Yes, little, bear! !

Youxiang hugged that huge bear doll tightly, it was fluffy and soft, and the feeling of hugging was also soft, and it felt so comfortable to bury her face in it... I have wanted such a doll since I was very young Big bear, so happy...

" was delivered to you by the head of Eustace." Luo looked at Youxiang who was sitting on the bed and hugging the bear, "Although he didn't want to say anything to me, but...he must be worried too. .”

Captain... thank you.I thought I'd never see you again... Youxiang thought so, she rubbed her face against the little bear and said, "Captain... where are you now?"

"He is very popular in the New World. He is quite famous." Luo said without any desire to comment, "You have missed a lot of things."

"That's right... I didn't expect this to happen..." Youxiang raised her head and looked at Luo and said, "I thought... I would never wake up again. Because at that time... Frey and the others said that they needed my heart .But I shouldn’t be able to survive without a heart. I’ve made up my mind...I didn’t expect to be able to wake up again. Did Mr. Luo save me?”

"...You just appeared on my boat like that, you can't do nothing if you want to." Luo paused, and he said, "But at that time... I didn't know that the heart was yours." If you knew , probably wouldn’t put the heart into Ace’s body, “Later, Ace’s head woke up, and he didn’t know anything. We didn’t know what happened until Mr. Cora also suddenly appeared.”

"Mr. Cora...?"

"That's, it's Rosindi." Youxiang probably doesn't know the name.Luo said, "When I... knew him before, he was using the name 'Corazon'. So I called him Mr. Cora."

That's right... Rosie seems to have skipped that part.Youxiang laughed and said, "I know. I'm also very happy that Rossi and Mr. Luo can meet again! I couldn't tell you about this before... I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing..." Luo said helplessly, "This is not an ordinary thing. I can't believe that you suddenly said that Mr. Cora has turned into a ghost." No, absolutely immediately Just believe it, because you said it, even if I know you are lying to me, I will believe it! (This person says exactly the opposite of what he thinks)

That's what she said... Youxiang didn't realize that this person had a different heart at all.She said: "But I still want to thank you, Mr. Luo! You have helped me so many times...I wish I had done nothing for you, so if you need me to do anything..."

want to hug!Ah, I was scared to death... Didn't say it!Rossi once again controlled his expression and thoughts, he said: "I don't need anything. I didn't help you for this kind of thing."

"Huh? But..."

"I'm a doctor, and when I see a patient who needs treatment, I perform surgery, that's all." Luo replied, "There is no special loss...but you, who gave his heart to Ace, will be fine. Thank you, let me give you something in return." Otherwise, I will not forgive him.

"I'm glad Ace is fine!"

"I'm happy if you're okay."


"Eat this." Forcibly diverting what he said just now, Luo picked up a pill and put it in Youxiang's hand, "Isn't it a stomachache? Don't eat so much ice cream anymore. At least eat it after eating." ?”

"Hmm..." Mr. Luo just... was that serious.He is actually a kind of gentle person?Youxiang thought so, she took the pills with both hands, and glanced at Luo really doesn't work!He is a serious and earnest person.The expression is a bit fierce, maybe I think too much.He only said that as a doctor's attitude towards patients.

Puhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Luo, Luo, this fool!"Rossi was in the state of a ghost and smiled secretly at one side of the room:

Be afraid of cabbages!Who told you to frown together all day long!And he obviously likes her and always talks to her in a fierce tone!so stupid!If you go on like this, you will be hated hahahahaha!

What to do, what to do, what to do... so cute! !The appearance of taking small bites!The way your cheeks bulge slightly when you chew your food... damn... stop watching, are you crazy!Will be treated as a pervert!No, I've been standing here like a stone statue looking at her since just now, I'm afraid she has been regarded as a pervert!Calm down, find an excuse to leave...

Luo thought this quickly in his mind, and just as he was about to say the lame excuse he had thought up in a second, he saw a strand of hair slipping down when Youxiang leaned forward slightly, revealing his fair neck.The sunlight coming in from the window behind her hit her right on her body, casting her in a golden silhouette.


An excuse that he forgot in an instant.There are only these two words left in my mind, which are expanding crazily and crowding out everything.Then he pretended to be calm and sat beside Youxiang.

Isn't it... a little close?Youxiang held the rice balls in both hands, biting the rice grains in small bites, feeling a little nervous.Mr. Luo suddenly sat over...Although he didn't mind it very much, but...the distance was a bit close.Being able to feel his body temperature made Youxiang a little shy.

"That...Mr. Luo?"

"Huh?" Be regarded as a pervert, be regarded as a pervert, be regarded as a pervert!The body moved by itself without paying attention just now, and now it will be regarded as——

"Can you tell me what happened in the past two years?" Youxiang found a topic, and she felt that she must know these things.And it feels... If you ask Ace, he will definitely skip a lot of key content in a strange way to keep himself from knowing.Because he's the kind of guy who always has to 'take care of himself'.

