Clan House

Chapter 66

Children have no concept of long-term separation.Zhu Qiyou stayed with his daughter for many days, and finally made her understand and accept the fact that her father was about to leave for a long time.

The little girl met Song Jingye, became familiar with the new environment, and gradually became close to the imperial concubine.For life in the palace, she did not yearn for it, nor did she dislike it much.However, no matter how worried Zhu Qiyou was, he had to leave.

Before leaving, Zhu Qiyou thought about going to Song Yi in private to bid farewell.Even if it is not for the personal relationship between the two, it should be done for the daughter who is sent to the palace.But he gambled in his chest, and wanted to wait for Song Yi to give in first, but he waited until the army started.

The Son of Heaven practiced it for the army, Zhu Qiyou stood in the team and could only see the outline of Song Yi clearly.He didn't know if Song Yi had looked at him, but even if he did, he probably couldn't find it.

When marching, according to Zhu Qiyou's official rank, there was no separate camp.But Song Jingshi set up three separate tents for the Feiyi Battalion on the grounds of preventing the war eagle from hurting people.Seeing that no one else objected, Zhu Qiyou accepted the convenience.

The army marched until the third day, and at night they camped and cooked.

Zhu Qiyou covered his body with stinky sweat. He found a stream not far away, so he picked up some water and went back to the tent to take a bath.Before leaving, Zhu Qiyou didn't light the lamp.This time around, it was completely dark.Seeing that his tent was lit, Zhu Qiyou looked left and right, thinking he had misremembered the location.

He only thought that Song Jingshi came to look for something, and he got into the tent with a bucket, but saw an unexpected person.

Song Yi was wearing a white dress, his complexion was pale, and he seemed to have lost some weight.

"Why are you here?" Apart from this, Zhu Qiyou couldn't think of anything else to ask.

"Here to see you off." Song Yi looked at the two large wooden barrels on the ground and asked, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"Yes." Zhu Qiyou's eyes ran to both sides, feeling that the camp was really small.

"Then wash it quickly, tomorrow we have to get up early and get out of camp." Song Yi moved closer and naturally reached out to untie Zhu Qiyou's belt.

Zhu Qiyou suddenly took a step back and stood still.

"Then you do it yourself." Song Yi withdrew his hand.

Zhu Qiyou laughed, and he also felt that he overreacted a bit, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"How did you come here, in a carriage?" Zhu Qiyou took off his clothes, thought for a while, and took off his trousers after pulling down the curtain.

"Well," Song Yi handed the towel to Zhu Qiyou, and the other party took it and soaked it in water. When he bowed, the dim light hit the muscles of his back, "You didn't come to me before you left. I was busy with things, so I got out only after I made arrangements. After running for two days, I managed to catch up with you."

The cold stream soaked my face, and my mind felt clear.Zhu Qiyou fumbled for his face, staring at the curtain that was blown by the wind. "Why do you have to catch up?"

"I have something to tell you." Song Yi said.

Zhu Qiyou still didn't turn around, Song Yi approached behind him and hugged his waist.

"I don't want any more children. In the future, I will never accept concubines again."

Zhu Qiyou froze in place, with his back pressed against Song Yi's face, it was so stiff.Looking at the hands around his waist, he felt that the tent was unbearably hot.The damp face towel was flung away and hung on the handle of the barrel.Zhu Qiyou pulled away Song Yi's hand, turned around and grabbed the young man's forearm, bringing him into his arms.

"Say it again!" Zhu Qiyou squeezed Song Yi's forearm fiercely.

Song Yi lowered his head, then raised his head to meet Zhu Qiyou's eyes: "You have only one ear in this life."

Under the candlelight, Zhu Qiyou was naked, his muscles tensed and agitated.He clasped Song Yi's shoulders and pressed him tightly in his arms, wishing he could rub him into his body.

In the panic, innocent wooden barrels were overturned, and cold stream water spilled all over the ground.The two of them couldn't say who was more eager, looking for the fit of the body in a daze.

"The bed is so hard!"

"Is this hard?"

Song Yi was amazed by Zhu Qiyou's changes. The other party was already naked, and the changes in his body could be seen at a glance.

The Yisa robe on Song Yi's body was not easy to take off. "Don't mess it up, you'll be ashamed in front of tomorrow's army."

"Then I will find you a soldier's clothes, and you follow me to fight."

"Being a soldier for you? Isn't that very hard?"

"Afraid of suffering?" Zhu Qiyou carefully moved, and finally took off Song Yi's robe intact, "I will not ask you to go to war after serving the officer well."

"Your official position is too small, Baihu..." After the teasing failed, Song Yi was bitten by Zhu Qiyou.

"Admit it, you also feel that the officials of the hundred households are small!"

Zhu Qiyou was sweating profusely, dripping down on Song Yi's face like rain.

"It's over, there's nothing here."

"In the bag," Song Yi gasped a little anxiously, "I brought you the golden sore medicine."

Zhu Qiyou gave a soft drink, and shook off Song Yi to get the burden.Song Yi turned around and hugged Zhu Qiyou's leg, pulling him back. "No, hurry up and come directly."

Zhu Qiyou became even more irritable. He pressed Song Yi's shoulder and pushed him back: "Does it hurt? Did you heal from the last injury?"

"I'm fine. If you leave, I don't know how long it will take for me to recuperate." Song Yi wrapped his arms around Zhu Qiyou's neck and kissed the stubble on his chin, "Come on, without you here, I feel that you have left me .”

Zhu Qiyou cursed, stepped forward, and entangled with Song Yi.

There was a flash of fire outside the tent, and the curtain seemed to move with it.Zhu Qiyou turned his head to look, but Song Yi pulled him back and bit his mouth.

