heavy fog

Chapter 27 Love and Lies

Wen Luan felt that he was in an uphill battle.

Yes, it must be won—that was the only obstinate thought left in his mind.

When Cyrus teased his desire, he bit the other's neck forcefully and licked along his Adam's apple.Similarly, when he was trying to gain an advantage, he was stimulated by his sensitive weakness so that his knees trembled and he was defeated.

This is irrational entanglement.

Wen Luan's remaining vague consciousness, just when he thought "what am I doing", was washed away by a tide of violent emotions.He felt the inevitable friction of violent action, and the naked skin seemed to fit together attractively.

There was a seductive aura about Cyrus that he couldn't resist.

He wants to get and occupy this person in front of him, because——Wen Luan feels strangely hungry, not hungry, but standing in front of delicious food, unable to move at all, a strong feeling coming from the subconscious .

The movements of the fighting were unknowingly reduced, and the strength was also lightened.

Their mental hesitation has been conquered by the tacit understanding of the body, it is indescribable, a person who does not know the name at all, does not understand at all-this was originally impossible.

As for the next day...

Hell, now who remembers the next day, who can think of anything else besides each other.

Wen Luan couldn't see anything, but he could feel his skin tremble with the touch, the excitement made him involuntarily clenched his fingers, and kissed the person who rubbed his lips with the tip of his tongue fiercely.

In the dark and narrow space, there was the sound of intense breathing.

Cyrus slightly raised his head to look at him. In the darkness, he found that Wen Luan's eyes were bright, without focal length, and he was just looking at him instinctively, so there was a small error in the range of viewing angle.

"Your heartbeat... is fast." Wen Luan said vaguely.

"It's abnormal because of you." What Cyrus said was not love words, but the truth.

But Wen Luan didn't think so, he was just dominated by lust, not his IQ. Hearing this kind of words, Wen Luan couldn't help laughing.

"Have you said this to many people?" Wen Luan didn't believe that a guy who casually slept with strangers had any integrity.

"only you."

"I do not believe."

"Actually, I don't believe that I said that just now." Cyrus was introspecting with the only remaining rationality. His devilish whispers were actually asking himself.

Do you want to try it, very good, try it, can't stop.

Are you satisfied with what you touch?Very satisfied, it's incredible...

What pleased Cyrus the most was that although Wen Luan tried his best not to say the answers, his reaction could be seen. His answers to those questions were the same as Cyrus's.

——Maybe, this is the love between two people?

Cyrus was absent-minded for half a second, and then he was almost hit by his own strange thought, how could his thinking be sidelined by Shakestan Tallinn?Where did the mutual affection come from, in essence, he and the person in his arms were complete strangers.

However, a relationship that starts with a stranger sounds good and extraordinary!

He looked at Wen Luan carefully in the dark.

The blush brought by the climax stained the chest, neck and cheeks.

A drop of sweat rolled down Cyrus' forehead and landed on Wen Luan's collarbone. The two well-proportioned curves undulated with panting. Cyrus suddenly wanted to see more. Slowly reach out and explore.


The burning heat that could not be relieved, the gentle friction after being held, and those technical stimulations made Wen Luan's waist bounce, and he soon sank into it.

The intermittent groans made the demon in Cyrus's heart happy again, and even because he enjoyed it so much, even the slightest sign of waking up disappeared, completely dormant.

The unconscious Wen Luan's chest heaved violently, and wisps of mist were sucked in from the surroundings. Cyrus accidentally saw it, but he didn't pay attention. He thought it was the heat from his and Wen Luan's panting. And now the sweat was blurring his eyes.

When Wen Luan's body trembled suddenly and reached its peak, Wen Luan had already lost his strength, and he couldn't be expected to distinguish whether the whiteness in front of his eyes was a hallucination or fog.

Wen Luan relaxed his arms and lay down dizzily.

He is very satiated now, as if he has had enough to eat and play, his spirit is full and his body is tired, as if he is floating in a warm current, and he doesn't even bother to move.

Even the desire of lust has become blurred.

So the ankle of his right leg was gently grasped and then lifted up. When his fingers gently but decisively penetrated into the closed passageway, he did not show any resistance. Wen Luan knew what was going on, but his spirit was too full and he was still addicted. In this feeling he had never had before, with the hands on Cyrus' shoulders, he could feel their heartbeats beating at the same speed, and then slowing down together as the panting gradually calmed down.

First there was an unconscious sigh, and then they approached slowly in the dark, kissing each other calmly and softly.

Wen Luan thought of "what am I doing" again, but he quickly stopped thinking about it, because the kiss was too gentle, full of emotion, and quiet as if they had known each other for a long time.

No, I must have been looking for it for a long time...

