"The non-existent city...the reason why it is a legend is because many people used to pursue this saying, and then disappeared."

Alfonso Carlyle insisted on sending Siles back to La Mifah, and they walked back together, talking about it along the way.

"So," Siles considered his tone, "Isherwood is one of them?"

"One of the very crazy ones," Alfonso said.

Siles had a subtle feeling in his heart.

Not so long ago, Alfonso was madly talking to him about the concept of "prophet" of that mysterious tribe, but now, he was talking about other people's madness to Siles in a serious manner.

The Everlands seemed like a strange place.

Siles did not reveal his thoughts.He just asked: "Then, his disappearance has long been... signs?"

Alfonso glanced at Siles with a subtle and complicated look, which made Siles startled.Afterwards, Alfonso said: "Yes. From a long time ago, I suspected that this man would be swallowed by the fog of the Neverland."

Siles listened in silence.

"Oh, yes, being engulfed in the mists of the Everlands is a... 'saying'," Alfonso explained, "for us, and anyone else who is madly chasing the secrets of the Everlands , we will all be swallowed up by the mist.

"Because all secrets are hidden in the mist."

He sighed.

Then he finally spoke seriously about Isherwood.

Isherwood was Emmanuel's older brother, about ten years his senior.When Emmanuel was still young, his elder brother had already followed the archaeological team to the Land of No Embers to search for ruins.

Therefore, Emmanuel's obsession with the Everlands originally came from his brother.

However, he did not follow in the footsteps of his elder brother and engaged in the very dangerous archaeological career, but turned to study the safer folklore.This matter once made Isherwood very dissatisfied.

"In his opinion, Emmanuel seems to be born to devote himself to archeology." Alfonso said, "But Emmanuel just prefers to study different customs and traces of different civilizations. Sherwood doesn't count."

As a result, there was a crack in the relationship between the two brothers, Isherwood and Emanuel at that time.

Originally, Emmanuel could follow Isherwood's expedition team, but because of such contradictions, Emmanuel embarked on a journey to the Land of Never Embers alone, and thus got acquainted with Alfonso and others.

"I don't think this is a bad thing." Alfonso felt a little belatedly grateful, "After all, his brother is not... a good guy. Isherwood's reputation is well known to everyone in the Land of No Embers." Know."

"Bad name?" Siles was slightly interested in this matter.

"Uh...that's..." Alfonso stammered, "that is, his strength. He's always going in and out of dangerous places, and people are terrified of it."

Sirius thought, does this refer to the power of the Revelator?

But Alfonso seems to mean more than that.

...Does that mean that Isherwood has acquired the powerful power of a patron?And which path will bring a very powerful deterrent effect?Or, frightening?

Siles thought to himself.

"There are so many cruel and fierce people in the Land of No Embers." Alfonso said, "Isherwood is just one of them. He is just an archaeologist, and there are many, many powerful explorers.

"Some of them are in groups, some are alone. Some have disappeared for an unknown number of years, and some have only just become famous in recent years. That's all about the Land of Embers. Lamifa City is like this There is no place for such a person in this country.

"It's just that many of them have been swallowed by the fog."

Siles listened in a little daze.

His impression of Land of No Ashes has been slightly refreshed.He originally thought that the Ashless Land was like a wasteland, ruins, and treasure land, where people explored, discovered, and seized wealth; but now, there seemed to be a layer of blood tempered by steel and fire.

The shadow of death.he thinks.That is the background color of Eternal Land.

Alfonso also sighed for a while, and then turned the topic back to the two brothers, Isherwood and Emmanuel.

Alfonso said: "Isherwood disappeared ten years ago. At that time, Emanuel had been in the Neverland for almost ten years and made a lot of friends. Including me.

"Emanuel and his elder brother occasionally corresponded to exchange each other's current situation. In the letter, one time, Isherwood said that he had found clues related to the 'non-existent city', so he decided to go to explore.

"Emanuel felt that this matter was not very reliable, and wrote a letter to persuade his brother to give up, but Isherwood had already made up his mind at the time, and he reprimanded Emmanuel as a coward without courage.

"The tone infuriated Emmanuel and put him off the Isherwood situation. It wasn't until months later that Emmanuel heard from Isherwood that something might have happened. , So decided to look for the whereabouts of Isherwood.

"We went together at the time."

Alfonso stopped at this moment.

