The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 96 The End of the Journey

"Where should the story begin?"

On the night of Monday, November 11nd, on the "Light of the First Snow" train from Biddle City to Malz, there were still four people including Siles, Cindo, Chester, and Alva.They sat there, listening to Sirius analyze the whole story of the incident.

They have left Hales House.In a sense, Hales House no longer exists.The reconstruction work is proceeding very slowly, and it is not known whether the Hales House will be able to return to its previous appearance after this winter.

Qin Duo intends to return to Ramifa City with Siles.A man in love is obviously unwilling to leave his lover half a step away, especially someone like Qin Duo.

So, the four went to Hales House together, and finally left Hales House together.

They bid farewell to Mary, a bright-hearted guide who planned to help rebuild Hales House; Albert, an explorer who was frowning and didn't know how to explain to his employer; and Alfonso Carlyle, a folklorist who was seriously injured and lost his friend. bid farewell.

Alfonso said that he will stay in the land of no embers for a period of time to recuperate his injuries and follow up the conclusion of the incident.And, after this incident comes to an end, he will take Emanuel's ashes to Kansas, so that Emanuel will return to his roots.

In fact, Siles is still somewhat concerned about the whereabouts of the circus clown, but since the clown handed him the card, he has completely disappeared without a trace, and Siles can only bury this doubt in his heart.

Perhaps after the death of the head of the circus, clowns, magicians, and animal trainers will end up wandering around the Everland like other ordinary explorers, looking for various ways to make a living.

Perhaps, such a fate has been doomed since the circus was established.

After the Hales House tent collapsed, Sirius found a large pile of what appeared to be broken statue parts nearby.With Joseph's confirmation, they knew that it was the mastermind behind this incident, that is, the followers of Huddoka.

However, from Joseph's rather vague description, Siles confirmed that they actually believed in Huddoka and Menawaka at the same time, but this matter is unknown.

When they left Hales House, they did hear that a well-known merchant in Gladstone had suddenly disappeared.When they got back to Biddle City, they even welcomed a smiling Ranmeer, who planned to take some of the missing businessman's business.

These things can be said later.

In short, that night, after Siles and Qindo confirmed that the matter had temporarily come to an end, they went back and brought Alfonso and Emanuel back, even though one of them had become a cold corpse.

…By the way, Audrey, the proprietress of the hotel, held Emmanuel's body and cried for a long time.After dawn, she wiped away her tears and devoted herself to the rebuilding of the Hales House with a gesture of no regrets.

She didn't even care what to do with Emanuel's body afterwards.

Alfonso was in a coma for a while, and was able to wake up the next day under the care of Dr. Chester.Siles had a lengthy conversation with him, and that all pieced together a piece of the truth.

In fact, Siles wanted to communicate with Joseph, but after confirming the identities of those statues, Joseph committed suicide without hesitation, and no one had time to stop him.It seemed that he had already prepared for this before coming to Hales House.

He already has nothing, is disheartened, has lost his companions who live together, and at this moment has had his revenge.When he died, he was still chanting the name of Huddorka, and it seemed that he had not abandoned his faith.

The incident at the Hales House also caused certain casualties, mainly from two points: the chaotic fighting during the day and the raging fire that night.

The explorers clutched their wounds wearily, lying or sitting outside the tent, staring blankly at the dying station, with an unspeakable confusion on their expressions.

Although the worst result did not happen, it is not known whether this scene is considered lucky.

Miles, the superintendent of the Hales House, died in the fire as he was caught in the fire as he was trying to salvage something in his office.So did the rest of the dead, especially the owners of the shops and the explorers who lived in the hotels.

Stardust in the tent fabric fueled the fire.

After the fire, heavy snow fell.The black ashes were covered with a layer of white snowflakes.The balance fell to the ground, and after being smoked by the fire, the originally bright silver gray turned into a very dirty and greasy black.

Due to the death of Miles, the leaderless Hales House finally let the tavern owner Andy act as a temporary manager.However, Andy obviously hadn't dealt with this kind of situation before. After soliciting opinions from all parties, he managed to sort everything out in the end.

Treatment of the wounded, removal of the corpse, living arrangements, and, give a reasonable enough explanation.

The last explanation they gave was that a group of followers of the old gods intended to revive the old gods and planned to do something at Hales House; Joseph who set the fire knew this in advance, and immediately set fire to the camp on impulse.

