Clan House

Chapter 49

Two months later, Yu Zhaoyi will give birth soon.

Emperor Xuanqing has always been concerned about the movement of this child, and he has sent many people to protect it to prevent the newborn child from being tampered with.He has been in seclusion for the past two months, assigned many chores to Song Jingxin, and the authority of the empress was also returned from the hands of the imperial concubine.Not only to paralyze Donggong, but also because his health is really bad.Up to now, the emperor still can't trust the imperial doctor in the world, so he only asked to take the pulse in a low voice and prescribed some mild conditioning prescriptions.

Wei Yan didn't say anything superfluous, knowing that His Majesty was in a hurry and needed to calm down and recuperate slowly.

One night, Yu Zhaoyi was activated.A eunuch reported to Qianqing Palace, and Emperor Xuanqing hurriedly changed his clothes and rushed to Xianfu Palace without thinking about sleeping.

Yu Zhaoyi's baby was raised very well, she ate too much nourishing food, and the fetus was huge.She had a difficult life, and Emperor Xuanqing could hear the movement in the palace from a long distance.The queen arrived earlier. When Emperor Xuanqing came, he happened to meet the queen's palace servants turning around a court lady in the hallway.

"What's going on?" the emperor asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty," the palace man replied, "it's a maid from Jingren Palace. She was sneaking around outside Xianfu Palace just now. I don't know what she was looking for. It happened to be seen by the empress, so she ordered the servants to take her down."

The palace lady was gagged and her body couldn't help struggling, obviously she was extremely wronged.Yu Zhaoyi gave birth to such a big event, and everyone in the Six Palaces cared about it.As an imperial concubine, it is normal to send a court lady over to check on the situation.But the palace servant didn't know whose order it was, and made the simple matter ambiguous, as if the imperial concubine had hidden evil intentions.

Emperor Xuanqing was really furious when he heard this, he didn't care about the maid's explanation at all, and he became even more resentful against the imperial concubine.He has been very angry lately, even after drinking Wei Yan's medicine, he can't stabilize it, and he gets angry easily.There was another surge of energy and blood, and Emperor Xuanqing felt dizzy. He asked Chen Jingxian to support him for a while before he woke up.

"Empress Zhaoyi has a difficult delivery!"

"Save the child!" The queen's voice came from the hall, "No matter what, we must keep the child!"

Emperor Xuanqing's feet were weak, and he was about to fall down. He was supported by several internal officials to stabilize his body.He raised his hand and grasped tremblingly in the air.Seeing this, Chen Jingxian passed his arm over, and Emperor Xuanqing immediately held it.The emperor found the backbone when he saw the companions around him.

"Order the imperial army to enclose the East Palace and Jingren Palace, and no one can enter without my order!" Xuanqing Emperor panted, "Especially the crown prince, you must show me that he is not allowed to exchange news with the outside of the palace! "

"Yes, the Empress is here, why don't you go back to Qianqing Palace to rest?" Chen Jingxian suggested worriedly.

"No," Emperor Xuan Qing grasped Chen Jingxian's wrist, "I want to watch the safe birth of my emperor's son in person here!"

After Shao Kai dismounted, He Qi succeeded as the leader of the Forbidden Army.This person's qualifications are very old, and he was highly valued in the Ningde Dynasty. He has always been upright and does not stand for factions.After Emperor Xuanqing issued his decree, he surrounded Jingren Palace and East Palace.

Seeing this posture, the imperial concubine was so flustered that she didn't know what to do. She had no confidants around her, so she could only lock herself in the bedroom and cry.

On the other side of the East Palace, the crown prince has disappeared.After He Qi surrounded the East Palace, he ordered all the palace personnel to be guarded, asked about the prince's whereabouts, and learned that he had left the palace the day before.

Song Jingxin has been restless recently, but because he had a long conversation with Song Jingshi before, he has been staying in the East Palace peacefully.Although he is dull, the recent atmosphere in the palace really makes him feel that the rain is about to come.Fortunately, Emperor Xuanqing entrusted him with many mundane tasks, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has something to do, so he will not be idle all day long.

