Clan House

Chapter 2

At the end of the year, Yu Jia returned to the Forbidden Palace.The Yanqing Palace has flourishing flowers and trees, and has drawn running water into the garden. It is suitable for escaping the summer heat, but it is not as warm as the palace.This time when he returned to Luan, the emperor cleaned up his personal belongings and did not intend to come back.He also ordered that the over-regulated buildings in the palace be repaired and changed to the prince's regulations.Since then, the gate of Yanqing Palace has also changed its signboard, and Yubi personally mentions "Prince Chu's Mansion".

As Emperor Ningde got older, he became more and more afraid of the cold, and after moving away, he was irritated by the earth dragon in the Qianqing Palace.But Song Yi was at ease, he didn't need to wear thick robes in the bedroom, even the snow ball that Eunuch De Lin secretly brought in from the outside melted in a short while, and his hands were not cold at all.

De Lin had learned carpentry before entering the palace, and he was the most dexterous.Song Yi learned how to carve a bird, but the result was not satisfactory.The little eunuch Wang Yu saw that his hands were itchy, and he also pinched Tuanxue to carve it, and the carved thing looked like a wild boar.Delin didn't dare to laugh at the prince, so he just pulled the little eunuch over and rubbed it, and Wang Yu stuffed snow up his neck.Song Yi squatted in the corner, watched the two play quietly for a while, and ordered the maid to take his "masterpiece" and go to Kunning Palace to pay his respects to the queen mother.

The empress was seriously ill, and she had long been spared the greetings from the prince and concubine. Song Yi was worried about it, and did not dare to visit her all the time.He read well in front of his father, but he didn't dare to work so hard in front of his mother.The empress naturally likes his intelligence, but she always blames the emperor for pushing the seedlings and delaying the child's growth.

Song Yi arrived by coincidence, just as the queen got up from her afternoon nap.He took off the cold cloak first, then took the hand stove handed over by the maid, and waited until the earth dragon warmed his clothes before entering the inner hall to greet the queen.

The queen's face is pale, her lips are bloodless, she wears an indigo-colored forehead, and a half-worn quilted pantyhose over her body. She has to be supported by a court lady to barely get up. "Yi'er is taller, come here and let the queen mother take a look."

Song Yi moved closer, asked the queen to touch his eyebrows carefully, and then pulled the queen mother's sleeves and sat on the footrest: "My minister carved a bird, and brought it to the queen mother to have a look."

The palace lady put the bird on a porcelain plate and held it over. Sure enough, the queen looked a little relieved when she saw it, "My Yi'er is the smartest, and his hands are also very skillful." She was about to touch the snow bird with her hand, but she called Song Yi. Stopped: "Mother, don't move, Bingshou."

The queen laughed with a "puchi" and said, "I don't know who you learned from, you look so worried, just like an old nanny."

"Pearl," the queen ordered again, "find a box and store this bird in the yard. Don't heat up the snow sculptures my son made."

"Left and right are not precious objects, let's make them convenient." Song Yi asked the court lady to bring up a box, opened the lid, and 64 high-quality pearls were shining, "I got the errand of the patriarch. Those who receive a salary to honor their mother and empress do not even have their father and emperor."

Song Yi had a childish face, round like a white steamed bun, but showed a pair of deep dimples when he smiled.Not only the queen, but all the palace people in the room were very happy to see him like this, and the long-standing sickness in the room was diluted a lot.

"Yi'er is six years old, and our underage prince doesn't have a birthday party, and the queen mother didn't ask anyone to celebrate it," the queen said with a smile, and saw the female official Cheng Gongyue holding a folded thick cotton coat. You made clothes. I’m not in good health now, and I’m afraid I might get sick, so Chengniang made them for you. You go back and try them out, and if they don’t fit, ask someone to send them back and change them.”