Although it did prevent the resurrection of the old gods, it did destroy Hales House.

People have debated this statement.The key to focus, of course, is the occasional blue flash of fire.People don't know what that is.Some theories about "wild fire" and "soul fire" began to spread.

But that's not what they want to focus on now.

In fact, after the fire, there were many rumors that prevailed in the mouths of explorers, such as the mysterious specialty store, the weird heart-shaped canyon, the non-existent "non-existent city", and the fate card.

The "information" that Siles used to deal with Andy, that is, "the secrets related to the old gods are hidden in the cards of fate, and this secret can be learned through playing cards", has unknowingly made all the survivors knew.

It threw them into the big business of poker with a kind of fanaticism.

Since the goal is to discover the secrets of the Old Gods, they don't even gamble money.However, looking at their very fanatical attitude, I don't know whether they are looking for secrets or just playing cards.

In short, this matter made Alva quite excited.He felt that this group of explorers were already so keen on playing cards, so for the residents of Lamifa City, playing cards was even more beautiful.

He has probably started to fantasize about going back and being praised by his family.

This also made him mutter and start to think about how to make the cards look more exquisite and expensive.

Siles didn't know until this time that Alva was actually a student majoring in painting, and he also took advantage of the winter vacation to travel to the Land of Eternal Embers.Of course, he is not a student of La Mifa University, otherwise he must have heard of the name "Siles Noel".

He was a student of an art academy in the city.The reason why I learned painting is because of the needs of the family industry.He will provide free cover paintings and book illustrations to printing houses and some publishers on a daily basis.

This surprised them quite a bit, and made Alva feel uncomfortable—how could he not be an artist?He is very artistic!

Doctor Chester untied a knot in his heart, and he looked much lighter.He smiled and said, "Perhaps you can also be invited to draw illustrations for Professor Noel's novels in the future, but then you have to work harder."

Alva muttered that of course he would work hard.

They all imagined their life after returning to Ramifa City.However, when they saw the Hales House that had been reduced to ashes, they couldn't help but feel a little confused about "now".

……the truth.What is the truth?

It took Siles a while to sort everything out, and to find out as many people in the know as possible.

Siles and Cindo later found the bodies of Professor Cabell and Assistant Professor Mervyn, as well as many other bodies, in the secret passage at the bottom of the heart-shaped canyon. At the same time, that place is also the daily residence and meeting place of the black hands behind the scenes. .

They also found some archival material there, from which they pieced together the closest thing to the truth.However, due to time constraints, Siles only briefly read some of the materials, and there are still many that he has not had time to read, and he will read them later when he is free.

It included part of the materials that Professor Kabell carried with him.

All in all, where does the story begin?

Siles looked at the curious eyes of his companions, thought for a moment, and then said, "Let's start when Huddoka fell."

Huddoka fell in the 134th year of the Silent Era.

When the construction worker Dua built the temple for Huddoka's believers, no one knew that Huddoka was about to fall; and no one knew that Huddoka's fall was related to his believers.

In the deep room of the heart-shaped canyon—it sounds a bit like "atrium", although it is not what it really means—in it, Sirius and Cinder found some records from earlier.

It is probably some written records and diaries written by the descendants of the believers who personally experienced the fall of Huddoka, after integrating the previous sayings.

It is mentioned that in the early period of Silence, Menawaka suddenly wanted to see Huddoka very much for some reason.Huddorka's arrogance is well known to everyone. He always lives high in the sky, lives alone in the Belan Temple, and is not even very willing to respond to believers.

As for Huddoka's contact with other gods, it is even less heard.

In any case, Menawaka at that time wanted to meet with Huddoka, and this god could not directly contact Huddoka, so he entrusted this task to his followers.

The cunning businessmen use actual economic benefits to lure the followers of Huddoka to summon the gods they believe in.And Menawaka waited nearby.

Perhaps the followers of Huddoka also want to see the gods they believe in very much, or maybe they are moved by the practical benefits.They did indeed succeed in summoning Huddoka.

No one knows why Huddoka suddenly responded to the call of believers on that day, no one knows what Menawaka and Huddoka talked about, and no one knows why Menawaka wanted to talk to Huddoka. See this side of the card.

Anyway, on that day, Huddoka fell.

