The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 174 Garland's talent

In the beginning, the caravan just embarked on a business journey in an ordinary way.Some of the dreams revealed experiences that were ordinary, peaceful, and full of everyday interest at the time.

They are indeed interested in learning about news about the north of the Never Embers; in addition, it seems that their journey this time will also pass through a city north of the Never Embers.

Therefore, they inquired along the way, and unknowingly learned about the situation in the north of the Never Emberland, especially the matter of Stardust.

In one of the fleeting dream scenes, Mr. Ghost noticed that when the caravan was resting in the hotel, a member of the caravan appeared with a bottle in surprise and excitement.

...the potion bottle.Newly discovered stardust.

Mr. Phantom suddenly thought of what Ranmeer said.He said that after someone swallowed the potion made by Stardust, they fell into madness.

Mr. Ghost wasn't sure if the people Ranmere mentioned were the ones in the caravan...the timing didn't seem right.But, in any case, he could already imagine what the caravan was going through.

They got the potion.Mr. Ghost didn't know what their intentions were, maybe they were a little curious, maybe they were trying to verify whether it was really stardust... So, someone in the caravan tried this bottle of potion.

At first everything was normal and they got excited.Stardust's business is always profitable, indeed, so they also began to fantasize about getting rich.

But then, everything changed.The change came so suddenly that no one reacted to it.In a short period of time, the enlightener who had swallowed the potion before suddenly went crazy, and he attacked most of the people in the caravan.

About half of them died around this time.Most of the pictures in their dreams are still in some scenes of this journey and the fantasy of the future; only the last small part shows blood, and their own death.

This incident happened in the wilderness, one night.They pitched tents and slept in the open.They had nowhere to turn for help, and they didn't even understand what happened when they were half asleep and half awake.Chaos and fear swept the caravan in a short time.

Mr. Ghost admitted that at this moment, he couldn't help but think of Herman Grove and the experience of the archaeological team.

It is also chaos and struggle that suddenly invaded an originally harmonious team.

This similarity creates a strange confusion.Is someone deliberately creating this confusion?

The ending of the caravan also ended in such a terrible and even irreversible cannibalism.The last few people who died seemed to realize that something was wrong, but it was too late.

They were all scarred, and at the moment when the dawn was approaching, they fell heavily to the ground and could never wake up again.There was no one to save them in this last darkness before dawn, and no one had time.

...Mr. Phantom slowly read the dreams of these people, and then he couldn't help sighing.

He said: "Tomorrow, someone from the Praia family can write a letter to the lady."

It is impossible for him to write to the lady himself, so as not to reveal his identity.It was a good thing for the Praia family to do, and it was in line with their daily work.Qin Duo also nodded and said, "I understand. Do you think someone is playing tricks behind your back?"

Mr. Phantom thought for a while, and then said: "It should be, but I'm not sure what their purpose is. Maybe this year is special, or would they do it every once in a while?"

Qin Duo thought for a while, and then said: "That seems to be a bit of a big fanfare. Maybe people won't find out now, but after a while, when things get serious, many explorers in the land of no embers will definitely find out what the problem is."

Mr. Ghost nodded, he thought so too.

The star dust found on that isolated island in the Follou Sea has obviously stirred up all parties.It is impossible for many people to stay out of the matter at this time. Is the man behind the scenes really sure that he can control the situation?

Perhaps the most critical question is, why are they so sure that they will get the results they want?

After thinking for a while, Mr. Phantom shook his head. He said, "We can think about these things after returning to reality. There are still several dreams waiting for me to go to the isolated island. I have to go."

Gindo was surprised to hear this—meaning Mr. Ghost had a lot of free time the first two times they were dreaming—and he leaned in and hugged his beloved god, and said, "Hope you can Gain useful information."

"I hope so." Mr. Ghost also sighed.

After leaving Qindo's dream, he thought about it, and went to Hed Dreyson's dream.What happened to the caravan made him more curious about the current situation in Everland, and he wanted to get some information from other angles from Hurd.

Compared with the caravan, Hurd seems to be closer to the sea in the north, which also means that he is closer to the core of the matter.

"Good evening, Mr. Ghost!"

It is still the same room as the last communication.But this time, the atmosphere of the whole dream seemed quite leisurely and comfortable. Hurd sat comfortably on the sofa, savoring the food and wine he had imagined with relish, and the enjoyment he showed was even surprising.

