The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 192 The Crack in the Team

Saturday, July 7th.Siles and Cindo temporarily put aside their affairs in Ramifa City and set off for Kingsley in Middletown.

Of course, in Lamifa City, they still have many unresolved matters.

For example, the position that Siles recently held-the dean of literature at the University of Ramifa-has a lot of things waiting for him to study.Fortunately, Professor Bright has already taken care of some of the work.

And, if necessary, he can use Figure [-] to travel to and from Ramifa City...although that sounds pretty frustrating.

Another example is the adaptation of Miss Garland's adventure story into a drama that Siles has been considering.

Not long ago, this story was assembled and published, and received a good response.Before the semester was over, Siles found time to roughly adapt it into a screenplay for Carlos Ranmier.

Of course, the first version of the script must still need more revisions and perfection, and Siles is well aware of this.Moreover, selecting actors, conducting rehearsals, and final performances is a rather complicated and lengthy process.He is not in a hurry.

... As for the new novel that the publisher Benton is urging both openly and secretly, Siles can only say that it may be far away.

It is also worth mentioning that the letter sent to the "mother" has not been answered for a long time.Siles wasn't sure if Antinam felt embarrassed and didn't want to reply, or because he was indeed not in Merlin Town.

He also asked the dice about this question, but the dice did not give a clear answer.

In short, let's put aside the matter of Lamifa City for the time being—if something goes wrong, the Praia family will help—they now need to embark on a hasty and distant journey.

They had five days to go to Kingsley, Middleton.Thanks to Ligardia, such a long distance is not a problem for them at this moment.

On the contrary, their bodies can't really bear such a fast and boring movement.Therefore, every night, they have to rest in a post or hotel for a while.

...Thanks to the map provided by the newsboy and the itinerary provided by the Praia family. Before departure, they already knew the general way to go.

Rush during the day and rest at night.This is what they have been doing for five days.Even if they have been mentally prepared for this, when they actually embark on this kind of journey, they are exhausted.

On the evening of July 7, they came to a border city in Kansas.

Considering the problem of rest and reorganization, their journey is not completely in a straight line, but as far as possible, they can reach a city every day for rest.

Now the city they came to was very close to the Sea of ​​Folio.If there is no accident, they will arrive in Kingsley at noon on the 9th.They found a hotel in the city and planned to stay overnight.

Sirius went to take a shower first.His cleanliness will always flare up a little bit at this time.

By the time he finished taking a shower and was sitting on the sofa wiping his hair, Cendo had already come back after going around outside.He has been doing this for the past few days, in case he missed any latest news.

...This is probably the instinctive habit of the explorers of the Never Embered Lands.In basically safe places like post stations or hotels, explorers will habitually exchange information with each other.

"Guess, what did I hear?" Qin Duo closed the door with his backhand and leaned against the door frame with a somewhat complacent tone, probably thinking that what he had heard would give him a little sweetness.

"Did it happen in the Neverlands, or somewhere else?" Sirius asked.

"The matter of the land of no embers." Qin Duo's tone was a little excited.

Siles lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then smiled: "Augustus Dunbar?"

Qin Duo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Is this enough to make you guess right?"

He didn't even say what the scope was!

"It really is Dunbar?" Siles was also a little surprised, "I just guessed it casually."

"And then you guessed right," Cindo exclaimed.

He walked over and took over the job of wiping Sirius' hair.His movements were much gentler than when Sirius brushed his hair himself.He added: "Word has spread about Dunbar's death."

Siles had expected this in his heart, but when he actually heard about it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Augustus Dunbar.When he first heard the name from Bertram Finn, the explorer was even a well-known strongman comparable to Cendor's reputation.

But now, he died in the Land of Embers, earlier than anyone expected.

Cendo didn't speak for a while, concentrating on brushing Sirius' hair.When it was almost dry, he watched it for a while with satisfaction.

Then he continued: "The reason why people know about this is because someone saw Dunbar's machete appearing alone on the withered wasteland.

"For these explorers, it is impossible for them to abandon the time track they are used to, let alone a revelator like Dunbar who is famous for a special time track.

"At this point there were suspicions that something had happened to Dunbar. That was about a month or two ago. But at the time people weren't sure if that was the case.

