The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 134 A Temporary Separation

Listening to a little boy tell a story in a dream is a wonderful thing even for Mr. Ghost.

However, Hal's immature voice and mature tone also made him aware of the specialness of Everland.He listened in silence.

Hal said: "I heard these stories from my mother. When I was a child, I often couldn't sleep, and my mother would use those stories to lull me to sleep."

Then, Mr. Ghost thought, it was the lady who called Hal to dinner in the square.

Of course Hal didn't know that Mr. Ghost had seen him in real life.He continued: "My mother would always refer to a little girl. That girl seemed to appear in all the legends, and sometimes she would turn into a grown woman, or an old woman.

"Her name is Cynthia. My mother said that people know about Cynthia's existence. She is like an elf in the desert, the patron saint of Biddle City."

... Cynthia?

Mr. Phantom narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but think of that book - "Little Cynthia's World".He didn't think it was a coincidence, perhaps, many of the stories in that book were related to the Cynthia that Hal was talking about.

...It should be said, who is this mysterious Cynthia?

He didn't ask his question.Apparently, Hal only regards this Cynthia as a fictional character, rather than an actual historical figure.He continued to tell those stories.

"Cynthia is a little girl born in the forest. She will also appear in the sea, desert, and plain. It was when my mother told the story about Cynthia that I learned that the world is not just these annoying sands.

"Cynthia was like...a fairy. I don't think she could have existed, but Mom always believed Cynthia's stories. She said that there used to be witches in the desert who would take the bad boys from Biddle City.

"And Cynthia said that although they are bad children, they are children of Biddle City after all, so the residents of Biddle City should be allowed to educate these children, and it is not the witch's turn. After that, the witches will no longer come to Biddle City to arrest them. Bad boy.

"My mother also said that people always catch fish at the seaside. Sometimes, people will find precious treasures in the belly of the fish, so they desperately go down to the sea to catch the fish, and they almost catch all the fish.

"Cynthia stopped them and said, that's not a good habit, and fish are like people, they need to rest and recuperate. Those who fished went into the ocean by themselves and let the fish eat them.

"The residents there cut off their hands every once in a while and throw them into the sea to help the fish in the sea grow."

As he spoke, Hal showed a subtle expression.He seemed to think the story was weird, but he didn't know where it was.After all, he had never been to the sea, and he had never been out of Biddle City.

So soon, he continued: "I also heard a story about the forest where Cynthia was just born. It is said that there are some elves in the forest. If people can catch those elves and eat them, then people you can live forever.

"Some people went to the forest to look for such elves. But they walked and walked in the forest, but they couldn't find the elves, and they lost their way. So they repented to the forest and promised not to look for such elves again. .

"So the forest let them leave. But later, someone violated his promise and still wanted to find the elf. But he didn't dare to continue stepping into the forest, so he had to burn the forest, hoping to force the elf inside out .

"Cynthia appeared at that time. She said that the forest is the place where the elves live. If the forest is gone, the elves will definitely die, so this person will never be able to get the elves again.

"That person regretted it. But it was too late, the forest had already spread fire. People said that this vast desert was formed. It used to be wilderness and woodland, but now it is just...

"How do adults describe it, barren... barren, desert."

Hal's voice gradually lowered, and he squatted there, stretching out his hand to stroke the water in the fountain pool in front of him.He said, "It's some queer stories, isn't it?"

Mr. Phantom thought about it silently, but he quickly came back to his senses and said, "It's true that it's a bit endless. But, do you know why the witches in the desert want to arrest bad children?"

"I don't know." Hal said, "Mom just said that if you don't behave well, a witch will come and arrest you. And if you are caught, you will never come back."

Three stories, Mr. Ghost thought.

Witches in the desert, fishermen by the sea, careerists outside the forest.In these three stories, Cynthia stands opposite these three types of people.

However, from these three stories alone, Siles couldn't see the position of these people.Is it related to the gods?

If the gods in the latter two stories are still obvious, then the story of "The Witch in the Desert" seems a bit baffling.What god is the desert related to?

Or, in other words, judging from the information in the last story, this so-called desert may be the former forest... Trisley's territory?Completely destroyed by the arrival of careerists?

