[One Piece] Inferior Star

Chapter 46 Leading to the Advance City

"Hey, hey—?!! Ace?! You mean...Ace?!!!"

Luffy was so surprised that the meat in his hand fell off, he said in disbelief: "So Xiangxiang came to talk to me about this at that time!! Matthew! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!! "

"If we hadn't gone to Empress Hancock first and got her support, we wouldn't be able to leave this island now. You lost your cool at that time, which is not good for the development of the matter."

"Is it time to talk about this!!" Luffy grabbed Matthew excitedly, and said, "Yes, when did it start? That... public execution?"

"Six days from today." Matthew replied, "It takes about a week for an ordinary ship to go from here to Marlin Fondo, where Mr. Ace was executed, but if it is a navy ship, it can take a special current. It will arrive in one day."

"That is to say, I don't have time...to return to the Chambord Islands to meet my friends..." Luffy calmed down a little, and he took out Ace's life card, which was originally a big card, but now only A burning corner, "Such a powerful brother, if I go to save him, he will definitely be angry, but..."


"Matthew, can you help me?" I have no other companions now, only you.Even if you don't help me, I will go.Luffy said, "I want to save Ace!"

"It is precisely for this purpose that I negotiated with Bartholomew and came here." Matthew smiled, and he said, "Mr. Lufei, rescuing Mr. Ace is not an easy task. I know you will not Good at following a plan, so I'm in charge of creating the plan with the best chance of winning. And you just have to promise me one thing."

"Hmm! What is it?"

"No matter what, no matter how powerful the opponent, how huge the obstacle, how painful the choice, never give up on rescuing Mr. Ace." Matthew emphasized, he said, "Because I'm here to help you Miss Youxiang is the wish of my current master. And she has already made plans to give up everything. Therefore, I will never allow you to back down halfway."

"All plans will have the sole goal of 'rescuing Mr. Ace alive', and your life or death will not be taken into consideration. Can you accept that?"

"Isn't that of course!" Luffy replied without any hesitation, he said, "I'm afraid you won't do it!"

"..." Mr. Lu Fei, you are a human being who is not annoying.After a pause, Matthew said, "I see. Let's get our act together."

"Oh!!" Luffy responded, he said, "But you just said that Xiangxiang is going to give up everything... Is she also acting somewhere?"

"I'm not very sure about this. After all, Basomir didn't tell me where he sent Miss Youxiang." Matthew thought about it, and he said, "But according to the current situation and Basomir's current position Judgment... I think Miss Youxiang is very likely to be sent to Whitebeard's ship."

"Whitebeard... that's, that's the pirate group that Ace is in..."

"Ah. One of the Four Emperors of the New World, the strongest man in the world 'Whitebeard'. It is said that he will not tolerate the killing of his subordinates, so the World Government also believes that this public execution will set off and Whitebeard - and even many Pirate elite war." Matthew explained, he said, "Whitebeard's purpose is the same as ours, Mr. Luffy, we can treat them as allies."

"Ah... I see." Luffy listened very seriously, he rarely listened to people's speech so seriously, "But it's too late to ask them for help now!"

"Of course. We can't waste time looking for Whitebeard." Matthew replied, "But he will definitely appear at the execution scene. If it were me, I would choose to rescue Mr. Ace in Marlin Vandor, and Not now to run into the prison where he is. For Marin Fondo is an ordinary city, and the great prison, 'Advance City,' is a fortress."

"But even so, on the day of the execution, Marin Fando also gathered a lot of difficult people, the Admiral and Shichibukai will be there. We have seen the strength of the Admiral, I don't think ordinary pirates can even hold those guys back 1 Minutes, and there are still two of that monster."

"In a seemingly evenly matched war, we are actually at a great disadvantage. After all, the other side only needs to kill Mr. Ace to win. Therefore, we can't just hang on a tree." Matthew analyzed, he said, "At sea Well, having white beards gets all the Navy's attention, and they'd never imagine a fool breaking into a prison in Advance City. We'll just be that fool."