"... Then, a week ago, someone saw Dunbar's head."

Siles asked in surprise, "Head?"

"Yes." Qin Duo could understand where Sires was surprised, and he emphasized, "It's just a head, which was found outside a post station in the northeast of the Everlasting, and it seemed to be brought here by the wind and sand. .

"People didn't realize that it was Dunbar at first, but then they found a headless corpse nearby... After putting it together, they found that it was indeed Dunbar. He must have been dead for a while, and the state of the body is already a bit... shriveled."

Siles was silent for a moment, then said: "So, he was indeed beheaded."

"It should be like this, but I can't be sure whether he was beheaded while he was alive, or after he died." Qin Duo replied while neatly folding the towel that was used to wipe Siles' hair.

The afterglow of the evening came in through the window glass at this moment.Qin Duo was facing the window, and his emerald green eyes showed an almost bright appearance against the background of the yellow sunset.

Siles looked at him quietly for a moment before continuing the original topic: "When was the last time Dunbar was seen before what happened to him?"

Qin Duo thought for a while, and then said: "I'm not sure if what the group of explorers downstairs just said is true... I mean, they are all a little drunk, with a little intention of showing off.

"According to one of the explorers, the last time he heard about Dunbar was in March this year, at a station a little north of Biddle City. Dunbar said that he was going to explore a special place and was recruiting people who would like to go with him. explorer."

Siles frowned slightly: "Then four months have passed."

Qin Duo also nodded.

"A little north of Biddle City, to the post station in the northeast of the Land of Never Embers..." Siles thought, "This seems to be surrounded by an oasis in the mist."

Qin Duo was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Do you think Dunbar and the others also went to the oasis and were involved in that incident?"

"May 5. Something happened in La Mifah City or the isolated island in the Sea of ​​Folio. I think there might be something happening in the oasis, but we don't know." Siles He said calmly, "Maybe Dunbar and the others are the victims."

In Herman Grove's description of the mist and oasis, he mentioned some explorers who were unwilling to leave.In addition, the area shrouded in fog is quite large, perhaps some explorers entered it, but Herman and the others did not discover it.

Regardless of whether Dunbar may be one of them, the tragic state of his beheading now implies something to some extent.

Qin Duo nodded, and he said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I failed to find information about Dunbar in Tau Cemetery."

"We're just doing what we can," Siles said.

Cindo laughed instead, and said, "You've given everything you have." He leaned forward, kissed Sirius, and just touched it, and then said, "I'll take a bath first-according to your requirements."

Siles was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

While waiting for Cendo to take a shower, Siles got up and stood by the window, silently staring at the scenery outside the window.

This is a frontier city in Kansas, which means that not far from the city is the Eternal Land.The silent desert, the gray-black fog, and the icy miniature of the city were all displayed in front of him at this moment.

They set out on a journey again.Siles thought.The breath of Neverland finally enveloped his soul once again, making him feel the boundless, dilapidated, and bleak nature of this world.

And this time, what awaits them?

On July 7, they arrived at Kingsley in Middleton and tasted the long-lost Middleton seafood.

The ocean in summer is much brighter and clearer than in winter.There is also a mixed feeling of hotness and coldness floating in the sea breeze, as if the sea accidentally scalded your cheek with the scorching sun in the last second, and touched your arm with the cool sea water apologetically in the next second.

Siles was a little worried about whether the xenophobic Middleton people would be hostile to them, but Cindo had already arranged for the Praia family to come here to support them.This made Siles a rare experience of the explorer's true nature in Qin Duo's soul.

In the final analysis, no matter how obediently Cindo Playa looked at the documents in Lamifa City, after leaving Lamifa City, he was still the rumored explorer who made many people fearful.He can arrange everything with tact and deliberation.

…Even though he did behave quite obediently in front of Siles, sometimes even Sires ignored it.

After lunch, as agreed, they went to a hotel in Kingsley to meet Foster Longey.This hotel was the one that Siles stayed in when he came back to Kingsley last time.

Foster Longey once said in a letter that several companions participated in his operation this time.And this time after Siles and Foster met, they also saw these people.

Surprisingly, he even saw two acquaintances in it.

