The world controlled by dice [Western Fantasy]

Chapter 119: Encounter in the West City

January 1.The first day of the new year.

This day is a holiday for the Principality of Constance.It just so happened that Siles went to bed late, so when he got up, it was nearly nine o'clock.

In the early hours of the morning, after saying "Happy New Year" to Qindo, and hugging and kissing Qindo, he returned to No. 6 Hayward Street.Cinder wanted him to stay overnight at 32 Lowell Street, because it was too late to save Cilles from running around.

But Siles still wanted to go back and change.

Besides, there's only one bed here in Cendo.

... One can imagine what Qin Duo was thinking.Anyway, Siles said very naturally, "It's nothing, Gindor, don't worry. I'll be back in ten minutes."

Qin Duo was startled, nodded slowly, and said, "...Okay."

Judging by the way Qin Duo gritted his teeth as if there were no facts on his face, he probably wished that this place was a thousand miles away from Hayward Street, making it impossible for Siles to go back even if he wanted to.

Siles couldn't help laughing, he played with Cendo's braid, and then hugged the man.He said, "We can pick a house. Maybe, after spring break?"

Qin Duo's eyes lit up almost instantly.That might be really "bright", after all the fireworks are still blooming so brilliantly in the sky, and reflected in his emerald green eyes.

"You say that, but I'm going to take it seriously." Qin Duo hugged him, rubbed his shoulder, and then said, "I'm extremely anxious."

Siles kissed the side of his cheek and said, "Really, Gindo."

Such a promise has satisfied Qin Duo.

Afterwards, Siles bid farewell to Cindo and returned to No. 6 Hayward Street.He fell asleep around two o'clock, feeling that the night had greatly disturbed his biological clock.

But that's okay.Thanks to Akamala's power, he can freely control his sleep time.

In the morning, not long after he got up, Qin Duo came over.He brought breakfast and New Year's greetings.

"One day's vacation," said Cinder. "What are you going to do?"

It seems that Cendo is eager to put himself behind that verb, but he doesn't show it so obviously, he just bullies his own face to Sirius.

Siles pretended that he didn't understand what Qin Duo meant, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Go for a walk, and then, read a book?"

Qin Duo: "..."

With a sigh, he concluded, "Yes, Professor Noel. It has been a great honor to be with you."

These words are also very sincere, but it would be great if his beloved god was not so restrained and reserved.

Siles is also serious in saying this, after all, there are only so many things he does every day.

Instead, Qin Duo reminded him: "By the way, do you still remember the novel you serialized in the newspaper? It has been ten days since the last submission... I remember that the publisher said it would be a week to half a month. Submit a manuscript?"

Siles: "..."

He was silent for a while.

Finally he said helplessly: "I see. I will write this afternoon."

From a certain point of view, Qin Duo did a good job as a teaching assistant.

The first day of the new year, and the days after that, seemed to be the epitome of Sirius' life after he came to this world.Work, read, write, dine with Gindo, then walk down the street holding hands.

The weather has been fine for several days in a row.This also made Siles feel much clearer.This happy mood lasted for more than a week, and reached its peak when he delivered the manuscript on schedule and did not receive double reminder letters from the publisher and the newspaper.

Saturday, April 1.

When meeting at the Dawn Apocalypse on this day, a piece of good news that Carol brought made Siles feel pleasantly surprised.

"Siles, you can find the transcript you want by yourself." Carroll said, "The materials of the Darrow family are stored in the secret storage of the Const National Bank. You take this A power of attorney, you can go in."

The lady and the newsboy have already left, and only Siles and Carol are left here—by the way, they played a few rounds of fate cards here just now, originally because this card has become popular in Lamifah City recently Woke up and wanted to try something new.

However, the lady and the newspaper boy seemed to be very unsatisfied.

Carol handed Siles a document signed by Mr. Grace, the person in charge of the second corridor.

Siles sincerely thanked Carol, this matter probably took a lot of effort, otherwise it would not have taken such a long time.

Carol waved his hand, but he didn't care too much. Instead, he smiled and said, "For this matter, I made fun of Grace. A revelator who is not the second corridor is more concerned about this matter than them." Heart. It can only be said that the second corridor may need to expand its manpower."

Siles couldn't help but feel helpless for Carol's words.

