The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 165 Abandoned Lighthouse

"The sea in the north... This is the first time I have seen the ocean. But the ocean is different from what I imagined."

Hurd Dreyson murmured.He sat there with a cup of tea.Obviously before, he still looked very comfortable and enjoying, but now, he showed a confused and troubled expression.

He paused for a moment before saying, "It's like a piece of solidified cement."

This metaphor surprised Mr. Phantom a little.

“It was dead, eerie, and empty…” Hurd said. “It was snowing when I went. The winter snow fell in like plaster and melted.”

Trembling, he moved the teacup to his mouth vigorously, swallowed the warm tea with great difficulty, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

He then said: "Sorry, it's a bit off topic. I went to the beach because of the wishes of the elders in my family. I couldn't refuse, so I embarked on this long journey. Some kind people helped me on the way, so I Finally, it reaches the sea to the north.

"...According to others, there is the Sea of ​​Folio. Next to it are a few strange countries that I have never heard of, Middleton... and other things. Those are very strange terms to me.

"So, to tell you the truth, in the first period of time when I arrived there, I almost thought that I was really going there for tourism, but the journey was too long, and the basic necessities of life were not as good as at home.

"But...but things changed very quickly.

"I don't know if you know, some things have happened in the sea in the north in the past period of time. I don't know exactly what it is, and no one wants to explain it to me. It seems that everyone is a little excited.

"There are also several cities in the north, some belong to the land of no embers, and some belong to the surrounding countries. I passed one or two of them, and felt that the residents were... as if they were suppressing their excitement and excitement. Some Some people even chuckle and laugh for no reason.

"The vibe... the vibe was really weird. So from then on, I felt something was wrong. It made me feel very scary, because... everyone seemed to be keeping a secret, an unknown, At least I don't know the secret.

"The farther you go to the sea to the north, the stronger the atmosphere. In the end, people will even inexplicably start... insulting and fighting each other. They all want something, but I don't know anything.

"...When I first embarked on the journey, I felt confused. be honest, even though it was the last wish of the elders of the family, I really couldn't refuse it, but I was reluctant to leave Lamifa City—you Do you know that I originally lived in Ramifa City?

"Why should I leave the city of Ramifa, my familiar and warm home, for the cold and foreign land of the north, which I know nothing about? This thought once took hold of my soul so crazily.

"I even wanted to go back before I actually saw the Sea of ​​Folio. I knew it was cowardly, but I was terrified because it was such a strange place.

"...But in the end, I still...I still arrived. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

Hurd was silent for a moment at this moment.

And Mr. Phantom is also thinking, is Hurd's behavior of going to the sea in the north a good thing or a bad thing?

He cannot comment on this behavior.It can only be said that the power of choice and the evaluation criteria for the final result of this matter are always in the hands of Hurd.And if Hurd himself is hesitant about this matter, then others will have no room to intervene.

Hurd sat frozen, his eyes closed in pain, then snapped open again.His eyeballs were bloodshot, as if they were about to burst in the next moment.But soon, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.He tried harder to nestle himself in the soft and comfortable sofa.

His whole body was depressed.

He said: "Then I saw the Sea of ​​Folio. Can you understand that... that feeling? That, the vastness and remoteness that you have never seen before, a shocking, overwhelming... ...such a vast ocean!"

He used an emphatic sentence to show his thoughts at the time.

"...I admit that at that moment, I was moved by the ocean itself. The sea water, the sea breeze, the waves...everything seemed quite novel. It was something that I, a Lamifah, had never been in contact with. It was quite amazing."

Until now, Hurd couldn't help showing a surprised expression.He was indeed rather impressed by the magnificence of the sea itself.

Hurd said: "At this point, I'm in a pretty good mood. I feel like I didn't come in vain—in terms of travel." He gave a wry smile. "It's ridiculous, isn't it? Came there because of tourism."

"When did you arrive at the Sea of ​​Folio?" Mr. Phantom had to ask at this time, because in Hurd's description, the time has always been quite vague, which makes people feel a little troubled.

Hurd froze for a moment, then recalled for a while.He said: "About mid-March. Sorry, I've been in a daze for the past time, so I can't remember the days."

Mr. Ghost nodded slowly.