Isaac Cobden and Johnny Hoyt.

This is the guide and translator hired by Ramifa University for an academic visit during the spring break, and now they are actually participating in the sea trip organized by Foster, which makes Siles very surprised.

Foster rented an entire floor in the hotel, and he enthusiastically introduced Siles to his friends—there were four of them, all young people.There were also three skilled sailors whom he employed alone.

Of the seven, only Foster's friends knew a word or two of Const, and the three sailors knew nothing of it.

Except for these seven people, the rest is Isaac and Johnny.Foster said that the reason why he involved these two people was also because of the language problem on Siles' side.

The two happened to be in Middleton, Foster met them by chance, and asked them if they would like to take part in this trip to Folio, and they readily agreed.

Including Foster, Siles and Qindo, there are a total of twelve people in the hotel now.

"There is another person who intends to participate in our operation this time." Speaking of this, Foster paused, hesitated for a while, and then said, "You have actually seen him before... you are about to leave Beheu before you When it's time."

A name appeared in Siles' mind, and he was more or less surprised.

"...his name is Garrett Gielgud," said Foster. "I... I met him after I came to Kingsley. I know he has something to do with my great-grandfather." .

"And he asked me very rudely what I was here for. I told him. For some reason, I suddenly thought, since I went to sea this time to investigate what happened more than 30 years ago, why didn't I bring it with me?" What about him?

"I have also inquired about this person before. I know that he is a captain with mixed reputations, but at least he does have a lot of experience at sea. And we need such a person."

When he said this, Foster exuded a surprisingly mature and sophisticated aura.

Siles watched the young man quietly, not sure if this growth was based on the shock of learning about his family's past history, or... something else?

After all, the Longey family had always made Sirius uneasy.

If Hurd Dreyson has fully understood the family's gloomy past and knows that he is unwilling to participate in it, then Foster Langhe seems to be unexpectedly ignorant.

...and he felt no doubt or fear at all.He accepted this..."family mission" naturally.

Thinking of this, Siles suddenly realized a problem.

But he didn't rush to ask, just said: "I have dealt with this Mr. Captain, and he really knows more about the Sea of ​​Folio than we do."

He didn't intend to reveal the existence of Mr. Ghost, but just evaluated Garrett Gielgud objectively as "Siles Noel".They had some crossings on the high seas steamer.

...In fact, it was there that Siles learned that "whale" symbolizes the concepts of harvest, food and so on for these coastal residents.That made him realize that there might be a paradise of Themiafah in the Sea of ​​Folio.

Today, this has been confirmed - Gotch Island.

His mind turned round on the matter.

Foster also nodded, showing a slightly complicated expression: " is indeed the case. But, maybe we...we have the same purpose...just to investigate what happened more than 30 years ago."

Siles narrowed his eyes slightly.He thinks that Garrett is actually quite aware that the isolated island they landed on the fleet that had an accident more than 30 years ago is likely to be located in a foggy or unexplorable area.

Garrett himself was waiting for the chart to be completed.So why would he be willing to participate in Foster's child's play trip to the sea?

Siles nodded slowly, and he calmly changed the topic to what he really wanted to know: "Since you went to sea this time to investigate the truth about your great-grandfather's accident, how does your family feel about it?" Thought?"

This matter interested Sirius quite a lot.

Foster was stunned for a moment, he hesitated and said: "Just... let me go?" He thought for a while, and then said, "They originally objected, but I have always insisted... I think that the sea of ​​welfare is calling my go.

"They listened to me and they finally agreed. Maybe they thought I was just kidding around, or... anyway, they agreed."

Siles was silent for a moment.

Qin Duo said inexplicably at the side: "Then they seem to be quite doting on you."

Foster smiled a little embarrassedly.

Siles shook his head.Little did Foster realize that Gyndo was sarcasm, not praise.

...Does the Langhe family want what happened more than 30 years ago to happen again?Let such a young family descendant break the family's consistent tradition and go to Fuliouhai?

Foster added: "Mr. Gielgud says he'll be waiting for us in port tomorrow. We're going to sea tomorrow morning."

"Is the ship ready?"

"Yes." Foster said somewhat proudly, "The boat I fell in love with at a glance, it's quite beautiful!"

