do you want to try again?" Song Yi asked.

Zhu Qiyou understood the hint, and drew out his hand inserted between the hair strands to gently stroke his eyelashes.Song Yi blinked involuntarily, trying to hide back, but Zhu Qiyou pinned the back of his head.

At the banquet just now, the two drank the same kind of wine.There is no need to intertwine lips and teeth, since I can't tell whose wine is coming out of my mouth.Zhu Qiyou pressed Song Yi's head and sucked his lips until it turned red.He put his right arm through Song Yi's armpit, lifted him up and walked a few quick steps, pushing him onto the Duobao Pavilion.

With a "boom", Song Yi's head hit a vase.He was not hurt, but the vase fell to the ground and shattered.

"Ah..." No one paid attention to the unlucky vase, and no one spoke in the hall, only ambiguous voices came out from time to time.

Until the banquet ended, Wang Yu reminded him a few times outside.

Zhu Qiyou let go of Song Yi's tongue, pulled out his hand buried in the skirt of his clothes, and helped him straighten his belt.Song Yi's lips bulged a little, and the corners of his eyes were stained a little crimson.Zhu Qiyou saw the water on his lips, couldn't hold back, pulled him over and gnawed on him again.

"Hey..." Song Yi smiled and hid back, seeing that he couldn't dodge, he slapped him a little harder. "You are really hypocritical for only a quarter of an hour, what about your reservedness just now?"

"What did Your Majesty say?" Zhu Qiyou looked innocent, and then whispered a long dirty word into Song Yi's ear.

Song Yi was so angry that he went to hammer him again, and when he was tired, he grabbed the man by the collar and said: "Then you keep what you say, I will wait."

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