When Mr. Ghost appeared, Hurd suddenly came back to his senses and greeted him very happily.But at the same time, he didn't put down the delicious food in his hand.

... It can be seen that Hurd had indeed enjoyed quite good material conditions.

Mr. Ghost sat opposite Heard.Hurd invited him to taste delicious food, but Mr. Ghost politely declined.Hurd was a little regretful, but still clapped his hands.The inappropriate food and wine on the table disappeared, and Hurd seemed to wake up suddenly.

He took a deep breath, a little nervous and uneasy expression on his face.He said, "Mr. Phantom, there's been...something not right near the Sea of ​​Foley recently."


"The matter of Stardust... It should be said that it's not just because of this. That Middleton's tribe blocked people's sea route to that isolated island, but some people spread rumors—I'm not sure if it's true or not.

"Anyway, some people say that that tribe is digging up stardust on the island, not at all neutral as they claim to be. It is said that someone saw a ship full of stardust returning to Middleton.

"...There's a lot going on about it. Nobody knows if it's true, but everyone seems to believe it, or at least they've convinced themselves."

Hurd showed a bit of a tangled expression.He himself probably didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It should be said that he thought the conflict would be more straightforward, but the current rumors, although absolutely impossible to avoid, are too... convincing.

Hurd added: "So a lot of people are angry. I don't know if anyone is inciting emotion. But at least, as far as I know, many people are planning to go to sea at this time."

Mr. Ghost listened thoughtfully.The development of this situation is somewhat unexpected, but it is also within the scope of his imagination.

In other words, if what happened in the North Sea and what happened in Ramifa City are the same group of people who are doing it, then the "person in charge" of the North Sea in the middle and late May is also An extremely important point in time.

They need to do something at this time, or incite people to do something in order to achieve the goal in the middle and late May.

...Maybe there will be large-scale conflicts, bloodshed, and killings at that time?Or maybe, Basil, Middleton's tribe, will give up trying to stop them and let people land on the isolated island naturally?

However, if according to his previous speculation, the Basil tribe is a member of the "Yasi Brotherhood" in Amoise's paradise, and even its current behavior is based on the belief in Amoise, Then they may not be able to back down.

But there is stardust on that isolated island.Stardust can make a lot of money.The obstruction of the Basil tribe aroused public outrage.

Therefore, it is unlikely that Basil's tribe can really stop everyone.They have been trying for a long time, but Mr. Ghost is not optimistic about their final action.

As the time approached the middle and late May, the conflict was getting closer and closer to the critical point.

Hurd added: "I'm looking for a boat now too... I don't really want to go to sea to die. Mr. Ghost, I already know, I have to... I have to be more practical.

"...The reason why I'm looking for a boat is because you said before that I have to pretend that I'm going to die at sea so that those people won't find out.

"However, for some reason, the nearest boats are in short supply. People are looking for boats to go out from the port, but they can't find a suitable boat... I don't know what's going on, maybe a lot of boats. It has been rented out in advance."

Hurd said a little confused.

Mr. Phantom narrowed his eyes, he thought, there might be the efforts of the Praia family.

... Qin Duo made some preparations in advance?Maybe so, he thought.However, Qin Duo didn't tell him.

Does Qin Duo want to wait for the problem to be resolved, and then use this matter to seek benefits from him?Although this was just his guess, he could already imagine Qin Duo's self-satisfied and confident appearance.

Mr. Phantom couldn't help laughing inwardly.He thought that he could cooperate with Qin Duo to do so.Of course, he can also start thinking ahead of time, what reward should be given to Qin Duo.

Hurd didn't know what Mr. Phantom was thinking at all, he just scratched his chin in confusion, and said, "So, there are some private ships heading to the Sea of ​​Folio. Everyone is waiting and helping Form a faction."

Mr. Ghost nodded.This is as expected.

Even if the Praia family made enough efforts, it was impossible to completely prevent the arrival of the ships.Moreover, it is impossible for them to do it too obviously, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the black hands behind the scenes.

They still know the time period of mid-to-late May, but if they arouse the vigilance of the black hands behind the scenes, it will be difficult for them to catch each other's feet.This group of people is still hiding in the dark until now, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Hurd said: "I also joined one of the teams. They seem to be explorers from the south of the Neverland, because they heard about the things in the north, they came to join in the fun.

