"Professor, Zhan Xinjia.

"You should have heard about the card competition before, I also signed up for it, and passed the first round of the competition, and finally I am worthy of the time when I studied card games with you on the train.

"However, I don't plan to participate in the subsequent games. First, I am one of the inventors of this game (although others don't know about it), and second, there are some new things that bother me recently.

"...I received a letter from Middleton a few days ago. I had expected it when I saw the address on the envelope—it was from Aunt Elizabeth.

"She said that she had made up her mind and decided to leave Middleton and live in Ramifa for a while. She said it was a sojourn, and I understood what she meant.

"But...professor, I don't know if you can feel this feeling. If such an elder wants to come to live with me for a while, then of course I welcome it very much.

"However, I hope that she came here because she wanted to travel and to see the scenery of a new place, not because of some old gods, old stories, etc., and embarked on a journey full of haze.

"It's like a unique sight in our world. We're human, but we're haunted by gods.

"...I hope you don't feel down because of my letter. In any case, Aunt Elizabeth is determined to get out of the painful thing. I also hope that the truth of what happened to my mother can be found out as soon as possible. we discover.

"And even if we don't know, life always goes on.

"By the way, Aunt Elizabeth also mentioned you in the letter. She said that your sharpness left a deep impression on her. Maybe she will visit you after she comes to Ramifa City. She will probably be in Arrived in May.

"Chester Fitzroy."

April 4, Saturday.When Siles was about to go out in the morning, the postman delivered this letter from Doctor Chester.

Siles was not in a hurry to go out, but opened the letter first and read it.

Sirius was quite surprised that Elizabeth Hosier was about to arrive in Ramifa.Of course, his surprise was based on a coincidence at this point in time, not the incident itself.

He guessed that Elizabeth would come to Ramifa City. First, Elizabeth seemed to get along well with Chester. Naturally, she would also be curious about where her family was, and it was normal to come here for a trip.

Secondly, in the original running group plot, Elizabeth will come to Lamifa City.This is a very natural choice, because Elizabeth is the bishop of the Church of the Past after all, and the Principality of Const is an important diocese of the Church of the Past.

Once something happened, she would naturally want to come to Lamifa City.

However, before that, Elizabeth had been stuck in the weakness and hesitation of the past 30 years.What happened to her sister, Josephine Hosier, gave her a deep-seated unease about Middleton.

To this day, she has finally made up her mind - it can also be said that she has finally decided to put her soul on Antinam's side instead of Middleton.

This choice made Celes feel mixed feelings.After gradually becoming aware of Amoise's choice, Siles learned more about the reasons behind Middleton's current situation.

Middleton maintains such an ancient and backward state today, most likely because Amoys' followers deliberately maintain it behind the scenes.

And they probably wouldn't dare to change Middleton's situation easily.After all, now that Amois has fallen, only the last remnant of will continues to bind the "Shadow".

Any abnormality near the Furiou Sea may stimulate Amois's last will to resist.If "Shadow" breaks free from such shackles, then what he can do is completely unknown.

So it is difficult for Siles to comment on Middleton today.It should be said that even the evaluation itself seems a little pale.After all, their ultimate goal is to fight against the "shadow".

And they haven't been able to do that yet.

As far as Elizabeth Hosier's choice was concerned, Sirius thought it would at least alleviate her endless pains and sorrows of the past.And more, maybe we can only wait for time to give an answer.

The letter also reminded Siles of his previous experience in Middleton.It was an experience completely out of his daily life today, but also quite fascinating, especially the long journey and wandering at sea.

Siles sighed slowly, and then re-read Chester's letter, making sure that he didn't miss any important information, then refolded the letter paper and put it back in the envelope.

While doing this, he couldn't help thinking that he had also read those letters in the past.

And if someone in the future can find this letter, see Dr. Chester's thinking about humans and gods, and see people in this era wandering in the old gods and fog, will future generations also be able to start from their perspective at that time, To draw new and wonderful conclusions?

Just like Siles was always reading the literature and manuscripts of the Silent Period, and then got a glimpse of people's thoughts at that time from them.

Past, present, Future.The cycle of time is always very interesting.