The panic-stricken believers frantically blamed the merchant believers of Menawaka.However, this group of believers who always hide in the dark and believe in sin, lies, and darkness are ultimately defeated by this belief.

They were indeed cowardly and timid, and in the end, the truth of the fall of the gods became a well-known and commonly kept secret among believers.

The merchants are also afraid that they will spread this matter, which will attract dissatisfaction from other believers with them and Menawaka.Therefore, they try their best to use money to satisfy the desires of these believers who know the truth.

The two groups of believers mixed together, based on conspiracy, guilty conscience, and interests, and gradually formed a secret but real relationship network.They almost formed an organization.

In the centuries that followed, the history of Fischer's world was turbulent.The gods fell one after another, the fog spread all over the continent, and civilization was destroyed once.In this case, only a small group of believers remained, who still knew about the meeting between Menawaka and Huddoka.

This small group of believers, in the hundreds of years after the fall of Menawaka, gradually developed a rather extreme idea because of the meeting of these two gods.

Why must it be Menawaka who devoured Huddoka?Why can't it be the other way around, that Huddoka devours Menawaka?However, Huddoka's power happened to have deceitful and criminal elements.

Why can't Huddoka feign death to escape and become Menawaka?

This guess was so unbelievable that some of the believers at that time directly chose to cut their seats with the believers who believed in this statement.

Among the remaining believers, they gradually began to believe that Huddoka and Menawaka were one.The two gods were one in their eyes, and they themselves became confused, mad, and accompanied by shadows, darkness, deceit, and evil.

In the House of Hales, those statues that fell from the Belan Temple and smashed directly like the gods they believed in were the descendants of this group of crazy believers.

They are roughly divided into two categories, one group is doing business abroad, ensuring their daily needs, and at the same time ensuring the circulation and updating of news.

Another group researched ways to revive the old gods in the heart-shaped canyon, centered on the House of Hales, and controlled the conspiracy of the "non-existent city", causing countless explorers to die innocently, and at the same time searched for and entered the Belan Temple.

Joseph and Lila may have been one of the latter.Therefore, after Lila died, Joseph made up his mind to go to the House of Hales to destroy the root of all evil.In a sense, he also destroyed his former self.

They always believed that the Temple of Belan was the key to everything.

Ten years ago, they successfully found the Temple of Belan.Ecstatic devotees entered the temple desperately.

But it was precisely because of this that they ignored Alfonso and his party who were looking for the "non-existent city" at the time, and failed to induce them to go to a specific place to die.

During the conversation between Siles and Alfonso, he finally learned what happened to Alfonso and Emanuel's group ten years ago.

After the disappearance of Isherwood, the anxious Emmanuel and his companions came to Hales House and got the map as well.

According to Alfonso, the map was actually a very obvious decoy.The special place marked above is near the heart-shaped canyon, but people have been to that place many times, how could there be any undiscovered city.

Siles guessed that when people arrived at those places, it was actually the followers of the old gods who secretly killed the explorers.In the case of Siles being attacked in the first place, this group of behind-the-scenes masters indeed mastered a very clever attack method.

That's somewhat similar to Huddoka's power.They are assassins hiding in the dark.

Alfonso also agrees with this statement.

"But why did you go to the heart-shaped canyon?" Sirius couldn't help asking.

After a moment of silence, Alfonso said: "At that time, Emanuel thought that since there was such a striking landmark as the heart-shaped canyon nearby, it was very likely that Isherwood would leave some messages for him there.

"He didn't believe that his brother would disappear so quietly. He believed that Isherwood would definitely leave some hints, asking for help or warning, it's possible."

Siles suddenly realized.

Alfonso said helplessly: "At that time, he was crazy. He was overwhelmed by guilt, powerlessness, and upset. We couldn't persuade him, so we followed him to the heart-shaped canyon. We thought that There will be no problem."


"But we were wrong," Alfonso said, revealing a bitterness and complexity brewed over the years, "When we reached the heart-shaped canyon, the whole canyon was shrouded in a dark, gloomy shadow.

"Emanuel thought it was the message left by Isherwood, so he rushed into the shadows frantically. We had no choice but to follow.


Alfonso fell silent again, he seemed to think of that experience back then.The desperate madness, perhaps some resentment towards his companions, as well as the sigh and bewilderment up to now.