"I don't know why they are willing to let me join, maybe, because I look weaker?"

He himself had to admit it.

He said: "Now we are still looking for a ship. During this process, we have also heard a lot of things. The earliest batch of star dust that spread out seems to have been made into a potion.

"However, that potion made many people go crazy. Another person said—that person seemed to be someone who had dealt with the star dust business—he said that these freshly dug star dust must be processed through certain techniques, Then it becomes safe and reliable.

"...I don't know if it's true, and I've never heard of it. But a lot of people believed it. In the beginning, after people heard that those potions made people crazy, a lot of people want to leave.

"But after this rumor came out again, people stopped leaving again. But... I don't quite understand. Those who stayed, it seems that they want others to leave, so that they can monopolize the benefits and benefits. "

Following Hurd's words, Hurd himself showed a little understanding expression.Maybe he didn't understand why at first, but now he reorganized it, and when he told Mr. Ghost again, he also made himself understand.

After all, this is a risky but lucrative business.The fewer people involved, the better, and the fewer people know about the profits, the better. However, there cannot be only a few people left.

I hope that someone will take the risk, and I hope that someone will give up the benefit; this is the thinking of the people who gather in the north sea today.

Hurd showed a somewhat subtle expression, and then said: "That's about it, Mr. Ghost. We are still waiting. However, I thought I should come and tell you about my progress, so I fell into a dream tonight. "

Mr. Phantom nodded, and said, "I understand." He thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you know how the incident in the northern sea has affected the outside world?"

"The outside world?" Hurd thought for a while, and replied, "I'm in a port city near the Sea of ​​'s a small town. However, more and more people have appeared here recently, I think it should all be An explorer from the Never Embers, or a merchant.

"They should also be tempted by Stardust's interests, so they want to come here to see if they can make some money, so there are a lot of people in the city now, and everyone is quite irritable.

"If that's what you mean by influence. However, I've also heard occasionally from people who ... well, I'm not sure if that's true, but ... anyway, someone seems to have casually said, 'No Do you know if the church heard about it in the past?"

Church of the past?

Mr. Ghost narrowed his eyes.

Generally speaking, people in the Neverlands don't mention the Church of the Past very much.They might mention Anti-Nam, and the probability of this name appearing in their mouths is a little higher; but the Church of the Past, that seems to be something completely outside of the Land of Embers.

The Church of the Past is usually active in the hinterlands of different countries, and rarely involves things in the Neverland.Of course, there is no such thing as Stardust's business, but even fewer people know about it.

...Someone deliberately wanted to drag the church of the past into trouble?Or, because Bishop Elizabeth left Middleton, the investigation of Folio Sea by Const's past church will be restarted again?

Countless thoughts flashed through Mr. Ghost's mind.He thought, maybe he should also find a time to chat with the Church of the Past.

...Perhaps the day when Bishop Elizabeth arrives in Lamifa is a good time; in addition, after Ms. Heidi arrives in Lamifa, they will also go to the Sunday Church together.

Mr. Ghost secretly arranged his future schedule.In early May, he thought, it looked like he was going to have another busy week.

Hurd finished talking about what he knew, and then said a little hesitantly: "Mr. Ghost, do you think I should do something? I always feel that something bad is going to happen in this town."

Mr. Phantom thought about it for a while.He feels that the key factor of this question is how to find a reasonable breakthrough in such a complicated situation?

Hurd Dreyson himself has a complicated identity, and there must be someone secretly observing Hurd's actions; in addition, today's Folio Sea seems to be a locked pressure cooker, even if people want to intervene, they have to Consider whether the pot will explode suddenly.

From Hurd's position, what can he do?

Mr. Phantom pondered for a moment, then said: "You can work with your companions and try to find merchants who are willing to cooperate with you. He said that merchants have more connections to find ships. Compared with those explorers, merchants are indeed more Good partner."

At least they still want to make money, and not so evil.

...It should be said that at least businessmen only think about making money.

Hurd nodded, and asked again: "So what if we find them?"

"Now we don't know anything about the position of Middleton, that is, that tribe." Mr. Ghost said, "All the claims come from rumors. And those merchants, since they appeared in the northern sea, most of them are related to Middleton. Dayton had a business relationship.

"Maybe from them, we can learn the other party's opinion; besides, even if they don't realize it, you can remind them secretly."

