The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 130 The Power of the Bloodborn

Qin Duo was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but focus on the stack of documents in front of him.

They resided in this empty wilderness, with only one rather deserted small town nearby.Outside this carriage, the people, buoyed up with the joy of a game of cards, almost forgot what kind of predicament they and the world were in.

But Siles never forgot.He also knew that Qin Duo had never forgotten.

After a while, Qin Duo breathed a sigh of relief slowly.He said: "Okay, we..." He paused subconsciously, "Let's take a look at this information together."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Qin Duo, Siles opened the document in front of him.Cendo hesitated for a moment, but finally reached out and took part of it to help Siles share the work.

His hesitation came from his own identity as a descendant of the old god, not from wanting to help Sirius share his worries.In fact, he was used to this kind of thing-helping Sirius read together.

Soon, Siles was immersed in reading.

According to what Grosvenor once said, the old gods would choose to divide their authority and power to other existences only under very special circumstances.And that cannot be said to be a descendant in the biological sense, but an inheritor of power.

But this kind of power can be passed down in the blood of human beings.Therefore, Qin Duo will be called "Old God blood descendant".The power of the old gods and the blood of human beings jointly created this group of human beings with the power of gods.

However, they cannot be said to be gods, nor can they be said to have "mastered" the power of gods.

From various descriptions, as well as Siles' observation of the way Qindo uses power, they are more like "borrowing" the power of the gods, just like a child borrowing an adult's item.

It's just that the gods tolerantly let this go, instead of encountering serious spiritual pollution when encountering the power of the old gods like other enlighteners.

...Or, the will of the blood descendants of the old gods is strong enough to resist such pollution?A more precise word might be, immunity?

Thinking of Qindo's 99 will attributes, Siles couldn't help but glance at Qindo thoughtfully.

Spirituality, physique, will.These three correspond to the godhead, god position, and god name respectively.

Cindo Playa.This name symbolizes the blood of the old gods, and at the same time, this name plus this identity is also Qin Duo's self-recognition.

In this sense, his perception of himself is unique and unaffectable, and that does explain why his will is so high.

But from the perspective of the blood of the old gods, things don't seem to be that simple.The dice's definition of this world made Siles suddenly realize that his theory of three elements still needs to be further explored.

As far as the world is concerned, what do these three elements they possess symbolize?

Siles recorded this question, but still focused on the issues related to the blood of the old gods.

Among these materials, Siles could not find any information about Lygardia's blood, which made him feel a little regretful.However, he also noticed that the existence of blood descendants is very rare.

Of the thirteen old gods that Siles is familiar with, at least on the surface, each of them has never created a bloodborn.

In fact, Lygardia had blood descendants.Also, in Jen Calder's "Gods and Worshipers in the Shadow", he mentions that Thaddeus and Ruthmee had "conceived a child".

This is obviously a metaphor, maybe it means that Thaddeus and Luthmi jointly created a bloodborn?

Still, death and the stars.It was difficult for Siles to say what kind of power the old god blood would have when these two powers were combined.

Also, while all of Jan Calder's claims have been substantiated, it cannot be said that all of the information contained in that book is correct.Maybe this information is mixed with true and false, and Sirius cannot ignore this possibility.

Therefore, Siles has always held certain doubts about this descendant of death and stars who may have been forgotten by history.

In these materials, Siles also noticed an extremely critical element, that is, why the gods created blood descendants.

In some very ancient records, as far back as the Birth of the Gods and the Age of Faith, people refer to the "purity" of the gods.Because they are not pure enough, they need to remove some of the "impurities".And creating blood descendants has become a more convenient way.

Regarding the so-called "purity", the data did not give a clear explanation, but made some specious descriptions, such as the "aging" and "tiredness" of the gods.

Based on his own understanding of the gods, Sirius had some guesses.

The power of the gods is directly related to concepts.For example, Akamala, the god of dreams and illusions, his power is obviously related to concepts such as dreams, illusions, and reality.

In Akamala's Paradise, this concept exists very clearly, and even Akamala's Paradise itself is nothing but the dream of this god.

Even with the fall of the gods, the dream created by power has not disappeared.

Previously, Siles had an idea that was "conceptually related" to everyone in the world, that is, gods.

