Clan House

Chapter 21 Seeking Immortals

Before the King of Chu returned to Beijing, he handed over the booklet to Beijing as usual.At that time, the emperor was obsessed with cultivation, and the zhezi was sent to the Wenhua Palace under Xun Kuan's operation.At that time, the prince was troubled by the fire in the backyard, he just said his greetings normally, and gave a reply without looking carefully.After returning to Beijing, Song Yi submitted a letter to the palace again, hoping to meet the emperor in person to greet him.When the book was handed out, it was like the cabinet's report, and there was no reply.

Since there was no edict, Song Yi was not in a hurry to enter the palace.After returning to the clan mansion where he had been away for two years, he immediately summoned several princes to discuss matters, and the discussion lasted for three days.Even if the correspondence with the capital has not been cut off in the past two years, many things still need to be discussed in person.He has always been cautious, never asked about matters beyond his power and responsibility, and he was only ignorant of the changes in the court situation in Beijing and China in the past two years.

Before returning to Beijing, Song Yi had already sent official documents to the mansions of each clan, ordering each mansion to report the population of men and women in the clan by the end of the sixth year of Xuanqing.In the hands of Song Yi, it was already the first draft of a book.There are not many heirs in the imperial line, and only two new children have been added in the past ten years, one is Song Sichan, the fifth princess who has not yet been titled, and the other is Song Zhaoling, the newly acquired Princess Yuanjia of the East Palace.

Song Yi opened the roster, and saw the records under the East Palace: The eldest daughter, Princess Yuanjia, is one year old and named Zhaoling, her birth mother is the former concubine Zhou, the prefect of Yangzhou Zhou Wennv, and her adoptive mother is the former concubine Xu.

That Xu's family background is not high, and his family affairs have not been listed in detail.Song Yi saw that the princess's biological mother and adoptive mother were both dead, so he asked, "Whose name is Princess Yuanjia in now?"

"This lower official has also asked," Experience replied, "His Royal Highness has not yet made up his mind on who will raise the princess, and the nanny will take him with him for the time being."

"Always following His Highness the Crown Prince is not an option. The girl's family still needs to be accompanied by an elder from everyone, so that we can talk about marriage in the future." King Gao Yang said.

"Daughter of the royal family, what are you afraid of?" Song Yi didn't care. "It's just to prevent the prince's temperament from leading the little girl down."

The crowd burst into laughter, and Song Yi changed the subject: "Princess Yuanjia is the eldest daughter of the eldest family. The princess concubine has made great achievements in childbearing, so she should be given a title. Has anyone mentioned this before?"

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at each other.After a long while, it was still King Gao Yang who replied: "The Crown Princess announced that she died of illness, but because of her involvement in witchcraft, she could not be sealed. Originally, according to His Majesty's intention, she did not intend to let the Crown Princess be buried in the Imperial Mausoleum. It was my nephew who ran away to the Jiaotai Palace. It took one trip to stop Ling Beihai."

"The crown princess is involved in witchcraft?" Song Yi spread his palms, "Is the clan's house convicted? Where is the file? Why didn't the king be notified of the dignified crown princess's conviction?"

"The case has not been finalized," King Gao Yang replied, "It's just a rumor in the palace. Your Majesty has been ignorant recently, and most of the orders are from the empress."

"As far as I know, the empress only cares about the food and drinks of the women in the palace, and has no right to execute the concubine." Song Yi joked, "Is it because the laws of the country have been changed in the days since the king left the capital?"

This topic really makes people laugh. Fortunately, Song Yi didn't expect anyone to answer the conversation, and then said: "The father of the crown princess is an important minister of the country, and the crown princess has been in charge of the affairs of the East Palace for three years, and has the merit of giving birth. There are rumors, and it is the duty of our family to investigate. If there are grievances to be clarified, and there are punishments, the hearts of the ministers should not be chilled. If only a few rumors are used to judge the crime of the dignified princess, who will be there in the future? Dare to marry your daughter into the royal family."

"Then according to Uncle Huang, what should we do?" King Gao Yang asked.

"Let's show His Majesty first, the rules that should be followed still have to be followed." Song Yi said.

When Song Yi said this, the princes were relieved.He also remembered that although the Xiaozong Renling was powerful, he never did anything out of the ordinary, and his actions were just for show, so he didn't take this matter to heart.

