Clan House

Chapter 51

Emperor Xuanqing swallowed his breath aggrieved, or the emissary of the Taiyuan Hospital noticed something was wrong, so he took a closer look.Seeing the emperor's red face and glaring eyes, the court envoy took two steps back in fright, and said in a mournful voice: "My lords, stop arguing, and look at your majesty, your majesty... has passed away."

"Your Majesty..." Chen Jingxian pushed away the fighting cabinet ministers, crawled to the bed with a bruised face, and howled endlessly.

The rest of the people in the hall also knelt down and kowtowed to the ground.

After the ceremony, Song Yi was the first to get up.His face was pale, apparently he didn't even bother to put on an appearance.

"The emperor is dead, and everything is still undecided," Song Yi found the commander He Qi, and said to him, "Please commander He continue to guard the Xianfu Palace, and don't let the news leak out. Wait for the king to discuss with the cabinet ministers and come up with a regulation. Then send out the funeral.”

"Yes." He Qi had no objection, and stepped back respectfully.

"My lords, please put an end to your grief and discuss the emperor's funeral together," Song Yi said.

After hearing what he said, all the officials stopped crying and got up from the ground.

Seeing their unified attitude, Chen Jingxian felt terrified.He didn't care about crying anymore, he hurriedly crawled to the desk where he planned to recruit, and hugged the draft edict in his arms.Everyone was already disdainful of him. Seeing his movements, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on him.

"What, why... our family is appointed by His Majesty to assist... the auxiliary minister..."

"I stammered three times in one sentence, Chen Zhangyin is a minister, and I don't even have the confidence." Xun Kuan said strangely, he wanted to slap the fan, but in front of the dead emperor, he somewhat restrained himself.

"That's also His Majesty... Your Majesty's golden words, imperially appointed..." Chen Jingxian said firmly.

"Your Majesty ordered it," Xun Kuan said, "Then Chen Zhangyin really dares to accept this job?"

"Our family is naturally..." Chen Jingxian wanted to be tougher, and he had to live up to His Majesty's expectations no matter what.I thought in my heart that it should be true, but tears fell all over the floor: "Then what should our family do..."

"Don't cry," Gu Ming gave him a dark look, but he felt relieved of a concern in his heart, "As long as you cooperate well and don't try to get involved in government affairs, naturally no one will make things difficult for you."

"Chen Zhangyin has served His Majesty half his life, and he could have been raised in the palace, so don't be confused at this critical moment." Song Yi said.

If these words came from the mouth of the minister, Chen Jingxian would not believe it.But the King of Chu is a clan relative and a clan order, so he has more or less a say in the affairs of the inner court.When he got the guarantee, he became more obedient, and presented the will to the king of Chu with both hands.

Song Yi didn't move, and King Gaoyang took the edict behind him.

The King of Chu looked around the hall and saw that all the ministers had different thoughts and expressions, and they were all thinking about not wanting to speak first.The queen was very frustrated just now, seeing that everyone seemed to be disobedient, she leaned forward and leaned over.

In the end, it was Song Yi who opened the topic: "Everyone, Your Majesty left in a hurry, and this edict needs to be discussed. Now that the six cabinet ministers are here, it is better to invite a few princes from Beijing to the palace to discuss the embellishment of the edict."

"It's better not to disturb too many people," the queen's eyes flickered, "Da Luo's most important clan is the emperor's uncle. Since you are here, there is no need for other princes to enter the palace."

Many people echoed the queen's words, even Fu Yan thought it was reasonable.

Song Yi could also understand that, after all, the edict involved the interests of everyone, and more people came, and more interests were drawn out.

"Then let's discuss it quickly," Song Yi didn't insist, "but there are two things I want to remind everyone.

For one thing, Yu Zhaoyi is still in labor, and it is unknown whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.If it is a princess, there will be more troubles.

Second, the crown prince is missing and the princess of the Jin Kingdom is also outside the palace. Although the Marquis of Yongding was ordered to leave Beijing, there were some changes in the Marquis' residence a few days ago.At this time, His Majesty died, and it was necessary to guard against the rebellion of Yongdinghou. "

The faces of all the officials were heavy, and even Gu Minghui couldn't see what Song Yi was up to.