He drooped his eyes and thought casually, then packed the letter, put it in a drawer in the study, and went downstairs.

"What did the doctor write?" Qin Duo asked him casually.

Siles said: "Bishop Elizabeth has decided to live in Lamifah City for a while." He thought for a while, and then said, "Also, Doctor Chester also participated in the card game, and he doesn't plan to continue the game after passing the first round. gone."

Qin Duo nodded, he was a little surprised by these two things.

But the second thing made him jokingly say: "The doctor actually participated in the competition? I don't know if Alva participated."

Siles and Qindo obviously didn't have the time to participate in this game, but Chester and Alva didn't necessarily have the time.And these two people can be regarded as one of the inventors of Noel's card game.

The Doctor did pass the first round, but, Alva...?

Siles was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing. He said, "Maybe we can ask later. It seems that we haven't met for a long time."

Qin Duo leaned over and hugged him, muttering in a low voice: "However, it's not easy to carve out a small piece of time from your schedule."

Siles: "..."

He pinched Qin Duo's earlobe in warning.

In fact, the reason why Siles is so busy is because he always needs to travel to different places.Qin Duo is also busy, but the Praia family can organize the affairs files that need to be dealt with for him, and then deliver them to his door.

Siles could only go to different locations in person.

But today Qin Duo is going out too.

Ginto is for the fair at Ernestine's Tavern.The Praia family has already discussed a feasible solution, planning to hold a large market in the west city in the second half of the year.

It can be compared to the October Fair, but it is more oriented to the residents of the West City.They need to attract investment in advance, determine the location, and agree with the officials of the Principality of Const about the corresponding tax incentives and so on.These things also need to be dealt with by Qin Duo.

They go out together.Cindo and Siles took a walk to Atherton Square together, and then they took a taxi to go to the office.Siles, on the other hand, went to the Historical Society.

This morning, he still needs to work with Aneurin to sort out and experiment with the revealer rituals that might be useful.

It's Saturday.For the past two weeks, his life has gone on quite normally.

Last Saturday, when he was watching the battle in the salon behind the door of the Historical Society, he met an old man who called himself "Forrest".This person fit the description of Bart the scribe very well. He was about 50 years old, with a thin build and a gloomy expression.

Siles didn't know why he stopped him, they just chatted dryly, and then the old man bid him farewell.Siles doesn't even know Forrest's true identity.

This matter made him a little puzzled.If Forrest really knew about the existence of "Shadow", then he stopped Siles this time because of something related to it?

But Forrest said nothing, and Sirius didn't see any hesitation on his face.It's as if he's just there to say hello to Sirius.

In any case, now that he knew of the existence of this person, Siles enlisted the help of Angela Clayton and Mrs. Fuller to search for this so-called "Forrest" in the Presbyterian Church and other departments of the Historical Society.

In addition to matters related to Forrest, Eric Colens is also looking through the files in the second corridor, trying to find case materials related to the "man who died wearing the armor of the female knight."

Siles, therefore, was quite looking forward to the meeting at 18 Housewell Street this afternoon.He thought he might be able to gain some useful information.

Of course, first of all, he still has to spend some time studying this subject.

And this topic also made him a little troubled.

Most of the rituals he and Aneurin found were used to preserve certain objects for a long time, in other words, dead objects.

The leaves are essentially the remains of the plant, like a dead body.Dehydration and air drying in the physical sense seem to be a more appropriate choice.But that also faces a problem: it cannot be widely promoted.

In Siles' vision, he hoped to find some kind of common and common pretreatment method, and also make the leaves have certain solid properties.

Not only can it be stored for a long time, but it should not be easily damaged.After all, the leaves are quite fragile.

He gradually felt that the research had entered a dead end.

What's more, they are so fanatical in pursuing long-term preservation of leaves, is it another act of abandoning the basics and chasing the last?After all, there are always a lot of leaves, and if one is worn out, just pick it up on the road.

Or, are they just ignoring a more reasonable approach?

Siles still couldn't figure it out.

In room 577, facing a large pile of leaves, Siles pinched the bridge of his nose wearily.He had tried many rituals, some of which, he must say, had worked.