The prince didn't continue, so the daughter of the princess was still raised by his side.He is much quieter than before, and when he is free, he just takes care of the children and teases the birds.The parrot that can only curse was trained by the prince himself, and he also learned a few poems and said a few auspicious words.As for those commonplace words, it will not take long to forget them.

After self-cultivation, Song Jingxin had more leisure time, and her thoughts became more complicated than before.He has never been a person with great ambitions, and when he is emotional, his heart is full of lovesickness.

That Song Yi didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he came to tease him every now and then.He himself seldom visited the door, but he often sent people to the East Palace to deliver things.Although there are no expensive items, just some exquisite food and knacks, they always catch Song Jingxin's liking.

Normally, if the prince likes someone, no matter whether the other party is a man or a woman, it is easy to be noticed.This time the love was very private, only the crown prince knew about it, not even the other party, King Chu, knew what was going on in his heart.The palace people around the two were also ignorant, they had sent many things back and forth, and they only thought that the East Palace had a good relationship with the King of Chu.

The only one who was in trouble was Song Jingxin, who was extremely tormented by Song Yi's indifferent attitude.It is absolutely undesirable to refuse, but if you ask the other party to challenge it, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince does not have the guts to break through the etiquette.

Song Yi's birthday was before the Mid-autumn Festival, because he stayed in Beijing for a while and never made a big deal, so few people knew the date.

Song Jingxin was one of the rare people who received the invitation, because as far as he knew, Song Jingshi was not invited.After knowing this, Song Jingxin was not as worried as usual, he had a secret in his heart, and he didn't want his sister to know his feelings.It happened that Song Jingshi and Song Yisu never got along, which saved him a lot of trouble.

When the day came, Song Jingshi woke up early to tidy up his appearance.He put on the robe he had prepared the day before, but when he tied his belt, he found that it was an inch thicker. He was immediately annoyed and clamored not to wear it.I tried on a few clothes, and changed the hair crown many times. I tossed and tossed until the sky was bright, and I didn't have time to eat breakfast.

It was too late, Song Jingxin picked up the birdcage and walked out.Huang Xi was preparing a meal, when he saw his master running away, he chased after him sadly holding a brocade box containing gifts.On the other hand, Rongxiu was already prepared, and chased after Huang Xi to stop him, and stuffed him with two hot buns wrapped in greased paper.

Song Jingxin went out of the palace gate and saw a carriage coming to pick her up.The driver was the eunuch De Lin who had already left the palace. He knew that the King of Chu liked to be quiet, so he held a banquet in the villa and ordered him to come and pick up the prince.When Song Jingxin saw De Lin, he naturally did not suspect him, so he only brought Huang Xi and a few followers, and left the Forbidden Palace under the leadership of De Lin.

The night before, Song Jingxin forced the parrot to say auspicious words all night, in order to please Song Yi.After getting in the car, the bird was so tired that Song Jingxin was still worried and forced him to continue practicing.

He hadn't seen Song Yi for many days. In the past, because of his lack of understanding, he was looking forward to and apprehensive every time he met.Now that they have been separated for a long time, he is thinking day by day that when they meet again, his anticipation has already overwhelmed his fear.

After this period of lovesickness, he also thought a lot clearly.Regardless of whether Song Yi has that kind of thought for him or not, their kinship is always there. As long as they keep in touch, it is not difficult to meet often, and they are not afraid of some intimate actions.Thinking about it a little bit, if Song Yi really liked him, then they could also communicate quietly, so it would be difficult for outsiders to find out.The only worry is that Song Yi is a vassal king and has his own fief after all.After he reaches the crown, if his father forces him to surrender, it will be very difficult to see each other.He had to find a way to keep Song Yi in the capital, or he had to recall him back to the capital when he became emperor.

Song Jingxin was dreaming, sometimes happy and sometimes worried, and was quickly driven out of the city by the carriage.

