The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 154 Multiple Coincidences

Siles went with Dominique to the latter's office.

Dominic seemed to have just come back from the outside. He put down the bag in his hand, then took off his coat, and then let out a long sigh of relief.He said: "It is precisely because of the matter I have just dealt with that I want to write to you."

"What happened?" Sirius asked incredulously.

Dominique said: "Remember those kids who were rescued from the underpass?"

Siles was taken aback, then nodded, and he said, "I remember, Nanisar and... Garland, these two children should be here now? And the other children seem to have been sent to other churches .”

"Yes," Dominique said, "some of the children whose parents are still alive, we reunite their families, and some orphans, we send them to different churches. But..."

He paused.

Siles waited.

After a while, Dominique suddenly sighed.

"Several children were adopted by people from West City or East City." Dominique said, "I just went to deal with the relevant procedures."

Siles thought for a while, and asked somewhat puzzled: "Should this be considered...a good thing?"

But Dominic's expression was not like that.Siles had some guesses in his heart.

Dominic smiled wryly: "If it's just some procedures, then it wouldn't take me so long... Those unadopted children, they are a little... collapsed."

Siles' conjecture was verified.He couldn't help sighing.

Dominique said: "So I spent a little time comforting them." He paused, and then his tone was a little lighter, "Anyway, some children can have a good family environment."

"Indeed." Siles nodded, and he asked, "How are these children doing now?"

"I just wanted to write to tell you about this." Dominique said, "Both Nanisar and Garland have very good revelator talents, maybe after a period of study, they can also join the past Among the team of church investigators.

"Of course, they are still young, and they may just follow along to see how certain incidents are handled. In any case, they can all be called 'geniuses'."

Siles listened silently.

The genius of Nanisar and Garland, he thought, came from something less beautiful.Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, perhaps.

But from another perspective, he was also quite relieved to hear this statement.After all, the dice had said that if Nanizar and Garland were to escape their fate, they must have power.

...Maybe he can communicate with Garland in the dream later.

"Other children, two were reunited with their families, three are now adopted, and there are eight other children scattered in different churches throughout the city." Dominique said, "At least they don't have to worry about making a living.

"When they become adults, they will also face their own choices in life. However, that is another story. Now the Church of the Past can be their guardian and take care of their lives."

Siles nodded and said, "Thank you."

"Oh, you're welcome." Dominic said, "We've been doing this kind of thing...or in other words, this can be regarded as practicing the will of our God."

Siles was slightly taken aback, and asked in surprise, "For example, to adopt these orphans?"

Dominic nodded, and said with a natural attitude: "Yes. You know, my god has blessed the last flame of human civilization since its birth, and although we can't do such a powerful thing, at least we can do it. You can do your best.”

Siles listened to Dominique thoughtfully.

He thought, to a certain extent, what the church in the past did was indeed a good thing, and it might not be out of their own goodwill or interest, but based on their belief in Anti-Nam.

Because Antinam's attitude towards human beings is kind, so his followers will do the same.

Siles cannot say that such an approach is a bad thing.In any case, judging from the results, at least the Church of the Past did a lot of good deeds, and at the same time protected ordinary and innocent human beings in this chaotic and dangerous world.

However, no one knows how long this situation can last.

Can the church of the past always maintain this kind of goodwill?It seems to depend on Antinam, and Antinam...

It seems that everything is going back to "shadow".Siles thought.

Moreover, Siles thought rather puzzlingly that the number of followers in Antinam does not seem to be very large, at least in terms of quantity, they must be a minority in human society.

So how do they sustain themselves?

Siles pondered the question for a while, and then, very belatedly, realized—stardust, no?

The church of the past is the main producer of star dust, and people tend to ignore this point.People thought that those merchants who mined the Stardust veins and made this matter known to the world were the beneficiaries.

In fact, the Church of the Past has already monopolized the sales channels of Star Dust.Any newly discovered stardust veins must be reported to the Church of the Past before they can be sold.

Siles couldn't help but laugh.

After a while, Siles said: "No matter what, your actions are worthy of this gratitude."

Dominic was taken aback for a moment and couldn't help laughing."Thank you," he said, not continuing on the topic, but instead saying, "I hope the future goes well for these kids."

