Still in groups of three or four.They walked in swaggeringly, with a full of bold and unrestrained temperament.

That kind of temperament is actually not the same as that of common explorers in the Everlands.However, considering that they were explorers hired by the Lamifah Chamber of Commerce, Siles was not surprised by their performance.

He glanced over and happened to meet the leader of the explorer team.Seeing him, the man subconsciously glanced around Sirius, and noticed that Qin Duo was not there, so he showed a subtle smile.

However, he didn't seem to have any intention of talking to Siles, he just walked to the side with his companions and sat down, then took out a stack of papers from his arms, and looked down.

...that paper?

Siles suddenly frowned slightly, and he said to Andy, "Wait a moment."

Andy didn't seem to care, just watching his actions curiously.

Siles got up, walked to the side of the explorer, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me..."

"Oh, it's you." The explorer said carelessly, "But don't think that just because you are that guy's old lover, you can get a little benefit from me."

Siles was silent for a moment before realizing that the "that guy" the man was referring to was Qin Duo.

He sat across from the explorer, considered his tone, and glanced at the stack of manuscripts.Then he said, "Looks like you know Gyndo?"

"Of course I know each other. Everyone knows me." Once the conversation started, the explorer didn't hide it.He casually folded the stack of manuscripts and tossed them aside, then said, "I've worked with him before. Of course, he's not a likable character.

"If you can make him submissive, then I admire you, sir. However, with your ability, you don't know who will be subdued by whom."

He smiled slightly obscenely.

Siles couldn't help frowning, so he stopped continuing the topic and said instead: "You are employed by Ms. Eugenia Beard, aren't you?"

The smile in the explorer's eyes suddenly froze, and he asked in disbelief: "How do you know?!"

Siles didn't answer the question, he just said: "You were hired by that lady to come to the Land of Never to find the 'City That Doesn't Exist'. Is this the clue you found?" He pointed to the manuscript .

"...You really look like a prophet." The explorer said in a gloomy tone, "Yes, indeed."

"prophet".These two words caused subtle waves in Siles' heart.

He hesitated for a moment between the two topics of "prophet" and "mysterious manuscript", and then decided to follow the original train of thought.

He said: "However, I'm afraid you don't know that recently, Hales House has always had explorers who died strangely because of reading manuscripts from unknown sources."

The explorer looked at him with some surprise, and then looked at the manuscript.After a while, he said thoughtfully, "Are you... are you reminding me because of Ms. Beard?"

Siles didn't feel compelled to answer the question.Of course, confirming that the explorer team was indeed hired by the noble lady is to dispel the doubts in Sirius' mind and pave the way for the following conversation.

"Because I was also looking for 'non-existent cities'." Siles said.

The explorer looked at Siles for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Albert Milne."

"Sileus Noel."

Albert said with great interest: "So you are the one who invented that card game! It's amazing."

Siles: "..."

Really bad.Before he was famous for his academic achievements, he was already famous for his entertainment activities.

Siles couldn't help but paused slightly, then just shook his head without saying anything.

Albert snorted uninterestedly, and then said, "You mean, this manuscript is used to harm people?"

"Yes," said Siles, "but what I'm more curious about is, where did you get it?"

He has always been very curious about this matter.On their first day at Hales House, they met a victim.However, that is already dead after all.The investigation on Myers' side also seemed to be procrastinating and making no progress.

Finding suspicious characters among the thousands of explorers at Hales House was like finding a needle in a haystack.

After asking the tavern owner Andy for information, Siles originally planned to go to the heart-shaped canyon to find out.Of course, it's just an option.With Qin Duo absent, Siles is more inclined to act cautiously and conservatively.

The judgment of the dice is his hole card.This hole card is indeed strong enough, but it is not clear, and Siles doesn't want to use it lightly.

Therefore, he still intends to look for some clues inside Hales House.

And this explorer who appeared suddenly seemed to hold some information that surprised Sirius.

...the manuscript, and, the Prophet.

Albert said: "A mysterious young explorer." He thought for a moment, "Claims his name is Karl."

"Carl," Sirius whispered, "it's him again."

"You know him?"

"Last year, at the same time, he was at the Hales House peddling treasure maps. This year he's showing up again," Siles said.

