"Good morning, Celes," said Grenfell. "New Years is a week away."

"Good morning, sir," said Siles, "that morning we shall meet."

He sat down in front of Grenfell.

The fireplace in the room was burning brightly, giving people a very warm feeling.Siles, who had just escaped from the icy wind and rain outside, immediately felt much more comfortable.He couldn't help thinking, as expected, the matter of leaf specimens should be put on the agenda.

Grenfell asked: "How about the subject of the sealed item?"

"The progress is slow." Siles said truthfully, "Ms. Aston once reminded me not to speak to the sealed item. However, I didn't have the opportunity to ask her later, what would happen if I really said it."

"That's very simple, Sirius." Grenfell said, "Sealed Artifacts are essentially out-of-control timelines, so the result is likely to be similar to out-of-control timelines."

"However," Siles considered his tone, "the sealed item is a more...'stable' out-of-control time track. Will the sealed item also cause mental inactivation?"

Now Siles and Grenfell's courses tend to be more research-oriented discussions. They share their ideas with each other. Siles' whimsy can occasionally bring inspiration to Grenfell. Grenfell's depth of knowledge could also guide Sirius in new directions.

Grenfell said, "A very embarrassing question, Sirius," he said with a very serious expression, "we have no way of knowing whether a person is really insane."

Siles was slightly taken aback.

"Take the [Shadow of the Old God] ceremony as an example." Grenfell cited an example, "If a person is spiritually polluted, we can measure it through this ceremony.

"However, if both mental deactivation and mental pollution occur in a person at the same time, the effects are irreversible, pollution is pollution, deactivation is deactivation; in this case, [Shadow of the Old God] is measured The mental pollution is still so much.

"In other words, we don't know whether the revelator has lost his spirit, and how much 'live' he has lost. We can only infer from his daily performance whether he has lost his spirit."

Siles thought for a moment, then said, "That sounds a bit imprecise."

"Yes, so the Second Corridor has been trying to clarify some time ago—" Grenfell thought for a while, "the difference between mental illness in the true sense, and mental pollution and mental inactivation.

"Some people are sick, but they are considered to be polluted or mentally inactive; some people are obviously polluted, but they are considered to be mentally ill, and their families take them to the doctor to take medicine... This is very incredible. .”

Siles couldn't help thinking of those young children.

Grenfell continued: "So, your research and Ms. Aston's research will help us explore this uncharted territory."

"The determination of soul strength?" Siles asked, "I don't know if Ms. Aston has come to an appropriate conclusion."

"She should announce her results after the year." Grenfell said, "After all, we have to wait for a while longer for the 'self-reappearance' ceremony to be promoted.

"I have proposed to add the study of this ritual to the introductory courses of the revelators, so that the revelators can cultivate a time track for 'self-reappearance', so that they can maintain sanity and sobriety in the days to come.

"I remember I once told you that after the introductory course is over, the general revelators first need to find a ritual for themselves to keep themselves awake. However, the vast majority of revelators are actually unable to do this .

"However, it is indeed very convenient to be able to directly provide relevant rituals in the introductory courses, and it also gives these newly introduced enlighteners the greatest protection."

This made Sirius nod in agreement.

He thought that this might change the order of the revelators' introductory learning.In addition, these time tracks will also become the "anchor points" in the hearts of these enlighteners, so that they will not get lost in the dust of history and time.

This is indeed a good thing.Siles thought.

Instead, Grenfell looked at Sirius and asked, "My student, why don't you look excited at all?"

Siles was taken aback, and asked a little confused: "Why am I excited?"

Grenfell confirmed that Siles was really not agitated at all, and then he laughed: "Forget it, Siles. I think it's fine for you to remain as you are now. It's a good idea to be calm and calm. Habit."

Siles hesitated for a moment, then asked: "What happened to you, teacher?"

Siles' character has always been like this, and Grenfell knows it very well.He didn't know why Grenfell specifically mentioned this today.

Grenfell made an uh, and then muttered discouragedly, "You're really sharp." He paused, and then said, "For the introductory course, I went to the Presbyterian Church and heard some ……matter."

"whats the matter?"

"About you."

Siles couldn't help but startled, and had some guesses in his mind.

Grenfell simply continued: "You are a professor at La Mifa University, and many people know about this. Generally speaking, people agree that what is revelatory belongs to the revelator, and what is secular belongs to the secular. This is Agreed on commonly known things.