After leaving the city, Song Jingxin felt that the route was unfamiliar.He opened the curtain of the car, and was about to ask about De Lin's situation, but then remembered that Song Yi had more than ten manors in the suburbs of the city, and it was normal to change to one he had never been to.Besides, it's midsummer now, so it's not suitable for entertaining guests.

The carriage drove for a while, and when it came out of the woods, people gradually became crowded again.Hearing Delin say "Here we are", the carriage stopped slowly.Song Jingxin got out of the car and saw thatched huts strewn about, it was quite wild.

"The emperor's uncle has a taste for elegance," Song Yi asked with a smile, "I don't know which family it is from?"

With a little guidance from De Lin, the houses were scattered and there was a courtyard surrounded by a bamboo fence. The gate of the courtyard was also a thatched shed, which was very inconspicuous.Song Jingxin raised his eyebrows, carried the birdcage and walked towards the courtyard.A few attendants followed closely behind, and someone guided them to drink tea in the side courtyard, leaving only Huang Xi to accompany them.

Song Jingxin followed De Lin, and saw that the area enclosed by the bamboo fence was quite large, like another manor.In the garden, there are no cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs. Looking around, it is actually a green paddy field.Song Jingxin was extremely comfortable with the sudden expanse of vision. He took a few breaths, looked around, and saw a group of courtyards not far away, which may be the venue for the banquet.

"Prince Huiyan," De Lin nodded and said, "Your Highness has arrived, please invite His Highness to the banquet."

As Song Jingxin got closer, he saw that the house was in ruins and covered with moss. "This house seems to have not been repaired for a long time."

"Returning to Your Highness, the Chu Palace has too many properties. Our Highness doesn't like extravagance, and we didn't allocate money to take care of the house." Delin said, bowing and making a gesture of invitation, "But the house is very strong. , Your Highness need not worry."

The gate of the courtyard was already wide open, Song Jingxin stepped over the threshold, and felt unusually quiet, not like there was a banquet arrangement at all.He felt weird, but he didn't doubt it, and walked into the yard.

The garden is not only quiet, but also very clean, not even a decorative bonsai.Song Jingxin felt even more weird, and wanted to ask De Lin, but saw that the eunuch had already retreated a long way.

Song Jingxin realized later, and finally had a sense of danger.He didn't have a sword today, and he didn't carry any other self-defense weapons.In an emergency, he suddenly became very wise, pulled Huang Xi away, and whistled to remind the guards who came with him to be careful.Unexpectedly, a large net was suddenly cast in the air, covering the prince, master and servant tightly.

Delin was nowhere to be seen, while Song Jingxin faced a dozen strong men dressed as guards, and all of them were experts.Song Jingxin's body was restrained, and Huang Xi, who was dragging his feet, was quickly defeated and was tightly tied up by a group of rough men with ropes.

"There's an assassin! Escort..." Huang Xi was a coward, his legs limp from fright, and he collapsed on the ground with his eyes closed, screaming faintly.

The assassins didn't care about their yelling. After all, this village didn't go in front of the village or back in the store, and Song Jingxin just whistled but didn't get any feedback. Apparently, several attendants were also caught.He looked at these assassins, but he felt embarrassed, and it was difficult to judge who was instigating them.It's just that Delin is clearly a confidant of the King of Chu, if these people are appointed by the King of Chu... Song Jingxin feels at ease.He thought to himself that maybe the emperor's uncle would do something, but he was worried that he would cause trouble and wanted to trap him for two days.

"There are assassins! Escort!"

"You son of a bitch! You bastard! You'll be exiled for three thousand miles..."

Delin was tired of shouting, so the unlucky parrot couldn't stop shouting.The cage was overturned during the fight, and the parrot flapped its wings and cursed inside.

"Sure enough, things look like their masters, and the prince's birds are so uneducated..."

A delicate figure came out in response, and the assassins nodded to her and moved out of the way.The girl's long hair was braided, she was wearing a neat bunt, and she had a small crossbow on her shoulders.Song Jingxin had seen that bow and crossbow before, but at this moment, he pointed directly at his eyebrows without thinking about it.

"Gu Lingmiao..."


Prince's Self-Strategy

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