The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 24 Incomplete Time Track

It was Brewer Darrow.

He was surprised to see that Siles was already in room 666, and greeted him after walking in: "Good afternoon. You came early enough."

"good afternoon."

Brewer seemed to want to say something, but Siles' cold, expressionless face, coupled with his status as a professor at Siles University, made him a little embarrassed.

However, it is too strange for two people to be in the same room so awkwardly.

So in the end Brewer still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "I... had a private appointment with my fiancée yesterday."

Siles looked at him in surprise, and then said, "Have you listened to Mrs. Fuller's advice?"

"Yes." Brewer was a little nervous, but he couldn't help his desire to tell, "She is a very beautiful young girl, very, very... very suitable for me..."

Siles smiled slightly: "Congratulations."

Brewer looked at him and couldn't help but said, "Professor, have you ever had this feeling? It's just... the moment you see someone for the first time, you feel that your soul has been captured by the other person."

Siles was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head slowly.

Brewer murmured, "That's really amazing...magical...reminds me of the story of believers meeting gods."

"Believers meet the gods?"

Brewer froze for a moment, then said, "Oh... that's... that's an old story in our family."

Siles asked curiously: "Can you tell me? If it's inconvenient..."

"Of course, Professor."

It seems that the identity of Professor Siles has indeed given him some help in many cases.Siles thought of what Knight Commander Bunyan said before, if there is any need for help in research, you can also ask him.

Brewer seemed to recall it for a while, and then said: "My family didn't originally belong to the Principality of Const, and came here after the Age of Fog. At that time, part of the fog dissipated, so my family decided to Go out and look for opportunities.

"After the fog dissipated, the Principality of Constance was exposed, and it was caught off guard by other countries' siege. My family helped the Principality of Constance under such circumstances, and was honored as honorable."

His tone was very proud, and he looked very valued and proud of the family's glorious past.

Brewer paused for a moment, the thick arrogance on his face dissipated, and then he said: "That happened nearly 400 years ago. In fact, our family actually had a genealogy before we came to the Duchy of Constance and files, information, etc.

"In one of the family notes, it is mentioned that the seniors of the family once got one... I don't know how to describe it, it should be a manuscript? It is a small booklet with pictures and text descriptions, probably the believers who talked about it. Meeting the gods, the emotions are very excited and so on."

Siles listened breathlessly. He asked, "What does that picture look like? Have you ever seen it?"

"No." Brewer shook his head, "That booklet was lost long ago during our migration, but it was only mentioned in the family records.

"I remember...well, the records say, a kneeling little figure, and some...chaotic lines drawn high in the sky. Like something hidden in a dark cloud."

Chaotic lines in the sky.Something hiding in the clouds.

Siles was stunned, and immediately thought of the painter's painting he saw in Atherton Square not long ago.It is also the darkness and dark clouds high in the sky, and there seems to be something hidden in the darkness.

Siles frowned for a moment.

Probably because Siles' expression was too serious and dignified, Brewer said disapprovingly: "Professor, that was all 400 years ago. If you want me to say, that pamphlet may be something earlier, it must be It's useless."

Siles took a slight breath, not sure if it was because of Brewer's expression, which was similar to that of a big bear child, or because of his indifferent tone.

He said, "Brewer, we are revelators."

Brewer was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed subtly: "You mean... that is, the time track?" He swallowed subconsciously, "That painting? The time track related to the gods?"

Siles nodded and shook his head again. He was about to explain what he said when a few more people walked in, so Siles didn't say much.

But what he said before seemed to have had a huge impact on Brewer. He sat on the sofa in a trance, and it seemed that he didn't even remember that he came so early to talk about his fiancée.

Sure enough, until Carol arrived, the shocked Brewer failed to mention to Mrs. Fuller that he had met his fiancée.

When Carol pushed the door and came in, he habitually showed that kind of cheerful smile.He said, "Okay, dear revelators, today you will learn about the second ritual, and some theoretical knowledge.

"From now on, our course progress will be accelerated, and we will strive to let you complete the entry stage as soon as possible and become a real enlightener."

He dispensed the potions first, then the time rails.

This time the track looks like something cut out of some kind of metal work, the edges have been sanded down to a smooth finish.One side is smooth, and the other side has some delicate textures, but the whole is still very simple and heavy metal.

