There are three rooms on the second floor of 13 Milford Street.

Siles rented the easternmost room.

In his memory, there is not much information about the neighbors on the second floor. He only knows that there is an adult man in his 30s living in the west room, and a young couple who leave early and return late in the middle room and rarely make a sound.

The man he met by chance now was the man in the west room.

He hadn't seen the neighbor since he had been Siles the night before.At first glance now, he found that the man was very conspicuous.

He was wearing an exotic orange-red cloak with a beautiful, multi-colored feather pinned to the collar.He wore a very exaggerated top hat and a pair of pointed boots on his feet.

Around his waist hung a belt of tusks, rings, feathers, and bones.Under the cloak, each of the ornaments of the belt made a crisp clanging sound.

His face is painted, especially around the eyes, to the point where it's so exaggerated it could go straight to a masquerade ball.Paints of red, orange, white, and purple make this man look like a child who has knocked over a paint tray.

Siles couldn't help but paused, and then nodded politely, which was regarded as a greeting.

The eccentric neighbor coughed subconsciously, and then said as if nothing had happened: "I'm not going to do anything bad."

Siles remained silent.

The man suddenly became more embarrassed.

In the end, he just stuttered and explained why he was dressed like this: "I am a folklorist! You know, with the development of the Land of Never Embers, the Duchy of Const has established relationships with more and more countries. stable communication channels.

"The customs and habits of those countries and the Principality of Const are not very different. I'm going to attend an exchange meeting later, so I went to do as the Romans do and dress like this.

"Queer, isn't it? That's the way people are in those places."

During the man's explanation, Siles finally understood why the man was dressed like this.

Folklore... Siles nodded thoughtfully.

In the history of this world, the current era is called the "Mist Age".The "fog" in this name indeed covers a large area of ​​land in Fisher's world, and these places are called "Land of No Ashes".

The Eternal Land is a barren land shrouded in layers of black-gray mist.The fog also separates the channels of communication between countries in this world.

Countless countries, tribes, and villages can only live in isolation.Until hundreds of years ago, the fog of the Land of Embers tended to gradually fade away, so the development of Land of Embers and exchanges with other countries were also put on the agenda.

Now, there are many, many lands in the Everlands that are no longer covered by the mist.These lands are called the Blighted Wastes, for they are indeed endless, barren, yellow plains.

During the development process of Land of Embers, related majors such as folklore, which studies the culture of one's own country and other countries, have naturally been born.

Siles believed the man's statement, but still felt a little doubt.

The man didn't seem to notice, and just introduced himself: "My name is Alfonso Carlyle. We've been neighbors for a while, and we don't even know each other's names."

Siles nodded and said, "Siles Noel."

The fancy-dressed folklorist nodded at him, then said he was in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Siles watched his leaving back, then calmly withdrew his gaze, and returned to his room.

He put the umbrella at the door, put the manuscript on the desk, then took out the wallet, dice, pocket watch, paper and pen from the coat, took off his coat, and sat silently on the sofa for a while.

What happened to the Revelator really exceeded his expectations.He didn't expect that he could come into contact with the extraordinary power of this world in such a short period of time.


His gaze rested vaguely on the dice on the desk.

After a while, he stood up and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.It was still raining patter outside, which made Siles feel comfortable after returning to the warm and dry room.

He was so hungry that he gnawed on bread while wiping his hair.He really wanted to drink some hot soup at this time, but there was no food right now.He secretly planned to go to Logan's Market tomorrow to buy some fresh ingredients and come back.

There are no kitchens in the apartment rooms, but the first floor of 13 Milford Street is the residence of Mrs. Finn's family.When Mrs. Fein is not using the kitchen, the tenants can cook in the kitchen themselves, but they have to clean it up afterwards.

Soon, Celes finished eating the bread and his hair was almost dried.He changed into a simple pajamas and felt the sticky rainwater finally leave his body.

But there is no way.The weather in Lamifa City is like this at the end of July every year. Not only does it not have the warmth of summer, but it looks gloomy and cold.When August came, it was another extreme. The sun was shining brightly, and I wished I could burn a hole out of the earth.

Towards the end of October, the weather turns wet and rainy again.However, there will also be a holiday of more than two weeks at that time.

People say it's winter break, because after this holiday, there will be a long winter in Ramifah.However, some people call this holiday a rain holiday, because the rain at that time was too abundant.

This day is Monday, July 7th.

Ramifa University will start on the first Monday in August, which happens to be August 8 this year.

The calendar of this world is much the same as that of the previous earth. There are twelve months in a year, 30 days in each month, and seven days in a week.But when it comes to festivals, holidays and the like, it is very different from the earth.