Correspondingly, if you want to be "conceptually related" to all people, then this kind of concept must not be very large and boundless, because it may not be possible to find such commonality from all human beings.

For example, life and death, everyone will experience life and death; for example, stars and mountains, everyone can see stars and mountains; for example, dreams and seas, everyone can touch dreams and seas.

From this perspective, the thirteen old gods all have very distinctive and "ordinary" characteristics.

... They will eliminate some unnecessary and redundant "concepts", and that is a possible reason for their creation of blood.

This practice is more common among the older and lesser gods.Their power itself is not very strong, so this method of resolution is even more needed to keep themselves pure.

As for the thirteen old gods, they probably don't need to do this.Because their power is already huge enough, even if there are some redundancy and impurities, it is not a big problem.They are even more reluctant to cut off their authority.

According to Siles' understanding of the thirteen old gods, they even wanted to devour each other, so as to further expand their authority and power.

From this point of view, the existence of the Praia family and the existence of the blood descendant of Death and the Star are even more incomprehensible.What can make these old gods change their past practices, cut off their own power and authority, and create human blood?

Another possibility mentioned in these sources is the special relationship between gods and humans.

That was something that existed in much older times.

At that time, people worshiped the power of gods, but they didn't have that kind of belief and pursuit.God and man live together in this world, perhaps God is stronger and man is weaker.

In any case, in the Birth of the Gods and the Early Beliefs, the relationship between gods and humans will be closer.Gods have human beings they love, and humans have gods they are passionate about.

However, in the middle and late stages of the Faith Period, such things were rare.The gap between gods and humans is gradually widening, and the power of gods is becoming larger, magnificent, and terrifying, so human beings are becoming more and more fearful and fearful.

In that era when the relationship between gods and humans was still intimate, some tolerant gods would distribute their power to their preferred humans.It's a bit similar to the "protector" of later generations, but compared with the patron, the power of this "blood" is more equal and gentle.

The power of the patron is bestowed by the gods and can be withdrawn at any time (although the gods rarely do so); the power of the blood is shared by the gods, which can be used by human beings throughout their lives, and will even continue with the inheritance of blood.

This situation does exist.This document contains a mural from a cave in the Birth of the Gods, and modern painters have reproduced the appearance of the mural with more delicate brushstrokes.

It was a ferocious beast, sitting side by side at the table with a human with the characteristics of a beast.In front of them are likely to be other members of the tribe.Some archaeological research on this tribe has proved that the beast is the "beast" god that this tribe once worshiped.

However, humans sit side by side with this beast god.This incredible phenomenon shocked the archaeologists at that time.

...of course, archeology.This archaeological activity seems to have occurred during the Imperial Period.Most of the data has disappeared.The historical fault of the Shadow Period also caused most of these precious materials to be lost.

Siles deeply regretted this.He knew that the church of the past must have collected some ancient materials, but even the church of the past, the materials they collected were still incomplete.

Behind the church of the past stands the only god in this world.Therefore, this means that what happened in the Shadow Age was a huge and irreparable disaster.That is a scar in this world that is hard to heal.

Siles couldn't help sighing, and then closed the document.He looked at Qin Duo on the opposite side, and said, "How about it, have you found any useful information?"

Qin Duo shook his head. His reading speed was slower than that of Sirius, but he didn't take much information."There's no mention of the existence of the Praia family. There's no mention of the bloodlines of the other old gods either," he said.

Sirius nodded thoughtfully.

He thought that Grosvenor must have copied all the information about the blood of the old gods in the church of the past, and then sent it over.However, Lygardia and other blood descendants of the old gods do not exist in these materials.

This means that these things are originally unknown.

Before that, Qin Duo once said that even the Playa family themselves did not know who the blood of the old gods would be in the family.They also need Antinam's "revelation" to understand.

Therefore, it was also Antinam who told the Church of the Past about the existence of the Praia family, and made the high-level members of the Church of the Past pay attention to it.

He wondered what that meant.

On the one hand, Antinam seems to know too much about the past...Of course, He was originally the God of the past and history, so it is normal to know everything that happened in history.

However, as a new god, He knows the stories of the old gods like the back of his hand, and even knows the blood family of Lygardia, which seems quite strange.After all, when Lygardia disappeared, Antinam hadn't appeared yet.