Mr. Phantom couldn't figure it out, but he did realize that Cynthia might be a believer in the past, or even the agent of the gods.She may have lived in the Age of Silence, or the Age of Shadows a little earlier.

Her deeds have been handed down for various reasons, but it is also very likely that they have changed in the long history, adding some irrelevant elements-for example, as Hal mentioned just now, bad children will be captured by witches , is full of the meaning of parents frightening their children.

In any case, as far as the latter two stories are concerned, the greed of the fishermen by the sea and the careerists outside the forest is very obvious.

Could it be that people's psychological state has changed after the "Shadow" hit?

Mr. Ghost pondered the possibilities, but couldn't come to a very definite conclusion.

He asked: "What else do you know about this mysterious Cynthia?"

"Oh, Ghost, you don't take this seriously, do you?" Hal said, eyes widening, a little surprised. "I think it's just Mom trying to scare people."

"Even a false story has some research value." Mr. Ghost said in a low voice.

"Really?" Hal said dubiously. "Well, let me see... Ah yes, Mama used to say that Cynthia didn't like to sleep."

Mr. Ghost was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Don't you like sleeping?"

"Yeah. You think it's weird, don't you? Anyway, I think so." Hal said, "Mom said that Cynthia never sleeps, maybe she doesn't like to sleep."

Not sleeping... Could it have something to do with Akamala?But if one is a follower of Akamala, shouldn't one like to sleep?Mr. Ghost felt a little strange.

Howl pondered for a while longer, then shook his head and said, "I can't think of anything, Ghost. Is that enough?"

"Of course, thank you, Hal." Mr. Ghost said, "When you wake up later, you can go to Biddle Square at six o'clock in the morning to collect your bounty."

"Bounty! That sounds cool!" Hal said. "Will we ever see each other again? In a dream. Maybe I'll know some more stories and I'll be able to tell you."

"Of course." Mr. Phantom said, "If your companions also get the relevant information, then you can also let them convey it through you. I will also give them a certain reward, and I will also give you a commission. "

Of course, he can send money with the No. [-] figure now.But after a while, he may have left Biddle City, how to give the money to the past is also a problem.

However, he also had a vague idea in his mind.He thought that might be very feasible—after all, on the planet reflected in the lake of the mysterious farm, those few plants all clearly existed.It can't be that it's just a sign.

Things in dreams can appear in reality, so, does it have to be the reality "beside him"?

He planned to test his idea later.

Hal's eyes widened in surprise, and he confirmed with Mr. Ghost the specific amount of the bounty - calculated according to the coins of the Duchy of Constance, ten duke coins are given for a useful piece of information.Hal told three stories just now, so Mr. Ghost will give him thirty dukes.

If his friend could provide any useful information afterwards, it would still be ten duke coins, three out of seven, and three for Hal.

This amount was actually beyond Hal's expectations.It was amazing to him that he could get so much money just by telling stories in his dreams with a weird looking guy who called himself a ghost.

He quickly vowed: "I will continue to look for more stories, Mr. Ghost, just wait!"

Mr. Ghost is really looking forward to it.After all, this is Biddle City.There must be rumors here that are completely different from Lamifa City and even the entire Principality of Const.

People are not so wary of children, and if children ask for stories, then adults will have the time to tell those legends.

However, Mr. Phantom still told Hal to be careful not to run into any danger.

"Of course I understand, Mr. Ghost," Hal said. "We've all lived in the Never Embers all our lives!"

This made Mr. Phantom laugh.It was the kind of ambition that belonged to a young kid, something that always made him smile.

Afterwards, he said goodbye to Hal and returned to the island.

There is still silence in the deep sea dream.He unconsciously looked at the tall puppet.The spider silk on the doll's body has been broken quite a bit, but it still restricts the doll's movements.

Considering what the six dolls did in the mysterious farm, he was also very curious about the possible performance of the tall doll after it was freed from restraint.However, that cannot be a short-term matter after all.

If all six dolls became his "actors in the repertoire" meant he had full control of Akamala's power, then he was far from that.

He wisely didn't think too much about it.

Then, he looked at the saplings on the isolated island.

Hal Goss is also a thriving seedling, which contrasts with the seedlings of Garland and Emir beside him.The little sapling of Gindo, and the dying vine of Jonathan Bryant, are not the same as the children's dreams.