But the problem is that performing these rituals requires a corresponding time track.The timing of some rituals is unique in the world, which can be quite a headache.

Do they still have to find someone to use this ritual day and night?

This is a bit out of line with Siles' psychological expectations.

He hoped that it would be something...something in common...beyond the form of the leaf itself...something.

He looked at the leaves on the table, lost in thought.An idea flashed by, but he couldn't catch it.

"...Professor." Aneulin reminded him softly, "It's already noon, why don't we call it a day?"

Only then did Siles come back to his senses. He opened his pocket watch and checked the time, only to find that it was eleven o'clock.So he nodded and said, "Come here then. See you next week."

"See you next week, Professor."

Siles bid farewell to Aneurin and left the Historical Society, intending to go to the third floor of 18 Howesville Street for lunch.

The weather is a bit gloomy today.It should be said that after the good weather in March and April, the weather in Lamifa City will enter a repeated cycle of continuous rain and sunshine.And today happened to be bad weather.

The residents of Lamifa City are used to this kind of situation; however, for Siles, this reminds him of the month when he first came to Fisher's World.The gloomy weather seems to indicate that the storm is coming.

Siles came to Houseville Street with a somewhat dull mood, had a simple lunch on the third floor, and then went to Room 2 on the second floor.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, his companions arrived one after another.

There was an uncontrollable excitement and joy on Angela Clayton's face. As soon as she sat down, she said, "Professor, I found some relevant information! That Forrest!"

They all cast their curious eyes on her first.

"He's not an elder. I thought he was an official member of the elders at first, and wondered why this name wasn't on the list." Angela said, "But later, I looked through another roster and found it." The name."

Having said that, Angela paused.

Everyone knew that she was deliberately showing off at this time, but Darrell couldn't help but urged, "What kind of roster is that?"

When she really wanted to say the answer, Angela hesitated.She showed a slightly complicated expression, as if the roster itself gave her a little uneasiness.

"That's the list of elders who have been expelled from the Presbyterian Church. That's... former elders," she said.

This statement surprised everyone.

Mrs Fuller asked almost immediately: "So, did the roster say why he was removed?"

Angela shook her head and said: "The roster only has the date when he became an elder and was removed. Forrest's full name is Norbert Forrest, and he should be 54 years old this year.

"He became an elder 14 years ago, and he was expelled in the same year. I don't know what happened at that time, but, how to put it... 14 years ago."

They were all silent for a moment.

Now this time point is familiar to them, especially to Siles.

14 years ago, the current grand duke of the Duchy of Const took over. The original grand duke heir, Ebenezer Const, got involved with some followers of the old gods, and eventually left abroad, and most likely went to Middleton .

Also 14 years ago, within the Historical Society, some young people wanted to "borrow" the power of the gods of the past; Grenfell broke with Joseph Morton, Mr. Xia broke with the Historical Society, and the conservative atmosphere within the Historical Society was rampant.

It was a complex and dynamic year.Many things that happened that year caused or indirectly affected many more things that happened later.

And now, they once again accidentally heard about the existence of this vintage.Another thing that happened 14 years ago.

Siles suddenly realized a problem that he had ignored.

In fact, it is well known that there are many schools of thought within the Historical Society.Even Siles himself was involved in some disputes when he was conducting related subjects before.He did escape unscathed, but perhaps others did not.

He has never paid attention to one thing, that is, "14 years ago, there was a young man who intended to borrow the power of the gods of the past."

Maybe it was because he had never met the person involved, or maybe it was always kept secret by everyone, so Siles almost just regarded this incident as an objective fact, but never thought about the meaning behind it .

The implication is that since someone has proposed such a subject, and it is very likely that further experiments have been carried out, there must be corresponding enlighteners, even elders, who support this subject among the high-level members of the Historical Society.

… Was Forrest such a supporter?

Therefore, he became an elder in the same year, and then was expelled from the elders?

This was Siles' guess, but he suddenly felt a subtle feeling, like catching a glimpse of a small wave from the past in the long river of history.

Perhaps no one has ever discovered it, and perhaps even the parties concerned are about to forget the experience at that time, but they have glimpsed a corner inadvertently.This feeling is quite amazing.

