"What's wrong?" Qin Duo noticed his gaze.

Siles didn't hide his thoughts, he pointed to the necklace on Qin Duo's neck, and said, "I read it in a book, is that Lygardia's amulet?"

"Oh...oh, yes." Qin Duo felt uncomfortable for a moment, and then picked up the pendant quite naturally.Then, as if he felt that this posture could not allow Sires to see clearly, he reached directly to the back of his neck, untied the necklace, and handed it to Sires.

Siles took it and looked down.I don't know if it's Qin Duo's body temperature or the material of this necklace is very special, but there is still a very warm heat on the black pendant.

That is indeed Lycardia's talismanic symbol, used to protect those strangers who set out on a journey.

"It's a souvenir from Kansas," said Cinder.

"It looks very old." Siles commented objectively.

"Of course, this can be said to be a time track." Qin Duo stood there with his arms folded, his eyes fixed on Sirius, "There is a ceremony attached, [travel safely]."

Siles was slightly startled, and asked with some confusion: "What kind of ceremony is this?"

"A ritual that has been passed down for a long time." Qin Duo whispered, "If you always wear this necklace during the journey, it will ensure a safe journey and will not encounter danger."

Siles suddenly realized, and then he suddenly realized a question: "Always?"

He shook the necklace in his hand, meaning: Then how did Qin Duo untie it now?

Qin Duo laughed, he approached Siles, and said: "You reminded me. Maybe this necklace is a better choice for you."

Siles was slightly startled, and said, "It's not..."

"Reasonable?" Qin Duo thought for a while and said, "But this is my thing. I always have the right to deal with my things, right?"

Siles looked at him silently, and finally said tactfully: "I mean, Qindo, you don't have to do this."

Cendo stopped, his eyes narrowed, and those emerald green eyes stared at Sirius quietly.After a while, he said, "I just think that's what friends have to do—do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

Siles felt a little headache. On the one hand, he wanted to say that he was not that weak; on the other hand, he felt that it seemed difficult for him to convince Qindo, because of Qindo's weird and stubborn temper.

"This is your personal belongings." Finally, Siles said more frankly, "I'm not very used to touching other people's personal belongings."

He handed the necklace to Gyndo.

Qin Duo was obviously taken aback, he stood there blankly, and suddenly a very obvious and cramped emotion was revealed.After a while, he took the necklace from Siles and put it in his pocket.

He said dryly, "I, I didn't think... I mean... I didn't think you would care about this."

Siles put down the milk cup casually, and then put on his coat, he said, "I'm just a little bit of a mental cleanser, Qindo. Don't your former companions have this habit?"

"I didn't have any companions before." Cindo corrected this first, "So, I haven't gotten along with people much in the way of friends. I wish I could do everything for you-but I didn't expect you to mind things .I...I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Siles said simply, "Of course, Cendo, I don't think you need to... be so considerate. I'm already very grateful to you."

Qin Duo seemed to want to say something, and finally, looking at Siles, he still whispered: "Okay - okay. I understand, Professor Noel."

The fresh sarcasm returned to him.

He said, "You don't think we need to be this close, do you?"

Siles looked at him with a headache, and finally he shook his head: "Cindo, how old are you?"

Qin Duo was stunned: "... Thirty. It should be."

"Oh, then I think your performance is far more childish than your age." Siles commented on him, and then smiled, "Okay, Qindo, it's time for us to have breakfast."

Qin Duo looked at him sullenly, and finally agreed.

As they descended, Siles asked, "So Kansas seems to have a lot of ... things about Lygardia?"

"Why do you say that?" Qin Duo asked.

“I have mentioned that I need to write a thesis. This is an academic requirement of La Mifa University,” explains Siles.

Qin Duo immediately said: "It seems that university professors are not easy..."

"Indeed," said Siles. "Anyway, the topic of my dissertation this year is the wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire... er, mainly those who used to be in Kansas City. Aldous Gershwin, I Noticed the poet."

Qin Duo originally wanted to say something, but after being interrupted by Sires, he originally wanted to continue his topic, but after hearing Sires' words, Qin Duo was immediately stunned, and extremely complicated meanings emerged in his eyes.

They happened to go down the stairs and turned a corner. Siles didn't notice Qindo's expression, otherwise, he might overturn his evaluation of Qindo's "childishness".