Hurd suddenly realized.

Ultimately, the confrontation is between Basil's tribe on the bright side and others spying on the island's stardust, and those behind the scenes in the dark.These days they seem to have an understanding of the latter two.

However, the people who are really close to that island today are people from the Basil tribe.Only they know the situation on that island best.

Hurd nodded again and again, he said: "I understand. Mr. Ghost, I will do what you think."

Mr. Phantom smiled slightly, and still said, "However, you still have to be careful." He paused, and then said, "See you next time."

"See you next time." Hurd waved happily.

When Mr. Ghost left, he noticed that Hurd imagined those delicious food and wine again, and then ate greedily.This made Mr. Ghost frowned slightly.

The relevant rumors of the Fuliou Sea, such as the island whale, seem to be related to Temiafa, the god of gluttony and lust.

But now, Hurd's performance, especially when he himself is near the Sea of ​​Foley, is unavoidably worrying.

After leaving Hurd's dream, Mr. Ghost frowned and thought about it.From the conversation with Hurd just now, it seems that there is no problem with Hurd's mental state. He can still think rationally and has no greed for Stardust.

...Maybe it's just because I have suffered outside in the past, so I want to enjoy it in my dream?It's not impossible either.

Mr. Phantom relaxed slightly.He went to Hal Goth's dream instead.

The young boy was from Biddle City in Galsworth, in the Never Ashes, some distance from the sea to the north.However, even if it takes some time for the information to spread, Hal must have known something for so long in the past.

Moreover, Hal's parents and the parents of his companions all joined the queue to help Mr. Ghost collect useful information.Adults may be more visible than children, but it is also easier to collect some information.

"Good evening, Hal," said Mr. Ghost.

"Good evening, Mr. Ghost." Hal's tone was quite brisk, "I have some information to share with you."

He thought carefully for a while, and then added: "Three pieces of information."

Mr. Ghost was a little surprised, so he said, "Of course, I'm looking forward to it."

Hal nodded seriously, and then said: "The first message is, I remember I told you about it, about... an oasis in the desert."

Mr. Phantom couldn't help being taken aback.

He recalled it for a while before he remembered that this was what Hal mentioned a long time ago when he first shared the information he had collected with him.

At that time, Hal also mentioned the explorers from the north of the Never Ember in the tavern, and the shiny suspected star dust they dug up outside the city.

The latter two attracted Mr. Ghost's attention even more, so he forgot the rumors of the oasis in the desert that he had heard from Hal.

But now Hal brought it up again.This naturally reminded Mr. Ghost of a story he had heard from Hermann not long ago.Hermann did come across an oasis in the desert.

Mr. Ghost was surprised by the coincidence, or expected.However, he did realize one thing.

When his sources of information gradually expand and become more complicated, two people who have no intersection at all may mention similar or echoing information.It should be said that it was in this process that he gradually learned the truth of the world.

Maybe he can do such a job: organize the information provided by different people, and then randomly shuffle or combine.See if the different messages inspire him.

The thought flashed through Mr. Ghost's mind, but he did remember it.Afterwards, he listened attentively to Hal's narration.

"I noticed that you were very interested in the rumors about the desert oasis, so I asked my elders. But they couldn't tell you any information for a while.

"Later, when they heard about your existence and knew that it could be used to make some money, they became even more concerned. My mother found some elders, asked about this issue, and then learned some relevant information.

"... People say that the vicinity of Biddle City, or the entire Eternal Land, was not so barren. The land where Eternal Land once stood also had a prosperous city and civilization.

"However, during the Silent Era, everything seems to have changed. The wilderness gradually turned into a desert... There are rumors that there is a last small oasis, which still maintains its original appearance."

Having said that, Hal paused for a moment, as if thinking about something.After a while, he said, "But no one has ever actually seen an oasis. Mr. Ghost, have you ever been to the Everland?"

Mr. Ghost nodded.

So Hal said, "That's how it is in the land of no embers. You can't see any green, at most it's just a wilderness, the kind of grass that trembles in the wind. Some people say that there is even a lake in the is this possible?" .”

He muttered something, with a little unbelievable meaning.

Mr. Phantom was startled. The word "lake" made him instinctively think of Akamarakanyo Farm.