Too many people were affected by what happened 14 years ago, and now they have a new person involved.

They were silent for a moment.

Afterwards, Angela took a deep breath: "Anyway, I tried to talk about Forrest with a senior enlightener in the Presbyterian Church. He is not an elder, but he has been working inside the Presbyterian Church.

"I didn't mention what I know about Forrest. I just said that when I was looking through those files, I noticed that Forrest became an elder and was removed in the same year. I was a little curious, so I wanted to ask why.

"And that senior said that the name Forrest is a...taboo. It seems that he once made some kind of unflattering statement within the Historical Society, and then received hostility from many people.

"But... he still seems to be an important figure within the Historical Society. He seems to be a leader in the third corridor now."

Third corridor?

They all set their sights on Darrell.

And Darrell thought about it for a while, and shook his head very honestly: "I've never seen him."

Angela said briskly: "So this is a problem. Forrest seems to be a very reclusive person. The senior I consulted said that he had worked in the Presbyterian Church for nearly 20 years. The number of times is still very small.”

Eric was a little surprised and said, "But, since he has been an elder, he must know quite a few people, right?"

Angela shook her head, indicating that she didn't know the possible reason at all.

Mrs. Fuller said thoughtfully: "He was expelled because of his ideas? However, he did become an elder. Therefore, at a certain stage 14 years ago, people's ideas changed quite drastically and abruptly. .”

Therefore, Forrest became the target of public criticism, and became a manifestation of the drastic changes within the Historical Society at that time.

Darrell thought for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth: "So he once supported the topic of 'borrowing the power of the old gods'?" He said a little confused, "But, didn't the professor say before that this Forrest is very Is it possible to have some information and not want to say it?"

This cowardly and evasive behavior seems to be inconsistent with his earlier performance.

Siles said: "Maybe, he is just investigating secretly, and he doesn't want to involve more people?" He doubted it.

But what exactly Forrest has been up to for the past 14 years remains a mystery.

... Siles realized that he might be able to ask Grenfell about this.Grenfell was the one who really lived through that chaotic period 14 years ago, and of course he was just as young.

Maybe Grenfell would know about Forrest's existence.

Besides, when he goes to the Dawn Apocalypse later, maybe he can also ask for the name of Forrest there.They are all enlighteners who joined the Historical Society earlier than the few people on Siles' side.

So he said: "I will try to learn about Forrest from other angles. Since he has already found me on his own initiative, maybe he wants to exchange some secret information with me."

This statement has also been endorsed by others.

But Mrs. Fuller warned: "Even so, Professor, I think this man is still very dangerous. If he wants to get in touch with you, he can do it through other channels than in person.

"You know, the three-element theory you put forward has already caused a stir within the Historical Society. If he recognized your theory, then he should have stood up to speak for you at that time. But he didn't.

"But now, all the disputes you were involved in at that time have disappeared, but Forrest chose to talk to you in public. This is not a very friendly expression. He should know his embarrassing identity and position."

Under Mrs. Fuller's mature analysis, they realized that there were some problems in Forrest's choice.

Darrell said in surprise: "That's right! Besides, there were other elders in the salon at the time, and there might be someone in the salon who disliked the professor. Forrest's choice seems to be deliberately planting his own reputation." It's like framing the professor!"

Siles nodded in understanding, and said, "Thank you for your reminder, Mrs. Fuller. I will pay attention to this issue."

Angela thought for a while, and couldn't help but say: "Besides, when he found you, you didn't know his identity and past at all. He talked to you for a while, but it would make someone think that you were already familiar with him .”

Eric also nodded, echoing, "If someone is hostile to you because of this, that would be bad."

"There are quite a few people in the Historical Society who don't like me." Siles said quite objectively. "Of course, there are also people who support me. I hope this matter can end with a more suitable result."

They all agree with the idea.

Eric sighed, and couldn't help sighing: "There are really a lot of things inside the Historical Society."

"Oh, that's true." Darrel seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help saying, "I just happened to tell you about the department I joined. It's really a gathering place for a bunch of weirdos."

