This rumor was obtained from a map of a powerful explorer, and the material used was a very old, dark yellow parchment.When you touch it with your fingertips, you can feel some kind of subtle leathery touch.

Some routes and markings are simply outlined with charcoal pencils. The overall look is rough and rustic, not as exquisite and detailed as Bonet's version.

Siles noticed that Galsworth's location was marked on the map, in the upper left corner of the entire map.Therefore, the location depicted on this map is probably somewhere in the withered wasteland to the southwest of the Principality of Const.

He saw marked on the map a large posting station called Hales House.And around this post station, there are some adventure groups gathering.The surrounding paths and terrain have been explored.

Siles saw a canyon called Corunna Canyon below Hales House and to the right.The route outlines a heart-shaped appearance there, which looks quite unique, which impressed Siles quite deeply.

He compared Bonet's version of the map and found that the Corona Canyon appeared on both maps, and it looked like an iconic location.

indeed.he thinks.Heart-shaped canyons are indeed very rare.

Siles also saw a small, diamond-like mark just to the west of Hales House, approximately perpendicular to the end of the lower railroad south of Galsworth.

His heart moved, thinking, is this the sign of the mine?

He thought of some older memories.

When he and Emmanuel were discussing the publication of the travel book with Ranmeer and Benton, Langmeer once said that he and the owner of the travel book, the explorer Fredman, met in the mines mined in Stardust Near the railway.

In other words, if the last expedition site Friedman went to was the "non-existent city", then the "non-existent city" must be located near the mine lode.

Could it be this mine?Siles carefully considered the possibility.

Of course, he didn't feel that the map he bought at will could guide him to the correct route.However, he needs to find a target.

Thinking of this, Siles could not help but sigh.

One semester is over.His mission in the Historical Society has also ended for the time being.Regarding the next semester's courses, Siles already knew his tasks in advance, and roughly prepared the teaching plans for the courses.

This Friday morning, the School of Literature and History will hold a professor meeting to summarize the situation of this semester and look forward to the next two semesters.The former administrative teacher of the School of Literature and History, Professor Aitley, had already told Siles about this.

During the next two weeks of winter vacation, he will have plenty of free time.

The shop on Dawson Street in the West Side is ready to go.he thinks.Furthermore, the Emberlands...

He hesitated, not sure if he needed to go to the Neverembers.Of course, Alfonso and Emmanuel were in the Neverland, which worried Siles.

However, he himself has never been to the Land of Embers, and although he has the ability to protect himself, he is not a powerful revealer.The reason why he felt emotional at this moment and unconsciously collected information related to the Land of Never Embers was because...

It was because he felt that the Never Embers had hidden secrets.It was because of his nature as a keeper of secrets.Because of……

He needs to find his way home.

Siles stared blankly.Outside the window, the night is getting darker and the rain is pouring.

It's Wednesday night, October 10th.

He opened his eyes in a dream, and saw the sea, fog, isolated island and dolls.Above the night sky, the eyes of rotten stars stared at him quietly.He stepped on the soft red mud alone and walked to the center of the island.

He looked at the only seedling on the isolated island.Above the seedlings, a wonderful light and shadow appeared in the water droplets.Nona is dreaming.

So he gently reached out and touched the girl's dream.

Still the same dark room.

"...Ah! Mr. Ghost." Nona said softly, "I'm still wondering when you will show up."

Mr. Ghost smiled and said, "Good evening, Miss Nona. It's been a long time. How are you doing now?"

"I'm still there. A dark room. Similar to this dream," Nona said. "They made me drink bitter, bitter stuff, but I think I'm getting better. I can see more clearly." Heard those voices."

"What are they talking about, Miss Nona?"

"They seem to be locked in this place too, so they are discussing how to escape. I want to talk to them, but they ignore me, as if they think I am too young to join their conversation."

Mr. Ghost nodded thoughtfully.

Then he said, "Miss Nona, do you know who is feeding you those bitter things?"

"I don't know," said Nona dejectedly. "The room is so dark I can't see anything."

Mr. Ghost's heart sank.

The room is too dark to see anything...?Could it be Nona's eyes...

The last time I met Nona, Nona said that she passed out from the pain once, and when she woke up, she came to a dark room.But what if the room wasn't dark, but Nona couldn't see it?

Mr. Ghost thought for a while, and then said, "You said before that you tried to escape?"

