[One Piece] Inferior Star

Chapter 86 Shaking Heart

When Yuxiang and Sabo found the door to come out of the cave-like place, they found it was a small dusty warehouse in the naval base.The base is built along the mountain, so there should be some space to go deep into the mountain.Maybe it was because I somehow got here when I followed the ghost, after all, I can still see the footprints not long ago on the dust.

"I didn't expect there to be such a place here..." Sabo looked around, it seemed that the door could not be opened from the outside, and there were no handles or mechanism in sight.It wasn't even very obvious that it was a door.Maybe when the base was being built, the navy just thought it was an art wall and didn't care...

"Sabo said that he has been to a similar room before... so maybe there are many similar places scattered on the sea?" Youxiang held her shining crystal in her hand, and she said, "Although I don't know why just now It hurts...but that person seems to be my mother. It's great to see her."

"..." Youxiang... Seeing her silently happy smile, Sabo felt a little distressed but also happy for her.He said, "I think...your mother must have some kind of magical connection with this room. After all, such things are also recorded in the texts of history. It may not be a coincidence that you came here. Your mother must know that it is safe here." Yes, that's why I sent you here."

"Yeah." Youxiang nodded with a smile, and she said, "Don't worry about me, Sabo. I'm fine now?"

Sabo didn't say anything, he looked at Youxiang and smiled, and the moment he was about to raise his hand to touch her tear-stained cheek——


It was interrupted by Rossi who suddenly appeared and rushed over to hug Youxiang!

"Wow...cabbage!! Scared me to death! You all suddenly disappeared! You can't find it!!" Rossi hugged Youxiang's neck tightly, and he said, "I can feel it normally. The connection with the cabbage is gone...I thought...where did you go??"

"Rosie...I'm sorry, I made you worry!" Youxiang touched his head, because of the height difference, Rossi is squatting on the ground now, and put his head directly into Youxiang's arms, so it is very convenient to touch his head , "Something happened... I saw my mother!"

"Mom...?" Rosie said, looking up a little, "what's going on?"

"It's just—" You Xiang was about to explain, when suddenly, flames erupted in the night sky outside the window, and a huge pillar of fire rose into the sky!

"That's..." Sabo, who originally wanted Rossi to let go quickly, was also attracted by this pillar of fire. He only knew one person who could do this.

"Ace!" Youxiang said the name, and immediately started running outside!

"Youxiang! Wait a minute!!" Although I was also very worried... But seeing Youxiang's reaction was a bit complicated... Sabo immediately chased after him, "Wait for me! I'll go with you!"

So scared... suddenly so scared!

Youxiang didn't answer, she just ran out, she just wanted to see that person was safe and sound.You shouldn't be separated from him, you shouldn't... No, why are you so afraid?He should have believed him, but after seeing his mother's death, he became extremely uneasy.

He ran out of the naval base as fast as he could, and the fire just lit up the night sky several times.Frey should have passed, he should be fine...Ace...


While still running in the dark street, a voice came from the opposite side, and Youxiang immediately recognized the owner of the voice, then quickened her pace and rushed over to plunge into the man's arms: "Ace!! "

"Youxiang! What's the matter?? Why are you running here!" Ace also hugged her tightly, and at the same time asked a little eagerly, "What happened? Where is Sabo—ah, Sabo, you are here."

"Of course I'm here!" Always be here!But what are you two doing... the relationship is too good!I'm so lonely!Sabo sighed, and he said, "It's good that you're okay. We just saw a fire going up here... did you fight anyone?"

"Ah...it's a troublesome guy." Ace calmed down, and he said, "I'm fine. That guy escaped. But I also know the reason for the weird atmosphere in this place. How about you?"

"There are no clues about Penderga's matter... but I found something else." Sabo was relieved, and he said, "Let's go to a place to talk, it's strange to stand here. And...you just Running this way, what's going on? Where's Matthew?"

"Matthew stayed in the hotel. I just... I..." Ace paused for a while thinking of what happened just now, and he said, "Youxiang, there is something I want to confirm with you now. You can listen Did I say?"

"Hmm...?" What is it?

Ace let go of her, then looked into her eyes and said, "I want to know...youxiang. You sacrificed everything to save me, and you may suffer unpredictable pain in the future. You have paid all the price and put I saved...Is it because you are Youxiang, or because of you...Because you love me who maybe shouldn't be alive at all...? Tell me, please? Youxiang...Youxiang is because you...are too dazzling I don't know, I'm not sure, it's too much, to ask you such a question..."

