"I mentioned that metaphor to you once—a mess of things mixed together," Piccolo said, "I know where you've been... 'Between Life and Death', don't you?

"However, it's not the same as where I am. Even if it's all... dark places, it's all outside the real world."

Siles nodded, he had expected this idea a long time ago, and now he just got confirmation from Piccolo.

He turned to ask: "Then, is the 'Sea of ​​Darkness' recorded in the relevant materials of Lygardia a similar place?"

"The 'Dark Sea'... did you know about this place from the Praia family's collection?" Piccolo asked.

"Yes," said Siles.

Piccolo said: "That's actually... a concept in a more general sense. Some human beings have inadvertently traveled to those places outside the real world, in older ages.

"People don't show up there as much these days. Of course, there are some unlucky people who accidentally throw themselves in there—oh, I don't mean you."

Siles: "..."

It's really a superfluous addition.

Piccolo coughed, and swayed the body of the flute a little awkwardly.It also said: "Thus, those places that human beings can go to and have a certain way to return to, which are opposite to the real world, can be called 'dark seas'.

"The places you've been to belong to the Sea of ​​Darkness, but the place I'm in is not, because humans can't go there... Even if they go, they probably won't be able to come back."

Sirius nodded understandingly.

The concept of "Sea of ​​Darkness" first appeared because a follower of Lygardia strayed into it.In the end, he was able to return to the world relying on the guidance of the light known as the "soul lighthouse".

And Siles is actually pretty much the same.However, he didn't know if there was any substantial difference between the sea of ​​darkness he went to and the sea of ​​darkness that the believer strayed into.

...It was like a sticky black sesame paste mixed with various things.The concept came to Siles quite naturally.

So what is the "soul lighthouse"?

Siles asked the dice the question.

Piccolo thought for a while as if distressed, and then said: "It's hard to explain this to you...you have also witnessed that kind of light before. I must say, it is really a bit like encountering a light while sailing on the sea." Beacon light."

"But where did that come from?" Sirius couldn't help asking.

"Reality." Piccolo said affirmatively this time, "the real world is light, and its opposite is darkness. The Sea of ​​Darkness is complete 'darkness'. So, once something related to reality is involved, there will be something like this." shine.

"It's like... the real world has torn a gap in the sea of ​​darkness, and light shines through it. Because of this, the souls lost in the sea of ​​darkness can be rescued."

Siles nodded slowly, but pinched the bridge of his nose involuntarily.He felt that these concepts were quite... unreal.However, this is indeed something beyond reality.

He thought of what Qin Duo had done.

He asked: "How can it be regarded as tearing a rift?"

"There are many ways. Reappear the past soul lighthouse, actively create concepts related to reality, and..." Piccolo hesitated for a while.

"as well as?"

"...and let a dead ghost enter the sea of ​​darkness." Piccolo's tone carried the meaning of "shrugging shoulders". "A human being entering the sea of ​​darkness will of course bring a burst of light that belongs to reality."

Siles froze there, feeling a deep chill.

How did those who strayed into the sea of ​​darkness escape from it in more remote and ancient times?Just in the endless darkness and madness, waiting for a later scapegoat?

This kind of malice alone already made Siles feel uneasy.

In addition, even though the term "soul lighthouse" sounds very stable and reliable, in the earliest era, the light of this lighthouse could only come from an unlucky soul who strayed into the dark sea.

It was his bad luck that allowed the latecomers to escape from the Dark Sea.It's just that he, the unlucky guy at the beginning, seemed unable to successfully leave that nightmare place.

This situation made Siles feel a little helpless.

The Soul Beacon has such a powerful effect today.At the beginning, Qin Duo only borrowed this concept, and he was able to successfully rescue Siles without even understanding the meaning of this concept.

And this means that it may be the imprint left by countless people who strayed into the dark sea together on the concept of "soul lighthouse".

It is because so many people have accidentally entered the sea of ​​darkness, and maybe they will stay there forever, so now the "soul lighthouse" can emit brilliant and bright light.

Death forges the light of the beacon.

Sirius was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly.He didn't go further into this topic, after all, he had to control the time.

He turned to ask: "So, Dice, are you a godhead?"

Piccolo muttered something.Sirius doesn't even need to listen to know what it's talking about - must be complaining about how Sirius can just call it "dice".

