Harry Potter and the Way of Reason
Chapter 89: Time Pressure, Part 2
Little blobs of cool blue fire, clinging to the floor, surrounded a dazzling pool of deadlier, hotter blue.
In a narrow circle, the marble tiles were charred and shattered by some blasting spell that only the most powerful first-year witch could cast, with the last of her strength.
On the balcony stood a huge, hulking, dark granite-gray creature, still moving in the sun.Its body is like a huge pebble, with a stone-like head at the top, small and bald, short legs as thick as tree trunks, and a pair of flat and thick feet.In one hand it held a gigantic stone club, as long and wide as a man, and in the other
The Weasley twins screamed.
Harry's Patronus shattered.
The troll, snorting, turned to face them, holding his club high,
Falling into the red pool that spreads out at its feet.
At this moment a Weasley yelled a spell, causing the club to fall from the troll's hand and smash it hard into its face, causing the troll to step back, a blow to the head that might have killed a Muggle.The troll let out an angry growl. Its nose was smashed and bloody, but it stood up again and regenerated.The troll stretched out his hands and waved in the air, trying to grab the club back, but it flew away quickly, narrowly evading the troll's grasp.
"Keep it away from me," said a voice.
The stick, controlled by the Levitation Charm, retreated from the troll, and from the balcony to the open floor below the ceiling; the troll almost reached the stick with a leap.Then the troll jerked again as the club moved to the other side; the broom moved forward and Harry jumped off, running straight to Hermione Granger in a pool of blood, eating her from the thigh down. Lost.
Harry's hand slid in the blood as he tore open the first aid kit from the pouch, pulled a self-tightening tourniquet, and wrapped them around a stump with jagged teeth marks. A moment, no trembling, they have no room for trembling.The tourniquet formed a closed loop, and it tightened violently, and more blood gushed out, but then the stump stopped bleeding and Harry turned to the other.Some part of his brain was screaming, screaming, screaming, even the part where he was picking up another self-tightening tourniquet could hear it, but that wasn't allowed either.
The two Weasleys were busy chanting spells, casting spells one after another like a cannonball. This kind of battle could bring Harry down within 60 seconds. The spell broke apart in a harmless rain of sparks just on the surface of the troll's skin.As the other tourniquet tightened on its own in a spurt of blood, Harry looked up and saw a pair of "Shatter!"/"Shatter!" spells that burst the troll's fragile eyes, forming two bursts of vitreous fluid. Rain, but the troll just roared again, and its eyes had begun to regrow.
"Fire and acid!" cried Harry. "Use fire and acid!"
"Fire!"/"Fire![1]" Harry heard, but didn't look, busy with the syringe filled with the glowing orange liquid, which was the oxidizer, which he injected through Hermione's neck Go in and hope I find the right carotid artery so that her brain can survive her heart and lungs shutting down. As long as her brain is intact, everything else can be repaired. Magic must have a way to fix it. Magic must have There is a way to fix it, magic must have a way to fix it, Harry pushed the plunger of the syringe to the bottom, and a faint glow was produced under the pale skin of her neck.Then he squeezed her chest down, giving hard chest compressions where her heart would be, hoping that would get oxygenated blood circulating to her brain, even though her heart might have stopped beating, he didn't really want to Had to check her pulse.
Then Harry stared at the other items in the first aid kit, trying to find what else, anything else that would work, his mind blank.The screaming in the far corner of his head was growing louder than before, because his hands had stopped their frantic work.He suddenly felt wet, with blood soaking through his robe and over the knees of his trousers.
Behind Harry, there was another troll's roar, and he heard one of the Weasley twins shout "The Chosen One!" followed by, "Help me! Do something!"
Harry looked over his shoulder to see one of the Weasley twins, with the Sorting Hat on his head for some reason, fighting the troll, who was holding a huge stone club in both hands, and now the troll looked kind of charred, with a streak or two on his arm. A smoking scar, but still intact.
At that moment, the Sorting Hat let out a loud roar, which seemed to shake the wall:
A powerful force scorched the air, and even Harry's young senses could sense that the magic power was almost tangible. Accompanied by a startled snort, the troll took a step back.Fred or George, with strange expressions on their faces, as if by magic, smoothly swept the Sorting Hat off their heads, and drew out a sword with a shining ruby on the top of the hilt, The handle is a wide cross-shaped gauntlet made of shiny white metal, and the blade is as long as a tall child.When the sword appeared, the air seemed to be filled with a silent roar of fury.