When he returned to Qianqing Palace, Emperor Ningde was inviting people to discuss matters.Derun Delin escaped, and no one was left to serve in the study.Song Yi asked, and knowing that it was Gu Li who was recruiting, he was about to leave, but his father called him: "It's Yi'er, come in."

Delin lifted the curtain to keep out the wind, helped Song Yi across the threshold, and met Gu Li who was about to retire.It was Song Yi's first time seeing Gu Li. Like his father, this Gu Shangshu was also an old man with white beard and hair, with a goatee and a very thin figure.

"I have seen His Highness the King of Chu." Gu Li bowed deeply, but did not lower his head, and stared straight at Song Yi.

Song Yi acted as if he didn't realize it, and put his hands up in vain: "Gu Shangshu doesn't need to be too polite."

"Let's go back, Gu Aiqing." Emperor Ning De waved his hand, and asked Song Yi: "How is your mother's mother?"

"The queen mother is weak and needs the help of the maid to get up." Song Yi said worriedly.

The two started to chat in the usual way, Gu Li stopped talking and left.

"Father specially asked my son to come in to show Gu Shangshu, but he doesn't seem to be satisfied with my son." Song Yi warmed his hands, knelt on the footsteps in front of the dragon bed, and wanted to serve the emperor as usual Read the memorial.

"You are the king, he is the subject, no matter how dissatisfied he has to hold back!" Emperor Ningde said rascally, but the back of his head seemed to be thrown up, and then fell dizzy on the bed.

"Father, Father!" Song Yi threw away the memorial, and went to tug on Emperor Ningde's sleeve, and the servants came over to check it.

"Hurry up and pass on the imperial physician!" De Run hurriedly ordered, not forgetting to comfort Song Yi: "Your Highness, don't worry, first ask De Lin to accompany you back to the dormitory, and the imperial physician will consult your majesty."

Emperor Ningde was getting old, so he had this dizziness early on, and it wasn't a serious illness.After discussing with the imperial physician, he asked the emperor to work less and rest more, so he patted his ass and resigned.

Song Yi waited in the middle of the night, and the eunuch De Run received an order to pass it on and took him back to the emperor's bedroom. "How is your father's health?"

"Your Majesty just drank the medicine," De Run said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is still lacking in energy, don't talk too much, Your Majesty."

Song Yi nodded in agreement, entered the hall, saw a hand stretched out from the dragon tent, and patted the bed.Song Yi understood, took off his bed shoes, and crawled onto the bed.

"Father is ill, Yi'er should sleep with father for one night."

Song Yi lay down on his side, kissed the Son of Heaven on the forehead, and then lay down on the pillow: "It will be better tomorrow."

Emperor Ningde helped his son tuck the quilt, and fell asleep peacefully.

On the second day, at morning time, there was still no movement in the dragon tent.Derun expected that the emperor was not feeling well, and was about to ask if he would postpone it, but he saw that the king of Chu had already got up first.The little prince lifted the curtain and asked the eunuch to help him, but he did not forget to tuck the quilt for his father.

On the dragon bed, Emperor Ningde lay flat with his hands folded, his eyes closed, and he slept peacefully.

In the 48th year of Ningde, the ninth emperor of the Luo Dynasty passed away in his sleep.At that time, the prince was seriously ill, and the emperor was accompanied by only the youngest son.The young king of Chu, Song Yi, was exposed to life and death for the first time, and he didn't understand what the eunuchs and maids in the room were crying for, and just tugged at his father's sleeve blankly.

Outside the Qianqing Palace, clan relatives and courtiers were kneeling, and the empress and the prince and the king of Chu watched the funeral in the palace.The queen refused the maid's support and walked into the hall with her body supported.The prince knelt on the ground, staring at the emperor's appearance in a daze.General Song Yi understood what had happened, and tugged at the Queen's sleeves, crying and trembling.

"Seventh brother, don't cry, now is not the time for you to cry." The prince's voice was hoarse and weak, and he was actually at the end of his strength.This house is full of old, weak, sick and disabled. Outside the house, the clan courtiers knelt all over the ground, staring at each other.

