Clan House

10 Coexistence

Song Yi felt that he had always been very reasonable. Although he threatened the prince, he didn't really intend to keep the prince hungry.When he went out early in the morning, he brought some porridge and side dishes. Now that the rice porridge was cold, he sent Wang Yongfu to reheat it on the stove before sending it to the prince.

When he was young, his father was afraid that he would be bored and assigned him a few court ladies and eunuchs of the same age.Those people had only served for less than a month before they were dismissed by him, leaving only Wang Yu alone.Children are disobedient, their brains are not good, and they still remember to eat but not to beat.Song Yi was too lazy to teach many people, he could only teach Wang Yu patiently.In Song Yi's eyes, the current Song Jingxin is a clumsy and willful brat who is not well trained.It's useless to punish this kind of person, it's better to ask him to do the bastard thing he did to repay himself.

Song Yi returned to the main hall, sent someone to call the experience officer over, and ordered him to check the repair records of the Zongren Mansion's house.

The file is easy to check. The experience officer dusted off the file, turned to that page and showed it to the King of Chu: "It was repaired during the Wu Zong Dynasty, Yuanyou eight years, and it has been nearly 60 years."

"My lord sees that the Shensi hall is a bit damaged, especially the side rooms. I'm afraid there are hidden dangers if people don't live there for a long time." Song Yi ordered lightly, "You report to the Ministry of Industry and ask them to arrange a time to come and have a look."

"Yes." The experience officer responded.

Song Jingxin was only half full after eating the porridge and side dishes that Wang Yongfu sent.He stayed on the bed for a while, then was called up to learn etiquette.But he didn't know that Song Yi had a wide range of contacts, and he borrowed a female official from the Shangyi Bureau to teach the prince how to comb his hair and dress.

This female official's name is Song Dianqing, she used to go to the East Palace, Song Jingxin unexpectedly recognized her.Song Nvshi was in charge of teaching concubines and maids to dress the prince on a daily basis, and this was the first time that she took on the job of dressing the prince himself.All the female officials in the palace looked dignified and neither humble nor overbearing, with fake but decent smiles on their faces.What Song Jingxin saw was a wooden man, explaining the rules of the crown prince's official uniform in front of him.After going through a long speech, Song Nvshi took out a wooden human head from the box and showed the prince how to tie his hair.

Song Jingxin watched the dexterous hands demonstrate in slow motion, and followed each step step by step, but combed her hair like a bird's nest.

"Your Highness, don't be impatient." Song Dian smiled lightly, "Practice a few more times and you'll be fine."

After Song Jingxin finished dressing, the sky was already dark.The bowl of clear porridge eaten at noon had long been digested without a trace, and His Highness the Crown Prince's stomach began to growl again.Song Yi didn't continue to abuse him, but only dragged him into the Shensi Hall to kowtow to his ancestors to confess his mistakes, and then let him go back to the East Wing for dinner.

Homework was still assigned at night, and the prince had to finish the entire "Book of Guilt".

After dinner, Song Jingxin went back to the Shensi Hall sleepily, and saw that the lights in the room had been turned on, and Song Yi was lying on the large table, writing something. "The emperor's uncle hasn't returned to the house yet?"

After Song Yi finished writing a line, he glanced at it indifferently while taking advantage of the ink: "This king has ordered someone to clean up the west chamber, so I will stay here and watch you."

It's really a waste of money, Song Jingxin slandered in his heart, let's see what it will be like if this child doesn't know how to dress and comb his hair tomorrow.

Picking up the pen again, without the little bookboy grinding the ink, Song Jingxin had no choice but to grind it carelessly.The contents of the ancestral precepts written down the night before have already been eaten with food, and His Royal Highness is now empty-headed and has no thoughts.In desperation, I had to re-read the ancestral training.As I flipped through it, I wrote down the key words on the paper, and gradually I got an idea again.

He has no literary talents, but fortunately, "Book of Guilt" does not need any literary talents, just narrating mistakes and reflections directly.Once you have an idea, you only need to straighten out the words and sentences before and after, and the article will be completed.