Cast in golden writing on the blade, "Above him there is nothing".
Then, one of the Weasley brothers raised the sword aloft, as if the great blade was weightless, and rushed forward, shouting.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, something long like, no, stop, you don't know how to use a sword, but he couldn't get a single syllable out of his mouth, and the sword knocked the troll His right arm was chopped off at the elbow, cutting through skin, flesh, and bone like jelly; at the same time, the stone club that had been swung out earlier hit the charging Weasley, knocking him flying and passing through the marble. Above the floor, past the exit they had broomed through until the Weasley hit the wall on the other side and collapsed, motionless.
The dazzling sword fell into the opening on the floor and disappeared without a trace, and there was a distant click as it fell.
"Fred!" exclaimed George Weasley, before he yelled "Kamikaze!"
An invisible wind grabbed the troll and hurled it sideways and into the air.
"Whirring Divine Wind!"
The troll was hit again, scraped to the edge of the floor, next to the exit leading down.
"Whirring Divine Wind!"
But the troll had already gripped the floor, its only remaining hand crunching the marble floor, trying to hold onto it firmly.A third gale caused the troll's body to fall through the exit; but its hands were still gripping the edge.Then, the troll pulls himself up with one hand and drags himself back to the floor, roaring and furious.
George Weasley staggered, tottering, hands hanging at his sides. "Harry—" said the Weasley reluctantly, "run—"
The still Weasley took a step to the side, slid against the wall and fell to the ground.
Time snapped in Harry's mind, and the world around him seemed to be moving slowly, deforming, perhaps his own consciousness was twisting, folding.He was supposed to move, do something, but a strange paralysis seized his muscles and he couldn't move.No time for nonsense, a bunch of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning: if Harry escaped, the troll would eat the Weasleys as well as Hermione, and if the Bludgers couldn't kill the wizard, then Frey De should still be alive, the Weasley brothers are stronger spellcasters than he is, even them they can't stop the troll, not enough time to shapeshift what he doesn't have at hand, the troll seems agile enough not to be lured to the balcony The edge, dropped from the edge of Hogwarts castle, the man who used the troll as a murder weapon had enchanted it so that it was no longer afraid of the sun, and perhaps increased its power in other ways.Then he had images of Hermione running away from the troll, running into the sunlight, the troll in hot pursuit, and finally running up to the bright balcony, only to find that the others had already considered the possibility.
The piercing fear in his heart was overwhelmed by another emotion.
Harry stood up.
At the other end of the room, the enemy also stood up, his arm, which had been cut by the sword and could not regenerate, was still bloody and bloody.
killing intent
The troll's remaining hand grabbed the big stick that fell to the ground, let out a loud roar, and smashed the big stick to the floor, splashing flying marble fragments.
pure want to kill
The troll began to move awkwardly in the direction where George had fallen, a thin stream of drool dripping from its mouth.
kill it by all means
Harry took five strides forward, and the enemy let out another snarl, turned away from George, and stared straight at him, eyes focused.
Unblock, don't hesitate
Nature's third-perfect killing machine leaped at him.
Harry had grasped the deformed diamond of his ring in his left hand and his wand in his right.
"Wingardim, Leviosa."
Harry's wand sent the tiny jewel into the troll's mouth.
"Stop the curse."
As the stone swelled to its original size, the troll's head fell off his spine, and Harry stepped aside, the foe's body crashing to the ground where he had been standing.
The enemy's head has begun to regenerate, the jagged sections of the jaw and spine are healing, the mouth is repairing itself, and the teeth are being replaced with new ones.
Harry bent down and picked up the troll's head by his left ear.His wand smashed into the troll's left eye, driving through the jelly-like substance and puncturing the wide eye socket in the skull.Harry materialized a one-millimeter-thick cross-section in the enemy's brain, turning it into sulfuric acid.
Enemies stopped regenerating.
Harry threw the body over the edge of the balcony and returned to Hermione.
Her eyes moved, focusing on him.
Harry crouched hurriedly beside her, despite the blood soaking his robes again.You'll be fine, he formed the words in his head, but his lips couldn't move.You'll be fine, we'll find some sort of magic to heal you and make you normal, just hold on, don't—
Hermione's lips moved, slightly, but they did.
"your fault……"
Time froze.Harry should have told her to stop talking and save herself, but he couldn't open his mouth.
Hermione took another breath, and her lips murmured softly, "It wasn't your fault."