The time together was too short, no one would sleep even though they were exhausted.

Zhu Qiyou washed the two of them with the remaining bucket of water. Seeing that it was almost dawn, he didn't take off his clothes.

It was a cool night, and Song Yi put on his robe again.Zhu Qiyou only put on his trousers, and snuggled up with Song Yi naked.

"Go to sleep, you can still sleep for more than half an hour." Song Yi asked Zhu Qiyou to lie on his lap, "Otherwise, we won't have the energy to march tomorrow."

"I'll stop seeing you for half an hour when I'm asleep." Zhu Qiyou took Song Yi's hand and kissed it.

"If I don't leave, I will stay with you for two more days," Song Yi said.

"Is it possible?" Zhu Qiyou was shocked. Song Yi had never mentioned such an arrangement before, and it was just a temporary idea.

"That's fine," Song Yi smiled, "I should have a little bit of willful power."

Zhu Qiyou closed his eyes, then opened them: "Then I can't bear to sleep."

"Don't be poor," Song Yi stretched out his hand to cover Zhu Qiyou's eyes, brushing the man's slender eyelashes with his palm, "Go to sleep."

"Then you sleep too." Zhu Qiyou said.

"I'll see you again," Song Yi said with a smile, "I'll sleep in the car tomorrow."

"It's not fair." Zhu Qiyou muttered, took Song Yi's hand and held it in his arms, and began to feel sleepy.

Zhu Qiyou slept for half an hour, and Song Yi stared at the man's sleeping face without moving.He couldn't bear to blink, and after the blink of an eye, it was dawn.

Song Yi couldn't help but be reluctant to call someone, so Zhu Qiyou was awakened by the sound of the horn.

After simply wiping his face, Zhu Qiyou got dressed and went to cook.

"What do you eat?" He asked Song Yi.

"I brought dry food," Song Yi said, "There is a quota for food in the army, so you don't have to take it for me."

Zhu Qiyou left in response.

Before it was time to set off, Song Yi was still waiting for Zhu Qiyou in the tent.

He was a little thirsty, so he found Zhu Qiyou's water bag and drank a couple of sips.The furnishings in the room were simple, and Song Yi had nothing to do. He wanted to help Zhu Qiyou tidy up, but he couldn't do anything.The water on the ground had already dried up, and the two buckets were placed in the center as an eyesore.Song Yi lifted the bucket to the corner of the room, pulled off the used face towel from the handle, and soaked it in the water to scrub.

Song Jingshi opened the curtain and saw the man bent over to wash the handkerchief, he paused.

Song Yi noticed the change in the light and only thought that Zhu Qiyou had returned.He raised his head and met Song Jingshi's shocked gaze.

"You!" Song Jingshi was terrified and jumped out backwards.

After a while, she opened the curtain again and walked into the tent. "The emperor's uncle?"

Seeing that her courtesy was not acceptable, Song Yi simply waved his hand: "There is no need to be too polite."

Song Jingshi stood there in embarrassment, not daring to say much.

"You were the one outside the tent last night?" Song Yi asked coldly.


Song Yi understood that Song Jingshi had already discovered his relationship with Zhu Qiyou. "Then do you have anything else to do with Zhu Qiyou?"

"...No more." Song Jingshi replied dryly.

"Then you go back," Song Yi hurried away, "I'm going to leave later."

Sending you thousands of miles, you have to say goodbye in the end.

Song Yi marched with the army for three days, and then set off to return to Beijing.

He excused his illness and handed over the political commissar to the cabinet, after all he did not dare to publicize his private affairs.

Zhu Qiyou marched with the team, gradually adapted to the life in the army, and got rid of the problems of many noble sons in his body.The war hawks had fun in the sky, and finally they were able to leave the capital and soar under the blue sky.Looking at the eagle in the sky, Zhu Qiyou guessed that Song Yi's thoughts might really be to let him go out of Beijing to have a look.Song Yi said that he was stern and unforgiving, but in fact he remembered what Zhu Qiyou said in his heart.

Because of Song Jingshi's accidental discovery, Zhu Qiyou confessed to her his personal relationship with Song Yi.He thought that his younger sister loved women, so it would be natural for him to forgive him.But he never thought that Song Jingshi was deeply worried.

"That's the Son of Heaven!"

Zhu Qiyou knew that his sister was wronged for him.

Of course he knew that Song Yi was the Son of Heaven, and he had been hesitant about Song Yi's identity.When he left Beijing, he felt that his predestined relationship with Song Yi might be shallow, and maybe this battle was the end of his love.

Ever since Song Yi exposed his identity, Zhu Qiyou never thought that this friendship could bear fruit.On the day of the wedding, Song Yi's embrace can be described as an unexpected joy.Since then, Zhu Qiyou felt that he had stolen it and made money every single day.He doesn't expect an emperor to stick to one end, even if that person is not the emperor, he doesn't know how deep the relationship can withstand long-term separation.Song Jingshi's concubine married home, and no matter how long the battle was fought, no one would run away.He and Song Yi have no matchmaker and no employment, and they have an adulterous affair. The depth of fate is only in the hearts of the people.

Zhu Qiyou's mind is empty, he never thinks much, only in recent days he has become more worried.But there are some things that I can't figure out, and if I figure it out, I can't change it, so I can only forget it.Angry and helpless, he held his breath and refused to say goodbye to Song Yi, wanting to take one step at a time.

Unexpectedly, it was Song Yi who stretched out his hand first, obviously he was tempted first.

Song Yi said that "you are the only one in this life", no matter whether he fulfilled his promise or not, Zhu Qiyou will always cherish it for the rest of his life.

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