Song Jingxin leaned over his desk to write, only to feel that the candlelight was gradually dimming.Seeing that the article was about to be completed, he didn't care too much and insisted on finishing the last few sentences.After finishing, he put down the pen and rubbed his eyes, and suddenly felt that the candlelight was getting darker, because someone blocked the light.Song Jingxin looked up, and saw that little man put his face close to the candle flame, helping him cut the candles on the table.

The shadow of the candle flickered, and Song Jingxin noticed that Song Yi seemed to be a little taller.He stood up suddenly, and Song Yi was so startled that he left the candlestick and fell to the ground. He knew that what he had expected was right, this kid still needed to tiptoe to cut candles.

Song Jingxin laughed unkindly, Song Yi's face was still pale, he would always grow taller, and he didn't find it funny to tiptoe. "Finished?"

"It's finished," Song Jingxin nodded, and presented the paper with both hands not so solemnly, "Please give advice to the emperor's uncle."

The relationship between the two was surprisingly harmonious.

It was night, and Song Yi moved into the West Chamber.Contrary to what Song Jingxin had guessed, he actually brought palace servants to take care of his daily life.On weekdays, tea, snacks, sweeping and incense are taken care of by someone, and only Wang Yu is left to serve at night.After all, in front of his ancestors, the majestic king of Chu shouldn't be too extravagant.

Song Jingxin rolled around on the big bed bored, no one was waiting for him, he couldn't even drink hot tea, and had to change the Gong bucket by himself.The dignified prince has never experienced this kind of hardship. In the past, he was annoyed by the women in the Eastern Palace, but now he just feels lonely and sleepless.

At the other end of the west chamber, the king of Chu had already turned off the lights and fell asleep.Song Jingxin secretly planned in his heart that when tomorrow, he must go to the second grandpa's side to soak up the water and eat.

Song Yi was quite generous to the crown prince, obviously he didn't intend to treat him harshly in life.It's just that his generosity was not understood by Song Jingxin: "It's not so great, Uncle Emperor, you even became a vegetarian yourself in order to torture me!"

Song Yi glanced at the prince indifferently, and rewarded Wang Yu with the meal, and Song Jingxin lost the dinner again.

Song Jingxin wakes up to practice martial arts in the morning, and Song Yi is not too late to stay in bed even though he is young, and gets up early to study.His Royal Highness the King of Chu sat by the window and finished reading the "Book of Guilt" with the wind of the prince punching.Although he was young, he never doubted his talent, and he dared to change the article for His Royal Highness, who was older than him.

The two had breakfast together in a friendly manner, and went to the Shensi Hall to worship their ancestors together.Song Yi took out the manuscript that he had corrected for the prince in the morning, and circled it with a red pen.He called the prince to his desk and was about to take a seat when he saw a small suitcase placed upright under the chair he often sat on, the height was just enough for him to put his two feet when he sat down.

Song Yi lifted the hem of his clothes, stepped on the box and sat on the chair. "The prince has a heart."

"You're welcome." Song Jingxin replied with a smile.

He was used to getting up early, and when he got up this day and saw that the west chamber was still still, he sneaked into the Shensi hall, hoping to see what the king of Chu had written so hard the night before.Who would have expected that cheapskate to be extremely defensive, tidy up the table, stop talking, and even the Zhai notebook that he saw the day before yesterday disappeared.

When Yingzong was still there, these juniors gathered together to study.Jing Rui of Qin Wang's family is a good businessman. He comes to his seat half an hour in advance every time he starts class, watching the little eunuch clean the spotless desks, chairs and floor.Then spread the paper, grind the ink, spread out the brushes and hang them neatly, and align the pen holders, paperweights, and inkstones.The prince's pens and inks are uniformly distributed in the palace, but his pens and papers are never touched by anyone, as if they are so precious.When school was over, the princes went out to find playmates they had a good relationship with, but Jing Rui didn't leave, he just watched the little eunuch pack up his pen and ink, and never asked anyone else to take a piece of paper from him.

Seeing Song Yi's clean desk, Song Jingxin wondered if this ancestor was a cheapskate like Song Jingrui.

A tender white hand waved in front of his eyes, Song Jingxin immediately came back to his senses, seeing Song Yi glaring at him dissatisfied, and actually lost his mind while he was explaining.Song Jingxin laughed a few times, and got a big roll of eyes from the king of Chu, and hurriedly went back to revise with the masterpiece full of red circles.