"Even if there are many nobles in the Historical Society, there are also many civilians, and even many homeless people, but when they become enlighteners, they should be equal, and there will be no one because of their status outside the Historical Society, And swagger inside the Historical Society."

Hearing this, Siles already understood what Grenfell was angry about, and had some other thoughts because of it.

...Professor Mantel?he thinks.

Grenfell added: "And what I heard this time is that a familiar elder told me that someone from the Presbyterian Church wanted to suppress you from La Mifa University, and they have already done so—really. Disgusting."

he said mercilessly.

Siles asked: "Do you know when this happened?"

"It probably happened some time ago. It should have happened after the winter break, when La Mifa University started." Grenfell said, and he asked with great concern, "So, during this period of time you were in La Mifa Did you encounter anything in college?"

Siles thought about it carefully, and realized that it might really be related to Professor Mantel.Then he said: "There is indeed one thing... But, sir, can you describe it in more detail?"

Grenfell looked at him suspiciously, feeling that Sirius was unbelievably calm, and said, "You can't play tricks, Sirius—don't act like a novelist on this.

"In short, it seems that there is an elder, a young enlightener who he supports within the Historical Society, and an elder who works at La Mifa University. It seems that the two are uncles and nephews. So the elder took advantage of this relationship, Ask that professor to do something."

Siles suddenly understood.

He thought that Professor Bright once said that Professor Mantel wanted his nephew to teach at La Mifah University, that's why he was upset with Siles.Whatever the excuse, Professor Mantel does have a nephew.

So he explained to Grenfell what happened to Professor Mantel, including his malicious dismissal of the two teaching assistants of Siles, deliberately blocking Qindo's teaching assistant application form, and so on.

Grenfell frowned again and again, and said angrily: "It's really a trick!"

"Don't be angry, this matter is over. Professor Hurst, the dean of the Faculty of Literature and History, said he would punish Professor Mantel accordingly," Siles said.

Grenfell reluctantly nodded, and then he suddenly realized: "Why did this alarm the dean of the Academy of Literature and History?"

Siles thought for a while and said, "Because I wrote a good paper?"

Grenfell: "..."

He looked at Siles in astonishment, thinking that the "good" in his student's mouth may not be that simple.So he asked cautiously: "What paper?"

"Wandering poets of the Sardinian Empire," said Siles, "I studied their poetry in my dissertation. Furthermore, I found evidence that they were followers of Lycardia."

"... a group of unknown believers of the old gods?!" Grenfell stared in astonishment, and he couldn't help but say, "So, when you were studying the subject of spiritual pollution in the Historical Society, you still Have such a discovery at La Mifa University?!"

Grenfell's slightly exaggerated tone made Siles touch his nose a little embarrassedly.He whispered: "That's right, but..."

"Siles, you are really a genius!" Grenfell directly interrupted him, "That is a group of followers of the old gods! The followers of the old gods that have never been known! Shocked to find out!"

These words made Sirius startled.

Grenfell sized up Sirius, then shook his head resentfully: "That's a follower of the old gods! Sirius, that means power!"

It was only then that Siles realized belatedly that the wandering poets he judged purely from a literary point of view were, in a substantial sense, equivalent to a group of believers related to gods. Revelators to help.

...Of course, Siles believed that these forces must have been controlled by the Praia family.

Grenfell is still sighing: "This is a bit unbelievable...I mean, Sirius, whenever someone wants to suppress you, they will always ask for trouble and self-destruction. Clarence used to be like this , and now this Mantel is the same.

"You are good enough and good enough, and you will not be shaken by these difficulties and disgusting methods. Siles, just stick to being yourself, and you will have everything."

Grenfell's words made Sirius slightly startled.

After a while, he whispered: "I understand, teacher." He paused, "I will continue to move forward along the path in my heart."

Grenfell nodded in relief, then took out a bottle of potion from the drawer.Still, the potion didn't look... not quite right.

The color of the potion is pure black, and occasionally it bubbles out with a gurgling, which is not very beautiful to look at.

Siles asked, "Is this your... new work?"

"Just say it if you find it ugly." Grenfell said, "Of course, it doesn't taste very good. I didn't drink it, but I smelled it."

