There are many bookstores in La Mifa City.

As Siles once visited, the book seller's bazaar near Atherton Square can be said to be the most comprehensive bookstore.Professor Calverley also once said that he would go there to buy and select books.

As for some other bookstores, there are comprehensive bookstores that are chains, and there are also single-category bookstores—such as the map store that Siles once visited in the West End, or the antique bookstore in Grenfell.

In addition, there are also some well-established publishers who set up bookstores for their own published books, magazines, periodicals, and other peripheral items.Benton seems to have such a store.

The bookstore where novelists gather is a small private bookstore, located in the bustling business district in the northwest corner of the East City, very close to the headquarters of the Folklore Society.

Because of this, Siles simply walked along Hayward Street to come here after breakfast in the morning.

He is still very unfamiliar with the buildings in La Mifa City, and usually the University and the Historical Society are basically two points and one line.Therefore, it was also the first time he discovered that there was actually a bookstore here.

The weather was getting colder, and Siles had already put on a heavy coat and turtleneck sweater.This kind of weather will continue for a period of time, until after the continuous rainy season in October, the city of Ramifa will usher in a real cold winter.

The name of the bookstore is "Bain", which appears to be the name of the owner of the bookstore.The bookstore as a whole is a small three-story building, and the small garden outside is full of flowers.

The style of the building is somewhat similar to the integration store on the earth.Not only is there a bookstore, it also sells drinks, meals and some souvenirs.The third floor is a private area that is not open to the public.

Relying on the business card Benton handed him, Siles asked the young waiter to open the door for him.

Inside the door, Sirius saw the burning flames of the fireplace.A gust of warm air mixed with the fragrance of flowers, accompanied by the smell of old ink on books and paper, rushed into Siles' breath together.

He saw a row of bookshelves, and a few scattered sofas.It looks a little more "saloon" than the one at the Historical Society.

There were three people sitting there, talking about something.

One of them is a woman in her 40s, and the other two are men in their 30s.Siles walked over, only to hear them discussing and evaluating the novel "The Revenge of the Rose" published by Siles not long ago.

"...I think it's a writer who likes to please readers." One of the men commented, "Men like cheerful and active noble ladies, and women like mysterious and powerful avengers with tragic backgrounds. This is the nature of human beings. Common sense."

"Since it's human nature, it's not surprising that he became famous with this book." Another man said, "I'm afraid he can become famous overnight with this book."

The former added: "Really. Actually, I like Miss Astrid better."

Miss Astrid is the neighbor of the protagonist Ludwig in "The Revenge of the Rose" when he was young.

Miss Astrid was born frail and didn't go out very much. She always quietly gazed at the outside world behind the window, or read a book with her eyes downcast.Ludwig often communicates with her through the window.

When Ludwig was young, he got close to some not-so-respectable people, and then he provoked big shots and was revenged.He thought those people would take revenge on his friend, but he didn't expect Miss Astrid to suffer bad luck in the end.

"Miss Gwen lives in happiness and flowers, even if she is in danger, Ludwig will rescue her." Another person also sighed, "but Miss Astrid can only die in despair and confusion Among them. She doesn't even know why this happened to her."

Siles listened quietly.

The older lady, noticing Sirius' approach, said in surprise, "I've never seen you, sir."

The two men looked at each other, guessing at the same time—newcomer?But what new novelist could join them now?Apart from……

"Siles Noel." Siles said flatly, "Nice to meet you."

The scene was awkward for a moment.

Then the lady said, "So it was you."

The men coughed twice and introduced themselves.

To Sirius' attention, the woman was none other than Antonia Cumming.

So Siles took out the book that Grenfell gave him before, and said politely: "Ms. Cumming, my teacher likes your work very much, can you please sign it for him?"

Ms. Cumming said very gently: "Of course. You can call me Antonia without being so unfamiliar."

"Thank you." Sirius whispered.

The two men watching, one of them, the one who said that Siles liked to please the readers, coughed awkwardly at this moment, and said, "Mr. Noel, can I ask you a question?"

"Certainly, Mr. Daves," said Siles.

The man's name was Maynard Daves, and he was a well-known mystery writer in the city, whose style was colder and darker than Ms. Cumming's, and therefore less popular than Ms. Cumming's on the mass market.