"We found a tribal relic ... at the bottom of the heart-shaped canyon," he said.

Siles said in astonishment, "But there's nothing there now."

"Yes, nothing." Alfonso murmured, "If I hadn't actually got the parchment, read the revelations about the prophets and gods, and got the pen...

"Then, I'm afraid I will also think that I have only had a dream."

Siles was disturbed by this wonderful experience.Afterwards, after he finished reading the archives brought out from the heart-shaped canyon, he discussed with Alfonso and Cindo for a period of time, and came to such a conclusion.

That is the "Shadow" of the Temple of Belan.

When Alfonso and the others arrived at the heart-shaped canyon, the followers of the old gods also happened to go to the Temple of Bellan.After many years, the Temple of Belan was once again connected to the real world.

...and this is likely to reproduce something that happened in the past.A ritual that no one knows about...or, the manifestation of some kind of power.

Alfonso couldn't understand this kind of speculation, he asked: "But, I did take out something that actually existed from there, how can this be explained?"

Siles glanced sideways at Qindo, who was beside him at the time, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "I think...the power of gods lies in turning fiction into reality."

Both Alfonso and Cendo couldn't help being taken aback.

Silles paused, and then said cautiously: "You can think that what I say next is just a hypothesis to make this story more reasonable and logically complete.

"In short, we can assume that this world is divided into two layers, the material world on the surface, and the immaterial world on the inside. They are superimposed, just like two different objects are illuminated by light at the same time, so their The shadows overlapped.

"The table world is practical and stable, such as our body, such as this table, such as these houses. This is a world without supernatural power and is constructed purely from matter.

"The inner world is chaotic and active, such as our thinking, such as the power of time and history, such as the seat of the authority of the gods. This is the source of power for the enlightener and those who once protected, and it is also the residence of the gods.

"How do humans in the material world interfere and use the power of the other world? Through our spirituality. Spirituality is a bridge, a bridge connecting the material world and the non-material world.

"Spirituality plus will is equal to our soul. In other words, our soul always lives in the inner world, but the spirituality crosses the outer and inner worlds, like a bridge, so the will can be bonded to our body through the spirituality.

"Our bodies limit the way we see the world beyond, and at the same time, to some extent, protect us from the dangers of the world beyond."

Having said that, Siles paused for a moment.

The reason why he came up with the idea that "the soul always lives in the inner world" is not only based on some stories and legends he heard on Earth, but also from his own personal experience.

The dark house, the rumored dark sea, and the light of the lighthouse.

what is that placeWhy did he appear there when his body was turned into a statue?

In addition, the deep-sea dream that can only be entered after falling asleep, the illusory but real Belan Temple...where do these "places" exist?

Siles could only guess that this world is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

After the human body falls asleep, the soul is more active, so it can enter the deep sea dream; Sirius' body becomes a statue, and his soul is very powerful, so he can survive in the dark sea for a period of time, waiting for life.

And the Temple of Beren...

Siles paused for a while, and then continued: "The reason why I said that the power of the gods lies in turning the fictitious into reality is because I think that the gods... at least their power can directly interfere with the surface world without the need to As complicated as humans are.

"Take the enlightener as an example, the reason why he needs to take potions is to enhance the activity of the soul, make it easier to use the power of the inner world, and then in turn affect the outer world.

"But the gods, they 'possess' that kind of power themselves, without resorting to it. Perhaps, they themselves are part of the inner world."

Both Alfonso and Cendo remained silent, as if they didn't understand what Siles was saying at all.

Siles didn't force it, and he didn't intend to explain too clearly.After all, this is just a guess, a hypothesis, and there are still very imperfections.

He continued: "I think that the Temple of Belam probably preserves some... 'stuff'. The 'traces' that once appeared in this world. That is the 'shadow' of the Temple of Belam, which is what you have seen The tribal ruins of the

He thought, if you use some things on the earth as a metaphor, then God's Paradise is like... a server?

Just as the dream of the deep sea is still connected to the dream of human beings, Siles believes that the Temple of Belan is likely to retain similar things.It is a pity that they have no way of knowing what is in the Temple of Belan now.

Many of the followers of the old gods who entered the temple of Belan died or went mad.Even if he is still alive, he is becoming more and more crazy and extreme.That's why they've been sending explorers to their deaths so frantically for the last ten years.