... No, it should be said, Antinum was born in the Mist Age, why on earth can he understand the past?Is it because His power is this concept of "history"?

And this brings up two questions: The first question is, how to explain His "birth"?This world is very old and has a long history. Why was Anti-Nam born at the end of the Silence Period?

The second problem is that the situation of the "birth" of a god is already very special.He has a specific birth time and place, just like an ordinary human being born in this world.

...the birth of a god?That makes this god too human-like.Not to mention, Antinam's "historical" godhead is also very close to human civilization.

Is he really just a more powerful revealer, as some have speculated?

On the other hand, Antinam symbolizes the past and history, but what he has done, including protecting the human beings in the mist, making the church of the past pay attention to Siles and providing help secretly, and informing the Praia family of the blood of the old gods born...

These things seem to point to the future in the dark.

If Anti-Nam is a god in the same sense as those old gods before, shouldn't he let humans continue to indulge in the past and history, so as to enrich his power?

Why is his behavior at odds with his concept of power?

In any case, Anti-Nam, the only god in this world, obviously hides a lot of secrets.Siles hoped that he could solve some of the doubts before actually facing the god.

He thought for a moment, then turned his thoughts back to the matter of the blood descendants of the old gods.

This material gives two reasons for the gods to create blood descendants: one is that the gods remove the "impurities" in their own power, and the other is that the gods share their power with their preferred humans.

No matter which one, it can't explain the existence of Qin Duo, and the existence of the rumored blood descendants of death and stars.

Regarding the blood of Lycardia, Siles did think of an explanation that could be explained.

That is, during the Shadow Era, when Lygardia embarked on a journey, he decided to keep his branch of power, just in case—although Siles didn't know exactly what Lygardia wanted to defend against.

This approach is similar to the fact that Akamala left the six dolls in the paradise, and a group of people suspected to have been left in reality—such as the mysterious stall owner—as preparations in advance.

Of course, the premise of this speculation is that the Praia family did appear in the Shadow Era, some time before Ligardia left.

If this is the case, then what happened in the Shadow Period to make these gods stay behind one after another becomes a more complicated question.

Will the "children" of Thaddeus and Ruthmi appear for the same reason?

Siles informed Qindo of his guess, and asked: "Within the Praia family, there is something about..." He pondered for a while, "Is there any related talk about what you are asked to do, future tasks, etc.?"

"Future tasks..." Qin thought for a while, and finally shook her head honestly, "No, I haven't even heard of it."

Siles couldn't help sighing, and said, "That's even more strange."

His eyes fell on those materials, and at the same time he heard the dice prompt of [Knowledge +1] coming from his brain.Presumably, he thought, this bit of knowledge was based on information from those older ages.

Siles fell into deep thought, while Cendo didn't bother to think so much.He didn't disturb Siles's thinking, he just sorted out the materials by himself, put them aside, then propped his chin, staring at Siles silently.He does it all the time.

In such a quiet afternoon, time passed bit by bit.

After three o'clock, the drunk repairman finally arrived late.He brought a group over, and after inspecting the tracks, he said it might take a day or two to fix them.

Passengers were already distraught and didn't bother to dwell on the argument that much.Indeed, some impulsive passengers asked why it took so long, but this question did not get any reply.

After that, the repairman and his colleagues worked hard on the repair work for a while, but when the evening approached, he left on his own.

The sky is like trembling orange flowers, and the owner of the florist carefully decorated the corners of the sky with petals.After dinner, Siles and Cendo took a walk outside the train.

They met Hed Dreyson again, and his face looked much better, and he became a lot calmer.However, his tone still carried that very nervous feeling, I am afraid that the sudden blow would still inevitably affect his mind.

He thanked Sirius earnestly again, and asked, where would he go if he wanted to investigate matters related to Hales House?

"Biddle City," said Siles. "You can try your luck at Biddle City in Galsworth."

In any case, the cities of Galsworth are safer than the inns and villages of Gladstone.

Hurd half understood, and Sirius explained some divisions and areas of the Everland to him in general. It was only then that Hurd suddenly realized that he thanked Sirius again and again, but also showed a kind of For embarrassing distress.