Albert said with some disapproval: "There are people like this every year. Carl is just a very common pseudonym."

Siles nodded, thinking that was also possible.Although they are both called Carl, they are not necessarily the same person.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized a question: "This Carl... are you sure he's just selling this manuscript?"


"Before I came to Hales House, I heard that someone here was selling a very old version of the map."

They were chatting when Andy came over with wine and put it on their table.Hearing what Sirius said, he couldn't help correcting him and said, "Mr. Noel, the situation is like this."

They looked at Andy.

Andy seemed to be enjoying it, so he said: "Some people do claim to have got an even older map. But that's old news! They've all set out to find relevant clues!"

Albert didn't seem surprised, but just muttered: "It really is."

Siles frowned slightly and asked, "When did this happen?"

"A while ago." Andy thought for a while, "I don't know exactly when they set off, but... it seems to be around the birthday of Antinam."

Around God's birthday.Siles thought.Alfonso and Emmanuel also seem to have left around that time.Will they be together?

It is not impossible.

Siles asked again: "The explorer who claimed to have an older map, did he set off with him?"

"Of course." Andy shrugged.

He didn't say any more, and quickly went back behind the counter.

Albert sighed and said: "Sure enough. Those news that are spreading in the land of no embers, by the time someone really goes to find out the truth, it will be too late."

His words made Sirius squint his eyes.

Albert Milne was clearly a seasoned explorer, comparable to Lady Mary before Langmeer hired him.He looks to be in his 30s, in his prime, with piercing eyes, short, lean hair, and a very smug aura.

Even so, he still said in this rather exclamatory tone, "the time in the land of no embers is not enough".

...Similar things must have happened many times before he had this idea.

Wait, Prophet?Why did he know the concept of a prophet?


Siles pondered for a moment, then said: "You know Alfonso Carlyle, don't you?"

Albert showed a particularly astonished expression, he looked at Celes almost incredulously, and then said, "How do you know?" He paused, "I can still understand Ms. Beard's matter.

"After all, the Lamifa Chamber of Commerce announced this matter to the public at that time. There are always explorers who will know or get relevant information. But, Alfonso? You... how could you know, it was all ten years ago Already!"

Yes, ten years ago.At this moment, Sirius felt a little sad in his heart.

ten years ago.What a distant time that was.If calculated according to the earth, then He Jiayin had just graduated from university at that time, and was hesitating about how to make a living.

And in the distant world of Fisher, on this strange land shrouded in mist, there is also a group of people who are so confused and hesitant.

Siles sighed slowly: "Because of the prophet." He paused, and then explained, "I once learned the concept of the prophet from Alfonso. This is a very special concept. If you don't know He, then it should be impossible for you to know this statement."

Albert suddenly realized.He showed an extremely complicated expression, and then said: "So, are the prophet he is looking for?"

Siles paused, and then said in surprise: "What?" He thought for a moment, "No, that's not what I mean, I just want to find out..."

Albert didn't bother to pay attention to Siles' original intention, he just muttered: "Oh, it's incredible. However, you are indeed like a prophet. Know the existence of Ms. Beard in advance, and know that Alfonso and I friendship..."

Siles: "..."

and many more……!

"It's just a reasonable logical reasoning," he said.

"Oh, logical reasoning." Albert gave him a strange look, and then said, "Do you really believe this statement? The existence of fate is very illusory.

"But anyway—sir, anyway, how did you know Miss Beard, how did you know Alfonso?"

Siles hesitated for a moment, then said, "Coincidence."

Albert snorted, with a rough, uninhibited, and lazy temperament.He said: "So, you first know about Ms. Beard, you know the existence of this expedition, and then you know about Alfonso, and you know the tribal ruins he once discovered...

"Well, according to what you said, it was a coincidence. And the result? This information happened to be used here, to win my trust, to make me believe that you are really the prophet, and to make me happy to help you...

"Seriously, sir, do you really think this is just a coincidence? Fate... there is no coincidence in fate, according to the tribal ruins."

Siles felt a subtle sense of powerlessness in his heart.

What he was trying to say was that he already knew this information and he was just using it rationally at this moment.He knew so much information, could each of them be used in the future?Is everything an arrangement of fate?

