Clan House

Chapter 37

The nine beauties hired by Tingting stood in front of Song Yi, and Song Yi accepted it calmly, with a hint of surprise in his expression.

"Isn't this Miss Gu Wu?"

"Miss Gu entered the palace a few days ago and was assigned to be a maid in the East Palace. I saw her careful and respectful, and thought that there was only Wang Yu by my uncle's side, and he didn't have a capable maid, so I sent her here to serve my uncle," Song Jingxin said. , "The remaining eight are also able-bodied people in the Jin Palace. They are all from good families and have good looks. They are sent here together. I hope that the emperor's uncle will not dislike them."

"The crown prince and King Jin have a heart." Song Yi nodded, and ordered Wang Yu to take the beauties down and resettle them. "It's noon, you two should stay for a light meal."

Song Yi accepted the beauty, neither happy nor angry, which was beyond the expectation of the two princes.At first Song Jingxin gave Song Jingshi this idea, the purpose of solving the queen's eyeliner was small, and more of it was to make fun of Song Yi.But he never thought that Song Yi was young, but he was calm in dealing with things, and he was not shy in the first love affairs.

Song Jingxin felt a little frustrated, as the crown prince, he never showed the slightest dignity in front of the King of Chu.Thinking of being taught a lesson by Song Yi just now in the teahouse, he felt even more annoyed, so he secretly pulled Song Jingshi's sleeve and whispered to her.

"What?" Song Jingshi was also surprised by King Chu's attitude, and felt uneasy that what he was going to eat next was a Hongmen banquet.

Thinking of Song Jingshi's usual doubts about the King of Chu, Song Jingxin took back the words that came to his lips, and said, "Isn't the emperor's uncle holding back some big moves?"

"I look at it," Song Jingshi said in a low voice, "However, this time, nine beauties were sent to the palace to send eight, so the emperor's uncle should have more sins against me."

"I'm thinking, don't do anything to get caught by him recently." Song Jingshi slowed down, seeing that he was far away from the king of Chu, he elbowed Song Jingxin, "Brother, from the Zongren Mansion Is prison food delicious?"

There is no so-called Hongmen Banquet, Song Yi sincerely invited these two people to dinner.Since he set his target on Song Jingshi, he began to be gentle.

"The mother and concubine's matter is thanks to the help of the two. The king has always wanted to find an opportunity to thank King Jin and the crown prince." Song Yi filled a glass of wine and drank it with his head up. "In the future, you don't have to be restrained in the palace, please."

The two looked at each other and drank their wine in a friendly manner.Song Jingxin picked up a piece of rabbit meat and subconsciously handed it to Song Yi's bowl.Seeing that Song Yi picked up a piece of dried bamboo shoot pickily and picked up the chopped green onion with chopsticks, he reluctantly ate it.The outstretched hand barely turned around, and the rabbit meat went into Song Jingshi's bowl. "I thought that the emperor's uncle ate lightly, but I didn't think that the chef of the Chu Palace can do everything. This rabbit meat is well roasted. You can try it when you are young."

Song Jingshi was still a little cautious at first, when he saw the rabbit meat, he gave the prince a strange look, and then buried himself in eating again.

Today's banquet was originally served by the chef of Zhang's restaurant, with heavy oil and salt sauce, which Song Yi was not used to.Even fried vegetables should be served with some minced sausage.Song Yi chose for a long time, and only picked up a piece of dried bamboo shoots, which was simmered in old soup, and he didn't know how much salt was added when stir-frying.He felt salty and greasy, so he quickly drank a glass of wine and took another sip.

He put down his wine glass, covered his face with his sleeve, and saw that the guests were all buried in their meat, so he coughed a few times.

"These women you brought, I will accept them today, and I will arrange them properly so that there will be no future troubles. It's just that this move is to tear faces with the queen, are you really prepared?"

Song Jingshi was gnawing his bones, and was taken aback when he heard this, when did the emperor's uncle get so close to them?He raised his eyes to look at Song Jingxin, and seeing his elder brother was also in a daze.

Song Jingxin thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he swallowed the food in his mouth: "Is the emperor's uncle guessing that I want to refuse the marriage, so I was arrested in the clan mansion? Is the emperor's uncle helping me?"

"I also saw the prince hiding in a brothel, it's really inappropriate, so I did it casually," Song Yi said, "The prince doesn't have to thank me too much."

Song Jingxin smiled, poured himself a glass of wine, held it up and drank it. "Of these nine women, eight were given to King Jin by the queen. The other one, Gu Lingmiao, is the daughter of the Gu family concubine. The queen wanted to marry Gu Lingxian to the East Palace, so she sent this younger sister to stand in front of her."

