Before Siles left, Bertram suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Grayson Foods' income should be the first dividend by the end of the month. Pay attention to the mail at that time."

Siles was a little surprised to hear this news, and he said sincerely: "This is good news."

"It should be a lot of money." Bertram laughed, "Greyson's recent development is really good, and I even feel that my initial investment was a bit small. But let's observe for a while. Recently, more and more businessmen want to Invest in Grayson."

"Content and happiness," said Siles. "Your life is very stable and happy now."

"Indeed," said Bertram.

Siles bid them farewell, and then left Milford Street to take a cab to Logan's Market.It was getting late, already past the time Mrs. Finn reminded him before.

Siles was dubious about the rumor about the shadow of West City, and he was a little vigilant along the way, but in the end he found nothing.

He couldn't help thinking, could it really be just a rumor?However, if it was really a rumor, why did Alfonso Carlyle remind him of it?He is a true revelation!

Siles was puzzled, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being, and planned to read the "Ghost of Lamifa City" that he bought before when he was free.

Sitting in the bumpy and dark carriage, he couldn't help yawning, feeling extremely tired.He didn't sleep all night last night, and he was running around like this again today, and his spirit was still tense, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Siles arrived at 6 Hayward Street around ten o'clock.He almost fell asleep in the carriage.He gave the driver a little more tip, and then dragged his tired body through the door.

On the second floor, Lorenzo poked his head out again: "You have two letters, dear roommate. I feel like I am your exclusive messenger."

"Thank you, dear messenger."

Lorenzo rolled his eyes at him and said, "You look tired, go to bed early, Professor Noel."

"I have to meet the apprentices tomorrow morning," said Siles. "Looks like another tiring day."

"You are indeed overtired." Lorenzo joked, "I haven't seen you complain about this before."

Siles closed his mouth and frowned.

Lorenzo laughed: "Go to bed quickly! Good night!"

Siles also said good night, and then went to the living room on the first floor to get the two letters.He noticed that one letter was relatively thin, while the other was thick, as if stuffed with a lot of paper.

He was confused for a moment, but he didn't bother to think about it so much in his sleepiness.After returning to the room, he quickly took a shower and washed, and even planned to put the clothes until tomorrow to wash, then lay down on the bed, and fell into a sleepy sleep.

At that moment, he never thought about the dream that had troubled him for two days.

But when Siles suddenly woke up under the bright sunshine in the early morning of Thursday, he suddenly realized that he had no dreams at all, and he didn't dream about the sea and the isolated island at all.

He sat up from the bed, thinking slightly troubled, so, as Grenfell said, it was just because the dream left a deep psychological shadow on him, so his brain automatically completed it. The content of the dream?

...doesn't seem impossible.

With a relaxed mood, Siles washed yesterday's clothes and tidied up the room.He took out the doll he bought at the trade fair last night and stared at it carefully.

I don't know if it's because of his change of mind, but now he thinks these six puppets are ugly and cute, not at all as mysterious and weird as when he found them in the underground passage yesterday.

Therefore, Siles put this set of dolls on the window sill, counting them as decorations for decorating the room.

Then he sat down at the desk and opened the two letters that he hadn't had time to read last night.

The thin one was from Alfonso Carlyle.He told Siles that on Friday, that is, tomorrow afternoon, he would go to the library of La Mifa University and bring what Siles wanted, the news about the wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire.

Siles felt a little surprised.I couldn't meet Alfonso at the trade fair or 13 Milford Street yesterday, but I didn't expect Alfonso to have found the information he needed.

He sincerely thanked Alfonso in his heart.He took this matter down in his heart and planned to go to the library tomorrow afternoon.

Another thicker letter gave Siles an even bigger surprise.That came from Knight Commander Benyan.

Last Saturday, in order to deal with the man who cut Anthony Finn at the trade fair, Siles went to the Central Cathedral of the Church of the Past, and heard about the torture seminar from Dominique, Kabel Information about the disappearance of the professor and the apostate.

That night, he also told Knight Commander Bunyan that he was studying the wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire recently, and asked him to help find information.

And Knight Commander Bunyan really helped Siles find a lot of information.

The reason why this letter is so thick is because Bunyan put all the useful materials in the envelope and sent them together.

