Clan House

Chapter 6

After autumn, the crown prince and Jin Wang entered the court to participate in politics.Song Jingxin didn't get clear rights and responsibilities, so she worked in the Wenhua Palace every day, handling some simple things for the emperor.Song Jingshi was arranged to enter the household department, and he also went to court with the emperor's officials.In this way, the two brothers had less time to meet in private, and they really drifted apart as Song Jingxin said.

During the reign of Emperor Xuanqing, the Great Dynasty was once every five days, and the early dynasty was changed to the Wu Dynasty.Apart from going to court, Song Jingxin spent most of her time studying and handling political affairs with the cabinet. Occasionally, she would be summoned by Emperor Xuanqing to inspect his recent actions.Since then, Song Jingxin has been busy, and there are countless pairs of eyes watching him, wanting to train the eagle to run the horse, but he can't be free.

The ban on Falcon Xiaokong has been lifted, Song Jingxin takes it in and out of the Eastern Palace every day, wishing he could bring this beast to court.The eagle was naturally happy to see its master, but the rules in the palace were too strict, it was not allowed to fly high, and was so bored all day long.

It rained for several days in succession, and the sky over the Forbidden Palace was shrouded in dark clouds, and even the inside of the palace was dark, making people feel oppressed and powerless after staying for a long time.In the Wenhua Hall, the overseer Mao Ziru, a university scholar, was not there, and Song Jingxin sat on the chair crookedly like a boneless one, looking at Zhezi one after another.

Wen Yanbin closed the umbrella, and a row of water droplets fell from the tip of the umbrella.He lifted up his official robe and crossed the threshold. The little eunuch brought a handkerchief and helped him to wipe off the water on Luoyi, and then he went into the hall to see the prince.Song Jingxin propped his forehead, and when he saw Wen Yanbin came back, he raised his eyes to glance at him, and waved his hand slightly to signal him to sit down freely.Wen Yanbin had known Song Jingxin since childhood, so he was naturally not polite, so he sat down and had a sip of tea first.

"The Ministry of Household Affairs has a meeting today, and His Royal Highness Jin Wang said that he will go to the East Palace to find you later." Wen Yanbin said to the crown prince.

Song Jingxin was very upset, closed the booklet and dropped the pen, and asked Wen Yanbin, "When will he come?"

"The king of Jin didn't say anything, but I figured it would be after dinner." Wen Yanbin said.

Song Jingxin whistled, and Xiaokong rushed in, brushed Wen Yanbin's forehead and flew to the table case, and finally landed on the pile of booklets.It also drenched some water outside, and after it stopped, it couldn't help shaking its hair, and it wet the memorial and the paper.Seeing that Song Jingxin didn't scold him, the beast jumped onto the desk again, scratching the evenly spread paper to pieces.

Song Jingxin laughed, pointing at the beast and said to Wen Yanbin: "Zhuoran, look at this big guy in this palace who is holding back. If the autumn hunting fails, the whole palace will probably be in peace."

When Wen Yanbin heard this, he knew that the crown prince was going to be a moth again, so he hurriedly got up and bowed: "Your Highness..."

Before he had time to say anything, the prince left the table and stopped him: "Mr. is not here today, and the left and right palaces can't approve the papers. Let's go out and find some entertainment."

There is Furong Pond in the southeast of the city, and peach willows are planted on both sides of it. In summer, the pool is full of hanzi, which is a good place for people to go on a boat for spring.

Yuanxiang Pavilion is built next to the pool, with one side facing the water and the other facing the street, with a height of three floors.The top floor is divided into private rooms, the corridor is facing the water, and the windows face the street, which is often used for tea and chatting.Now that it's autumn, the stalks in the pond have already withered, leaving some dead branches and residual lotus.

The guards of the royal residence turned into commoners and guarded the door, the little eunuch Wang Yu dozed off against the threshold, and the king of Chu, Song Yi, talked with a man in green clothes by the window.The closed doors and windows blocked the hustle and bustle of the city, and the two obviously didn't come to enjoy the scenery.

The green-clothed literati named Xun Kuan was Mei Shanmei Taichu's closed disciple and the youngest junior of Song Yi's teacher Mei Duanyang.

A few months ago, when Mei Duanyang went home to visit relatives, it happened that Mei Taichu had a sudden illness, so she took leave with Song Yi and stayed at home to take care of the sick.Mei Taichu was over seventy years old, she was just suffering from a minor illness, but it never got better.Mei Duanyang was unable to escape because of taking care of his father, so he recommended Xun Kuan to go to Beijing to give lectures to the King of Chu.