"Yes!" Nona's voice became lighter, "I have already walked out of that dark room, but in the next second, someone grabbed me back."

"What else do you know about this dark room?"

"...I don't know." Nona's voice became softer, "Mr. Ghost, sometimes I always wonder, am I really in a dark room? Or..."

"Miss Nona, you are indeed in a dark room. Look, isn't the scene in your dream also in this place?"

"Ah! Mr. Ghost... Are you in a dark room now?" Nona said.

"I'm here now," said Mr. Ghost.

"Then I'll come to you!" Nona said.

Suddenly, Mr. Phantom heard a burst of brisk and lively footsteps not far away.He heard the sound of the lock turning.At that moment, he felt a subtle uneasiness.This was Nona's dream, and he didn't know what was going to happen next.

In reality, Nona was locked in the dark room; in the dream, Nona was the one who rescued Mr. Ghost from the dark room.

Mr. Ghost tries to change the situation around him, just as he tried before.However, I don't know if it's because the power he has is not strong enough, so he can't make any changes to Nona's dream at all.

He had to wait for Nona to open the door.

The door opened.Mr. Ghost saw a light.Outside is a green field.He heard the children's laughter.

... This seems to be the scene when Nona first dreamed.She is playing with her friends in the countryside.After that, the scene changed into a nightmare.Mr. Ghost also entered Nona's dream before when she was having a nightmare.

A young girl is standing in the doorway.She said, "Mr. Ghost, I'm coming for you!"

Mr. Ghost looked at her, noticed that her eyes were closed, and frowned slightly.

Nona said: "Mr. Ghost, you told me before that if you have nightmares, think of other things, and I did! Now, this dark room traps all my nightmares, and outside is Those happy things."

"You're very smart, Miss Nona." Mr. Ghost tried to walk outside.

Nona stepped aside to open the door.

Mr. Phantom stepped across the threshold, then turned to look back at the dark room, only to find that there was nothing behind him.Nona's nightmares seemed to disappear without a trace.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ghost. I forgot you were there," said Nona. "And now you're out! That dark room is gone!"

Mr. Ghost nodded, then looked not far away, and asked, "Are those your companions?"

He saw some children who were the same age as Nona, they were playing on the green grass, and they laughed happily from time to time.Nona still had her eyes closed, but as if she could see them, she turned her head that way.

Suddenly, Nona said: "When I was not sick, my grandpa would take me outside the city to play. I met some good friends at that time."

There was a bit of envy in her tone.

She added: "But later, when I was sick, grandpa wouldn't let me go out. Later, grandpa brought something home and asked me to give it to someone. Those people took that thing and locked me up. Get up. I never saw Grandpa again."

"What was that, remember, Miss Nona?"

"A flower," said Nona.

So, Mr. Ghost thought, Nona did touch the copper crocus directly.

Mr. Ghost's silence made Nona a little uneasy. She raised her head and gently grabbed the corner of Mr. Ghost's clothes.She said: "Mr. Ghost, can I still get better? Can I see Grandpa again? I don't want to be cured, I just want to see him again and let him not worry about me."

Mr. Ghost said, "Yes, Miss Nona."

Nona laughed briskly: "I believe in you, Mr. Ghost."

"Is there anything else you can tell me?"

Nona thought for a while and said, "The voices of those people... the voices I heard. I heard them saying, those people, those who feed the medicine, they want to do an experiment on us."

"What experiment?" Mr. Ghost asked calmly.

"...I don't understand either." Nona became frustrated, "Mr. Ghost, I'm so useless, am I?"

"No, it's not," said Mr. Ghost. "Nona's a very bright kid."

"I want to leave that dark room." Nona said to herself, "They locked me up, fed me bitter medicine, and didn't let me see grandpa..."

Mr. Ghost asked, "Is that all you do in that dark room?"

Nona froze for a moment and said, "What?"

"Eating, sleeping, bathing, washing... Nona, would you do these things in a dark room?"

Nona gradually became confused: "What... what?"

Mr. Ghost paused, and then said: "Miss Nona, do you still remember the days when you lived with Grandpa?"

Nona murmured: "Of course I remember. Grandpa will burn delicious candy, buy me candy and new clothes. We will go to the countryside to play, and Grandpa will remind me to brush my teeth every morning and night..."

Mr. Ghost listened quietly.

