Clan House

Chapter 34 Feminine

After getting along for a while, Song Jingxin has gotten used to the soft nail of Rongxiu.On the surface, she is a respectful and humble court lady, but in fact she is the ancestor who came to collect debts.Don't look at this person's high-sounding nonsense, but it's just to embarrass himself. "So, you are being loyal to your duty, is this palace unreasonable?"

"Don't dare," Rongxiu said, "If your Highness is dissatisfied, you can tell the slaves, and the slaves will arrange it again. If your highness doesn't say it, the subordinates will not be able to guess."

"Can't guess? Can't guess or pretend not to understand?" Song Jingxin sneered, "Girl of the Gu family! How did the princess die! You keep saying that the princess is kind to you, and now let the Gu family girl enter the gate of the East Palace!"

"It's not that this Palace can't continue, and it's not that this huge East Palace can't afford to support one or two women, but the one with the surname Gu just can't!"

The prince left the palace angrily, and the corner of his clothes scratched Rongxiu's cheek.

"Fighting in court, the girl in the back house, He Gu, is just looking for a place to live and live. Your Highness thinks that all the girls in the world are rushing to marry you!"

Huang Xi got up from the ground in a panic, and followed Song Jingxin away.Gu Lingmiao was so shocked that she covered Rongxiu's mouth, and saw a three-inch long red mark on her right eye.

"Sister Rongxiu! Are you okay?" Gu Lingmiao leaned closer to look at Rongxiu, and saw that there was only a shallow line of printing, but no bleeding, Fang sighed: "Sister, why did you say such a thing? If His Highness blames... "

"I said this not for you, you don't have to feel sorry," Rongxiu said, "I'm probably tired of living, as long as I stay in this East Palace, I feel bored, as long as I see His Highness, I want to make him feel bad. I know My words and deeds are beyond the rules, I only hope that His Highness will get tired of me soon and send me away."

"You too, I advise you to have your own plans." Rongxiu looked at Gu Lingmiao's delicate face, and felt that this should be the appearance that the crown prince likes, "Your highness treats women very ruthlessly, even the crown princess is just It's all out of anger. In terms of appearance and temperament alone, you may be able to attract His Highness's liking. But you are a girl from the Gu family. Since he let go of his words, if he treats you well, he will slap him in the face. You are still young, think about it stop……"

"Thank you sister, sister is right," Gu Lingmiao said, "but I have no other way to go right now."

Rongxiu shook her head, and stood up with Gu Lingmiao's hand: "Everyone has his own aspirations, let it be up to you."

Even if Rongxiu wanted to beat her up, Gu Lingmiao was a girl with ideas.

On the second day, when Song Jingxin came to the study, he saw that the book cases had been neatly organized.Gu Lingmiao was dressed in strong clothes and wristbands, and was carrying a bucket of fresh meat to bribe Xiao Kong.The little beast is a mother if it has milk, and after eating a few pieces of meat, it became close to Gu Lingmiao.What Song Jingxin saw was that little bastard standing on Gu Lingmiao's arm and giving her a hand to stroke his feathers.

A little brat!

When Gu Lingmiao saw someone coming in, she knew it was the prince, and turned around and said a blessing. With her attire, she looked nondescript.She really had some strength, she held Xiao Kong firmly with one hand. "Your Highness Wanan."

Song Jingxin gave Xiaokong a blank look: "You're wearing a private server in the palace, it's beyond the norm."

"Your maidservant will go to receive the punishment after she is on duty." Gu Lingmiao said, "Your Highness has not eaten breakfast yet. This maidservant got up early to make fish porridge and put it in the food box. It is still hot."

"There are plenty of cooks in the East Palace." Song Jingxin rolled his eyes, clapped his hands and beckoned Xiao Kong to fly into his arms.

"Then His Highness must have eaten it," Gu Lingmiao said with a smile, "There is also Xiao Diao Li Tang in the food box, Your Highness can use some to moisten the lungs."

Song Jingxin took a deep breath and realized that he really needed to moisten his lungs: "Everyone in the palace should perform their own duties. You overstepped your duties. Do you want to be transferred to the kitchen as an errand?"

"Your Highness probably doesn't want to drink anymore," Gu Lingmiao smiled, and took the food box to bless Fushen, "I'm done with my work today, so I'll take my leave."

Song Jingxin watched the girl leave the study, and turned to Shang Xiaokong's confused eyes: "Why doesn't she act violently? If she stalks her, I can slap her hard."

