heavy fog

Chapter 105 It's Not a Toy

From the ancient earth to the present, the first thing that every spy who successfully returns to China is not applause and medals, but various tests.

So when Zhang Sen saw the black muzzle of the gun and was escorted to a separate room and locked up, he didn't think much about it.

After passing the inspection that he didn't carry bugs and other small items on his body, he came to blood and genetic tests to determine his identity.After everything was over, Zhang Sen waited and waited, but the locked alloy door just wouldn't open, and no one even brought food and water. Zhang Sen finally felt something was wrong.

Could it be that this base has fallen?Is the Holy Glory Empire guarding it?

Zhang Sen quickly vetoed this idea. His faction failed to seize power and has been silent in Morvia, but he has never given up his plan to make a comeback, especially the few big men in the military. How could the hawks surrender?

It doesn't look like a war here either.

Trapped in this cell, Zhang Sen couldn't help but start worrying about the five-pointed star.

All the spies returning home have to be inspected, not to mention the "trophies". Zhang Sen never thought about the safety of Karabi, because all fools know that smart mechs cannot be dismantled without permission, because smart mechas know how to "protect "Myself, whoever wants to dismantle it is as stupid as opening the tiger's cage and fighting the tiger with bare hands.

Even if it can be smoothed out, the intelligent program will self-destruct, which is no different from getting a scrap mecha.

But now Zhang Sen has to face a serious question - will the base pay attention to the five-pointed star?They believe that this is the most important military weapon of the Deep Blue Kingdom?

no!Zhang Sen suddenly stood up, looking at the smooth wall, looking for a possible surveillance head.

"Is anyone there? Listen to me, that metal five-pointed star...is a mecha manufactured by the Deep Blue Kingdom Research Institute! Don't dismantle it. When the Raymond Gayton mecha has enough energy, it will be very powerful and can deal with the Holy Radiance Empire." !"

Regardless of the sudden electric current from the chain on his wrist, Zhang Sen continued to shout: "I want to see General Adlan, this is the task he gave me!"

The restraining chains trembled, and Zhang Sen fell to the wall with a pale face.

On the other end of the monitor, someone nodded and said, "The inspection results show that he is indeed Zhang Sen."

"His experience is very weird. If you don't explain it clearly, let him continue to be locked up here." A joke, a strange metal five-pointed star, a small intelligent robot that can walk, dare to say that it is the secret weapon of the Deep Blue Kingdom?I just laughed out loud!

"Is there any result from the inspection of that robot?"

"Still in progress..."

The screen switched to another monitoring room.

"Deep Blue Kingdom, Raymond Gayton's mecha...number 69, single Karabi." The five-pointed star moved its top corner, and the electronic eyes flashed.

"No matter what it asks, it will only answer this sentence."

Think about it, what is your name, what functions do you have, what do you know, where do you come from—if you were a child, he would answer all of them with just one sentence, my name is XX.No one believed that the kid was not a fool.

There were even more laughs, a certain golden five-pointed star sitting on the scale, didn't show any aggressiveness from the beginning to the end, what about the mecha?Let’s talk about toy mechs, Morvia also has this kind of small toys for children, and they even say that they are the strongest mechs in the Beluga Galaxy!

"Yes, Mr. Minister, you have also seen that this robot is very good." The person in charge who conducted a rough inspection reported, "There is no suspicious energy and data reaction, and it is special...it is very heavy. Come to think of it, there shouldn't be such a density."

"Could it be a robot bomb?"

The general terrorist attack props in the Beluga galaxy are probably similar to the human bombs in the ancient earth period. High-purity energy explosives are installed in household robots or cleaning robots, and then detonated in public places by remote control.

"This possibility has been rejected." The person in charge said frankly, "It is true that the Deep Blue Kingdom may have a level of technology that we cannot reach, but it will not be used in this place..."

Specialize in machine bombs, and let spies who try to steal high technology carry them back and detonate them?The Deep Blue Kingdom is not so boring yet.

Pentagram stood up unsteadily, poking the cold machine with its top horn.

A staff member was wearing protective clothing and walked in boldly. The five-pointed star immediately swayed and walked towards that person, and gestured against the mechanical pillar next to it, with clumsy and cute movements.

"Cough... You have seen it too. In fact, we all think that this may be a family robot, which accompanies children to study and play." The person in charge said regretfully, "Its technical level is very high, and its shell is a new type of alloy. Not afraid of ordinary energy gun attacks, Colonel Zhang Sen may not know that in the Deep Blue Kingdom, people are very particular about the quality of life. This new type of home robot is probably the latest in the warehouse, but it may not be Deep Blue that Colonel Zhang Sen has worked so hard to sneak into. Star Research Institute, but Deep Blue Star Toy Factory.”