"hope so."

They chatted for a while.Siles mentioned his experience in Middleton, and Dominique listened with great interest.He said: "Originally I had the opportunity to go to Middleton, but there were some incidents that had not been dealt with, so I didn't go.

"Looking at it now, it is indeed a very wonderful and interesting country. Maybe in the future I will have the opportunity to go to the seaside and enjoy the wonderful sea view."

"There's always a chance," Siles said. "As people develop the Everlands, as the fog clears, the world won't seem so big."

"Won't it look... so big?" Dominique was a little troubled by this statement.

Siles added: "I mean, the faster the speed of information transfer, the more people will be able to understand the whole world. At that time, the transportation will also be in all directions."

Dominique pondered this statement for a while, then couldn't help but nodded.

He said: "I understand. For example, newspapers can only read the situation in Lamifa City in the past two or three days. Later, you may be able to read what happened in the past hour from all over the world."

Siles couldn't help smiling.He felt an uncontrollable nostalgia.

He thought that by that time, the form of information might not be newspapers.Maybe it will be something else.

Soon, he said goodbye to Dominic.

But before leaving, Dominic seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked Siles the purpose of coming to the church today.

Siles thought that this senior investigator might also be able to help in this case, so he thought about telling the other party some of the information he had obtained.

"The female knight?" Dominique said with some surprise.

Siles asked unexpectedly: "Do you know anything about this?"

Dominic's expression was quite strange, as if this keyword mobilized some of his past memories.

After a moment of silence, Dominic said, "Do you still remember that I participated in the torture seminar?"

Sirius nodded slowly.He had some premonitions in his heart, but he felt that the premonitions were quite funny.The torture seminar, now that I think about it, it has been quite a long time ago.

Dominique sighed: "I just suddenly remembered...among those people, there seems to be...such transvestites. I'm not sure, maybe I have to think about it carefully."

"I see." Siles said in a low voice, "Is that the torture they used to torture themselves?"

"I can't tell." Dominic frowned, "It's just... just the way it is dressed. You know, there are quite a lot of weirdos in that organization, and people don't get too deeply involved in other people's private affairs.

"For me, that was 11 years ago. I was a young kid back then, and now I'm in my thirties. How time flies."

Dominic sighed suddenly.

11 years ago?Siles couldn't help but feel a little coincidence.

He couldn't help but pause, and then had to interrupt Dominic's exclamation.He said: "I've just been reading a couple of files with Lady Catherine Kinsey, some of the 'Knightmaid' cases.

"The most recent one happened exactly 11 years ago. The body of a man in the armor of a female knight was dumped in the eastern suburbs. I'm not sure if there is any connection, but maybe you can think about it What happened back then."

If it was the original Sirius, then he might not inquire deeply, thinking that it was a pure coincidence.But as time passed, Siles also gradually realized the problem of his own destiny.

Therefore, he made a special mention to Dominic so as not to miss any clues.

And Dominic also showed a surprised expression, he said: "It turned out to be like this! What a coincidence. I will ask Catherine later."

Siles nodded.He was looking forward to what clues Dominic could find.He also mentioned that if he wanted to write to him later, he could send it to 99 Kelly Street.

"Oh, have you moved?" Dominique said with some surprise.

"Yes, just the other day," said Siles.

Dominique couldn't help sighing: "Then you can be said to be quite busy. After moving, people always spend time organizing things at home. But you still have to run around among these complicated affairs."

Siles: "..."

He nodded slowly.Had to.

After leaving the Church of the Past, Siles returned to 99 Kelly Street.Qin Duo was planning to go out for dinner, so they found a restaurant near Atherton Square and had lunch together.

"I thought you would go directly to Bain Bookstore." Qindo said unexpectedly.

"Those materials are much less than I imagined." Siles said, "So I finished reading them quickly. However, there are also some gains."

He thought about it, and then told Qindo about the three cases and the conversation with Dominic afterwards.

Qin Duo listened thoughtfully, and then couldn't help saying: "The timing is a bit too coincidental."

"Yes, Ginto. What a coincidence." Siles whispered, "And this kind of coincidence in time may also mean a deeper... deliberate. I'm not sure what happened in the past few years. what."