He doesn't really believe in this kind of... very metaphysical metaphysics.Even if there is indeed extraordinary power in this world, but...if fate can really be arranged, it would be a bit scary.

So Siles was silent for a moment, then skipped the subject and just said, "I don't think I'm a prophet."

Albert's eyes seemed to say: All right, you can say whatever you want.

Siles turned to ask: "So, you and Alfonso met ten years ago?"

This is not "seven years ago".Alfonso and the others did discover the tribal ruins ten years ago, but for various reasons, they delayed the announcement for three years.

Therefore, when Albert talked about this point in time ten years ago, Siles realized that Albert was indeed an insider.

That's surprising, Sirius couldn't help thinking.

He has been looking for an insider, wanting to know about the tribal ruins.He thought that the insiders had all disappeared, but now it was clear.

He waited for Albert's answer.

"Yes," said Albert, "but maybe we'll have to talk about it somewhere else."

He glanced at Andy, the boss behind the counter, with an expression of obvious distrust.Andy said loudly, "Okay, okay! Gentlemen, you can go outside and talk. But, Mr. Noel, please remember that you still owe me a useful message!"

"Of course," said Siles, "I'll be back in a minute."

He looked over at Mary's side, confirmed that they would stay in Andy's tavern, and left the tavern with Albert.They walked from the second floor to the first floor, talking in low voices among the noisy voices of the group of explorers playing cards in the central open space.

Albert said: "Ten years ago, I was still an inexperienced explorer... In short, I was a little kind at that time, so when I met Alfonso and Emmanuel who were seriously injured, I saved them.

"By the way, I heard the conversation between you and Andy the night before yesterday, and mentioned Alfonso and the others. However, I'm not sure about your identity, so I didn't take the initiative to talk to you."

His attitude really took a 180-degree turn.Siles was even a little caught off guard.He couldn't help thinking, is the identity of "prophet" so important?

Albert continued: "They were grateful for my rescue... Maybe they didn't think about it that much at the time, so they told me what happened to them.

"Of course, when I first found out that they had discovered a tribal ruin, I couldn't help but think, how could this good thing not happen to me? Hahaha!"

He laughed heartily, probably because he really took his state of mind and thoughts at that time as talk.

Siles remained silent and did not express any opinions on this matter.

After a while, Albert said: "Then, I knew the existence of 'Prophet'."

"...What exactly is a prophet?" Siles felt a little confused.

"I'm not sure what Alfonso told you," Albert said, and then paused slightly, as if hesitating what to say, and after a while he finally decided, "He was in a These concepts were found on an old parchment.

"In fact, it's not just the concept of 'prophet'... It should be said that the tribe believed that they had received the 'revelation of the gods', and they recorded all the contents on the broken parchment.

"Because of the erosion of the years, when they got the parchment, the contents on it were somewhat stained, and many places were unclear.

"But the general meaning is that the world has sunk into darkness, and at some point in the future, the Prophet will appear, and he will bring changes to the world.

"……That's it."

Siles thought to himself, it really is the familiar "savior" complex.

He did not doubt the veracity of the story.Rumors about the "savior" among primitive tribes sound quite normal.However, the religious atmosphere of this world is not biased in this direction.

He couldn't help asking: "So, what about the parchment?"

"Burn it." Albert said, "Ten years ago, when they left the tribal ruins, they burned it. I haven't read the parchment, but I just heard part of the information they relayed."

Siles was slightly startled, and said, "Do they think it's dangerous?"

"Actually, I'm not sure what they think." Albert said, "They seem to want to keep it secret all the time, and they asked me to do so. I did. Before you, I never mentioned it to anyone. and this matter.

"From another perspective, Emmanuel does not seem to believe in the existence of the 'prophet', and I and Alfonso are not the same."

Sirius nodded slowly.

Albert turned to say: "'Prophet' is a very strange concept, don't you think? In this world, there has never been a god related to fate. But the prophet is like this. The prophet is destiny."

Siles said, "Perhaps so." He asked instead, "Did Alfonso ever get anything other than the parchment? Maybe... a pen?"

"Oh, sir, you actually know the existence of that thing." Albert's eyes seemed to be very amazed, and he confirmed that Siles was the "prophet".

Siles didn't know how to defend himself, so after thinking for a while, he simply remained silent.