... Seriously, how could he know so much about dice?

Piccolo coughed quickly, and then said seriously: "No, you can't say that. The other godheads are not as flexible and autonomous as I am."

Siles showed a subtle expression.

Although he knew that the meaning of the dice was just a simple comparison, but for some reason, he could feel the proud and self-satisfied meaning in the tone of the dice.

And the dice mentioned other godheads... The meaning of this is obviously that its power also includes this part of the godhead.

"I can't go into too much detail on this matter." Piccolo sighed, "I can only say, dear Keeper, that my strength also means your strength. But, I also need you..."

It paused here, and then did not continue to speak.

It turned to say: "You just treat me as a godhead. In a long time, a godhead of self-will was born."

Siles nodded.But he still thought suspiciously, "How about treating it as a godhead?"What this means is that dice are actually different from godheads.

Moreover, self-will.The meaning contained in these four words is quite frightening.Are there other godheads born out of my own will?Godhead... can also have self-will?

Can force itself have a will of its own?

So in those ancient times, the old gods killed each other, devoured each other, and turned against each other. Does it also contain a direct confrontation between forces?

He was rather curious about the question, but didn't waste time on it.

He turned to ask: "So, my next question is, is Ruthmi the first victim of 'Shadow' since it came to this world?"

Piccolo was silent for a moment.

"...You are quite sharp." After a while, Piccolo said, "But you can't say you are the first one. Rather, you should be the first group."

Siles couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The first batch... that is, more than one god was affected by the "shadow" at the same time.

... At this moment, it should be said that the first emotion that appeared in Sirius' heart was confusion.Why can "Shadow" have such a great influence on these gods?

Piccolo didn't explain much about this matter, it said: "About... His coming. That is a long topic, and it is not suitable for discussion in the real world. I can only say that your guess is in the right direction .”

Sirius was silent for a moment, then nodded.From the tone of the dice, he felt that there might be something else hidden about this matter.

After all, why did "Shadow" choose to come to Fisher's world instead of other worlds?There should always be something that attracted his attention.

He didn't continue to ask, but asked another question: "You once said that the ocean is not so weak... Is Amoys still alive?"

This question made Piccolo silent for a long time, so long that Sirius even suspected that it had left.

After a while, Piccolo said in a surprisingly calm tone: "No, he has already fallen."

Siles was slightly taken aback.

"It's just His will, which still remains." Piccolo's voice was very soft, and he even slowed down his speech, as if he was considering how to describe it, or it was just because... this incident made it unable to speak.

Piccolo said: "As long as His will remains, 'Shadow' will not be able to leave the northern seas. We still have time."

Siles was surprised to learn this.

He had thought that Amoys was still alive, still... It could be said that he was the third existing god in this world, besides "Shadow" and Anti-Nam.However, Amois has actually collapsed like other old gods.

Only His will endures.

The power of the gods is so miraculous that even after their fall, they still have a certain effect.It's just that the power of other old gods has not been able to directly confront the outer gods.

The will of other old gods may be scattered into mist, or become the pollution of items and stories, covering the world; however, Amoyes' will is like a net, binding the "shadow" on the sea of ​​Furiou.

That may be His last will.And He did.

As long as the soul of Amois is still there, the "Shadow" will be shackled.

Siles involuntarily held his breath for a moment.He felt a larger emotion, touched by something that wasn't there but was there.That made him startled for a long time.

Piccolo also maintained a sigh-like silence at this time.

After a while, Sirius couldn't help asking: "Does anyone else know this?" Especially those followers of Amois.Do they know the actions of the gods they believe in?

"The Paradise of Amois is called the Brotherhood of Assi," Piccolo said. A certain concept that human beings collectively exist by default.

"In the older days, some fighters would join this organization, or consider themselves a member of this organization, which is a kind of psychological recognition. They regard this organization as a kind of glory; until now it is still in this way.

"This organization still exists today, and it is mainly active in Middleton. And the top management of this organization...I think they probably know the current situation of Amoys. This is why Middleton still maintains an older political structure. s reason.

"At the same time, to a certain extent, they also maintain the peace and prosperity of the Sea of ​​Folio. But as time goes by, they may also be powerless. It's hard to say."

Sirius nodded thoughtfully.