Grenfell had a rather subtle expression on his face.

"What effect?" Sirius asked curiously.

"Well... First of all, when we were chatting one day before, we mentioned that if the potion is to be drunk, it will be easier for the effect to happen to the revealer himself." Grenfell said.

Siles nodded.

Grenfell said: "So I started from this point and thought that the potion could try to make the revelator's body stronger - strengthening the body, probably the effect."

Siles looked suspiciously at the pitch-black bottle of potion.

"I tried it with a small white mouse in the laboratory." Grenfell said nonchalantly, "The result is very good."


"Of course." Grenfell said blankly, "The mice all exploded to death."

Siles: "..."

He began to look at the pitch-black bottle of potion with a look of astonishment.

He said tactfully: "Teacher, I think you are quite talented in the poison industry."

Grenfell gave him a blank look.

"I think it should be a matter of dosage." Grenfell rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, "In short, this bottle of potion is useless, you can use it if you need it."

Siles thanked Grenfell for his kindness, even though he felt that there was nothing he could use it for.

One morning passed, and when Siles said goodbye to Grenfell, Grenfell seemed to suddenly recall something, and said to Siles, "By the way, do you know about the commendation ceremony of the Historical Society?"

"What?" Sirius was taken aback.

"Sure enough, you don't know." Grenfell muttered something, as if he was complaining about the irresponsibility of some people, "In short, your project has very good results and prospects, so it will definitely be added to history. At the recognition ceremony of the society in January next year.

"So, you can prepare your testimonials in advance. By the way, you can also look forward to the prizes. The old men of the Historical Society will not be stingy in this matter. After all, it is a ceremony of 'returning yourself'. Maybe you can get it A useful timeline."

Only then did Siles understand, nodded and thanked Grenfell, then left the Historical Society and returned to Ramifa University.

He went to the cafeteria to have lunch, put the potion gifted by Grenfell at No. 6 Hayward Street, and then immediately rushed to the activity classroom of the Geisha Literature Club.

This activity classroom is actually the classroom where the Siles Club activities are held.

The members of the literary club are basically the same as those in his club.However, after the official establishment of the association, some new members joined, and the current number is about 25.

Siles doesn't often participate in the activities of this club, but if it's a topic or activity he's interested in, he'll come and have a look when he's free.

The club activity this time was a reading club. After discussing with Jules, Dorothea chose a well-known novel by Ji Zhongji.Siles was somewhat curious about this book, so he came over to participate in this activity.

Annette Melvin, a student who was absent from class yesterday morning, also participated in this club activity, and Siles took this opportunity to ask about her situation.

Annette looked a little absent-minded.Before the event started, when Siles asked about her home situation, she suddenly showed a very depressed expression.

She said: "Professor...sorry for worrying you. I missed class yesterday because...my family lives in the West Side. There is a group of people, like a construction team, who want to move our family from there. What are they going to build... …subway.

"My father had a conflict with them and was injured. He is recuperating in the hospital now...it's not serious. Our family can afford the medical bills. You don't have to worry. It's just..."

She was silent for a while.

Then, she raised her eyes, looked at Siles seriously, and said, "Who do you think should be blamed for this kind of thing? Blame us for living in an area destined to be demolished for urban construction, or blame those attitudes A rough but routine construction team?"

Siles listened to Annette in silence.He'd heard about it from Cinder before, but he didn't expect it to happen to his student.

He thought for a moment, then said: "Physical conflicts are completely avoidable, and you must be aware of this."

Annette also nodded seriously.

Later, Siles said: "No one should be blamed. When a mistake occurs, you can only solve the mistake if you think about the cause of the mistake."

Annette was slightly taken aback.

"You're a good student, Miss Melvin." Siles said, "It's actually useless to blame anyone. Rather than thinking about the pros and cons, I'm more inclined to do what I can."

Annette thought for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief.She said with some enlightenment: "I see, Professor." She paused, then said sincerely, "Thank you."

Just when the activities of the book club started, they took their seats.However, Sirius still had a little sigh in his heart.

The conversation with Annette made Siles feel as if he had glimpsed a microcosm of this era.That may be closer to the actual operation of this world than the history of the old gods and the conspiracy of the followers of the old gods he is investigating.