Wen Luan was thinking in a daze, just when his consciousness gradually sank to the deepest part, a burst of tearing pain woke him up instantly, and he twitched stiffly.

For a long while, neither of them moved.

Wen Luan was so painful that the veins on his forehead were throbbing. The only thing that could comfort him was that the other party was not much better than him. His stiff body and cold sweat that kept dripping were the answer.

The vagina was constricted too tightly by the excruciating spasms.

Like the others in the institute, Cyrus lacked funds for a certain period of time, and it often happened that he used himself as an experimental material.

So at this time, Cyrus can still control his breathing smoothly, relax his mind, restrain the instinct of crazy conquest with strong willpower, and even slowly adjust his position to lie on his side, which is easier for two people posture.

"Have 'a lot of pleasant nights'?" Wen Luan broke into a cold sweat and laughed, "Experienced? Huh?"

As a result, someone whispered in his ear, "Oh, that's a lie."


This kind of attitude of taking it for granted when admitting to lying is really rare, Wen Luan wondered, what on earth does this person do, how can he be so thick-skinned?

Just as Wen Luan was thinking about this question to distract his attention to relieve the pain, he suddenly heard the people around him say again: "What's the matter? By tomorrow, this lie will become true."


When Wen Luan woke up the next day, she finally understood what that sentence meant.

He clenched his fists furiously, and the weakness of his arms made him groan in pain. His whole body seemed to be disassembled and then reassembled.

Five times in one night, damn it, five times!

Wen Luan swears that he has never seen this kind of bastard before. This is simply getting "experienced" here for once. What Wen Luan wants to do most now is to kick that guy's legs hard, or beat him so hard that he dare not do this Wanton and arrogant.

——However, when he was extremely annoyed last night, he seemed to have punched him a few times, and he didn't know how effective it was.

Wen Luan's whole body was stiff, and he didn't fully realize what happened until this second.

His brain was convulsed, and he was inexplicably with a stranger...

Wen Luan cursed himself severely, he felt that his IQ must have been shut down along with Xier.What confuses him the most is that the aftertaste of pleasure still lingers on his feelings and body, making it impossible for him to judge whether last night was a mistake or not.

Wen Luan used to feel that he had no interest in this kind of thing, and thought that he was undoubtedly a heterosexual, but now he feels that the previous 20 years have all been in vain.

This must be a nightmare.

Wen Luan thought like this habitually, then his head sank, and he touched his stomach strangely.

It's understandable that the body is sore like being run over by a bus, but the next day after that, I feel like I can't move. What's the situation?He didn't eat anything in this shop yesterday.

Wen Luan turned his head with great effort, and through the "blinds" with gaps, the light shone softly into the box. He was lying on the sofa, and he was actually wearing a piece of clothing with good material and good air permeability. It was not a retro style, it was similar to Wen Luan came to Deep Blue Star for the first time, and saw the style worn by ordinary people on the streets of the city.

He touched his neck and forehead, and there was no sticky discomfort after the sweat dried up.

Wen Luan moved with difficulty, and after realizing that he was wearing clean and tidy boots and a cloak was tied outside his clothes, he was completely blackened.

By the way, after yesterday was over, how much did he sleep?Being dragged to take a shower, I didn't feel the slightest change of clothes.

The room is filled with a fresh forest atmosphere, without any ambiguous smell, and there is no second person here, even the torn clothes are gone, as if nothing happened last night.

What a one night stand.

Wen Luan got ready for a sharp pain somewhere behind him, dragged his sore and heavy legs, and stood up as fast as he could—er, it's a little strange, except for the vague discomfort, he didn't even walk as he expected Can't help the embarrassment.

Wen Luan rolled his eyes.

Forget it, men will always make mistakes on the issue of the lower body, and it is meaningless to continue to struggle with this issue. The key is to quickly solve your own crisis and escape from the deep blue star.

Wen Luan frowned, bent down, and fumbled under the sofa for the feather mask and Xier thrown in last night.

That's fine, it's all there.

Wen Luan grabbed the mask to cover his face, put the light brain on his head, and covered it with the cloak again.Before leaving, he scanned the box for the last time, and found an ivory mask on the black line sofa.

Is this a commemoration?Just leave this?

"Thank you for coming to Shaxx." The black crow squatted in the spring and popped out.

The corners of Wen Luan's eyes were twitching. Without thinking, he stretched out his hand and threw the mask out, and left without looking back.When leaving the lobby, Wen Luan saw guests coming out of other boxes and preparing to leave.

If it wasn't for the sore waist and weak legs, Wen Luan might have left this "Aventure Forest" by running.

When his back pushed open the store door and disappeared into the street, the crow in the box lowered its head with two clicks, looked at the ivory mask that fell to the ground, and seriously commented: "Their personalities are very compatible, I confirm."

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