The Academy of Literature and History arranged two apprentices for Siles.

In the letter that Siles received yesterday, he had already seen the names of the two apprentices, namely Jules Hans and Dorothea Grant.

Judging from the names alone, they are a man and a woman.

When the two young men came to Siles' office, Siles couldn't help but look at them.

Jules Hans is a pale-skinned young man wearing glasses, with awkward expressions and movements.He seemed to be from an ordinary family, but he looked at Siles with a respectful and innocent look, like a bookworm.

Dorothea Grant was a young girl with a slightly proud air.Wearing a slightly gorgeous long dress, she has a delicate appearance, blond hair and blue eyes, standing beside Jules like a noble lady.

She looked quite young, and looked at Sirius with a kind of scrutiny and suspicion that she thought was well hidden.

Just as Siles thought, there were not enough obedient and perfect students assigned by the academy.

Jules and Dorothea sat on the couch in the office.Jules didn't look used to sitting with young girls, sitting very tense and stiff on the edge of the sofa.

On the contrary, Dorothea was very generous, and before Sirius could speak, she took the initiative to introduce herself: "I am Dorothea Grant, professor. I have already done two lectures at La Mifa University. years of basic education. I know you were my senior before."

Jules also subconsciously followed her words, and also introduced himself: "Professor, good afternoon. My name is... er, Jules Hans. I didn't study at La Mifa University before, it was A research scholar admitted to Ramifah University this year."

Then the office fell into a brief silence.

Jules moved uneasily on the sofa, then looked cautiously at Sirius.

Dorothea's eyes were always looking at Sirius quietly.

Siles was only wearing a white shirt, and his black pupils were calm and indifferent, looking at his two apprentices as well.

After a while, he finally spoke: "Good afternoon, both of you. My name is Celeste Noel, and you may call me Professor Noel. I don't have much time, so about the first semester weekly For coaching time, I'll give you two options.

"The first is from three to five in the afternoon every Tuesday, and the second is from ten to twelve in the morning every Thursday."

Perhaps sensing Siles' indifference, Dorothea cleared her throat and said, "I prefer Thursday, Professor."

Siles was noncommittal and turned to Jules.

Jules looked at Dorothea, then said cautiously, "Thursday morning . . . I have no problem."

Siles smiled slightly and said, "Then we have reached a consensus."

He felt that his two apprentices... were quite interesting.

Siles took a moment to recall the contents of the letter and his previous experience as an apprentice, and then said: "I have made a list of books for you before the start of school, but I want to know about it first. The subject you are currently studying."

It was still Dorothea who spoke first: "I plan to study literature related to specific gods this school year, and the first thing I choose is the god of music and art."

"Atkinya?" Jules answered subconsciously.

Dorothea nodded reservedly.

Siles said: "What literature of Atkinia are you going to study?"

Dorothea said: "Changes in hymn form before and after his fall."

Siles looked at Dorothea in a little surprise: "This is a very detailed subject. Have you found enough information?"

Dorothea nodded, and said, "However, Professor, compared to the problem of hymn style, I am more confused about what kind of god Atkinya is."

"Don't put too much curiosity on the gods." Siles first warned, and then said, "I will give you a list of books and related papers."

Dorothea immediately said, "Thank you."

Changes in hymn style.Siles thought.This is a topic that is not academic enough, but enough "faith".Dorothea seems to be very interested in the relationship between gods and believers?

The curiosity in Siles' heart disappeared for a moment, and he turned to look at Jules.

Jules has been muttering nervously to himself.When he noticed Sirius' gaze, he sat up straight suddenly, and then stammered: "Teacher, professor... I, I am also studying a certain... er, god-related literature."


Jules said slightly dejectedly, "Antinam."

"...Antinam?" Siles was taken aback, "Your major is the literature of the Middle Ages?"

Jules nodded.

Siles thought with a headache, it's too bad, his major is Silent Literature.Did the Academy cram two troublesome apprentices onto his side?

Siles knew that this was very possible.

And there are more troubles waiting for him.Such as professor clubs, such as student societies.

...University professor is really a job that looks respectable, but is actually a lot of trouble.

The exclamation in Siles's heart was fleeting, and he continued to ask: "Which issue do you specifically study?"