However, in the field of mystery novels, he is already well-known.

As for the other man, his name is Arvid Norton, a well-known adventure novelist.His books are famous for their thrills and dangers, but he has a gentle gentleman's demeanor.

Maynard Daves said: "Miss she really dead like this?"

Siles looked up at him, thinking that this was really a fan of Miss Astrid.

He said, "Yes."

Maynard asked unwillingly: "Is there no... chance of resurrection?"

Siles paused for a moment, and then said: "If there is a sequel, maybe. However," he used the same words he used to deal with Grenfell to deal with this gentleman, "she may stand on the opposite side of Ludwig. .”

Maynard's face turned bitter, and he sighed and said, "You are too cruel."

Arvid Norton couldn't stand it anymore, he said: "Don't be as knowledgeable as him, Mr. Noel. He likes to write mystery novels, and his mind is full of suspects and clues at the crime scene all day long, and he has no sense of the world. .”

Maynard glared at him, then turned to look at Siles, pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "I'm sorry, Mr. Noel. I don't really think there is anything wrong with your work, actually I also really like Revenge of the Rose."

Arvid said from the side: "It's just that the sales of his recent novels have not been satisfactory, so his mentality is out of balance."

Maynard opened his mouth, then closed it in frustration.

"It's nothing, I'm not offended," Siles said.

Siles is not so narrow-minded, nor does he care much about what others think of his work.He is already a well-known novelist on Earth, and he knows very well how to adjust his mentality.

Furthermore, in this world, writing novels is just a part-time job among his part-time jobs.

Avid said sincerely: "Your work can get such a good response in the market because it is good-looking, exciting enough, and enough to win readers' appreciation."

"You are too exaggerated." Siles said modestly, "I have also read your works, which are very exciting."

Antonia Cumming laughed: "Stop complimenting each other. Mr. Noel, this is your first time at a novelist's party, let me introduce you."

Afterwards, Antonia said some information related to this party.

The novelist gathering at Bain's bookstore is open to well-known novelists in Ramifa City.The bookstore, owned by a retired publisher, provided a venue for novelists to mingle with one another.

They will exchange novel inspiration, writing skills, and other things here.Sometimes, they just share some little things in daily life.

"A total of about 16 novelists participated in this party." Antonia smiled and said, "Adding you makes 17. However, not every writer comes here every Saturday. At least I have never met A scene where everyone is present.”

"I've only seen seven or eight of them so far," Maynard said. "I don't know what they're doing all day."

Siles found out that Maynard is a straight-talking person who can say what he wants to say.

"It's just a casual party," Arvid said.

Maynard didn't dispute that.

Antonia said: "However, you came early today. Is there something?"

Speaking of this, Maynard suddenly became excited: "Do you remember what I said before, I joined a detective club?"

Detective club?Siles was slightly taken aback, and looked at Maynard.

This is a mystery writer who joined the detective club, which doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary.However, he obviously had another purpose in mentioning this matter at such a gathering.

"I found that the cases that happened in the real world are really more bizarre than the novels we wrote." Maynard sighed, "Several well-known detectives in the city even participated in the investigation of some serious cases.

"I listened to some of them and benefited a lot. I'm afraid it can provide a lot of inspiration for my next novel."

Arvid said, "You chose to join that detective club for the next book," he said. "Tell me, what did you hear from there?"

Siles was listening silently, and then he understood.

Probably because of the poor sales of the previous mystery novels, Maynard actively seeks changes and joins a detective club in the city, trying to find some inspiration from there.But now, he feels that he has indeed gained a lot.

But...the Detective Club.

Siles narrowed his eyes slightly.In the team running game he played before crossing, one of the character cards was a detective.

Will it be a member of this detective club?

"There are many ways for those detectives to join the case, either the client came to the door on his own initiative, or he found some abnormal signs on weekdays, or he saw some help or news reports in the newspaper.

"Sometimes, the police officers will ask them to help with the investigation. After all, these detectives have a lot of information sources, especially those that are not suitable for the authorities to intervene."

Maynard's tone clearly suggested that those were less legitimate channels.

Afterwards, Maynard coughed twice: "What I heard was a headless case, and no investigation has found any results until now. Do you remember the massacre in the city in early August?"

