Clan House

Chapter 19 Rejected

In the winter of the sixth year of Xuanqing, the first snow came quietly with the dawn.It was the first time for the child to see Luoxue, so he asked the nanny to hug her and sit by the window, staring out with good eyes.The little girl was wearing a thick cotton coat, her face was hidden in a furry cloak, only a pair of big watery eyes were exposed.

Rongxiu built a brazier, pulled a stool and sat beside the nanny, embroidering the bellyband time after time.On a snowy day, the light in the house was dim, and Rong Xiu was so dizzy from the needle and thread that she dozed off after a while.After a while, there was a strong wind, and the cool wind rolled into the room and penetrated into the woman's collar, blowing the drowsy person into a jolt.Rongxiu put down her embroidery work, closed the open window, and sent the little princess to take a nap.

The child is not happy yet, so naturally he doesn't follow.She was tightly wrapped by the nanny, and she couldn't feel the cold. She swayed from side to side and patted the nanny's arms, babbling in a child's voice, thinking of going outside.Rongxiu and the nanny looked at each other, and without their coats on, they ran out of the hall in a few steps, squeezed a large cloud of snow across the corridor, and ran back erratically.

Seeing Xue Tuanzi, the little princess excitedly spread her five fingers to pat the white ball, and she grinned from the ice.The nanny held the little girl a little farther away, rubbed the princess's hand with both hands and sighed.The girl Rongxiu has a lot of ideas, but she often does some scary moves, which makes them unable to resist.Rongxiu didn't wear much, and the cold wind was blowing through her back and forth, and she was squatting by the brazier and shivering.Still holding the icy snow with both hands, he made an exaggerated gesture of shrinking.The little princess was initially disappointed, but when she saw Rongxiu's appearance, she was amused and laughed again.

"You are bold. If the princess catches a cold, it will be your fault." A man's voice came from behind, and one didn't need to look back to know that Song Jingxin had woken up.Ever since the little princess was taken to the prince's side, the prince has stopped drinking, and only sleeps until the sun rises every day, still ignoring the affairs of the court.

That day, he woke up early in the morning, but he was lazily unwilling to get up. He couldn't help coming out until he heard his daughter's laughter outside, and saw the scene of Rong Xiu teasing the child.This woman is so courageous, it is not once or twice that she brought the child to his bedroom to play without permission like today.Song Jingxin wanted to reprimand her a few words, but she also knew that she had good intentions, but to be honest, he didn't know what was good and what was wrong.

"Your Highness only needs to punish the servants." Rongxiu coaxed the child to herself, not even giving the crown prince a look.

"Who's used to you being so proud?" Song Jingxin pouted, turned and returned to the inner hall, "Come here and wait on me to change clothes."

The nanny coaxed the little princess back to her room for an afternoon nap, while Rongxiu followed the prince into the inner hall.Seeing that her hands were red from the cold, Song Jingxin stuffed a stove for her, and then sat back on the bed with her legs wide open, "Fuck your paws first, are you going to freeze me to death?"

Rongxiu was about to go to get some clothes and came over. Seeing the prince's movement, she had no choice but to kneel and sit on the footrest to warm her hands.Song Jingxin had always disliked being served by maids of honor. Usually, only Huang Xi and two young eunuchs served her personally.It was also the first time that Rongxiu was called to change clothes in the inner hall, so her actions were inevitably a little rusty. "Thank you Your Highness, the slave is guilty."

Song Jingxin waved his hand, saying it's okay.The two immediately chatted a few words about family matters, most of which were interesting things about the princess.The little eunuch poured warm water to help the crown prince wash his face and mouth. Song Jingxin wiped his neck, stretched his arms, and felt refreshed.Rongxiu and the little eunuch helped the prince change his middle clothes together, and unfolded a set of bamboo green casual clothes for the prince to put on.Having not been active for many days, Song Jingxin became a little fatter than before, and her waist also became thicker.Rongxiu lowered her body to help him tie his belt, wrapped her arms around the man's waist, and the bun on her head almost touched his chest.