"..." Luffy actually didn't understand a lot of things, but he understood the last sentence, "That is to say, we are going to the prison to save Ace, right!!"

"Ah, that's right." Matthew was very relieved that he understood the most important part, "As a ranger, we will carry out the rescue in the prison. If the rescue fails, or if the time is too long, Mr. Ace will be taken to Marlin Vandor , There is also Whitebeard outflanking, and we will have time to catch up. After we succeed, we can still leave on Whitebeard's boat."

"I see!" Luffy said, "Then let's hurry up and advance to the city!!"

It's easy to say, but it's easy to do... No matter how you think about it, it can't be very easy, and now I can only trust Luffy.All I can do is make a plan, Mr. Luffy.The rest is up to you.Matthew said: "It is very difficult for ordinary people to enter the city of advancement, we have to find a—"

"If it's Qiwuhai, I can get permission." At this time, Granny New's voice came, and she didn't know when she was standing behind Matthew and the others. This banquet to welcome Hancock's return must have a unique atmosphere. Here is the most dignified, "In fact, as Qiwuhai, Hancock was also called by the navy. But because she hates the center, she has been refusing the invitation."

"You mean... to use Miss Hancock's title?" That would indeed be a good way, and maybe it could minimize attention to enter the city of advancement.Matthew said, "It's indeed a good way...but will Miss Hancock agree?"

"Let's go beg her!" Luffy stood up, and he said, "Let's go, Matthew! Let's go to her for help!"

"...I see." But I'm running out of battery.Matthew stood up while talking, and he said, "Before that, Mr. Luffy, you'd better take out my body first, this body will run out of power soon."

"Huh? The main body?"

"Didn't you see it before! The board that's stuck in the back of your head!"

"Before..." Um... Luffy tried his best to recall it. It seems that a long time ago, when Matthew was attacked by wild animals on Mount Gorpo, Ace was completely destroyed. At that time, Ace was indeed... ah! !I remembered!

There is a black board behind Matthew's head, which is said to be the real Matthew, but after a few days, another 'meteorite' fell from the sky, and there is Matthew's new body inside!At the time I thought it was great...

According to his vague memory, Luffy touched the back of Matthew's head for a long time, and finally touched a groove. Matthew unlocked the electronic lock, and a black and blue-green cracked metal plate popped out from the groove.Luffy took it out, and then the machine lost its response.

"That's all right." Matthew's voice came from the board, "I am more suitable to sneak into the city with you in this form. Mr. Luffy."

"Understood!" Luffy said and inserted Matthew into a ring-shaped ornament tied to his arm, "Is it okay to put it here? Can you see it?"

"So, this meaningless decoration still has this effect!" Matthew sighed, and then said, "This is a very perfect position, Mr. Luffy. Now let's go!"

is a dream.

This is a dream.Ace thought.Fortunately, it was a dream. If Youxiang really appeared in this dark prison, what should I do...

Youxiang has always had this talent, she can appear in other people's dreams.Indeed, she herself is like a person in a dream, always so beautiful.Did it come from the stars, the moon, or a dream?

"Ace..." Youxiang knelt down in front of him, even in a dream, he was locked up, his hands were open and locked to the wall, his body was covered with stains and scars.She flirted with Frey and let him bring him to Ace's dream, but he couldn't say anything when he saw him like this.

"I don't know if you really came into my dream, or if I'm just dreaming." Ace smiled wryly, and he said, "It's embarrassing for you to see me like this. Not handsome at all, is it?"

"..." What are you talking about now, you idiot!Youxiang shed tears, but she still didn't speak.

"Sorry... Youxiang. I can't help it... I seem to have failed to fulfill my promise to you again, sorry." I can't help you, sorry.You must live well...

"I won't forgive you, if you... If you don't fulfill your promise..." Youxiang wiped her tears, she said, "I will never forgive you! Stupid!"

"Don't be like this, Youxiang...you will definitely meet someone better than me, and then—"

"No more! There is no one better than Ace!! Sabo too...I...I can't do it, I only have Ace..." Youxiang cried even harder, "Ace is a big fool !!"