These words seemed to make Qin Duo think of something.He laughed, then turned to say: "Did you notice?"


"We are always exploring the secrets of the past." Qin Duo said, "We are not sure about the present or the future. But for the past and those established things, we can always investigate the truth."

Siles thought for a while and said, "That's true. It's happening now, and the future has never come. The only certainty is the past."

Some inspiration flashed vaguely in his mind... Maybe it was about Antinam.

Qin Duo said: "Because the present and the future are both the domain of destiny?"

Siles frowned slightly: "But, the past..." He paused, and then said, "Past, present, future. This is the category of time."

"Time and fate?" Qin Duo propped his chin, "It sounds like they complement each other."

Siles thought for a while, and finally smiled: "Maybe so."

They chatted casually about the topic of gods in this crowded restaurant, just like every small talk in the past.If the followers of the old gods were to know their unawe-inspiring attitude, they might faint with anger.

After dinner, Qindo accompanied Siles for a walk to Bain's bookstore, and then bid farewell to Siles reluctantly.

Siles hugged him, and then said, "I'll go back in the afternoon."

"But I still want to stay by your side." Qin Duo whispered, "Forever."

Siles couldn't help but laugh.

He let his clingy lover go home by himself, and walked up to the third floor of Bain's bookstore alone.The rest of the novelists were already sitting there.

Surprisingly, they are playing Noel.

"Oh, look who it is!" exclaimed mystery novelist Maynard Daves, "Mr. Noel who has disappeared all winter!"

Everyone else was amused by his exaggerated tone.

Siles sat down, showing a little smile, and made a rare joke: "Mr. Maynard Daves, I don't think, these days when I disappeared, you don't think I've been involved in some shocking mystery, do you?" ?”

Maynard coughed twice.

Aside, adventure novelist Arvid Norton said: "You guessed it right. Maynard thought something happened to you."

When he said that, Maynard couldn't help but stare at him.

Ms. Antonia Cumming, who is also a detective novelist, also laughed from the sidelines.She said: "It is true, and Maynard even discussed with me, what kind of interesting criminal methods are there?"

Maynard sighed, and could only thank Siles honestly.

Siles shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I haven't been in Ramifa City for a while."

"Oh, you're not in Ramifa City during the winter and spring breaks." Arvid said, "I'm looking forward to what new and interesting experiences you'll have this time."

This made Sirius smile.He guessed that the adventure writer would be very curious about his experiences in Middleton.

In addition to the three familiar people present, there was also a young lady who had been silent since Siles entered the door.Siles looked at her, and then laughed: "I didn't expect to meet you here, Miss Doreen Lucas."

Doreen gave a rather cautious, subtle smile.She said slowly, "Um, I also... I didn't expect that either, Professor Noel."

"...Professor?" Maynard looked at her and Sirius suspiciously.

Doreen Lucas.La Mifa University, majoring in Literature in the Middle Ages of the Mist.When Siles decided on his club's 15-man roster last term in the first term last year, the last name was drawn at random from the stack of applications.

And it happened to be Doreen Lucas's application that he drew.

He hadn't expected to meet Doreen here.In his impression, Doreen is a relatively quiet, reticent, and studious student. She doesn't speak much in club activities and keeps silent all the time, but she is always quite serious.

However, since Doreen appeared here, it meant that this young lady was also a hot novelist in Ramifa City.

Facing everyone's doubts, Siles simply introduced: "Doreen is my student."

He thought to himself, it would be fine if he ran into Angela Clayton, a student at the Historical Society, and now he also ran into a student at the novelist party... His students are really quite, with a wide range of hobbies?

"Oh, a pair of teachers and students." Arvid said with some surprise, "This is really amazing."

Doreen muttered something under her breath, and then gave a very ladylike, restrained smile.She said, "Yes, what a coincidence."

Siles glanced at her, and suddenly felt that Doreen might have thoughts similar to Angela's before, but Doreen was not as outgoing as Angela, so she didn't express her emotions.

After all, it was quite surprising to meet a professor in such a place.

There was a trace of dumbfounding in Siles' heart.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.Siles turned to ask, "Are you playing cards?"

"Yes," said Antonia, "Noel... oh, Noel's cards?"

