heavy fog

Chapter 31

The sky was cloudy, there was no wind, and it was so oppressive that one couldn't breathe.The Morvian embassy was as quiet as an empty house.

The notification procedure for the victims of the explosion was over, and the remains of the victims were received by the embassies of various countries and stored in a special mortuary cabin so that their families could come to Deep Blue Star to claim them.In the matter of compensation, the Deep Blue Kingdom generously provided a lot of money, but for the grieving relatives, it was far from enough.

Because no one has claimed responsibility for the explosion yet.

"Listen, I have a hunch that something terrible is about to happen." The gatekeeper of the embassy picked up the rough wine glass with trembling fingers, gulped down the cheap malt beer, and muttered with cloudy eyes. , Our country was like this before the coup!"

The gatekeeper couldn't finish what he said, because his mouth was tightly covered by others.

The secretaries and clerks in the embassy tried their best to calm down, but their faces were still terrified.

The entire neighborhood is under martial law. You don’t need to go out. Standing by the window, you can see armed soldiers and agents monitoring every road. The muzzles of the guns are constantly flashing blue lights. Everyone who passes by on the road will be severely questioned.

The most frightening thing is that those urban inspectors and even special agents with guns are often suddenly grabbed by another group of people in uniform, forcibly disarmed and dragged away.In the thick fog, there will be faint gunshots every once in a while.

——The Prime Minister of the Deep Blue Kingdom is critically ill!The ruling party wants to wipe out terrorists, or the anti-government wants to overthrow the regime.

This was the thought that came to the minds of everyone in the embassy district. They swallowed their food with difficulty, and huddled in the room like frightened birds. They didn't even dare to say hello, and could only show smiles that were uglier than crying.

The chef was not in the mood to cook, and the servants didn't even dare to go out to buy things. As for the merchant who used to deliver fresh vegetables and fruits every day, he couldn't get in because of the martial law.

Wen Luan ate compressed fresh water and food for three consecutive days.

Of course he also felt the bad atmosphere, Wen Luan only ate one-third of the three meals a day, and carefully stored the rest.

"Look, maybe I can grab the spaceship in the chaos..."

"I am the spaceship, master," said the cleaning robot Seir.

"Okay, do you have food in your stomach?" Wen Luan asked back.

Shiel poked her stomach with the vacuum cleaner and shook her head.

"That's it, so I need to collect and prepare food. I don't want to starve to death in space." What worries Wen Luan most is not the food, but the energy block of the spaceship. It is very difficult to get this kind of thing in the embassy.

"I have plenty of energy." Seyle assured again, "I snatched some from the pirates."

But Wen Luan didn't have confidence in it, and he was the most reliable at critical moments. Wen Luan carefully flipped through a pilot's manual for the spaceship, and said, "In order to avoid being discovered, I can only take you to escape in an ordinary spaceship."

Damn, there's not enough time at all, and there are too many things to prepare.

Let Shier hack several surveillance cameras in the embassy, ​​and Wen Luan stole a few useful books from the study of the Molvia ambassador to study.Learning to sleep and forget food, how can there be time to think about someone who had a one-night stand before.

"Knock down."

There was a light knock on the door, with an uncoordinated rhythm.

Wen Luan quickly stuffed the book among the sundries, Se'er glanced through the door, then rolled aside to clean the carpet as if nothing had happened.

Wen Luan opened the door, and Colonel Zhang Sen stood outside looking at him stiffly.

Shier knocked on the trash can, and Zhang Sen came to his senses. He quickly walked inside the door, closed it tightly, and walked around Wen Luan with his hands and feet, and said stiffly, "I hope to reach a cooperation. "

"Fleeing together?" Wen Luan didn't even think about it, and immediately refused, "The two people's goals are too big, especially if you are the military attache of the embassy. I'm sorry to say this, but in fact you are under much greater surveillance than me."

"Abandon these lies!" Zhang Sen turned pale, trying to ignore Seier who was working in the corner of the house.

He was in a bad state of mind, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were straight, but he still stood upright. The Morvia military uniform was neatly attached to him, and the epaulettes and badges were polished and shiny.

This made Wen Luan involuntarily point to the chair - Wen Luan has always been willing to be patient with respectable people.

Zhang Sen nodded stiffly, but didn't sit down: "I believe it's safe to talk here, right?" Without waiting for Wen Luan to speak, he immediately added, "I know that cleaning robot is very unusual, it's not an optical brain... "

Shier turned his head quietly, his blue light electronic eyes flickering.