The academic system of Ramifa University has three semesters a year. The first semester is from August to the end of October each year, followed by a two-week winter vacation; if the rainy season is long, the winter vacation will be extended accordingly.

The second semester is from the beginning of November to February of the next year, and there will be a one-month spring break at the end of February.Similar to the concept of winter vacation, spring vacation is a holiday that appears to welcome the arrival of spring.

The third semester is from the end of March to the beginning of July.Generally, the school year exams are held in the first week of July, and then a three-week holiday is given, which is called summer vacation—or, in other words, rain vacation in July.

Every year graduates get their leave earlier, giving them plenty of time to look for work.

When Siles was a student at La Mifa University, he was already very familiar with this school system.But when he became a professor, things got much more complicated.

He now has to spend the last week of July struggling with his lesson plans.

The college required him to offer two public elective courses and two professional elective courses. The former spans the first and second semesters, and the latter is one in the first two semesters and one in the third semester.

The special elective course in the third semester is okay, but the two public electives and one special elective are imminent, and students will have to face the matter in a week.

Siles sighed indistinctly.

He did a quick calculation of his schedule for the week ahead—historical society on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons; moving house and office tidying on Sunday.That said, he still has a full Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

In addition, he may have to study the textbooks and the book list for the students, and be mentally prepared to deal with apprentices who do not know the specific identity and research topics. such a hurry.

He lowered his eyes and wrote the name of his course on the draft paper: "A Survey of Literature from the Birth of Gods to the Middle of the Mist", "Appreciation of the Literature of the Silence", "Literature and Its Theoretical Evolution of the Silence - Three Famous Masters of the Silence" Author as an example".

The first two are public elective courses, and the latter is a special elective course for the first two semesters.

Generally speaking, it is still a consistent and in-depth course.He can prepare the three courses together.

In the end, he underlined three words: the Birth of the Gods, the Silence, and the Mist.

The Birth of the Gods is the first era of this world since there are historical records.According to rumors, this is the era in which the gods were born.

After the birth of God, came the birth of man.People believed in and worshiped the existence of gods, so the second era was called the era of faith.

Human civilization is gradually prospering, establishing empires and developing productivity. Several empires fight and fight with each other, and gods also stay behind the scenes to protect their believers.The Third Era is called the Age of Empires.It was a long and glorious era.

The Fourth Era is a mysterious era. There are not many materials left today, and most of them are vague and secretive.According to the records of some archives and manuscripts, it is called the Shadow Period.It was indeed an era hidden in the shadows.

After the Shadow Age, humans and gods seem to have entered a stage of extreme decline.In the Fifth Era, the gods fell one after another, the continent was covered in mist, the empire's territory was torn apart, and people were isolated from the world.This is the Age of Silence, a time of chaos and dead silence.

After the Fifth Era, humans in the Sixth Era recuperated.The god of the past and history appeared, and people lived and developed under the protection of the gods again, and extended their sphere of influence to the land of no ember.

The dividing node between the Silent Era and the Mist Era is the appearance of Antinam.

The only god left today is also considered the patron saint of mankind.He does exist and does bless humanity in some way.

Thinking of the pattern and symbol of the eyes on the door, Sirius couldn't help thinking, is this god of the past and history the source of the revealer's power?Or in other words, is he the one who gives the power to the revealer on his own initiative?

After thinking for a while, Siles shook his head, there were still too few clues.

He didn't think about it at all, and looked at the titles of several courses he wrote down on the draft paper, thought for a while, and then opened the materials he had brought from Professor Kabel's office.

Some of them are sorted out and belong to the teaching plan of the course.Siles was lucky enough to find the complete syllabus and lesson plan of the course "A Survey of Literature from the Birth of the Gods to the Middle of the Mist" in it.

He immediately put it aside neatly, intending to take a closer look at it later.

He continued to read these materials and found some scattered materials and teaching plans.However, he still had a headache and found that he might have to organize the materials and book lists by himself, and then prepare lessons for the two courses related to Silence.

Fortunately, that was at least Siles' specialty.

He took out the useful parts and put them aside, intending to look for his notes in school tomorrow and sort out the general framework of the two courses.

He remembered that he had taken the elective course taught by Professor Kabell.But it is also impossible for him to completely copy Professor Kabell's original class, that would be too inappropriate.

While thinking about it, Siles pulled out a manuscript.

He lowered his eyes, and then was taken aback suddenly, because he found that the content of this manuscript did not seem to have much to do with the content of Professor Kabel's class.

This seems to be some content that Professor Kabell wrote indiscriminately. With a quick glance, you can see words like "crazy" and "shadow".

Reminiscent of the mysterious fourth era of Shadow Age, Siles became a little interested in the contents of this manuscript.

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