A flash of surprise flashed across Antonia's expression.

Maynard asked directly in shock: "Is this your invention?"

"I can't say that." Siles shook his head. "I provided some ideas, and then my friends and I worked together to perfect this gameplay. What do you think?"

"Quite interesting!" Arvid said in admiration. "What's even more surprising is that this gameplay divides the old gods into different camps, and the old gods can also be defeated. This idea is really..."

"Genius idea," Doreen whispered from the sidelines.

It can be seen that her admiration is from the heart, rather than deliberately flattering Sirius at this moment.

For these compliments, Siles has been able to do as the Romans do and accept them calmly.However, Doreen's heartfelt exclamation also made Sirius feel a little concerned.

In fact, ordinary people in this world may have a perception of the old gods, "That's the old gods."They maintain a basic respect, but quite honestly don't think it's their business.

Such as Arvid's exclamation.His exclamation came from the fact that he had never heard the idea of ​​dividing the Old Gods into different factions and then fighting and attacking each other - which he would think was quite interesting.

And Doreen... Her thoughts seemed to go deeper than that, with a very subtle emotion.She was amazed that Sirius broke the "respect" of the old gods.

Siles couldn't help but look at the student.

And Doreen was watching him too.There was a complex emotion in those eyes.She noticed Sirius' gaze, and looked at him with some hesitation and confusion.

Afterwards, Sirius nodded towards her, and took the initiative to look away.

Noel Solitaire has also been popular in Ramifa City for several months, and both Arvid and Maynard are quite proficient.They even mentioned the upcoming Noel Poker Tournament as well.

"It's just rumors right now," Arvid said. "I don't know when it will actually happen. To be honest, I can't wait."

Maynard said disdainfully: "With your rubbish card skills that rely on luck to draw cards?"

Arvid: "..."

He gave a complicated expression of wanting to slam his fist into Maynard's face.

Maynard didn't care at all.He kindly invited Siles to join the game.Antonia just didn't want to continue playing cards, so she gave up her seat to Siles and watched with interest.

Ten minutes later, Maynard stared blankly at his old god card, which was empty of blood.And Arvid looked at his own cards, and then at Siles' cards.Doreen was the croupier in this game, and she slowly raised her hand, staring at her hand in confusion.

...Why is Sirius' card so good? ?

Maynard suddenly reacted, and then shouted: "This is impossible! Let's play another game!"

Another 10 minutes.Maynard sat there silently, and after a while, he begged, "You should go and watch the battle, Professor Noel."

His performance made everyone else laugh.

Antonia said: "Since this game comes from the professor's idea, he must be very popular with Destiny, isn't it?"

This reason sounds plausible at first glance.

But Maynard still showed a rather frustrated expression.He put the cards on the table and said, clutching his chest, "But it may take me a while to heal this wound."

Arvid's original expression was quite surprised and confused, but Maynard's expression made him smile quite heartily.He turned to say: "In that case, why don't you take this opportunity to talk about your experience in the past?"

These words also made others look at Siles with interest.

Siles mentioned his various experiences in Middleton.The rest of the people listened intently, showing expressions of surprise or admiration from time to time.

This expression is especially evident when Siles speaks of the storm on the Sea of ​​Folio.

After he finished talking about all his experiences, Arvid couldn't help but exclaimed: "The country other than Const really has quite beautiful scenery and stories! When this period of time passes, I also want to embark on a journey."

"Are you looking for inspiration?" Maynard said. "I heard from the publisher that your new book has been delayed for several months and you haven't been able to come up with a name?"

Arvid rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you too? Speaking of which, I remember that you joined that detective club before just to find inspiration, what about inspiration?"

Maynard sneered.

"Is there any case worth mentioning in the Detective Club recently?" Antonia asked with some interest.

Maynard thought for a moment, then said, "Not at all. Ramifa City has been pretty peaceful lately, I mean, after that big guy thing. But who knows what's going to happen after that?"

"Big guy?" Arvid asked with some trouble, "What big guy?"

"Jonathan Bryant." Antonia said, "This seems to be the only big person who has had an accident recently."

Maynard nodded.

Only then did Arvid suddenly realize, and he said with great interest: "That is indeed a big man, I really don't know what is going on with him."