Suddenly, Nona said: "Mr. Ghost, I don't seem to have done these things in this dark room. They just gave me medicine. I don't know... I don't understand... I seem to have forgotten a lot of things... ..."

She lowered her head, thinking blankly.

"Don't think about that, Miss Nona." Mr. Ghost changed the subject decisively, "Do you want to leave that dark room?"

"Of course I want to." Nona said, "The voices I heard. They also want to leave. They are discussing, and they will quarrel occasionally... By the way, what are they planning to do tomorrow."

"What is it?"

"I didn't catch that, Mr. Ghost," Nona said. "I just heard what they were saying...tomorrow. Is there anything special about tomorrow?"

tomorrow.Mr. Ghost thought, he doesn't know what's special about tomorrow.

"Are you going to go with them?" asked Mr. Ghost.

He now believes that Nona's illness is likely to cause some problems in her body.She may not be able to move, or some kind of lesion has occurred in her brain... In short, Nona is now in a state of extreme weakness and trance.

However, he couldn't find the answer from Nona in the dream about what it looked like.Except for her eyes closed, Nona looked like a normal little girl.

Nona said, "I will. I will follow them secretly."

Mr. Phantom couldn't understand Nona's state even more. He asked, "How are you going to leave that dark room?"

Nona said, "Just leave. Mr. Ghost, I can leave. It's just that there are people watching me outside. They want to keep me there. Other people will attract their attention, and I can sneak out." "

Mr. Ghost compliments Nona on her cleverness.

Nona laughed lightly, and she said, "Just wait and see! Mr. Phantom, I can definitely escape."

Mr. Ghost nodded, blessed her actions, and said, "Miss Nona, about the thing your grandpa asked you to you remember more?"

"That thing... I don't know either. I don't remember clearly. I just went to a place and gave that thing to a person, and then those people wouldn't let me go. I felt so painful at that time... It hurt so badly that I passed out."

Mr. Phantom thought, So Nona's coma happened on that day?

Nona said again: "You know everything after that. Mr. Ghost. Isn't what I said a little messy?"

Mr. Ghost said: "You are in a dream now, Miss Nona. It is normal for thinking to jump."

Even though Mr. Ghost can stay lucid and sane in his dreams, he doesn't think anyone else can.Besides, this is Nona's dream.People in dreams are always different from them in reality.

Nona nodded half-understanding.

After a while, Nona suddenly said, "Ah, that's right! Mr. Ghost, the person who took that flower is a doctor!"


Mr. Phantom couldn't help being startled, and then he asked: "Miss Nona, did you receive treatment at that doctor's place after you fell ill?"

Nona nodded vigorously, and said, "Yes! It was the doctor that grandpa took me to. Later, I gave the doctor the flower. That flower is so beautiful, if grandpa hadn't asked me to give it to the doctor. I don’t want to give it to a famous doctor.”

Mr. Ghost nodded thoughtfully.

doctor.This was a possibility they had guessed when they were investigating the theft of the museum gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper, Anselm Norrisen, could not have stolen the copper flower for no reason. In other words, he must have heard relevant news from some source, so he made up his mind to steal—whether his purpose was to Change money, or seek medical treatment.

Therefore, there must be someone who connects with him.

At first, they thought it was going to be a doctor.After all, after Nona fell ill, Anselm was most likely to turn to the doctor for help.

But then, after the underground gang showed up in the old apartment building, they turned their attention to the underground gang.Anselm is from West City, and he may indeed choose to seek refuge in an underground gang when he is desperate.

So they ruled out the possibility of doctors.

Looking at it now, maybe... that is a doctor from an underground gang?Doctors in West City...

Mr. Ghost thought again of Chester Fitzroy.The doctor with the secret.

The investigation of Chester by the church in the past is still ongoing, so Siles doesn't know what Chester's secret is.However, he lives in the west city, and there may be some overlap between doctors and doctors.

What if Chester knew the suspicious doctor?

At this time, the surrounding scene suddenly shook.Nona exclaimed and said, "Mr. Phantom, I'm going to wake up!"

These words made Mr. Phantom smile slightly.Nona's words seemed to imply that this dream was real to her, while reality was more like a "dream".

He said: "See you tomorrow, Miss Noona. Looking forward to your results."

"I will definitely escape!" Nona vowed.