"What happened?" Sirius asked duly.

"It happened..." Alfonso was silent for a moment, "Emmanuel lost his usual sanity, and we inadvertently broke into a very dangerous place. We failed to find Isherwood. In the end, only Isherwood and I Two of Manuel escaped."

Sirius fell silent suddenly.After a while, he said, "Sorry."

"It's nothing, it's over." Alfonso shook his head, "It is always necessary to be mentally prepared for such an adventure in the Land of No Embers. Therefore, we planned to leave the Land of No Embers and return to the civilized world. among."

When Siles heard this, he had a subtle association: "That dangerous place...is that the tribal ruin you found?"

Alfonso looked at Siles in amazement: "You... how do you know?"

Siles: "..."

He thought, this is normal logical reasoning!

Since after that incident, Alfonso planned to leave the Land of Embers, it was impossible for him, who had lost his ambition, to break into the land of a tribe that had never been discovered by himself after that point in time. Ruins, which did not match his state of mind at the time.

But Alfonso did enjoy such a reputation—well, maybe the last place he entered was the same tribe he discovered.

Of course, this is actually Siles' guess.But he happens to be right, and seems to deepen Alfonso's misunderstanding of him.

Siles was speechless.

Alfonso marveled for a while, and then said: "This is really your talent. Yes, it is indeed the relic of that tribe. The newspapers say that I discovered it alone, which is of course impossible.

"It's just that the other companions who entered there have already died, and Emanuel doesn't want this bloody honor. I still want to make the existence of this tribe public, so I announced it alone.

"I know that many people doubt me. Of course, I would rather we never enter that place. But... I don't want them to die in vain."

"Then you should announce the existence of other people." Siles said objectively.

"It's not that I don't want to..." Alfonso smiled wryly, "Emmanuel doesn't agree with this matter. He is willing to let me announce the exchange condition of the tribe's ruins, that is, I can only say that I discovered it alone, and I have nothing to do with it." Manuel and the rest of the company have nothing to do.

"In addition, he also asked me to wait several years before announcing it. For this reason, I specially went back to the Land of Embers a few years ago, and disappeared from other people's sight for a period of time, so as to prove my part Time is indeed in the Endless Lands.

"Because...to be precise...we actually found a city that didn't exist."

Siles was a little surprised, he said, "Are you worried that other people will misunderstand?"

Alfonso nodded and shook his head: "Ten years ago, many people knew what Emmanuel and I were doing. We were looking for Isherwood. So, if the tribal ruins were announced at that time, people would Will be seated.

"The thing is, we did go for a city that didn't exist, and we did find a city that didn't exist on the map, but the two are not the same.

"Emanuel believes that if the ins and outs of this incident are fully announced, then other people will think that the mystery of the 'non-existent city' has been solved, and they will no longer have the mind to pursue this secret. Just . . . never find Isherwood."

Siles was slightly shocked, and couldn't help saying: "He is very obsessed with Isherwood's whereabouts."

Even at the expense of using other explorers.

"He thinks it's his fault, so he wants to find out," Alfonso said simply. "He killed his brother, and he killed the rest of our companions. It's a matter of life and death. In his heart. Ten years later, it’s still the same.”

Siles thought, shouldn't the danger of "non-existent cities" be announced?Why let other people continue to pursue and fanatical about the existence of this secret?

After all, Emmanuel has his own selfishness and ideas.

Siles couldn't comment on such behavior, he could only say: "I don't know whether the appearance of that travel book is good or bad."

Alfonso said: "This matter has nothing to do with you." He comforted him, "I will persuade Emmanuel."

Siles nodded.

At this time, they had also reached Ramifah University.Siles bid farewell to Alfonso, and then returned to the bedroom on the third floor of No. 6 Hayward Street. He opened his pocket watch to check the time, and found that it was almost four o'clock.

He sat down on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little swollen in his head.

I got a lot of information this afternoon, mainly about the Land of Never Embers.

Siles had a subtle premonition that he would go to the Eternal Land sooner or later.Many secrets of this world are hidden there, and he wants to explore this world and return to Earth, so sooner or later he will face the oldest secret of this world.

Cities that don't exist, he thought.And what Alfonso mentioned, the tribal ruins they found later.

They are also cities that do not exist, so what is the difference?Why was Alfonso so sure that these two places were not the same?What happened to them there?