Siles stood there stunned.Both Antonia and Arvid showed pensive expressions.

After a while, Siles said, "The Darrow family?"

Maynard glanced at Siles unexpectedly, then nodded: "That's right! This case has completely stumped the detectives of the police station, and there is no result yet.

"Naturally, there are also detectives who volunteered to investigate the case. They found some clues that were not mentioned in the official report."

Having said that, Antonia also thought of this case: "I remember... At that time, the newspaper said that everyone in this family was stabbed to death and died at home. However, the heir of the family was thrown in... Eastern Suburb? And there are traces of torture after death."

"Yes," said Maynard, "you have a good memory."

Siles remained silent throughout.Hearing them talk about certain details of the case gave Siles a sense of a world away.

Brewer Darrow.their former companions.He died in the wilderness, and has not been able to rest in peace until now.

Siles sighed inwardly.

Unbeknownst to Maynard, the dead man they were talking about was a friend of Sirius.

Maynard added: "Detectives were also investigating the case and had a lead from a neighbor. They said they heard a woman screaming and screaming from the house late that night. .”

"Woman?" Antonia asked. "Could it be a dead person in the family?"

Maynard shook his head and said, "There was also a detective who found a wig from a trash can outside the house. It was a woman's long hair."

Antonia was silent for a moment, and then said: "You mean, a person pretended to be a woman with long hair, walked into the house and killed someone. And the voice of the screaming woman is the murderer?"

"The detectives were so speculative," Maynard said, "whether it was a woman screaming or a discarded wig, none of these clues were mentioned in the papers."

Siles thought to himself, this seems to be more verified, "Brewer's fiancée is the murderer, and her appearance and body are all disguised" inference.

"But this doesn't seem to explain anything." Arvid frowned, thinking, "This won't help us find the murderer."

"I haven't finished yet." Maynard said triumphantly, "These are just two clues. The next third one is the most important."

The other three listened attentively.

Maynard said: "The detective who picked up the wig, in order to confirm that the wig was indeed discarded by the murderer, not the neighbors around, took the wig and questioned the surrounding neighbors.

"Afterwards, one of the neighbor's servants showed a strange expression, which he noticed. He questioned the servant, and only then did he know one thing: In the early morning, there were not only wigs and other life in the trash can. rubbish, and...

"A delicate enamelled mug carved with marigolds."


They looked at each other, unable to understand the profound meaning of this.

Maynard continued: "The wig was wrapped around the cup. The servant thought the calendula cup was very beautiful, so he picked it up and planned to use it himself.

"He didn't expect that someone would come to the door with a wig to inquire, and in a panic, he exposed the matter of the calendula cup."

Siles asked, "Where is that calendula now?"

"It was kept by the detective," Maynard said. "Of course, he didn't know what the cup meant. His guess was that the murderer might have drank from that cup, so he threw it away specifically for fear that he would Leave traces."

Antonia's face changed slightly.

Arvid couldn't help asking: "But this murderer is here to kill, why does he need to drink water? Could it be that he was tired from killing, so..."

Maynard showed a disgusted and horrified expression.

"Don't think about it." Antonia said gently but firmly, "Although we found clues, we couldn't find the murderer. Everything is just speculation."

"Yeah." Maynard also sighed.

As writers of mystery novels, although the core focus of many mystery novels has gradually become murderous tricks, they still hope that the murderer can accept the trial of the law instead of escaping.

The atmosphere in the room was a little dull for a while.

Siles pondered the meaning of the calendula.

Before that, he also came into contact with a kind of flower - crocus.It was the symbol of Pessonari, the god of fertility and life.

And the calendula...does that have any meaning?Could that be a symbol of some god?

The Brewer Darrow affair does, in part, implicate a god, as recorded in his family records.Chaotic lines high in the sky, something hiding in the clouds.

Siles speculated that this might be Luthmi, the god of stars and light, but he didn't get any other circumstantial evidence, so he couldn't be sure of the correctness of this guess.

Will marigolds have anything to do with Ruthmi?

However, this is just a cup carved with a flower pattern.Maybe it's just because of the beautiful appearance of the marigold that the factory owner specially engraved it on the cup as a selling point.

Siles would have preferred that none of this involved the gods.

