Clan House

Chapter 12

"It's really broken. Thanks to the rain yesterday, it will be difficult to deal with it if the snow falls at the end of the year." Knowing that the house where His Royal Highness lived was drenched in rain, the Ministry of Industry sent someone to give Zong People repair the roof of the house.The visitor first went inside to check the beams, columns, purlins, and fangs. Seeing that there were no problems in the structure and that the walls had not collapsed, they climbed up the ladder to check on the roof, and found that a large piece of tile was missing. "How did this happen?"

"I don't know. When this house was repaired last time, I was not even born yet." The experience officer put his hands in his hands and stood on tiptoe to watch the workers work. "It's all here. Please, please repair the rest of the houses."

"You don't need to remind me, my lord. Before we come out, our superiors have already explained that we must repair the big and small houses of this family mansion stronger than the city towers, so we are allowed to go back!"

Why did the Ministry of Industry suddenly become so thoughtful? This matter dates back to the morning when King Xunyang made a big fuss in the Ministry of Industry.

After tossing and tossing a few times at night, the masters and servants in the west chamber were not very energetic, and Song Yi simply said that he couldn't get out of illness.When there is no official business, the high-ranking princes in the clan's mansion don't have to come to the yamen every day to check.The weather has not been very good these days, Song Yi guessed that King Xunyang would not come, so he sent Wang Yongfu to tell King Xunyang about the rain leaking in the east chamber the night before and the prince fell again.The Xunyang King had a fiery temper, and immediately kicked over the table in anger, and immediately came to the Ministry of Industry to find someone to argue with.

The Ministry of Industry is mainly engaged in restoration work. Although its status is slightly inferior to other departments, the official affairs involved are meticulous and complicated.The biggest project in Luo now is the construction of the emperor's mausoleum. Most of Yingzong's mausoleum was completed during his reign, but Ruizong's ascension to the throne was so late that construction started after his death.Now that Emperor Xuanqing came to power, he learned his father's lesson and began to build the imperial mausoleum early.For this reason, the Ministry of Industry also specially added a servant to the establishment to take charge of the construction of the imperial tomb.There was no imperial court that day, two of the three ministers went to see the imperial mausoleum project, and the other was sent to the south to supervise the water conservancy.Shangshu Xiong Yukun was getting old, and he occasionally stayed lazy, pretending to go out on business and procrastinating until noon before arriving at the ministry.

When King Xunyang arrived at the Ministry of Industry, none of the high-ranking officials in the huge yamen disappeared.Yuan Wai Lang respectfully invited the prince into the hall to drink tea, but Xunyang King didn't appreciate it, and poured hot tea over Yuan Wai Lang's body, "You are not qualified, let your stewards come and see me."

"Master Shangshu is away on business, and the three ministers are not in Beijing..."

Overturning the teacup, King Xunyang slapped the coffee table with a "bang": "Find it, tell Xiong Yukun to wash his neck, and I will wait here until he comes!"

Yuanwailang repeatedly accused him of crimes, and ran out in a panic to call for someone.He crouched timidly, his forehead bumped against a chest that was harder than the city wall, and he looked up to see a big man with a black face, who was actually the personal guard of the palace.

Xiong Yukun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, was lying on a rocking chair in the yard basking in the sun. Two beauties were kneeling on the ground, one pinching his feet and the other beating his legs.The official messenger who reported the letter rushed in, grabbed the sleeve of the old minister and walked out.Poor Xiong Shangshu stumbled the squatting beauty first, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and immediately threw off the official and raised his arms to regain his balance, but the sole of his foot was cut by a stone.

"Ao..." Mr. Xiong stood on one leg and covered his feet, "What's the matter of panic, I haven't changed my clothes yet, why are you so anxious!"

"My lord... Hurry up, let's go... You can wear the official uniform on the road..." The officer ran out of breath, "King Xunyang brought the palace guards... carrying, carrying a sledgehammer, here, here Our Ministry of Industry smashed the wall... If you don't go through, he will demolish the house..."

When Xiong Yukun rushed to the official office of the Ministry of Industry, he saw that there was no more than one office building in the past.In the left side, there was still King Xunyang sitting on the ground, drinking the tea freshly brought by Yuanwailang.The officials of the Ministry of Industry were all disheveled, and they were disheartened to rescue the blueprints and documents submerged in the dust of bricks.Xiong Shangshu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. He didn't care to help the crooked official hat, so he went to ask Xunyang Wang to make a theory, but was stopped by the guards.