At the previous gathering, he also mentioned the matter of the artist department, but he didn't seem to have much contact with those members of the department at that time.And this time, it seemed that he really had contact with some of the revelators.

Darrell said: "I went to an event organized by them a few days ago. It was probably in the salon room to talk about my usual creations and some habits during creation.

"I had absolutely nothing to say on this topic, so I kept silent and listened to what they said. There were quite a few people who behaved like me. There were a total of twenty people in that room, and only four or five actually spoke.

"Those people who spoke seemed to be relatively senior members of this department, and their speech and behavior were kind...I can't tell, anyway, I think they seem to value their own status...a bit pretentious and artificial."

Darrell stumbled before he could get the word out.

Angela couldn't help laughing, mocking Darrell's cultural level quite bluntly.

Darrell rolled his eyes, showing a look of being too lazy to argue with Angela.

He continued: "The room was very dark and we were all sitting together. To be honest, it was kind of scary because the voices of those who spoke were so frenetic and the physical movements were quite violent.

"...They all seem to be painters, or sculptors, in short, some identities related to art majors. They mentioned their favorite creative environment and creative methods... Well, these are understandable."

Angela asked in confusion: "So what's the problem?"

Just from the situation Darrell described now, it is impossible to say that there is any problem with that department.

Darrell then said: "What really strikes me as odd ... is that they mentioned a date. An indeterminate future date, I should say."


Siles suddenly looked up at Darrell.

"Sometime in mid-to-late May, they said," Darrell said earnestly. "They don't seem to know the exact date, but they just let everyone else get ready before then."

Speaking, Darrell frowned, and he said, "It seems to be... I think what they mean is that it is a day that is quite suitable for creation and inspiration."

"Fit to create?" Eric said, a little confused. "Is there any fixed date for this too?"

Mrs. Fuller thought for a while, and then said: "I have dealt with some artists, and they seem to be quite concerned about their state of creation every day, but... it is a bit rare to predict in advance that a certain day may be suitable for creation. .”

Angela couldn't help asking: "So, how did you hear what they thought about this day?"

"Because they were complaining about being in a bad mood, not having much inspiration," Darrell explained, "and then, someone said that the second half of May might improve the situation and get them ready Good for this day."

Angela said in surprise: "This is...a bit inexplicable."

The others nodded in agreement.

Siles, on the other hand, pondered silently.

time, date.

Once these two words appeared in front of him, he immediately thought of what Detective Jon said before.Jon said that the group of people who knew the existence of "Shadow" thought that "the time is coming."

They seem to think that "time" is in the next month or two, at least not in the short term.

And the "mid-to-late May" mentioned by Darrell at this moment seems to perfectly fit their guess about the time to a certain extent.

...sometime that could bring inspiration?

Siles had to suspect that it was a conspiracy related to the old gods.

If the power of the old gods is inspired, then that kind of crazy and bewildered power beyond human reason can indeed inspire artists—or, in other words, spirituality.

Perhaps they can indeed take advantage of this opportunity to create amazing works, but at the same time they will also face the pollution of the old gods-their ending will very likely be lost in such madness like the painter Leon.

And a key question is, the person who chose to tell this point in time, is he one of those behind-the-scenes black hands who want to drag more people into the water, or is he just hearing something from another person? Minutiae?

Mrs. Fuller also asked this question at this time: "So, who is the person who told this time?"

Darrell scratched his hair, recalled for a while, and then said: "It seems to be someone who didn't talk much before...I don't remember the specifics."

Angela asked, "Is it male or female? Old or young? Since he spoke, you should have some impression of his voice, right?"

Darrell thought hard for a while, and then shook his head: "I can't tell... I can't tell the age, but it shouldn't be that old. A man and a woman... It should be a man, right?"

Angela asked in astonishment: "Can't even tell the difference between men and women?"

Darrell said: "But when he talks, his voice is very muffled! I don't know if he did it on purpose." He said it, but I didn't realize it was him."

Siles listened silently, thought for a moment, and then said, "Darrell, next time you go to a party over there, try to find that person and observe his personality. "

As he spoke, the others fell silent.Siles told what he knew from Detective Jon and the Church of the Past, especially the serial murders and their doubts about time.