"I heard about it," Song Yi nodded, "and I also heard that the fifth girl Gu was not allowed to enter the Gu family because of her birth. In the year when the crown prince was appointed, the old lady of the Gu family suddenly showed kindness and went to stay with her mother. The son, and placed her in the village in the countryside. Later, I found a special person to train her, riding a horse and shooting arrows, all according to the prince's preferences."

"What?" Song Jingshi put down his chopsticks and sat up straight, "Is this true? How did the emperor's uncle know?"

"Since I have offended the Gu family, I naturally pay more attention to it." Song Yi said, "During this period of time, I edited the jade certificate, and the Gu family has two queens. This king took the opportunity to investigate more. Gu Minghui will not let it go. The queen's position fell to another family. When the crown prince got married, Gu Lingxian was still young. He raised Gu Lingmiao, presumably for the purpose of placing people in the harem. The crown prince has the main palace, and the Gu family has already proposed marriage for Gu Lingxian. Perhaps it was because of the His Majesty's estrangement changed his mind, and it was during that time that the Crown Princess was framed."

"This..." Song Jingxin shuddered, feeling a chill down his spine, "The Gu family spent several years cultivating Gu Lingmiao. I sent her to the emperor's uncle, wouldn't it be a burden to the emperor's uncle?"

"It doesn't matter," Song Yi smiled faintly, "This king is not involved in the throne, nor does he serve in the court, so there is no benefit for them to harm me. It is still the crown prince and King Jin, so we need to be careful at all times."

"And this king?" Song Jingshi was surprised.

"If the Crown Prince's path fails, sooner or later, the Gu family will bring their ideas to the Prince Jin's Mansion. Moreover, His Majesty has valued the Prince Jin more and more in recent years, because you have a good brotherhood. I'm afraid it's hard to say what others think." Song Yi said: "The eight Among the women, there must be some secret work arranged by the queen. Since they have entered the palace of the king of Chu, this king has his own rules to restrain them and cut them off from the outside world."

"The eight people, didn't the emperor's uncle persuade the queen to give them to the king?"

"What?" Song Yi showed surprise on his face, as if hearing this for the first time, "Queen...the queen actually told King Jin like this?"

"Yes, this king seems to have said something similar..." Song Yi recalled, "Because of the birth mother of the fifth princess, this king entered the palace and asked the queen about the past. King Jin has been married for three years and has no children. The clan members were really abrupt. This king chatted with the empress, and raised his mouth slightly, not wanting to be fueled by her like this. This is obviously an act of sowing discord, and the king of Jin must not be fooled by her."

After a meal, the crown prince and King Jin were dizzy from eating.After Song Yi finished drinking the ecstasy soup, he thoughtfully sent them out again.

The servant had already loaded the car and was waiting in front of the door.Song Yi didn't want to keep anyone anymore, but he stopped Jin Wang and said earnestly: "It is indeed too much for the queen to force the princess to accept your side. But this king is not joking when he is worried that Jin Wang will have no children. This king is not an unreasonable person. Knowing that you and the concubine have a strong relationship, you can't look down on other women in your eyes. Presumably your concubine is also anxious about this matter, and she must have thought of many ways to ask for a son and medicine..."

Song Jingxin gave a "puchi" laugh, and was cast a puzzled look by Song Yi.

"What did the king say wrong?"

"No, I just remembered the joke next to me, the emperor's uncle continued."

Song Yi looked puzzled and didn't inquire, and continued: "I don't have supernatural powers. It's just that there is an Aunt Cheng in the mansion. She used to serve the former empress dowager. After she left the palace, she was taken up by this king. She was in the palace. He has stayed here for a long time, served many nobles, and knows some food tonic prescriptions for women's health. King Jin will take Aunt Cheng back to the mansion today, and ask her to live in the palace for a few days, and draw up a list of food tonic for the princess. Not to mention whether you can really have a child, there is no harm in taking care of your body."

During the banquet, what Song Yi said was half true and half false, but the guarantee of placing the beauty was not empty words.He knew that his ambition had been exposed in front of Gu Shi, so he was very cautious towards these women.The Queen has spent a lot of time in arranging these details. Since she was sent to the Chu Palace, she will naturally not be reduced to a pawn, but will make the best use of everything.

The predecessor of the Chu Palace was the Yanqing Palace, which occupied a large area, and many people could be accommodated by assigning some errands at will.Song Yi first dispersed them, and each arranged delicate tasks such as feeding rare birds and looking after flowers and trees, and then ordered others to take good care of them.After paying attention for some time, a few restless people were exposed.There were four people, three of them were girls sent by the Jin Palace, and the other was Gu Lingmiao.