"It's not considered a pervert..." Okay.

"Pervert?" What strange words did Mr. Luo suddenly say? !

"..." Worse, what I was thinking and what I was going to say were reversed! !

When Youxiang and Luo looked at each other nervously, Rossi, who was eavesdropping on the other side, was already laughing so hard that he knelt on the ground and beat the ground.

"Three weeks after the Battle of the Top, you and Ace's family suddenly appeared on my ship."

Started talking all of a sudden!Skip the kinky thing entirely! !Youxiang looked at Luo's calm face in surprise, as if it was not easy to interrupt him, so, just... let him talk?

"At that time, the world government finally officially announced the results of the battle on the top." Luo recalled the scene at that time, he said, "Because of the broadcast on the big screen, almost people all over the world saw Ace being the head of the house. The admiral 'Red Dog' Sakaski's magma fell to the ground, so people believed in his death."

Indeed... At that time, if there was no 'curse' from Frey and the others, then Ace would... freeze the second before his death, and then wait for himself to make a 'choice that is beneficial to them'. Is this the power of demons? ... Youxiang thought to herself, but didn't speak.Ro continued:

"But the Whitebeard Pirates retreated in an emergency at that time. Although that was reasonable...the heads of Ace's family are already dead, and they have no reason to continue-but we met Matthew later, and we knew it was He convinced Whitebeard to be in charge, and then took them out of there."

Matthew... Matthew believed in himself.Youxiang still remembers what she said to Matthew.No matter what you see... trust me.Thank you, Matthew.

"In short... Even if the retreat was successful, the head of Whitebeard's family at that time was also seriously injured, and people thought he was in danger." After all, there were many people who thought that Whitebeard was old and his strength was greatly reduced... Coupled with serious injuries, this is indeed a bit difficult for an old man.Luo said, "However, he survived in the end, but he didn't go to sea much in the past two years."

"Grandpa, is he okay now?"

grandfather?Ah, do you mean Whitebeard... Is this the relationship between you two!grandfather?Luo was a little surprised, but he still replied: "Ah. We will go back to the island where he is. Most of his crew and Matthew are there. You should tell them that you woke up."

"Hmm..." Great.Grandpa is fine too!Youxiang said, "But...why am I on Mr. Luo's boat?" If it's just a coma, you can put yourself on the island, right?

"About this... I used your heart to heal Ace's head, but I didn't know at the time that you couldn't wake up because you lost your heart. When I found out that you didn't have a heartbeat or even lost your heart, I was scared. It jumped... But what is incredible is that although you don't have a heart, you are not dead."

Luo said: "The blood circulation is unbelievable. It's like there is some power that I can't see that is replacing the heart. The only difference is that you can't wake up no matter what. Various tests were done. Except for the fact that you don't have a heart, there is no other abnormality..."

"I was confused too... but I had no clue. Then Ace woke up. He was quite emotional at the time, and he had to fight him to calm down. But... he was very angry with you I don't know anything about it, and my memory only stays when he was hit by Akainu."

"We didn't know your story until Mr. Cora suddenly appeared in front of us. You gave your heart to Ace, and then you became a person who can never wake up again." Luo said, looking at Youxiang , thinking about some things that are not there, such as... don't give your heart to others so casually, and so on.

"I also thought I would never be able to wake up again..." Youxiang lowered her eyes slightly, she said, "Although I feel a little lonely not being able to meet everyone, but thinking of Ace will be saved because of this... But I still wake up Here we come! What happened, Mr. Luo?"

"..." But a lot of things happened, You Xiang.Looking at Youxiang's curious gaze, Luo paused for about two seconds before opening his mouth. He said, "If we start from the beginning, we may have to talk until tomorrow morning. I'll just tell you the result."


"Mr. Cora said that you gave your heart as a 'price' to save Ace's family, and if we want to save you, we have to pay the same 'price'."

"The same...?" Is it also... the heart?

There is only one kind of 'magic' that can surpass 'eternal death', and that is the 'strongest magic', which is...

"It's a disease of human beings," Matthew said.Luo didn't say that word, "As a result, we found that 'magic' that is more powerful than 'Eternal Sleep', and then...Look, you have a 'heart' now, right?"

Youxiang raised her hands and folded them to cover her chest.You can really feel the beating of your heart.Although I still don't understand it very well, but... she said: "Everyone... What did you do for me? Mr. Luo?"

"Of course I gave you my 'heart'." Luo looked at her and smiled, then raised his hand hesitantly to brush away a strand of hair blocking her cheek, "It's all right now, you are fragrant. Everything It's over. You don't need to be afraid anymore."


The author has something to say:

The only magic that can surpass 'death' is 'love'!

What happened in the past two years... Let me be a bit of a joke for now, hehe~

Next, we will start to reunite with the second brother.

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