"Don't cry, don't cry... Youxiang? Youxiang..." What to do, my heart hurts... Ace paused for a while, and he said, "Is that a confession?"

"If I say yes, will Ace survive?"

"I can't guarantee this kind of thing, Youxiang. Don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

"I'm going to save Ace."

"Hey? No! Don't come!" What are you kidding, what are you doing here?You know how dangerous it is - Ace wants to stop her, but looks up and sees her eyes, won't give up... she won't give up.Really... what should I do...

Ace sighed, and he said, "It's rare to dream of you, Youxiang. Let's talk about something else, shall we?"

"..." Ace, Ace, Ace... idiot!I will go anyway!I will definitely go and rescue you!Youxiang wiped her eyes vigorously, wiping away all the tears, and said, "Okay! Then what does Ace want to say? Frey said, I will be here until Ace wakes up!"

If only... I could never wake up.

Ace looked at Youxiang and laughed, and said, "Then...I want to see Youxiang smile at me."

Who can laugh!Only you can laugh!Fool!Fool!Idiot... The tears that had just been wiped away flowed out again, but in the end Youxiang still smiled: "I will definitely save Ace. Wait for me. Big idiot!"

It's like... like the people in the dream, the people in the moon, and the people in the stars are as beautiful.This beautiful... more beautiful scenery than anything.To be able to take one last look before dying is no regret.

It was... that's how it should be.Ace lowered his head, he was afraid to look at the smiling face.He had already decided not to fight back.Although it will not refuse rescue.But his heart was already at peace.But this ripple, this sudden ripple made him feel a throbbing in his heart——

"You Xiang." His voice was no longer brisk and helpless.Instead, it was a little difficult and choked up, "Can you hug me?"

Without even thinking about it, Youxiang rushed over and hugged him, hugging him tightly: "I will go, Luffy will go, grandpa and everyone will go. Because we all love Ace and hope that Ace Ace can live happily. So don't give up, and Ace himself should not give up, okay? It's not that no one will care, it's not that no one will cry, there are many, many people in this world who don't want Ace to disappear!"

"..." Ace buried his face in her hair without speaking.

"Me too..." Youxiang hugged him a little tighter, "I will definitely not let Ace disappear."

"...You idiot has fragrance..." Don't do anything stupid for me.That's what I wanted to say.But I feel a little happy to be so valued by her, "I don't want you to disappear either? Don't disappear, you promise me too. Don't get hurt, don't cry alone, don't take risks...promise me!"

"I don't want it! Ace didn't even promise me!"

"This is different!!"

"It's clearly the same! Ace speaks first!!"

"Hey... I promise you." Ace said irresponsibly, "I promise you to try to survive. It's your turn."

"I promise you that I will let you survive!"

"Wait a minute, this is different from what you said!"

"I don't care! Ace doesn't mean anything every time! That's it! Don't go back on your word! Otherwise I...or I..." I really won't forgive you!Youxiang raised her head to look at him, held back her tears, and touched his face, "Sure, sure... No matter what method you use... Ace... Ace, Ace..." Speaking of this, Youxiang was fierce and fierce. She rushed over and hugged him, "Big idiot!!!"

"I'm sorry, Youxiang."

"I don't want it!! I don't listen!!"

"It's fragrant..."

"Don't don't don't...don't disappear...I'm so scared that Ace is gone too...don't disappear...please..."

"You Xiang, listen to me, okay?"

"Don't listen, don't listen, don't listen..."

"...Don't cry, then, I still want to see Youxiang's smiling face. Smile at me. Please~please~you~for the last time, please smile at me?" For the last time, I want to get closer to you, although It's a rude request, but can you let me get closer—? ! !

"... Are you still alive? You boy."

Suddenly, everything disappeared.There is the touch of incense, the fragrance of her body, and her cry.All gone.Ace returned to the prison and was awakened by a voice.He raised his head slightly, looked at the person who made the voice and said:

"Do you know what important things you interrupted, Cap?"

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