Song Jingxin changed errands for them, one was cleaning in the study, two were ironing clothes, and the remaining one, Gu Lingmiao, was placed in the kitchen.

Song Yi's diet was refined, and according to the imperial physician's orders, he needed some meat every day.He doesn't like meat, so the kitchen researched a few soups and changed them to nourish the prince.

This day the kitchen made duck soup, before Song Yi went out early in the morning, the soup was simmered on the stove for a full day.The stewed soup is rich and delicious. After the lid is lifted, the aroma fills the kitchen, covering the taste of the rest of the ingredients.

Gu Lingmiao is an outsider, and the servants of the palace guard her and never let her touch the pot.She was diligent and didn't want to be idle, so she got an errand to light the fire.

The soup was stewed, and the rest of the side dishes were also cooked.Cui's mother fried the dishes and put them on white porcelain plates with a shovel.Gu Lingmiao, who was behind her, saw that she was unprepared, took out a paper bag from her belt, and quickly sprinkled a bag of white powder into the chicken soup.

"You little hoof, I have been staring at you for many days, and finally caught the fox's tail!" Mama Cui turned around at some point, pinching her waist with one hand, and wielding a bone-chopping knife while the spatula was gone in the other. . "My mother has been stewing the soup for a whole day, what did you add to it!"

Gu Lingmiao took her time and blessed her body: "It's nothing, please take me to see His Highness, Mom."

"I'm a cook in the kitchen, so I can't see His Highness," Cui's mother sneered, "Just tell Steward Wu that your hands and feet are not clean, and I'll sell you."

"I'm a court lady, not a girl bought by the palace. Wu Guanshi can't sell me." Gu Lingmiao smiled, "Besides, Mama Cui has been staring at me for so many days, but it's not because of His Highness's orders. His Highness values ​​Mama Cui so much, you How could I not see His Highness?"

Gu Lingmiao got his wish, and together with the chicken soup, was sent to Song Yi by the servants.

"What do you want to say?" Song Yi stirred the spoon in the pot, "You look confident, you probably didn't poison the soup."

Gu Lingmiao broke away from the hand that was pressing on her shoulder, and knelt down in front of Song Yi: "Your Highness is wise, this servant is here to confess."

Song Yi nodded, signaling the servant to let him go. "What crime?"

"The servant was instructed to sneak into the Chu Palace in order to poison His Highness." Gu Lingmiao said.

"So, this soup is poisonous?" Song Yi casually scooped up a spoonful of duck soup and handed it to Gu Lingmiao.

"It's not poisonous. This servant has replaced the poison with salt," Gu Lingmiao took out a paper bag from her girdle and handed it to Song Yi with both hands. "The real poison is this."

Song Yi didn't answer, he put down the spoon, tapped with his chin, and someone came up to take the paper bag.

"Look at what kind of poison it is," Song Yi ordered, and then asked Gu Lingmiao, "Are you betraying? What do you want to gain from me?"

"It's a chronic poison. After taking it for a long time, the body will weaken and become addicted," Gu Lingmiao said, "Gu Minghui asked the servant to find a chance to give it to His Highness, not because he wanted to murder His Highness immediately, but because he wanted His Highness to be his. Marionettes, for his use."

Speaking of this, Gu Lingmiao bowed her head and kowtowed to the ground: "Although the servants are from the Gu family, they are only Gu Minghui's pawns. Your Highness keeps the servants, and the servants can pretend to be loyal to Gu Minghui, and inform His Highness about the actions of the Gu family. And the servants are used to it. Some martial arts, if His Highness trusts the servant, the servant can protect His Highness. The servant only wants a place to settle down, and no longer be sent around as a gift. His Highness protects the servant today, and will make a grass title ring in return in the future. "

Song Yi didn't speak, and let Gu Lingmiao kowtow three times upright.When she knelt and sat up again, her forehead was scratched, which showed her sincerity.

"This king has always been trustworthy in employing people," Song Yi said, "but if you surrender suddenly, this king will not be able to trust you immediately. Just do something to show your determination, and you have the right to vote."

"Your Highness, please give me instructions."

"Drink up this pot of soup." Song Yi said.

Gu Lingmiao was stunned for a moment, then realized that Song Yi had accepted her, and immediately thanked her.She held the casserole in her arms, discarded the spoon, and sipped the duck soup regardless of the hot water.The hot steam in the pot steamed the girl's face, making her cheeks flushed red, and drops of water slipped from the corners of her eyes.

Song Yi watched Gu Lingmiao drink up the duck soup, and sighed in his heart that this girl is also a ruthless character: "Why are you crying, isn't it really poisonous?"

"It's not poisonous." Gu Lingmiao put the casserole on the ground and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "It's just too salty."

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