Siles played with it, then whispered, "Shield?"

Carol didn't explain it yet, but when he heard the word Siles, he immediately cast a surprised look: "How did you see that?"

Everyone looked at Siles.

Siles was slightly taken aback, and then explained: "The first ceremony is used to get started, and the second ceremony should be more practical. The enlightener should encounter some dangers, so it is likely to be about protection, avoidance, etc. ceremony.

"And the shape of this small piece of metal, these patterns, are somewhat similar to a shield."

Carol was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but praise: "You are really very sharp."

Siles shook his head and said modestly, "It's just that I'm used to thinking more."

Carol didn't get too entangled in this matter, and soon he explained: "This is part of the knight's shield from the Church Knights. They were used in combat, then scrapped, and finally collected by us to become The timing of the ceremony."

Knights of the Church of the Past.Siles thought.

Apart from the army and police force of the Principality of Constance, the Knights of the Church are also the legal violence machine of this country.

The former two are usually responsible for dealing with "ordinary" events, while the latter, in addition to dealing with matters related to gods and beliefs, may also deal with "abnormal" events, as Carroll said in the first class.

…Perhaps the Historical Society is also a branch of the Church?A little more secular.

While Siles was thinking, Carol said with a smile: "There may be Knight Commander Banyan among these shields, but they are all mixed together and cannot be identified. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to get the old Banyan Blessed by the strength of Knight Commander Yang."

The revealers couldn't help but marvel.

Knight Commander Bunyan—that young and handsome knight, was admired by many residents in the city, especially girls, because of his pious belief, outstanding appearance, and high skill.

Siles glanced at Miss Angela Clayton's thin white fingers, gently stroking the shield fragments in her hand.

Hmm... Siles began to think seriously about a question: How about letting the hero of his novel be based on Bunyan?I don't know if Knight Commander Bunyan would mind this matter.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Carol coughed twice. "The name of this ceremony is [Invisible Shield]. The attack that appeared."

He suddenly looked at Siles, and with a somewhat unclear tone, he emphasized: "The ability of this ceremony is limited to the appearance of an invisible shield in front of you. It is impossible for the shield to change its position, and it is impossible Resist too violent attack.

"These two points are the flaws of this ritual."

He seemed to have said this specifically to Sirius.

Siles nodded calmly on the surface, feeling a little helpless in his heart... In order to hide some secrets, he seems to have really fixed his image on a serious research obsession.

...Forget it, it can't be said to be a bad thing.

Carroll added: "The ritual release is also very simple, just tap your knuckles on the front side of the shield fragment - the textured side.

"Of course, the specific location and strength will affect the fit of the ceremony, but generally speaking, this ceremony will not fail."

These words made Siles stare at Carol questioningly.

Carroll paused, and finally explained the reason: "Because we know that these shields will eventually become the [Invisible Shield]'s timing track, so we specially ask the knights to hold the shields before dividing, and then let others attack Everywhere on this shield.

"Of course, this is also part of the daily training of the knights. It kills two birds with one stone."

Siles suddenly realized.

There was a strange feeling in his heart.

Because something can be used as a time track, it can reproduce the power from the past, so people can specially prepare for it in the past time?

This world, because of the magical power of the revealer, seems to have a subtle sense of cycle and reincarnation in time.The past will reappear, and the future already exists.

This is really...

The people on Earth quickly had a brain hole - what if he specially made a time track for use by his future self?

During the subsequent practice, Siles was always thinking about the feasibility of this approach.

He casually tapped the shield fragment with his knuckles, and then felt the blue light flow and sway from his fingertips again, enveloping the small piece of metal.

Then, the blue light suddenly spread out, forming a majestic half-human-high shield made of blue light about forty centimeters in front of him.

Siles: "..."

Isn't it invisible?

He frowned slightly, then let go.

It is a good thing that the invisible shield becomes tangible.If he really encounters a battle in the future, he can directly see the size and shape of the shield, and naturally he can flexibly adjust his position to catch him by surprise.

Siles barely suppressed the subtle emotions in his heart.

He took out the fit scale from his pocket, and not surprisingly found that his fit for this ceremony was still a 10.

If every ritual is 10, it means that he doesn't need to consider the success rate and intensity of his own ritual, each ritual is released in the most suitable and powerful way.