Jules said, with a hint of trepidation, "I plan to study Antinum-related literature throughout my apprenticeship." He looked at Sirius to make sure that his mentor had not changed his attitude.

Then he went on to say: "The first year is to study the 'human' part of the literature related to Anti-Nam. Because... you know, there are many elements related to human civilization that rarely appear in the literature related to this god .”

Siles suddenly realized why the academy sent this young man to him.If it is a completely irrelevant topic, it will be difficult for him to give targeted opinions.

But in fact, the literature related to the god Antinam will definitely involve the writings related to the fallen gods in the Silent Period.The differences, evolutions, and similarities between them are all worthy of study.

Siles knew that many scholars would regard the Silent Age and the Mist Age as two eras worthy of comparison.Even, many historians have different ideas about whether it is necessary to separate the Silence Period and the Fog Period separately.

The beginning of the Silent Age is the death of a god; the beginning of the Mist Age is the birth of a god.

Many believe that the Age of Silence is nothing but an extension of the Age of Shadows; the Age of Mists is nothing more than an extension of the Age of Silence.They—perhaps in a sense, are still in the Shadow Age.

But people tend to divide the years close to them in detail and clearly.

The older the era, the longer the years.

It is said that the Age of the Birth of God and the Age of Faith are each nearly ten thousand years long, the Empire Age is nearly 5000 years, and the Shadow Age is more than a thousand years; and the most recent Silent Era and Mist Era are only a few hundred years old, and the sum of them is not as good as The last shadow era.

Siles fell into a brief silence, then nodded, and said, "I see, I will also make a list of books for you. I will give it to you this Thursday."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Although you are already considered research scholars and can conduct research courses independently, I know that you also need to attend classes and complete homework, so I will not set too many academic requirements for you.

"My request is: Submit a thesis every semester, select your own research topics according to your own research topics, read the book list I assigned, and submit your post-reading reflections."

Dorothea asked: "Professor, is there any requirement for the format of the post-reading report?"

"Academic monographs should be no less than [-] words, and papers should be no less than [-] words." Siles said.He informed his apprentices according to the standard that Professor Brett had given him to arrange the post-reading testimonials.

Dorothea and Jules nodded simultaneously.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say." Siles suddenly recalled Lorenzo's exhortation before, "About my teaching assistant."

Dorothea, who was a student of La Mifa University before, froze slightly, while Jules looked at them with a little confusion.

Siles said: "Because I just joined the University of Ramifa this year, there is no suitable teaching assistant assigned to me for the time being, so I need you to be my teaching assistant. You will receive the college's teaching assistant subsidy, which I remember is [-] dukes a month currency, and free accommodation.

"And all you need to do is to help me correct my homework, occasionally help me with a class, and share some teaching tasks. The teaching assistants of the college have the priority to get the opportunity to stay in school to teach. You should have heard of this. "

Overall, the perks are not bad.Of course, there are many things.

Jules nodded without thinking: "Of course, I am honored, Professor Noel."

Dorothea's expression looked a bit reluctant, but in the end she nodded and smiled as if she had figured it out: "I am also very honored, Professor."

As a result, Siles was pleased with two teaching assistants.

He said, "That's all for today. We'll get down to business on Thursday, and I'll bring the TA application for you to fill out. You can go."

Jules and Dorothea said goodbye to Sirius politely, and then left one after another.

Siles breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the meeting with the apprentices went well.Although Dorothea was a slightly proud student, Jules kind of neutralized this feeling, although he may be a little too far to the other extreme...

Siles shook his head, thinking that everyone has advantages and disadvantages.Dorothea, on the other hand, is aggressive and Jules is conscientious.This is not necessarily a bad thing.

He stayed in the office for a while.Because it was late for lunch, he is not hungry now.The public elective class in the evening is from 08:30 to [-]:[-], which is still early.

Siles stood up and was about to move around, when he heard a knock on the door, and then Professor Bright walked in.

"Professor Bright." Siles looked at him with some surprise.

Professor Bright walked into the office with a smile and asked, "Good afternoon, Sirius. How do you feel about the first class?"

"It's okay. I just think the students are a little afraid of me." Siles didn't hide his emotions in front of his tutor, "Am I acting too cold?"

"Don't worry, Sirius. Students are always like this, and of course a strange teacher can scare them."

Siles thought dubiously, perhaps it is so?

