Clan House

Chapter 59

On the day of the emperor's wedding, red lights were hung on the gates of all the palaces in the Forbidden Palace, and the royal road was covered with red carpets.The palace guards and guards each received their rewards, and the Feiyi Camp was naturally indispensable, and the whole palace was beaming with joy except for Zhu Qiyou.

Zhu Qiyou originally planned to take leave and go home to hide that day, but he never thought that Song Yi would still ask him to train birds at night.He was full of anger, but he couldn't get angry with the emperor, so he locked himself in the duty room and slept all day.

Zhu Qiyou expected that no one would care about him that day, so he drank some wine during the day.When the appointed time came, he washed and dressed leisurely, stole a jug of wine in his bosom, and leisurely came to Qianqing Palace.

Thinking that the emperor had welcomed the empress to the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Qiyou thought about it, but he couldn't think of where he, a bird walker, would be sent.

While thinking wildly, Zhu Qiyou came outside the Qianqing Palace, only to find that the courtyard was tightly guarded by the guards, not like a wedding room but like a prison for confinement.When he entered the courtyard, he found that it was quiet all around, not only was there no wedding ceremony person, even the palace attendant was gone.He woke up and couldn't find anyone to communicate, so he opened the door carefully and stepped into the palace.There was no one else in the Qianqing Palace, and Song Yi was standing in the middle of the palace, wearing an emperor's crown.

"You are late, I have been waiting for a long time." Song Yi said.He took two steps forward, carefully scrutinizing Zhu Qiyou's face: "Have you been drinking?"

"Uh..." Zhu Qiyou's mind was a little dull, he blinked at Song Yi, he was a real person, "Why is Your Majesty standing here, isn't it a big wedding, this Qianqing Palace... why is there no one?"

"I promised you one thing, you want me to show you wearing the crown alone." After finishing speaking, Song Yi stretched out his arms, as if he was really showing off the clothes.

"Mianfu is the emperor's wedding dress." He said.

However, Zhu Qiyou took a step back and murmured, "But... where's the queen?"

"The people next to me were sent back to sleep by me." Song Yi said, "In this Qianqing palace, you are my queen."

Zhu Qiyou thought to himself that the aftertaste of drinking is really strong. The emperor kept talking a lot, but he couldn't understand a single sentence.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I'm drunk today, so I'll take my leave first... Your Majesty?"

Before Zhu Qiyou finished speaking, Song Yi embraced his arms, and the twelve strings of jade beads in front of the crown were slapped directly on his face.Song Yi looked at him through the bead curtain, and when he spoke, the heat rushed to his mouth and nose: "I want you to be my queen tonight."

The cold jade beads stuck to his face, startling Zhu Qiyou a little drunk.

Such a distance allowed him to see clearly the features of Song Yi when he grew up.The little boy who liked to sulk his face back then has grown up, and now he still doesn't like to smile, but he is not pretending to be serious, but rather arrogant.The Song Yi in front of him is no longer as young as he was back then, and he no longer refuses Zhu Qiyou's feelings, but actively invites him.

Xiao wanted to throw himself into the arms of someone he had loved for many years, but Zhu Qiyou couldn't be happy.

"Your Majesty, stop talking nonsense. If you don't need to train the birds today, I will leave." Zhu Qiyou pushed Song Yi who was sticking to him away, and bowed in salute.

"There are imperial guards guarding outside, you can't get out of this courtyard." Song Yi said.

Zhu Qiyou only felt it was ridiculous: "Your Majesty wants to put the minister under house arrest, isn't it necessary?"

Song Yi approached Zhu Qiyou again, forced him against the wall, and took his hand: "If you want to get out of this palace, you need to have been married to me."

"Ridiculous!" Zhu Qiyou pushed the person outward, but because he didn't use much force, he was wrapped around his waist again. "It's you who say it can't be done, and it's you who say you must. How can the dignified emperor be so capricious!"

"I admire you." Song Yi said to him, "I have made it clear that I must keep you by my side. In the future, you will no longer be able to have a family, and you can only be my man."

Zhu Qiyou took a deep breath and laughed angrily at Song Yi's domineering behavior: "Your Majesty wants to be an underground husband and wife with my minister, have you asked me what I mean? Well, you are the emperor and you have the final say, then at least you will have the will Just let me know, so I can take a bath and burn incense to prepare, and wait for your Majesty to favor you."

The corners of Song Yi's mouth rose, revealing a pair of round dimples.He straightened his body forward, putting almost all his weight on Zhu Qiyou's waist.

"Are you angry?" he asked with a smile.

Zhu Qiyou gave him a blank stare in response.