...OK, this is indeed a good thing.

As Siles was thinking, Carol walked over.He looked in front of Siles, and then stretched out his hand, feeling that his palm was blocked by an invisible shield, then nodded in satisfaction, and praised: "You are really a genius."

Siles hesitated for a moment, not wishing to be found out about his strangeness in this regard.

So he asked, "Carol, I have a question for you."

Carol: "..."

He doesn't want to hear it!

But Carol finally listened to Sirius' question.

"Making time tracks in advance to prepare for your future self?" Carol pondered for a moment, "This is a difficult...a question of exact practice."

Sirius listened to him.

Carol said with a bit of a headache: "Cilles... The problem is that we can't predict the future, and it's impossible to prepare for something in the future at any time."

Siles was slightly taken aback, and said in a low voice, "That's right."

Carol looked at this young scholar who always had fantastic ideas, thought for a while, and encouraged him: "However, this is indeed a line of thought. Uh... it may violate the concepts of some enlighteners. "

Siles asked, "What idea?"

"There are some enlighteners who believe that the older the time track, the more powerful it is," Carroll said, "so you want the idea of ​​... uh, 'making' the time track for the future in a short period of time , may not be in line with their ideas."


"Yes." Carol was always cheerful, but he couldn't help sighing at this time, "They are all old people with high positions in the Historical Society."

Siles suddenly thought of the conflict between Grenfell and his teacher, Joseph Morton, the vice president of the Historical Society.

In fact, he didn't have a clear understanding of the problems between them, but judging from Carroll's attitude, it seems that there are indeed... schools of thought in the Historical Society.

Siles didn't ask any more questions, and Carol just shook his head to himself and didn't continue talking.He said: "I think you can indeed go to the Research Department. They will welcome you."

Siles did not answer the question directly.

Carol didn't care either.At this time, Siles is still a new enlightener, and even though he has many wonderful ideas, he still only stays at the stage of "thinking".

Carol then went on to mentor others.

After everyone successfully released the [Invisible Shield] and had a good degree of ritual fit, Carol called them back to the sofa in the center of the room and mentioned another question.

"Just now, I mentioned that the shield fragments in your hands are all knight shields from the Knights of the Church. I want to ask you a question: What do you think is the difference between the shields released by the ceremony and the shields of the Knights of the Church? , is there any difference?"

The young Darrell Hobbs happily replied: "It's not as powerful as the shield of the church knights! I just tried it, and if I hit the wall hard, as long as I press it hard with my whole body, the invisible shield will shatter! "

"That's right." Carol nodded, then gave Darrell a strange look.

Why would Darrell, a young boy, know about the shield powers of the church knights?

Seeing that everyone else was looking at him, Darrell scratched his hair subconsciously, and then coughed: "My brother is a knight of the Church Knights! He belongs to the team of Knight Commander Bunyan!"

The rest of the people immediately cast strange glances at him.

Angela seemed more interested in pulling him to chat about Knight Commander Bunyan.

Carol coughed and loudly told them to take their minds back.Then he said: "Now that everyone understands this, can anyone guess why this happened?"

The completeness of the time track.Siles thought.

They looked at each other, and finally Mrs. Fuller said: "Because, our time track is a fragment of the shield? The power of the fragments cannot be equal to the power of the complete shield after all."

"That's right!" Carol praised repeatedly, and he really thought that the six enlighteners in this group were excellent. "This is an issue we want to mention today, the integrity of the time track."

The rest listened carefully.

"Remember the example I mentioned last Monday when I mentioned the Revelator? If you get the murder weapon of a murderer 300 years ago, then you can use the power of this murderer."

Angela said subconsciously: "Can a complete time track exert more powerful power?"

"Of course! If you are holding a real knight's shield at this moment, and then you start the ceremony, you can get your own power plus the power of the knight in the past. The two superimposed, the explosive power and the defense of course. Even more brilliant.

"However, for the sake of convenience, we usually carry such shield fragments with us."

Everyone nodded.

The integrity of the timeline will affect the final power of the ritual.Very easy to understand.They just got fragments of the shield, and in a sense, they just put such fragments in front of themselves, hoping that this little metal will do something.

"However," Siles said suddenly, "You also mentioned Knight Commander Banyan before. If we get the shield fragment of Knight Commander Banyan, the power that can be exerted will be correspondingly stronger, right?"

