The red mud on the isolated island has a moist and dense feeling.Like thick blood, like a soft cake.

And he was wearing leather shoes.The hard leather soles made deep footprints one after another on the red mud.His eyes occasionally caught sight of the giant doll on the other side of the sea.It covers the sky and blocks out the sun, but it is entangled with countless silk threads.

More occasionally, he would inadvertently look up and catch a glimpse of the star that Leon described as a rotten eyeball.He saw the dark night sky and the twinkling stars.And the rest is empty.

... By the way, the fog.

He thought of the fog.Only at that moment did he realize that the fog was indeed surrounding him, even blocking his vision.But he didn't feel this way before, and he never felt that the fog would block his vision.

This is his dream.he thought.

Therefore, his eyes can penetrate the cover of the fog, and his vision can spread all over the sea.

He stopped in the middle of the island.

In the center of the island, as he thought, there was nothing here.However, he could faintly feel that something was not hidden on the isolated island, but...below.

... This is his dream.

So, his gaze pierced through the thick red mud, through the cold, dry stone.His eyes looked into the deep sea.

Deep sea - deep sea.He saw countless souls, he saw the dreams of countless people.

At this moment, Sirius woke up with a start.

Four o'clock in the morning.There was some uncomfortable feeling in Siles' heart, but it couldn't be called the polluted, half-crazy feeling when he entered this dream for the first time.

He just felt a little unhappy.Because of a dream that he thought he had escaped, but was actually still haunting him.

But because of this dream, he understood something instead.

That is indeed... the power of Akamala.Siles thought dazedly.

He couldn't describe what he saw after his gaze passed through the isolated island and the sea.He seemed to see countless water droplets, bubbles, and elements in the deep sea.Every drop of water is a person's dream, and their dreams guard the island covered with soft red mud.

What does it mean to be an island like that?What about dolls?What about silk thread?What about the fog?What about the starry sky?

Siles was puzzled.He knew that such a picture must have a symbol. When he learned about this dream from Leon's manuscript, the dice reminded him to add a little to his knowledge attribute. This is an excellent example.

However, Siles couldn't really get an answer.

He sighed.On the bright side, at least this dream just woke him up at four o'clock in the morning every day, and it didn't bring any real spiritual pollution.This is good news.

Siles lay flat on the bed, staring out the window, not feeling sleepy.

He lay with his eyes open until dawn, feeling as if he had wasted a lot of time.

If this dream continued, and he woke up at four o'clock in the morning every time, and then couldn't fall asleep again, then Siles felt that he might be able to fall asleep earlier and get up at four o'clock altogether.

...Is the power of the gods for people to adjust their work and rest?

Siles thought silently while washing slowly.

He had a quiet Tuesday.Lectures, eating, resting, writing, thinking about papers, reading, time just passed by bit by bit.

He received a letter from his mother.There are some words of concern in the letter.As Siles expected, his mother stopped sending him money.This made Sirius breathe a sigh of relief.

In the evening, Sirius hesitated, and finally went to bed at nine o'clock.

I don't know if it was because his body was tired or because of other reasons, he thought he would not be able to fall asleep because it was too early, but in fact, he fell into a drowsy sleep as soon as he hit the pillow... Or , Dreamland.

It is still the quiet island and the sea.

In the dream, he seemed to be quieter and more restrained.Every time, he appeared on the edge of the isolated island, and then he slowly walked towards the center of the isolated island.

After reaching the center of the isolated island, he will have a feeling that he can gradually control this body and control its will.All previous actions are like a mechanical, spontaneous movement.

He looked into the deep sea again.

This time he observed more carefully.He noticed countless dreams, some nearer to him, some farther away.He wasn't quite sure where this sense of distance came from.

He felt that those dreams were like soap bubbles one after another, but they were firm and stable.Occasionally, a bubble pops.He suspected that someone had woken up and stopped dreaming.

Bubbles in the deep sea—he couldn't help but think of Akamala's god.Pretty rainbow bubbles.

His gaze unconsciously looked at the giant doll standing on the sea.Is this Akamala?A beautiful little girl.But why did he just stand there, turned into a lifeless puppet, and was entangled with countless silk threads?

He was curious, but cautiously did not continue to think about it.

He lowered his eyes and continued to observe the bubbles in the deep sea.He could see what was happening in those bubbles from afar.