The training of investigators in the second corridor is much more complicated than that of other departments.If the first corridor pays more attention to administrative affairs, and the third corridor pays more attention to combat effectiveness, then the second corridor has to learn everything.

However, they also had to deal with various events that occurred due to extraordinary power, and they were exhausted because of this.

How many events can happen every day in this huge Lamifa city?How many truths will eventually be annihilated in the torrent of history?

Siles is not omnipotent, he can only do his best to investigate some things he knows.

He thanked Carol again, and confirmed that the authorization letter would allow him to bring the others into the depository—he had to bring Cendo, after all, he didn't know the Kansas script.

The progress of this matter also made Siles greatly relieved.

On the one hand, this transcript can give him some insight into the past of the Darrow family.The aristocratic ancestor of the Darrow family obviously had a very frank and open mind in his conversation with the wandering poet Aldous Gershwin.

Both of them will mention their past, and all kinds of information.In the book "The Poet's Fate", since the author Albold wants to know more about the situation of the poet, the content is more biased towards what Aldous said.

However, the currently unknown aristocrat will obviously reveal some information in the transcript.

On the other hand, this conversation record is related to a follower of Lycardia.Naturally, Siles could look for information related to Lycardia in the archives of the Praia family, but this kind of first-hand information still needs to be checked.

What unexpected information can you get?

He put the power of attorney in his bag, and planned to go to Conster National Bank with Qindo tomorrow.The last time he had been to the bank was to exchange a money order that Grayson Foods had sent him.

Thinking about it now, the Grayson incident is already very far away from him at this moment.Although he felt that compared to that time, he didn't make much progress at this time.

Carroll added, "By the way, do you know about the Honoring Ceremony of the Historical Society?"

Siles nodded, and added, "I've heard it before."

Carol said: "That's fine. I'm afraid you will receive the invitation letter for the commendation ceremony in two days, which is expected to be held at the end of January. However, many old men will be present at that time, professor, you have to do Be mentally prepared."

Siles couldn't help but startled, feeling a little headache.Finally, he nodded calmly and said, "I see, thank you for reminding me, Carol."

But since Carol mentioned these people, after a moment of deliberation, Siles asked, "Carol, what I want to ask you know anything about Jonathan Bryant?"

Carroll had heard the name by accident—his accident more as he hadn't expected Sirius to mention Jonathan Bryant than the name itself.

He nodded: "Of course I know, that's a well-known member of the Historical Society..." He hesitated, "Uh, a more conservative elder."

Siles stared at him silently.

Carol rubbed his nose: "Well, it seems that you know it too. The elder's attitude towards you is indeed not very friendly, but he is not very friendly to young people like you..."

"You once said that the behind-the-scenes sponsor of the underground gang in West City is this elder?" Siles asked.

Carol was taken aback, but instead he said in surprise: "Is it this elder? I don't know very well. But it is indeed possible." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then shook his head, "Anyway, this elder should I describe it, he is older?"

Siles frowned slightly: "Is he already in poor health?"

This is rather bad news.If Jonathan was dying, he might be on the verge of action.Keciles still hovered on the outskirts of his vast and sinister plan.

Carroll said: "Elder Bryant's health has not been very good, and he has been like this since three or four years ago. However, he has always been so stubborn, whether it is the affairs of the Principality or the Historical Society He won't let others do the internal affairs."

Three or four years ago?

Siles narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

If Jonathan's physical condition deteriorated at this point in time, then it would be too coincidental that the two children, Mike Lampson and Nona Norison, picked up some unknown dangerous items in West City three years ago .

Perhaps, at that time, Jonathan had the idea of ​​extending his life because of his poor health?

Siles nodded slowly.

Carroll turned and said: "However, generally speaking, the elder's focus is more on the Principality than on the Historical Society. What happened to the Dawn Revelation 14 years ago...he also because of the events at that time and Some people in the Historical Society have cut seats."

Siles asked with some trouble: "What happened 14 years ago? Why did the Grand Duke's brother suddenly disappear?"

"As far as I know," Carol said, with a slightly revealing tone, "it was because he had some connection with some followers of the Old Gods from a foreign land, and it was discovered.

"At that time, the Apocalypse Society of Dawn took a very tough stand, united some high-level members of the Historical Society and the Church of the Past, and jointly put pressure on the former Grand Duke, believing that such a person should not be the next leader of the Principality of Const.