Qin Duo was not dreaming, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Jonathan was dreaming, and the dream was full of blood and various depressing and painful scenes.He didn't look carefully.

Emile is also dreaming.He dreamed that he solved a fourth-order Rubik's Cube in three or two strokes, and accepted everyone's praise and praise with a smile on his face.This picture makes people laugh.

And... Garland.

Garland was also dreaming.She dreamed of the mysterious underwater city, the buzzing lantern fish, the pure white lighthouse and its bright light.She stood under the lighthouse, looked up at the lighthouse, her eyes were very blank.

He reached out to touch the dream bubble and entered Garland's dream.

Garland turned his head subconsciously, and at the same time said instinctively: "Mr. Phantom...ah! I know you! But, I don't remember how I knew you."

Mr. Ghost also looked at her quietly, and he said, "It's okay. How are you doing recently?"

"Okay?" Garland tilted his head, "Someone told me that I have no family anymore, only a crazy granddaughter who doesn't even know my granddaughter's grandfather. So, I have to go to a...a church to learn some knowledge .Is that so, Mr. Ghost?"

"... yes, Garland," said Mr. Ghost, "would you feel bad?"

Garland was at a loss for a while, and then said: "I...Garland doesn't know either. If Garland is that Garland, then Garland should have parents who love him very much, right? But Garland doesn't seem to be that Garland."

She said so, and then raised her eyes to look at the lighthouse.

After a while, she said: "It seems that the real Garland can enter this lighthouse, but I am not that Garland, so I can only be stopped outside. However, after being blocked outside, I also I don't know where to go.

"Mr. Ghost, what do you think I should do?"

Mr. Ghost was also silent for a moment, then he walked over and squatted in front of Garland.He said: "Garland, even if you are not that Garland, you are yourself, a unique Garland.

"Even if the lighthouse isn't open for you, somewhere else will be your home. You've done well."

Garland stared at him blankly, then whispered, "Really? I've done a good job?" She tilted her head, "What have I done?"

"You helped me. There were many, many other children," said Mr. Ghost. "Garland was a very good boy."

Garland thought blankly for a moment, then said, "I don't seem to remember. I don't seem to remember many, many things. But, thank you, Mr. Ghost. I'm glad you said that, although...although, I forgot gone."

"It's okay, Garland. Everything is over, and you've done a good job." Mr. Phantom lightly stroked the hair of the little girl in front of him, "You will have a good life after that."

Your grandpa will be happy for you now too.Mr. Ghost thought.Even if the old man has become crazy and his mind has been destroyed by the out-of-control time track, I am afraid that he will not have difficulty remembering that he has a granddaughter named Nona.

Even Nona herself doesn't remember this...

However, all that has passed.Disaster, misery, pain.All that has gone away from the little girl in front of her.She can start a new life with a new name.

And when she grows into a good enough and strong enough lady, maybe at that time, driven by her own curiosity, she will embark on a journey to find the past.

That will also be a story for the future.She will have her own story.

Whether it's Garland or Nona.

Garland tilted her head, her expression was ignorant and dazed.But at the same time, she seemed very happy.She hesitated for a moment, then said, "Mr. Ghost..."

"What's the matter, Garland?"

"Can I give you a hug?" Garland said.

Mr. Ghost was slightly startled, then laughed: "Of course, Garland."

They hugged lightly.

Garland said, "Thank you, Mr. Ghost... You may be from that memory I forgot. Sorry, I forgot that memory. However, I am doing well now. I am learning new ones. knowledge.

"I don't know how to describe is very profound knowledge. There is a little boy with me who is less talkative than me. However, they all say that when I learn it well, I will become a Very powerful very powerful.

"By then, Mr. Ghost, I will be able to do many things that I couldn't do before."

Mr. Ghost said, "Of course you can, Garland."

Garland looked back at the lighthouse not far away.Finally, she said childishly: "This place is not open to me, so I can go to other places! Here is the sea, there must be many interesting places!"

"I'm looking forward to what you can find interesting." Mr. Ghost said, "Garland, come on."

Garland nodded vigorously and said, "I will, Mr. Ghost."

The dream suddenly shattered.He returned to the isolated island, was silent for a while, and finally sighed slowly.If only he could have done something earlier, he thought.