"... Attached are some of the materials I have already found. I asked the scribes in the church to help me copy a copy, and you can use it as you like. You may find some later, but I think you may need it urgently, so I will first Send some.

"If there is anything else that needs my help, Professor Noel, you can find me at any time. I will do my best."

Siles took out the stack—at least [-] or [-] letter-sized manuscripts—and sighed in his heart, Knight Commander Bunyan is indeed the appointed good man in the script.

There is always a back and forth in human interaction.Siles thought about what Bunyan needed—the whereabouts of the lost files of the church in the past?He thought, maybe he could go to Chester earlier.

He believed that the Church of the Past must have questioned the communication process between Chester and the apostate Hamlin.However, with the help of the dice, Siles may be able to notice information that the church did not discover in the past.

Siles took this to heart.

He glanced at the time and found that it was almost nine o'clock.At ten o'clock he still needs to meet the apprentices.So, Siles just glanced at the content of the materials sent by Bunyan in a hurry, and planned to go out.

He counted carefully and found that there were 27 excerpt papers in total.Most are excerpts.Different sources are marked, but those books are never seen or heard of by Siles, and they seem to be the internal collection of the church in the past.

This made Siles a little curious and ready to move about the collection of books in the Church of the Past.

He also noticed that most of the transcribed passages in it came from the same book - "The Karakak Diaries: A Group of Forgotten People and the End of Their Lives".

If the contents of the book are speculated on the basis of these excerpts, it appears to be the diary of a wanderer named Karakak during the last ten years of his life in Kansas City.

Kansas City, as Siles imagined, was a place of extreme disparity between rich and poor.

The rich can take an airplane—he actually doesn’t know what the word “airplane” in this world corresponds to—while the poor can only spend their whole lives huddled next to the sewer, waiting for the winter quilts presented by charities, and the quilts that are hard enough to be beaten to death. Man's baguette.

I don't know if I can borrow this book from the old church.Siles thought.In fact, he is also very interested in the parts of this book other than the wandering poet.

Siles put away the letters and materials by category, then got up, changed into his suit, took what he needed (teaching plans, potions, brooches, and other things), and left the dormitory.He went to the cafeteria to have breakfast first, and then walked to his office.

There was a stack of papers at the door of the office. Siles picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was the club application form that Professor Aitley had said before.He needs to give a list of club students within a week, and the sooner the better.

Siles thought about it, and decided to wait until night to take a closer look.Tomorrow afternoon he was going to the library and happened to drop by to give the list to Professor Aitley.

He walked into the office with the list.

The air in the office was a bit dull, so he opened the window for ventilation.

It was already August 8, and he had spent almost three weeks in this world without knowing it.It wasn't such a long time, but Siles felt like a lifetime away.

The life on earth in his previous life seemed to be very far away from him.

Siles sat behind the desk, lowered his eyes thoughtfully, thinking.When he came back to his senses, he noticed that his fingers were unconsciously writing something on the table.

He gestured again, and then realized that he was writing his former name——He Jiayin.

The origin and meaning of his name are actually very simple.His parents felt that his birth was good news, coupled with the relationship of his surname, so they hoped that he could live a happy life, "I look forward to the arrival of good news every day."

Every day, be hopeful.

To a certain extent, He Jiayin did it.Apart from not being able to start a family as soon as his parents expected, his life is simply smooth and a winner in life.

Of course, I am in my thirties, and I am "middle-aged". I just played a game with my friends, and I have traveled to this world where unknown risks are hidden. I don't know if I can return to my home planet... Who could have predicted such a thing?

He secretly lowered his eyes and smiled wryly.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking about his experience on Earth, and kept recalling, not letting go of any detail, as if he would forget it in the next second.

It seemed as if he would never be able to return to that place again.

……Do not.

He always believed that behind his time travel, it was not a coincidence or an accident, but someone—a god who did it on purpose.

Antinam.Caretaker of the space-time rift.

If his position is really as literal as it sounds, then doesn't he know about He Jiayin's time travel?Don't you know that this world has ushered in a visitor from another world?

However, He remained calm and acted as if nothing had happened.Although the church that believes in Antinam has shown a subtle, overly active kindness, Antinam itself has always been secretive.

Thinking, he sighed again.