He had roughly told them this before, but now he was repeating his thoughts again.

Angela said in surprise: “You suspect…”

"...Yes." Siles nodded, "Perhaps mid to late May will be the time for them to finally do something, even though we don't know what they plan to do yet."

They all fell silent for a moment.

Finally, Mrs. Fuller said softly, "This is an opportunity to find out about Brewer's death."

indeed so.Siles thought.

And at this moment, apart from the five of them, it seems that no one else still remembers the death of that young man.He died suddenly and silently, like a leaf suddenly detached from the tree.

When they came back to their senses and re-examined this kind of death at this moment, they realized that this death was actually so common, like countless leaves that have been separated from trees in this season.

Brewer is just one of them.

After a while, Darrell said, "I see." He nodded emphatically, "I will."

Mrs. Fuller also told him to be careful.Even if he wanted to investigate the truth of the incident, Darrell had to pay attention to his personal safety first.

Darrell responded equally seriously.

At this time, Eric also changed the topic to another matter.But that was also something connected with Brewer Darrow's death.

He said: "Professor, you asked me to check the information on the second corridor..." He thought for a while.

Angela said in surprise: "Did you find anything on your side?"

Eric shook his head. He said, "I made an unexpected discovery. More than ten years ago... It should be said that there are many missing files in the five-year archives from 385 to 389 of the Mist Age."

They looked at each other.

Siles asked a bit troubled: "Compared to other years?"

"Yes." Eric nodded, "Compared to the two years before and after, that is, 384 and 390 years, it seems that a large part of the data in the five years in between is considered to be taken out."

Angela thought for a while, then shook her head: "It's so strange. The secrets inside the Historical Society are also one after another."

Darrell nodded unconsciously.

Mrs. Fuller also frowned, and she asked, "Even if someone took these materials away, there should be relevant records. Didn't Mr. Grace say anything?"

"I didn't directly express that I found that many documents disappeared." Eric said, "I just said that I wanted to find a document from more than ten years ago, but there was nothing in the document pile.

"At that time, a colleague replied to me that it was normal. He said that there was some chaos within the Historical Society more than ten years ago, so a considerable part of those materials were lost."

"Lost?" Darrell couldn't help blurting out, "Someone did it on purpose!"

Eric said: "That's my guess too, but this idea can't be confirmed."

"Those lost materials are related to what happened at that time?" Siles conjectured, and then shook his head, "But if someone is not guilty of guilt, then it doesn't matter if these files are placed there."

Since the files concentrated in a certain period of time are missing, there must be something ulterior in this period of time, so someone deliberately took away some of the files.

And to do this, and keep the revelators in the second corridor unaware, there is a high probability that it will be the top management of the Historical Society.

Siles wasn't sure what might have triggered the missing files.

Furthermore, this possibility is just their guess. The Historical Society during that period 14 years ago was indeed quite chaotic. Even if some materials were lost accidentally, it is still possible.

He thought for a moment, and then added: "Perhaps, because of what happened 14 years ago, some of the data was destroyed centrally. Maybe it was the default situation of the high-level."

When high-level struggles are involved, the development of the situation is always easy to expand.This is unavoidable.

Eric couldn't help sighing: "Anyway, I'm still looking for possible cases. But in the past ten years, I'm afraid I can't find them. Earlier ones may be too old.

"Afterwards, I will try to find out whether there have been similar cases in the past 100 to 50 years."

Siles nodded, and couldn't help but say, "Thanks for your hard work."

Eric shook his head. He smiled and said, "It's easy. Besides, this is what I should do."

Darrell nodded and said, "Me too."

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat dull, Mrs. Fuller turned to say: "This weekend, the final round of selection for the group arena will be held."

They were all startled.

The competition system of the group arena held by the Historical Society this time is roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the selection competition. Because there are many applicants, the selection of the selection competition is relatively fast. There will be three rounds in total, and only the contestants who win all three rounds will to enter the next stage of the game.

The second stage is the knockout round. There will be 32 to [-], [-] to [-], and [-] to [-], followed by semi-finals and finals.These games will be held on every Saturday of the next week, and the final decision

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