"I've finished what I want to say, you can be angry if you love it, after all, you can't get out of this Qianqing Palace." Song Yi was in a good mood, he stood on tiptoe, opened the bead curtain and pecked at the man.Then he backed away and walked behind the screen. "I'm going to take a bath, you should think about it for yourself first. If you really don't want to, just take a shower and go to sleep."

There was a rustling sound behind the screen, Zhu Qiyou heard the sound of jade beads colliding, and guessed that it was Song Yi who took off the crown.There were only the two of them in this hall, and even Wang Yu was sent out by Song Yi.Zhu Qiyou secretly glanced at the figure reflected on the screen, thinking that this little emperor can really take off that complicated crown clothes by himself?

"Never mind him," Zhu Qiyou thought, "Take care of those useless thoughts in your spare time."

After a while, Song Yi really took off his mianfu by himself.The moment he stepped into the bathtub, a slender figure was projected on the screen.

Zhu Qiyou stared at the shadow on the screen, unable to figure out whether the little emperor did it on purpose or not.He found the small couch where Song Yi used to study, and without taking off his shoes, he comfortably curled his legs up and nestled into the soft cushion.He took out the jug that was warmed by his body temperature in his arms, and drank wine in front of Song Yi's figure.

When Song Yi walked out of the screen, he was wearing a bright red jacket, and his black hair was loose and falling down.

On this day, many red candles were lit in the hall, and the face of the emperor was also red.He seemed a little nervous, and walked for a long time with small steps before bumping into the drunk in the small couch.

There was a wine jug on the small table, Zhu Qiyou seemed to have drunk a lot, his cheeks were blush with intoxication.

"Qing's nature is hard to change. You have knelt down so many times in the clan's house. Should you say that you are genuine or don't have a long memory." Song Yi said with a smile, "What kind of mess are you doing? Don't tell me you are on duty for a hangover. How dare you drink wine on the emperor's bed."

Zhu Qiyou was still angry, so he ignored the emperor's words and just stared at the dimples when the emperor smiled.But seeing Song Yi lift the jug upside down, there was still a sip of wine left, so he didn't avoid suspicion, and directly drank the wine from the spout.

"So, I and Qing are guilty of the same crime, and you are not guilty." Song Yi said.

Zhu Qiyou remained silent, seeing Song Yi's rare gentle smile, he took the wine pot from his hand and put it aside, and took him into his arms.He sat up a little bit upright, hugged Song Yi by the waist, and made him sit on his lap with his legs spread apart.The waist in the hand was slender, and Zhu Qiyou couldn't help touching it a few more times.

Song Yi's body trembled, his legs moved inward involuntarily, and he pressed his body in the direction of the man.

"What are you doing, Your Majesty, rushing to throw yourself into your arms?" Zhu Qiyou said with a smile.

"That's what you say," Song Yi leaned his head on the man's chest, "Is Qing still satisfied?"

"Your Majesty's appearance is excellent, but I don't have much interest in His Majesty." Zhu Qiyou said.

Song Yi propped himself up and looked down at the man's expression: "Is this true?"

Zhu Qiyou didn't answer, and Song Yi stroked his face again: "If you don't want to, forget it, go to bed earlier. It's just that there is only one bed in my bedroom, so you have to sleep with me, or you will have to sleep in this small bed." Sit on the couch overnight... hey..."

Before Song Yi finished speaking, Zhu Qiyou suddenly turned over and got out of bed, reversed the posture of the two and pressed him on the couch.Song Yi was thrown into the couch, only to feel that the couch was covered by the smell of alcohol.He just took a bath, so he wore very little clothes, and was ripped off by Zhu Qiyou a few times, revealing the fine white skin that has been pampered all year round.

Zhu Qiyou was still wearing the silver-white flying fish suit. He took off his belt to tie Song Yi up, but he thought it was too short.He raised his eyes and saw the red curtain of the interior decoration, and pulled it off, wrapped around Song Yi's hands and feet one by one, and hung it behind his neck.Song Yi was a little surprised at first, but he still obeyed Zhu Qiyou's movements, but the hanging posture was really weird, which made him twist his body uncomfortably.

"Are you not angry anymore?" Song Yi asked.

"If you're not angry, let's go to sleep first." Zhu Qiyou said.

"Your Majesty's preparations are too sloppy. I have spent so much time studying the spring books, have I only learned so much?"

"I also asked Wang Yu to find some utensils, but Wang Yu's idiot would have misunderstood it, and thought it was I who wanted to mess with you. Most of the things I found were useless."

"What did the prince find?"

"It's in that box." Song Yi's hands and feet were bound, so he could only show the position with his chin, and then sent his body forward.

This room Zhu Qiyou opened the box, and saw that many items were packed in brocade boxes.