At that moment, the explorer, who at first appeared powerful and mysterious, now appeared childish and stubborn, had a deep, almost terrifying light in his eyes.

He looked at Sirius fixedly, and then restrained his expression before Sirius noticed.

He said in a low voice, "Really?"

"I think they might be followers of Lycardia..." Siles paused here, "However, I haven't found very straightforward evidence. Rather, many foreigners who set foot on the journey can't help but worship Ligardia.

"I'm not sure whether these wandering poets' belief in Lygardia is two-way. Whether they ever got a response from Lygardia...that's another matter.

"I'm just studying their traces in the field of literature, and the extent of Lygardia's influence on this literature."

Siles said a lot, but did not get a response from Qin Duo.He turned his head to look at Qin Duo, and happened to see Qin Duo looking thoughtful.He was taken aback and asked, "What?"

Qin Duo said: "This is a coincidence. My necklace... seems to have come from that group of wandering poets. The person who transferred this necklace to me said so. Perhaps this can also be used as circumstantial evidence of their belief in Lygardia."

Siles thought, maybe that's what the merchant said?But looking at Qin Duo's determined attitude, maybe it's someone close to her.

But... Siles was a little surprised and said: "Then this necklace has a history of at least 600 years?"

Gyndo shrugged, seemingly unconcerned with the age.He said, "It's a timeline, I told you. So of course it's very old."

Siles nodded.

Qin Duo said again: "About the group of wandering poets...the group you studied. Maybe I can find relevant information for you later."

Siles looked at him in surprise, and finally thanked him.

"Okay, stop thanking me." Qin Duo said, "I always feel that you are thanking me every day."

Siles could not help but smile slightly.

They came to the restaurant.There were still few people in the restaurant. They stayed at Old John's hotel for the past two days, and this was always the case in the restaurant.

Siles just drank a small cup of hot milk, so he just took some bread and gnawed casually.Qin Duo had already had breakfast, and just sat opposite to Siles, bored.

Siles asked, "Where are the doctor and Alva?"

"Oh." Qin Duo said nonchalantly, "They have already set off, and plan to take a stroll around Biddle City in the morning."

Siles stopped eating, he thought, why didn't Cendo tell him about it earlier?If he knew, he wouldn't move so slowly.He thought the two companions hadn't gotten up yet.

Qin Duo propped his face sideways, still looking at Sirius very intently, as if looking at something novel.He said, "What are you going to do in the morning? Walk around Biddle City?"

Siles thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I'm going to sort out the information and wait for the information from Langmire by the way."

"It's about the same as I thought, Professor Noel." Qindo said almost jokingly, "Maybe we can find a quiet place."

At last they went back to Sirius' room.

Siles realized that even though Cindo hadn't become his roommate these two days, Cindo still often appeared in his room.But Siles somehow didn't know how to talk to Cendo about it.

He is used to getting along with mature and considerate friends, and Cindo happens to be the exact opposite of these two words.And Qin Duo's thoughtfulness made Siles a little overwhelmed.

What he meant was...they were just friends!friend!

Can Qin Duo not show a - as if there is some ambiguous relationship between them - a strange attitude!Silas thought slightly annoyed.

Siles didn't like men, or women.The premise that he can get along well with humans is based on friendship.He never considered falling in love, getting married and so on.

But Qin Duo has a kind of righteousness as if he is in the land of no one, as if it is not a bad thing to hang the necklace that he wears next to Sirius' neck instead.

But he doesn't treat everyone that way.Siles didn't even understand how he somehow got so close to Qindo.

... Sure enough, their companions also have to bear a lot of responsibility.Siles thought.

Alva is a lively young man visiting the Never Embers for the first time.He had joined them because of Dr. Chester, who was a good, responsible man.

The doctor was originally worried that Siles would be in danger in the Land of Never Embers, but after Qindo appeared, he threw the "trouble" to Qindo, and he paid attention to Alva's safety.

Invisibly, Siles was bound to Qindo.And their companions all acquiesced to it.

But occasionally, in the process of getting along with Cendo, Siles will feel a subtle discomfort.This kind of discomfort may have been hidden in his heart since the first time he met Qin Duo.

... Cendo discovered his secret.

This annoyed Sirius.Of course, this cannot be said to be Qin Duo's fault.It's just that Siles inevitably feels concerned because of this matter.