It's all just his thoughts after all.Perhaps, Antinam didn't want to condescend to explain the ins and outs of all this to him?Perhaps, his time travel was really just a mistake, a coincidence?

And his short life was nothing in Antinam's eyes.

He fell into deep thought again.

By the time Dorothea and Jules arrived at his office, Sirius' expression had regained his composure and composure.

Whatever the truth was, he always believed that it would come to him with time.

In contrast, how long such a peaceful and comfortable campus life can last, made Celes feel a little worried.

The two apprentices have already pushed the list of books arranged by Siles a lot.Siles looked at their reading notes, the content was very careful and long, and he probably couldn't finish reading it in a short time.

Siles said: "I will feedback your reading notes when we meet next time. This is also my negligence. In the future, you can submit your written reading notes and any other academic confusion or problems on Monday night. Send it together to 6 Hayward Street. If I have time, I will read it before we meet on Thursday."

"Okay, Professor." Both apprentices agreed.

So Siles put the notes aside temporarily and asked them, "Did any problems arise from reading this week?"

Jules shook his head, indicating that he was fine for the time being.

After hesitating for a moment, Dorothea said, "Professor, after I got home, I talked to my elders about what you said to us last week."

Siles was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that this would bring Dorothea's elders into the mix.He asked, "What did your elders say?"

Dorothea thought for a while, and finally said more tactfully: "My elders...mainly my grandfather, he doesn't quite agree with your idea. He feels that although the nature of literature is indeed fictional, it still has to settle down to reality.

"The gods are not just described, but also in turn influence literature."

It can be seen that Dorothea's words may have been whitewashed.It is estimated that her grandfather scolded Sirius, thinking that Sirius misunderstood his son, and maybe he would go to Dorothea to change a mentor.

Siles listened, and finally asked Dorothea, "Did your grandfather approach this question purely from a literary point of view, or from a social point of view?"

Dorothea was troubled for a moment, and said hesitantly: "However, you once said that every era has different literature."

"Yes, I said so." Siles nodded, "but these are two completely different propositions. Literature, as well as any other abstract things such as art, thought, politics, etc., are different from practical The real world is not exactly the same.

"Sometimes, they are so close that some literary works seem to be describing this era; but sometimes they are so far apart that readers feel that the author's thoughts seem to be from the previous era. Or someone from the future.

"To give an example, how similar do you think the works of believers of fallen gods known as 'spiritual pollution' in the Silence Period are to other works of the same era?"

Dorothea was lost in thought.

Jules looked at her, then at Sirius, and said, "Not at all."

"Yes. Completely." Siles said, "And to limit the scope to the category of literature, what do you think determines the difference between these works? Is it the era? Is it the gods?

"These works are from the same era. The gods were falling, or had already fallen, when these works were created."

Dorothea's eyes seemed to be ignited suddenly by something.She said, "It's the author." She paused, "Different eras breed different authors, and different authors write different works."

Siles nodded slightly: "You filled in the gaps in what I said last week."

Are different works produced in different eras?

indeed so.However, there is still a channel and link missing in the middle.

Jules participated in this discussion without bringing his own point of view, but simply asked in confusion: "But, professor, there doesn't seem to be any contradiction between this and Dorothea's grandfather's thinking?"

Dorothea's grandfather believed that the gods in turn influenced literature, and that the gods were indeed part of the times.

If this matter is going to be debated at a deeper level, I am afraid that we have to start from the perspectives of history, culture, society, economy, thought, politics, and so on.Does the development of human civilization depend on itself or on gods?

Siles didn't want to talk about these things.Moreover, unlike the earth, there are indeed gods in this world, which cannot be denied.

In the end, he simply said, "Imagine you have two books in front of you."

Both apprentices froze for a moment, then listened intently.

"One in praise of a god—any god, for example, Atkinya, the god of music and art," said Sirius. "It's a book of hymns in praise of Atkinya."

Dorothea was startled, and then her eyes changed for a moment.

Siles didn't pay attention, and he continued: "The other book is to praise an empire...for example, the Sardinian Empire, and praise it."

The two apprentices nodded, indicating that they understood the two examples of Siles.But they still don't understand why Siles gave these two examples.