After Qingming, Shengjia returned to Luang.After Weiyu was put to death, Emperor Xuanqing worked hard in his administration. Although he didn't go to court very much, he was able to reply in time to the memorials handed over to Beihai.In the seventh year of Xuanqing, everything was complicated. After listening to Weiyan's persuasion, the emperor planned to return to the Forbidden Palace for two months to deal with state affairs.

Song Jingxin didn't pay attention to state affairs for a few days, and now he plans to read the notebooks in the study to learn about recent major events, so that he can prepare for his father's exams.Never thought that the Eastern Palace would become the world of women, and the majestic prince was squeezed out without any status, forcing him to run to his sister's house to hide for peace.

Unexpectedly, Song Jingxin experienced a lot of turmoil when he arrived at the Prince Chu's Mansion.

Two days after Song Yi left Kunning Palace, Princess Jin entered the palace to greet the queen.It just so happened that the queen was not awake from her afternoon nap, and the palace servants refused to open the door, so Princess Jin stood in the courtyard for a long time.When the queen finally woke up, she also looked lazy, and reprimanded Qing Piao Piao: "I'm not feeling well near the Japanese palace, and these servants are not sensible, so you're so tired that you waited for a long time. You child is also sincere. , actually standing in the yard, are you tired?"

"It didn't take long, thank you Queen Mother for being considerate." Princess Jin saluted the Queen, and a servant brought a stool over, and she gave half of her buttocks shallowly, "Your Queen Mother, you have to pay attention to your body, can you ask the imperial doctor to see it? "

"It's nothing to look at, it's not to make the prince angry!" The queen rubbed the sun and sighed, "Oh, my injustice, why won't I think about him, and he still blames me, as if I hurt him. All children It's a debt, it doesn't matter if it was born in my own stomach or not, they are all children of our Song family. You are still young, and you will understand when you have children."

Hearing this, Princess Jin's heart skipped a beat.Sure enough, the next moment, the queen changed the topic to Prince Jin's Mansion.

"Zhen Zhen, the king of Chu came a few days ago and said that the jade certificate was only under the names of your husband and wife. Your uncle couldn't sleep because of this, so he went to the palace and asked me to think of a way. You and the time My son has been married for three years, and there is still no movement in her stomach, have you ever sought medical treatment from an imperial physician?"

"Physician Hu often comes to see her, and she has been drinking the birth control medicine." Princess Jin lowered her eyes, "For some reason, there has been no movement. I think the fate has not come yet, and I am planning to pay my respects at the Guanyin Pavilion recently."

"These things should be done, but don't just work hard on yourself." The queen changed her voice and waved to Dan Zhu, "I know you are a virtuous person, and you have never been dominating King Jin. I think it was you Those concubines in the mansion are not up to the mark."

"The concubines are all good, with good appearance and temperament, and the prince treats them well on weekdays." Princess Jin lowered her head, curling her fingers into her sleeves, "The concubine also persuaded me, I don't know why. The lord doesn't like to ask them to go to bed." The concubine Jin was timid, and after she finished speaking, she took a peek at the queen and said in a low voice, "Speaking of which, your highness doesn't share much room with concubines, maybe your highness doesn't like this... ..."

"It's hard for you. I understand your situation. It's hard to be a royal daughter-in-law. Before Xin'er and Shi'er were born, Bengong's situation was not as good as yours. Which man doesn't love Xian'er? A side concubine is good, but maybe she doesn't like this at the moment. You are the main concubine, so you should get some more for him. If you are fat, swallows and thin, he will always look up to you." The queen smiled. , leaned over and took Jin Wangfei's hand and patted it, motioning her to look behind her: "These girls are all from good families, and I have already trained them for you. You can take them back to the house and settle down in a while, and arrange how to serve them." King Jin."

After finishing speaking, the queen waved her hand: "You guys, come here to meet Princess Jin."

Leaving Kunning Palace, Princess Jin was worried all the way.After three years of marriage, King Jin treated her impeccably, and for some reason his stomach was always disappointing.Sooner or later, what should come will always come, the queen is right, the ring fat, swallows and thin will always have the appearance that King Jin likes.It is enough for her to enjoy the blessings, there are not many brides as lucky as her in the world, so she should be content.But when she thought about how King Jin would love her as he would treat her in the future, she felt pain in her heart.

The maid Linghua opened the curtain of the car, looked around, turned around and whispered in Wangfei's ear, "Your Majesty should have a child, servant girl sees that Empress Dowager has abandoned her, you have to make your own plans!"

"Your own plan?" Princess Jin was still confused.