He thought Hurd arrived in the Folio Sea in mid-March.That meant that he had been near the Folio Sea for almost a month.

What has Hurd experienced in the past month?

Hurd was silent for a while, probably also thinking about the past.For a moment, the complicated expression appeared on his face again.

He said: "I was looking for a lighthouse along the Folio Sea. In the letter from the elders of the family at that time, I was asked to look for a lighthouse by the sea, saying that someone would be waiting for me there."

"...Did you find it?" Mr. Ghost asked.

Hurd's lips trembled, he took another sip of hot tea, and then said vaguely in a nearly choked tone: "Yes, I found it...I found it."

He started to cough, as if he was choked by the hot tea just now, or because he thought of some bad things, so he had to cough, as if he wanted to use this method to make those dirty and unbearable people Stuff leaves itself.

He said: "In a small abandoned town in the southeast of the Folio Sea. On the coast of the coast, there is a small lighthouse. It was originally sky blue...

"Yes, it is said that it was once painted with sky blue paint, but now, it has been corroded by sea wind and dust and turned into a dirty color."

He murmured, with a trembling fear that he was not aware of.

Soon, he said again: "During that time, I asked everywhere about the lighthouse. I couldn't speak the language there, and occasionally I met a few people who could speak Const. They would give me directions, but I also suspect that they are talking nonsense.

"Originally I was directly south of the Folio Sea, but because of what they said, I went further and further north. I walked all the way along the coast... In the process, I also felt that the atmosphere of the seaside is getting stronger and stronger. The weirder it is, the more people seem to want to do something.

"...and then I found it. Almost the first time I saw the lighthouse, I knew it was the lighthouse I was looking for. It was empty, but there was a letter. It mentioned me Things to do, I want to..."

He stopped suddenly.

Mr. Ghost waited silently, without asking at this time.

Hurd let go of the teacup.The teacup fell on him, and the tea splashed all over him, but Hurd didn't respond.He just covered his face with his hands and whispered, "I'm going to kill someone."

Mr. Phantom was taken aback for a moment, and an idea came to his mind.

Hurd trembled, and then said loudly: "I'm going to kill myself! Hahaha, what a ridiculous thing! On that letter, it was written in black and white, 'Kill Hurd Dreyson'!"

He said forcefully, resentfully, and inconceivably: "How could such a thing happen? I embarked on a journey, thinking that I was going to help the elder collect the body, or inherit his relics, or visit an old friend for him .

"Finally, he told me to kill myself?! Ha, how can such a thing happen! How accurate is that name, oh, Hurd Helleson! I'm going to kill myself! I'm going to sea to kill myself !"

He even danced and danced.He said: "I searched everywhere in that empty, abandoned, dirty lighthouse and all I could find was this letter, this sentence, this name.

"Ha, I am looking for an answer during this long journey, and the final answer is: I will kill myself at the end of this journey!"

Mr. Ghost listened in silence, feeling a vague sense of surprise at Heard's last words.Journey, he thought, from birth to death.There is indeed a subtle feeling.

But for Hurd, it was almost like a bolt from the blue.

Rather, he had thought of this possibility, but he was unwilling to admit it.And when he found the final answer in the lighthouse he was looking for, he discovered inconceivably that his own death was... the answer.

The reality he had to face.

Hurd's mood gradually calmed down, but he also showed an almost dull expression.He laughed and said, "I will go to sea to die, to go to sea to give my life... My blood flowed into the sea, flowed onto the beach, and drowned the whole world.

"...It's like a bloody waterfall, rushing towards everyone. I need to find a boat, find an isolated island. Keep searching...continue the journey...and the ridiculous thing is, the end of this search...I have to do it myself kill myself.

"Is this really me? That name, that letter. Will there be a second Hurd Dreyson in this world? Is it because I, Hurd, is needed to kill another Hurd? "

Hurd muttered to himself.

At this moment, Mr. Phantom finally understood why there was such a self-contradictory and self-separating situation in Hurd's dream.Because he doesn't want to face reality.

And at the same time, Hurd does understand that the reality is that his family needs him to go to sea and kill himself.

Hurd has embarked on this path driven by some kind of family honor.When he set off, he might still be thinking that as long as he completes the mission entrusted to him by the mysterious uncle, then he can reunite with his family.