Apart from Annette Melvin, another student who attracted Siles' attention was Jules Hans.His apprentice inadvertently came into contact with the Rubik's Cube taken out of the deep sea dream, which made Sirius a little worried about Jules' mental state.

Coincidentally, he also swallowed the potion, put on [Akamala's Spectacle Frame], and observed Jules' situation in private.

...looks okay.Jules is still very serious and focused, and looks energetic.


Siles suddenly realized something, so when the event was over, he asked Jules: "I feel that you look very energetic today?"

"Yes, Professor." Jules nodded, "The quality of sleep has been very good recently. I really don't know why, it would be great if it can continue like this."

Siles: "..."

Okay, so it looks like this is what Akamala's power can do to ordinary people.

He should have asked Amir how the quality of his sleep was... Akamala is worthy of being Akamala.

He couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but he had to maintain a calm face, and commented very objectively: "This is indeed a good thing."

After the event, the time came to four o'clock.The students left one after another, and Sirius also bid farewell to Dorothea and Jules, and then went to the office on the fourth floor to meet Cindo.

Cendo was sitting on the chair behind the desk, with his hair down, fiddling with the hair rope a little bored.Siles is a bit ugly, but the quality is not bad, and Cindo has been using it of course.

Sometimes, when Cindo felt bored, she would loosen her hair and play with the hair rope... Well, this kind of "playing" seems a bit naive, but Siles thinks Cindo is really playing with that hair rope. Play with a hair rope.

After Siles came over, Qin Duo came back to his senses and asked, "Are the activities of the club over?"

"Yes," said Siles.

Qin Duo combed his hair with his hands, and then tied it up slowly.Siles walked over to take over the job.He always seemed a little clumsy when he braided Gyndo's hair, but since his hands had never done it before, he couldn't be too critical.

As Sirius did this, Gindo sat there, raising his emerald green eyes to gaze intently at Sirius.

After finishing braiding, Siles looked at it with some satisfaction, then leaned over and kissed Cindo, and said, "We can go."

"By the way, I have some good news for you." Qin Duo said as he got up, "Do you still remember the medicine in Darwin Hospital?"

Siles was startled, and said in surprise, "Did you buy it back?"

"Yes." Cindo said a little proudly, "I didn't disappoint you. I asked the employee Mr. for help, he took the child for a follow-up visit, and then went to the doctor Hubert Fox, please He prescribed a medicine.

"Of course, it's impossible to drink. It's sitting at 32 Lowell Street. Maybe we can go back and look at it tonight."

"It's true that we should go for a test." Siles said, but he didn't seem to know anyone related to the chemistry specialist... Mr. Glenn?This also seems like a good option.

Having a potions master experiment with chemistry...it's pretty scientific.He thought that Grenfell might be interested in this matter.

However, they still have to observe the condition of the medicine first.

Siles asked, "So, Mr. Employee, did you notice anything wrong?"

Qin Duo thought for a while, then shook his head: "That seems to be the normal medical treatment process, and nothing special happened. The employee didn't find any problems either."

Siles nodded thoughtfully, and he said, "Then, let's go out for a meal first, and then go to check on the condition of the medicine."

Qindo bullied him very naturally, clasped his fingers together, and said, "Let's go, my dear Professor Noel."

...Qin Duo can really play with the titles.Siles thought.

Not long after, Sirius saw the medicine.

It was similar to the cold medicine Dr. Chester once prescribed to Siles. It was also some kind of concentrated decoction, which needed to be taken with warm water.There were about twenty sachets in total.

"How do you drink it, one bag a day?" Siles asked.

"Yes, drink a bag before going to bed every day." Qin Duo said, "These medicines cost 50 Duke coins. Don't worry, I have already reimbursed the employee."

"50 pieces?" Siles was a little surprised, "Isn't the price too expensive?"

No wonder, he thought, that Louisa Lampson had said that a single prescription at Darwin Hospital had cost her everything.

"That's true." Cinder said, "However, according to the employee, young children have always been more expensive to see a doctor, no matter what hospital it is. Darwin Hospital is the most expensive among them.

"But, after all, there are no other good hospitals in West City. People in West City seem to..."

He pondered his words.

"It seems that I don't want to go to the hospital in Dongcheng to see a doctor."

Siles hesitated to speak, and finally could only shake his head and sigh.He quickly calmed down, stared at the dark-looking medicine thoughtfully, and said, "Let's make a drink and try it."