Some are illogical and inexplicable things, some are nightmares, some are sweet dreams, and some are endlessly repeated images, as if the owner of the dream is trapped in an infinite endless loop.

He watched quietly, with a strangely calm and cold feeling that he didn't even think of.

He thought he would wake up in this state.But after a long, long time, when he felt that he was about to become numb and tired because of such a picture, he realized that he seemed unable to just wake up like this.

He seems to be stuck here.

He couldn't help but feel a little anxious.But soon, he calmed down again.

He recalled that he had entered this dream three times in the past.The first time, he was awakened because he was about to set foot on the island; the second time was because he was about to reach the center of the island; the third time was because he saw a dream in the deep sea.

In other words, he had to do something in this place before he woke up, instead of waiting here silently.

So, he hesitated, and thought for a long time, what he could do.

There is nothing but soft red mud on the isolated island.So he thought for a while, then walked towards the sea.On the edge of the isolated island, the red mud merged into the sea water, turning into crystal clear and transparent water light, which quickly melted into the sea surface.

His leather shoes stepped on the connection between the red mud and the sea.

He felt that the feeling was a bit strange, so he squatted down and gently touched the sea water with his hands.

The moment his skin touched the water, he felt a subtle, strange, unsettling, tense urge and a weird... awareness.

His hand clenched into a fist, then turned and opened.He saw that he was holding several dream bubbles in his palm.

Siles woke up with a start at this moment.Four in the morning, as always.

At that moment, two thoughts arose in his brain. The first was that he actually picked up other people’s dreams from the sea in his dream, as if he was fishing; Do you want to get up at four o'clock?

That was a little too miserable.Siles thought.

He sighed in embarrassment, feeling that he really didn't feel sleepy, so he got up resignedly.The night outside the window was still dark, and he felt that he might be one of the first people to wake up in this city.

After washing up, Siles sat down at the desk and turned on the wall lamp.The light illuminates one side of the world.His gaze was silently staring out the window.He thought about the meaning of all the symbols in the dream.

If such seas, isolated islands, and dolls symbolize the power of Akamala—and those dreams in the deep sea are real, then is this a...

A place similar to the hidden Kingdom of God?

It is where Akamala stores his power.And such a place can only be reached through dreams.

But this caused Siles to have a new doubt.

If there really was such a place, why did Leon and him enter it somehow?This kind of place should always be a very important and hidden place, right?

Besides, if Akamala has such other words, a place to hold his power, will other gods also have such a place?

……Sanctuary?A religious word appeared in Siles' mind.

He didn't know the exact name of this place, so he called it the Deep Sea Dreamland for the time being.

In the deep sea dream, he can see the dreams of other people and fish them up from the deep sea.Now that they are all in the palm of his hand, Siles speculates that he can also enter or modify these dreams.

Even, he thought, maybe he could bring the consciousness of these dream masters to the isolated island?

These are all his guesses.

But now he may only be on the sidelines.

He still needs to carefully explore this power.He doesn't believe in the good news of pie in the sky.Leon was completely insane because of this dream, and he densely recorded the content of the dream in his manuscript—it wasn't even the only dream that Sirius encountered.

Siles didn't think he would be able to explore the deep sea dreams in safety all the time.

Besides, more than half a month ago, he had this dream for two consecutive days.Then the dream stopped for half a month.Half a month later, this dream reappeared again, also for two consecutive days.

... No, to be precise, more than half a month.


He couldn't help thinking, after these two days, would he continue to dream?Or do we have to wait another 21 days?Why didn't he have a dream during this period of time?Why is it 21 days?

Siles was puzzled by this.

If he would still have this dream today... Siles thought, then he would go to different places on the isolated island to salvage the dreams to try.If he didn't have this dream today, then he will continue to wait and wait and see what happens.

He made up his mind, and his mood became lighter.

It was nearly six o'clock, and Siles changed his clothes and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.The weather was getting colder and colder, and Siles put on a large windbreaker, put the brooch in his pocket, and carried the shield fragments and a bottle of potion presented by Bunyan in his bag.

But Siles didn't take the potion.

If one takes potions every day, those potions given by Grenfell will soon be used up.Now Siles has not learned about the market price of the potion, so he plans to use it sparingly.

At eight o'clock in the morning, he showed up punctually in room 177 of the Historical Society.Grenfell was already there waiting for him.