Xun Kuan became famous at a young age. He participated in the children's test at the age of 11 and was hailed as a child prodigy. At the age of 12, he participated in the provincial examination, and was noticed by the examiners because of his sharp and sophisticated writing style.The local governor saw that he was young and cherished his talent, worried that he would be arrogant after winning the exam, and after some encouragement and admonition, he failed the exam.After failing the provincial examination, Xun Kuan didn't take it seriously. He traveled with his uncle for five years, stopping at Meishan, and finally worshiped the great scholar Mei Taichu as his teacher.After that, Mei Duanyang studied hard and passed the provincial examination before he could. This time he came to Beijing to participate in the next year's Chunwei.

Because Mei Duanyang was a lecturer hired by Yingzong himself, Xun Kuan was only teaching on behalf of him, and he was famous, so it was inconvenient for him to teach in the Chu Palace.The two agreed on a time, and they often talked in the teahouse.

Different from the mature and prudent Mei Duanyang, this Mr. Xun is beautiful and humorous, and he carries a fan all the year round as a coquettish bag.He is a bit arrogant, but he never regards Song Yi as an ignorant child. He prefers to listen to Song Yi's own opinions than to follow the scriptures.Song Yi still read according to the list listed by Mei Duanyang, and asked Xun Kuan to teach him every five days.On the day of teaching, the two occasionally discussed some questions in the scriptures. More often, Xun Kuan told Song Yi what he had seen and heard during his travels.

"Does Your Highness know about Jiarong?" Xun Kuan asked.

"Students read "Tiangong Kaiwu", in which there are 'Nai Li' and 'Essence'. I don't know if it can be counted as knowing the harvest?" Song Yi said: "There is also a ceremony of offering sacrifices to the first farmers. Students see the 'Plowing Ceremony'. Do you know crops?"

Xun Kuan didn't comment, but asked: "After studying and watching the ceremony, does Your Highness know how to farm?"

Song Yi thought for a moment, and replied: "I don't know, I only know that the five grains are important, and farming is hard."

Xun Kuan asked again: "Does your Highness know that the common people eat more than just five grains?"

Song Yi didn't know.

"The territory of Luo Kingdom is vast," Xun Kuan said. "There are people who eat taro in the south, and there are people who eat corn in the north."

"Students are taught," Song Yi replied, "Reading should not be limited to books, and seeking knowledge should not just look around. Students also want to go out and have a look."

"Why don't you go?" Xun Kuan said with a smile, throwing off his fan.

Suddenly, there was a commotion downstairs, the sound of whips and the sound of horses alternately, and someone galloped through the city on horseback.The common people fled one after another, and the whole market was turned upside down for a while.Only a loud whistle was heard, and someone shouted loudly: "Xiao Kong, go!"

Song Yi frowned, pleaded guilty to Xun Kuan and went to push the window beside him.He was not tall enough, so he stood up without pushing, but Xun Kuan opened the window for him first.

In the market, Song Jingxin commanded Xiao Kong astride his horse.The bird ran amok, first pecked the old man's straw hat, flapped its wings and swung the grass clippings all over the old man's face; then it pecked the woman's hair, the young woman lost face and had to cover her face and weep .

Wen Yanbin didn't dare to ride the horse, it took a long time for the general to follow, seeing what the prince did, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the horse. "Dian...Brother Xin, let's run out of the city and make it!"

Song Jingxin whistled, directed Xiao Kong to fly to a kite stall, and grabbed a handful of kites in his paws.

"Be careful, don't scratch it!" "Line, don't forget the thread!"

Song Jingxin couldn't help making additional requests, and made Ying'er flustered.

"Whose dandy is this!"

Xun Kuan couldn't bear to look at this arrogance, and was about to go downstairs to stop it, but saw that Song Jingxin called the eagle back, and galloped away with a kite and a horse, and threw money to the peddler when passing by the kite stand.

Xun Kuan snorted, closed the window and sat down with Song Yi again.

"It was the crown prince who attacked the eagle, and the one who chased after him was the son of Marquis Ning'an, Wen Yanbin, the prince's guest." Song Yi explained to Xun Kuan that he had always been polite and was not a spectator in the middle of class.

"Marquis Ning An?" Xun Kuan thought for a moment, but he couldn't find this person in his memory, and suddenly felt that he didn't know much about it.

"Concubine Wen Gui's natal brother." Song Yi said.

Xun Kuan let out a snort, deciding in his heart that the crown prince was no good, but he said, "My lord, that's the way it is."

"Otherwise," Song Yi said, "Zhu Qiming, the son of Marquis Wuding, is a leader of the younger generation. If you meet him in the future, sir, you may be able to make friends with him."

Marquis Wu Ding is the hereditary title of the founding fathers, so it is naturally incomparable with Marquis Ning An.But the son of Marquis Wu Ding and the crown prince are also cousins, so Xun Kuan didn't answer Song Yi's words, he just said: "If Your Highness has official business to deal with, I will come here first today."