After the pitch-black potion was washed away, it took on a strange muddy yellow and blood color.Siles was still in the ritual time at this moment, so he put on [Akamala's Spectacle Frame] and looked over silently.

"Did you find anything?" Cindy asked.

Siles shook his head.In his field of vision, the medicine seemed to be steaming normally, and there was no mist of any wrong color lingering on it.So this is an ordinary potion?

He thought about it for a while, and thought of some teachings from the geochemistry class, so he sniffed the medicine with a fan - a subtle smell of blood rushed into his nostrils.

At that moment, he immediately thought of what happened in the deep sea dream.When he entered Jonathan Bryant's dream, there was a bucket of blood next to the huge, bloated monster's feet.

He couldn't help frowning.

"What?" Qin Duo asked sharply, "Is there any problem with the taste?"

"...the smell of blood." Siles said in a low voice.

Qin Duo couldn't help frowning, he looked at the bowl of medicine, and after a moment of silence, said: "It sounds a little disgusting."

"I thought of the Grayson incident again." Sirius sighed, took off his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's really..."

The psychological shadow that I had finally gotten rid of struck again at this moment.He thought, don't put any messy things in this medicine... But, the smell of blood.

He couldn't help thinking, if the mastermind behind the scenes really wanted to prolong their lives on these children, then where did this blood... come from?

Inheritance of blood.A strange statement suddenly flashed in Sirius' mind.

Jonathan Bryant, he thought, and his grandson, Naisal Bryant.If such a blood relationship really exists, if Jonathan recognizes Nanisar back for his unrealistic ambition of eternal life, if...

blood.Blood is thicker than water.blood power.

Siles suddenly felt a chill enveloped his heart.

He suddenly thought that in his conversations with many people, people often said that those old nobles were very stubborn, and they were so stubborn in playing with their descendants, thinking that their descendants should follow their old ways.

Those old nobles seem to let their descendants become...another "self".

...the power of recurrence.Siles thought.

The more you fit, the more you fit, the easier it is to become "something."This is the power rule of the gods of this world.Pollution comes with power.But people often think that to have pollution means to have power.

But what if the purpose of some people to create pollution is not to gain power?

"Reincarnation of self".Siles suddenly thought of the ritual he had named.In fact, this name is a bit arbitrary, but the most common usage is adopted naturally.But now, Siles suddenly felt that the name of this ceremony really seemed to imply something.

What if a person does not want to "reproduce himself" in himself, but "reproduces himself" in someone else?

Can they really use this method to achieve immortality?

Siles felt instinctively that it was impossible.Body, spirit, and will, these three are unified and one, and cannot be separated.

But there is such a thing as pollution.Someone's attempt is more likely to create a monster.

While Siles was thinking, Cindo kept quiet, and snapped the lid on the bowl casually.Judging from the crispness of his movements, he probably would have thrown the bowl away when he turned around.

Siles came back to his senses, and then shared some of his views with Qindo.

"You think some old people who are dying will try to prolong their lives?" Cinder said thoughtfully, "But if they are really followers of the old gods, then they will not use this practice in the first place. On resurrecting the old gods?"

Cendo's opinion made Siles slightly startled, and then he suddenly realized.

Yes, yes - Follower of the Old Gods!

He ignored this identity, he forgot that Jonathan was a believer in death.Even though his beliefs are not that pious, it is because he is about to die, so he is so greedy for the heat of life.

He wanted to prolong his life, indeed.However, while extending his own life, wouldn't he want to resurrect Thaddeus?

If he really resurrected Thaddeus, as such a devout and useful believer, wouldn't the gods he believed in give him the reward he deserved?For example, let him continue to live, or have endless life after death?

Resurrection of the old gods...

Siles murmured these four words softly, and then he thought, Holy Son?

What is the Son?Who can be called "Holy Son"?What an obvious religious use that he hadn't been aware of before!

Only a child of God can be called the Son of God.

Thinking of this, thinking of Nanisar's title of Holy Son and his inexplicable mental illness, and thinking of Nona's attitude towards those doctors mentioned in her dream, Siles couldn't help but feel as if he had touched a corner of the truth.

He said: "Qin Duo, thank you, you let me understand a lot."

Qin Duo was a little puzzled for a while, he shrugged and said, "My pleasure. But, what do you understand?"