He thought of something that was happening north of the Never Embers right now.Middleton's tribe, Basil, is now maintaining order over there, so that people will not rush into that isolated island crazily.

People may think that they can get rich in this way, but the situation is far more complicated than they imagined.

Now Siles suspects that the Basil tribe may belong to the Brotherhood of Asia.Therefore, they will deliberately intervene in this matter.

After all, people generally think of the Never Emberlands as a sprawling wasteland that doesn't belong to any nation.And the sea to the north, the same can be said to some extent.

The ports to the east of the Folio Sea are basically occupied by Middleton, but this is not the case to the west and south.People can directly enter the waters of the Folio Sea through those ports, and even the beaches, and Middleton can't control it.

Because of this, people will probably be quite surprised when Basil intervenes in the affairs of that isolated island.

... Siles is not sure whether to involve the Church of the Past in this matter.He always felt that might pose an uncertain risk.In addition, the sphere of influence of the church in the past is also difficult to penetrate into the land of no embers.

His thoughts wandered to the matter of the sea to the north, then came back.

After confirming the current situation of Amoys, he felt a little relieved.Anyway, even though Amoys has fallen, he can still be said to be their helper now.

"Do you have any questions?" Piccolo urged softly.

Siles considered it for a while, and then asked, "Do you know Cynthia?"

"An avatar of Akamala?" Piccolo asked sharply back, and then said, "One of the avatars, I should say. He rather likes this identity, because he started out thinking of himself as a young and childish little girl.

"So He likes Cynthia. After Dormaine's country was established, people began to rehearse six sets of puppet plays as a celebration of the founding of the country. Cynthia is the name of a little girl character in Dormaine's first play.

"After that, Dormaine also performed this repertoire from time to time. Sometimes, Akamala would play Cynthia himself, and slowly, he took this identity as one of his avatars.

"...It's amazing, isn't it? But that's also in line with his power, illusory...the transformation between illusory and real. He also always likes to play this kind of trick, just like a naive girl."

There was a slight nostalgia in Piccolo's tone.When referring to those old times, it also reveals a complex emotion that is palpable.

After a while, it said again: "I'm not sure whether Cynthia you're referring to is Akamala itself, or some... people who may be related to Akamala, but only act under this name.

"Those are old stories, maybe too old for people to tell the difference."

Siles nodded and said, "I see. I'll try to investigate."

As Dice said, Cynthia's story, including the few word-of-mouth rumors mentioned by Hal Goss before, is quite old.

Siles also believes that there are some details that do not match Cynthia's behavior, such as those self-sacrificing fishermen.It is very likely that later generations added oil and vinegar, or deliberately mixed it in.

The name Cynthia is indeed one of Akamala's incarnations, but it's just a name.Perhaps someone else has used this name as well.Therefore, whether the stories symbolized by "Cynthia" all point to Akamala is another matter.

...But on the other hand, if he can completely distinguish the two parts, does that mean that some people who are hiding behind the scenes have been exposed?

Under normal circumstances, people may not be able to tell the truth of a piece of information, so they will be deceived by various rumors and legends; however, Siles happens to have quite a wide information channel.

He reminded himself to ask Dorothea Grant about it tomorrow.

So, Sirius asked the dice the last question: "My mother... should I say, the mother of Sirius Noel, does it really exist?"

He waited in silence for a while, but the piccolo on the table did not respond.

Siles frowned slightly and asked, "Dice?"

Piccolo remained silent.

…Siles realized dumbfoundedly that the dice left directly.

Intimidated by the question, or is it time and have to leave?

Siles thinks the latter is unlikely.If Dice wants to leave, he will always tell him, otherwise it will be very impolite.However, Dice left without a sound.

So this "mother" does have some problems, and the dice can't say it directly?Are you even ashamed to tell the truth?Or, is it because of other reasons?

In any case, just by dice's current "fleeing" behavior, Siles can realize that there are indeed some hidden secrets in it.

...So the statement in that letter that it is not suitable to visit Merlin in the near future is really ulterior motives?

Siles couldn't help frowning, he felt a little scared.Fortunately, he reminded Qin Duo before, otherwise, if the postman really went to Merlin Town with an "investigative" mentality, something might happen.

Only by going ignorantly and leaving ignorantly can risks be avoided to the greatest extent.Just like the tribal ruins that Alfonso Carlyle and Emmanuel went to before.