Why were only Alfonso and Emmanuel able to escape?And why, the two of them were able to escape?

Siles thought for a moment, then shook his head involuntarily.

Although Alfonso was honest, he actually concealed a lot of information more or less, such as their encounter in the ruins, and more information about the "non-existent city".Siles could understand this.

Moreover, in Alfonso's eyes, Siles is not a revelation.He might have thought that Siles was just an ordinary university professor, powerless.

Siles felt that the world was slowly becoming chaotic.

Emmanuel got that travel book... what would he do?He had turned his back on his fellows in search of his brother, even choosing to exploit the ambitions of those explorers.

This matter has developed to this point, will Emanuel do any crazy things?

Siles could not deny the possibility.

He thought for a moment, then sighed, sweeping these thoughts out of his mind.He doesn't have that much ability to stop Emmanuel now, he can only count on Alfonso.

He wrote it down and planned to pay attention to the development in the future.

Siles sat and rested in the room for a while, then got up and went downstairs to the cafeteria for dinner.It was there that he happened to meet his roommate, Lorenzo.The two sat down together.

Lorenzo complained to him about the club.He is the teaching assistant of Professor Dunlop, and that professor is a very famous professor of archaeology. There are many middle school students in the club, but Professor Dunlop is not interested in taking care of this matter, so most of them are handed over to Lorenzo.

Therefore, Lorenzo now has to prepare for the content of the club.

Siles felt ashamed for a while after listening to the lessons Lorenzo had prepared for the club.Compared with Lorenzo, he felt that he was too perfunctory for the fifteen students in the club.

Siles thought absently, maybe he could be more serious?Add something fun and interesting to it.

He thought so.

But then, he thought that the club was a matter in September, so he readily threw the matter behind.

Now, at least for the past two days, the focus of his life is the soon-to-concluded Enlightenment Introductory Course and the upcoming trip to the Research Department.

On Friday night, Siles and Lorenzo finished their meal in the cafeteria, and then went back to the dormitory together.Siles returned to the third floor, took a shower and washed his clothes, and then sat down behind the desk with ease.

He thought about what to do tonight.

He wrote some novels.But because of the trip tomorrow afternoon, he still couldn't calm down.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the two books that Carol had given him before—graduation gifts, according to Carol.

After getting those two books, Siles went to the trade fair, was busy attending classes, researching information about the wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire, meeting with Alfonso, etc., and hadn't carefully checked the contents of the two books.

Now, Siles took out those two books from the shelf, and at the same time he took out the book he bought at the trade fair, which described some legends and urban anecdotes of Lamifa City, "La The Ghost of Miffa".

He planned to pass the time with these three books tonight.

The two books presented by Carol, one is a history book and the other is a literature book, both are works of the Mist.It seems that the Revelator pays great attention to this aspect, and it is impossible to give away time rails casually.

The history book is an academic monograph about the interference and influence of the former gods on the human empire in the Imperial Age, titled "Shadows over the Empire: Driven Emperors and Nobles".

The book immediately caught Sirius' attention.

A long time ago, he had read in a book that before the gods fell, they would intervene in the political situation of the human empire.This also led to the sudden growth of "human" literature starting from the Silence Period after the fall of the gods.

At that time, he was very interested in the symbolic meaning of this incident, but he had no chance to find related books since then.Unexpectedly, Carol would send books on this subject to him.

When he opened the book, Siles suddenly had a thought in his mind: he would not have cleared his suspicion of being a follower of the old gods, so Carol specially gave him this book, hoping that he could wake up?Or, to prevent problems before they happen?

Siles stayed on this thought for a moment in a delicate mood, and then buried himself in the book.

The content of this book is not boring, at least for Siles.It is not so much a book about the conspiracies and tricks between the empire and the gods, it is better to say that this is a history book about the vicissitudes of the empire and the changes of history.

The Imperial Age as a whole lasted for nearly 5000 years. For 5000 years, human empires have risen and fallen, divided and reunited.Different gods and different empires once occupied the leading roles in some of these eras.

The god most closely related to the empire is the god of warriors and pirates, the umbrella of war and conquest, Amois.

This god, who has the image of a human male incarnation, himself seems to have a very close relationship with humans.He blesses war and power, and the country named Mar, which is blessed by him, has also been prominent for a long time.