"Then what does His Highness mean?" Gu Minghui asked.

"What this king means is that first of all, we must block the news and stabilize the army and courtiers. Now the news is still limited to the Xianfu Palace. As long as you are committed, it will not be known by those who are interested. But outside, the garrison in Beijing needs to be controlled. Yongding Governor Hou has defended the capital for many years, and he must prevent him from bewitching the army to rebel.

Second, we must control the key figures.The whereabouts of the prince must be found as soon as possible, and King Jin also needs to be closely monitored.This king's suggestion is that it is best to take the family members of Marquis Yongding and King Jin into the palace to take care of them, so that nothing will go wrong.

Finally, discuss the content of the will.Let's openly say that everyone present has factions, and it is difficult to unify the distribution of interests.Therefore, on the basis of giving priority to the country, seek common ground while reserving differences.Regardless of whether Yu Zhaoyi's child is a boy or a girl, there should be separate rules and regulations. "

Song Yi was very organized, and all the officials had no objections.Chen Jingxian who had originally retreated to the side came up and said in a low voice: "Empress, all princes, my lords, I have something to say."

"Tell me." Song Yi said.

"Before everyone came to Xianfu Palace, His Majesty had issued a decree to order Commander He to inform the five armies' governors' mansion that no troops should be mobilized without the emperor's edict. Also, His Majesty told the servants that tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet will be normal. The courtiers, relatives, internal and external The wives and children must attend. When people enter the palace, they will be guarded by the Imperial Army at the Taiye Pool."

"Your Majesty is thoughtful," Song Yi looked at the ministers, "Then we will follow His Majesty's will?"

"This..." All the ministers faltered, none of them wanted their family members to enter the palace as hostages.

"Since the family members of the Beijing officials are going to be held as hostages in the palace, you adults should set an example. We can't just be special." Song Yi said lightly, "Could it be that you have other thoughts? If you don't have selfish intentions, Given Commander He's upright conduct, wouldn't it hurt your family members?"

"Your Highness is right."

Everyone was convinced, but they cursed the King of Chu in their hearts.He, Song Yi, had enough food for himself and the whole family was not hungry, so he had the face to say such sarcastic remarks.

The ministers in the side hall were still at a stalemate, but they could hear a commotion from the next door.

"Yu Zhaoyi gave birth to a little prince, mother and child are safe!"

The empress couldn't hide her surprise on her face, she patted her chest and took a long breath, already thinking about the day when she would become empress dowager.

"It's inconvenient for foreign ministers, the empress should go and have a look." Song Yi said.

Only then did the empress come to her senses, and she gave Gu Minghui a look, and didn't mention it since she went to see the little prince.

"It's passed on to the second son of the emperor, so this matter is settled, and His Majesty's last wish has also been fulfilled." Gu Minghui said.

Mao Ziru agreed: "Do you want to draw up a taboo name for the little prince, or how to write the edict?"

"My lords, don't be too optimistic," Xun Kuan said. "According to Daluo's habit, King Qin and King Wei are also the heirs in line. Can they be convinced that they will be passed on?"

"The two princes lost their morals first, and there is a legacy, so they can't help but refuse to obey." Mao Ziru said.

"Lord Mao is right," Song Yi glanced at Xun Kuan, "as long as everyone present agrees, the two of you will be fine."

Mao Ziru smiled triumphantly, the crown prince lost his power, and he quickly joined Gu Minghui's camp: "Then plan to recruit, pass it on to the second son of the emperor, the queen mother hangs the curtain, and the king of Chu is regent, how about it?"

He originally wanted to add Gu Minghui to assist the government, but as a minister, he recommended ministers to assist the government, so it was inevitable that he would be suspected of forming a party for personal gain.Besides, everyone knows that Empress Gu and Gu Shangshu are a family, if they recommend both, the King of Chu will definitely not agree.

Xun Kuan curled his lips and cursed secretly. "Everyone, let's think about the prince's matter first. Before the matter is resolved, how can we explain the reason for changing the heir to the courtiers and relatives?"