But he never thought that a few days later, Zhezi, who should not have arrived at the Jiaotai Palace, was sent to Emperor Xuanqing, accompanied by Weiyu, so he naturally seized the opportunity to confuse the crowd.After listening to the bewitching, Emperor Xuanqing not only rejected the posthumous title, but also canceled the title of the crown princess during her lifetime and prohibited her from being buried in the imperial tomb.Song Yi got the order, dropped an inkstone on the spot, entered the Taimiao as the patriarch and asked for the Taizu's ranking, and went straight to the Jiaotai Palace to kill the demon.

It just so happened that there was an imperial meeting in Japan, and Emperor Xuanqing hadn't been in court for a long time, so the revived Song Jingxin organized the cabinet ministers to discuss matters in the Wenhua Hall.Because the Wenhua Hall is far away from the Jiaotai Hall, none of these important figures in the Daluo Dynasty knew what happened.Everyone was discussing matters, but was interrupted by a face-to-face eunuch, who claimed to be Wang Yongfu, the eunuch in charge of the clan's mansion, and invited the prince and all the cabinet ministers to Jiaotai Hall according to the order of the clan's mansion.

"The little jade of the demon path bewitched the emperor's heart, poisoned the crown princess, and disturbed the clan. The clan ordered the adults to kill the demon path according to the emperor's order. Please move the prince and all the adults to the Tai Palace to be a witness."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, among them Song Jingxin was the most shocked.The prince never thought that someone would stand up for him, and he was about to leave the banquet to go to the Jiaotai Hall, but was grabbed by the arm by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.Gu Minghui, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is the son of Gu Li, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who has already retired from office, and the biological father of the empress of the current dynasty. "Wait a minute, Your Highness. I haven't asked the specific reasons yet. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to lose my dignity in front of Your Majesty."

"Master Gu Ge, don't worry, Master Zongren invites you to go and just watch it. In the future, there will be a few witnesses." Wang Yongfu bowed, "Master Zongren has already arranged everything, and you don't need to intervene."

"Who did Master Zongren bring with you? Besides us, did you invite other people to Jiaotai Hall?" Xun Kuan asked.

"The clan's mansion is not involved in government affairs, so only a few adults have been invited to testify. The only ones in the royal family in Beijing are the Crown Prince and you," Wang Yongfu bowed to Song Jingxin, "We also invited the Empress Dowager, Empress and Imperial Concubine, As well as the princes, princes, princes and concubines in Beijing."

"The matter involves the Crown Princess, it seems that His Highness needs to go there." Xun Kuan said, "My lords, this court discussion between left and right is too difficult, let's go to see the excitement?"

Song Jingxin left first, and there were still some hesitant cabinet ministers, who were dragged towards Jiaotai Hall by Xun Kuan affectionately hugging his shoulders.

In the Jiaotai Hall, Emperor Xuanqing looked at the Taoist in front of him. He had a slim figure and thick black beard and hair. He didn't look like a centenarian immortal, but was several years younger than himself. "Is the immortal elder really Daoist Weiyu's senior brother? It looks too young."

The old Taoist Nianxu smiled: "Pimpedao went to the mountain to practice at the age of four, and he never carefully calculated his age. He only remembered that Emperor Taizong had just ascended the throne at that time, so he couldn't tell how many years it has been since then."

"Master Taizong..." Chen Jingxian took a breath of air exaggeratedly, "That's at least 150 years."

Emperor Xuanqing sat up straight, leaned back slightly, and looked at Taoist Weiyan carefully. "Jingxian said that the Taoist priest is profound, and I was skeptical at first. Now it seems that I am superficial. I just don't know who has a higher level of cultivation than the Taoist priest Weiyu?"

"Master Weiyu is a miscellaneous bypass, so the poor Taoist is naturally no match for him." The Taoist Weiyan smiled lightly, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he and Weiyu were not close, "The poor Taoist has lived for more than a hundred years. Cultivate one's body, so there is nothing good about it, it's just longevity."

What Emperor Xuanqing wanted was longevity, so he was not happy to hear this. "The Immortal Elder is humble. Since the Immortal Elder is proficient in the art of longevity, can you tell me the key to it?"

"The poor know everything," Wei Yan said, "Dare to ask His Majesty what you want?"