"King Xunyang, what do you mean! This is the Outer Imperial City. If you destroy the official palace, I will go to visit you in front of His Majesty!"

"Participate in me? Hmph, I haven't asked you what you mean before." King Xunyang opened his eyes wide, without losing his momentum, "The government office in the imperial city outside is leaking, why can only your Ministry of Industry use it so well?" House of!"

"You, you, you..." Xiong Yukun was speechless angrily, "The house will be permanently damaged naturally, if there is any problem, just report it, and you came here to destroy the government office because of such a trivial matter?"

"A trivial matter?" King Xunyang sneered, "Is it a trivial matter that the government office of the majestic Prince Yipin has not been inspected for 60 years? Is it a trivial matter that the house leaks and is rained when the prince is sleeping? The Shensi Hall where the prince lives is enshrined. Sir, is it a trivial matter that your Ministry of Industry is so negligent in handling affairs?"

"Your Highness, you can't talk nonsense!" Xiong Yukun saw that he had even invited out the emperor's ranking, and he would never let such a big hat be buckled, "What is missing, I will send someone to fix it."

"It's late!" King Xunyang waved away his guards, threw his sleeves out of the wind, and walked towards the inner imperial city, "Before you neglected the ancestral temple, the ancestral order ignored it, and even sent someone to remind the prince when he moved in. Who would have thought that not only did you not appreciate it, but you pushed back and forth. Now Shensitang is leaking, and the crown prince was drenched in the rain, and I heard that he broke his head at night. Your Ministry of Industry is really deceiving people too much, and the dignified royal clan is being perfunctory by you bunch of rotten scholars Neglect. I will be punished even if I try my best today, and I will go with you to argue in front of His Majesty!"

When Chen Jingxian came to report, Emperor Xuanqing just felt very annoyed. "It's the King of Chu again, why is there him for everything!" The emperor pinched his brows, resting his head on Yumeiren's arms, inhaled the choking fragrance, and made his heart even more depressed, "Go back first."


Yu Meiren came out in style, and just ran into King Xunyang and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry who were tugging at each other outside the door.The Xunyang King had a dark face, his belt had already been pulled loose and fell to his waist.Xiong Shangshu's hat was also tilted down, and his white beard was messily stuck to his cheeks, and it kept rising and falling with his breathing.

"Ahem..." Yu Meiren choked on her own saliva, covered her face with her sleeve, and ran away holding back a smile.

The emperor called, and the two of them dragged them into the Qianqing Palace without tidying up their robes.Emperor Xuanqing also wanted to laugh when he saw these two descriptions, but he is the Son of Heaven and cannot act recklessly like Yumei.

"How decent!" The emperor angrily reprimanded.

The two separated immediately, the one who tied the belt tied the belt, and the one who trimmed the beard trimmed the beard.

"Why are you? Where is the king of Chu?" Emperor Xuanqing asked King Xunyang.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was injured last night. Uncle King Chu summoned the imperial physician to see him. He heard that he had also caught a cold." King Xunyang rolled his eyes at Xiong Yukun and raised his head slightly. Go, the Shensi Hall enshrines the ranks of the ancestors, and King Gaoyang has already gone to see it. I was really angry, so I went to the Ministry of Industry to argue. Everything is my own opinion, please be punished by Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty!" Without waiting for Emperor Xuanqing to speak, Xiong Yukun said anxiously, "I am guilty of making the crown prince rain. However, King Xunyang led his soldiers to destroy the official office of the Ministry of Industry. Many officials in the Ministry were frightened by this. All the official documents in the collection of drawings and drawings were crushed under the bricks and tiles. How can such an act be exposed with a single sentence of 'I can't get angry'!"

Even though he didn't know much about the affairs of the Ministry of Industry, Emperor Xuanqing knew the importance of civil engineering and water conservancy matters, so he felt that King Xunyang was messing around.King Xunyang didn't look at the face of the emperor, and raised his voice: "Your Majesty, I'm not angry with you, it's definitely not because of myself, but because of Your Majesty!"

"I arrived at the Ministry of Industry today at the right time, but this Lord Minister is still sleeping peacefully at home. He, Xiong Yukun, has served as Minister of the Ministry of Industry for more than ten years, and he has followed his example. This kind of style, I dare not imagine other officials of the Ministry of Industry How it works. My clan’s mansion is the head of all ministries, and the Shensi Hall is dedicated to the ancestors of the past dynasties. It has not been overhauled for 60 years. I dare not think that the mausoleums, palaces, and altars built under the supervision of Xiong Shangshu may have hidden dangers. This Ministry of Industry treats the clan so neglectfully, is the palace where His Majesty lives really safe!"