Before he could come up with a trick, he heard Professor Bright change the subject very cleverly: "But this is not the purpose of my coming to you today. The academy asked me to inform you about something."

Siles looked at him hesitantly.

Professor Bright patted him on the shoulder: "Young people should always take on more responsibilities. Such as clubs and societies."

Siles: "..."

Lorenzo, the crow's mouth!

Probably seeing some of Siles's emotions, Professor Bright said: "Don't worry, Sires. The college treats new professors well-the club will have activity funds, and the club's instructors will also have a considerable part of it. subsidy."

Siles breathed a sigh of relief.He said with some distress: "I feel that the job of a university not easy."

"Of course." Professor Bright withdrew his usual relaxed attitude and said earnestly, "In this era, it is not easy for people to do anything. Hard work and sweat are the only things we can give."

Siles said seriously: "I understand, Professor."

He couldn't confess his identity as a revealer to Professor Bright because of the agreement he had signed with the Historical Society.Therefore, he did not intend to refute the possible subtle accusations in Professor Bright's tone.

He earnestly followed Professor Bright's instructions, and then asked, "Professor, clubs and societies, what are you going to do specifically?"

Professor Bright shook his head and sighed: "Your admission was indeed too hasty. Actually, I have already talked about these things with Professor Kabell's teaching assistant before, but it's a pity..."

He did not delve deeply into the topic.

"That's right, Sirius, you have joined my club before, so you shouldn't be confused about the activities of the teaching club?" Professor Bright asked first.

Siles said: "Yes, I understand that the club is mainly for deeper exploration of professional content, like an interest group formed by a professor."

"That's enough!" Professor Bright said complacently, "Afterwards, you only need to fill out a few forms, and then disclose the conditions for joining your club to the whole school, or to some students, and then screen to pick out the conditions for joining your club. Twenty students will do.

"These preparations need to be completed in August. By September, the club will start its official activities. You can carry out the activities of the club according to your own ideas and wishes.

"The club's time is about the same, so starting from September, your schedule will probably become more and more busy."

He said, and handed the folder he carried with him to Siles: "This is the form you need to fill out." As he spoke, Professor Bright complained again, "If it wasn't for Professor Aitley being called to ask Things, these tedious tasks are not my turn."

"You are my mentor." Siles took the folder and said, "Although I have already graduated."

Professor Bright blinked before showing a smile: "Indeed, Sirius. You are the student I am most proud of."

Siles opened the folder and had a look, feeling troubled by the number of forms—what's going on, are the administrative procedures in Fisher's world so large and complicated?

Professor Bright generously shared his experience in filling out the form: "Skip everything if you don't have to, just choose a classroom you like for the activity venue, write the name of the club as you like, activity fill in 100 Duke coins Just monthly."

"100 pieces?" Siles was startled subconsciously, "Can this pass?"

As a newly hired professor, his monthly salary is only 50 duke coins.

Professor Bright gave him a look: "It depends on the recent budget of the college. However, it is better to fill in a higher number than a lower number. I know a professor who directly filled in 1000."

Siles: "..."

The defrauding of funds by the University of the Other World is so simple and rude.

Siles sighed and wrote 100 neatly on the form.

Then he filled in all the forms according to Professor Bright's guidance.The name of his club is arbitrarily named the Noel Literary Club, though that could be changed at any time, according to Bright.

Siles didn't care much about that either.

Then Professor Brett took out another stack of forms from the folder: "This is the information about the advisor of the student association. The students have already filled out all the necessary forms. You just need to sign your name."

Siles glanced at the club's name, couldn't help but startled, and said, "What club is this?"

"A Chronicle of Suffering".

...What is this for?

Professor Bright recalled it for a while, and then said: "This seems to be a society that I applied for this year, so I need to temporarily assign an instructor. The specific research content, uh..."

He glanced at the form, then pointed to one of the places: "Here, write it."

Siles looked over.

"This association aims to study the descriptions and related records related to suffering, asceticism, and self-restraint in literary works from the Birth of God to the Empire, and try to summarize the different ways in which early believers practiced their faith."

Siles thought about this statement carefully, and then asked with some surprise: "They want to study Blancaney?"

The god of asceticism and silence, the lonely white shadow, Brown Carney.