"And that one—Ebenezer Const, should be in exile now."

Siles was surprised to learn this, and surprised that Carol understood it so well.

Also, dawn revelation united with the church of the past?It was a relationship he hadn't thought of.So, is Mr. Xia really related to Antinam?Maybe Mr. Xia is Antinam?

Siles had this guess in his mind.

And Carol quickly explained: "I understand so clearly because... Well, recently, with the progress of the development plan in Ramifa City, some rumors have also spread.

"Exactly, I told you before that I am already a probationary member of the Presbyterian Church. After this winter, many elders will probably plan to retire, so I may have the qualifications of an elder.

"So, someone threw an olive branch to me and told me some information, especially about the Historical Society, the Dawn Revelation Society, and the high-level officials of the Principality of Const."

As he spoke, Carol showed a slightly complicated expression.

"It gives me a headache to think that I may be involved in such troubles in the future," he said.

"Wouldn't you rather settle these troubles?" said Siles.

"Maybe." Carol was noncommittal, and he laughed heartily. "I really don't like some parts of the Historical Society. It's time to make some changes."

Siles could not help but smile slightly.To be honest, he is looking forward to what changes Carroll can make to the Historical Society after he becomes the elder of the Historical Society—even if it is just some small changes, the accumulation will make the Historical Society improve sooner or later.

It was getting closer to the evening, so they didn't talk much, but left the Historical Society separately.Siles went to Finn's house, had dinner with them, and learned that both Harriet Collens and Louisa Lampson had agreed to participate in the operation of the store.

The opening of the store is also progressing slowly.Siles gave the three ladies the business card of Dawson Street so that they could enter there, and also found a suitable processing factory from the businessman Langmeer.

The factory was originally engaged in some mechanical business, and never thought of making children's toys.

However, after hearing Sires describe the product he wanted to make, Langmire thought that ordinary factories might not be able to meet Sires' requirements, so he recommended a factory with better craftsmanship.

Rubik's cubes, puzzles, building blocks, rag dolls, and more are already in the works.Maybe it will open at the end of January.

Of course, Dawson Street is an underground black market after all, and there are some not-so-respectable business establishments on the periphery.Therefore, these three women are more engaged in behind-the-scenes operations.The real work of selling, looking at shops, etc., can be handed over to the homeless children in Xicheng.

It is precisely because of the unique location of Dawson Street that Siles realized that ordinary people might not come here to shop often.So he came up with a business method - is it possible for customers to write in and order, and then they deliver it to their door?

The store on Dawson Street can be used as a warehouse and experience store.

It just so happens that there are so many homeless children who can serve as "couriers".Maybe customers place orders in the morning, and these children can deliver the goods in the afternoon.

Siles even thought up the slogan, "Order by letter, delivery to your door; no reason to return within seven days, and exchange the old for the new within one year."

... The souls of people on earth have already deeply imprinted the instinct of online shopping.

Langmeer was shocked by this idea, and he seemed to have never thought about this kind of business method at all—it should be said that this kind of door-to-door delivery method naturally exists, such as milkmen, postmen, etc., but no one has yet I thought that ordinary products can also be operated in this way.

However, Langmeer was a little curious about the feasibility of this approach.

Coincidentally, Siles also planned to ask Ranmeer to print advertising cards. The first batch of advertising cards could first announce the existence of this store, and the second batch would print the order address, product list and price, etc.These advertising cards can also be given out to homeless children.

Mrs. Fein may need to follow up on these follow-up matters, but Sirius himself has little time to understand.However, Mrs. Fein seemed very interested, and she was also very interested in the shopping method of home delivery.

Bertram Finn said very considerately: "It seems that Irene can be honored as 'Ms. Merchant' from now on."

Eileen Fein was a little embarrassed by the statement.

After dinner, Siles also learned a piece of news from Anthony.

The last time he asked the waifs in the West Side to investigate—Darwin Hospital, Hubert Fox, and Nanisar—they did find out some news, and hoped that Sirius would go to the West Side when he was free.

The next morning, Siles went out with Qindo, and first went to Ernestine's Tavern in the west city.

He originally wanted to go alone, but Qin Duo would go out later and just wait for him at the Const National Bank.But Qin Duo obviously didn't want to be so lonely, he would rather run around with Siles.