Seeing the gloomy atmosphere, Ms. Cumming took the initiative to say: "Don't think about it. One day, the truth of the incident will surface."

Arvid laughed, and he said: "This is the text in your novel, I remember it clearly."

"You can get away with killing people. There's no such thing as a good thing," Ms. Cumming said in a low voice.

Maynard sighed and said, "Yeah."

Arvid said, "Okay, let me tell you about me." He took out a stack of papers from his bag, "I recently received a letter from a reader, and the letter mentioned a very old book. Adventure Notes.

"The reader said that it seemed to be a manuscript left by his ancestors, and it had been kept in a corner of the study. Since the birthday of God was coming, they cleaned the house carefully recently, so they found this manuscript.

"It is said that this adventure diary is very famous, and many explorers of Never Ember have asked for it at a high price. However, there is no complete version of this adventure diary on the market, only some incomplete versions.

"He thinks this manuscript is of high value, but he is not sure whether it is really the first edition or the original manuscript, or some random diary or dream description, so he specially sent a part to me, asking me to help check it.

"However... I don't really understand how to check this kind of manuscript. I don't know much about the exploration of the land of no embers."

Arvid showed a distressed expression.

Most of his novels fictionalize the location of a treasure, and the protagonist will embark on a journey to find the treasure and secrets with his team.His novels don't have much to do with the Endless Lands.

The other three looked over curiously.

Siles was the first to ask, "Is this the original manuscript they found?"

"Yes." Arvid nodded, "This reader sent it to me directly."

Siles thought for a while, and said: "I think this may be a manuscript, or a published version. I have seen a travelogue to the Never Embers, and the content and handwriting are quite messy. Sometimes It even looks sloppy.

"And this adventure note... the content is too regular and orderly, as if someone has deliberately organized it."

Arvid stared at it for a while, then nodded involuntarily.

At this time, Ms. Cumming had already picked up one of the books and started reading. After a while, she sighed, "It's really interesting."


"I have heard some rumors and information about the land of no embers, but this manuscript mentions areas that I have never understood." She said, "some strange stories in the land of no embers."

Maynard also took one to look at, and couldn't help but nodded: "Night chatter around the fire, lonely shadows in the middle of the night, monsters in the depths of the mist, huge shadows under the sea, altars and the call of the old gods... really exaggerated.

"No wonder your reader speculates that this may be a record of dreams. Some of the text is almost crazy."

Arvid nodded, and said: "I have roughly read it, and it is indeed very confusing. I think some publishers will be interested. Now people are more and more interested in Everland."

"Of course." Maynard said, "I'd love to explore the Everlands, too."

Then, their topic turned to their respective dreams, and their trivial lives now.At noon, they had dinner together at Bain Bookstore, and after the meal they talked about the planning of future works.

"What do you plan to write in the future?" Arvid asked in a slightly excited tone after drinking some wine, with some ups and downs, "I'm looking forward to your work."

Siles thought for a while and said, "This novel has just been published and not many are published. By the end of the year or early next year, I will write a book about... a book about exploration."

"Adventure!" Arvid said in amazement, "That's great! It's my favorite subject!"

Maynard said: "Mr. Noel, why don't you try to write mystery novels? From your works, I can see your yearning and curiosity for mysteries."

Siles smiled and said, "If there is a chance."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Siles left Bain Bookstore.On the way back to the dormitory, he reviewed what he had learned from the day—new clues about the Brewer Darrow incident, and many legends about the Never Embered Lands.

The land of no embers... He couldn't help sighing.

I'm afraid that only when you really go to the Land of No Embers can you understand what secrets are hidden in the land that was once covered in mist.

Siles thought for a moment, then put these things aside for the time being.Right now, he has no time to pay attention to the mysteries of the Never Emberlands.

Time flies by.Siles' daily life is very busy, but also very ordinary.

The departure date of the Lamifa University archaeological team has been set, October 10.It was Sunday, which happened to be the weekend after exam week ended.Herman Grove was perfectly content with that.

In this way, he just completed the study tasks of the first semester, and he can participate in archaeological operations without any worries.Moreover, he can also avoid the continuous rain in Lamifa City.

October 10.Sunday.The first day of the October market opening.There are still two days before the next start of the Deep Sea Dreamland.There are still seven days before the departure of the archaeological team.There are still ten days until the God's Birthday celebration.