There was a burst of laughter.

Over there, Zhang Sen didn't know the situation, and was still struggling to tell: "...Without Karabi, I couldn't have successfully returned to the base. The army of the Holy Empire has blocked the main air route. I rely on that mecha It was only through concealment that they escaped."

Someone in the meeting room immediately changed face: "What's going on?"

"Oh, I said it is a family robot that plays with children." The person in charge of the inspection room said relaxedly, "In some conventional monitoring equipment, its position is very vague, and we think it has something to do with its special material. , may shield some kind of electromagnetic wave reflection. But the range of its effect is very narrow, and war is not hide and seek."

The meeting room was quiet again.

The old general frowned deeply, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Even if Colonel Zhang Sen has no problem, what he brought back is a real mecha, so what can be changed?" The minister who advocated surrender said with a sneer, "How much time do we have to study this high-tech, and how much time do we have to manufacture it?" New weapons? No, we don't even have enough materials."

The five-pointed star on the screen is still on the top of the pillar, and it keeps uttering the monosyllabic words "hungry, eat... But in the common language of the Beluga Galaxy, these two words seem to be humming, so the staff just regard it as the normal pronunciation of the robot , I also think this smart program is very cute.

The Moorians at the base are pessimistic about the prospects.

Many staff members looked at the golden five-pointed star and suddenly sighed. Even the casing of the home robot in the Deep Blue Kingdom is a new type of alloy that they have never seen before. Is it the most important thing to live in a powerful country?

Unknowingly, their mood relaxed a lot. Whether it is surrender or a deadly battle, it is an inevitable choice. The leaders of the base can decide whatever they want. Morvia is really over...

Wujiaxing and Zhang Sen were forgotten by the busy people for two days.

Zhang Sen came back with strong support. After his spirit suddenly relaxed, he suddenly encountered such anxious worries. After being hungry and tired, he couldn't bear it and started to have a high fever, and he was not sober.

"Tell me the truth about being hijacked by pirates. Where did the fleet go?"

In order to prevent the suspect from escaping, the interrogation is carried out through surveillance cameras, and there are restraint locks in the cell.

Stimulated by the electric current, Zhang Sen twitched, his eyes straightened.

"Quickly tell me, how did you escape, and why did you go to the Deep Blue Kingdom after you escaped?"

"I want to see...General Adlan." Zhang Sen murmured vaguely.

Although he had a splitting headache and was drowsy, he still understood the main reason why he was suspected. The problem was this. He couldn't explain it clearly in a few words. Zhang Sen's mouth was dry and his hands and feet were weak. .

"General Adrian is dead."


"He and the marshal were unfortunately martyred in the battle of the fall of the capital star... At the same time, the Seventh Corps of Morvia also died."

Zhang Sen clenched his fist tremblingly.

Of course, he knew what it would be like for a legion to die at the same time. The battleship exploded in space, and the planet was covered in thick smoke. A terrible deep pit was smashed, the building was destroyed, and the sky was full of flames.

"Who... is still alive?" Zhang Sen asked in pain.

The monitor was silent for a while, probably feeling that there was nothing to ask, and also felt that it was pointless to ask the truth about the pirates robbing the fleet at this time, so he ignored Zhang Sen and turned off the voice transmission.

Seeing Zhang Sen struggling to get up and shouting angrily, someone in the monitoring room carefully asked, "Do you need to report to the higher authorities?"

"No..." The man in charge of the interrogation was a decadent man with a full beard. He said heavily, "If he hadn't disguised himself, he must be the one who is saddened by the current situation. 90.00% of the senior military officials of our faction died for the country. Now these people who escaped from the government only want to surrender...but they can only surrender. To face such a tragic result, it is better to let him die. Give him an injection at dawn, and the base will probably use light waves at that time Communication, issue a statement of surrender, and I will end my life at that time."

The monitoring room was dead silent, and then one after another someone stood up, pounded his left chest heavily with his right hand, and said in a dull and orderly manner: "When the declaration of surrender is issued, I am willing to die together."

The bearded man leaned back on the chair, staring at the ceiling absentmindedly, for a long time, turbid tears rolled down.


At the base that night, many people were overwhelmed and unable to sleep, silently chanting this name.

Some feel it will be the end, others are determined to end it with it.

In the dimly lit laboratory, Pentagram, who was sitting obediently in the tempered glass cabinet, suddenly opened his electronic eyes and swiped out a string of flickering characters.


The golden five-pointed star was lying on the door of the cupboard. Its bulky and chubby body easily smashed through the door of the cupboard and rolled to the floor.