When they sat on the sofa, Sirius couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Forget it, he thought.Perhaps Qin Duo himself did not have this awareness.It's just that Siles has a habit of thinking too much and analyzing and reasoning.Maintaining the status quo is not necessarily a bad thing, after all, he can't stay in Eternal Land forever.

After all, he and Qin Duo are not fellow travelers.They can maintain their friendship, they can keep in touch, but in the end, they will embark on their own journeys and reach their own ends in life.

... At this time, Siles thought so.

So when he really spoke, his heart was already calm.

"Perhaps we should analyze all this from the perspective of the group of masterminds behind the scenes." He said, "Assume that there is a group of followers of Huddoka who are always active in the dark of the land of no embers."

Qin Duo also nodded, and said: "So, from this perspective, how long have they existed?"

Siles thought for a while, and then he said, "'City that doesn't exist'... I mentioned to you my two friends. Their names are Alfonso and Emmanuel. you.

"Emmanuel's brother, Isherwood, disappeared at Hales House after getting word about a city that didn't exist. This happened ten years ago.

"Last year, it was also in the Hales House that there was news about the treasure map. This is the experience of the owner of the travel book I mentioned, Friedman. He got the copy by coincidence. Treasure map, and then seriously injured.

"Emanuel believes that that is the news related to his brother's disappearance. Therefore, the two of them came to the Land of No Embers, trying to rediscover the cause and effect of Isherwood's disappearance."

Qin Duo understood, and said: "It means that this group of people has been active since the rumor of the 'non-existing city'." After finishing speaking, he said in a little surprise, "It has been hundreds of years. !"

Siles nodded.

"City That Doesn't Exist".He has learned news related to this rumor from countless people.

Alfonso Carlyle, Emmanuel, Bertram Finn, the Dame, the unknown explorer... each provided a piece of the puzzle.

According to rumors, the non-existent city is a legend of treasure that appeared along with the development of the Never Embered Lands.Because of the carelessness of the original drawers of the map of Neverland, there is an unverifiable error in all the maps that survive today.

A city is ignored by the map and becomes "non-existent".

With the development and exploration of Eternal Land, its territory has expanded and more and more areas have been discovered by humans. However, at the same time, the fog is constantly changing the ecology of Eternal Land, and the version of the map is constantly changing. Therefore, , this error becomes increasingly difficult to detect.

Even if someone really found a city that doesn't exist on the map, such as Alfonso and Emmanuel, they still believe that it is not the rumored "non-existent city" based on some reasons that Siles still doesn't know .

Maybe they didn't find Isherwood's body there, or maybe there was a mismatch between the tribal ruins that Alfonso said and the rumors about the "non-existent city".

In short, in the past, people have been obsessed with this legend for a long time; however, as more and more explorers died during the adventure, people gradually believed that it was an unsolvable anecdote.

However, in recent years, as the fog dissipated, more and more land was exposed, and people began to pursue "non-existent cities" again.

... And among them, is there someone who contributed to the flames?

Siles said thoughtfully: "Even though the fog has dissipated recently, there are countless rumors and half-truths in the Everlands, isn't that true?"

"Yes." Qindo replied.

"So, why 'City That Doesn't Exist'?" Sirius whispered, "It's suddenly popular at this moment?"

Qin Duo nodded slowly, changed his posture, continued to stare at Sirius, and said, "You are right. 'The City That Doesn't Exist' is probably the most widely circulated and most popular in the entire Eternal Land. A long story."

"However, in the past decade, it's not just the rumors of 'non-existent cities' that have come out of various post stations. That is, this group of people realize that people's enthusiasm for non-existent cities has diminished," says Siles. .

"So, they let other treasure maps, mysterious maps appear in people's sights, and continued to push them to... die. And after a few years, a new group of explorers appeared in the land of no embers, and they re- Push out 'cities that don't exist'."

Qin Duo nodded and said: "Indeed. Another explorer appeared in this year's House of Hales, claiming to have found an older version than the existing map, thinking that it can be used to find 'non-existent cities. '."

"I've heard the news, too," said Siles.

He heard about it from the lady.It was not known where the explorer was located.Later, when Alfonso wrote to inform them of their discovery at the Hales House, Sirius learned that the same had happened at the Hales House.

He wondered if Alfonso and Emmanuel had found the original survivor of the Isherwood expedition, or if they had found the explorer who claimed to have an even older map.