"But I... have to know! I have to confirm, and then I won't be shaken! So... tell me... why did you save me? Youxiang? Why did you pay such a high price to save me?! "

What strange things are you talking about!Youxiang looked at him a bit reproachfully, what could be the reason... because: "Because it was Ace! I did that because it was Ace, you idiot!! What else could it be? Because I hope Ace To be happy, because I... love everyone, and everyone loves you as much as I do! So if you are gone, none of us can be happy, right!!"

"...Then now..." Ace bent down and grabbed Youxiang's hand hesitantly, "Now that I'm here...do you feel happy? In the future, will you be...happy too? "

"I don't know what will happen in the future...but I know that if Ace is not here, if I am not happy, I will definitely not be happy! If you want to ask if I will regret it in the future...you also It’s too much! Do you think the memories of us together in the past will make people feel regretful! Do you think the encounters with Luffy, Sabo and me will make you regret it? You idiot!! I’m going to beat you up!”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Idiot, I'm sorry Youxiang... I'm sorry...

"Are you at ease?" Youxiang stood on tiptoe and hugged his neck, touching the top of his head, "Those sad things are over, Ace. At least... I think it's great that Ace is here Yes. Everything is worth it, you are the one who deserves so much from me."

"...Even if I'm that...that Roger's son...?" Ace hugged Youxiang again, and he asked softly.

"Who is that uncle Roger...I have never seen him, and I don't know him! It doesn't matter what he is...It has nothing to do with our affairs!"

"Is that so..."

"Of course!"

"Then tell me what's going on between us...?"


"Is it fragrant?"

"Sabo, this guy is molesting me." Youxiang pushed the guy away and started complaining.

However, Sabo just recovered from his distraction.He understands Ace's feelings, and wants to confirm no matter what... Because Youxiang is so pure and beautiful, if it's just because she is herself, then maybe she will regret or complain one day.But if not, if it's because of her love...

Although it is indeed a bit too much to think so, if it is because I love her and hope to get the same return, then it can explain the wavering and hesitation.After all... Because she is so good, I always feel that I am not worthy and dare not ask for her love.


"Well... Youxiang, I too..." I love you too.And it's not the same as the kind of love you just mentioned... I don't know when it started to become different.I don't know if Ace is the same... Hey, he must be the same, otherwise he wouldn't be so nervous just now.Do you really understand our feelings... Hey... It's so difficult...

"Huh?" What?Why don't you finish?Youxiang looked at him in confusion, "Ace, Sabo is so strange."

"Sabo, don't you..." Ace looked at him, and then said, "You want my big brother's hug too?"

"No. Don't come here." Ace was too open-minded... Originally, he was the stricter one.Sabo sighed, and he said, "It's the two of you who worry me too much. Don't be so loud next time...and..."

"Okay ~ give Sabo a hug too!" Youxiang interrupted him, and hugged him with a puff, "We are super~ happy that Sabo is here!"

"Haha..." Ace laughed, then opened his arms and hugged him, "That's all there is! That's great, Sabo. You survived."

"Now let's talk about this..." You guys...what do you want me to do...Sabo laughed helplessly, "Ah. I'm also very happy... It's great to survive. But it's strange that we are like this. It's still in the middle of the night on the street."

"Hahaha... it will become a grotesque!"

"I don't want to be a grotesque! Let's go back to Rosie! He must be worried!"

"Ah... I should also ask Matthew to explain the situation... I always feel that he should think more than us." Ace thought for a while, and he said, "And he needs to eat something."

"Well, that's right." I was supposed to go to the cafeteria to eat, but I didn't eat anything.Sabo nodded in agreement, "Let's go eat first."

"I want to eat ice cream...ah, I can't eat ice cream right now..." You Xiang rubbed her stomach again, "I want to eat strawberry cake..."

"Why can't you eat ice cream? Does your stomach hurt? Youxiang?" Ace felt very strange. Youxiang doesn't eat ice cream, which is comparable to Luffy not eating meat. There is definitely a problem!

"Girl... there are always a few days when it's better not to eat cold food." Youxiang looked aside and said, "Don't Ace and Sabo know?"

"Huh?" Ace looked at Sabo in confusion, and then found that Sabo was also looking in confusion.These two guys really don't know anything...

Well, that's to be expected.Youxiang sighed, and she said: "Anyway... Although the time has not officially come yet, it would be better for me not to eat from now until the end. This time is every month."


"Ask Matthew."

"You tell us it's fine, you are fragrant!"

"I do not want it!!"


The author has something to say:

Later, someone will give you a lecture on physical hygiene.

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