"Good morning, my lord." Grenfell said lazily as he sat there.

Siles paused: "Good morning, teacher. What big man?"

"You're famous in the Historical Society," Grenfell said. "Did you tell Bello that you wanted some mentally contaminated revelators to participate in the experiment?"

"Yes," said Siles.

Grenfell shook his head: "As I said, Bello is a crazy old man. He did this a little...fairly, and let many people know about it.

"Many people want to participate in your experiment. Maybe they won't participate in the first experiment, but the second, third... that's not necessarily the case. After all, it is at least an attempt. Many people even No chance to try."

Siles couldn't help being startled, thought for a while, and said, "That's the only way to go."

"Yeah, that's the only way to go." Grenfell's expression became serious, "So, you have to pay more attention to safety. Especially, the society is very chaotic recently."


"Because, the Dawn Revelation Society." Grenfell sighed and said, "A revelator who appeared out of nowhere suddenly became a member of the Dawn Revelation Society.

"This kind of thing has not been seen for ten years. Some old men may have forgotten the existence of the Dawn Apocalypse, and now the Apocalypse has jumped out to block their eyes. It is incredible."

Siles remained silent.

Grenfell continued to babble: "The founder of the Dawn Revelation Society has disappeared for many years, the president—that's how it should be said, he has disappeared for more than ten years."

Siles remained silent.

Grenfell finally realized that there was something wrong with Sirius' long silence, so he condescended to stop talking, looked at Sirius, and asked, "What?"

"I joined the Dawn Revelations," said Siles.

Siles was deeply impressed by Grenfell's funny and unbelievable expression for a moment, which he will never forget.

Grenfell nearly jumped out of his chair.He leaned closer to Siles, looked at it for a moment, and sighed, "It's really incredible."

Siles turned to ask: "Teacher, what kind of organization is the Dawn Revelation Society? I haven't been able to get any useful information from the members of the organization."

Carol did give some information, but those information did not touch the fundamentals—the Dawn Revelation Society was established to wait for Dawn's revelation, what does this mean?

As for the newsboy and the lady, perhaps because they were not familiar enough, they just chatted about some trivial matters in life, and did not express any opinions on the Dawn Revelation Society itself.

Grenfell showed a resentful expression, and he said, "The Dawn Apocalypse..." He said vaguely, "It is, literally. The Dawn Apocalypse."

Sirius looked at him puzzled.

"...Forget it." Grenfell shook his head, "Since you have joined the Revelation Society, it's okay to tell you. The Historical Society and the Dawn Revelation Society are not actually subordinates.

"At least it's not what it seems on the surface—the Dawn Revelation Society is a department of the Historical Society, this relationship."

Sirius nodded thoughtfully.

He had this hunch before, so it wasn't surprising to hear Grenfell say that now.

Joining the Apocalypse Society cannot reveal your identity, and the Apocalypse Society was established at the same time as the Historical Society... These two pieces of information show the peculiarity of the Apocalypse Society.

In contrast, Grenfell actually knew so much, which surprised Sirius even more.Perhaps it was because Grenfell was once a student of Vice President Joseph Morton, so he knew so many secret information?

Grenfell looked at Siles' expression, and didn't hide anything. He said, "I was once a candidate for the next vice president, so I know a lot about the internal affairs of the society. But I fell out with the teacher, and now It's an embarrassing position."

He shrugged, looking unimpressed.

Siles didn't mean to get to the bottom of it, but just said: "I understand."

"Then let's move on to the Dawn Revelation Society." Grenfell changed his sitting position, his gaze a little loose, "The founder of the Dawn Revelation Society—the president, is the same person. He created the peculiar space of the salon by himself. And the organization of the Dawn Revelation Society."

Siles was startled, thinking to himself, the founder of the Dawn Enlightenment Society is also the creator of the salon space?

He thought, no wonder there were notes inexplicably popping up in the room of the Dawn Apocalypse.I'm afraid that Revelation of Dawn still has an extremely solid and secret connection with Sharon to some extent.

The Dawn Apocalypse may not be able to understand the true identity of each person under their disguise, but at least they can understand how many different identities there are.Of course, ordinary members may not be able to do this.

Siles also understood a piece of information from Grenfell's tone, and he asked after deliberation: "So... this person, he lived from 400 years ago to more than ten years ago?"