Siles wanted to explain to him, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "It's just a conjecture, maybe more evidence is needed. Anyway, maybe 'resurrecting the old god' and 'resurrecting myself' are carried out at the same time. "

He thought for a moment, then said, "Perhaps, we can learn about their progress from other angles."

Qin Duo asked a little confused: "For example?"

"For example, my apprentice." Siles said.

The next morning, after Siles and the two apprentices had finished their daily schoolwork, Siles took the opportunity to say: "I'm currently researching information about Thaddeus, do you know anything about this god? ?”

Jules was lost in thought.

And Dorothea asked in surprise: "Why do you want to study Thaddeus?"

Since death is an eternal topic in the field of literature, the related works of Thaddeus and his disciples are also topics that scholars of literature majors cannot avoid.The vast majority of literature students, even if they have not written a major thesis, will definitely write related small assignments.

Siles had just gained a reputation on Lygardia's related subjects, and he should continue to study in depth to expand his reputation in this field, but he suddenly mentioned Thaddeus, no wonder Dorothea was surprised.

Siles said: "I found that the believers of Lycardia would deliberately let themselves die in a foreign land. This custom about death made me think that maybe I could find some clues from the relevant materials of Thaddeus. "

The two apprentices suddenly realized.

Siles also followed the trend and said: "Actually, works in the field of literature cannot only involve one aspect. From the perspective of different gods, they can have completely different discoveries. I also hope that you can expand yourself from different fields and professions. thinking."

Both Jules and Dorothea nodded earnestly.

Then, they talked about the god Thaddeus.

Jules politely told what he knew about Thaddeus.

Thaddeus was one of the first gods to appear and the last to fall.

In the Birth of the Gods, the gods did not appear at the same time.They appeared in sequence, and these sequences were also recorded by humans at that time.Of course, no one knows why this order exists.

At that time, people regarded gods as the embodiment of some kind of natural concept.

For example, mountains have mountain gods, so there is Trisley; song and dance carnivals have the god of pleasure, so there is Erkoo; death has the god of death, so there is Thaddeus.

This kind of thinking has also resulted in a group of gods appearing earlier, such as life and death, such as stars and mountains.

They appeared so early that they seemed to have existed in this world for countless years before humans appeared.

This situation allowed these gods to enjoy a very... It should be said, a certain status higher than the gods.It seems that they are solidified rules, like this world, like this universe.

This kind of concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which led to many texts recording the existence of these gods from the very beginning, in the era when the belief had not really taken root.

That can't even be called a certain belief, but just a human being's awe of certain things and certain powers.

... Therefore, when "death" dies, people will inevitably have a certain sense of disillusionment, emptiness, and confusion.

In that dark and deep place, death itself will usher in death.So, what will happen to fragile, tiny humans like them?

This concept is very obvious, after the fall of Thaddeus, it became the mainstream thinking of people in that era.

"However, on the contrary, some believers of Thaddeus have a more positive and optimistic attitude." Dorothea said, "On the contrary, they think that the gods they believe in are waiting for them at the end of 'death'. "

Sirius nodded thoughtfully.

People who never believed in Thaddeus thought that death ushered in his end, so human beings would do the same; while those who truly believed in Thaddeus felt that it was just that the gods finally had all their authority.

"How can a 'death' who has never died claim to be the god of death." Dorothea whispered, "At that time, some believers really thought so."

Both Siles and Jules couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Jules simply lamented the strangeness of believers' concepts at that time.For the people in the middle of the fog, this kind of belief in gods seems a bit...weird and distorted.This is true when the gods are still alive, and even more so after the gods have fallen.

As for Siles, his surprise came purely from the fact that Dorothea seemed to know Thaddeus too well.

He couldn't help saying: "Dorothea, it sounds like you are very familiar with the situation of Thaddeus' believers after his fall?"

Dorothea was taken aback, and then explained: "That's right, professor, I have some related books at home, some of which mention Thaddeus. If you are interested, I can ask Grandpa, See if I can borrow it for you."

Siles readily accepted Dorothea's offer.

From another point of view, if the Grant family can really come up with relevant books that are very suitable for Thaddeus's identity as a believer, it will really match up with Sirius' guess.

Dorothea, however, seemed quite ignorant of the matter.

Jules is thinking

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