Siles said: "Then, my question is, what do you think is the difference in the content of these two books? The same is praise, praise to the gods and praise to the empire, what is the difference?"

Both Dorothea and Jules stood there, thinking carefully.

Siles said almost gently: "This is not a problem that really affects your studies and grades, but maybe you can think about it. We live in this world, and we need to live after all."

Before the two apprentices realized what Sirius meant, he turned to say, "Okay, let's talk about other topics. Let's talk about the topic of your thesis."

The apprentices came back to their senses one after another, and chatted with Siles about the topic of their thesis.

In the process, they also occasionally involve the bibliography in some book lists.Two students gave some feedback, which gave Siles some confidence in the content of the second book list.

After more than an hour, Thursday's meeting with the apprentices came to an end.

However, Sirius looked at Dorothea's worried and thoughtful appearance, and suspected that the elders in her family might not be so easily persuaded by Sirius, and would let it go.

Siles didn't think too much about it -- that was next Thursday.He stood up, moved his hands and feet, stood by the window and stared into the distance.

...and then he was sure that he was really short-sighted.It doesn't interfere with the line of sight that much, of course.This may have something to do with the crazy reading habits of the original Siles Noel, or it may have something to do with the fact that Siles had to stay up late every night to deal with affairs after time travel.

Anyway, he had to get a pair of glasses.

When he was on Earth, he also wore glasses.But Siles had some doubts about the lens polishing technology of this era.

Most likely the uncomfortable pince-nez.Siles thought so.

He was in no rush to deal with it.

In the afternoon, Siles finished a public elective class and gave his book list to the students when the get out of class was over.The students copied Siles' book list with expressions of death.

Siles had a calm face, secretly amused in his heart.But he also felt that it seemed immoral to laugh at this group of students.

After class, other students left the classroom quickly, as if some scourge was chasing them behind.In the end, only Kellogg and Siles were left in the classroom.

Kellogg took out a notebook from his bag, handed it to Siles, and said, "Professor, I found it, the works of wandering poets."

"Thank you, Kellogg," said Siles, "but I may have one more thing to trouble you with."

Kellogg looked at him and said earnestly, "Okay, what is it? I'm glad . . . I can help."

Siles took out the travel book from an explorer's Land of Never Embers that he bought before the start of school from his bag, and handed it to Kellogg: "It's a travel book, and the author is from the Principality of Kansas. I think , can you recommend a suitable translator?"

Kellogg flipped it open, looked at it for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes, the Kansas text."

Siles breathed a sigh of relief.Being able to confirm this point gives us a direction.He felt a little lighter.

"I know a man, also from Kansas, who works as an interpreter," Kellogg said. "He's working at the Folklore Society. It's called, Emmanuel. We international students...what's the matter, will look for him.

"I also asked him for help to find some of these works of wandering poets."

Emmanuel.Folklore Society.

Siles nodded: "I remember. I will also express my thanks to him. Kellogg, have you submitted my club application yet?"

Kellogg nodded hard: "I am very, honored."

Siles smiled.

Kellogg suddenly pointed to the travel book again, trying to hold back two words: "Dangerous."

"Danger?" Sirius was taken aback, "Is it because the content of the travel notes mentioned the danger of the Everland?"

Kellogg looked thoughtful.Her language skills did not seem to be good enough for her to understand what Sirius meant.

Siles said, "I mean, was the author in danger when he was in the Neverland?"

Kellogg nodded: "Yes, he encountered... danger." She added, "Also, this... this... travelogue, danger."

"The travel notes themselves?" Siles thought for a while.

The things mentioned in this travel note are likely to involve other revelators, followers of the old gods, and even the old gods themselves.The pollution of the old gods is likely to permeate the travel notes.

This was already expected by Siles.He had specifically asked Carol before, and Carol's answer made him feel relieved—unrecognized characters would block the pollution of the old gods to some extent.


Siles suddenly thought again, but he didn't see the blue light symbolizing the enlightener on Kellogg's body.He didn't enter the ceremony time today, but he was in the ceremony time last Thursday, and he didn't notice Kellogg's abnormality.

Is Kellogg a revelator?Or, did she perceive the danger of travel notes through other means?Anyway...

"Does such a danger affect you?" asked Siles.