Song Yi shook his head, and said: "Students don't care about government affairs, and the security of the capital is managed by the magistrate. As for the family law within the clan, it will be dealt with after the teacher finishes his lecture."

On Song Jingxin's side, he didn't know that there was already a family law waiting for him.At night when he returned to the East Palace after dinner, he saw that the Crown Princess was still waiting, and accompanied her to drink some soup before sending someone back to his room to rest.The excerpts that hadn't been read during the day had already been brought back by someone. Song Jingxin lacked interest, but had no choice but to hurry up and read the excerpts.

Wen Yanbin's expectation was right, Song Jingshi's servant went back to the palace for dinner after he was on duty, and then he rode his horse into the palace to meet the prince.Song Jingxin has fallen out of favor in front of King Jin for a long time, and her resentment has run deep.At this time, someone came, and he neither gave up his seat nor served tea, and said sourly: "His Royal Highness Jin Wang, you are a rare guest!"

Song Jingshi couldn't laugh or cry, but he had to put on a good face.

"Has the crown prince seen the paperwork delivered by the household department?" Song Jingshi asked with a bow.

"Hey, this business-like tone, why don't you come during the day to talk about business!" Song Jingxin said angrily.

"Hey, there is really a discussion today. Can I lie to you about the scheduled time?" Song Jingshi said, "Brother, I have to talk to you about this in person. Have you read my brochure before? If you have any doubts, just ask me. My brother and I have made a plan like this, before the court meeting, we each withdraw the papers, just treat it as nothing, and don't let the emperor see it."

"It's fine to be against me," Song Jingxin said angrily, "When did you even learn how to deceive others!"

Seeing his appearance, Song Jingshi knew that he must not have read the booklet carefully, and sighed: "Good brother, I also want to go to the autumn hunt. I will naturally help you with this matter as usual. But now I am in charge of the household department. , If you are not in charge of the family, you don’t know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are!”

Song Jingxin snorted coldly: "Crying poor?"

"It's so poor!" Song Jingshi said to him, pointing his fingers, "Brother, do you know how much our Daluo taxes, spends, and has a surplus in the national treasury? The past few years since the father succeeded to the throne, the weather has been smooth. There are no natural disasters in the interior, the East China Sea is calm, and the northern border is not chaotic. You are a little richer. But this year, you and I will get married, and I will let it go. The wedding of the prince is a great gift of the country, and the money you spend is naturally unreasonable. Just because of our marriage, the salaries of the officials were delayed by three months. At the end of the year, when the local officials came to Beijing to report on their duties, they had to be given travel supplies, and next year it will be the Spring Festival, which all cost money. This is not counting the Mongolian ones. On the other side, I don’t know whether to fight or not this year. If you fight, the army will cost money;

Hearing this, Song Jingxin was furious immediately, and slapped his palm on the table: "You son of a bitch! If you dare to stop me from hunting in autumn, I will lead my troops to destroy you!"

Song Jingshi: ... His brother's attention is always different from ordinary people.

After lighting the lamp, Song Jingxin locked Xiaokong with a chain, and just closed his eyes in the corner.When Song Jingxin slapped the table, the eagle also woke up, flapping its wings thinking of Song Jingshi and flying over.Song Jingshi hadn't seen it for a long time, so he hugged the eagle and stroked it intimately.

"The prince learns to govern the country, and the younger brother learns to be in charge of a department. You can't know the difficulties of being an official until you get the details." Song Jingshi said, "The younger brother doesn't want to deceive the father, but you and I both know that the father has the idea of ​​hunting for autumn." , but no one mentioned it all the time. As long as the crown prince handed over the booklet, it would be difficult to refute. Once the father gave the order, the household department insisted on changing the money even if it had no money, and it would inevitably be another corruption. Although the younger brother did not read it A good book, and it doesn't have the benevolence of a saint, but I don't want to be a slave to the common people once I take office."

Song Jingxin rolled his eyes at his sister, and nodded his chin: "You see how close your eldest nephew is, but you are cold and heartless, neither coming to see him nor loving him!"

Song Jingshi "puchi" laughed: "Brother, you look like a dissatisfied woman in the palace."

When Song Jingxin heard this, she made a gesture to fight, and told Song Jingshi to hide.The King of Jin said again: "My good brother, I will take my brother and nephew to the barracks when I am free tomorrow, let's forget about autumn hunting!"

Song Jingxin snorted, and said again: "If you are..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Jingxin added in his heart: "It would be great if you were a real man."


【1】Wen Yanbin and Zhu Qiming are cousins ​​of Song Jingshi, Wen Yanbin is the son of his uncle, and Zhu Qiming is the son of his aunt.

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