"I would say that the big men are after nothing more than fame and fortune," Maynard said.

Siles listened silently to their conversation, and could not help thinking, but death would destroy exactly what they had been pursuing.This feeling probably made them quite uncomfortable, so Jonathan Bryant chose another path of no return.

They didn't discuss anything in depth on the matter.In any case, except for Siles, several people present were puzzled by this matter.They just knew that something happened to Jonathan Bryant, but they didn't know what happened to him.

Arvid turned to Siles and said, "Professor, when will Miss Garland's stories be compiled and published? I can't wait."

Doreen nodded too, but again with a hint of surprise.She probably didn't know before that the writer with the pseudonym "He" was the Professor Siles Noel she knew.

Antonia also said: "I really like the character of the little girl Garland. The adventures under the sea, huge cities and ruins in the sea, lighthouses and cliffs... I feel that it seems to be a real world, not an imaginary story. "

Maynard also nodded, but he still said regretfully: "I always feel that this story lacks some exciting elements. I don't know if you agree with this opinion."

Arvid laughed and cursed: "But that's obviously a fairy tale for young children and some adults!"

Yes, fairy tales.Siles thought silently.He wants people to think so.In this way, some secrets will be buried in this story forever.

Oceans, ruins, lighthouses, meteorites.Everything will become the embellishment of that illusory story.That's all.

While thinking this way, he smiled slightly and said, "Maybe we have to wait until May or June. By then, this story will also come to an end."

"That's still very early." Arvid couldn't help saying.

"But I don't think you need to be in a hurry." Antonia said, "I'm afraid some more famous newspapers will soon be tempted to let your work be serialized in them, and it just so happens that the story has already had some space. "

Siles nodded.The publisher Benton had mentioned this to him before.

They chatted again about this matter, especially about the income of their respective works and so on.Until this time, Siles didn't know that Doreen Lucas was a well-known romance novel writer in Ramifa City recently.

Doreen pursed her lips in embarrassment, and said, "I was also inspired by the professor "The Revenge of the Rose". Only then did I realize that people always have a very passionate yearning for love."

"Of course," Maynard continued. "The characters in my books are always killing or being killed for love!"

Doreen: "..."

She sighed slowly.

Arvid laughed and coughed.

Siles couldn't help saying: "Then you might as well write a mystery novel without love elements."

"There is no element of love?" Maynard thought for a while, "It seems to be a way of thinking. However, there is inevitably a part involving love in this world. For example, our birth is also because of love."

"Parental love," Arvid said, "if a child is not born out of love, it might be a tragedy instead."

These words startled the novelists present.

After a while, they all sighed.

Even if this is indeed the case, such things are still not uncommon.

The topic is getting serious.But novelists' gatherings are always like this, and they can't really just talk about some light and interesting topics.Siles thought about what he had learned about orphans and street children.

They each made some comments on these topics.

After three o'clock, Siles said goodbye to them and planned to go back early.Another week of busy life followed, and he planned to go back early to prepare for the corresponding work—for example, to finish writing this week's manuscript ahead of schedule.

But when he left the third floor of the bookstore, he still waited for a while.He considered the possibility that Doreen Lucas might catch up to talk to him.

And that possibility really came true.

"...Professor Noel." There was a little hesitation in Doreen's voice, but she stopped Siles after all.

Siles stood still.He had already reached the corner of the stairs from the second floor to the first floor of the Bain bookstore. He turned around and saw Doreen with a slightly disturbed expression.

He paused, then asked, "What's the matter, Doreen?"

Doreen seemed to hesitate.She walked up to Siles, and after a while, said, "Professor, I have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

Doreen stared at Sirius, she said softly: "Do you think the old gods can be defeated?"

Siles considered for a moment, and finally said, "Which angle do you want to get this answer from?"

Doreen was taken aback for a moment, and said in confusion, "It's... the most common angle?"

Siles smiled slightly, and he said: "In the definition of the fate card, the old gods can be attacked, defeated, and killed. In one game, you can easily kill an old god .”

He specifically used some kind of...a more cruel and distinct reference—"killing the old gods".

Doreen stared at him blankly, and after a while, asked again: "But?" She couldn't help but said, "You say so, there must be a turning point?"