"Indeed." Grenfell nodded, "No one knows why he survived for so long. Anyway, when he was last seen more than ten years ago, he was still in high spirits and seemed to be alive. a long time."

Siles couldn't help being a little surprised.

That's nearly 400 years.He hadn't heard of anyone in this world who could live for such a long time. Even if they were revelators, their lifespan seemed to be only a little longer than ordinary people.

More, just like Calverley, who lived to be 80 or [-] years old would be very old.

"So there was some speculation that he was related to the gods. But no one really knew what it was," Grenfell said. "He just kept that youthful look. We called him..."

He thought about it, as if thinking about how to pronounce it.

Finally, he said: "Mr. 'Xia'." He turned to say, "He said at the time that this pronunciation meant summer, but I couldn't figure out why he had to use this weird pronunciation."

Siles froze.

When a pure Chinese pronunciation came out of Grenfell's mouth, he was completely dumbfounded.Later, during Grenfell's explanation, he suddenly had an idea: This Mr. Xia, is the senior time traveler?

"He..." Sirius heard his own dry voice say, "Did he say where the pronunciation of this word came from?"

Grenfell didn't notice the strange behavior of Siles, probably because Siles has always been expressionless, calm and indifferent, so he couldn't see the violent psychological fluctuations in Siles at the moment.

He shook his head and said, "I haven't heard him say it himself. I haven't actually seen him either. However, I have heard someone say it. It seems that he heard this statement from somewhere."

Grenfell thought for a while, then nodded confidently: "Yes, he said so. He heard it from somewhere."

Siles didn't know whether he should be relieved or regretful, and nodded slowly.

Mr. Xia's identity as a time traveler is in doubt.If he said that the word came from his distant hometown, then Siles must be sure that he was his fellow countryman; but now this ambiguous statement made Siles hesitate.

But he thought again, this doesn't seem to be the focus now.This person who called himself "Xia" established the Dawn Revelation Society and lived for nearly 400 years.

Siles couldn't help asking: "What has he done?"

Grenfell said: "400 years ago, the Historical Society and the Dawn Revelation Society were established almost at the same time. It is said that Mr. Xia and the first president of the Historical Society-Vice President, you should understand what I mean, the Revelation Society long.

"It is said that the two of them are close friends, so from the very beginning, these two organizations have been in an alliance. Even the name of the Dawn Revelation Society was given by the vice president. However, it is not necessarily the case now.

"In short, at the very beginning, they together became the secret guardians of the Principality of Const. You should know that at the very beginning of the Mist Period, when the fog dissipated, the Principality of Constance was once invaded by other countries."

Siles nodded.

"But the situation is actually not that simple." Grenfell said, "There are many dangers hidden in the fog. Even if the fog dissipates, those dangers have not disappeared. Some crazy beasts and crazy humans, in the At that moment came the territory of the Principality.

"Similarly, at that time, the power of the enlightener was not very mature, and people could only use ordinary weapons to fight against those dangers... those dangers that might contain the power of gods and pollution.

"Mr. Xia stood up at that time. I don't know why, but at that time, he mastered the power of the adept revelator. I mean, he perfectly reproduced many of the patron's methods-this is in later generations. , was confirmed in subsequent studies.

"At that time, people felt that he seemed to be a god descending from the earth. Coincidentally, Anti-Nam's reputation spread at that time, so people thought that Mr. Xia was the envoy sent by Anti-Nam.

"...To be honest, I also have a little bit of faith in this statement, otherwise I can't explain why Mr. Xia was able to use the power of the enlightener 400 years ago, and it is so powerful."

Siles nodded too.

An idea came to his mind—maybe it was so?Maybe Mr. Xia is related to Antinam?That's why he knew the pronunciation of "Xia".

Because... If Anti-Num is inseparable from Siles' crossing, then Anti-Num might also know some characters and languages ​​on Earth.This is very possible.

Grenfell was not so clear about Siles' various thoughts.

He turned to say: "In the following hundreds of years, Mr. Xia and the Historical Society fought against the hidden danger together. The same is true for the Dawn Revelation. However, as people develop the power of the Revelator... the situation slowly changed .”

Saying that, Grenfell sighed.

Siles was slightly taken aback, and then he said, "Some people...are not willing to fight?"