Siles thought to himself, putting this kind of adjective on a ship makes it appear that the ship is not...reliable.

Foster glanced at the time and said, "Professor Noel, and..." He looked at Qindo and hesitated, "Mr. Praia, you go to rest first. We will discuss tomorrow's Some things about going to sea."

Siles nodded and bid farewell to Foster temporarily, then took his luggage and left with Qindo.

"I'll ask the family to send another ship to follow us." After returning to their own room, Qin Duo expressed his thoughts, "In order to avoid any accidents.

"This young man has never been out at sea, and he has recruited a few other sailors... There will probably be some conflicts on board."

Siles was stunned, and then realized a question: "So, the leased ships at the port will be equipped with captains and sailors?"

"It's true that you can only rent a single boat." Cindo explained, "But just now Foster didn't mention the captain at all-he can't let Garrett be the captain-so the boat he rented must be Equipped with captain, first mate, sailors and other fleet members."

But in this case, Foster specially hired three other skilled sailors.

Siles was also a little helpless for a while, he didn't know what Foster was thinking... Can't you trust the fleet at the port?Or is it because you are too excited to go to sea for the first time, so you want to find some skilled sailors to explain to yourself what happened at sea?

Moreover, Foster Langhe wanted to go to sea, but he obviously didn't have a very clear destination.Just floating in the sea like this, what can be achieved?

After thinking for a while, Siles couldn't help but say, "I hope the discussion tonight will yield some results."

Qin Duo also nodded.He was about to say something when there were two knocks on the door.

He went over and opened the door.Standing outside the door were Isaac and Johnny.It seemed that the conversation downstairs was over, so they went upstairs to find Siles and Qindo to catch up.

"Professor Noel, we meet again!" Isaac greeted them very heartily.

Johnny also smiled and said, "We've been waiting for your arrival."

Siles also greeted these two old acquaintances.Soon, they sat on the sofa and chatted about their past.

During the trip during the spring break, Lamifa University provided the guide and translator with a large amount of remuneration, so that they would not need to worry about living expenses for a period of time in the future, but they also had to think about what work to do next to make a living.

They considered going back to Ramifa City, but they had actually been in Ramifa City for many years and they couldn't find any stable jobs.Returning to their hometown this time, they also had mixed feelings, so Isaac suggested that they simply stay in Middleton and live here for a while.

"But we haven't been able to find a stable job yet," Isaac said. "We can also be said to be half outsiders, as far as Middleton is concerned. Everything here is related to the ocean, but we are separated from the ocean." for a long time.

"We got some odd jobs and did them here and there. We were walking up and down Bethune, Kingsley, and other Middleton towns, and we ended up bumping into this guy The young Mr. Longey agreed to his employment."

Siles asked: "He said he hired you for the two of us?"

"You can say that." Isaac nodded.

But Johnny sneered and added: "Although he is our employer... But, I have to say, his behavior is actually just to show a rich man.

"The reason why he hired us is just because he thinks it will make you happy. After all, you have come to Kingsley all the way, and we are your old acquaintances. It should be said that we can have such a job because of your light.

"...Anyway, we do appreciate you quite a bit. That gets us a paycheck."

At the end, Johnny's tone gradually became sincere.

Isaac seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just shook his head and said, "We would rather thank you than Foster Longey.

Only then did Siles understand what they meant.

Foster Longey was a rich young nobleman.Maybe he hadn't thought of hiring Isaac and Johnny, but after he stumbled upon them, he decided it was a good idea.

After all, Sirius had agreed to join him on the journey, and it took days to finally get to Kingsley; Foster figured he'd have to give Sirius some... "payback" too?

Therefore, it became a very good choice to give some just-right help to Siles' acquaintances.

Siles said: "However, we do not speak Middleton's language. This team needs your presence."

As he said this, he was thinking in his heart that this kind of behavior of Foster Langhe really seemed quite...subtle.

The once young, reckless Foster Runcie, who used to fight Garrett Gielgud on the street corner, is now so mature and sophisticated that he knows how to repay Sirius' running around, and is even willing to let Garrett Gielgud Lett also participate in his own fleet?