Kellogg shook her head. She seemed to understand what misunderstanding Sirius had had, so she explained again: "The travel notes... hide... secrets. They are clues to... the treasure... map."

She pronounced those three syllables a little vaguely, probably because she doesn't use them very often, so she is not familiar enough.

She continued: "Others will...want it. So, professor, beware, it's dangerous."

Siles suddenly realized.

It's not the mysterious content related to the old gods or revelators in his understanding, but related to the wealth of the land of no embers.There is a danger, of course, that so many people are spying on such wealth.

Treasure Map?

Siles couldn't help being curious.There is actually a treasure map hidden in this travel book?

But he had read this travel book before, and never found a route like a treasure map in it.Perhaps, that is the clue hidden in the text?

Siles said to Kellogg, "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

Kellogg nodded, bid farewell to Siles, and left slowly with his schoolbag in his arms.

Siles stood there thinking for a while, and finally decided to find the translator first.He counted his time.

If Emanuel worked for the Folklore Society, he might be able to visit him on Monday morning, just as he needed to go to the Historical Society on Monday afternoon to learn about his new job.

...By the way, the Folklore Society?

Will Emmanuel have anything to do with Alfonso Carlisle?Kellogg and Alfonso, they won't find the same person in the end, will they?Silas thought to himself.

He packed his things and left the classroom.It was almost 03:30 by this time.Siles originally planned to go to the cafeteria to pack a dinner and go straight back to the dormitory, but when he reached the first floor of the main castle, he suddenly realized that the infirmary of Ramifa University was on the side of the first floor.

Perhaps he could call on Chester Fitzroy now, on the pretense of being short-sighted.

But the embarrassing thing is that the last time he met Chester, they also said that they hoped that the next meeting would not be in the school's infirmary... Sure enough, that was actually a prophecy.

When Siles walked into the infirmary, Chester was sitting behind the table with his head bowed and recording something.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he didn't raise his head, but said gently: "Please wait a moment."

Siles said, "Okay."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and glanced around.

The overall infirmary is about forty to fifty square meters, with all kinds of facilities readily available.A blue cloth curtain covers a small space on the side, presumably a bed for inspection.

On the side of the entrance, there is a table, and behind it are some very complicated instruments.But those instruments are not medical instruments in the modern sense of the earth, but with a bloated and complicated mechanical mechanism.

Siles didn't know what these instruments were used for, but the deep metallic color made him feel subtly uneasy.Perhaps it was because he was used to the cold, clean blue and white in the earth hospital.

On the left wall hangs a pair of eye charts.

Chester finished writing the last line, raised his head, and greeted Siles with a smile: "Professor Noel. I didn't expect to see you in the infirmary."

Siles shook his head and said, "I'll check my eyesight."

Chester didn't think it was strange, stood up, and handed Siles a small shield: "Will it work?"

Siles nodded.

Chester walked over, turned on the backlight of the vision test form, pointed to some symbols for Cilles to recognize, and said, "I found that there are always many nearsighted people on university campuses."

"Of course." Siles recognized it, squinted his eyes almost subconsciously, and then relaxed, ensuring that the result he got was completely true, "We always have to read and's 'up'...and, at the desk Work."

"However, eyesight is very important." Chester said with disapproval, "But now the light at night is always difficult to provide a suitable learning and working environment."

"Indeed." Sirius said in a low voice.

He misses the electric lights of Earth.In this era, there was no electricity.

Chester said: "...Okay. You are indeed short-sighted. It's not very serious, but you have to wear glasses and use your eyes carefully."

This world's judgment standard for myopia is not the same as that of the earth, so Sirius can't measure how serious his myopia is.But he believed what Chester said.

"Would you like a custom pair of glasses?" Chester asked.

"custom made?"

"Yes. Your left and right eyes have different prescriptions, but the finished glasses have the same prescription on both sides," Chester said.

"Then customize it." Siles said, "How much will it cost?"

"You can pay." Chester bowed his head and wrote the text, "It will be deducted from your salary. About 10 duke coins."

Not cheap, Siles thought.

But he finally agreed.

Chester finished a list and said, "You can come to me and get it then."

"Okay." Sirius replied.

Chester said: "I hope the factory can move faster. Of course, it would be great if you can try to avoid reading and writing at night."