Qin Duo made a conclusion: "So, the core of their plot is the 'non-existent city'. And the so-called 'non-existent city' is very likely to be a certain city related to the temple of Huddoka. a building site."

Siles agrees.

They came to this conclusion by extrapolating based on the information they had available.

First of all, in the past ten years, news related to "non-existent cities" has been circulating.However, this rumor has been circulating for hundreds of years. Logically speaking, there should not be so many news.

If it can be found, hundreds of years have passed, how can people not find it?If they couldn't find it, then people should have lost interest long ago and turned to other secrets and relics.

The fact that news of this old rumor keeps coming out clearly means that someone is behind the scenes to make something out of nothing.

Second, after people gradually lost interest in "non-existent cities", other rumors related to "maps" took over the former position, continuing to push explorers to take risks and discover.

However, judging from the two incidents heard by Siles and Cindo, it still points to the location related to Huddoka.

Friedman.He got a treasure map at the Hales House, and died of his injuries.Before he died, he told the merchant Ranmeer that he saw the "statue" in that place.

The expedition team that once traveled with Qinduo.They got a map from Hales House.This incident is even more obvious. It is rumored that the map was drawn by the believers of Huddaka, and they finally found the temple that the believers of Huddaka once built.

And their ending is more straightforward: everyone turned into statues.

Finally, backwards, why do these followers of the old gods who hide behind the scenes hope that people will find "non-existent cities" for hundreds of years?That's obviously not a treasure trove in the true sense.

Statue, statue, statue.

Siles mused, "They turned those explorers into statues, like a... sacrifice?"

"A long sacrifice," said Cindo. "Are they trying to wake Huddoka?"

Siles pondered for a moment, then suddenly mentioned a sentence: "'I erected statues to my god; my god stripped death for me.'"

Qin Duo asked: "Is this what the professor you mentioned discovered?"

"You can say that." Siles said, "I checked his borrowing records at the University of Ramifa, and found one of the books. That book recorded the manuscripts of a Huddoka believer. Mentioned that."

Qin Duo nodded.

"I've been paying attention to the second half of this sentence." Siles thought about it, and said, "I thought it was... the disciples of Huddoka were planning for their lives after death, or in other words, It is Huddhoka who is empowering the devotees."

"...to plan for life after death." These words suddenly made Qin Duo laugh, "Professor, what you said is really interesting. It has a symbolic meaning."

Siles was slightly taken aback, not understanding why he was laughing.He gave him a strange look, and continued his thoughts: "But, the previous sentence...'I erected a statue for my god'. This means that turning into a statue is actually dedicated to Huddoka.

"In other words, it was an act of pleasing Houddoka."

...to please.Siles thought.

In the process of making the Enlightenment Potion, there is also the link of pleasing.Of course, when Siles watched Grenfell making the potion, he didn't find any pleasing behaviors from Grenfell.Perhaps it was something put into the cauldron.

In short, the maker of the potion pleases Anti-Nam, and Anti-Nam gives the potion the power of time.

This is like a wonderful exchange of equivalents, which is very consistent with the concept of alchemy—although there is no such practice in this world.

In the two senses of believers and gods, believers please the gods, and the gods respond.It's like a customary rule.So, this group of followers of the old gods keeps turning people into statues, just in...

"They are trying to please Huddoka, trying to get Huddoka to respond to them." Siles' voice became low unconsciously, "They have not received a response for hundreds of years, so their behavior It just kept going."

Unknowingly, Sirius felt a chill in his back.

This kind of sacrificial behavior that lasted for more than a hundred years is even more chilling than Grayson's behavior that suddenly detonated the whole city.

In the past 400 years, how many explorers have fallen into such a trap by mistake?How many explorers have turned into cold statues, how many explorers have died in the shadows that no one knows?

How many tragedies like Alfonso, Emanuel, and Doctor Chester were indirectly caused?

Sirius was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly.

"It seems that we have figured out their purpose." Qin Duo asked, "What do you think?"

"My thoughts?" Siles thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we should hurry up."

Cindo gave him a strange look, and said, "You're such a good man, Sirius."

Siles stared blankly, looking up at him.

"I didn't have much impact." Qindo said a little flatly, his attitude could even be called casual, "Siles, maybe you don't know what the atmosphere of the entire Neverland is like.