This is a very mysterious god, just like his deity "Lonely White Shadow", in the entire silent period, no one knows when he disappeared.He fell into nothingness.

However, before his fall, there were indeed many records about this god, because all of his followers were rare pious believers, and they all carried out Blancaney's pious, ascetic, silent, and low-key style from behavior to concept.

Because of this characteristic, Brancarney and his followers have gained excellent reputation among the researchers of the Middle Ages of Mist.They restrain themselves, devote themselves to self-cultivation, and never provoke right and wrong.

Broncani is also rare, and there is no record of clearly helping or influencing an empire in the Imperial Chronicle.

"Maybe." Professor Bright replied uncertainly, "However, if they want to study Brown Carney, they can write it here directly. Perhaps, they will also study some other gods who may exist. record of penance."

Siles nodded too.

He became a little interested in this society.Are the students among them also accustomed to introspection, calm and introverted?

Siles preferred this type of student.

He signed his name on the documents one by one.

Afterwards, Professor Bright put away the large stack of forms and said, "I have to hand these over to Professor Aitley."

Professor Aitley is a highly respected old professor in charge of administration in the Academy of Arts and History.He was getting old, so he retired from the teaching line, but he still stayed in the courtyard.

Siles said, "Why don't I give it to Professor Aitley?"

Professor Bright felt relieved and handed the folder to Siles.

Siles asked casually, "Where did Professor Aitley go?"

"I don't know either. He was going to look for you just now, but he was called away by a group of people temporarily. It seems to be to investigate something." Professor Bright said, "That's why he asked me to bring you this folder."

Siles was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Could it be related to Professor Kabell's disappearance?"

"That crazy old man Kabell is missing?" Professor Bright was extremely surprised.

"That's what I've heard. It could be that investigators are here to ask for some information," Siles said.

Professor Bright sighed, and then said: "Let him study those weird things, ha."

Siles asked: "I'm a little curious, Professor. What did Professor Kabell study? I still have many of his manuscripts and materials here."

Professor Bright hesitated obviously, and in the end probably considered that Siles is not his student now, but a professor who can conduct research independently, so he still made a few points: "He is madly pursuing the meaning of books. Original manuscripts and first editions.”

Siles was stunned, and asked with a little doubt: "The original manuscript and the first edition?"

"Yes. The author's manuscript, the first edition of the publisher... In short, it is the original appearance of a literary work." Professor Bright said, "He believes that these versions are more in line with the author's thinking when creating, and better reflect the original literature. charm."

Siles was a little troubled.

From the perspective of literary research, things like first editions and manuscripts are valuable for collection but not of great research value.Different revised editions are of course another matter, but why does Professor Kabel pursue the original appearance of the work so frantically?

Siles thought again, if Professor Kabell is the revealer, then his disappearance is another matter.

However, judging from the reactions of the church in the past, it seems that Professor Kabell is not on the list of the Historical Society, otherwise they should be able to immediately realize that there may be some dangerous time in Professor Kabel's office.

Now the Church of the Past is only treating the disappearance of Professor Kabell as a "disappearance case of an ordinary person connected with an out-of-control time track".

Is the truth of the matter just like this?Could it be that Professor Cabell really just stumbled upon an out-of-control time track by accident?

... No, wait.Silas suddenly thought.It wasn't the out-of-control timing that made him suspect Professor Kabell at first, but the manuscript he got from the office.

One manuscript gave Siles two points of spirituality.This was the first thing that made him feel so incredible.

Now, that manuscript is still pressed in the bottom drawer of Siles' dormitory, and no one knows about it.

Professor Cabell is chasing the original form of the book... So, has he got an original or manuscript of a book that is old enough and dangerous enough?When did he get it?from where?

Is the disappearance of his teaching assistant also related to this incident?

A series of thoughts flashed through Sirius' mind.

In the end, he just thought that perhaps the most dangerous situation should be that Professor Kabel has the qualifications of a revelator, but he has never received any knowledge related to a revelator.

Therefore, even if he came into contact with the time track, he never knew what kind of danger he was facing.

Siles sighed slightly inwardly.

He told Professor Bright that he went to the Sunday Church for help at noon today. He didn't say anything about the out-of-control timing, but just because of the dangerous statue of a woman's head and that strange attraction, he made Professor Bright Professor Wright was also taken aback.