The tribal ruins discovered by Alfonso, like a super-large "time track", have always remained there, and they happened to stray into it at that moment.

The reason for calling this existence "shadow" is because Siles thought of the diary of Dewar, a former temple worker.

It is mentioned in the diary that when Dua got up in the middle of the night, he found a statue in the shadow of the temple.On the second day, the foreman thought it was lucky that Dewar did not step into the shadow of the temple.


Just like the "bubble" in the deep sea dream, the Belan Temple seems to have such a "shadow".And that happened to correspond to the positions of these two gods.

"Pretty Rainbow Bubbles". "The Shadow Side of the World".

The only difference is that "Shadow" has affected reality, but "Bubble" has not.Or maybe, it has been affected and Sirius doesn't know?

As for why the things Alfonso got are real—if the Rubik’s Cube given to the boy Emile Harrison by Siles in the deep sea dream really appeared in reality...

Siles thought to himself, this is easy to verify.He will know when the deep sea dream opens next time.

Qin Duo has the miraculous power to pick up the words on the paper and turn them into reality. This is something only the descendants of the old gods can do.

Even now, Siles doesn't know whether the so-called "blood descendants of the old gods" are really "offspring" in the reproductive sense.But in any case, Qin Duo can do this kind of magical thing because he has the power of Lygardia.

And the dream of the deep sea obviously also symbolizes the power of Akamala.

Siles had a strong premonition.When he gave the Rubik's Cube, he didn't think too much, he just wanted to appease Emil's emotions.But thinking about it now, he always felt that the Rubik's Cube would really appear in Emil's real life.

...then really become "Mysterious and Fantastic Mr. Ghost".Siles couldn't help thinking.

Alfonso still didn't seem to understand. He said, "Some kind illusion that exists with the power of the gods?"

Siles said: "It can be understood in this way."

Alfonso nodded thoughtfully.

Siles turned to ask, "What happened to you inside?"

"It's like... a village that was full of vitality one second, but completely deserted the next. Every house was eaten by people. Our exploration at the beginning seemed aimless, and many people died at that time Died for no apparent reason.

"And, we found... we were trapped in that place. In order to leave, we carefully studied every corner of the village, and found the parchment and a pen.

"But other than that, we didn't find anything useful. You know, Emmanuel and I, we're both folklorists. And the existence of that village surprised us, because we never I have heard of such a village.

"...In the very center of the village, there is a guillotine. There are many heads piled up next to it, and it seems that they were beheaded at the same time in a short period of time. We don't understand what happened, and we don't know why this kind of lynching exists."

Siles asked, "Does the parchment explain all this?"

Alfonso shook his head: "The parchment... on the parchment is that the gods gave revelations, and a prophet will appear one day in the future... I am afraid you already know it. I met Albert once.

"However, I think you're actually right... Prophet, this concept is very rare. That tribe seems to live in a very isolated place, so it derived such a strange concept."

Siles pondered for a moment, then said, "'God'? This is the first time I've heard of this title."

"Perhaps they mean Hooddoka," said Cindo, with a little negative feeling for Houddoka, "a god in the sky. Doesn't Houddoka always live in a temple in the sky? "

Siles had a slight association because of this statement.

If you really want to talk about the gods in the sky... Isn't it more suitable for Luthmi, the god of stars and light?

Alfonso shook his head - he now knew the relationship between Cindo and Siles, and he showed a subtle, unexpected, but not opposed to it.

He simply said, "But why is Huddoka giving such a revelation?"

"Maybe it's just that people misunderstood the meaning of Huddoka." Qin Duo guessed, then shook his head and laughed mockingly, "Who knows. A story that happened in the distant past."

This statement was approved by Siles and Alfonso.That is indeed a very, very distant thing.

In short, Alfonso and Emanuel finally got the parchment and the pen.And when they got these two things, the appearance of the tribe's ruins slowly turned to ashes like erased handwriting.

"And you burned the parchment?"

Alfonso nodded and said, "This is what I insisted on. Emmanuel's condition at the time...was not very good. He completely collapsed. Fortunately, Albert appeared at that time, otherwise I might not be able to bring him Back to Hales House."

However, despite this, when they went to Heart Canyon for the second time, Emanuel could not make it back to Hales House.

Siles sighed to himself.

Ten years ago, when the followers of the old gods swarmed into the Belan Temple, they became more extreme and stubborn.