"Shangshu Xun is right." Song Yi looked at Gu Minghui, "When the will is announced tomorrow, someone will definitely ask about it. We must not let the crown prince and His Majesty die together."

Gu Minghui and Song Yi looked at each other for a while, but they didn't mention the will after all. "What's your opinion, His Royal Highness King Chu?"

"When investigating this matter, His Majesty made it easier for me to discuss not to make it public. Firstly, it is for the face of the royal family, and secondly, so as not to implicate too many people." Song Yi said, "But now, in order to convince the courtiers, I still have to come up with reasonable explanation."

"My king thinks this way. Before tomorrow's banquet, Chen Zhangyin will go to announce the urgent government affairs, and gather the courtiers and relatives of the third rank and above in the Jiaotai Hall. It is private, free, and has a lot of space. Afterwards, the king will report the results of the prince's investigation. Inform all the ministers and ask for witnesses and physical evidence. After explaining the situation, ask the ministers not to spread it to the outside world.

After that, Chen Zhangyin can announce the news of His Majesty's death, inform all the ministers that Yu Zhaoyi will give birth to a son, and then read out the drafted will.If the ministers and workers present have any objections, they will be resolved on the spot.After the throne is confirmed, they will be released back to Taiye Pool.

After that, strike the bell to mourn for His Majesty.Chen Zhangyin went to Taiyechi to read out the will again, as if no one had any objections.We only need to say that the prince died suddenly, and those low-level officials will only think that there is something inside that they should not know when they see that the superior has no objection, and will not make a big fuss. "

"Your Highness's method is good, but there is a problem. The Crown Prince himself has not been found yet." Gu Minghui said, "When His Highness explains the situation, if the courtiers want to see the Crown Prince in person to testify, how will His Highness make the distinction?"

"You don't have to worry about Mr. Gu." Song Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, "The prince is a man, and this king really understands. As long as this king is willing to look for him, he will be arrested soon."

Gu Minghui was startled, guessing that the crown prince had already fallen into Song Yi's hands, but he really couldn't think of how this man planned to play chess next.

The two looked at each other and raised eyebrows.Mao Ziru looked at both sides, and came out with a smile to smooth things over: "Your Highness, this method is very good! Very good!"

"Then it's decided that His Royal Highness the King of Chu will be made the Regent, and the Empress of the Central Palace will be the Empress Dowager, who will listen to the government behind the curtain?" Fu Yan asked with a frown.

"Uncle and nephew and daughter-in-law are in charge of the government together, which is against etiquette and inappropriate." Song Yi said.

The queen was not there, the princes didn't speak up, and the ministers present were embarrassed to recommend themselves.After a long silence, Mao Ziru bit the bullet and asked, "Then what do you mean, please invite Gu Shangshu to assist the government?"

Song Yi sneered: "Gu Shangshu is a foreign relative who assists the government? Then the court of Daluo still has the surname Song?"

If Gu Li were here, he would definitely say: This world belongs to the people of the world, not to your Song family.It's a pity that Gu Minghui is good at calculation and has no confidence to refute, so he lost a round like this.

Mao Ziru didn't dare to speak anymore, so it was Gu Minghui who asked, "What do you think Your Highness should do?"

"Your Majesty came down in a hurry. He only said that he was the second son of the emperor, and he had no other instructions." Song Yi said lightly.

Crowd: ...

At this time, the queen walked in with the child in her arms, her face was full of joy, she didn't know that she missed the opportunity to listen to the government.The newborn cries loudly and is very healthy. Everyone is relieved to see it.

"How is Yu Zhaoyi?" Song Yi asked the queen.

"Yu Zhaoyi is not blessed, she bleeds too much, she has already passed away." The queen pretended to mourn.

Song Yi glanced at her, reached out and took the child to hug her, but he hugged her in a dignified way. "Yu Zhaoyi worked hard in childbirth, so she should be named a noble concubine in the will."

"Should be," the empress smiled awkwardly, "Uncle Huang should give the second prince a name."

Song Yi didn't refuse, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Let's call him Jing Ye."

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