"It's been so many years since I've served anyone," Song Jingxin took a half step back in disgust, "You've given birth to a mother's body."

Rongxiu blushed with embarrassment, straightened her neck and squatted down to tinker for a while, and finally tied the knot.She hung up the accessories again, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, forgive me."

Song Jingxin didn't care about it, but he didn't dare to ask Rong Xiu to comb her hair anymore. He lifted up his robe and sat in front of the mirror, asking the little eunuch to take over the woman's work.Rong Xiufu stood aside, half lowered her head, thinking about other things.After a long while, I heard the prince say again: "You will serve in my palace for a while, and after the princess's filial piety period is over, I will promote you to be a servant."

Rongxiu was surprised, thinking that she heard it wrong: "Your Highness is probably joking."

"Who's joking about this?" The little eunuch tightened his hands, Song Jingxin tilted his head and helped his hair, "You deserve it, you have worked hard these days."

Rongxiu didn't show any joy, instead she knelt down and begged the prince to take back her order: "I'm afraid I won't be able to serve Your Highness badly. Please allow my servant to guard the spirit of the princess."

The little eunuch was about to insert the hairpin, but was waved away.The prince didn't expect that he would be rejected, turned his head to look at Rongxiu, and what caught his eyes was the well-behaved fair neck of the woman under the hair roots. "you are not willing?"

"Yes, the servant is not willing." Rongxiu's voice was still steady, and she kowtowed again after speaking.

"What's the reason? Ever since the princess was ill, you've been paying attention to everything, and you've been circling around the palace all day long. What are you looking for?" Song Jingxin was not angry, but wondered: "Could it be that you have someone you like, what do you want?" What? Money or the grace of going out of the palace?"

Rong Xiu raised her head abruptly, her eyes were staring round, her eye sockets were flushed with suffocation, "His Royal Highness really has no heart, this servant has long been His Highness's servant, do you mean that you want this servant to die to show his ambition?"

"Hey... what kind of temper do you have..." Song Jingxin muttered, frowning impatiently, "I just want to reward you for your hard work, why are you so angry. If you don't want it, then don't. You women are really strange, you don't say what you want directly, how can others know what you think if you don't say it!"

Song Jingxin's interest was swept away, and she only thought it was over.Rongxiu listened to his understatement, but was pissed off: "So in the eyes of His Highness, the actions of slaves and maidservants are all plots! Your Highness thinks too highly of myself, let alone a mere selection of servants, he is as noble as you are." Concubine, you have been dragged down to death by you all your life, and how popular you are by your side..."

"Shut up!" Song Jingxin was also set on fire, pushed away the little eunuch who was combing her hair, let the hair that had just been tied loose, pointed at the woman's forehead and cursed, "Okay, you are noble, you can remember What I said today! You don’t want to be a concubine when I’m given you the chance, you just like being a lowly court lady, and you’ll only be happy if you let you pour your shit out of it!”

"Slaves are of course despicable, in the eyes of His Highness, none of us are despicable!" Rongxiu let the man's fingers rest between her eyebrows, her words were a little nasal, "The slaves have served His Highness for more than four years, and His Highness never thought of it when he was named the crown prince." Slaves, Your Highness never thought of your servants when he was crowned the crown prince. Until the concubine of the crown prince fell ill, His Highness forgot all the names of the servants. Now that he was persecuted by others, he realized that the servants are useful, and wanted to use the glory Wealth and honor win over slaves. Now you think of giving slaves status. In the past, when slaves were humble, it was the crown princess who supported and took care of slaves. Now that the concubine is gone, what do you appoint slaves to be servants, just like those women in the Eastern Palace Are you a widow?"

"Presumptuous!" Song Jingxin slapped the dressing table with a palm, and the jade hairpin that tied her hair fell to the ground and fell into several pieces.

The little eunuch knelt down in horror, and hugged the prince's calf with both hands, for fear that he would kill the maid in a fit of anger. "Your Highness, calm down, Your Highness, calm down..."

Song Jingxin instinctively wanted to kick the little eunuch away, but finally held back and turned away from looking at the irritating maid: "You... Get out, get out! Don't let Ben Gong see you!"