Afterwards, the entire dream scene condensed and collapsed.He returned to the dead island again.He stared at the sapling in front of him, keenly aware that the sapling seemed to grow a little bigger.

growing?What are the nutrients that can grow?He was slightly confused.

There is nothing in the silent deep sea dream.He stood alone, his thoughts gradually turning to another question: what is he going to do now?If he needs to "discover" something before he can leave the dream, what else can he discover in this deep sea dream?

He considered whether to enter another person's dream, but finally gave up the idea for the time being.It's not too late to do it again tomorrow, he thought.

He is now paying more attention to the progress on Nona's side.

Ghosts in dreams.He thought of the persona he had set for himself.A "Mr. Ghost" who travels through dreams and helps children.

He thought about what he wanted to experiment in the deep-sea dream before—searching the dream.

So he approached the edge of the isolated island again, and turned his gaze to the sea water.He thought of someone at random, such as Anthony, a young boy, who wanted to find his dream.

...but nothing.It wasn't that Anthony wasn't dreaming, but that he couldn't find a single drop of water in such a vast ocean of dreams.

He couldn't help thinking, is it because his strength is not enough?He believed that with Akamala's previous power, it must be possible.And he can't do it now.

When he was in Nona's dream just now, he couldn't modify or affect that dream.He realized that these dreams seemed "read-only" to him, and he needed to unlock more permissions.

The power of the gods.This, he thought, meant he needed to master more divine powers.Is this a good thing?He couldn't simply convince himself.

Experiment failed.Then next...

He raised his head and looked at the night sky.

The dreamland of the deep sea—maybe it is the "paradise" of Akamala, the god of dreams and illusions.

The sea is the dream of human beings, and the isolated island is where Akamala lives.That doll might be Akamala's incarnation, although he didn't know why Akamala became that way.

The bottom of the sea is the ruins of cities and civilizations.He speculated that it might symbolize the death of Akamala, or the catastrophe that this world had encountered before.The gods have fallen, and the background of this world is disaster.

So, what does the night sky, and those stars that the painter Leon called "rotten eyeballs", symbolize?

So he raised his head and looked at the stars.

He hadn't really looked closely at the stars yet.

He saw the dim light, the rugged surface of the planet, and dense threads like spider webs.The silk thread was wrapped around the body of the giant doll, and at this moment, when he was staring at the stars... stretched towards him.

He was in a trance for a moment, feeling like an ant entangled in the spider web of fate.He felt that he was stuck in the mud, and he felt an indescribable fear and uneasiness.

He felt the stars come to life suddenly.He felt that they were the rotting eyes of the insane huge savage monsters that inhabited the universe.He felt spiders crawling out of those eyes.

The spider's web covered him in an instant.

At that moment, he woke up.

Siles sat up suddenly from the bed, looking at his hand in the dark night in shock.When those spider webs rushed towards him, he subconsciously blocked them with his hands.

That was his dream, of course.And at that moment, he felt as if his hands were wrapped around something wet, cold, and sticky.He woke up with a start.

At four o'clock in the morning, he looked at his hands in disbelief.

In the next second, he said without thinking: "Determine the will attribute of Siles Noel."

The sound of dice rolling came from his brain.For the first time, he felt that the voice that appeared in his mind was very pleasant.

[Keeper of the Secret, Siles Noel (university professor) is making a judgment of will. 】

【Will: 92/...】

Siles was surprised to find that there was only one option before him: 95.

In other words, even with his will attribute as high as 92 points at the moment, he couldn't resist the spiritual pollution brought by the cobweb threads in the dream.

He completely darkened his face.He felt a very impatient, almost destroying emotion, spreading madly in his brain at the moment.

The night seemed to encourage the breeding of such emotions.

He took a deep breath and made no choice.

Then, he got up, fumbled in the night and turned on the light, hesitated for a moment, then took the potion with 20% purity, and wore the brooch.

The ritual [Quiet Heart] blesses his brain at this moment.

[Will +2 (temporary). 】

Siles was slightly taken aback.

In his vision, blue light flickered quietly, but he still only had 95 dice points to choose from.

[Silent Heart] The wearing gain of this ritual under 5% pure potion is to temporarily increase the will attribute by 1 point; Grenfell had told him before that potions with higher purity would provide better buff.

From this, Siles guessed that the potion with 10% purity may temporarily increase by 2 points; 20% purity may be 3 points (it should not be an exponential increase).