Under tremendous pressure, Zhang Sen insisted on finishing that sentence: "Everyone knows that being a diplomat on the Deep Blue Star is a job that will kill you. Obviously, the things you need to obtain are more risky than being a diplomat."

Wen Luan: ...How on earth did he come to this conclusion?

Syer: I'm sorry, master, it seems that even pretending to be a cleaning robot can't hide my brilliance, I let you expose it.

Wen Luan: ...

"The Deep Blue Kingdom will soon fall into civil strife in a coup d'etat. I need to seize something for my motherland amidst the chaos. I think there is a possibility for us to cooperate." Zhang Sen tried his best not to think about what he suspected a few days ago Wen Luan's recipe, "The Deep Blue Kingdom has the highest technology in the Beluga Galaxy, even if we only steal a little..."

It is also enough to increase the strength of this weird mechanical intelligent life.

But Zhang Sen thinks that the cooperation is very reliable, but Wen Luan can't laugh or cry. He accidentally abducted a high-tech mecha from the Deep Blue Kingdom. The scientific researchers can't be messed with!

However, this guy dared to take risks to do this, he must have a safe escape plan!

No matter how bad it is, enough food and water, energy blocks, and other standing supplies for the spacecraft can be easily obtained.

Thinking of this, Wen Luan immediately smiled: "You're right, the Deep Blue Kingdom has so many technologies, even—cough, even the nightclubs in the underground city have magical technologies that block people's hearing, vision, and touch. Big gain."

Zhang Sen is not a politician, he is an unlucky ghost who was sent to the shelves temporarily. Wen Luan's lies are not clever. Normally, Colonel Zhang Sen would definitely be able to see through and expose them. Unfortunately, the colonel was already shocked by Seier's strength. In the shadows, before negotiating, he subconsciously placed himself on the weak side. Where is there room for turning around?

So Wen Luan said that he didn't mean it, and promised in a roundabout way that he would cooperate, provide help, and run away together after success.

Then he got an invitation. Zhang Sen explained that there were quite a few people from the embassies of various countries who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to complete their tasks or escape. They would pass through the tunnel tonight and hold a secret gathering, mainly to exchange information and necessities.

After seeing him off, Wen Luan murmured suspiciously: "This guy has only been here for a few days, how do you know about such a secret gathering? He has been squatting in the embassy all day and never went out... Is this really a professional spy? "

Xi Er dragged the trash can and rolled over, silently looking at Wen Luan who had no such common sense at all.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have?" Wen Luan's words were blacked out, can mechas still have eyes?

"You know, Morvia is the first republic of the Moby Dick galaxy." Seier began to make up lessons for Wen Luan, "Although Zhang Sen was 'ransacked by pirates', he knows what's going on outside the Deep Blue Star! Deep Blue Star treats these diplomats It is simply a huge prison, in order to escape from here, they always find a way! 'When the ship is about to sink, it is good to have one more branch', Colonel Zhang Sen, it is barely a branch!"

In the evening of that day, Wen Luan saw the so-called tunnel "dig out with the hard work of several generations of former diplomats". A narrow hole.

Not only is the entrance of the cave small, but the passage inside is also difficult enough to climb with hands and feet.

"Ambassador Morvia doesn't know this secret!" Wen Luan said with certainty.

"Yes, he can't get in at all with his size, and no one bothered to tell him."


It turns out that the basic requirement for participating in secret gatherings of diplomats is to be short or thin!The fat man is excluded!

Zhang Sen blocked the hole again, and they moved with difficulty for a while, and finally heard a sound in front of them.

"Did you bring the cloak mask? Put it on." Zhang Sen whispered.

Wen Luan not only brought a cloak, but also buckled the optical brain transformed by Seer on his head. He muttered casually, "Is it necessary? You both know each other's identity, and it's like a cult gathering?"

Zhang Sen was a little surprised, he found again that Wen Luan had no common sense:

"Don't you know that the technology of many countries can restore from the retina of the deceased what he saw before he died? If the meeting place is discovered and a person is beaten to death in public, the rest of the people who escaped will not would be exposed by the visual evidence of the deceased."


Being a spy in the high-tech age is really hard work.

Wen Luan adjusted the cloak in the narrow passage, then followed Zhang Sen and slowly climbed down from the entrance.