However, the militaristic Marl Empire was eventually destroyed by the civil strife.

After that, Amoys never became the symbol and patron saint of any country.However, He is welcomed and believed in the armies and soldiers of all nations, especially in the navy.

Many soldiers believed that Amois would protect them from injury and death in battle.

However, Amois itself is a symbol of war, conquest, killing, and blood.It doesn't seem to be a good thing for his faith.

Apart from Amois, another god who is very close to the human empire is the god of stars and light who once made Sirius break out in a cold sweat, the shining lamp in the sky, Luthmi.

Luthmi's kingdom—yes, that's how it should be described—is called the Mingguang Empire, which is Ruthmi's kingdom of God.This statement is because the people of this entire country are fanatical believers in Ruthmi.

They frantically chase the universe, believe in the light and heat of the stars, and believe that Ruthmi will bring hope, light and an infinite future to the world.This allowed the Mingguang Empire to stand firm for a long time.

But in the end it crashed.The cause of a collapse is always difficult to fully generalize.This matter is clearly stated in the academic monographs of the Mingguang Empire, but it is only mentioned briefly in this book.

"The power of the gods is high above, but human beings always follow behind them, obsessed with the magnificent and bright light, so it is easy to lose sight of the path under their feet."

This is the author's evaluation of the Mingguang Empire—the author's name sounds familiar to Siles, and he seems to be a professor at the Faculty of Literature and History of La Mifa University.Maybe he even went to his class once.

The demise of the Mingguang Empire can be summed up by a very simple reason, that is, these subjects of the empire were obsessed with faith and worship all day long, and did not engage in production or work. As a result, the economic system of the empire gradually failed over a long period of time, and eventually This led to the bankruptcy and disintegration of the country.

This brings up a very interesting rumor.Some people believe that the final demise of the Mingguang Empire is inseparable from Menawaka, the god of commerce and oaths.

Menawaka is a god who has not become the belief of any empire, but his followers are all over the world, and even today, some businessmen still maintain their belief in him.I don't know how many of these beliefs are sincere.

In short, Menawaka was suspected of secretly manipulating the collapse of the Mingguang Empire.

It has been too long since this matter, and no one can tell whether there is a relationship between the two.However, at least after that, Luthmi's believers have always had trouble with the group of businessmen.

In later times, followers of Ruthmi were not even allowed to engage in business-related affairs.

But I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that they gradually became impoverished, so that they finally disappeared in history.For almost the entire Shadow Era, Luthmi's disciples did not appear on the surface—at least in Siles' memory.

However, his understanding of the history of the Shadow Period is not very deep.

From another point of view, the destruction of Luthmi's kingdom is also reasonable to some extent.After the establishment of the Mingguang Empire, followers of Luthmi built countless marvelous buildings for him, and even wanted to explore the universe at that time.

... The spectacle misleads the country.Siles thought.

Time passed bit by bit with the reading process.Siles would occasionally record some information that he thought was important or interesting in the draft notebook for subsequent thinking and organization.

At nearly eleven o'clock, Siles suddenly came back to his senses, went to the bathroom to wash up, and fell asleep early.

He woke up at seven o'clock the next morning and couldn't sleep after that.He simply went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, then returned to the dormitory, wrote some novels, and sorted out the outline of the thesis.

The messenger came just in the morning, and Sirius had a letter from Bertram Finn.In the letter, Bertram said that his family had moved to the East City, and listed the address.

Siles thought for a while, then wrote a reply letter, planning to pick a time next week to visit.Thinking of the reason why Bertram moved and the current situation in West City, he couldn't help but sigh.No one knows where the torrent of the times is heading.

Some people are eager to try, some people are hesitant; some people are left farther away.

At noon, Siles still went to the cafeteria to have lunch, and then took the public carriage directly to the Historical Society.

He brought the brooch needed for the [Silent Heart] ceremony, as well as the leaves he picked up yesterday.Probably because of the use of the ritual, the three leaves he selected are still very fresh.

However, Sirius did not take the potion.He knew that Carol would make them take the potion when they set off in the afternoon.

Although Grenfell didn't ask him to keep the existence of those potions a secret, Siles still consciously kept the secret.

When he arrived in room 666, it was one o'clock in the afternoon.He was surprised to find that everyone else had already arrived.

Both Mrs. Fuller and Angela put on the same ordinary clothes as they did when they went to the West City last time, looking plain and low-key; Dreyer and Eric were also dressed in casual clothes.