"Listen to your brother." The queen patted Song Yi on the shoulder and pushed him forward, "Wipe away your tears, and give your father another look."

Emperor Ningde still slept peacefully. He had no great achievements in his life, but he made Luo Guo pass 48 years smoothly. He can be regarded as a good lord of success.He is a virtuous emperor, kind to his children, and his two sons also treat him with respect and filial piety.Not only Song Yi, but also the elder son Song Xu's expression of grief is not fake.

"Yi'er, did your father say anything before he died?" the queen asked after the emperor entered the coffin.

"Father said he was ill, and hoped that Yi'er would be by his side." Song Yi choked up.

"Is there nothing else to say?"


"That's good," the queen pulled Song Yi over and said to Song Xu, "The prince will preside over the funeral, and the old woman will stay with His Majesty for a while. Yi'er will follow elder brother. Your elder brother is not in good health. You should take care of him."

Outside the Qianqing Palace, the Chief Assistant Gu Li asked Derun: "May your Majesty leave a photo?"

"The inner court has never seen the posthumous photos," Derun replied, "Before His Majesty's grand trip, he called His Highness the King of Chu to attend to his illness. I don't know if there is an oral order."

The ministers asked the king of Chu again, and the king of Chu also replied, "No."

"Has the cabinet ever received a decree?" the prince asked Gu Li.

"Your Majesty has not given any orders to the cabinet," Gu Li said with a blank expression, "Since that is the case, the Crown Prince should preside over the national funeral. Does the Empress have any instructions?"

"Kunning Palace has no objection," Cheng Gongyue replied, "Everything is entirely up to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The prince takes care of mourning, but the emperor cannot live without people.Song Yi knelt before the spirit all the time, never sleeping or resting, and only ate one piece of cake every day.Cheng Gongyue boiled the ginseng soup herself, and Song Yi heard that it was beyond the rules, so he refused to move.Fortunately, there are still three grandsons under the prince's knees who can take turns to guard the spirit, and the sons of the fourth generation will inevitably be pulled to fill the number.

Qingjiang Wang's family, Song Jingxin and Song Jingshi had never acted separately, but now they were staggered, Song Jingxin took the initiative to take over the night's errand.Song Jingrui from Pingjiang Wang's family who came with him, pretended to be dizzy on the way and was carried back.In the empty hall, only Song Yi and Song Jingxin were kneeling now.During the daytime, Song Jingxin knelt at the end of the imperial line, and he couldn't see clearly what was in front of his bloated father.Looking at Song Yi in front of him now, I just feel that the face of this white and clean child is not round anymore, and he looks like he is going to die at any moment.

There was no earth dragon burned in the Qianqing Palace, and Song Yi didn't have a plain white jacket. At this time, Cheng Gongyue led people to sew the inner clothes overnight. The collar was made extremely high in a hurry, and the cotton was thick and hard. Uncomfortably stuck.He felt very sad, and at the same time he was cold and hungry. Looking at the swaying flames in the brazier, he felt that his soul had gone with the flames.While in a trance, someone pulled the hem of his clothes, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Song Jingxin turned his back to the coffin to prevent the emperor's soul from seeing his little movements.He opened the skirt to reveal several pockets sewn inside the cotton-padded jacket, and took out a greased paper bag from inside, which turned out to be a warm glutinous rice dumpling with red dates. "One?" Song Jingxin winked her eyes mischievously.

Song Yi bit his lower lip, closed his eyes at the beginning, and frowned tightly.

"Huh?" Seeing that he refused, Song Jingxin grabbed the boy's hand and wanted to force it to him, so he also put his hands behind his back.Song Jingxin couldn't help it, so he took it back embarrassingly and finished his two mouthfuls, then smacked his mouth in satisfaction.He pulled out a marching water bag from his waist, and gulped down the warm honey water, not to mention how comfortable it was. "You can't eat, just drink some hot water. You don't want to freeze to death in front of your great-grandfather... hey..."