Siles looked at him, and said deliberately, "I will. You're such a nice fellow. Mrs. Fern said so."

Chester paused for a moment, and then he smiled gently: "I try to let myself do this." He curled his slightly long hair with his fingers unnaturally.

Siles said, "Is this your principle of doing things?"

Chester thought for a moment, then he sat back and folded his arms around his chest.He looked at Sirius and was about to speak.

At this moment, a voice popped out of Sirius' ear.

[Keeper, Chester Fitzroy (Lamifah University School Doctor) needs a psychological judgment. 】

Siles narrowed his eyes subconsciously.


The last time at the church, Bunyan also triggered a psychological judgment, but that judgment was whether Bunyan could find out that Siles was lying.

However, the timing of the decision this time was that Chester was about to speak.

Siles looked at Chester.This gentle-tempered doctor with slightly curly hair opened his lips slightly, and he was about to say a word in the next second.And his words...

Sirius suddenly woke up.

The same is psychology, this time the judgment is exactly the opposite of Bunyan's one.What will be judged this time is whether Chester's words can convince Sirius.

Siles stared at Chester with a delicate mood, and then threw the dice casually.

[Psychology: 65/55, success. 】

【Chester Fitzroy knows that his words will be believed by Professor Noel, no matter what, the other party doesn't know his secret, does he?Of course, this lie will be exposed sooner or later.However, at least not now. 】

The surrounding frozen pictures suddenly flowed.

Chester said: "I'm more than happy to help people who come to me. I'm a doctor, aren't I?"

He is lying!

Siles thought so.

However, his mouth seemed to move uncontrollably: "You are a noble person, Doctor Chester."

Chester showed a pale and gentle smile.

Siles didn't seem to see any meaning in this smile at all, he bid farewell to Chester on his own, and then walked out of the infirmary.The moment he walked out of the infirmary, Siles suddenly subconsciously took a deep breath, and then walked quickly to the cafeteria according to the original plan.

His heart was full of surprises.

Chester's psychological judgment was successful.At that moment, Siles, who didn't believe in Chester at first, said something completely opposite to his heart.

At the same time, he himself was sane and very clear that it was a force imposed on him that distorted his original intention.Later he ignored something in Chester's smile, and that's why.

However, he knew this.

As Sirius Noel, a professor at Ramifa University, he believed Chester's words.As for He Jiayin, the world's secret keeper, he knew that Chester was lying, and he also knew that the character he "played" believed Chester's words.'s double identity.And his dual identity showed diametrically opposite psychological activities at the same moment.

Siles felt a subtle sense of disobedience.

This feeling of disobedience reached its peak when he couldn't control what he said for a moment.

In other words, Siles Noel could not defy the result of the dice.The dice said that he would believe what Chester said, so he would believe it; however, He Jiayin under the mask of Sirius Noel, he was not restrained by the dice.

He was not altered by the dice to change his will.

Wasn't Celeste Noel also him?

No... wait, wait.He closed his eyes with a headache, feeling that he had complicated everything.

Siles Noel and He Jiayin, these two identities and their essences are different.

Before He Jiayin traveled with the dice to become Siles, Siles Noel was an ordinary researcher.He has no qualifications as a revelator, nor has he encountered any danger in his life.

It was He Jiayin's arrival that changed the nature of Siles Noel.

The three basic attributes in the running group game: physique, spirituality, and will.Physique corresponds to the body, and the latter two can be summarized as the soul for the time being.

In other words, the current him is composed of Sirius' body and He Jiayin's soul.

The result of the dice was irresistible to Sirius' body; however, He Jiayin's soul would not be affected.

However, the question is, what does the result of the dice cast represent?Why was He Jiayin's soul unable to control Sirius' body at that moment?Why even if his soul wasn't affected like his body?

He knew very well that he shouldn't trust Chester, but what he said was completely uncontrollable, as if—he was thinking of the puppet in his dream.


Siles took a deep breath, feeling a little fear and anxiety.He didn't know how much this matter was affected by his status as a time traveler, and he didn't know what this - damn - dice was all about.

He has countless puzzles and questions, but this world full of secrets is unwilling to answer any of them.

...Like Chester.

In the script setting of the running group game, Chester Fitzroy is an ordinary doctor.he

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