Professor Bright said angrily: "Damn Kabell! Such a dangerous thing is left behind!"

Siles observed his expression and confirmed that Professor Bright didn't know the existence of the Revelator at all, but he seemed to know that there was some kind of danger in this world.

...In other words, the extraordinary power of this world is indeed semi-public, but ordinary people cannot get in touch with more in-depth secrets and knowledge.

This made Siles feel a little relieved, and felt that he didn't have to worry about it every day, for fear that he would be discovered as the revealer.

Professor Bright scolded Professor Kabell, and then he calmed down.He patted Siles on the shoulder and said, "It's over, and the church people must have taken care of everything."

Siles thought of the necklace... For a moment, he felt that there was something wrong with Professor Brett's words.

He didn't show it, just said, "Thank you, Professor."

Professor Bright laughed and said, "Ciles, let's go, let's go to dinner together. Forget about those troubles."

Siles nodded, and said: "By the way, professor, I still have a lot of manuscripts and materials left by Professor Kabell. If those investigators really came for his affairs, I have to... "

"That's not allowed." Professor Bright shook his head unexpectedly, "That's the research result of the college. At most, they can only make a copy, and it is impossible to take it away intact."

Siles was a little surprised to hear this solution.

Professor Bright looked at the door, and then lowered his voice: "Actually, this kind of thing happened before. Some ancient books that we studied well were suddenly taken away by some people, leaving only the manuscripts.

"The library has a lot of opinions on this matter, and has protested to the principality government many times, but has not received any feedback."

Siles thought to himself, that might be some dangerous times.

He felt a little ironic, and also felt a chilling sense of danger.Perhaps, the former Siles Noel touched those ancient and old books with his own hands, but he never knew that he almost touched the power of time.

Siles was silent for a moment, and then said to Professor Bright: "I see, Professor. Maybe I should wait for the investigators to come to the door. Professor Aitley should bring them here."

Professor Bright nodded, and said, "In this case, I won't have dinner with you. You can wait here for them to come. Maybe they will come here after a while."

After Professor Brett left, Siles looked at the time and found that it was nearly five o'clock. He couldn't help but sigh that the passage of time was hard to detect.

He stood by the window.The sun is still shining brightly.The sun of this world is not the same as the sun of the earth, but unexpectedly points to the same meaning of the word: light.

It is true that this world once had a god related to the stars, that is the god of stars and light, the shining lamp in the sky, Lusimi.

However, this god had already fallen at a certain point in the Silent Era.

Countless gods fell during the Silent Era.That kind of fall and the impact of the fall are so devastating that people can't react at all.Siles couldn't imagine how humans in that era faced this situation.

He thought, maybe—at that time, the weak human beings simply faced such a situation numbly and calmly.

Or... He suddenly thought that there was an enlightener in the period of fog, so did such extraordinary power also exist in the previous era?Did the gods give their power to their followers?

This is also a difficult question to verify.

Siles shook his head, throwing out all his thoughts.

After a while, the fourth group of visitors this Tuesday came to the office.

The leader was Professor Aitley, a gray-haired, but still hale and hearty old man in his late seventies.Wearing a gray robe, he introduced the three people behind him to Siles.

They were two men and one woman, both about 30 years old, with the calmness, calmness and tolerance that belonged to the church in the past that Siles was already a little familiar with in their eyes.

They greeted Siles, and then, as Siles thought, asked about Professor Kabell's relevant information.As far as Siles was a professor and a former student, he actually didn't have much contact with Professor Kabell.

However, Siles still talked about how he went to the Church of the Past to ask for help today.He noticed that the expressions of the three people in front of him immediately became serious.

"Who handled this for you?"

Siles replied calmly, "Miss Katherine Kinsey."

He didn't reveal that he was the revealer, after all there was Professor Aitley.If Professor Aitley is not around, then he may take the initiative to ask some more secret things, such as how far the investigation of this case is now.

But...forget it.

You are just getting started.Siles carefully warned himself in his heart.

The three members of the church in the past recorded this name, and it is estimated that they will ask Catherine some related questions later.

Siles glanced at Professor Aitley, who had been standing aside with a serious expression, and said, "I still have some materials left by Professor Kabell, do you need them?"

"Need, but not necessarily valuable." One of them shook his head, "I'm afraid Kabell won't keep those secret materials in the office."