Qin Duo wanted to do this, and Siles would not object in such an insignificant place.They took a taxi together to the West City.

It snowed again that day, and when he went out in the morning, Siles felt a rare cold.The gloomy air of the snowy day was not very pleasant.

On the carriage, Qin Duo played with Sires' fingers and asked, "So, what do you think they will find out?"

Siles thought for a moment, and then said: "I'm actually looking forward to their understanding of Nanisar. Now that Nanisar has been discharged from the hospital, I don't know how he is doing."

Before Nanisar was discharged from the hospital, Siles had reminded him; however, he was not sure whether the other party had listened to the reminder.

Moreover, the abacus-like ornament may have come from Jonathan Bryant; but the identity of Nanisar's own "Holy Son" is another matter.

When he was in the deep sea dream, he didn't think of entering Nanisar's dream, which was also a channel of communication; however, the situation was already like this, so Siles could only investigate related matters as much as possible.

In any case, the first thing that involved him in this incident was the distant robbery of the museum gatekeeper in August last year.

Although the investigation in the second corridor seemed anticlimactic, Sirius himself couldn't really let it go completely, especially after Nona showed up.He hopes he can solve this matter.

The underground gang was collecting time rails—no, it should be said, ancient items.At that time, they thought it was someone trying to do something on the birthday of God in October; but in fact, they were for another conspiracy.

Those time tracks, after being collected, might have been contaminated with the dying man Jonathan Bryant, and then re-distributed everywhere.

...Thinking about it this way, this incident makes people feel uneasy after knowing it.Siles couldn't help but think, how many times and items with such pollution have appeared in the related market of Revelation in the recent period?

They arrived at Ernestine's Tavern at nine o'clock in the morning.

Cinder went to sit in the tavern, waiting for Sirius; and Sirius went to meet Jimmy at a nearby low house.

"Good morning, sir," said Jimmy. "I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Siles said, "Just in time. So, what did you all find?"

"First of all, Darwin Hospital." Jimmy said, looking out the window.

Most of the houses in Xicheng are relatively short, no more than five or six floors.Therefore, taller buildings are particularly eye-catching.Darwin Hospital is one of them.

From here, they could see the dusty hospital in the distance.

Jimmy said: "Darwin Hospital... I don't have a very good impression of this hospital. You know, we are all waifs, if we are sick, no one will take care of us.

"So, occasionally when the hospital held free clinics, we would go to see the doctor. But even if something was diagnosed, we didn't have the money to buy medicine—it's different now. Because of the money you gave.

"Usually every winter, some of us would freeze to death or starve to death, but this year it didn't happen. We got much healthier instead. Thank you very much.

"...Anyway, there was once a girl who wandered with us. Last year, she caught a cold. We had a little money at that time, so we pooled the money to see a doctor for her. As a result...she was drinking Darwin The medicine in the hospital, the whole person is like...

" was like crazy. She attacked us like crazy, cursed at us, didn't want any contact with us, and ran away. We found her body in the Kanla River the next day. We don't know what happened. … We buried her body near the Kanla River.

"I have also heard some other stories. Some children took the medicine from Darwin Hospital, and instead of getting better, they got worse. I also know that some children are cured.

"But... anyway, we don't have a good impression of Darwin Hospital."

Saying that, Jimmy pursed his lips, looking like he was suppressing his emotions.On the one hand, he has a lot of prejudice against Darwin Hospital, on the other hand, he is also trying to suppress this negative emotion, because he doesn't want Siles' thoughts to be disturbed by his emotions.

... This child is really very smart.Siles thought.

Siles turned to say, "That girl... what medicine did she have?"

Jimmy's eyes widened immediately: "It's...that's the doctor you mentioned, Hubert Fox. We investigated and asked other children who accompanied the girl to the doctor.

"We compared the portraits of the doctors hanging in the hospital - don't worry, we didn't ask the people in the hospital. We confirmed that it was the doctor who saw her and prescribed the medicine. That medicine made her fall into crazy."

Siles frowned slightly, and he said, "This kind of thing doesn't seem to be uncommon? If so, didn't the doctor get any punishment?"

Jimmy shook his head slowly, and he couldn't help saying: "But, those who died were vagrants like us, or children from poor families. Even if they died, who would go to the hospital to protest?