This is how the world works.

Sirius sighed slowly.He leaned back and sat a little more relaxed.He looked out the window at night.

From the window of the study one could see the avenue in Atherton Square.At this moment, the rustling of the wind, the swaying tree branches and leaves and the resulting shadows give people a slightly gloomy and deserted atmosphere.

It's been a long day, and his day isn't over yet.

… Siles suddenly and helplessly realized that now, even in his dreams, he had to do something serious.What a lamentable career as a traveler.

Fortunately, there weren't too many affairs that he needed to deal with in the deep sea dream; unfortunately, he still had to deal with business in the dream, and even felt relieved because there were not many business affairs.

Another World Social Animal is grateful for not having much work.This is very real world.

Siles sat there picking up and putting down thoughts in his head.He closed his eyes for a moment.He has to say that the [quiet heart] ritual is quite reliable in maintaining calmness and rationality.

After a while, he regained his senses, got up and put the piccolo back into the small room, and then left the study.

Qin Duo was reading the newspaper in the bedroom. He turned on a dim desk lamp, and the whole bedroom had a warm and drowsy feel to it.That is the atmosphere that makes people willing to fall into a deep sleep at this moment.

He looked up at Sirius and said, "You are back. Did you gain anything?"

Siles then told Qindo part of the information.Of course, he hasn't said anything about the "mother" yet.

He has actually been thinking about telling Qindo about his origin from Earth, but he failed to find a suitable breakthrough.In addition, he also had to consider Qin Duo's ability to accept.

But from another perspective, the longer this matter dragged on, the more he felt a little guilty.Because he knows that Cinder has been completely honest with him, but he still keeps a secret.

At the same time, he also knew that Qindo was not in a hurry, because Qindo was quite aware that Siles had always assumed the responsibility of keeping secrets, including those of the world and others.

This is what Siles had to do.Qin Duo himself had similar things that he had to do.

Perhaps, as successors to the powers of Akamala and Lygardia, they both had to shoulder many responsibilities.As the master of the power of destiny, Siles has to do more things.

Siles was thinking about the earth, but he was not in a hurry.He was the first to say what they were investigating now.

Not surprisingly, Qin Duo also paid attention to a question: "So the Basil tribe was involved in the matter of Stardust because of the relationship of the Yaxi Brotherhood?"

Siles considered it for a while and said, "It's possible. But this is just our guess. Maybe they are only tempted by their interests."

"Is it Stardust's business?" Qin Duo said, and then showed a slightly playful smile, "If this is the case, then they may be in a dilemma now."

Siles nodded in agreement.

According to Langmire's information, some people have already used the star dust produced there, but they fell into a state of madness after taking the potion.Siles didn't know what the reason was, but obviously, there was something wrong with the star dust on the isolated island, or it would bring about some problems.

And the Basil tribe must also know about it.They came here under the banner of maintaining order, but now they are riding a tiger.If they were really involved in this matter because of Amoys, then the situation would be easier to say.

After thinking for a while, Siles shook his head. He said, "The things in the north are too far away from us. Maybe I can only find relevant clues from dreams."

Qin Duo also sighed.He really wanted to use Tau's Tomb to help Siles, but unfortunately, he didn't have that deep grasp of Tau's Tomb.

Also, he doesn't possess the power of Celes' fate.

He doesn't have the ability to find the dead soul in Tau's cemetery now, so he can only rely on luck.

It was the same when Siles first entered the deep sea dream, but he could find useful dream bubbles with a quick grab, and even the owners of those dreams were involved in the subsequent events.

And Qin Duo is different.He fished out a soul that had nothing to do with what they were investigating.

This can be said to be a coincidence of luck, obviously related to fate.But such coincidences were all too common in Siles' life.

Qin Duo said in frustration: "I don't know when I will find the oars in Tau's cemetery."

Speaking of oars, Sirius suddenly thought of a wonderful question.

He said: "Dice just said that the light of the 'soul lighthouse' actually comes from the intersection of the real world and the dark sea."

Qin Duo was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Sirius mentioned this matter.

Silles paused, and then said, "What if we do the same in Tau's cemetery?"

Qin Duo hesitated and said: "You mean, do something related to reality?" He was keenly aware of a possibility, "Clean the graveyards of those foreigners?"