But things seemed destined to go this way, ever since Anselm Norrisson decided to steal the copper flower.The power of the gods adds to the tragedy of the story.

Everything seems to be irreparable, or, this is already a good ending.

Garland has also realized the difference between himself and the little girl in the novel.She realizes that she is living in the real world, and will always survive in this world.Like a newborn seedling, she is cautiously but boldly exploring the world.

He thought for a moment, and finally decided to make himself more positive.In any case, Garland himself has decided to embark on a new life with great interest. Those past stories should not disturb the girl's current life, at least not now.

Annoying about past choices is nothing more than self-consolation for escaping reality.He is well aware of this.

His mood gradually calmed down.After that, he first searched for Herman Grove's dream, but he couldn't find it.I'm afraid the archeology student isn't dreaming.

Later, he tried to find Professor Dunlop's dream.The search method he used is similar to the previous judgment on feathers, which is the direction of the mind rather than the complete name.Unfortunately, he still hasn't found it.

I don't know if Professor Dunlop is not dreaming, or this search method is not right.In short, he might not be able to confirm the situation of the missing archaeological team tonight.

At this time, he had to admit that Lygardia's power might be more useful than Akamala's power in this matter.After all, Professor Dunlop and his party disappeared in a foreign land, which is the scope of Ligardia's power.

He didn't know the rest of the team.Maybe ask insinuatingly from Lorenzo later.

Since he couldn't find the dream, he didn't intend to continue wasting time on the isolated island.He went to the mysterious farm and learned from the puppet that, just as he thought, he could use the planet reflected in the lake to send the puppet to the relevant place marked by the plant.

Of course, only places with plants, and only dolls can go there.The puppet must return that day, that is to say, it must be available when he is in a dream.

However, he soon realized a problem and said, "If I want you to go to the corresponding place during the day?"

The puppet replied dully: "We can't do it now, sir. Only when you come here at night when you are dreaming, can we realize your idea."

He couldn't help feeling sorry.However, he also noticed that what the puppet said was that it couldn't be done now.In other words, when he masters more of Akamala's power, then maybe he can use Akamala's power during the day.

...In this way, the foundation of Akamala's power is indeed the dream at night.And the night is also included in the scope of Luthmi's power.

The power of these gods is really intertwined with each other.he thought so.

Soon, he bid farewell to the puppets in his dream, and woke up on time at four o'clock in the morning.

It was still early, and Siles fell asleep for a while.He got up at five o'clock.Qin Duo was still sleeping, and Sirius didn't disturb him. After washing quietly, he got dressed, took the doll and left the Old John Hotel.

There were already some activities in Biddle City in the early morning.Siles was mixed in, and it was not conspicuous.He walked near Biddle Square, placed the doll in the shade of a tree, and then went to a small stall near the square to buy breakfast.

At the same time, he was doing two things, secretly manipulating the puppet, and walked to the boy who was looking around in the square.

The little puppet reached out and patted the back of Hal Goss's shoe lightly.Hal lowered his head in surprise, and saw the puppet and the three banknotes in the puppet's hand.

His heart was pounding, and he could never have imagined such a transaction.He knelt down, took the money from the puppet, and whispered, "Thank you, Mr. Ghost."

The puppet tilted its head and didn't respond.

At this moment, a drunk man who had probably spent the night in Biddle Square in a daze, staggered past them.He said roughly, "Get out of the way, brat! Huh? What's this?"

He kicked it subconsciously, but the puppet had already dodged flexibly.The scene made the drunk sober up, and he stared dumbfounded at the very flexible doll.

And Hal Goss, seeing that the situation was not good, had already stepped back two steps cautiously, blending in with the surrounding children, not very conspicuous.

People around noticed the small conflict here and looked over curiously.The idol hesitated for a moment, then ran away.

Some children exclaimed and even wanted to catch up with the doll.However, adults who have seen the world know that this is obviously not a simple thing, so they hurriedly pulled their children back.

The drunk man looked left and right, then muttered in a low voice, "I must be asleep," before staggering away.

The bustling scene in Biddle Square in the morning froze for a moment, and then gradually returned to its original appearance shortly after the puppet disappeared.Siles pretended not to notice what was going on, just bought his own breakfast, and left Biddle Square.