The embarrassment seemed to be saying that Sires had helped him so much, but he could not repay him, and even showed his ignorance and weakness, so he felt more uneasy and nervous.After a while, Hurd bid farewell to Sirius.

Siles looked at his back thoughtfully.

Qin Duo said with a little displeasure: "Obviously you helped him, but he has the guts..." He pondered for a while, "I wish you didn't help him."

Siles said, "Maybe it's just that he doesn't know how to deal with this situation. But..." He looked in the direction Hurd was leaving, and after a while, he added, "He is slowly embarking on an unknown road. "

In a safe city, this kind of personality might be harmless; but at this fork in the road of fate, such a poor performance may be fatal.

In any case, Siles is probably the best person he can find for help; but Hurd has always maintained a hesitant attitude, as if he is not sure whether an outsider should be involved in his family affairs among.

He did tell Siles some information, but more information was even asked by Siles himself.

After thinking for a while, Siles shook his head, and he didn't continue to express any opinions on this matter.He just said: "We have to delay here for more than two days. Fortunately, when we set off, the schedule was not so tight."

"Indeed. That lady was prescient," Cinder said.He was referring to Professor Bella.

However, it is frustrating to be in such an environment all the time.

During the dinner just now, Siles even learned that the fuel on the train was also running low.

Originally, this train only carried fuel for one way, plus a little spare; but now, they have been stuck here, food supplies, hot water, etc. need fuel, and they have to continue to Malz.

There was only a hotel in the distance, and a dilapidated small town, and even if they could find some supplies, life might be troublesome for the next day or two.

The passengers could not help but sigh.

There were nearly a hundred passengers on this train.A depressing atmosphere soon enveloped the entire train.

Qin Duo asked Siles in a low voice, if it is necessary for him to go further to seek help, or to send a letter to the Praia family, asking them to come and pick them up.

"The rails are broken, the only possibility is to use a carriage." Siles said calmly, "A carriage can hold up to five or six people, plus luggage. Are you going to have someone drive twenty or thirty carriages over? Now Such a world of ice and snow is unrealistic.”

Qin Duo sighed and said, "Then what should we do?"

"The more likely approach is to quickly repair the rails." Siles also sighed slightly, "Tomorrow we will go to the town to see the progress of the repair and the situation of the town.

"If the situation is very bad, then you can ask the Praia family to send someone to repair the rails. I think they should have this ability?"

"Of course, this is what Lygardia's believers often do—to provide help to strangers on their journeys." Qin Duo said, "Then, everything will depend on tomorrow."

Siles was slightly taken aback, then he suddenly looked at Qindo.

Qin Duo asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"The believers of Lygardia often help foreigners on their journeys." Siles said slowly, and organized his thoughts, "Qindo, remember what I said, the concept of gods?"

They are now far away from home and stuck in this wild place.This fits well with Lygardia's related concept.

Qin Duo looked at the parked train rather confusedly.Against the backdrop of the setting sun on the snowy field in the evening, the gray train looked ordinary.He thought about what Sirius said, and then said, "You mean, this kind of scene can easily attract the power of the gods?"

"Yes, and at the same time," said Siles after thinking for a moment, "don't you think this is a very suitable scene for Lycardia's power to work?"

"So, can I just get us out of this predicament?" Qindo said thoughtfully, "Can I just use Lygardia's power to let us continue our journey? Fundamentally change this suffering Difficult situation?"

"At least it's worth a try," said Siles.

They went a little farther into the foothills, making sure no one would pay attention to what they were trying to do.Afterwards, Siles took out the necklace that Qindo had given him earlier from the collar, untied it and handed it to Qindo.

"Lygardia's amulet. [Safe travel] this ritual." Siles said, "Maybe this can provide some help."

He thought about it seriously.

And Qin Duo held the jewelry that seemed to still have Sirius' body temperature.He seemed to be burned by something, and his fingers trembled slightly.He was watching Sirius so intently.

After a while, Qin Duo said: "What I hope most is to get you out of this predicament."

Siles was slightly taken aback, then raised his eyes and looked over.He saw Qin Duo's emerald green eyes, which were full of a kind of focused affection and obsession under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Qin Duo whispered: "Can I hug you?"

"Of course, Gindor," Siles said. "Don't ask me. You can do it all the time."