"The Taoist priest is 150 years old, but he looks like a young man. I know that I am not as talented as the Taoist priest. I only want to live for 300 years, and I am content."

"Your Majesty is indeed not greedy, but the technique of longevity is not the same as what His Majesty thinks." Weiyu explained, "Immortality, in terms of dismantling it, is two aspects of prolonging life and retaining beauty. The technique of longevity is acquired Essence, not only can prolong life, but also keep the appearance in the best state. That is to say, when the impoverished one dies, it will still be the same as it is now."

Wei Yan smiled at Emperor Xuanqing, who nodded and signaled the old Taoist priest to continue: "Everyone's life's fate is determined by heaven. There are laws in heaven and earth, and a person's lifespan is only 180 years. Even if you practice longevity Even if I am an old Taoist, I think that I have thoroughly practiced longevity, and I will be obedient in another 30 to [-] years. You don't dare to be struck by lightning!"

Emperor Xuanqing's complexion changed slightly, but Wei Yan didn't seem to see the expression of the emperor, and suddenly changed: "But your majesty don't need to be discouraged, there is no longevity here, but there is another place for longevity."

Emperor Xuanqing's appetite was whetted, and he poked his body towards the Taoist. "Where is that, please teach me!"

"Your Majesty is the monarch of a country in the mortal world, spreading kindness and blessings to the people. After a hundred years, the merits and virtues will be perfect, and you will ascend to the fairyland. The time will be endless for thousands of years."

Emperor Xuanqing still had some rationality. "The matter of ascension is illusory, and it is easier said than done!"

"Otherwise, it might be more difficult for ordinary people." Wei Yan said, "But Your Majesty is rich in the world, and it is much easier for ordinary people to accumulate wish power. Think about it, Your Majesty, through the ages, those who have ascended as ordinary people, Like Wuhou Guandi, who is not a prince, general, or overlord? Probably because these people are more famous than ordinary people, and they only need to do a little bit of benevolence to win the hearts of the people."

Emperor Xuanqing was a little moved, but still cautious: "In the past, the first emperor ruled the world, and Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen. He also made a great wish to become an immortal, but he failed. How can I compare with the first emperor?" achievements?"

"Pre-Qin tyranny, although the world was united, the hearts of the people were suffering from Qin." Wei Yan said, "Your Majesty only needs to implement a benevolent government, and then spread it widely so that the people will remember His Majesty's kindness, so I am ready."

Emperor Xuanqing understood, he only felt that after hearing Weiyan's words, his mind seemed to be opened up, a lot of clarity.It is not difficult to implement benevolent government and accumulate willingness.In this way, ascending to the upper realm is not an unattainable goal.

"I have really benefited a lot from the words of the immortal elder." Emperor Xuanqing grabbed the Taoist's sleeve happily, "You two brothers and sisters are really my treasures! I will order someone to tidy up the palace for the immortal elder. The immortal elder likes it Whatever kind of place you live in, just ask Jingxian, and I will stay here in Jiaotai Hall in the future, and I will always ask you two for advice."

"Don't bother Your Majesty." Weiyan gently pulled out his sleeves, "Poverty Daoist and Weiyu Daoist have different human ways, and have already lost their relationship with the same sect. Since Weiyu Taoist priest is preaching to His Majesty in the palace, it is not suitable for the poor Daoist to stay for a long time. But your majesty don’t have to worry, if your majesty has any problems in practice, just send someone to the temple to look for me, I will tell you everything.”

"This..." Emperor Xuanqing never thought that the relationship between the two was so intolerable, and immediately looked at Weiyu in embarrassment.Just now the two were discussing the art of longevity, and Weiyu closed his eyes and meditated, without saying a word.Sensing the gaze of the emperor at this time, he opened his eyes slightly, nodded and said: "It is true that the poor Taoist and the head teacher cannot coexist, but the head teacher is respected, and the poor way leaves the palace."

Emperor Xuanqing couldn't accept Weiyu's departure, and because of the need to rely on these two for his practice, he didn't dare to force him to stay, so Emperor Xuanqing had no idea.In the midst of a dilemma, the little eunuch on duty suddenly ran in in a panic and reported: "Your Majesty, King Chu Chu is outside!"


The pre-defense next month may not be taken care of here, it depends on the situation

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