"Xiong Yukun!" King Xunyang knew the temper of the emperor well, and these few words ignited a fire in his heart.Since he ascended the throne, he continued the ancestral system and used the Qianqing Palace as his bedroom. Thinking that the palace had been built for a hundred years, he was worried about the safety of his residence.

"Slander, King Xunyang, this is a word of slander, Your Majesty..."

"Master Xiong, think clearly, this king sent someone to follow your subordinates back to the mansion." Without waiting for Xiong Yukun to distinguish, King Xunyang asked first, "Does Lord Xiong need a certificate of successor of this king?"

"Xiong Aiqing?" Emperor Xuan Qing cast a suspicious look.

Xiong Yukun was pierced by the emperor's gaze, and now he knew he had fallen into a trap, and knelt down slowly as if he lost his strength: "I... am old and frail, and can't bear the burden of the Ministry of Industry..."

"Since you are old and frail, let us give up the position of Minister." Emperor Xuanqing said lightly, "I will not hold you accountable for negligence of duty, and you can go home to take care of yourselves tomorrow."

"Thank you Your Majesty..."

King Xunyang is a straight man, seeing Xiong Yukun losing power, he immediately showed joy.It happened that Emperor Xuanqing saw his appearance as a villain, and he couldn't get angry immediately.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry was smashed to pieces by me, and I am afraid that many files have been damaged. So I asked someone to help repair it and make amends."

"Get out!" Emperor Xuanqing said angrily, "You ground me back to the mansion, don't even think about going anywhere!"

Wang Qiang of Xunyang had just rained before the demolition department, so it might be difficult to preserve its internal files.Emperor Xuanqing decreed that craftsmen were allowed to enter and repair it.He was also worried that the craftsmen would be rough and destroy the official documents and volumes, so he ordered other departments in Beijing to send some clerical officials to help organize the volumes.Chen Jingxian was in charge. Officials from each department of the Ministry of Industry supervised the volumes of their own departments, and officials from other departments assisted in sorting out. The sorted drawing files were temporarily stored in the archives of several other ministries.

During the commotion in the morning, many officials gathered outside the Ministry of Industry to watch the excitement.I don't know whether it's Xunyang Wang who is too fierce or Xiong Yukun who is too unpopular, but no one stepped forward to try to persuade them to fight.Before the onlookers could figure out what happened, the minister of the Ministry of Industry was dismissed from office. It just so happened that the three ministers were not in the ministry, and the entire Ministry of Industry fell into disarray.

King Jin was on duty at the household department that day, and the officials of the household department were chattering, and gossip spread into her ears.Song Jingshi clicked his tongue in amazement, thinking that this Xunyang King was really a character, he pulled the prince's brother's tiger skin and pushed Xiong Yukun's old fritters to the end.But I don't know what kind of feud this Xunyang King has with Xiong Yukun. If it's just because of the rain leaking in the house, it's too far-fetched.Song Jingshi didn't believe it was a coincidence, so he secretly paid attention to it ever since.

At this time, the lobby of the household department was full of scrolls brought by the Ministry of Industry.Song Jingshi had a good memory, and he arrested all the officials who had watched the excitement in the afternoon, and helped to clean the muddy water on the books, and then sorted them out.

The household department had nothing important to do today, Song Jingshi was afraid that the official documents would be mixed up, so he tidied up the table, took a piece of paper and covered the household department's folder.She was bored, and only saw that other people's work was even less interesting, so she took the nearest file and read it.Unexpectedly, looking through this casually, I saw something wrong.In the second year of Xuanqing, water seeped underground in the original mausoleum of the Son of Heaven. After the Ministry of Industry surveyed the site, it proposed to re-select the site. This dragged on until the fourth year of Xuanqing.After choosing the location, the Ministry of Industry requested the money, and the paperwork went through the Ministry of Accounts, and Song Jingshi personally approved it.Her memory has always been good, so she doesn't need to check the official documents at that time, just look at the list in front of her, and it doesn't match the request at all.

Song Jingshi closed the book indifferently, and waved his hand to call an officer: "You take my king's token, first say hello to Chen Zhangyin, and then go to General He Qi, and ask him to bring some people over."

Hearing the voice of the secretary, the secretary was cautious, and he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he took the order and left immediately.

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