At a corner, he walked into that remote alley, squatted down, and looked at the puppet squatting there obediently.

The puppet's small dark round eyes stared at him, as if to say, why did it cause such a commotion?

Siles couldn't help sighing, he thought, it seems that Biddle City will have new wonderful rumors in the future.This cannot be said to be an accident.However, it's okay for Hal who knows the inside story, and Hal's friends don't think that they can exchange this matter with Mr. Ghost for a bounty, right?

And at that time, Hal will definitely tell them secretly that this flexible doll is the incarnation of Mr. Ghost.

...he could almost imagine the excitement and shock of the children.

He unexpectedly discovered that Mr. Ghost had become the children's secret friend unknowingly.

Siles shook his head mockingly, put the doll in his pocket, and returned to Old John Hotel.Qin Duo has already got up and is taking a shower.Siles told him what had just happened, and then said: "These children have become our helpers in Biddle City."

"There are also such a group of children in Lamifa City." Qin Duo laughed, and he said, "You can always have a good relationship with the children."

Siles found it hard to deny it.

It is a silent morning.Because of Professor Dunlop's affairs, other people are not in the mood to go out to play.They read books and chatted dully in the hotel, and then waited for the departure of the evening train.

Siles rearranged his luggage, because he needed to hand over the part of the materials that he had read to Qin Duo for him to take away.He can give Qin Duo the two materials from the church in the past, as well as some books he brought on the train.

Cinder said, "I hope... when you come back, you won't bring too many new books?" His tone was a little teasing.

Siles: "..."

This seems unlikely.

But he also laughed, saying: "I'm still very much looking forward to the Praia family library."

"That is also very much looking forward to your visit." Qin Duo said, "Me too, I am very much looking forward to your visit to the Praia family."

Siles looked at Cendo.

Qin Duo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "As you saw in the dream. In a sense, the me of the Praia family may be the real me, even if I am not very willing to admit it. And I hope, you can see... control, the essence of me."

Siles was silent for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly.He pulled Cinderella over and kissed his frank and not frank lover.

"Don't worry, Gindor," said Siles, "I know what you mean, and you know what I mean."

Qin Duo wanted to say something, but finally fell into silence.He looked at Siles, and said in a very calm and soft tone: "Of course. I understand your thoughts. The Praia family... I will do it."

He lightly rubbed Sires' shoulder, as if to confirm the existence of Sires.He whispered: "You will not be disappointed."

After a brief intimacy, they are about to embark on a new journey.

The train to Kingsley, the port city of Middleton, departs at 2 pm on February 29 and arrives at 3 pm on March 3.In total they will spend four days and five nights on the train.

To this end, Celeste took a shower before setting out that afternoon.

On March 3, when they arrived at a stop in Kansas, Cindo would get out of the car and return to the Playa family.In fact, he could use his own power to quickly return to the family, but he preferred to stay by Siles' side for two more days.

When they set off, the mood within the group was a little better.Lorenzo also seems to have slowly stepped out of the shadow of Professor Dunlop's accident, but occasionally, when his eyes change, he still reveals a trace of uncontrollable worry.

This is also inevitable.In addition, this news made the several companions who were excited and excited when they came to the Land of Never Ember for the first time calm down in an instant.They stayed in the hotel obediently and never clamored to go out to play.

... Lorenzo especially.He can be said to have completely fallen into peace.

They headed northwest all the way, and the scenery they passed gradually changed from desert to plain and then to snowfield.However, Siles obviously felt that the weather was gradually becoming drier, and the humidity in the air was not so high, which also made him feel better.

As Chindo said, the climate in Kansas is much more comfortable than Const.

On March 3, Siles bid farewell to Cendo.The train will stop at this station for three 1 minutes.

Cendo hugged Siles silently.When it was time to say goodbye, he couldn't say anything.

After a while, he said: "This is the longest time I will be apart from you after we met."

When they were in Ramifa City, even though sometimes they would not see each other for a few days because they were busy with their respective affairs, but at that time he knew very well that they were very close to each other.

But for now, they'll have to part for at least a week.Besides, Sirius will go to such a distant country.

At the same time, Qin Duo also knows that his beloved god will definitely explore those dangerous secrets related to gods.Of course, he didn't mean that Siles couldn't do it.He just couldn't help feeling worried.