Siles was slightly taken aback, and from this sentence, he could hear some subtle vigilance and vigilance towards Ka BeiEr.

...What exactly did Professor Cabell do?

Siles thought he was suffering from bad luck, but why did the tone of the investigator sound like Professor Kabell asking for trouble?

Siles quietly concealed his surprise and uneasiness.

Later, under the witness of Professor Aitley, the three investigators browsed through the documents left by Professor Kabell one by one.Finally, they shook their heads: "I didn't find any important information."

They browse quickly and don't seem to care much about what's on the page.Perhaps they are in ritual time, investigating using the methods of the Revelators?

Siles didn't know why, and kept silent all the time.

The process of browsing took most of the time, but the three of them kindly put the materials back into the low cabinet.

Siles thought for a while and said, "There are still some materials left by Professor Kabell in my dormitory. There is a manuscript... Maybe you need to check it?"

One said politely and friendlyly: "It's getting late, Professor. I know you have classes tonight." He glanced at Professor Aitley, indicating that he got the information from here, "If you are free in the future If so, you can take those materials to the Church of the Past."

He introduced himself as Donimick Milner.

"Just tell me my name when the time comes." Dominique said, he is a slightly dark-skinned man who looks like he loves outdoor sports, "but if you don't have time, don't worry about it. Card I'm afraid Bell will not leave important information in the office."

Siles thought of the manuscript that boosted his spirituality by two points in one breath... and fell into a subtle silence.

Then he realized that Dominique had mentioned the news that "Kabell will not keep important materials in the office" for the second time.

What he said seemed to be saying that they had already discovered the important documents hidden by Kabell in other places, so they felt that there was no need to investigate here in the office, and it was just a formality.

It occurred to Siles that Mrs. Catherine Kinsey had told him earlier that the police had found an out-of-control timeline in Cabell's home.I'm afraid the church has already gone to his home to investigate in the past, and found some important information...?

It could be other places too.

Anyway, Siles breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Okay, I understand."

He still planned to take that manuscript to the Church of the Past, and it happened that he was going to attend a class at the History Society tomorrow afternoon.It happened to be on the way.

When the manuscript was kept with him for a day, he felt uneasy, and always felt that his spirituality would sneak up a little bit again at some point.

That's too bad.

The three investigators bid farewell one by one.Before Professor Aitley left, Siles handed him the completed form folder.

Professor Aitley, who has always been serious, smiled slightly and said, "You are a young man who just became a professor this year. The future belongs to you. Come on."

There was a little hope in his words, and he was approachable, which was different from Professor Aitley in Sirius' impression.

Siles was slightly taken aback, then thanked him.

Then, he mentioned one thing: "By the way, Professor Aitley, I want to get two teaching assistant application forms."

Professor Aitley nodded: "Come with me."

Professor Aitley's office is also on the fourth floor.Siles went to his office to get two teaching assistant application forms, then said goodbye to Professor Aitley and returned to the office.

Looking at the empty office, Siles finally felt that his troubles of the day were resolved... No, there is still the public elective class in the evening.

He checked the time and saw that it was already 45:[-].He didn't have time to go to dinner at all, and his mind was full of things like the out-of-control time track, the missing Professor Kabell, apprentices, clubs, and societies.

How can this go to class.

Siles shook his head, sat on the chair and closed his eyes for a moment, gradually calming down his mind.He flipped through the lesson plans for the last time, confirmed the content of tonight's class, then got up, put on his vest and suit jacket - it was almost six o'clock, and the weather was not so hot anymore.

When he left the office and walked to the public elective classroom on the third floor, his mind gradually calmed down, focusing on today's class, and no longer thinking about other things.

He appeared at the door of the classroom at 55:[-].

This handsome, restrained, calm and indifferent young professor looked at the noisy students in the classroom with his calm and deep eyes.

After about ten seconds, the classroom was silent.

Siles was troubled by the intimidating power of his gaze, but he remembered that Professor Bright said it was normal, so he relaxed, maintained his expression and gaze, and calmly walked to the podium.

The classroom, which can accommodate a hundred people, is much wider than the morning classroom for elective courses.Standing on the podium, Siles felt a little speechless for a moment when he saw the dense crowd of students.

He finally calmed down in a short time, from the file

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