So Cindo leaned over and hugged him, and at the same time, his eyes looked behind Sirius, the parked train and the broken rail.He gripped the amulet firmly.

He thought, if he really has the power of Lygardia, if he is really the descendant of Lygardia, if he can have the power to change the status quo... then, he hopes that this power can make his beloved Siles Professor Noel, [travel safely].

He closed his eyes slightly.

At that moment, the amulet in his hand suddenly filled with a gray mist.The mist circled around him and Sires carefully twice, and then flew towards the location of the train.

In the colorful colors of the setting sun, the invisible mist turned to the railroad tracks, and "sewed" the broken railroad tracks in two or three strokes.Then, the thick snow that had accumulated on the railway tracks was gently brushed away by some invisible force.

When Qindo opened his eyes, everything seemed to be the same, but everything seemed to have changed.

He looked at the amulet thoughtfully, then heaved a sigh of relief.He hung the necklace around Sirius' neck again, and murmured, "It's useful. You'll have to wear it well."

However, before that, none of them could exert the power of this amulet.

Siles asked, "Are you ready?"

"Okay!" Qin Duo said complacently, "The railroad track has been repaired!"

Siles couldn't help being startled, and exclaimed, "This is amazing."

He walked near the railroad tracks with Cendo.After the repairman left in the evening, no one came to check the situation here.Siles put on [Akamala's Spectacle Frame], carefully observed the rail, and found that the broken place was now filled with a gray mist.

As a result, the railroad tracks, which had been dilapidated, have now returned to their original appearance, and even become stronger and more stable.

Wonderful divine power.he couldn't help thinking.

It wasn't long before it was discovered that the tracks had become intact, but no one knew what was going on.Siles and Cindo mixed in the crowd, seeing the confused and bewildered expressions of the people around them.

At this time, someone raised a possibility: "Could it be that the repairman has finished repairing the railroad tracks, but forgot to tell the train conductor?"

"But didn't he say it would take a day or two?"

"Perhaps the conductor has misheard! He means we'll only be here for a day or two!"

"It's possible! The accents of the people in this town are quite heavy, and the repairman is drunk, maybe he can't speak clearly, and he didn't express himself clearly at all."

"Fortunately, we still checked it, otherwise we would have to delay another night."

People were talking about it in a hurry, but they explained everything logically.However, the revelators mixed in the crowd, especially the ones from the Church of the Past, looked confused and looked at the repaired railroad tracks thoughtfully.

However, they couldn't tell what was going on, they just felt a strange atmosphere.

…perhaps some powerful revelator repaired the rails without any of them noticing?

This seems to be the case, but the kind-hearted people hidden in the crowd have no intention of standing out, so this may become another weird legend in the railway industry.

People quickly flocked back to the train and urged the conductor to move on.The train conductor looked very confused, and even got out of the car to look at the railroad track himself.He was full of disbelief, and he couldn't understand why the railroad tracks, which were in tatters a few hours ago, were suddenly intact.

He pondered for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't figure it out, so he could only notify the conductor to confirm whether the passengers had returned, then started the train and continued to Maltz.After all, he couldn't bear the days of being stuck on a cold train in a cold snowy field.

Perhaps the most inexplicable ones will be the maintenance workers who come to work as usual the next day.They may face the empty foothills, the restored railway tracks, the sudden melting snow, and this silent and empty snow field.

However, the repairman who had been drunk all the time would probably only wonder if he drank and forgot about the day, and just passed the day drunk.

"How long will the rails last?"

By the time the train restarted, night had already fallen.Celeste asked Qin more about this matter.

"It can't go on forever," Cindo said, "I'll call the people from the Praia family to come and fix it—really fix the track, not fake it.

"Of course, if I remember correctly, according to the Grand Duke's development plan, a new railway will be put into operation soon, and the old line from Lamifa to Malz may also be abandoned. "

Siles was a little surprised to hear the news.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that this was nothing new.After all, the train line is now somewhat detoured to avoid lands that were once covered in fog, and some that are still covered in fog.

But now, the fog is gradually dissipating, and the dangerous land has become safe. Naturally, the Principality will want to use those lands to build more convenient and direct train lines, and at the same time develop more buildings that can be used land.

That was something the Principality wanted to do, and Sirius was happy to see it happen.Instead, he said, "I see. So, Gindor, has this experiment changed you?"