And he never thought that the price might be his death.Even his family has acquiesced to his death.He will never be able to return to La Mifa City, at least not under the name of Hurd Dreyson.

In the drowsy room, they were all silent.

Hurd shrunk there sluggishly, staring blankly ahead.It can be seen that in the past period of time, he has struggled with this issue for a long time, but he couldn't reach a conclusion that satisfied him.

Is he really going to kill himself?

However, from another perspective, it seems that he is indeed the one who pushes him to understand this cruel truth and face this terrible reality.

After a while, Mr. Ghost broke the silence by saying in his usual calm, flat tone, "So, are you going to do this?"

Hurd did not answer this question clearly. He said: "The letter said that I will do this in mid-to-late May-kill Hurd Dreyson."

Mr. Phantom was immediately taken aback.

It's this time again?

He didn't even react for a moment.

This time sounds so commonplace, as if everyone will encounter this time of the year-yes, it is.So Hurd himself didn't react.

He probably thought that his uncle had calculated the delivery time, Hurd's distance, and the time of some accidents, so he finally estimated this time point, so he asked Hurd to die before mid-to-late May.

But for Mr. Ghost, since it is this point in time, it is obviously related to what happened in Lamifa City.

...but why?What is so special about this time?

Mr. Ghost was puzzled by this.He always felt that he had overlooked some clues, but it was difficult to draw a conclusion.

He asked, "Is there any other information in the letter?"

Hurd gave him a dead-eye look, and then said very weakly: "The letter is...let me find a boat...any boat is fine, and go to the Furiou Sea that is closest to that deserted town. island...then, kill yourself."

"How?" Mr. Ghost asked calmly.

As if infected by his calmness and composure, Hurd also slowly recovered a little spirit.He sat up straighter, and said, "First cut off my left hand, then cut off my left leg. Throw the left hand and left leg into the sea with the right hand, and then walk into the ocean by myself."

Mr. Ghost frowned involuntarily.This is a rather cruel method, even a little too cruel.

For his part, Mr. Ghost is rather skeptical that Heard will be able to make it through the process.Probably after he chopped off his left hand, he would faint from the excruciating pain and blood loss.

...However, another possibility is that the isolated island has already involved the category of gods.In an extremely crazy situation, Hurd will forget his physical condition and give everything wholeheartedly.

Mr. Ghost asked, "So, what have you been doing recently?"

Hurd seemed to be stopped by this question, he hesitated for a moment, and then murmured: "I...I am looking for a ship to go to sea."

Mr. Ghost gave him a deep look.

That self-contradictory heart did not stop Hurd from moving forward.Exactly what Hurd was on the journey for now is less important now.The important thing is that he is indeed, in hesitation, anxiety and fear, he is indeed accomplishing his task.

For a moment, Mr. Phantom really wanted to ask, why is Hurd still following the ideas of his malicious elder?Doesn't he know that if this continues, he will eventually give up his life on an isolated island?Is he really willing to die?

However, this timid, restless, and wandering young man is always moving forward step by step, hesitating.

Mr. Ghost said: "So, you are going to go to the island, and then..."

Mr. Ghost didn't finish his sentence because Hurd interrupted him.

Hurd said: "Otherwise what should I do?" His eyes were so confused and blank, "Should I go back to Ramifa City? However, my family has obviously confirmed my death, so they will Get me out."

Mr. Ghost paused for a moment, listening to Hurd's words.

He realized that, in fact, Hurd is now in a very dazed, exhausted and empty state.He didn't know what he was going to do, and the incident had broken the young man.

When Mr. Ghost met Hurd in reality, Hurd still had a crumbling self-esteem.He thought that he could solve this matter independently, even if he borrowed some money from someone, he would definitely be able to pay it back later, and he was even unwilling to ask for more help because of this.

But now, Hurd has undergone a complete change.His self-esteem... No, it should be said that his entire soul is riddled with holes.He realizes that his beloved family is pushing him to his death.

He realized that his beloved family wanted him dead.

Hurd closed his eyes hard, but he still couldn't help crying.That was cowardly enough, but he seemed to think that he had actually cried once before in front of Mr. Ghost, so he let himself go and wailed even more painfully.