"Of course, those followers of the old gods are hateful, and they deserve death. But, apart from them, there are endless risks in Everland. In fact, you don't have to be too sympathetic to those explorers.

"In a sense, they died of their own desire for money, wealth."

Siles said: "Of course you are right to say that." He said, "It's just that my idea is...the human heart cannot be tested."

Qin Duo was startled for a moment, and looked at him in confusion.

"Of course people will be immersed in the desire for money, wealth, treasures, and fame. I can't be critical of human nature." Siles said in a low voice, "but if no one with a heart appears, then they may just be in the usual Take your own life in life.

"Instead of dying in a cold and hopeless statue. That was the wrong path of their fate. They took a path that was not quite right, but was pushed onto it with malice.

"I can't say they are innocent. After all, they lost to the greed in their hearts. However, they may not die without guilt."

Qin Duo looked at him silently, and finally, he suddenly laughed: "I was wrong, Sirius."

Siles looked at him in bewilderment.

"You are a kind person." Qin Duo said in a low voice, "You shouldn't have come to the Land of No Embers. But perhaps, the Land of No Embers also needs people like you. I like your qualities."

Siles was taken aback for a moment, and lowered his eyes a little embarrassedly.He thought, this is just a one-sided evaluation of this chaotic and dangerous world by a person who once lived in a peaceful world.He may not have really done anything.

Cendo finally said, "I'm so glad... Siles. I'm so glad I met you."

After some conversation, Siles and Qindo changed the subject.

...In fact, Siles doesn't really want to talk about good and bad things with Qindo.That's just his personality.

Anyway, Siles turned to say, "Based on that, where do you think the followers of the old gods are most likely to be hiding?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Duo said cooperatively, "Maybe in a certain station, maybe in a certain temple. Maybe, in the so-called 'non-existent city'."

Sirius nodded thoughtfully.

They did not continue to discuss the matter.

Siles said: "We need more information after all. Maybe after we join up with Alfonso and the others, we will be able to get some latest things. That may be what happened tonight."

Qin Duo also nodded in agreement.

Siles took out the map from his bag—Burnet's version, which turned out to be more complete after all.He discussed with Qindo how long it would take to get to Hales House.

Also, naturally, they refer to the map under the name of Cindo Playa.

Qin Duo looked at the map rather critically, and then reluctantly admitted that there were actually no omissions in this map.But -- he says, that's no reason to condone the behavior.

Siles naturally agreed.In any case, this also offended Qin Duo's reputation.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find a merchant who sold this kind of map.

Qindo gave Sileskop several rituals of finding objects and people.However, he also mentioned another thing, that is, the problem of luggage when going out.

Explorers like Chindor, although they are powerful revelators, do not mean they are omnipotent.After all, it is not a small burden to carry the time track with you, especially for explorers who emphasize the convenience of movement.

Qin Duo said that when he usually goes out, he only carries three or five time tracks with him, including the functions of attack, defense, confirming direction, maintaining sanity, etc., and the other time tracks are stored at home.

Some explorers may even only carry a time-track or two with them, others buy and use as they go. "Anyway, there are too many time tracks in the Land of Embers," Qin Duo said.

This means that even for powerful enlighteners, their power cannot be fully utilized.

Siles then mentioned with great interest his previous philosophy—whether he can prepare the time track for his future self in advance.And that also brings a similar problem, that is, it is impossible for them to know what will happen in the future, and what rituals will come in handy.

Qin Duo nodded in agreement, and said, "Perhaps only the gods can know the development trajectory of fate."

These words stirred up a little waves in Sirius' heart.

Fate—as far as he knew, there had never been a god related to fate in Fisher's world.

Even though the past and history of Antinam's godhead sounded like destiny, it was the past after all.What about the present and the future?If a part of time is missing, it is certainly not destiny.

This thought once again made Sirius think of his own dice—the dice.Yes of course.Does that symbolize destiny?

Through the dice, Siles can determine someone's future development.This can almost be said to be some kind of "foreseeing" method.But, after all, why did the dice appear beside Sires?

Why did he become the world's secret keeper?

Siles couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure out the answer to this riddle.

After a long time, he didn't even bother to think about it.Only when he occasionally thought of fate and Anti-Num, would the hidden confusion in his heart be aroused again.

But he also didn't want to torture his brain with unsolvable puzzles.