Rongxiu climbed up, tapped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve, and Wei Wei Fu walked away.

Song Jingxin waited until she was gone, then kicked the little eunuch's elbow with his toe: "Get up, prepare the horse, I will go out for a while."

"Your Highness, hey... your hair..."

The prince hid in the east palace for a long time, but recently, because of the company of his children, he has a little intention of reviving.That day, he had asked Song Jingshi to go out of the palace to talk, but before he left, Rong Xiu turned off his interest, so he sent the little eunuch to write a letter to release his sister's pigeons.

Naturally, snow fell outside the palace, and the streets were sparsely populated.Song Jingxin dismissed his followers and walked aimlessly on the street, gradually feeling a little cold.He saw a small building with four corners standing in front of it, with the ridge of swallows flying obliquely, and the signboard of the restaurant was hung. On the second floor, there were people wearing bamboo hats, leaning on the railing to cook wine and watch the snow.The heat from the stove steamed out, and billowing white mist floated out.Song Jingxin saw a bit of comfort, let out a breath of foul air slowly, and ordered some wine.

Perhaps it was because the weather was too cold and the business of the restaurant was exceptionally good. Song Jingxin didn't want to go to the private room, so she condescended to sit in the lobby.Fortunately, the tables and chairs were also tidied up, Song Jingxin leaned on the pillars, drinking while listening to the singing of the entertainer.Sitting behind him was an old man wearing a gray cloth jacket, playing a huqin accompaniment.The woman who sang the song was wearing a pale pink jacket and a light green skirt, babbling and singing Beijing and Middle School tunes.

The girl was thirteen or fourteen years old, her appearance could only be considered delicate, and her body was as narrow as bean sprouts.She had a good voice, she spoke like a warbler, and it was so clear that it made people listen comfortably.Song Jingxin didn't pay attention to what she was singing, but watched that many men in the tavern were all looking at the little girl, and they were drinking with relish from a bean sprouts.

After the song, the girl thanked the guests and asked for a reward.The old man also put down the huqin, slightly blocking the girl behind him.The little girl only had a few years of youthful food, so she couldn't make a lot of money by performing arts, and what she got was only a few copper coins.

There was a bearded man in the arena, with scars under his eyes and beard growing into his temples, he looked very vicious.This man is unusually tall, but he can't judge his age just by his appearance, some people would believe him if he was twenty, and he wouldn't be too rich if he said forty.Song Jingxin noticed the man, and he slapped the girl to open his throat. He didn't drink a few sips of wine, and stared at him with his big copper bell eyes.Sure enough, when the old man put down the piano, the man took out an oiled paper bag from his pocket and handed it to the girl flatteringly.When the girl saw him, she took half a step back shyly without looking up.The man chuckled, lifted the scar under his eyes and trembled, and fawningly opened the paper bag, it turned out to be a bag of rose sugar.The girl was startled instead of happy, and jumped to hide behind the old man, shaking her head constantly.

"Can't eat, bad throat." The old man said.

"Come with brother, you won't have to sing in the future." The bearded man said boldly.

The girl blushed and buried herself behind her grandfather, refusing to raise her head.The onlookers in the restaurant became interested, and ordered to boo, and the bearded man was not afraid of making jokes, and laughed along with the sound.

Song Jingxin couldn't stand it, although he felt that this girl was not very attractive, it would be a waste to be assigned to such an ugly man.What's more, it is really disgusting for such a vicious person to bully the old and the weak with his bravery.The music is not intoxicating, His Royal Highness drank a lot himself, and now, with the feeling of being slightly drunk, he also planned to be a hero to save the beauty.

Song Jingxin rummaged through the cloth bag, found two silver ingots, and waved to the old man: "Old man, come here, I'll reward you!"

The old man came over in a hurry, bowed and held a bamboo basket, in which there were some copper plates and scattered silver.Song Jingxin threw away the two big silver ingots, the old man was startled when he saw it, kowtowed to thank him, cowardly, he didn't dare to take it. "Coarse voice in the countryside, it's not worth the reward money, the nobles can reward you as you like."