And seven years ago, when Alfonso took that pen to prove that he really discovered a tribal relic, the group of followers of the old gods fell into chaos and madness.

According to the unknown follower of the Old God who died at the bottom of the heart-shaped canyon, that pen wrote the fall of Huddoka.

This is not actually confirmed by Alfonso's findings, and it seems that there are still quite a few disagreements in the whole thing.In any case, this group of followers of the old gods was divided because of this.

Some believers seem to think that if the pen really appeared, the old god really fell, there is no room for change, and death is death; while other believers think that is not true.

The belief of the former has been shaken—half human, half statue; or, a certain part of them has not shaken their belief, but already believes that the gods have indeed fallen—Joseph and Lila.

And the latter became more anxious and frantic in order to prove the former wrong.In some records, Sirius found that they even used the Temple of Belen to kill directly.

There seems to be some connection between the Temple of Belan and the temples established by other followers of Huddoka (or maybe the "shadow" of the Temple of Belan?), and through the Temple of Belan, they seem to be able to go to those gods The ruins of the temple.

The same is true for the Stardust mine vein, which has a deeper connection with the Belan Temple. It seems that the first believers found the Belan Temple there.Therefore, they would directly use the Belan Temple at that time to attack Siles and the others.

Siles was mentally prepared for this.After all, the deep sea dream has proved that these paradises of the gods have very unique effects and functions, it only depends on whether humans can master them.

These followers of the old gods seem to have indeed done it, but they don't have the high will of Sires; so in the end, they will also kill themselves after all.

That's why they acted like walking into the mist.Not because they are immune to the mist, but because they are already crazy to the bone.

In the following five long years, they continued to use the usual methods - special rumors, special maps, and prepared traps in advance, to turn batch after batch of explorers into statues in an attempt to awaken the gods.

The explorers, including Friedman and the explorer team that traveled with Jindo, may have obtained the same or different maps, but they all died because of it.Even if he escaped by chance, he was seriously injured and died soon after.

This is the method used by this group of followers of the old gods. Whether it is Huddoka or Menawaka, they all follow the gods they believe in, and they are used to using this method of hiding in the dark and using some tricks.

However, they had found the Temple of Beren.Five years later, they still have made no progress.This frustrates them.

At this time, someone thought of using other followers of the old gods.They want other followers of the old gods to try other methods, use those followers of the old gods to find a way.

Wouldn't it be better to do both?

And they actually don't think it's a kind of "use".They think it is an exchange of equal value - I provide the solution, you provide the life.

Then they start refining the plan and picking "partners."

Just as Siles thought, because they were carrying out such a "big plan", when Langmir discovered and dug the stardust mine, the group of followers of the old gods reluctantly chose to endure.

However, they did buy nearly half of the Stardust back, and at that time remodeled the tent of Hales House, thinking that it was a method worth trying.

It was true that they had been staring at the workers and Ranmir all the time, so they were able to discover the existence of the two defectors, Joseph and Lila.

In the letters found in the heart-shaped canyon dark room, they originally wanted to kill Joseph and Lila at the same time, but in order to torture Joseph, they finally chose to kill Lila first.Even the deaths of other workers were just incidental.

Later, Qin Duo and the explorers discovered the existence of the temple ruins by mistake.They were not the first group of people who discovered the remains of the temple, but because of the existence of Qin Duo, the followers of the old gods did not dare to do anything at will.

After Qindo left, they did not attack the explorers.At the same time, they suddenly realized that it seemed like a good opportunity-the opportunity to carry out their plan.

Because of the appearance of a special relic, some weird and wonderful items will flow into the market. This is a very normal thing, isn't it?

The reason why Boleyn Elgar finally got the portrait of the strange man was an elaborate coincidence and conspiracy.And the power of that image does not come from Temiafa, but from Huddoka - deceit.

Defrauding human stomachs and disguising dirty ingredients as beautiful delicacies.

Siles didn't know how this group of followers of the old gods did it.He guessed that there may be some old records, and even the participation of "God Model".

Or maybe the believers of Huddoka have intersected with the believers of Temia Law?

Siles thought of the worker Dewar's diary, which mentioned three types of weirdos that appeared during the construction of the temple: very fat people, very thin people, and people who walked wobbly.

Maybe the fat guy is a businessman, or

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