The prince made a mistake and posted [-] copies of the "Book of Guilt" in the downtown area.The King of Chu stared at Song Jingxin and copied ten copies. It wasn't until this person started playing tricks that he graciously asked the officials of the East Palace to copy the other ninety copies.After all, it was the crown prince who made the mistake, and all officials in the East Palace were responsible for their negligence.

After writing "Letter to Myself", Song Jingxin was considered a major event.Now he only has ten copies of "Tai Zu Xun" homework every day. Although he is in confinement at other times, he can take care of himself.Song Yi originally hoped that the prince could use his spare time to read some books, but that man didn't appreciate it, and spent most of his time practicing martial arts except for being in a daze.He cut a branch to make a sword, and danced gracefully in the small courtyard.When Song Yi was not busy, he would occasionally watch Song Jingxin practicing sword practice, and sometimes lowered his eyes in thought, and had new thoughts about the prince.

When the day agreed with Xun Kuan arrived, Song Yi packed up early, instructed the prince to do his homework for the day, and took people to Furong Pond.

Xun Kuan thought it was boring upstairs, so he rented a boat, braved the cold wind with cold wine, and rowed to the center of the lake by himself.The boat had no roof, and Xun Kuan had put some effort into it. He poured a few sips of wine to make it hotter, and fanned the wind in the middle of the lake with a fan, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Song Yi didn't think this man was weird, he wore a moon-white satin cloak and a rabbit fur hood, which made his usually cold face look lovely like jade and snow, like a baby born in a flower tree. elf.

"Your Highness's cloak doesn't look like the one made in the palace." Xun Kuan tore off two withered lotus leaves, and handed one to Song Yi, who went into the lake to fiddle with the water.

"It was made by my aunt," Song Yi said with a smile, "It turns out that the care of the elders is so heart-warming."

"Your Highness was bought by this cloak?" Xun Kuan sneered.

"Otherwise," Song Yi lifted his hood, imitating Xun Kuan's movements, using a dead branch to divert water, "the student has never cared about the Xiao family, all he cares about is the reputation of the mother's family. My aunt has only met Xiao Xiao in nine years. On the student side, he is worried about the student because of his relationship with his biological mother, and the student has a guilty conscience."

Xun Kuan was noncommittal, "In the end, I want to justify the name of Concubine Tang. No matter what, Your Highness is worthy of the Xiao family."

Song Yi threw away the residual lotus, took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Xun Kuan. "This is a dossier that was transcribed in the clan's mansion. Those witnesses are no longer in the palace, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive. I have to trouble you to visit secretly. It is best to find these people or their family members."

Xun Kuan agreed, stuffed the rubbings into his sleeves, and asked Song Yi, "When does Your Highness plan to leave Beijing?"

"After this year is over," Song Yi said, "the student has already mentioned to His Majesty that Meishan is seriously ill, and the fief of the King of Chu is also in Wuchang. He is not suspicious. Besides, the student has been meddling a lot of business recently, and he is only trying to get along with the crown prince." , Thinking about it, His Majesty has already annoyed me. According to our Majesty's personality of avoiding the most important, he will definitely want me to go as far as possible."

"That's good, the spring is blooming, and the road will be easier to walk." Xun Kuan said.

When Song Yi returned to the Zongren Mansion, it was still early, but the sky was very gloomy.In the Thousand Steps Corridor, I met officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs who were on duty. These people were not familiar with the King of Chu, and they usually only greeted each other when they met, but this day it was rare for them to say a few more words to him.

"My lord knows that the crown prince has been impeached today."

It should be because of the horse riding in the downtown area, Song Yi was not surprised, he was not the only one who was alarmed by the prince making such a big commotion.

The man also confirmed Song Yi's guess: "The censor was waiting to persuade, but your majesty has already dealt with the prince by the Daozong's mansion, and even wrote a letter of guilt. That's the first time that Cai Yushi forgot the words." , as if someone robbed the business, his face turned green. The minister looked very pleased with His Majesty's expression, His Highness has done a wonderful job, and the government and the opposition all let out a bad breath."

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