Zhu Qiyou opened them one by one to see, good guy, this Wang Yu really knows how to play.There was a box full of items that were not duplicated, some of which even Zhu Qiyou had never seen before.

He took out a pair of mian bells from a box the size of a palm. Wen Yanbin had bought fakes of these things before, but now holding this longan-sized thing in his hands, he was really trembling and jumping.Zhu Qiyou took the mian bell, which is still not usable at this time.He saw that another box contained a complete set of jade bottles of different sizes, with two small jade bottles next to it, one with the book "Yulu" and the other with the book "Qing Dan".

"I don't think it should be used, but I think the utensils purchased by Wang Gonggong are very good." Zhu Qiyou put the box of jade guns on the low table and sat back in front of the couch.

"Use it if you like it," Song Yi said, with his legs still tied, and barely raised his head to look at him, "but today we can only use one."

Zhu Qiyou smiled and ignored it, poured out a love pill, and pushed the pill away with his nails.I saw that the sugar coating on the outside of the pill was extremely thick, and the elixir inside was only the size of a mung bean. I imagined that the medicine was extremely bitter.He threw the Qingdan aside, opened the Yulu again, and saw that it was a jelly-like transparent round pellet.

"Forget it, if you want to use it, use it, and remember to be more restrained." The emperor discussed it.

Zhu Qiyou still didn't answer, he leaned over Song Yi's body, ran his fingertips through Song Yi's black hair, and held his head up firmly with his big hands.Song Yi relaxed his lips and tongue, allowing Zhu Qiyou to stick his tongue into his mouth. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the brows of the man in front of him.


Zhu Qiyou put him down and wandered around the hall mindlessly, but he couldn't find any sign of eating.The sugar-coating of the love pill was thrown on the low table earlier, and he was told to look at it, so he pushed aside the bottle of love pill, picked up the sugar-coating and fed it to Song Yi.Song Yi was in a daze, and he didn't know what Zhu Qiyou fed him, but he thought it was delicious and sweet, so he swallowed it all.Zhu Qiyou waited for a while, and saw that Song Yi hadn't improved, only that the quantity was small, and he still needed to find some sugar water and pastries.

In order to force Zhu Qiyou to submit, Song Yi expelled all the palace people from Qianqing Palace, and the gate was guarded by imperial guards, which made it impossible for him to get out even if he wanted to find something to eat.Zhu Qiyou just felt angry and funny, he patted Song Yi's face, and asked him, "Where's Wang Yu?"

Song Yi also understood what he meant, blushed immediately, reached out and rang the bell by the window three times.

After a while, Wang Yu trotted to the door, only standing outside the door waiting for orders.

"Wang Gonggong went to find some sweet food, and His Majesty fell into dizziness." Zhu Qiyou said, "Hurry up, go to the kitchen and have a look, if there is any sweet food, bring it directly."

Wang Yu responded and left quickly.

Zhu Qiyou sighed, feeling embarrassed for the first time to be happy to have such an ending.His lower body was still stiff, and he was supposed to deal with it roughly, but Song Yi suddenly entangled him.

Wang Yu didn't dare to instruct others, so he went to the small kitchen to get some food, filled another pot of sugar water, and trotted back to Qianqing Palace.He called for the door outside, and only after hearing Zhu Qiyou's call to come in did he dare to open the door and enter.

As soon as he entered the hall, a strong smell of lust came to his nostrils, and Wang Yu blushed immediately.Holding the food box, he saw that the bed curtains had been lowered and the emperor and the general were both on the bed, so he went straight to the bed to distribute the food.He opened the food box, first took out the pot of sugar water and poured it out, and then he heard a groan from the emperor inside the account, and the prince almost broke the cup in shock.

"Don't waste time, I'll go get some food."

"Don't go, um... um... what did you give me to eat?"

Outside, Wang Yu was so startled that he almost knelt down, and he didn't dare to serve any more food. Even if he wanted to run, Zhu Qiyou stopped him.

"I can't move now, please ask the prince to bring in a cup of sweet water."

Wang Yu almost cried, handed over a cup of sugar water tremblingly, and ran away as if oiling the soles of his feet.

In this room, Zhu Qiyou supported Song Yi to sit on his own, and brought the cup to Young Nian's lips.Song Yi drank in a hurry, pushed the empty cup away, and the cup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

After such an absurd night, Song Yi's medicinal strength was finally over.

In the end, the two hugged each other, closing their eyes exhaustedly.Song Yi's body was dirty, Zhu Qiyou wanted to clean it up for him, and wanted to say something about himself, but he couldn't make any effort.The two of them fell into a deep sleep lying on their sides in the same position.


emmm... there are can go to Wei (that) Bo to find it, the name is the same as the pseudonym

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