It seemed that everyone was looking forward to and nervous about the afternoon trip.

A few minutes after Siles entered the room, Carol joined him.

"Oh, you are so early." Carol said a little surprised, "It's good, I thought I would wait for you here for a while."

"Good afternoon, Carol," Darrell said impatiently. "Are we going out now?"

"No, no, no." Carol shook his head. "I came so early because of some progress about Brewer. Maybe I can tell you about it."

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

Darrell said with some confusion, "What did you find?"

Mrs. Fuller pondered for a moment, then said, "Brewer's fiancée?"

"Yes." Carol continued, "Of course, nothing was actually found."

Facing everyone's puzzled eyes, Carol said, "Brewer Darrow's fiancée, Marina Kailan—by the way, have you heard of the Kailan family?"

Mrs. Fuller and Angela shook their heads at the same time, and then the others also shook their heads.

"That's right. We checked the population records in Chalamifa City, and there is this surname, but they are obviously not the Kailan family that the Darrow family wants to marry."

Angela said confusedly: "You mean...the Darrow family was cheated?"

"Marina Kellan is clearly a pseudonym," Carroll said. "We haven't found that name anywhere, except from some people who heard that the Darrow family was engaged."

Someone gasped.

"And what about the people who met Marina Kellan?"

"We found some of the people who attended their engagement. They all said that Marina Kellan was a beautiful young lady with a beautiful figure."

"... gone?" Angela said a little confused.

Carol shook her head.

Darrell grumbled, "Looks like the look is fake, too."

That made the others look at the young boy with admiration, and Darrell stared at them with wide eyes.

"We haven't been able to find any more information, but it raises some questions," Carroll said. "If they can really hide their names and change their appearance, then the group of people behind the scenes may still be hiding in the city of Ramifa, and the It's not that we've fled like we thought before."

"...This is not good news." Eric murmured in a low voice.

Originally, they thought that the murderer who committed such a massacre should have escaped... But if this group of black hands behind the scenes are still hiding in Lamifa City, their ferocious and calm nature will really make them, the insiders, shudder. .

Carol said: "So, you all have to pay attention to safety. Just this time we are going out, you should listen more and watch more, talk less, and pay attention to observation."

"What is the content of the trip?"

Carol smiled slightly: "Follow the second corridor to solve a case together."

Before setting off, Carol handed each of the five people a small rubber earplug and a small bottle of potion for them to drink.

Later, he explained: "These earplugs are timing tracks. The name of this ceremony is [Ears Connected], and I will use [Open Mouth] here. In short, the effect is that you can all hear my voice. "

Siles noticed that the color of the potion that Carol handed over was slightly darker than the potion with a purity of 1%, and it looked like a potion with a purity of 5%.In other words, the ritual they are using now should come from the patron.

What patron's ability would be like this?

Siles guessed in his heart, but couldn't come up with an answer.

They each took the potion, and then put the earplugs into their left ears according to Carol's instructions.

The next second, they both felt a subtle sense of splitting, as if their left ear was listening to a sound in one direction, while their right ear was listening to a completely different sound.

Carol cleared his throat and said something silently, while a moderately loud voice came from their left ears: "Can you hear me?"

They all nodded.

Carol also nodded with satisfaction: "Then, we can set off."

They met several enlighteners from the second corridor who were traveling together this time.Carol was the one negotiating throughout the process, while Siles and the others followed Carol's instructions and stood aside without saying a word.

They all waited for a while in the lobby of the space behind the door until Carol and the other revealers appeared, and they left together.There were ten people in the group, four of them came from the second corridor, and among them was Clarissa Bernie whom Siles had met.

Along the way, the four enlighteners in the second corridor were talking in low voices, but their voices were very soft.And Carol also described the destination of this mission to them through [Connected Ears].

The target of their investigation is a retired museum keeper.About three days ago, a private museum called the police that a piece was missing from their collection, and the police then targeted the retired gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper and his granddaughter depend on each other for life, and have no other relatives.His granddaughter had recently been seriously ill, but seeing a doctor in Ramifa wasn't cheap or cheap.His neighbors said that he was in a hurry to borrow money for this matter recently.

As a result, the police suspected that the gatekeeper had secretly stolen the museum's collection and sold it to make money.