After a while, he suddenly restrained his expression, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "What do you think I should do? They want me to die, and besides death, it seems that I have no other choice."

"...Your family may have always believed in the old gods." Mr. Ghost said, "You should have noticed this by now, right?"

Hurd nodded slowly.

Mr. Ghost said calmly, "And you know, you don't have to be with them."

"But, that's my family," Hurd said. "They raised me."

"If they want you to kill another person, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to do it." Mr. Phantom pointed out this point very rationally, "It's because the person they want you to kill is yourself, so you dare."

Hurd wasn't that bad by nature.He may be a person with strong self-esteem, sternness, and no opinion, but he is not a cruel, bloodthirsty, and cruel person.

Hurd flinched subconsciously, and then said in a low voice: "I...I don't know. Or maybe...I just...I just want to, just want to go to sea. See what they...why do they want me to do? What. Look at that final... ending."

"And if you die, will more people die?" Mr. Ghost asked.

Hurd looked at him in surprise, and after a while, he murmured, " death, shouldn't...shouldn't it prevent more deaths?"

Mr. Phantom narrowed his eyes and thought, sure enough.The young man actually held a point of view of individual heroism.He does not admit his cowardice, he thinks he is doing a good thing.There is a good chance he thought he was self-sacrificing.

He thought it would save his family, and maybe even more deaths.He might think that this is a custom that their family has passed down for many years, and that it is a unilateral sacrifice to prevent more sacrifices.

He became a sacrifice to the ocean, so more people don't have to.

This was Hurd's wishful thinking. He was looking for a reason for his own death—a reason that would allow him to die with peace of mind.

Mr. Phantom sighed softly, and said: "I have to tell you, Mr. Dreyson. The situation in the deep sea is not as simple as you imagined—death, nor is it as simple as you imagined.

"Besides, if you really die before mid-to-late May, then it is likely to have some kind of negative impact on Ramifa City."

Hurd looked at Mr. Phantom in disbelief. He was stunned for a while, then swallowed nervously, and said softly, " my life really that important?"

Mr. Phantom thought to himself that he had to first strengthen Hurd's will to live, so that this young man would not impulsively run to the ocean to commit suicide later.

Then he said, "Actually, Hurd—let me call you that."

Hurd nodded.

"The reason why I came to your dream is because I hope to solve this matter with you." Mr. Ghost said, "It can also be said to stop. Now I am in the city of Lamifa, and you are in the sea of ​​Fuliou .The two of us cooperate, maybe we can succeed."

Hurd listened to this in surprise.He muttered under his breath, "What do I... what do I need to do? What are we going to stop?"

Mr. Phantom said: "In Lamifa City, there is a group of followers of the old gods who are always secretly active. If you know the Darrow family...?"

Hurd was taken aback for a moment, he thought for a while, and then said, "Oh, I seem...I seem to know. Last year, there was a family in Lamifa City, and everyone was killed, right?"

He showed a little surprised expression, never expecting that this matter could be related to his actions.

Mr. Phantom observed his expression, and realized that the originally nervous expression, as if pushed to the limit by something, had disappeared from Heard's face.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

When Hurd thought it was all about his own death, and thought it was over if he died, Mr. Phantom had to drag him out of his own little world, and Tell him that there are many miserable and terrible things in the world.

And Hurd's death, what Hurd is experiencing now, is also related to something that happened in the past.At the same time, it is also very likely that some future situations will be triggered.

Afterwards, Mr. Ghost informed Hurd about the Darrow family.Of course, he didn't tell Heard about the "Shadow", which was beyond the young man's imagination.

He added additional emphasis to the serial killings in Ramifa City, and the strange and recurring date in mid-to-late May.

Listening, Hurd showed a dumbfounded expression.He has a feeling that the world in front of him has been smashed and reorganized.

When Mr. Ghost finished his words, Hurd still couldn't catch his breath.He stayed in a daze for a long time, and then, not knowing whether to relax or be disappointed, he said, "I...does it all have to do with me?"

"It's your experience that has something to do with these things," Mr. Ghost corrected him.

Hurd moved his body embarrassingly.He scratched his hair, and said shamefully, "I mean...if I die, is it likely to cause more tragedies?"