Albert's exclamation only lasted for a moment, and he said: "Yes, of course, there is indeed a pen."

"What is that used for?" Sirius asked, and then there was a sudden pause, "...I see. Used to write those 'revelations'."

Albert nodded.

Siles was lost in thought.

He felt a very delicate place-Alfonso and Emanuel determined that the tribal ruins had nothing to do with the "non-existent city".Judging from the information he has obtained now, the two really have nothing to do with each other.

But why is Professor Cabell so interested in the tribal relics announced by Alfonso?Why did even the believers of Huddoka seem to have a gap because of this matter seven years ago?

...Is that tribal relic related to Huddoka?Or, something to do with Menawaka?

Siles couldn't think of a possibility.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Mr. Milne, where did you meet them?"

"That canyon... that, the heart-shaped canyon." Albert said, "I forgot what it was called. At that time, I had just arrived in the land of no embers, and when I came to Hales House, I saw a heart-shaped canyon nearby. It was really interesting, so I went to see it alone.

"That's bold enough. If it were me now, I wouldn't dare to do such a reckless thing. However, I was different ten years ago. I met them near that canyon.

"I'm afraid that only explorers who have just come to the Land of Embers will be interested in that place. I went to see it later, and it was just an empty canyon with a strange shape, and it didn't mean much...

"... Sir, why are you silent?"

Siles came back to his senses and said, "Sorry. I just realized a problem."

Albert looked at him suspiciously.

"There is indeed an error in the Bonet version of the map." Siles murmured in a low voice, "However, there is not only the Bonet version of the map in the world... If, that explorer really got a copy What about older maps?

"If he doesn't belong to the group of behind-the-scenes forces—yes, Carl is—the explorer just got the map by chance, and there is no heart-shaped canyon on the map.

"Then the explorers realize that this was the 'mistake'. They set off to find out.

"...That's why Alfonso and Emmanuel said they were wrong."

Having said that, Sirius stopped.

Albert looked at him in confusion, seemingly unable to understand what Sirius was saying.

Not far away, the explorers were still playing cards noisily.They were laughing and laughing, with a kind of excited and excited emotion on their faces.But... it's just a few days of work.

Some people stay here to continue playing cards; some people go to the heart-shaped canyon with an uncertain future; some people try to investigate everything that happened in the past in vain.

... Siles once again felt that "information" was incomparably important to this world.

He sighed slightly, and then asked, "Have you heard from Alfonso, how did they find that tribal relic?"

Albert shook his head.

Siles was not surprised, he said, "Maybe we can go back."

Albert shrugged: "I can do it. So, I can't read that manuscript. Alas, Ms. Beard's commission has not progressed..."

"'The City That Doesn't Exist' is a lie," Siles said.

Albert was taken aback suddenly, and looked at Sirius almost blankly.

"Someone is using this rumor to send the explorers to their deaths," said Siles. "They are fueling the flames behind the scenes, making people obsessed with this rumored treasure. The more this is the case, the more crazy people are, and they are desperate. "

Albert was stunned for a moment, then muttered in a low voice: "This is not a good thing."

However, his expression didn't look very shocked, but he was a little surprised when he heard it at first.Indeed, whether the rumors of Never Embers are true or not, no one knows the gold content.

The rumors about the "non-existent city" just lasted longer and killed more people.For the explorers of the Never Emberlands, that might also be something they can talk about in the future.

And, most of them would laugh at the stupidity of those dead.

Siles sighed inwardly.

After a while, they came back and clinked wine glasses.The situation in the tavern was as usual, but the two drunken explorers had already left.

Albert separated from Siles and returned to his companion. Without saying a word, he drank a glass of beer in one gulp.Then, he stuffed the manuscript into his bag with gloomy eyes.He seemed to be going to settle accounts with that guy, but he waited for Siles.

Siles walked over to the counter.

Andy's eyes sparkled, and he seemed really interested in the information Siles provided. He asked, "Sir, tell me quickly."

Siles pondered for a moment. He did have a lot of information, but what to say is another question.It is also best not to reveal information related to this investigation.

He looked at his companion, and said, "Noel's poker."

Andy clapped his hands: "Oh, this is new news. This is a game you invented, do you have any insights?"