In the morning of this day, Siles received two letters at the same time.One from Emmanuel, one from Alfonso Carlyle.

On a cold and gloomy morning, he silently took the two letters and returned to the bedroom on the third floor.He already had some guesses about the contents of the letter.

Emmanuel's letter was very thick, as if it was stuffed with dozens of letter papers; while Alfonso's letter was very thin, but it seemed that something hard was stuffed inside.

Siles sat down at the desk and opened Alfonso's letter first.

There was only a piece of letter paper in the envelope, and a few paragraphs were written on it.The handwriting is a little sticky, as if Alfonso was full of hesitation and uneasy thoughts when he wrote this letter.


"I will go to the Land of Never Embers with Emanuel. By the time you receive this letter, I'm afraid we have already set off.

"Please don't blame yourself, Sirius. This is our choice, and it is also the fate we are destined to meet. The lives of those companions who died in the land of no embers, their lives are like shadows, always covering our shoulders.

"I left some things for you in the room at 13 Milford Street, including what Emmanuel asked me to give you. This is our surprise and gift for you. Please accept it happily, this is what you deserve.

"Here's the key to the room. I paid a year's rent in advance. If you have anything to store, you can use that room as a safe house.

"Farewell, my dear friend. Please wish us a safe journey.


Siles turned the envelope upside down, and a key slid out of it with a clang.Siles sighed slightly, held the key, and put it in his wallet.

He looked at Emanuel's letter again.

Opening the envelope, Siles pulled out a thick stack of papers.Among them were letters from Emanuel, as well as finished and well-organized translations.


"Excuse my presumption, Sirius. I think this will most likely be our last correspondence—one sided, I assure you—so I wish to be frank.

"If you think that this travel book sent by you sent me and my old friend into the abyss of death in the Everland, then you are very wrong. It was never like this.

"Me and Alfonso. We are two tortured souls in the city of La Mifa. We may live in fear all our lives, but we cannot face the painful past and experience. We are cowards who escape from the past.

"You saved us from this situation, even if you didn't mean to. You saved our souls, not our lives.

"Besides, even if we have the determination and perseverance to die, we don't necessarily die there.

"In the manuscript I translated, I deleted some of the clues and words that mentioned the 'non-existent city', and the too straightforward clues and words. I don't think ordinary people in Ramifa City need to know this. It may be curse.

"And you . . . I know. If you'd like to know all about it, you can go to Kellogg. That student can help you.

"Finally, the travelogue, which I placed in Alfonso's residence, along with some other items. It is all for you. I have specially left for you a few books related to your field of study, I hope can help you.

"As I grow older, I gradually understand that once you do something wrong when you are young, when you are old, when you dream back at midnight, those old people and old things will definitely be entangled in your body and your body. In the dream, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

"So, for anything, as long as you have enough energy when you are young, you must solve it at that time.

"When I was young, I didn't die in the Everlands. But many other things paid off for me.


Looking at the words on the letter paper, Siles felt a little sad for a while.

He had known a long time ago that Emmanuel and Alfonso would make such a decision.But when this thing really happened unexpectedly, Siles still felt a little bit resistant.

The land of no embers.Cities that don't exist.He fell into deep thought.There was a vague idea that kept popping up in his brain, but he couldn't make up his mind.

After a while, he looked at the stack of translations again.

Emanuel could actually send this stack of manuscripts directly to Benton, but he still chose to send it to Siles, probably because the purpose was to let Siles read it first to see if the content was appropriate.

However, Siles is not in the mood to read this translation right now.

He simply locked it in a drawer and thought about it.

Today is Sunday.He was going to Bain's, to attend a novelist's party.This is the established schedule, because today happens to be the day when the October market starts, so last week he made an appointment with several other novelists to go shopping together.

Of course, so did other friends, including his roommate Lorenzo and his friends from the Historical Society.But today happened to be Sunday, so he planned to meet up with the novelists and go there together.

As for whether you can meet other friends in the market, it depends on luck.

Tomorrow he is going to the West City.

He had hired Anthony Finn's friends to investigate the Grayson Foods business in the West Side.And yesterday, Anthony wrote a letter, saying that they had found some clues, and asked Siles to go to Ernestine's Tavern on Monday to ask them about the situation.