"We've been trying to find paddles," says Siles, "but paddles are a pretty…

"And that might have something to do with reality." Qin Duo said thoughtfully, "Lygardia's original power is also 'reality'...but his paradise is hidden in the dream, isn't that the truth? A kind of 'illusory'?"

Siles frowned.He felt that this group of old gods really had...philosophical meaning.

Qin Duo got up and reached out to touch the crest of Sirius' frowning brow.He whispered: "Don't worry about it. We can always find a way."

Siles also slowly relaxed, he said: "Yes." He kissed Qin Duo, "Don't be too stressed."

On the contrary, Qin Duo didn't quite agree with this statement.He wished he could help Siles.But considering their conversation at the moment, Qin Duo didn't want to appear too double-standard, so he agreed vaguely.

Instead, he tried his best to get some sweetness for himself, and continued to deepen the kiss.

Of course, Qin Duo didn't dare to go too far, lest the gain outweigh the loss in the end—referring to his dissatisfaction.

Soon they were washing up and going to bed.When he closed his eyes, Siles sorted out the harvest of the whole day and the things he needed to do in the deep sea dream, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the deep sea dream, he once again set foot on this lonely and deserted island.

Qin Duo's dream bubble is also hanging there as expected.He watched in silence for a while, then smiled slightly.Afterwards, he calmed down and let himself get down to business as soon as possible.

"Looking for Herd Dreyson's dream," he whispered.

He didn't know what to expect from this result, but before he had time to think about it, a dream bubble had already appeared in front of him.He froze for a moment, then touched the dream bubble without thinking.

Mr. Ghost's leather shoes lightly stepped on the soft and delicate sand.

Nothing but blood-soaked sand.

If you step on it, you will leave a footprint.Then blood of disastrous color slowly seeped out of the pit of the footprints, gradually pouring out a small, foot-shaped pool of blood.

...Mr. Phantom silently looked at the small blood pool of footprints, and then couldn't help but sighed.

It seems that Hurd also encountered some not so wonderful things.

He looked up again and looked around.

The scene in Hurd's dream is much grander than the dreams Mr. Ghost experienced before.The place where he was standing was a sandy beach, and there were countless people gathered around him, and they whispered something, and the whispers turned into chaotic and disturbing noises.

And in front of them, a rusty but huge and magnificent ship, like a steel behemoth, was stranded in the shallow water of the beach.People are talking about the ship.

Mr. Ghost waits for the development of the dream.

After a while, suddenly, someone coughed forcefully.Obviously, in reality, it is impossible for people to hear this coughing sound, but in the dream, this sound is like thunder, suddenly exploding in everyone's ears.

Everyone fell silent and looked around in bewilderment.

A rather rich figure slowly walked over from further away on the beach.Mr. Ghost recognizes that this is the owner of the dream, Hurd Dreyson.

But compared to the thin and pale young man in reality, Heard in the dream was much older and quite fat.There was a smug, self-satisfied expression on his face.

He coughed again, and then said loudly: "This is a gift from the deep sea!"

"deep sea?"

These two words kept repeating in the dream, like a whirlpool that involved people's minds.Again people began talking, this time with a hint of panic.

Someone seemed to say something vaguely.Mr. Phantom didn't hear clearly, but he automatically understood what this person meant—this seemed to be a dream, with some information, as if he was born knowing it.

And what that person meant was that the ship came out of nowhere, like a phantom ghost.People who went to the ship to find out have disappeared. How can it be said that this is a gift from the deep sea?

At this moment, a picture even suddenly flashed in front of Mr. Ghost's eyes.The scene seemed to be looking down from the sky, and he could vaguely see the huge ship and the people on it sneaking around.

And from this perspective, the streamlined hull is clearly outlined on the sea, like...

like a whale.

The picture jumped for a moment, and then disappeared in an instant, replaced by Hud Dreyson's angry shout.

"What? What?! You dare to underestimate the gift from the deep sea! It is a gift, not a punishment, but if you keep doing this, then the gift will definitely become a punishment!"

There was an element of sternness in his tone, and he even waved his arms, as if baring his teeth and claws to add weight to his statement.The fat on his face trembled.

In the next second, that piece of fat fell off.Hurd's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked down blankly at the fat that gradually melted into the blood on the beach.