So he specially took 20% of the potion.

However, the situation is that the potion with 20% purity only increases by two points.In other words, the ritual of [Silent Heart] can only provide at most 2 points of temporary will attribute.

This means that his situation is still not optimistic.He also needs 1 Will attribute.

It's too late to regret that I didn't conduct the experiment before.He never thought that just looking directly at the stars in the deep sea dream would cause such terrible consequences...

No, don't be sorry.Siles admonished himself calmly.

This is the time to point fingers and blame yourself.It wasn't like Celeste's past style.He was never like that.He knows exactly what he should be doing at every moment.

...He needs to stay sane, at this moment.But he couldn't do it.

He felt his brain was roaring with excitement.The whole world was obviously very quiet, still having the dead silence of the early morning, but it seemed as if he heard countless whispers in his ears.He seemed to hear the voices of countless people.

This is not his own problem, but his brain, his soul, has been affected by some incredible power.He knew this, but he couldn't get rid of it.

It takes at least 95 willpower to get rid of this layer of old god pollution.he thinks.No wonder the painter Leon can only walk towards the end of his life in endless madness and despair.

That's doom-like pollution.

He took a deep breath, then walked to the door and locked the door behind him.This was to prevent someone from breaking in, or, to prevent himself from running out in a state of madness.

After a while, Sirius walked to the window.

He also needs 1 Will attribute.It could also be 2 o'clock.he thinks.

He could only choose to pray quietly to Blancaney in the early morning when the sun rose.The process of repeating the prayer can give him another temporary 2-point increase in willpower.

And it's four o'clock in the morning.It's November.The sun will rise around seven o'clock.

Siles opened his pocket watch, glanced at it, and said in a low voice, "There are still three hours."

It's been three long hours.

He grew restless and impatient.Before he was conscious, he found himself scratching his arm unconsciously, as if something was wrapped around him.

……cobweb.he thinks.

He was unable to think calmly and rationally.He should be able to think of more information and understand some problems.But he can't.It was an emotion of powerlessness, of being bored with oneself and with the world.

He mocked himself coldly.At five o'clock, he started circling the room incessantly.Then, with some kind of firm will, he drove himself to stand in front of the window, silently staring at the dark night outside the window.

It's raining.he thinks.It's the rainy season in Ramifah.In a few days it will be God's birthday.There will be a big celebration then.At that time, the Duke of Const announced the development plan of the withered wasteland...

He filled his brain with all kinds of known, certain, and invalid information, trying his best to ignore the restless and almost collapsed state of mind.He felt a kind of fear.

It's like the bug you fear the most quietly appears in your hand at a sudden moment of trance, staring at you so tenderly and intently...

gentle.He is crazy.That's the word he used to describe a bug...he used to be a novelist, in another world...but that was another world.

Although it is very similar to this world, it is indeed another world.And is there any hope of returning there in his life?The damned world...the damned, crazy, hopeless...the world.

He pressed his body against the wall until the flesh on his arm seemed to be pressed into a thin piece.He felt the cold temperature of the walls seep into his bones.The coolness is like a spider's thread.

He seemed to have also become that huge doll, entangled in silk threads and unable to move.

... He suddenly lowered his eyes and looked at the six sets of dolls.Through the glass window, their eyes were silently looking at Siles—— Siles Noel.His name in this world.

He Jiayin.His name in that world.

He slowly became dazed.It seems that at this moment, he doesn't remember anything.All he knew was that those dolls were silently looking at him with their round peasy eyes.They were covered by the shadow cast by his body.

They stared at each other.

Time passed bit by bit.

It was six o'clock.He seemed to hear the sound of time ticking.The first ray of light on the horizon shines in this world.

But at that moment, he felt a crazier and stronger emotion appearing in his heart—the stars!That is the light of the stars!

He unconsciously let out a suppressed muffled grunt, and closed his eyes heavily, feeling anxiously that his lips and tongue were dry, as if he was already dehydrated.Under such a faint light, he felt that he was being scorched by the hot sun.

...that was some kind of torture that Dominique had mentioned.He thought so in a daze.

He took two steps back and fell to the ground.He didn't get up at all, just sat there quietly, breathing slowly and deeply.After the initial emotional turmoil that was caught off guard, he slowly calmed himself down and regained his composure—or at least maintained a stable state of mind.