Mr. Ghost said: "I can't be sure. But at least you have to be aware of it. We can't let the people behind it get their way."

"...Yes. Yes." Hurd nodded vigorously, "I... thank you, I mean... I understand what you mean. I will, I will live first and cooperate with you. I want to solve This thing... yes. I think..."

He spoke incoherently and a little bit.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.He seemed to finally dare to admit this, to admit his fear and unwillingness, to admit that he didn't want to die that much.

"I still want to live," he said.

Mr. Ghost couldn't help showing a smile.

The change of mentality is also an unexpected thing for Hurd.He sat there in a daze, silent for a while, reaching out to touch his head from time to time, as if to confirm whether he had really figured it out, and whether he was really still alive.

Mr. Ghost said, "Hard, I need you to help me with one thing."

Hurd came back to his senses, and asked, "What? Mr. Phantom, I am very happy to help you. This can't even be called help, but my return to you. You saved me."

he whispered.

"It's just mutual benefit. I don't like to see young lives committing suicide." Mr. Ghost said, "What I want you to do is, I want to know what happened in Fuliou Sea recently. I hope you can Gather some information for me."

After all, it will take some time for the Praia family to transmit the message, and Garrett is also busy with the charts and has no time to pay attention to the situation at sea.Now, Mr. Phantom needs an accurate source of information to let him know about the situation in Foley's Sea.

He was actually very worried about the stalemate over there.

Hurd stared blankly, looking at Mr. Phantom with some confusion.

Mr. Phantom said: "You have found that the atmosphere on the north side of the sea is not quite right recently, is it?"

Hurd nodded.

"Because someone found Stardust on an isolated island. That isolated island was once shrouded in mist, but last year the mist dissipated, so someone went to that isolated island.

"Everyone wanted a piece of the action, and the chaos led to death and disputes, so the tribe on Middleton's side sent people to maintain order. However, the star dust found on this isolated island, the magic it made medicine, but it makes the user fall into madness."

Mr. Phantom narrates the various disputes that have arisen over the Sea of ​​Foley in the past.

Hurd listened dumbfounded.

For this young man, perhaps he occasionally even had an illusion that the strange atmosphere and strange situation in the north were all due to his arrival, his destination, and his journey.

That might have tinged a little smugness.However, when he really learned what happened nearby, he couldn't help but feel nervous and scared.

He said, "Then, the middle and late May..."

"Yes, I think so too." Mr. Phantom said, "There is still a month before that time. Maybe before that, there will be a huge chaos and disaster in the Sea of ​​Foley.

"I don't want you to be involved, it's obviously very dangerous, but if you can provide me with some real-time information, it will help me."

Only then did Hurd suddenly realize.He nodded vigorously, as if he had found a new target, he said, "I understand. Will we still meet in a dream?"

"Yes." Mr. Ghost said, "I will enter a dream every other day. Now you can control the content of the dream. If you have anything to tell me, just come to the dream at the right time and I will Know."

"It's amazing," Hurd exclaims.

He thought for a while, and then said: "I happen to be in a port city recently...I originally wanted to find a ship to go to sea, but...Anyway, I will go and find out what you want to know."

Mr. Phantom had no choice but to remind him: "Pay attention to concealment, and don't leak relevant information, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

Hurd nodded seriously: "I will pay attention." He murmured in a low voice, "I won't let myself fall into the same predicament again."

Watching his expression, Mr. Ghost confirmed that the young man had indeed figured it out—at least a part of it.

He said: "The other thing you need to be aware of is that if those people need your death and you don't intend to ask for it, then they may act secretly. So, you have to pay more attention to your own personal safety. "

Hurd was surprised to hear this detail.

He nodded thoughtfully, realizing what he should do.He tentatively said: "So, should I maintain the original plan and pretend that I continue to look for the ship going out to sea, but in fact I am secretly looking for information at sea?"

"Yes, Hurd, you can do that," said Mr. Ghost.

Hurd breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and he said, "I see. Thank you for your reminder."

"Then, Hurd, see you next time."

"See you next time, Mr. Ghost."

When Siles woke up from the dream, he revisited the harvest of this deep sea dream, and couldn't help but lament the magic of the power of fate.