"They'll just think it's the kid who's down, or just unlucky, or in some other trouble. The grown-ups are busy making money. Even if it's really sad ... but it's Darwin Hospital.

"The important people in the East City stood behind that hospital, and everyone knew about it. What does it matter if one or two children were killed? At least they cured most of the patients.

"...nobody knew they could be malicious either. I mean, sir, before you let us look into Darwin Hospital, we were just annoyed that the hospital failed to treat the girl.

"Nor did it ever occur to us that the hospital could have been ... deliberate."

Jimmy's voice trembled, and the ending fell silently, just like the girl who died silently on a cold winter night that no one cares about.

Siles felt a dull mood, and he sighed inwardly.He asked: "We'll find out. Any other information about this hospital and that doctor?"

Jimmy said, "One thing...I'm not sure if it's important, but I wanted to tell you. Darwin Hospital gives out some every few months..."

He frowned, not knowing what to say.

"People say it's a charitable donation, but those things are a little too personal. Clothes, shoes and socks are nothing, but towels, handkerchiefs, even unwashed bed sheets and pillowcases... those things are donated.

"I always feel that the big shots in the East City treat the West City as a dump."

Jimmy muttered quietly, looking quite displeased with the matter.

Siles couldn't help squinting his eyes, and he asked, "Aside from these things, are there other...items?"

Jimmy shook his head, but then said: "These things are free, some people will rush to get them, and then take them home and wash them before they can be used. But occasionally there will be some...larger charity events in Westside ?

"I'm not sure how to describe it. These charity events will have some sponsoring institutions and organizations, including Darwin Hospital. But I have never been to that kind of place. I am too young. I just listen to some older people. The tramp has spoken.

"It's more like a flea market. The items are classified into categories and the prices are very affordable. Some people donate items...It's equivalent to a second-hand market? It will be held about twice a year."

Siles nodded slowly.

This kind of charity activity sounds normal, but if there are some unusual things mixed in, there will be trouble—he suddenly realized that maybe the Second Corridor of the Historical Society would know more about this?

Of course, this is not the focus of his attention now.

"I see, Jimmy," said Sirius. "So, have you found anything about Nanisar?"

Jimmy nodded, and he said: "Nanisar...he wandered in the West Side for a while before, but he wasn't with us. He's always been alone, and he doesn't have much company.

"Later we heard that he found his family and then disappeared. That seemed to happen last summer. Before that, all I knew about him was that he was originally a resident of West City.

"His parents died a year or two ago, apparently by accident, but I don't know exactly, because Nanisar never told anyone about him.

"We don't know how he survived alone. However, when I was asking about Nanisar, a girl told me that she had seen Nanisar and Bourne together-- It's the bum Bourne you know."

Nanisal and Byrne?Siles was slightly taken aback.

Bourne the Vagabond is a mysterious person who opposes Antinam and the Church of the Past.Sirius was taken by surprise by his sudden and mysterious connection to Nanizar.

Because, didn't Mr. Xia leave a card of fate at Nanisar?If Nanisar was on Bourne's side, then how could Mr. Xia tip Siles from Nanisar?The two camps are diametrically opposed.

Perhaps, Nanisar had nothing to do with those things behind Bourne, and he was seen staying with Bourne only because of some chance encounters during his wanderings?

But this statement hardly reassures Sirius, because the tramp Bourne is himself a dangerous person.

Now that Bourne was mentioned, Siles took advantage of the situation and asked, "Did you meet Bourne again after that?"

Jimmy shook his head.

Siles felt a little regretful.He couldn't help thinking that this vagabond Bourne was really elusive.

But in fact, he was standing behind the case indistinctly, appearing from time to time.

Mike Lampson died on the banks of the Canla River, and Bourne also appeared on the Canla River at that time; Naisal Bryant was called the Son of God, but he had contact with Bourne when he was wandering.

Is he also connected to this case?If so, what is his purpose?Does he have more information than Sirius?

This bothered Sirius.

Afterwards, he exchanged a few words with Jimmy, and after confirming that Jimmy had no other information, he thanked him.

Jimmy froze for a moment, then waved his hands again and again: "You don't need to thank me. I always think you are kind enough. I have never met such a kind person like you."

