Clan House

Chapter 61

After the emperor got married, Zhu Qiyou's training in Feiyi Camp was also on the right track.His position in this hundred households was secure, and during the day he led a few of his subordinates to train hard, no different from ordinary sergeants.

When night fell, the prince of the Marquis turned into a hungry ghost, and sneaked into Emperor Renxi's bed and curtain by virtue of his position, and rubbed hands with the emperor, doing the unspeakable things.

So it's been half a month.When it was the day of rest, Zhu Qiyou snoozes off for a while, but Song Yi has to get up early to deal with state affairs.

When Zhu Qiyou woke up, he heard faint voices.He greeted Huang Xi who was guarding the hall, got up quietly, dressed and washed lightly.This is also a special case made by Song Yi. In order to adapt to his habits, Huang Xi was specially transferred to the Supervisor of Rituals, and Wang Yu and the others took turns at the Qianqing Palace.

Seeing Song Yi's carefully flattering appearance, Zhu Qiyou was somewhat dumbfounded.After leaving the palace for several years, many of his habits are different from before.But the emperor's kindness could not be rejected, and Huang Xi's unrecognizable look of high-spirited joy made Zhu Qiyou say no more.

This room Zhu Qiyou finished grooming, and breakfast was set.Zhu Qiyou saw that the lotus root and pig's feet, the bamboo shoots with chicken tips, and the winter melon and beef lung soup were all hand and foot products.

Xu was late the night before, and Song Yi was a little ashamed, so he woke up this morning and made a table of odds and ends, scolding him for being inferior to a beast.Zhu Qiyou lifted his robe and sat down, asking Huang Xi to serve him and drink the beef lung soup.

"Your Majesty, have you eaten?"

"Your Majesty passed on the breakfast when he got up, and when Mr. Fu came, he asked him to have it with him."

Zhu Qiyou drank the soup with a bowl in his hand, slandering Fu Yan in his heart, and came to eat early in the morning.After tossing all night, Zhu Qiyou was already hungry.He gulped down two bowls of soup, picked two large pieces of pig's feet and gnawed them clean.

Song Yi sent Fu Yan away, turned around, and saw Zhu Qiyou with a greasy mouth dangling a bone.The corners of his eyes twitched, and as he walked closer, he saw the glib mouth move and spit out the bone stick far away with a "poof".Based on Song Yi's understanding of Zhu Qiyou, he naturally dodged the attack with foresight, and frowned a pair of good-looking eyebrows.

Zhu Qiyou sat with his legs spread apart, as if the table in the Qianqing palace was too short, giving way to the general's long legs.He sat on the stool, slid his body slightly towards Song Yi's direction, his legs were still propped up, and smiled at the rogue of the emperor.

Song Yi sighed, pulled out a sweat towel from his sleeve, and leaned over to wipe Zhu Qiyou's mouth.

Zhu Qiyou grabbed the handkerchief and snatched it away with all his might.

Song Yi was on alert immediately, and was about to retreat, when Zhu Qiyou tripped first, grabbed Song Yi's arm with both hands and pulled it down, and the majestic emperor fell into the arms of the rebellious minister.

Song Yi lost his balance and instinctively hugged Zhu Qiyou's neck.Zhu Qiyou was so happy that he threw himself into his arms, held the dragon's hip in his right hand and hugged him, and the kicked dragon's foot hit the dining table, shaking the cup and plate.

"Is Your Majesty hungry?"

Song Yi bumped his foot and was looking down. Hearing Zhu Qiyou's question, he wanted to hide immediately.It can be seen that the two are very familiar with each other, and before Song Yi could move, Zhu Qiyou put his head down and gnawed on Song Yi's mouth.

"Hmm..." Song Yi raised his head to avoid it a few times, but Zhu Qiyou grabbed the back of his neck and couldn't escape.He held his breath, his teeth were forcibly pried open by the opponent, and he took a mouthful of salty fragrance.He closed his eyes resignedly, and let Zhu Qiyou's tongue, which seemed to be pickled, twirl in his mouth, digging deeper and deeper.His face was flushed, he took a deep breath impatiently, smelled the smell of cooked food with the smell of meat oil, and immediately vomited.

Zhu Qiyou was intoxicated, when he heard his voice, he had no choice but to let go, and asked Huang Xi to serve tea.

After a while, Song Yi took the tea and rinsed his mouth.

Zhu Qiyou sat aside with a look of resentment: "How can you be so disappointing?"

"I don't want to either," Song Yi spat out the tea, aftertasting it, feeling that his mouth was still not refreshing.He gave Zhu Qiyou a blank look, "This pig's tongue really doesn't taste very good."

Zhu Qiyou sneered: "Look, look, our majesty is so unreasonable. The night before, he loved me to death, and when he woke up, he made some chickens, ducks and pigs to mock me."

Song Yi was about to take another sip of tea, but when he heard this, he paused and his eyes drooped: "At that time, you can't do it right, and you shouldn't be too obedient. If you make too much noise, it's always inappropriate to be known by others."

Huang Xi's hands trembled, seeing that the two did not intend to avoid them, he offered Zhu Qiyou some tea to rinse his mouth.

Zhu Qiyou took the teacup, his eyes swept up and down Song Yi's body: "If I don't follow you, you will have no fun and make trouble again... It can be seen that the king's heart is unpredictable."

Huang Xi staggered a bit, and Zhu Qiyou stared at him. Fang realized that he was really redundant, and hurriedly evacuated the bedroom.

After Huang Xi left, the remaining two people looked at me and you, but they were unwilling to move first.

Seeing that the ambiguous atmosphere in the room was getting stronger, Song Yi got up and walked out: "Are you still leaving?"

"Let's go now." Zhu Qiyou replied, but still didn't move.