But... desert, oasis, wasteland.This can even be said to directly involve the three gods Thaddeus, Pessonari, and Trisley... Yes, they did protect the August Empire together, but...

Mr. Phantom couldn't help feeling that the relationship between these gods was quite complicated.

It should be said that the concept they symbolize is isolated and pure, but everything in the real world cannot be like this.The real world is always complex and changing.

Therefore, the rumors of this desert oasis seem to have mixed stories from different gods; it is analogous to the story of Cynthia. "Shadow" is also implicated in the story of the old gods.

Among these stories, which ones are real, which ones are conjectures, and which gods they come from are all unknown.

Hal added: "The last thing I want to tell you about the rumors about the oasis in the desert is that until now, it seems that there are still people who listen to the rumors and embark on a journey to find the oasis.

"Mom said it seemed like there was a guy like this decades ago who left Biddle City and never came back. No one knows what he thinks."

Mr. Phantom thought to himself, this is very similar to what happened in Ramifa City.

It seems that these followers of the old gods like to use such methods to create an incredible rumor, attracting people to search or explore, and finally lead it into their own trap.

In the end, what awaits these people seems to be death.

However, compared to the rumors that the believers of Menawaka and Huddoka created a "non-existent city", the believers of "Shadow" seem to be more cautious and more...complex.

As it stands today, they seem to have connected the concept of several gods together.

...Because they think that "shadow" is a collection of these god concepts?

He had heard it said that "they are one after all" from various followers of the Old Gods. "Shadow" also seems to symbolize a very incredible existence for those followers of the old gods.

However, to a certain extent, they seem to think that the "shadow" has fallen.

Mr. Ghost frowned involuntarily.

He didn't continue to think about it.And Hal also mentioned the second thing to tell him at this moment.

"The second news comes from my companion, who owns the tavern at home. His tavern has recently received a group of... explorers from the north.

"However, this batch seems to be much more normal than the previous batch. They said that the things in the north are too unlucky and they don't want to get involved. They said that the people who are still in the north of the Never Ember must be crazy, thinking that they can fight their lives Make money, but in fact nothing is possible.

"...By the way, they also mentioned some... How should I put it, they seem to think that some big people are involved in the north side, so they can't profit from it."

Hal showed a slightly troubled expression.He didn't understand what was going on at all. He didn't know what happened to the north of the Never Embered Land, and he didn't know why there were big people involved in the events in the north.

But he still said: "At that time in the tavern, someone curiously asked who the big shot was—I have to tell you first, we didn't ask. We know that we can't be too active in collecting information."

He showed a somewhat proud look.

Mr. Phantom smiled slightly and said, "Your choice is correct."

Hal nodded in a serious manner, and then said: "Other guests asked this question, and the explorer replied that it was a big man from above. If you ask more specific questions, he will not say anything."

Mr. Ghost's heart skipped a beat.

"The big guy on top".This statement appears more in the internal context of a country.It's no secret that Middleton himself has been involved in the North Face affair.

If the explorer was referring to Middleton, it seems unnecessary for him to be so secretive.

If you count the existence of extraordinary power in this world, it may also refer to some powerful enlighteners, or members of a huge enlightener organization.

...For example, the Church of the Past.

This was already the second time he had thought of the Church of the Past when it came to Furiouhai.Was the church of yesteryear really involved?He was somewhat skeptical, but it was hard to be sure.

Hal thought for a while, then said, "That's pretty much it. Then there's the third thing, a story I heard recently."

story?Mr. Ghost is a little interested.

Hal said: "There are actually a lot of people in Biddle City who ... maybe you can say that they are homeless. Some of them are homeless explorers, and they can only wander in Biddle City when they are old.

"Some of them hide their names, maybe to avoid enemies, or maybe for other reasons, anyway, they always huddle on street corners. But this kind of people don't know how to wander and beg.

"Anyway, my companions and I recently met an old, mad man. He said he had once been a famous explorer, but he got lost in the middle of the night in the desert.

"He said that he ran in a panic in the desert, thinking that he could leave, but the surroundings were getting darker and darker. He said that he seemed to see the light at that moment, so he chased desperately towards the light.

"...then he saw a ship."

Mr. Ghost kept his expression on the surface, but he was suddenly surprised in his heart.He thought, boat?

Ships in the dark sea of ​​sand?

...And that light, does it refer to the soul lighthouse?