He turned to Cinder and asked, "Your home? Is it in Kansas?"

"Yes," said Cinder, "if there is a chance, then maybe you can travel to Kansas too."

Siles nodded with some interest.After all, he'd already met quite a few people from Kansas, too.He was also a little curious about the rumored chaotic country.

At nearly ten o'clock in the morning, Chester and Alva came back.They bought a lot more, but mainly Alva.He said he was going to send those things back home as souvenirs.

The two of them came back this time to pick up the things they bought yesterday, take them with them, and then went to the carriage to send them out.

When he came back, Alva was sweating profusely.

They were assembled in Sirius' room.

Alva said: "It's hot enough! I kind of understand the terrible weather in the desert."

Chester smiled and said, "However, Alva, I'm afraid you also enjoyed this journey very much."

Alva's smile was not hazy, and he said: "Yes. That's true. The city of Ramifa is very different from the city of Biddle. Some things are not based on the distribution of cities on the map, symbols such as mountains and rivers, but understand and feel."

It was totally not like what Alva could say, so the others gave him a strange look.

Qin Duo even said directly: "The young people really gained experience in the land of no ember?"

Alva gave Qindo a bold look, and then said: "Okay, okay... I mean, I just saw the map, so I thought about what I used to do at home...

"Speaking of maps, it dawned on me that all three of you have shared secrets, but I haven't."

The other three were taken aback.

Secret, indeed.Cileus and Hales House, Chindor and Temple Ruins, Chester and Archaeological Operations.All of them mentioned their connection to the Never Ember in one way or another.

But... Alva?

They all thought that Alva was just young and energetic, and was very curious about the land of no embers, so they decided to explore the land of no embers despite the opposition of their family members.But now, it seems that Alva's appearance also has other secrets?

Siles, who was already mentally prepared for this, just looked at Alva with a little curiosity, waiting for the reason given by the young man.

Everyone looked at Alva, which seemed to make Alva a little proud.He coughed, then pointed to Burnett's version of the map that was lying on the coffee table.

He said: "Bornett -- was my ancestor once."

"Huh?" Chester looked at Burnett's version of the map in surprise, then at Alva, and said, "But isn't your surname Jillini?"

"Ah... this..." Alva scratched his hair in embarrassment.

Siles said, "I've heard the story... Alva?"

"It's all right, in fact, people who bought Bonet's version of the map should have heard of it." Alva said, "My ancestors... let's call them grandparents for the time being.

"Grandfather Bonet yearned for the Land of Eternity very much, so he drew this map. For this map, he almost abandoned his wife and son. Grandma Corona was very dissatisfied with this matter, and finally decided to separate from her grandfather. Even though grandfather begged in every possible way at that time.

"Anyway, their children were also changed to my grandmother's maiden surname, which is Jilini. So in my generation, my surname is also Jilini.

"But in fact, we all know that our ancestors have a grandfather Bonet. The printing factory in our family was also specially opened when my grandmother was still supporting my grandfather's business, to print Bonet's version of the map.

"I can often come into contact with various maps, those of Lamifa City and the Principality of Const. Occasionally, I can take a look at the maps of the Land of Ashes without the attention of the adults. Map drawing and printing have always been the main business of our family. .

"It's a tradition that came from Bonet's grandfather and grandmother. It's just ... they fell out in the end."

Alva shook his head a little dejectedly.

After a while, he said again: "That's why my family disagrees with my coming to the Land of Embers, and they don't let me get in touch with the news about the Land of Embers. Because they think this place is full of curses, and even It will destroy people's families.

"However, hundreds of years have passed, and finally my parents agreed with me to come to the Land of No Embers. But they warned me, I must not be like Grandfather Bonet back then... immersed in the mystery of the Land of No Embers Among problems, wealth and fog.

"... After all, this world is not all governed by the rules of operation like the Land of Embers."

As he said that, he slowly fell silent, and it seemed that after all, he felt a little bit of care and understanding because of his experience in the Land of No Embers these days.

Siles also thought of the topic he talked with Qindo just now, and also thought of what happened to Dr. Chester who was present.

The land of no embers.It's full of puzzles, treasures, tragedy, and death.People may not realize the latter, but they have become obsessed with the former.

He sighed slightly.

Seeing that the atmosphere had stagnated, Dr. Chester said, "Okay, everything is over. We should always look forward."

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