With some hope, she stared intently at Sirius, waiting for his answer to this question.

"In the definition of the real world, I don't know if the old gods can be killed, but the old gods can indeed fall." Siles said this idea slowly.

Doreen frowned subconsciously."It's just...just like that?" she said, with a strange hint of disappointment in her tone.

Siles looked at the young student and said, "Doreen, you forgot the most important thing."

"What?" Doreen asked softly.

"Kill the old god in your heart."

Doreen's expression was shaken for an instant.Her persistent questioning, her perplexed frown, and her contradictory gaze all changed in an instant.She almost subconsciously repeated: "In my heart?"

"It can also be said that it is in everyone's heart." Sirius said, "The old gods may have died, but they may still live in the hearts of some people and last forever."

Doreen was lost in thought.

"The game of cards is one thing, but the actual situation is another." Siles said calmly, "Maybe the rules of this game can make some people change their minds, but it's just a game after all."

They were all silent for a moment.

Then, Doreen took a deep breath, and she whispered firmly to Sirius, "I see, Professor. Thank you."

"It's nothing." Siles smiled. "I just shared my thoughts. Doreen, you still have to think about this question yourself, and then get an answer. That is the answer that really belongs to you."

Doreen nodded earnestly.

"See you on Friday, then," said Siles.Friday is a regular date for club activities.

"See you on Friday, Professor."

Siles walked back to 99 Kelly Street.He suddenly realized that 99 Kelly Street, Bain Bookstore, and Ramifa University almost formed an equilateral triangle.This makes his travel quite convenient.

It happened to be four o'clock when I got home.Ginto is already making dinner.

Now there are basically three solutions for their three meals, either to eat in the canteen of La Mifa University, to eat out, or to cook at home.And the last one is often responsible for Qin Duo, after all, Siles is not very good at cooking.

...Not really.He occasionally tosses some hot pot, milk tea, tomato omelet and so on at home, which can still make Qin Duo feel a little novel.

During dinner, Siles and Cindo mentioned their experience at Bain Bookstore in the afternoon.He specifically mentions Doreen Lucas' performance and problems.

"Maybe Doreen is struggling with something," he said.

"Doreen Lucas?" Cinder thought for a moment, "I remember that rather silent student at the club."

As a teaching assistant, Qin Duo has also participated in the teaching activities of Siles, and has an impression of his students—quite impressive, it should be said that after all, their homework is basically corrected by him, except for some very professional homework outside.

Qin Duo's impression of Doreen is only in the character of taciturnity.


He thought for a while, then jokingly said: "However, you took out her application form at random. And you control the power of fate. Perhaps, this is the result of the influence of fate?"

Siles was slightly taken aback, this was a possibility he hadn't thought of.However, if you think about it deeply and consider the power he possesses, then Qin Duo's statement is quite reasonable.

After pondering for a while, he shook his head and said, "There's no need to worry about it. I'll just find a chance to ask her later."

Qin Duo also nodded, he said: "Now you have enough to worry about."

Siles smiled helplessly.

After dinner, they went to the study together.Siles wanted to finish writing next week's manuscript ahead of time, while Cindo was dealing with the letter sent by the Praia family with some headaches.

They went about their business in silence for a while.

It took Siles about two hours to write this week's manuscript.He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then copied the text on another paper—he was still using the eight-petal rose paper given by the publisher Benton.

He thought that the manuscript could be sent to the newspaper office tomorrow.

And Cindo, noticing that Siles had finished writing, said, "I have a piece of news to share with you."

Siles came back to his senses and asked, "What?"

"Middleton sent a letter, saying that Garrett has gone to their side to choose a ship, and is now collecting some information, planning to go to sea to demonstrate certain areas of the chart." Qin Duo said, " That should have happened a few days ago."

Siles suddenly realized.

There is at least a week or so of information gap between Middleton and Const, after all, the distance between the two countries is quite far.Even if the Praia family has some rituals to shorten the travel time, it is impossible to completely compensate for this distance problem.

Therefore, after a few days, they received this message.

In the past period of time, Siles also occasionally went to the deep sea dreamland.Now that the time to enter the deep sea dreamland can be controlled, he will go to the deep sea dreamland basically every three or four days.


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