"The man said that he encountered the ship, but it seemed to be just a phantom. He felt very tired at that time, so he fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already daytime, and he was lying in the wasteland, It was as if everything that happened last night was a dream.

"...but he said it wasn't a dream.

"I have to say, Mr. Phantom, we sorted out these things in private just now. When the guy spoke, he was inarticulate and crazy, and he kept repeating words like 'light', 'ship', 'darkness' and 'desert', We've had a hard time sorting out his history!"

Mr. Ghost praised Hal again, but this time he was a little absent-minded.

This incident was directly related to Lygardia's power.He believes that the soul lighthouse may appear, according to the previous dice, if the unlucky explorer can meet an unlucky guy who is more unlucky than him.

But why are there boats?Is that the canoe in Tau's cemetery?

He asked, "Do you know when this happened?"

"Maybe ten years ago." Hal said, "I asked my parents later, and they said that guy appeared in Biddle City more than ten years ago, and he never left after that.

"...Actually, our parents usually don't let us have contact with these people, but now that you have appeared, we think we can secretly listen to what they are talking about."

Mr. Phantom nodded, he thought, ten years ago, it probably had nothing to do with Qin Duo.

...Perhaps there is a certain autonomy in Tau Cemetery?Or, at that time, the explorer fit certain concepts, thus attracting Lygardia's power?That doesn't seem impossible either.

"I understand," he said. "Stay safe, though."

Hal saw that Mr. Phantom didn't mean to blame them, so he nodded immediately and said, "We will!"

Mr. Ghost communicated with Hal for a while, and he reminded Hal that the situation in Neverland has been somewhat chaotic recently, even if they are in the safer Galsworth, it is best not to get too deeply involved with certain things. Get involved.

Hal half understood, Mr. Ghost paused, and asked him to tell his parents about it.Hal nodded seriously.

This time, the three pieces of information provided by Hal were quite useful, so Mr. Ghost followed the previous method and asked the No. [-] puppet to go to the square in Biddle City to send money to Hal.Hal took the bounty from the little doll with excitement on his face, and he couldn't help but smile.

This long night of dreams is coming to an end, and the last dream that Mr. Ghost needs to go to is Garland's dream.

He first observed Garland's dream, and then unexpectedly discovered that Garland was walking through the mountains.

In fact, Garland may have been the first to discover that the owner of a dream can not only change the scene around him, but also change his own condition.They can do almost anything they want in their dreams.

Now, Garland has wings of leaves growing on her back, and she moves freely through the mountains.Occasionally, she stopped and stood on the high place of the mountain, quietly gazing into the distance.

There was a deep joy in her eyes that she didn't know, as if she loved this world so much that she could feel absolutely positive emotions just by standing here and watching.

She is not afraid of the heights of the mountains and rivers, she is not afraid of the fragile wings made of leaves that make her fall, and she is not afraid of the harsh and cruel wind.She looked at the world so intently.

...She turned her head suddenly, her eyes were still in a daze.After a while, she suddenly said excitedly: "Ah! Mr. Ghost! Long time no see!"

"Long time no see, Garland." Mr. Phantom smiled slightly, he looked deeply at the young girl, "Are you playing in a dream?"

"Oh, Mr. Phantom, how can you say that." Garland plausibly said, "I am admiring the beauty of this world in a dream."

Mr. Ghost couldn't help laughing.

Garland turned and looked at it for a while longer.I really don't know how this little girl's dream can so truly restore the appearance of this world.Mr. Phantom couldn't say how close it was to the real world, was pretty, real.

After a moment, Garland said, "I feel like... this is my world."

Mr. Ghost looked at her.

Garland murmured, "That... place. The bottom of the sea. It's not my world, it's not my home. I like it better here. Mountains, rivers, nature, the breath of makes me happier."

Mr. Ghost listened in silence, feeling a strange emotion.He didn't know whether to call that sadness or helplessness.

Garland was once under the influence of "inferior" god powers.If a little girl like her likes nature and mountains and rivers, that seems to be a pretty good thing.

However, this liking just comes from the influence of some incredible external force, which makes people feel uncoordinated and even fearful.

But Mr. Phantom, who understands the cause and effect, can only sigh in return.He didn't even know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that he accidentally picked Nona's dream bubble.

That allowed him to learn about Nona's story, and it allowed Garland to bring out a part of his inner psyche that was being affected.


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