"The real name of Noel's card is the card of fate." Siles said, "And, there is a secret hidden in the card... a secret related to the gods."

The secret that Siles refers to is very simple, that is, Temiafa devoured Erkoo.Interested people may be able to get this information directly from the original gameplay of Destiny Solitaire, but most people may only scratch their heads and think hard.

Andy's eyes were gradually shocked, and he said, "What, what? What secret?"

Siles said in a low voice: "My companion and I are not the inventors of this deck of cards, so I cannot say exactly what the secret is.

"However, perhaps when playing cards, you can slowly understand the meaning of this secret. Gambling money is not feasible, it will be considered as 'insufficient behavior', and it is impossible to discover the true meaning. The inventor of playing cards should be So looking forward to it."

Andy's eyes flickered, lost in thought.

Siles looked at him and suddenly realized that although he said the word "secret" unintentionally, he actually became the person who kept the "secret" because he did know What is the answer.

...he became the Keeper again.

Siles' thoughts turned a little on this matter, and then he put aside related thoughts.

He opened his pocket watch and glanced at the time, only to find that it was nearly ten o'clock.He has learned a lot from the conversation this morning, especially with Albert.Of course, things cannot be resolved so easily.

He nodded politely towards Andy, then joined his companions, and left the tavern.

Soon, Albert followed.His companion did not follow, and seemed to be planning to separate.

Albert said: "I'm going to find the explorer. How about it, do you want to come with me?"

Siles agreed to Albert's invitation.However, it is a bit conspicuous for five people to act together.

Chester took the initiative and said, "Why don't Alva and I go to the hotel on the third floor to stay for a while?"

He was referring, of course, to Audrey's hotel.The hotel proprietress was a former friend of Alfonso and Emmanuel.

Albert seemed to know this too, and he said, "Audrey?" He said carelessly, "That lady is indeed trustworthy. If Isherwood hadn't died, she and Emmanuel might have married a long time ago. gone."

Chester and Alva looked at each other.

Siles thought for a while and said, "Ms. Mary, you go with them. Albert and I will go find someone."

In his opinion, Chester and Alva are more dangerous, after all, they are now being targeted by the black hands behind the scenes.Siles himself is actually the same, which is why they want to stick together.

However, he can give Albert the most basic trust.At least Albert knew the concept of "prophet".

Doctor Chester seemed to have some misgivings about this distribution method. He looked at Cilles hesitantly, and finally said, "Professor, please be careful."

"I will," Sirius said.

After the troops split into two groups, Albert asked Siles with great interest: "So you are still a professor?"

"Yes." Siles replied, but without specifying his occupation, he asked instead, "Do you know where that explorer is?"

Albert shrugged: "I can always find it. I have to settle accounts with him." He moved his fingers.

Siles didn't comment, but said, "I'd rather get some news from him."

"Then it doesn't look like our goals are in conflict," Abbott said.

Among the group of people playing cards in the central open space on the first floor, they found the explorer who sold the manuscript to Albert.He looked younger, and Sirius frowned slightly when he saw him.

Albert punched the young man directly on the cheek.The man was caught off guard and was punched, directly overturning the card table.The surrounding suddenly fell silent.

Albert said gloomily: "Karl...ha, is your name really Karl? Young man, you sold me the wrong thing."

The young man's face was still flushed with excitement from playing cards, and he was stunned when he saw Albert at this moment.After a while, he tremblingly begged for mercy, and then said that he was just obsessed with money.

He bought this manuscript from an explorer named Karl, and then he heard what happened in the wine glass clink-the dead, the manuscript, the statue.So he was terribly frightened, and hastily passed on the manuscript.

Albert asked coldly: "So you imitated that 'Carl' name and sold this thing to me?" He angrily took the manuscript out of his bag and threw it to the ground, "It's quite courageous, young man people."

The young man was trembling, and after a while, he suddenly shouted: "Otherwise, what do you expect from me!"

Albert was about to say something, but Siles stopped him with his hand, and then asked in a low voice, "That 'Carl', where is he?"

The young man suddenly became vigilant: "Who are you?"

"Cieres Noel," said Sirius simply.

"Oh, you invented Noel Solitaire." The young man seemed to have a sudden trust in Siles.