He could suddenly understand why the painter Leon lived in seclusion.He also suddenly understood why in the deep sea dream, the time was always late at night.The stars are just like rotten eyeballs, quietly looking at the isolated island covered with soft red mud.

A cold, withered, dry, yet soft emotion suddenly filled his heart.He couldn't say why.He felt extremely exhausted, as if the previous anxious and eager to choose someone to eat was fake.

Or maybe it did consume him so much that he was tired at the moment.Before he knew it, he almost fell asleep like this.

It was the pocket watch in his hand that slipped unconsciously, and the sound of falling to the ground woke him up.

At that moment, he felt his back was drenched in cold sweat.He didn't know what the consequences would be if he fell asleep like this.Back to the deep sea dream?But his intuition told him, no, it wouldn't be like that.

He is still tainted by some unknown god.If you enter the deep sea dream in such a polluted state...

He was in a daze, unable to continue thinking.That deep exhaustion was still constantly attacking his brain.He was drowsy and had to pinch his arm, using the pain to keep himself awake.

He looked around nervously, as if some strange creature would jump out of the void and swallow him completely.A certain anxious, urgent emotion haunted him all the time.

He kept his composure as best he could.For a moment he even wanted to get up, open the door, and go to the Historical Society or the Church of the Past for help.ANYONE, ANYONE CAN...

But he suppressed the thought and the longing.

He Jiayin.He muttered his name silently - you can obviously solve this problem.You clearly know how to solve it.why are you leaving this roomThis will not be a decision you make.

He tries to keep himself out of thoughts and decisions that don't belong to him.He almost stood up with his hands on the floor, but the next second, when his hands touched the cold floor, he slowly curled his fingers into a fist.

……No.he thinks.He will not allow other people - gods - to interfere with his will.

The will of man can be opposed to the will of God.He has always believed so, and firmly believes.

Does the spider web of fate entwine mankind?Does the spider web of fate also wind around the gods?In this world, humans will die and gods will perish.

Man is so similar to God.

There was a sound of dice rolling in his head.

[Will +1. 】

[You need to make a will judgment. 】

[Will: 93 (+2)/95, success. 】

[Man's will can oppose God's will, this is the creed you insist on.In the face of fate, man and God stand on equal footing.Will you be the darling of time?At least for now, it seems that you are. 】

Siles suddenly heard the voice in his head, and he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his clothes were soaked in sweat.He propped himself up on the floor with his hands, keeping himself in a sitting position.

After a while, he finally calmed down completely.

The crazy state just now has left him, and now he can think carefully.

Obviously, the starry sky in the dream is a dangerous forbidden area.Looking directly at those stars is equivalent to actively accepting the pollution of the old gods into one's brain, and Sirius was also polluted unexpectedly.

If it wasn't for his ability to judge with dice, and a willpower as high as 92 points before that, then he might have gone crazy at that moment.

Thinking about it this way, after he came to this world, he encountered the pollution of the old gods twice.Both times it was because of the deep sea dream.

The invisible influence of Akamala's power, and, those rotting stars.

He thought, is this all the power from Akamala?

Siles carefully recalled the scene in the deep sea dream, then shook his head.No, he didn't think the latter was Akamala's power.

The most intuitive evidence is that the body of the giant doll in the dream is also entwined with invisible threads—spider silk, it should be said.Now he knew what those threads were.

Siles believes that the giant doll is, to some extent, a symbol of Akamala, or at least an incarnation of him.

Stars and puppets are opposites.Akamala's "paradise" has been "polluted". what exactly are stars?

If it was just stars, then Siles would undoubtedly choose to doubt Luthmi, the god of stars and light.But, Rotten Star?

That doesn't seem to be the case for Ruthmi's image.What happened to him?Why do stars rot?What does the image of a spider crawling out of those rotting eyes mean?

Siles was puzzled.

At the same time, he thought, his knowledge attribute has not increased.

This means that he has not received any new information.This was true, after all, he had begun to doubt Ruthmi a long time ago.Now it just deepened his suspicion.

Siles couldn't help sighing, thinking, so, after a lot of struggle, self-contradiction and struggle, he only gained 1 point of will.

... No, 1 point of will is actually very precious.he thought so.

The other revelators don't even know how to raise the will.Although Siles himself was not particularly clear about it, but... the spirit

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