A man squeezed out from the crowd.It was a rather skinny man who seemed to have turned into a human being.Mr. Ghost, who was quietly hiding in the crowd, looked at the man for a while, and then confirmed that it was the same face as Hed Dreyson, but the torso looked different.

That Hurd said in a daze: "But, you know it yourself... Well, I don't know how to say it... Just this place, this ship, this ocean...you know...you know... ..."

The fat Hurd trembled.

The skinny Hurd said slowly: "You know this place. You've heard of it. Now, you're here too." He slowly raised his hand and pointed to the ship. His movements were like zombies, and his whole body was shaking It seemed rather stiff, "In the end, you will go there too."

The fat Hurd's face was ashen.The whole dream was shaking.On the edge of the dream bubble bursting, Mr. Phantom vaguely saw that the thin Hurd opened his mouth suddenly, and the upper and lower lips continued to expand until the fat Hurd was completely wrapped.

Then, swallow it into your stomach.

Hurd's dream bubble was completely shattered, and he returned to the isolated island of the deep sea dream.

He looked at Hurd's corresponding plant.

It was a seaweed, faint green, and looked healthy, but overall it had a kind of...subtle dirt, as if it had been stained with something dirty, so it looked very weird.

He couldn't help frowning.

Thinking of the scene in Heard's dream, he also felt a little uneasy.

Hurd's psychology is obviously in a very contradictory state now.On the one hand, he knew that the place he was going to was very problematic, but on the other hand, he seemed to be attracted by that place himself.

And that ship...

From that high vantage point, he thought, the ship seemed to symbolize the island whale.That's where Hurd will end up going.Some kind of underlying psychological knowledge made him associate ships, whales, islands with the ocean.

It seemed to have something to do with his family's past, and maybe something with what happened in the sea to the north.

"Someone went to explore that ship, but never returned."

This kind of statement has the same meaning as "someone went to that isolated island to dig for stardust, but accidentally caused disaster".If that isolated island was Hurd's ultimate destination, then the claim would be more like that.

A question popped into his mind: Has Hurd found what his great-uncle told him to find, the link to the lighthouse by the sea?

Two months have passed since his meeting with Hurd.After such a long time, Hurd may have already gone to the vicinity of Fuliou Sea, and he may have gained something.

Of course, he didn't talk to Hurd directly, so he didn't get any information.

But this also made him suddenly have an idea.

Now that Mr. Ghost has set foot in Hurd's dream, then Hurd should be able to stay awake in the dream in the future.

But... If Hurd doesn't know about this, and doesn't know that he can change the scene in the dream, does that mean that this young man is completely trapped in this nightmare?

The thought made him frown.He realized that he still had to communicate with Heard after all, but the strange scene in Heard's dream just now made him have no time to take care of it.

Besides, which Hurd in the dream should he communicate with?

He thought for a moment, then shook his head and didn't continue thinking.He looked at the other plants on the isolated island and confirmed that there were no ones that needed to go by himself - Qinduo's didn't count - then he went to the farm and talked to the puppets for a while.

Then, he went to Jindo's dream, and mentioned that he had been to Heard's dream.

After listening to him talk about the weird picture and atmosphere in Heard's dream, Cindo said: "He seems to be very afraid of going to that place, and just uses various reasons to deceive himself."

Mr. Ghost also nodded.

Qin Duo observed his expression, and then forced him to hug him.He said: "If you leave the dreamland now, it will be four o'clock in the morning. You have to go to Ramifa University to meet the apprentice at eight o'clock. So...we still have three hours of sleep."

Mr. Ghost glanced at him and asked, "Are you talking about serious sleep?"

"...Of course!" Qin Duo replied in shock, he thought about it again, and said rather tactfully, "But it's not impossible..."

Mr. Phantom laughed, and he sighed softly: "Let's sleep for a while."

"Listen to you." Qin Duo said, "I hope you can take a good rest."

Mr. Ghost also nodded.After that, they left the dreamland together.

The next morning, when Siles woke up, he even felt as if he had passed away.

What a long April Fool's Day, he thought.

... This thought made him feel a long-lost nostalgia for the earth.After he learned that there was indeed a way to return to Earth, he felt less urgent and less homesick.

However, whenever this moment of getting close to the earth, he will feel a subtle

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