The explorers around were also watching this scene, they talked a lot, and talked about Sirius' handsome young face.This made Celes frowned slightly.But he didn't have time to think about these things at this time.

The young man mumbled something disapprovingly, and then said, "On the second floor, there is the mysterious Everland specialty store."

...a specialty of the Never Emberlands.Siles was slightly taken aback.

It suddenly occurred to him that in the room of the dead circus master, his companions had once found some special products and souvenirs of Land of No Embers.But in fact, why is there a need to buy those things for the circus that is resident in the Hales House?

Unless, someone gave them those things.

At this moment when he was thinking, the explorers around him let out exclamations, and then, some people ran upstairs without hesitation.The rest of the people also reacted suddenly, and all followed.After a while, the central open space was empty.

The young man cursed secretly, stood up and patted the ashes on his body, and wiped the blood from his face.

"It's not over yet," Albert said.

"There is a wrong and a debtor!" The young man's eyes widened, "Why don't you go to that Karl to settle the score?"

"Don't you just call yourself Karl?" Albert stared at him coldly.

The young man wanted to say something, but finally fell silent.

At this time, Siles suddenly said calmly: "The other explorers have gone upstairs." He looked at the second floor, although it was during the ceremony, but he did not wear [Akamala's glasses frame], then The fabric was just plain shimmering fabric.

He thought, this group of explorers... did have fun in the game, but in essence, they are still explorers.

Albert cursed, then strode upstairs and said, "Come on! We have to go too! I'm afraid that Carl isn't there at all, but we have to go, don't you?"

Siles hesitated.

He was almost sure there was something wrong with the specialty store.Now that Qin Duo is not here, he should be cautious and try to stay away from such a dangerous place.Even if he has the power of the dice, he is still a flesh and blood body, and he will be injured and die.


Siles thought for a moment, and finally followed Albert's footsteps.

His consideration was that he did not expect that this Carl would directly mention the existence of the specialty store on the second floor.Now that group of explorers ran over in a swarm, they would definitely scare the snake away.If he passed now, he might be able to find some clues if he mixed in the crowd.

...he couldn't stay in a safe place forever and wait for the clues to appear automatically.Albert's appearance has solved part of the confusion for him, but he can't always hope for a pie in the sky.

Ten minutes later, Siles felt slightly annoyed at his previous decision.

He was sane, calm, always.If only he wasn't trapped in this dark room right now.

But this annoyance was only fleeting in his heart.He calmed down quickly.

Ten minutes ago, he and Albert went to the specialty store on the second floor, mixed among the explorers, and heard an explorer arguing loudly with the owner of that store.

It seems that many people are aware of the recent serial death at Hales House.However, before that, no one knew the relevant clues, so naturally no one was interested in investigating this matter.

The explorers of the Neverland are too lazy to care about other people's lives, at least until the crisis has not affected themselves.

But at this moment, a clue appeared.And so angry explorers—perhaps with the self-righteousness of a poker table—swarmed to question the shopkeeper.

Siles mixed in the crowd to observe, and confirmed that the shopkeeper's reaction was a bit too indifferent.He wasn't sure if that was because the shopkeeper himself was a follower of the Old Gods, or if that was the norm in The Everlands.

In short, the explorers did not get a proper answer to their questions, and after a while, the dark explorers slowly dispersed.Someone sighed and planned to go back to the open space on the first floor to play cards.

Siles also planned to leave at this time.But just as he was walking back, someone suddenly pushed him hard from behind.

Caught off guard, Sirius couldn't help staggering.What he thought of at that moment was that Qin Duo had always said that he was not vigilant, so it seemed to be true.

He didn't fall down, but when he stood firm against the cloth wall, his eyes suddenly went dark.Then, he realized that he seemed to be trapped in a dark room.

Leaving aside the annoyance that he was not vigilant, Sirius felt a little strange.

After he calmed down, he realized that he couldn't see anything, so he subconsciously reached out to touch [Akamala's glasses frame] that was always hanging around his neck - and found nothing.In this dark space, he didn't find the glasses he was carrying with him.

In the process, he walked through this dark space.Because he has no vision, he first chooses to measure with his feet.Not long after, he discovered that it was a square space about five meters by five meters, very empty, and there was nothing in the room.

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