He remembered Foster's anger and resentment at Garrett's inexplicable behavior.

... Siles suddenly realized that perhaps Foster's change was also the reason why Garrett Gielgud was willing to join the fleet.Garrett wanted to know if this young man from the Langhi family went to sea, whether it meant another change in the followers of the old gods.

This also made Sirius vigilant.He felt more and more that there would be some unexpected disturbances in this trip to sea.

Isaac and Johnny didn't stay long and left soon after.

After they left, Gindo couldn't help but say, "Foster Langhe seems to have changed completely."

Siles thought for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Those sailors. I think it seems necessary to investigate their identities."

Those friends of Foster Longey, each of whom has a clear identity, are also students of Bethune University.Siles thought that they were most likely to be persuaded by Foster, and then thought it would be fun to travel during the holidays, so he joined the team.

For young people, this process is also quite easy to understand.

But those sailors suddenly made Siles feel puzzled.

If Foster Longey had indeed grown mature, or rather sophisticated and hypocritical, he could not have been unaware of the embarrassment of the existence of these sailors.In fact, he didn't need to bring these sailors with him at all.

This kind of behavior is more like what the original Foster Langci could do.The young and reckless aristocratic youth excitedly took a few sailors with him, and planned to go to sea to find the family's sounds very reasonable.

Qin Duo also understood the meaning of Siles at once. He tilted his head and said, "I understand. Maybe... Maybe it will be someone sent by the Langxi family."

Siles thought so too.

He looked out of the window and noticed that the bright weather had gradually turned cloudy as the days passed.It is not known if they will have the misfortune of another storm.

"It's all about tomorrow," he said.

Later in the day, when Siles and Cinder came downstairs to dinner, they met Foster Longey again.

Foster sat alone at a table in the corner of the restaurant, looking preoccupied.There is a map in front of him, it is a sea chart, but that sea chart is obviously very simple and scribbled, and some places even contradict themselves.

Foster held a pen, and after thinking hard for a while, he drew a symbol like a hexagram on the chart with the pen, as if he wanted to take this route.

Isaac and Johnny were also in the dining room at this time.Qin Duo went to order food with them, and Siles came in front of Foster.

When Siles appeared, Foster couldn't help showing a slightly embarrassed expression.Putting the chart away, he explained: "I'm studying possible routes. I think we might go out to sea two or three times, exploring different areas.

"I investigated the sailing route of my great-grandfather's fleet. Their sailing plan was recorded at that time, but they encountered a storm at sea, so even if we re-traveled according to their sailing route, it may not be fruitful. .”

Siles cast a thoughtful look at Foster.

Whatever the reasons behind Foster's change, he has changed.And it's hard to say whether this is good or bad.

Qin Duo finished ordering and sat beside Siles.He also glanced at Foster.

Foster looked a little nervous, and he said: "I have prepared what I need to, water, lifebuoy, you think there is anything else you need?"

"I don't know that very well," said Siles honestly. "Perhaps you can ask the accompanying sailors."

Foster froze for a moment, looking like he hadn't thought of that until now.He nodded quickly, glanced at the time, and said, "You eat first. I'll go find them and make sure I can leave on time tomorrow. Please come to my room at seven o'clock, and we will meet there."

After speaking, he left the restaurant.

The waiter in the hotel restaurant brought their meals.Isaac and Johnny also sat down.The waiter glanced at Siles suspiciously and said something, and Isaac also said something with a smile.

Afterwards, the waiter's expression softened visibly to the naked eye.

"What did he say?" Siles asked curiously after the waiter left.

Isaac smiled and explained: "He still has an impression of you, Professor. I said that you came back in the summer because you like the scenery of Middleton."

Sirius suddenly smiled and couldn't help but smile."It's true. Middleton is very different from Const," he said.

They chatted about Middleton as they ate.They ordered a kind of seafood fried rice, which tasted quite good.After dinner, it was almost seven o'clock, and they went to Foster's room together.

Foster, however, was arguing with one of the sailors.When the four of them arrived, a few of Foster's friends were there, standing awkwardly aside, interjecting a word or two but not knowing how to calm the argument down.