If it is true according to the police's inference, then the gatekeeper is arrested and the collection is found, and the matter is almost over.As for whether the gatekeeper's granddaughter can be treated, this is a question no one wants to face.

However, when the police took the gatekeeper to the police station for interrogation, although the gatekeeper confessed to his theft, he looked crazy, as if he had been "polluted".

In addition, his granddaughter and the stolen collection disappeared without a trace.

Now, the Historical Society is going to investigate the truth behind the incident.

After hearing these descriptions, Siles felt a little confused.He thought, what happened to the gatekeeper's granddaughter?What about the stolen museum collection?time track?Is this a mentally inactivated event?

However, the disappearance of the granddaughter together with the collection made this incident covered with a layer of mystery and weirdness.

Carol didn't explain much, just let them board the carriage together.The ten people divided into two carriages and rushed towards the destination with bumps.

When he realized that their destination was Xicheng, the ominous premonition in Sirius' heart intensified.

He and Eric looked at each other, and they both understood the worries in each other's hearts.Carroll was in another car, and they couldn't tell him about it.

But Siles still said, "Our destination is the old city."

Mrs. Fuller looked out the window thoughtfully, while Angela and Darrell's eyes were wide open, their faces blank.

Siles glanced at Eric, and then said, "Remember what happened to us at the trade fair? Someone... is robbing the Revelators, including their potions and time rails."

He didn't directly say it was an underground gang.It doesn't matter whether it is an underground gang or not, the point is that there are such people.

Angela understood immediately: "You suspect that this matter has something to do with... those guys who killed people at the trade fair?"

"I just think it's such a coincidence," Sirius whispered.

Called the police three days ago.It was Wednesday, and that's when the fair was going on.

Finally, Siles shook his head and said, "Everyone, please be safe."

Based on this psychology, when they finally arrived at their destination and got off the carriage, the expressions of the five of them were more dignified and serious than the four enlighteners in the second corridor.

Carol glanced at them unexpectedly and nodded to indicate that they were so good.

The home of the museum keeper, a little south of the center of the West City.It's not far from Logan's Market, and generally speaking, it's a relatively lively place in the West City.

They live in a slightly run-down apartment building.There are a total of four floors in the apartment building. The wooden stairs make a creaking sound, and every time you step on it, you feel that you will be lost in the next second.

Dust and cobwebs are everywhere, and the light is dim and quiet, allowing people to see every particle of dust in the air clearly.As soon as they walked in, they felt the air was stuffy, and the dull atmosphere made people very uncomfortable.

The caretaker's house was a shady room on the third floor.The police are already here waiting for them.Not everyone walked in the first time, and Carol assigned them tasks.

Some went to talk to the neighbors nearby, some went to look around, and some went into the house.

Siles was not assigned the task of entering the room - Eric, the revealer who was about to go to the second corridor, was.Eric nodded a little nervously and took over the task.

Siles thought for a while, and then reminded him: "Pay attention to the details that people may overlook."

The room must have been searched carefully by the police, but the search may not have been as thorough at the time.And now, if he examines the details from the perspective of the revealer, Eric may be able to discover other clues.

Eric looked at him in surprise, thanked him gratefully, and followed the other revealers into the room.

Siles is on a mission to find clues in and around the apartment building, and with him is Carol.Carol said to him, "You can try to find clues yourself."

Siles nodded.

He stood at the staircase on the third floor, staring at the corner, thinking.

He didn't actually get any clues now, the only thing he knew was what Carol outlined.With an apartment building right in front of him, where to start?

Siles thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of a doubt...or rather, a question he couldn't understand.

If the caretaker stole the collection in order to sell it and make money for the granddaughter to see a doctor, then why are they now facing a situation where the granddaughter disappeared with the collection, but the caretaker chose to confess graciously?

The museum called the police three days ago, and the theft must have happened earlier. Could it be that the guards couldn't find a suitable seller after so many days?

The West City is a place full of fish and dragons, and the pawn shop in Logan Market receives an unknown number of items from unknown sources every day.

Since the caretaker lived in the west city, and had lived visibly for a long time, didn't he know where the stolen goods were sold?Knowing that you will arouse suspicion, but still not hiding?

The police said that after the guard was arrested, he was a little crazy, as if he had been polluted by the old gods.However, ordinary people without the qualifications of enlighteners will not be easily polluted

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