Carol replied, "You're right. The past masters of the timeline must also determine the power of the ritual."

Eric Collens couldn't help sighing: "There are really many influencing factors."

Three elements in three dimensions.But in practice, there are more variables that need to be taken into consideration.Siles was thinking the same.

He thought again of the question he had asked at the Grenfell Antique Bookstore: Don't there be any ranks of revelators?Why are their powers so haphazard?

But he also thought that from what Carol had revealed intentionally or unintentionally, the power of the Revelator obviously had something to do with Antinam.

And Antinam only appeared 400 years ago.

The Enlightenment has only been around for a few hundred years, and it is still a semi-public secret profession, so it seems completely understandable that it is not systematic.Because they are still in the process of exploring and sorting out.

Siles took a deep breath, convinced by the reason he thought of.

Soon, Carroll closed the topic back: "How to judge the integrity of the time track is also something we need to do, but this matter cannot rely on external things, we can only rely on our own experience and knowledge of past history. Understand, and, common sense."

"common sense?"

"Yes. Like your shield fragments, common sense tells you that it's incomplete, right?"

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Carol clapped his hands and said: "The completeness of the time track requires you to understand and judge in the future practice process, which is a process that accumulates over time.

"In the end, if you are familiar enough with the power of time, you can even confirm whether it is a time track or a complete time track the first time you discover something. And this requires years of research and practice.

"That's the content of today's lesson. You can continue to try the [Invisible Shield] ritual, or [Flowing Wind]."

Carol took out a handful of leaves from his pocket: "I picked this up on the way here. It's different from the previous leaves. You can re-train your ritual fit."

He distributed the leaves.

Then, he said: "Now, we have discussed the two dimensions of timing and ritual. Of course, I know that you will have many questions and doubts, but at least we have almost completed the process of getting started.

"On Wednesday we will discuss the issue of potions... yes, potions. This is a complicated subject, and it will take a long enough time to get started."

Carol seemed to be in a hurry. He glanced at the clock in the room and said, "There's still a little time, so I'll just say a few more words. Usually, revelators end up taking different paths.

"Potions, timing, rituals, and what I have always said to Siles, research, that is, the path of academic theory. The first three are the most common choices. When we are learning the three elements, it is also the three elements When choosing us."

Angela asked at this time: "Carol, what about you?"

Carol Hausmann is an enthusiastic and outgoing person, and the revealers present knew it very well, so Angela asked this question with a little curiosity.

"Me? I'm on the path of ritual." Carol laughed. "By the way, when facing other enlighteners, don't ask them about their path choice. This is a very private topic."

"Oh!" Angela said quickly, "Sorry, Carol."

"It doesn't matter," Carol said. "I am your guide, and that's what I should tell you. Besides, my path is no secret in the Historical Society."

They exchanged these few kung fu, and time passed bit by bit.

Carol looked at the clock, exclaimed subconsciously, and hurriedly said, "I have to go. I have something to do in the afternoon. Just practice here, don't wander around. After an hour, you can leave on your own."

He picked up his belongings and waved at the revealers in the room: "See you on Wednesday."

"See you on Wednesday," they all said.

After Carol left, Angela sighed: "Carol is such a good person."

Others agreed.

Afterwards they just spread out to practice, no small talk.So did Siles.He tried to let himself observe the flow of blue light, and then imitate this process.

This allowed him to rely on his own efforts very quickly, and in theory—his fit scale didn't quite fit him—should have reached full fit.

Sirius breathed a sigh of relief.He didn't want to rely on this blue light to cheat all the time.What if this blue glow disappears someday?

Siles has always been cautious and meticulous.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the ceremony time ended. They all finished their practice, said goodbye to each other, and then left the Historical Society.

Siles' knowledge attribute was added a little more, reaching 48 points.The related definitions of Revelator, Ritual Compatibility, and Time Track Integrity each add a little to his knowledge attribute.It seemed that knowledge about potions would also allow his knowledge to continue to grow.

However, he seems to have nothing to judge recently.

Thinking about this, Siles walked at the end unconsciously, just in time to meet Brewer Darrow who stopped suddenly.


"What?" Sirius asked.

"I'm getting engaged tomorrow and I wanted to talk to them," Brewer said.