Song Yi opened his eyes, pulled the water bag, and gave Song Jingxin a "majestic" look.Song Jingxin laughed and crawled over like a dog to help pull out the plug.Song Yi drank a few sips of water, and he became much warmer, and thanked him with a smile.

"Put it away quickly, so that no one can see it."

Song Jingxin took the water bag and tried to stuff the padded clothes back into his belt, but there were too many things in his pocket, no matter how stuffed he couldn't cover them.Song Yi couldn't do it, so he followed suit. The two children worked hard for a long time, tied their clothes into knots, and made the majestic prince of the palace into a big belly.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, Song Jingxin turned around and saw that it was his prince grandfather, she got scared and quickly rolled back to her original position and knelt down.Song Xu naturally wouldn't argue with him, and ordered the eunuch to fetch two plain adult cloaks, and put them on for the two children.

The two brothers knelt side by side, symbolically burning some paper money to the emperor.

"Brother Huang, why are you here? It's good to have a younger brother here. Brother Huang, let's go back and rest." Song Yi and Song Xu were not familiar with each other, but he knew that this brother's condition was really serious.

"Brother Huang also wants to stay with Emperor Father." Song Xu said.

Song Yi thought it was reasonable, so he stopped persuading him, and had nothing to say to the imperial brother.

The room was silent for a while, but Song Xu suddenly said: "Father has always had high expectations for us princes, but unfortunately too few survived. Over the years, some people have selfishly instigated, making Father think that I have a suspicion against him. .Fortunately, you are by my father's side..."

Listening to the prince's words, Song Yi felt that there was something more profound in them, and couldn't help but think of Emperor Ningde's remarks about the emperor and courtiers.However, the prince's words became endless, and he babbled on something before Song Yi's birth. Gradually, his voice became smaller and smaller, and the two clasped hands also fell to his sides.

On the second day after Emperor Ningde passed away, Prince Song Xu passed away in front of his coffin.Song Yi, king of Chu, was overwhelmed with grief and fainted before the spirits of his father and brother.

Because the prince did not decide on an heir before his death, the three sons mobilized their followers to compete for the throne, and no one cared about the emperor's death.In the end, Gu Li, the first assistant, overcame all opinions and supported Song Ding, king of Qingjiang, as emperor, and changed Yuan Xuanqing the following year.

After Emperor Xuanqing succeeded to the throne, he posthumously named his father Emperor Ruizongzhang, and shared the Taimiao with his ancestor Emperor Yingzongming.Feng Yingzong's empress Feng was the empress dowager, the crown prince's concubine Gu was the empress dowager, the former Qingjiang princess Gu was the empress, and the side concubine Wen was the noble concubine, and the same father and brother, the original Pingjiang king, was named the Qin king, and the former Dongqing king was named Wei. king.In the same year, the eldest son Song Jingxin was made the crown prince, and the second son Song Jingshi was made the king of Jin.

Ruizong's mausoleum was not yet completed. After Emperor Yingzong was buried, Ruizong was buried in the Shouhuang Palace in Beihai.The Empress Dowager moved to Beihai to recover from her illness, and the King of Chu accompanied her to Beihai to attend to her illness.


[1] After the change of dynasty, the relationship between the characters will last longer this time

The first generation: Empress Dowager Feng

The second generation: Empress Dowager Gu (Gu Li's daughter), King Chu (Song Yi)

The third generation: Emperor Xuanqing (formerly King Qingjiang), King Qin (formerly King Pingjiang), King Wei (formerly King Dongqing), the more important concubines include Empress Gu (the granddaughter of Gu Li), imperial concubine Wen (Jing Xin and Jingshi's concubine)

Fourth Generation: Crown Prince (Song Jingxin), King Jin (Song Jingshi), and several other supporting roles

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