Compared with Siles inheriting Akamala's power, Qindo's inheritance of Lygardia's power should be smoother and simpler; however, judging from Qindo's performance all the time, he doesn't seem to have given much thought to this matter.

He pondered a little troubledly before saying honestly, "Nothing seems to have changed."

He thought for a while before answering: "The use of the power of the template and the manuscript, and the use of the power just now, seem to have limitations.

"The former has a wider scope of application and is also a combat method I am familiar with. I can know without thinking what words I need to use to deal with the enemy, and I can pick out specific words and sentences very habitually.

"Although the latter is more powerful, it has specific usage scenarios, such as our trapped journey just now. It is difficult for me to immediately apply it to the scenario of fighting others."

Siles was stunned for a while before he realized that Qin Duo was a genuine explorer who had grown up from the fighting in the Everland.The essence of the power of the gods that Siles is exploring is just an uncomfortable "combat method" for Qin Duo.

He couldn't help laughing.

Qin Duo asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Qindo." Siles said, "I agree with your idea, but since it is a brand new way of using power, you can also try to use and explore related possibilities. That will greatly strengthen Your combat flexibility."

"Of course, I'll do that," Cinder said.

The train is slowly accelerating.People also returned to their compartments, and then rested separately.They stayed on the train for an extra day, but fortunately, it didn't exceed their expectations.This year's long-distance travel has been accident-prone.

Siles stared at the rapidly passing scenery outside the window.The night was hazy, and he felt his thoughts become very peaceful.

He thought for a moment, and then said, "If you can find Tau's cemetery, then maybe what happened just now will give you a good discovery in Tau's cemetery."

This point is compared with what happened to Sirius in the Paradise of Akamala.

But Siles also added: "Of course, it is also possible that Lygardia's power is different from Akamala's."

"I hope to find Tau's cemetery." Qin Duo said, "I hope to find something when I go back this time."

Siles nodded too.

After that, they each went to rest.The next morning they reached Malz.Long lost Maltz.

Professor Bella went to buy tickets first, but she also said that she would definitely buy tickets for tomorrow afternoon and let the group rest in Maltz.Professor Bella's assistant, a rather introverted young man, went to inquire about suitable hotels nearby, and then took them there.

It was not the Levi's Hotel where Siles and Qindo had stayed together before, but it was also a nice hotel called the Conrad Hotel.This hotel is elegantly decorated and has a lot of rooms. After all, it has to accommodate 27 of them to live together.

Qin Duo followed them and booked a twin room at his own expense.For this reason, the lady behind the counter specifically confirmed: "Do you need a twin room?"

"Yes." Qin Duo said expressionlessly.

He really wanted to book a room with a big bed, but... forget it.His beloved god is still very reserved.

Not far away, Lorenzo and Chester cast meaningful glances, and soon began to whisper something because of the tacit understanding between them.

Siles didn't notice these things, because he also noticed that Bunyan, who was not far away, seemed to be staring at Dr. Chester for a long time.Of course, Knight Commander Bunyan didn't make this behavior too obvious, but Siles did notice it.

Siles thought for a while, then walked up to Benyan while everyone was carrying their luggage upstairs, and asked quite frankly, "Benyan, I noticed that you have been looking at Chester?"

Bunyan was taken aback, then smiled helplessly.He said gently: "Yes, Professor Noel. It seems that I was too obvious. However, I originally thought about communicating with that doctor sometime.

"It would be great if you could find a time to bring it up with him first and then introduce me. I also struggle with how to be honest with him about this."

"Because of his background?"

"Yes. We are going to Middleton after all," said Bunyan, adding additionally, "I don't want you to misunderstand us, Professor. We are indeed investigating the doctor's past, but that is also due to some special factors.

"In short, we don't suspect that Dr. Chester is involved in any conspiracy, but...his mother has a certain relationship with the Church of the Past. We just discovered the existence of the doctor by accident. And was surprised by it."

Chester's mother.From Middleton, a child of unknown origin was born in a foreign land, and is also related to the church of the past?

Siles thought for a moment, then couldn't help saying: "It's really full of secrets."

Bunyan nodded affirmatively.They have come to the third floor, this floor is full of

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