Siles was slightly taken aback, then laughed, and said sincerely: "Congratulations. Maybe it's not too late for you to tell them on Wednesday."

Brewer nodded too.They parted at the gate of the Historical Society.

Siles took the stagecoach back to Ramifah University and walked back to 6 Hayward Street.

It was getting late, and he planned to go to the cafeteria to eat after returning to the dormitory to put down his things.He happened to meet his roommate in the living room on the first floor.

"Siles." Lorenzo greeted him. "By the way, there is a letter for you on the coffee table. It was stuffed in the crack of the door. I brought it in for you when I came back."

"Thank you." Siles said politely, and then walked over to unpack it.

He browsed briefly, then was slightly taken aback.

Lorenzo looked at him and asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Siles said in a low voice: "My apprentices. The college made an appointment for me to meet them at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Hearing this, Lorenzo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I hope it is a student who is easy to obey. Some professors will have a headache when they encounter students who are too stubborn."

Siles nodded: "I hope too."

But for now, the most important thing before Siles is not the apprentice, but the professional elective course tomorrow morning.

Lorenzo and Siles went to the cafeteria to have dinner together, and they also chatted about the first class tomorrow.Lorenzo said: "Don't worry, those students must be very curious about you now."

Siles asked slightly surprised: "Why?"

"A new professor. Both freshmen and old students will come to the elective courses, so they will always be a little curious." Lorenzo said, "Don't worry."

Siles thought for a while, and he had a little confidence in his heart.

He is not really stage fright or social fear, but he instinctively resists this kind of occasion.He wasn't really, anyway, a young, 24-year-old Siles Noel.

That night, Siles spent some time reviewing his lesson plans, and reviewed the content of the next few classes, as well as the public electives tomorrow night.

There are two class hours for professional elective courses, but there are three class hours for public elective courses tomorrow night.Each lesson is 45 minutes long.

After practicing a few times, Siles temporarily put aside this matter, and he spent some time thinking and sorting out what needs to be done in the future.

Novels, essays.Classroom, apprenticeship.Revelation, apostate.

Speaking of the apostate, he went to the Central Cathedral of Ramifah on Saturday, and it is now Monday night.More than two days passed, but there was no news from the church in the past, and Sirius was deeply worried.

But he didn't worry too much about it.

This night, he spent a lot of time thinking about the content and ideas of his novel.When he felt sleepy, he washed himself and fell asleep.

The next day, he woke up at seven o'clock in the morning.

His class is "Silence Chronicle Literature and Its Theoretical Evolution—Taking Three Famous Authors of Silence Chronicle as Examples", which starts at 11:30 am and ends at [-]:[-].He still has plenty of time.

After finishing his wash, Siles put on the suit he had already prepared.Speaking of which, he knew before that this body was handsome and calm, but it wasn't until he changed into his formal clothes that he realized that Siles Noel was really extraordinary.

He looked at the young man with black hair and black eyes in the mirror.White shirt, dark blue vest and blazer.He didn't wear a tie, and one button of his shirt was unbuttoned, otherwise he would have looked too serious.

But even so, his face still looked cold and indifferent, very unreasonable.

Siles stared at himself in the mirror for a moment.

Then he thought, let's deal with students like this.

He happened to meet Lorenzo as he went downstairs.Siles nodded casually at him and said, "Good morning."

Lorenzo looked at him slightly strangely, and said, "What are you doing in such a formal dress?"

"Create some professor's majesty in front of the students?" Siles said with a slightly joking tone, "I'm too young."

Lorenzo glanced at his neckline: "To be honest, the university does not prohibit the relationship between teachers and students."

Siles: "..."


He looked at his roommate inexplicably.

Lorenzo sighed for a long time, and couldn't help saying: "Professor Noel, do you understand how many people are curious about your appearance, figure, family background, and academic level? You understand that a young professor in the city of Ramifa How respected, how many single ladies are willing to marry you?"

Siles shook his head, adjusted his cuffs with downcast eyes - to be honest, he wasn't very interested either.After all, he has no intention of developing any possible romance in this world.

Lorenzo looked at him, and finally sighed: "As a roommate, I feel that my future life will not be easy."

He said it like a joke.

Siles thought he was making a fuss.