"Fu Yan came just now, and the situation in the northern border has stabilized," Song Yi walked around Bogujia, and walked to the gate of the Moon Cave, and stopped, "Your sister is coming back soon."

Zhu Qiyou still didn't answer, he also got up and caught up with Song Yi, following closely behind him step by step.

"If you miss her, go and pick her up. You have already joined the imperial army, and sooner or later you will show your face in front of others." Song Yi turned around and walked towards Yu An.

Zhu Qiyou grabbed his arm, leaned closer, and sniffed his white neck.


Song Yi dodged his head sideways and turned to face Zhu Qiyou.

"You brothers and sisters are deeply in love, why am I so upset?" Song Yi pushed away Zhu Qiyou's arm and said expressionlessly, "Besides, you are following her news every day, and today I kindly told you that she is coming back, don't you have more Hope..."

"I have nothing to look forward to." Zhu Qiyou bent down and approached Song Yi's face. Seeing that he was hiding, he straightened up again, holding him across his chest with both hands, "I am now in a daze, and my six relatives don't recognize me anymore."

"Aren't you going home? Aren't you leaving?" Song Yi put his arms around Zhu Qiyou's neck, kissed him with his head, and kissed him loudly.

"Let's go," Zhu Qiyou's voice was vague, he hugged Song Yi, took a step with his feet caressing, and sat straight on the throne, "but I haven't touched it on your desk yet..."

Zhu Qiyou sat leaning on the dragon seat, and Song Yi knelt in his arms with his legs spread apart, his knees being stuck by the chair was uncomfortable.He moved forward, and the bodies of the two got closer, and they almost caught fire during the friction.

Song Yi was impatient, and his breathing became faster and faster.He reached down, touched Zhu Qiyou's belt, and skillfully unwrapped it.Just as he was about to poke into his shirt, Zhu Qiyou held down his fidgeting hand: "Your Majesty, turn your back on your back, may I critique papers with you in my arms?"

Song Yi couldn't shake his hand away, so he glared at Zhu Qiyou, and said angrily, "How decent!"

Zhu Qiyou gave a "puchi" laugh, lifted Song Yi's waist with both hands, and actually turned him around.

"Your Majesty, let's bow your head and look at your current appearance, but you still know how to write the word 'decent', so you can write it to me?"

Song Yi's face gradually turned red, and he couldn't help panting.Zhu Qiyou was still controlling him with one hand, and with the other hand, he took a brush and dipped it in ink, and handed it to him.

Song Yi's hands were shaking and it was difficult to control the pen.Zhu Qiyou bit his ear, and rubbed his teeth lightly to make him itchy: "Why didn't your majesty write it, is it because the servants are not good at serving you?"

Song Yi's back was chilled by his blowing, his shoulders shrugged involuntarily, and he reluctantly wrote.The self-writing is naturally crooked and unsatisfactory. The word "body" has many gestures, Song Yi's hands are still shaking, and he glued the gestures together a little carelessly.He had to concentrate and stabilize his body and mind to finish writing, but unexpectedly, Zhu Qiyou suddenly increased his strength during the last stroke, and he picked up that stroke obliquely.

Seeing that a word was abolished, Zhu Qiyou didn't move again.Song Yi turned his head and glared at Zhu Qiyou resentfully, but his body was in his hands, so he had to give in and continue writing.Zhu Qiyou saw that he was well-behaved, and responded in his own hand.The word "Tong" was just halfway written, but there was a strong wind and rain below him.Song Yi stopped his hands in a daze, his legs spread out involuntarily, and Zhu Qiyou stopped his hands too.He didn't continue to wait until Song Yi reluctantly moved his pen.

The "Tong" trembled more and more. In the end, Song Yi only felt numb and weak in the half of his body, and he couldn't control his arms.His body bounced forward, and Zhu Qiyou strangled his waist, so he had to lie half prone between Zhu Qiyou and Yu An, his body shaking like a sieve.The last "hook" was written as water ripples, and the brush was collected into huge ink dots.

Then, the soft tip of the brush was bent, pressing a dry mark on the paper.Song Yi also fell down as if he lost his strength, put his face on the imperial case, and let out a comfortable breath.

After returning to his senses, Song Yi opened his eyes, and all he saw were crooked ink marks.

"Should we go this time?"

"The emperor is ruthless," Song Jingxin reached out to scoop him up, pulled him back into his arms and hugged him well, then rubbed his belly under his coat, "Kill him after using it?"

Song Yi straightened his expression, looked down at the bulging robe, and turned his eyes away: "I have to deal with official business."

"Business?" Zhu Qiyou moved his head closer, stubble brushing against Song Yi's earlobe.

Song Yi's face turned red again, he bit his lower lip, and lay down on Zhu Qiyou's shoulder with his head up.

"Your Majesty, Xun Kuan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, asks to see you."

The two of them cuddled together, and just as they were talking again, they heard Huang Xi screaming outside again.Song Yi was so frightened that he hit his tongue with his teeth hastily.He inspected his clothes and saw that the descriptions of the two were already in a mess, so he hurriedly stood up, but was staggered by the accessories around his waist.Looking down, it was the two people's Peiyu who were entangled together.

"Mister, please wait for a while." Song Yi told Huang Xi, "Come here and help me change my clothes."

Huang Xi responded, and Song Yi lowered his head again, and personally arranged the jade ornaments of the two.

Zhu Qiyou was not in a hurry, but he found Song Yi's description funny. "Your Majesty, I see that your appearance is very familiar."

Song Yi took apart the jade ornament, raised his eyes and asked, and saw the man replied with great interest: "It's like the prince who was caught by the emperor's uncle when he was visiting the brothel."

"It turns out that you are also afraid of Mr.! Hahaha!"


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