Outside the entrance of the cave is the drainage system of Deep Blue Star. There are large and small pipes everywhere, not only the water pipes from the top of the head, but also the sewage pumped out from the underground city. It is densely packed, just like the computer screensaver at the home in Wenluan Meteorite Town. —a labyrinth of tubes.

They struggled their way through the crevices of the pipes.

Thanks to the high-tech of Deep Blue Star, these pipes are basically not leaking, but there is a peculiar smell, a row of small red eyes occasionally appear in the dark, and there are squeaking mice.

"Go this way!" Zhang Sen said with a tense face, "If you get lost here unfortunately, you will die."

He took out a small glass bottle with water and a few glistening shrimp.

"They are sold in the dungeon. Rich merchants and nobles in the Deep Blue Kingdom like to use them as chandeliers. A heavy crystal chandelier filled with water needs thousands of fluorescent shrimps, but they are easy to raise. Although they have a short lifespan, they can reproduce quickly." Zhang Zhang Mori explained, "If you go to play next time, you can buy these useful things. It is said that there is a secret manual for diplomats on "How to Use Daily Necessities in Deep Blue Star", which tells how to buy souvenirs and gadgets without attracting suspicion. Convert them into emergency items that a qualified spy would use, and other technologies such as how to take apart your automatic mouth rinser (toothbrush in this era) and transform it into a small laser gun. Many diplomats don't want to be spies, but They want to live."


Wen Luan decided to take back his preface. The diplomats of Deep Blue Star are really not easy. Adversity produces geniuses!

Zhang Sen said solemnly: "This is my predecessor, as well as the wisdom created and summarized by the predecessors of embassies in various countries. I will pass it on to my successors in the future. I hope they understand that as long as they don't give up, life will always have dawn, no matter what. Where."

"It's great, I want to write down this sentence!" Xier marveled in Wen Luan's consciousness, and sang that sentence in an opera tune, exhausting Wen Luan's awe.

"Quiet." Wen Luan had no choice but to threaten Xier, "If you get disconnected again today... I think I'll take you apart and modify it."

"No problem, do you want to see my split method of 570 yuan or 100 yuan?" Xier replied cheerfully.


A bright light appeared in front of the maze pipe, obviously the meeting place had arrived.

This is a narrow yellow pipe. Because of its remote location and hidden behind three large pipes, it has been in disrepair for a long time and has begun to leak water. The smell is very bad, but the liquid is flammable.

There is a well-shaped gap in the middle of the big pipe, where some early comers gather to set up stalls.

Wen Luan was the black line for the fair held in this weird place.

The pipes are natural shelves, and the sellers are wrapped in cloaks and masks leaning there. Their products are all kinds of modified small things, and Wen Luan can't understand what they are.

Zhang Sen went to exchange information with a woman who couldn't see her face clearly.

Wen Luan was wondering what a spoon-like thing was for, when suddenly the optical brain on his forehead vibrated.


As soon as Wen Luan asked a question, he immediately felt a stabbing chill in his back.

Danger! !

Wen Luan rushed forward instinctively, but the dense pipes blocked his way, and there was no time to dodge, Wen Luan's waist was firmly wrapped by a hand.

The slight numbness made Wen Luan's instinctive struggle to break free completely ineffective.

"It's you?" This damn high-tech... and this familiar smell...

Wen Luan gritted her teeth and turned her head, but the shoulder was pressed by that person, Wen Luan lost her balance again and almost fell into the opponent's arms.

"What a perfect surprise." The height difference made Cyrus just stick to Wen Luan's ear when he lowered his head, and his whispering voice with a smile made Wen Luan's neck and back numb, and his skin became fine. prominence.

"Talk to me!" Wen Luan raised his foot and kicked.

Cyrus let go and stepped back, dodging the attack.

The corners of the lips under the cloak were slightly curved, this smile made Wen Luan stunned for a second.

"We already know each other physically, but we still don't know each other's name and identity." The devilish whisper made Wen Luan's teeth itch even more, and he silently clenched his fists.The other party didn't realize it, and continued, "I'm so happy to meet you here. It turns out that we are colleagues..."

Wen Luan retorted silently, who is the spy?Who is the unlucky diplomat?

Haha, it turns out that this guy is also from the embassy. No wonder he fled the explosion scene in a hurry that day.

The author has something to say: Cyrus's first temptation is completed——Wen Luan doesn't know his true identity, otherwise he will scream or be terrified at this time, because this is the place where the prime minister cannot appear.

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