Siles smiled a little and said, "I'm just doing what I can." Instead, he said, "By the end of January, maybe the store will be open.

"There are three ladies who run the store behind the scenes, and one of them is Anthony's mother, so if you want to contact them, you can go to 13 Milford Street and contact the landlord Mrs. Collens, that is another A lady involved in the business.

"Your main task is to look at the store. Generally, two to three people will do it in rotation. Then you need to record the price of the product. In addition, you also need to distribute advertising cards to help deliver the ordered products to the corresponding address."

Jimmy nodded silently, remembering these things.Hearing the last words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Sir, this is the first time I've heard of this practice. Some milk unions are responsible for delivering the milk that people order to their homes, but this kind of product... I've never heard of it. said."

One should never underestimate the power of laziness, Siles thought.

He said: "It's more convenient. After all, you also know where Dawson Street is. Ordinary people may not like to go there, and they may not be able to get in.

"So, we can have interested customers write in and order, and we deliver, and they just have to wait at home."

Jimmy pondered for a moment, then said, "Sounds like a more complicated process."

Siles didn't deny that, but he said, "It's just a try."

Jimmy nodded seriously.

After talking about this, Siles looked at the time and said, "I have to go, Jimmy."

"Okay, sir. By the way, is there anything else you need our help with?" Jimmy asked seriously.

Siles thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "There is indeed one thing. You are more familiar with underground gangs, aren't you?"

Jimmy froze for a moment, and said hesitantly, "It's...familiar, right?" He paused, and then added, "Those underground gangs don't think much of us kids, so if we run around, They don't particularly care."

Siles understood, he thought about it, and then said: "I may need you to find a place. I'm not sure what that place looks like, but it's in the West City, and it has some connections with underground gangs. It's very Possibly near the Kanla River.

"The only description I know of the place is that it's 'light and dark'."

Confused, Jimmy said, "'Light and dark'?"

He looked puzzled.

Siles nodded, and he warned: "Don't worry, just look for it slowly. You still have to put your own safety first."

Besides, today is January 1.Siles will enter the deep sea dream again tonight, and he can check the specific location of Nona from the lake on the farm, although he is not sure how many times the planet map can be enlarged, and how clear and three-dimensional it can be.

However, since I met Jimmy today, it is a good way to do both.For Xicheng, these children knew more and more deeply than he did.

"I understand, sir," Jimmy said. "See you next time."

"See you next time, Jimmy."

Siles stepped out of the low house and took a breath, feeling the cold winter air soaking into his lungs.He was about to go to Ernestine's Tavern to find Gindo, when a call came from afar.

"Professor Noel!" It was Detective Jon who came from a distance, and he greeted Sirius very enthusiastically, "I didn't expect to meet you again in West City."

Siles was also very surprised. He looked at Jon with some surprise, and said, "Good morning—see you again in West City."

Jon nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm here to investigate the client's commission this time, so I'm here. I'm planning to go to Ernestine's Tavern, and I need to ask them something."

"That's right," said Siles. "I'm investigating something, too."

As he said this, he thought that Jon seemed to have sensed the suspicion in his heart.This was already the second time they met in West City, and it always seemed too coincidental, as if Jon deliberately met him.

However, Jon made a special explanation of what he was doing, as if to make Sirius not suspect anything.This is indeed a coincidence, not deliberate.

...he thought, as expected of a Psychology 86 character card.

Jon stopped with great interest and asked, "What are you investigating?" He thought for a while, and then said, "By the way, the last time you said you needed to use the ritual of [Trace Tracking], was it because of what you were investigating? matter?"

Siles nodded.He thought that Jon was a detective and probably knew some relevant information, so he thought about telling some things about Darwin Hospital.

Of course, he didn't mention Nona, Nanisar, etc., but Mrs. Lampson's commission.Mike Lampson's death does have a looming connection to Darwin Hospital.

He started from meeting Mr. Lampson and Mrs. Lampson in the Land of No Ashes, then mentioned Mike's death and his illness, and finally mentioned that he used the ritual of finding objects to learn that the final location of the lost object was at Darwin Hospital.

...Of course, he didn't actually use the magnifying glass time track that Jon provided.But there is no need to tell Jon about this.

Jon listened to him in surprise, and nodded thoughtfully.

When Siles had finished speaking, he said:

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