It just so happened that he had to go to 13 Milford Street to see what Emmanuel and Alfonso had left for him.

Thinking of this, Sirius couldn't help but sigh.

There are classes on Tuesdays, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, in addition to daily work, it is also the time when deep-sea dreams appear, on Fridays there are clubs, and on Saturdays you need to go to the historical society... In this way, the next few days are already full of arrangements.

He has no spare time to mourn the Spring and Autumn, full of melancholy.If you have doubts or insecurities, try to resolve them without hesitation.He didn't want what happened to Brewer Darrow to repeat itself.

Siles sat there in thought for a while, then got up, changed his clothes, and went out.

It was a gloomy morning.In the past few days, it has begun to rain in Lamifa City.Siles had to take an umbrella with him when he went out.

By the time he arrived on the third floor of Bain's, the room was already full of conversation and noise.This is a rare crowded moment.

In the past few weeks, Siles came here several times, and each time there were only three or four people, but now, he saw seven or eight people in the blink of an eye.

He walked to the familiar Arvid and Maynard, and heard Maynard talking about the detective club again.

I don't know if this matter has mobilized the 30-year-old man's spirit of adventure when he was young. Since he joined the detective club, the novelists gathering at Bain's bookstore can often hear related things from him.

Whether it was the cases the detectives had solved or the detectives had received new commissions, these things always made Maynard excited to announce and explain at the party.

Of course, the reason he didn't get into trouble was because there were always a few people he told about it—Cileus, Arvid, Antonia, mainly three.

Everyone else seemed to know Maynard's style and always avoided it.

At this moment, Maynard said excitedly: "There is a detective who has received a commission from a nobleman! It is incredible, it is said that the deposit consists of several hundred-dollar bills, and the purpose is to investigate the death of a servant at home.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I've never seen any of these arrogant nobles who are willing to pay so much money for the death of a servant! It's so strange... so strange..."

As he spoke, he fell into deep thought.

According to Siles' understanding of the speculative novelist, he might be thinking about the shocking secret hidden in the servant's death.The novelist's imagination always comes into play at this moment.

"Good morning, Siles." Arvid greeted Siles gently.

"Good morning." Sirius nodded.

Maynard came back to his senses, and then said to him: "Congratulations! Professor Sirius Noel, your first novel has sold over [-] copies. Although I really like this work, But I have to say, it’s pretty incredible.”

"So do I," said Siles.

He might be a little scared right now.The weird atmosphere of the gourmet town before, and even the items left by Professor Kabell he saw in the office earlier, all made him deeply impressed by the hidden dangers of this world.

Therefore, even if his work is a hit this time, the publisher Benton would like to treat him to three meals a day, but Siles always has a vague uneasiness, always feeling that someone is secretly plotting behind it.

Although Benton kept saying that there were so many books sold and there was little evidence that Sirius was right in his suspicions, but...

This kind of feeling of a cup bow and a snake shadow is really uncomfortable.

"Maynard, I think you're just envious of Sirius' achievements." Arvid teased him.

Maynard's eyes widened, and finally said angrily: "Wait until I think about it, and see if you will laugh at me then."

Arvid couldn't help laughing.

Siles smiled, but did not join in their conversation.He had discovered that making fun of Maynard seemed to be a common hobby of these novelists.

Maynard has actually gotten pretty good grades before that, and his inclusion in the party is a testament to that.However, not every work of the writer can get the same good results.

They chatted for a while, then set off.Bain's bookstore specially reserved several carriages in advance for these novelists.The three of them sat with another middle-aged gentleman.

The gentleman had an extraordinary bearing and piercing eyes, which made Arvid and Maynard afraid to speak in the car.

After getting out of the car at the place and the middle-aged gentleman left, Maynard muttered, "It really is him."

"That's it?" Sirius asked.

Arvid said, "You may have heard of Mond Goldsmith, a writer of historical fiction."

Siles suddenly realized.

Historical novels are similar to "romance" works on Earth in this world, but they are more formal and serious in style and diction, more like writing history in the tone of a novel.Just slightly more lively and interesting than an academic monograph.

Therefore, writers of historical novels are often labeled as rigid and deep.

How much is that middle-aged gentleman just now?

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