"It's not that I don't want to." Grenfell hesitated to speak, "I don't know how to describe these things to you. I once told you that the gods still have 'power' to exist in this world.

"And that's a power, too."

Siles looked down, and he said, "Someone is chasing this kind of power."

"The pursuit is almost crazy." Grenfell said, "Some humans are too humble, thinking that they will always prostrate themselves before the gods; some humans are too arrogant, thinking that the power of the gods should also be controlled by themselves."

Siles was silent.

He thought, there really are many factions within the Historical Society.

Some believe that "God is God and man is man", while others believe that "God's power can be easily controlled by human beings".The views on both sides are very extreme.

"So the situation has changed." Grenfell was silent for a moment, and continued, "In short, some people tried to cooperate with the followers of the old gods—and that was the enemy that the Historical Society and the Apocalypse of Dawn would fight against."

Grenfell sighed slowly.

"More than ten years ago, 14 years ago to be precise, this conflict and dispute reached its peak." Grenfell said, "I was also involved. Then I fell out with my teacher.

"The Dawn Revelation Society... To be precise, Mr. Xia also fell out with the Historical Society. After a meeting, he left the Historical Society and never appeared again.

"Because the Dawn Apocalypse is located in the salon of the Historical Society, slowly, some people who don't know the truth misunderstand that this is the department of the Historical Society. For various reasons, the Historical Society has not clarified this misunderstanding.

"Ten years ago, the Historical Society finally recruited a member, and then disappeared. And, many members who originally belonged to the Dawn Revelation Society also quit. In the end... if I remember correctly, there are only three people left ?

"Including you now, there are only four people. According to the standards of the Historical Society for the department, such a number of people is not in compliance, and the department will be forcibly disbanded.

"However, because of the special nature of the Dawn Revelation Society, no one dared to let the Dawn Revelation Society disband. People are afraid of Mr. Xia's powerful power, even though he has not appeared in front of people for more than ten years, and some people even think he is dead."

Having said that, Grenfell stopped.

He asked, "Do you think Mr. Xia is dead?"

Siles shook his head.

Grenfell said: "I think so too. This is related to the establishment goal of the Dawn Revelation Society."

"Waiting for the revelation of dawn?" said Siles.

Grenfell nodded, then shook his head again: "Revelation. This statement should make you think of the Revelator, and then of Antinam. However, the Dawn Revelation... At least when it was established, it didn't completely point to Antinam—past and history, not so."

Siles waited silently for his next words.

"...but pointing to the future." Grenfell sighed softly, "The Dawn Apocalypse is waiting for the fog to dissipate, waiting for the future of Fischer's world, waiting for the arrival of dawn. This is this organization purpose of its establishment."

Siles was stunned for a moment, feeling a little sigh, and said, "That sounds like a very beautiful vision."

"Of course," Grenfell said, "we all hope that the dawn of the world will be ushered in."

They all thought for a moment in silence.

Then, Grenfell shook his head: "Forget it, this matter is too far away. For you, the key now is to ensure that your identity is not discovered, and not let certain people know.

"For some people, they're like a bird of terror right now.

"It was they who acquiesced that the Dawn Revelation Society was just an affiliated department of the Historical Society. It was they who made those members choose to leave the Dawn Revelation Society openly and secretly, and they also secretly spread the news that Mr. Xia would never come back."

Grenfell showed a subtle disdainful expression.

Then, he said: "I don't know if Mr. Xia will show up, and I don't know why Liming Revelation will recruit people at this time. But, for you, keeping a low profile is the most important thing."

Siles nodded seriously and said, "I will."

Grenfell looked at the time and couldn't help saying: "It's really a long topic. Alright, let's get down to business. First..." He took out a hand-long box from the drawer and handed it to Siles .

Siles was about to open it, but Grenfell stopped him, and said mysteriously: "Don't open it now, this is a surprise. Wait until you go back and see."

Siles had no choice but to put the box aside.

Grenfell said: "It's a time track, of course. You need a ritual to protect yourself. By the way, and," he took out a transparent box from the drawer, which was filled with dozens of potions, " Use it well."

Siles couldn't help but startled.

"Don't think about rejecting or being moved." Grenfell warned him, "I'm a famous master of potions. And, I'm rich."

Siles didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end he could only thank him and accepted the gift from the teacher.

... How does he feel that he accepts gifts from others every day?Grenfell, Bunyan, and earlier, the right to benefit from Bertram that okay?