He sighed insignificantly, and then said: "I will complete the affairs of the Praia family as soon as possible. At that time, if there is time, I can go to Middleton to find you..."

"Don't worry, Gyndo," Sirius whispered, "I'll be back soon."

Qin Duo was silent for a while, and then said: "I will wait for you." Even this anxious and long waiting time seems to have penetrated his soul.As if he was born to wait for Sirius to appear.

Siles kissed him and said goodbye.

Cindo stood there alone, and for a moment, he wanted to catch the train—it was not impossible for him to do it anyway—but at the same time, he knew that Sirius needed him to go back to the Praia family to find A cemetery near the family mansion, associated with the Tau cemetery.

He needs to master Lygardia's power as soon as possible before he can help Siles.

Qin Duo took a deep breath, feeling the cold winter air permeating his lungs.However, he also thought that in any case, spring day was very close at hand.

He stood for a while, allowing himself to be slightly immersed in the emotion of reluctance.In the end, he restrained these soft emotions and hid them deeper.

"Okay, damn Praia family." He muttered in a low voice, as if he had become the arrogant and powerful explorer of Neverland again, "Let me see what you have hidden all these years. What a secret."

He gave an icy smile.When the train leaves the station, he too should do what he has to do.

Siles returned to the carriage and stood by the window, watching Cendo's figure gradually shrink and finally disappear.

Dr. Chester stood beside him and asked very puzzled: "Professor, why didn't Mr. Qinduo follow?"

Qindo has magical powers—even though Chester didn't know that it was the power of Lygardia, but at the beginning, he had witnessed Qindo go back and forth between Hales House and Biddle City overnight.

And the distance between Kansas and Middleton is only slightly further.Cendo could have moved with them and returned to Kansas when the time was right.

Siles said calmly: "If you stay by my side all the time, Qindo won't have the heart to do business."

Chester: "..."

This seems to make sense, but from another angle, it seems to be a bit problematic.

Siles didn't explain further.

Cindo Playa has his own power and mission, just as Siles Noel has and explores the power of Akamala.After encountering Sirius, Cendor was saved for a brief time.

But at the same time, love has also blocked his pace of exploring the truth, at least delayed.Because Cendo did see Sirius as his god.Siles occupies the center of Cendo's life, almost captivating Cendo's soul.

But Siles thought it was time for Qindo to study his power alone.This matter always needs to be done, and Qin Duo can't keep procrastinating like this.

Therefore, no matter how Qin Duo expressed his unwillingness to leave Sirius' side, Siles was unmoved.This may also be regarded as the "severeness" of Siles.

... He hopes that Qin Duo can follow in his footsteps, not just as a "lover", but also as a "companion" and "comrades in arms".The sudden love may make Jindo lose his reason and calmness, but Siles doesn't want him to be like this forever.

Siles sighed slightly.

Apart from such very rational considerations, of course, Sirius also felt reluctant to part with his lover for a while.However, the real matter is before them, and it is impossible for them to choose to escape by deceiving themselves.

Soon, Siles restrained his thoughts.The train has started to pick up speed and they are on their way to their final destination.

Chester hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Maybe you think I'm talkative. But, professor, I probably know what you're doing. Those... old gods, or followers of the old gods.

"I mean, that's something really important and dangerous at the same time. You're doing very, very good things, but I also really want your life to be more... how should I put it, being a happy commoner?"

Siles and Chester laughed together.

"I can understand your point of view, doctor," said Siles. "We need to live in this world after all. I have expressed similar views to my apprentices. I also have to admit that sometimes, Cindo's It was also a relief to show up.

"However, there are problems in front of us and we have to solve them. This is my philosophy."

Chester nodded and said, "It's okay to relax once in a while. That's my philosophy."

Siles looked at his friend silently, smiled helplessly at last, and said, "Okay, doctor, I understand." Then he said, "But, can I ask you one thing? ?”

Chester looked at him in surprise.He suddenly realized, and then sighed heavily: "It's time to talk about business again, isn't it?"

Siles said honestly, "Yes."

"...Okay, Professor. What's the problem?"

"About, your family." Siles considered his tone, "I don't seem to have heard you mention your parents."

Chester was a little surprised to hear this.he

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