"...the temporary manipulator authorized by Raymond Gayton, whose life index has declined."

Single Karabi hopped in one direction, the top corner bent, as if thinking about something.

"Alarm, insufficient energy, unable to report... Cannot contact Your Excellency Cyrus, the operator temporarily loses consciousness, the environment is unknown but hostile, and triggers the self-rescue mode." This is the meaning of the data in the eyes of Dan Calabi Electronics.

The five-pointed star gnawed on the alloy cabinet.

Immediately there was a suspicious sound in the dimly lit room, and the surveillance image stayed 10 minutes before forever.

At dawn, the base began broadcasting, announcing that it will issue a declaration of surrender on a public channel, waiting for the response from the Holy Glory Empire.

Zhang Sen was lying on the floor in a half-conscious state. He heard someone come in in a blur. Then he grabbed his arm and injected a cold liquid into the blood vessel.

"Molvia will win, they just don't believe you." Zhang Sen heard someone whisper.

Zhang Sen, who thought he was just injected with a confessional agent, gasped in pain, waiting for another round of interrogation, completely unaware of what he said just now, he was also a loyal person to the country, and hoped that when Zhang Sen died, he would not be as desperate as they were.

"Ah...uh." Zhang Sen's breathing became more and more rapid. In just 3 minutes, he felt as long as a century.

It's not like a confessional potion, or a psych potion for interrogation.

The person who injected the potion had already left.Zhang Sen belatedly thought that this might be poison, he was about to die, and suddenly recalled the sentence just now in a blur, probably because someone was afraid that he would have control over the Raymond Gayton mecha.Factional fights are always like that, but that's a good thing, because they really value the one-Carabi.

Zhang Sen slowed down his breathing and stopped struggling.

Fortunately, he died on the land of Morvia...


The entire alloy wall flew off.

The shattered wreckage smashed the ground, and Zhang Sen couldn't move anymore. He looked at the place where he was lying on his stomach in a daze, and there was not a piece of debris falling.

"Patta." A huge and solid golden horn protruded in.

After the wall was destroyed, Zhang Sen vaguely heard the sound of sirens resounding through the base, and energy guns continued to blast here.

"Assigned manipulator, the life index has dropped, and the expected survival time is 10 minutes." The mechanical voice sounded familiar.

Zhang Sen felt a pain in his arm, and something like a needle appeared on the top corner of the three-meter-long golden metal.

"The fourth type of nerve paralyzing toxin, the lethal time is 15 minutes, beyond the rescue range of a single Calabi, the second intelligence program, Buyer 70.00% activated."

In an instant, the entire cell was gone.

The golden yellow top horns suddenly elongated and curved, not like a five-pointed star with edges and corners, but long and terrifying tentacles.Numerous suction cups appear on the surface of the metal shell, and they roll up immediately after touching the metal object.

Zhang Sen finally saw the whole picture of this thing.

Huge, like a wheel or a starfish entrenched mechanical monsters that devour all...

"Single Karabi?" Zhang Sen thought vaguely, could it be that the hallucinations before death were so terrible that they could distort the five-pointed star like this.

"Deny, I'm Buyer." The starfish monster bent two tentacles to construct a strong cage, and then dragged Zhang Sen in. One of the tentacles split automatically, and many standard instruments, medical pliers, and even There are scalpels and needles.

"Surgical time, 7 minutes. Available time, 9 minutes...Confirm the start."

Zhang Sen was dumbfounded, especially when he felt the anesthetic injection coming in.

"Single Carabi?"

"The first intelligent program is dormant, I'm Buyer." Starfish repeated again, countless mechanical dexterity simultaneously performed blood analysis, toxin neutralization, and the complex actions of blood extraction, filtration and reinfusion, and several instruments swiped at the same time Zhang Sen's heartbeat and blood pressure.

After the corridor wall collapsed, countless cannons pointed here.

"Energy conversion started." The starfish stretched out two tentacles, and the suction cups unfolded and wrapped into a shield shape. After the dazzling light, the whole starfish grew in size again.

The starfish swayed and made a harsh mechanical sound:

"Give up resistance, your struggle will only make the base a part of me."

The author has something to say: Well, the truth is—

Pentagram: Pata, I’m actually not alone

Zhang Sen: You are a mecha, of course not a human

Pentagram: Pata, I’m actually not a mecha

Zhang Sen: ...

Pentagram: Pata, Bouyer is amazing.

Pentagram turns into a starfish: Well, Calabi alone is pretty good too.

╮(╯_╰)╭Well, some people have multiple personalities, why can't mechas.

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