Siles was suspicious.

"Next, tell me about any doubts that have arisen recently?" Grenfell didn't wait for Sirius to speak, and then turned to say, "The three elements you studied, that aspect doesn't count.

"This theory is also very inspiring to me. Siles, you are worthy of being a professor at Ramifa University, and you have great academic potential."

Siles shook his head and finally said, "Teacher, I do have some questions."

What he wanted to ask the most was of course the deep sea dream.But Grenfell said earlier that if you have this dream again, you don't need to tell him, because it is the pure power of the gods.

Siles knew what he meant—the subtext, if not tainted by the Old Gods.

Of course, in Grenfell's words just now, he was also warning Siles: Don't arrogantly think that power is "deserved" to be possessed by you.Don't be a prisoner of power.

Sirius knew this well.Moreover, Eciles' cautiousness, he might be more cautious and conservative than Grenfell.

Therefore, the question Sires finally asked had nothing to do with the deep sea dream.

He said, "About... the profession of a scribe."

Grenfell was stunned.Before Siles could fully express his doubts, Grenfell said, "Your confusion is, if they copied the text, would they be polluted by the old gods, right?"

"Yes, I'm a little curious," said Siles.

"It's a different situation." Grenfell said, "If it's an ordinary book, then of course there's nothing wrong with it; the book is fine, and the scribe is certainly fine. I'm afraid you can understand this too.

"If it is unusual, then different revelatory organizations, such as the Historical Society, the Church of the Past, and some other societies, have dedicated scribes who are revelators, and... if according to your theory, they The will is very firm.

"Well... Besides, even unusual books and materials are divided into many different situations. If it is only related to the patrons of the past, then the situation is not so serious; and if it is related to the old gods... this matter It could be much more serious."

Siles nodded in amazement.

It seems that the profession of scribe has two distinctions, on the surface and in the dark.On the surface, the scribes are ordinary word porters, but in the dark, only a revelator with a strong will can really take on this important task.

And even a resolute revelator may become mentally polluted and fall into madness and confusion when copying the records about the old gods.

...The confusion that Siles had been having for a long time has been answered, or deepened?He never understood who copied the manuscript of the painter Leon's dream.

It is certainly impossible for the scribes to resist the erosion of this old god power.So these scribes...will sink into madness forever?

Siles felt a subtle sigh.

Grenfell couldn't help but paused for a moment, and then continued: "It is true that there are often problems, and your idea is correct. However, we can't give up because of choking.

"Many dangerous books contain important knowledge...the past and history, and even some powerful rituals. Our enemies, such as the followers of the old gods, may want to seek and read them without any scruples.

"If we don't do this, then our strength will be weaker than theirs. And the copied copy will not have the dangerous, weird power and pollution as before, as if it has passed through a layer of filtration.

"Of course, I think you also understand that the scribe's filter is not omnipotent, and some pollution may still remain in the copy; even the scribe was polluted during the copying process, and then brought his own pollution into the copy...'s all possible.

"However, most of the transcripts are fine. Therefore, scribes are very important roles and professions within the Revelator organization."

Siles nodded seriously.

He suddenly thought, with his willpower, could he try to become a scribe?

If he is polluted by the old gods, then he can use the dice to judge himself... Yes, as the secret keeper Siles Noel, the university professor and enlightener Siles Noel Identity is determined.

Would that be considered an active judgment?Can he manipulate the outcome of this judgment?if you can……

Siles suddenly had a dangerous idea: Then, he could really search for ancient books and objects without any scruples.

He took a deep breath and suppressed this attractive thought.

On the one hand, he does not want to lose himself in this shortcut, on the other hand, he is also very clear that if he really does this, then he will definitely attract the attention of many important people, and his situation may be even more dangerous than it is now .

An ordinary enlightener, how could he resist such a powerful pollution from the old gods?

Siles doesn't want to draw attention to himself.

...and what about hiding your identity?A voice in his heart still said unwillingly.

Siles knew well that the reason why he was moved by this idea was that, so long had passed, he hadn't seen any hope of returning home.So, he wanted to take something radical.

But, he thought again, he had only been in this world for more than a month.Time did not pass too long.

It's just that he has encountered too many things, making the passage of time seem long.

Finally, Siles suppressed the idea.But he intends to, in the future possible opportunities,

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