Lorenzo muttered something, then he put his arms around Siles' shoulders, and said with a smile: "Come on, dear roommate, we should go to have breakfast."

"Have you no class this morning?"

"No." Lorenzo said, "The professor I follow doesn't require me to follow him at any time. So I move freely. If something happens, he will notify me in advance."

"That's very considerate."

Lorenzo muttered, "Maybe."

They went out together.

Siles is not used to wearing formal clothes, but his tall body with long legs, broad shoulders and thin waist fits this suit perfectly.The August mornings were starting to get hot, and Siles figured he might be able to go to class in just his shirt.

If it weren't for the fact that the university classrooms in this world still retain the more traditional and strict teacher-student atmosphere, then he might as well wear a light T-shirt just like the university teachers on Earth.

...Although the clothes in this world are not as casual as T-shirts.

Siles sighed regretfully in his heart.

They attracted a lot of attention in the cafeteria.Lorenzo walked beside Siles, exaggerating: "I feel like an invisible man."

Siles whispered, "Perhaps we can trade."

"No, no, it makes me feel at ease," said Lorenzo. "Thank you, my dear roommate. I am finally no longer the youngest teacher in the Faculty of Literature and History."

Siles: "..."

Is that what his roommate was up to?

While eating breakfast, Siles casually unbuttoned his suit jacket, and then met Lorenzo's strange gaze again.

Celes was silent for a moment, then said, "So what?"

Lorenzo hesitated to speak, and finally he said: "My dear roommate, I don't like men."

Siles: "..."

He narrowed his eyes and said coldly and casually, "I don't like it either."

"Oh! You actually like women." Lorenzo regretted.

Siles was troubled by Lorenzo's strange attitude.

Lorenzo said: "I was hoping to find a suitable marriage partner in college, but now you show up."

Siles was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head slowly: "I don't like women either. Listen, maybe you can do me a favor and tell everyone who wants to have any intimate contact with me-I concentrate on Academic, unintentional love."

Lorenzo saw his serious attitude and nodded seriously.After a while, he asked curiously again: "But, why? You are so young, whether you are a man or a woman, there must be times when you are tempted?"

Siles shook his head.

No matter whether it was himself or the memory of the original body, there had never been anyone who made him fall in love.He can indeed—appreciate, should be described as such—those pure, beautiful loves.

But as far as he is concerned, he never imagined that he would get such a relationship.

He's not one to do that.He is reserved and reticent.When he was on earth, he had already developed a set of living habits that made him feel comfortable. He couldn't imagine how a brand new person would bring about great changes to his peaceful life after the appearance of a new person in his life.

Sometimes day-to-day life can also form a certain inertia.

Siles—or, He Jiayin.Having lived on Earth for more than 30 years, he has made it very clear that he does not expect a life partner and is satisfied with his life.

And after coming to Fisher's world, he had no time to think about those things.His life was already filled with exploring the world and playing this young man named Celeste Noel.

He wants to go back to Earth even more.Back to his earth full of fried chicken, cola, hot pot, milk tea, and the dreamlike Internet.

Lorenzo's words caused some complicated emotions to surge in Siles' dark pupils.

Lorenzo didn't pay attention to Siles' expression and demeanor - he has always been like this, always calm and calm as if expressionless.He said: "It is true that it is a better choice for you to focus on academics. You are still young."

Siles felt that Lorenzo seemed to have misunderstood something.

But he thought about it for a while, and finally felt that there was no need to explain.So he was noncommittal and acquiesced to Lorenzo's guess about him.

After this breakfast, Lorenzo yawned and bid farewell to Siles, saying that he would go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep, while Siles took his information booklet to the office of the professor of literary history on the fourth floor, waiting for the class Start.

In the afternoon, his apprentices also come to his office.

Siles belatedly looked at the double sofa in the office, and then at the chair behind the desk. After thinking about it, he felt that it could accommodate him and his two apprentices, so he let go of his worries.

Now the office was no longer the clutter it used to be, and to some extent bears the mark of Celes.However, what Professor Cabell left behind has always made Sirius feel uneasy.

He didn't intend to look through the materials and manuscripts in the low cabinet at this moment, but walked to the bookshelf and carefully examined the books in it.

He had roughly looked at it before, and knew that there were some academic monographs here.He was a little curious about whether he could find information related to his thesis topic

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