Linghua sighed anxiously: "My girl, instead of letting the empress bring in some people who don't know the details, the girl might as well find someone to serve His Highness. It is best to find someone with a clean family background but not a high family background, who will give birth to a child. Raised under your name, girl."

"Your Highness...can you agree?" Princess Jin still hesitated.

"Miss begging him, His Highness loves you so much, I will definitely agree."

Before dinner, Princess Jin returned to the palace.Song Jingshi was worried that his daughter-in-law would be blamed by her mother-in-law, so he specially ordered the kitchen to cook some food as a comfort.Concubine Jin was depressed and never paid attention to King Jin's intentions.

During the meal, Princess Jin mentioned the day's affairs, and said that the eight beauties had already been settled, and when they were packed tomorrow, they brought them to see His Highness.

"You brought him back to the palace?" Song Jingshi was shocked, "Why didn't you push?"

The concubine forced a smile: "The empress beat me on the grounds of having no children, how can I push it away?"

"It's all on the king. Didn't we agree on weekdays that we will no longer take concubines?" Song Jingshi said, "There are not enough widows like the Yang family in our mansion!"

Seeing his innocence, the concubine could not help but smile wryly in her heart: "Your Highness doesn't understand the affairs of the back house. Besides, what the empress empress said is correct, the heirs are big, and His Highness doesn't like Yang and the others. Zhang Luo should take a concubine for the prince. If the mother-in-law comes forward, she will no longer be a concubine."

"Forget it," King Jin breathed out, "I won't touch them if I stay here, just keep them."

"My lord," Princess Jin let go of her bitten lower lip and made up her mind, "The heirs are big, please let some ladies sleep with you."

Song Jingshi only felt that it was unreasonable, but he couldn't get angry with the virtuous princess, so he waved his hand and said, "I don't want to talk about it, don't mention it anymore."

Concubine Jin finally completed the construction, how could she let it go, grabbed Song Jingshi's sleeves with both hands and knelt down: "My lord, the heir is the greatest."

Song Jingshi only felt a breath of depression in his chest, he didn't say anything, and walked away.

At night, Song Jingshi stayed alone in the study, his mind was chaotic, and he couldn't read the excerpts in front of him.She introspected herself, and felt that she was too impatient during dinner, and she really shouldn't lose her temper with the princess.Zhen Zhen is weak and timid, she was tortured by the queen when she was in the palace, but she was not comforted when she returned home, and she had to face her own cold face.The more Song Jingshi thought about it, the more he regretted it. He wanted to sue for peace immediately, but he didn't know how to open his mouth to avoid the problem of heirs.

Someone was talking outside, Song Jingshi raised his eyelids and saw Rong Jin leading Linghua in.

"Your Highness," Linghua is holding a tray with a bowl of steaming soup on top, "Your Highness doesn't eat much for dinner. Your Majesty is worried that His Highness will be hungry at night, so she went to the kitchen and ordered a bowl of noodles. It's still hot, Your Highness uses some?"

Song Jingshi felt warm in his heart, he pushed the zhezi aside, and called Linghua to bring the noodles.The aroma of the noodle soup filled the room, and Song Jingxin saw the chopped green onion sprinkled with oil, and immediately whetted his appetite, so he took the chopsticks and started to eat.

"Where is the princess, can she eat?" Song Jingshi asked vaguely, and took another mouthful of soup.

"The concubine has eaten the medicine prescribed by Doctor Hu, and she has no appetite. She only ate two pieces of candied fruit." Linghua replied.

Song Jingshi knew that Taiyi Hu was prescribing an anti-fertility medicine, he sighed and lost his good appetite just now.

"She's okay, isn't she angry with me?"

"Why would the concubine be angry with His Highness, she just misses His Highness," Linghua blinked, and asked with her head tilted, "Does Your Highness want to go and see Wang Concubine?"

Song Jingshi knew in his heart that the princess gave him a step down, so naturally he couldn't ask for it, so he went to the princess' bedroom immediately.

The candles in the room were dimly lit, and there was no one left to wait on them.Song Jingshi walked inward, only to see the red silk tent half covered, and the fragrance of flowers wafting out.Concubine Jin is calm and solemn, when has she played such a trick before?Song Jingshi was also a little-sighted person, and immediately his bones froze, numb from the tailbone to the Tianlinggai.

"Zhenzhen..." Song Jingxin lowered her voice, her breathing was hot.She stretched out two fingers and excitedly lifted the curtain, and saw that the person in the tent with half-exposed shoulders was not Qin Zhenzhen.

"Xinghua? What's going on..."

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