They both spoke Middletonian, so Siles had no idea what they were arguing about.Johnny listened for a while, then whispered to Siles, "The sailor insisted on taking a theoretically safer route, but Foster wasn't happy."

Foster's face was flushed red from the fight with the sailor, and his whole expression became ferocious.Veins burst out on his forehead, he stared fiercely at the sailor, and said a paragraph word by word.

"...he said...he is the...initiator of this journey." Johnny still whispered the translation to Siles, "He has the right to decide...what the final route is."

Although Siles couldn't understand Middleton's language, he knew that Johnny's translation might have skipped a lot of... relatively rude expressions, as can be seen from the sailor's expression.

... He began to wonder again what happened to these sailors.Maybe it's just that Foster Langhe wants to add some insurance for this trip to sea?

Looks like it's going to be a tumultuous journey from the start.On the eve of departure, they had not even been able to decide on the final route to sea.

The sailor showed a helpless expression, and then spread his hands to show that he gave in.His two fellow sailors did not speak at all.

Only then did Foster Langhe heave a sigh of relief, and his expression looked a little better.

But at this time, one of his friends couldn't help but say something.Johnny translated in a low voice, "He was asking if the route that Foster had chosen was really very dangerous."

Foster became furious again for a moment. He pointed at his friend and said something almost hoarsely.

"...he said if he didn't want to... he could quit now," Johnny said.

Sirius couldn't help frowning.Foster's sudden agitation and anger was odd.

Apparently, Foster's friends were also taken aback.He blushed and quickly waved his hands to signal Foster not to be so excited.He had a long list of things, which Johnny summed up: "He told Foster not to be angry, he was willing to go."

After this conversation, there was a moment of silence in the room.It was late, night fell.After losing the natural light source, the artificial light source in the room hit everyone's face stiffly.

Foster stood there, taking a long, deep breath, then made an apologetic gesture.He apologized to everyone for his excessive madness and display of emotions.But he doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with his approach.

Soon, they settled on the final route.However, Foster also seemed to refer to the sailor's statement and made some changes to some parts of the route.

After the matter had been decided, the sailors were the first to leave; Foster's friends circled Foster for a while, and then left too.And finally Isaac and Johnny.

They left because Foster said he wanted to have a few words with Siles.

Foster also took a special look at Cindo, but Siles said: "Cindo is my companion, you can trust him."

Foster just nodded.He sat on the sofa, hugged his head tightly, and pulled his hair.He lowered his head and was silent for a long time.

"...I think I'm going crazy." His voice was very soft, floating in the dull air of the room, as if some invisible ghost was speaking.

Siles stared at him silently.

"The past...the past... bothers me...want to kill me." Foster said, his tone was slightly confused, "I was driven by something...."

"It's still too late," said Siles.

Foster looked up sharply at him.His eyes were bloodshot, giving off a hideous feeling for an instant.But his tone seemed at a loss: "What? mean...what is too late?"

"Stop this journey." Siles' voice was steady and calm.He looked at Foster Langhe's hideous eyes full of blood, "There is still time to end this."

Foster trembled for a moment, he lowered his head again, put his head in his hands, was silent for a moment, and then said vaguely: "...No. I can't...I have to...I will go to the Sea of ​​Folio after all... "

As he spoke, he unknowingly switched to his native language.Siles couldn't understand those whispered words, but he could roughly understand Foster's thoughts.

... Although the young people in this world have different ideas from their elders, they seem to be bound by their own families to some extent, especially the families of the followers of the old gods.

As for Foster, the shackles on his body seem to be denser than anyone else, and it is difficult to break free.

Maybe until the eve of death, he will wake up like Hurd Dreyson... Will he?

Siles could not help but sigh inwardly.He didn't try to persuade Foster any more. It was difficult for this young man to get out of his own psychological rut.

Before long, Foster's mood stabilized.He smiled and said, "See you tomorrow, Professor."

"See you tomorrow."

They left Foster Longey's room.The dim light in the corridor gave people a rather ominous feeling.

Qin Duo whispered: "Perhaps tomorrow the family will be able to find out the identities of those sailors."

"The sailor who was arguing with Foster behaved quite normally," said Siles, "but the other two sailors... seemed a little strange."

single minded at foster longhi

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