When he met the young man Hurd Dreyson, it never occurred to him that this young man would eventually become his helper.It should be said that Mr. Phantom could understand Hurd's true thoughts more easily than Sirius Noel.

In fact, Sirius himself was amazed at the young man's gullibility.Hurd seemed to choose to believe Mr. Ghost's story without thinking twice.

As far as vigilance is concerned, Hurd Dreyson, a young man who grew up in a wealthy family and a prosperous city, is not as good as Hal Goss, a young boy living in Biddle City.

However, for Siles, this is also a good thing.Otherwise, he might have a headache on how to deal with Hurd's affairs.

If Hurd really did what was said in the family secret letter, then Siles doubted the seriousness of the consequences.

Perhaps, it was just a way to please the "shadow", just like the island sacrifice that happened in the storm on the Sea of ​​Folio.However, this special date seems to have an ulterior motive.

Siles believes that this date is likely to be set because of what the followers of the old gods wanted to do.


He suddenly realized a problem.

Considering the communication conditions of this era, this date seems too precise.In other words, how can these behind-the-scenes black hands ensure that things in different places do happen at the time they want?

...because the date had already been decided earlier?

It does seem to be so.The letter Hurd found in the abandoned lighthouse was obviously prepared by someone in advance.And that date was clearly mentioned in that letter.

Including the news that Darrell heard in the artist department before, it obviously came from some earlier statements.

This is indeed the case, but what factors determine the date in mid-to-late May?

What's more, several serial murders that happened earlier also happened at this point in time.Why can this thing happen at about the same time for decades?

Siles thought for a while, and felt that this question was likely to haunt him for a long time to come.

In addition, the letter that Hurd's great-uncle sent back to the family said that there would be someone waiting for Hurd in the lighthouse by the sea.But why was there only one letter in the lighthouse after Hurd arrived?

He couldn't help sighing.There are many problems.

Beside him, Qin Duo turned over and said "good morning" vaguely to him.

"Good morning at four o'clock in the morning?" Sirius asked suspiciously.

Qin Duo came to his senses, and said, "You have to ask Akamala." He thought for a while, then shook his head, "However, this matter is not suitable for joking."

It was because Akamala fell at four o'clock in the morning, so they had to wake up at this awkward time.It was a disaster, so even if they felt helpless, they had to accept it.

Siles was silent for a moment, then said: "Good morning. It's time to welcome a new week."

"What are you going to do this morning?"

Siles thought for a while and said, "Do you remember the club activities this Friday?"

"Yes... oh, you have to plan ahead." Qin Duo said.

Siles nodded.

The sky was getting brighter outside, and Sirius felt himself fully awake.He said, "It's time for us to get up."

Cinder sat up in bed, then muttered, "New week, new papers."

Siles laughed.

They washed slowly, ate breakfast, and went for a walk.After seven o'clock, they had already arrived at the study.

Qin Duo was holding a large stack of documents, and came a little later than Sirius.He was sorting out the contents of the file, and then suddenly said in surprise: "A letter from Ms. Heidi."

Siles couldn't help looking at him too.

Qin Duo looked at the note written by the Praia family, and said: "Ms. Heidi didn't know our address, so she sent it to Kansas, and then asked the people there to help deliver it."

Siles walked to his side, looked at the letter, and said, "Open it and have a look."

Qin Duo nodded, opened the envelope, roughly read the contents of the letter, and then showed a slightly strange expression.He said: "Heidi said in the letter that she has finished her work in the Land of Never Embers and decided to come to Lamifa City after a while.

"She will arrive in Lamifa mid-May."

Siles and Qindo were silent for a moment.

Siles thought of Dr. Chester's letter from before.Elizabeth Hosier will also arrive in Ramifa in May.

He had a May feeling that people were going to come together.

As if something important was going to happen at that time too.And he still doesn't know what the result of that matter will be, and whether it will have some impact on future things.

In any case, there are indications that they are approaching the core of the matter.

Qin Duo put the letter down casually, and then said after deliberating, "I don't know if Ms. Heidi has gained anything."

Heidi mentioned in her letter that what she needs to do in the Land of Never Embers is probably to find those people in the original circus, including clowns, animal trainers, magicians, etc., and warn them about those "items" .

Siles also hoped that she could settle the matter.If these items can be completely destroyed, then

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