"It's okay, I don't have such a small amount of money, if I give it to you, you can take it." Song Jingxin shook his head, and assumed the attitude of a landlord's stupid son, "Who is this girl?"

"If you come back to the nobleman, it's the little old man's granddaughter." The old man replied.

"Well, that's right," Song Jingxin said, "This girl seems to be a lucky girl, and she can't be taken advantage of by a country bastard. Today I will go back to the mansion with my master, and I will enter the palace to be a concubine in the future, you old man Followed by blessings."

The little old man was so frightened that he almost turned over the basket with trembling hands.The little girl didn't even look happy, she trotted and hid behind the bearded man.

Song Jingxin thought to himself that I didn't read the almanac today, and I was humiliated by women once or twice.He also saw that big bearded man walking over with an unfriendly expression, rolling up his sleeves as if trying to reason with him.Song Jingxin is not a soft-tempered person who can be manipulated by others. He did not bring a weapon when he went out this time. Bare hands are not his specialty, so he had to strike first.His Royal Highness put aside his demeanor, and attacked the man with a black tiger.The man was also agile, he sideways dodged and took a defensive posture. "What are you doing!"

"Get rid of you villain who bullies women!" Song Jingxin replied, and then punched the man's left chest again.

Speaking of which, this guy was really wronged, he had a fierce face by nature, but he didn't mean to be provocative, originally he just wanted to make things clear with Song Jingxin.Unexpectedly, this master Song Jingxin has been out of his mind recently, and he would do it indiscriminately, which aroused the anger of the bearded man.The two of you come and go, you push and block, and so a few tricks have passed.The bearded man figured out Song Jingxin's tricks, he knew that although he was skilled in martial arts, he was not good at boxing, and after a few rounds, he was at a disadvantage. "Stop, you are not my opponent."

The bearded man tried to persuade him, but Song Jingxin was provoked instead.It was the first time in his life that he wrestled seriously with others, and he had a strong determination to win or lose.

The guests in the restaurant were scared away a lot, but some of them still stood in the corner to watch the fun.Song Jingxin picked up the bench and chopped it down, the man snatched the bench back empty-handed, and saw another table in his pocket.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ignorant of the sufferings of the people, so he beat things at will since he was a child.The bearded man didn't want to break the furniture, he was made clumsy by this naughty boy.Seeing that Song Jingxin was dressed gorgeously, the big man didn't want to hurt others, but now he was so entangled that he couldn't help but use ruthless moves.When Song Jingxin attacked with a move, the bearded man retreated slightly, grabbed his forearm and cut it backwards with his movements, at the same time, raised the opponent's arm with his left elbow and pushed it around, touching his chest with two fingers together.

Song Jingxin only felt that half of his body went numb, and his limbs lost strength.When the man let go of his arm, he lost his strength and knelt on the ground, his chest hurting sharply when he moved slightly.

Song Jingxin practiced martial arts since she was a child, so she had naturally heard of acupuncture techniques, but this technique is as advanced as a legend.Seeing him lying down in this tavern now, it really is a ship capsized in the gutter.He couldn't move, he could only adjust his internal breath secretly, but it caused even more pain in his chest.From the corner of the eye, I saw the girl who sang the song approaching. Song Jingxin had just praised the girl for her loyalty, when she saw the girl walk up to the big man with the beard, and said in spite of her shyness: "Brother Big Niu, what's the matter?" The young master looks at Fugui, what can you do if you hurt someone, run away! I... I still have some money at home, I will give it to you for money on the road..."

Song Jingxin swallowed a mouthful of old blood into his stomach, the two of them are a couple with affection, and many people present together are watching him alone.

Daniu also realized that this matter was not good, he sighed vicissitudes of life, and patted the girl's shoulder comfortingly, intending to perform exercises for Song Jingxin first.The man's hands were about to reach Song Jingxin's side, but a young boy's hoarse voice shouted, "Stop!"


Song Yi: The correct posture of a hero to save the beauty

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