Then she exhaled and closed her eyes.
Harry stared at her with his mouth half open, his breath caught in his throat.
"Come on," he said.He was only 2 minutes late.
Hermione twitched suddenly, her arms twitching to the sky as if to reach for something, and her eyes snapped open again.A wave of something more than magic, a cry greater than the rumble of an earthquake, covering thousands of books, a thousand libraries, all told by one cry, that is Hermione; too vast to decipher , Harry just suddenly realized that Hermione was out of pain, that she was glad she didn't die alone.For a moment, it seemed as if the unleashed magic would settle, take root in the stones of the castle; but then the release stopped, the magic faded, and her body stopped moving, all motion stopped, because Hermione Jane Granger, no more—
Harry stood up from the corpse, staggering.
A cluster of flames ignited, and Dumbledore stood there with Fawkes on his shoulders, his eyes full of horror. "I feel the death of a student! What—"
The old wizard's eyes saw everything on the ground.
"Oh no," murmured Albus Dumbledore.Fox let out a sad, mournful moan.
"Bring her back."
There was a moment of silence on the balcony.Fred Weasley rose into the air with the motion of Dumbledore's wand, floating towards them, surrounded by a reassuring pink glow.
"Harry—" the old wizard began.The voice was hoarse and broken. "Harry—"
"Let Fox cry on her or something. Come on." The voice sounded extremely calm.
"I, I can't, Harry, it's too late, she's dead—"
"I don't want to hear that. If it was me lying there, you'd be juggling my life, yes, because the main character isn't allowed to die until the story is over. Well, she's the main character too, so whatever you do for it Whatever you have prepared for such an extremely special occasion, go ahead and use it now. I promise I will reciprocate."
"I can't do anything! Her soul is gone, she's gone!"
Harry opened his mouth, about to yell out all his anger, and then closed it again.Yelling doesn't make any sense, it doesn't solve anything.The unbearable pressure rising in his body cannot be relieved through it.
Harry left Dumbledore and looked down at Hermione's remains in a pool of blood.A part of his brain was hammering at the world around him, trying to make it disappear, waking from a nightmare to find him back in his Ravenclaw dormitory, morning sunlight streaming in through the curtains.Yet the blood was still there, Harry hadn't woken up, another part of him had figured out that this was reality, part of that flawed world with the House of Azkaban and the Wizengamot and
A sense of splitting came over him, as if time around him was still being torn to shreds, and Harry turned his back on Dumbledore, looking down at Hermione's remains in a pool of blood, with two tourniquets tied around the stump of his thigh, his Decide
I don't accept this kind of thing.
There's no reason to accept that, especially when there's magic in this world.
Harry will learn whatever he needs to learn, invent whatever he needs to invent, rip the knowledge of Salazar Slytherin from the Dark Lord's head, explore the secrets of Atlantis, open any door , Break any seal, find the root of all magic, and redesign.
He would tear away the very foundations of reality itself and bring back Hermione Granger.
"The crisis is over," said the defense professor. "You may come down, ma'am."
Trelawney had been sitting behind him, the two-seater broom had just burned through Hogwarts, burning all the walls and floors in their way, and she came down hastily and sat heavily on the floor. Up, just a step away from the red-glowing edge of the newly created crack in the wall.The woman was still panting heavily, bent over, on the verge of vomiting, as if she was about to spit out something bigger than her.
Through the bond and magical resonance between the two, the Defense Professor sensed the boy's terror; he realized that the boy had searched for the troll and had found it.The Defense Professor had tried to send a wave of retreat, urging the boy to don the cloak and flee; but he had never been able to influence the boy through resonance, and this time he hadn't succeeded either.He sensed that the boy had given himself up to kill.That's when the Defense Professor started burning the stuff that made up Hogwarts, trying to catch up with the battle in time.
He sensed that the boy wiped out the enemy within seconds.
He sensed the boy's grief over the death of his friend.
He sensed the boy directing his rage at something annoying, probably Dumbledore; followed by an unknown determination, stubbornly firm enough even for him.With any luck, the boy had just let go of his silly little scruples.
Unseen by anyone, the Defense Professor's lips curled into a smile.Although there are some small twists and turns, overall, today is an unexpectedly good day——
"Here he is. The one who would tear the stars from the firmament. He is here. He is the end of this world."
[1] The original text of the mantra here is Incendio, a verb form. The original text of the mantra with the same root in Chapter 88 is Incendium, a noun form. After discussion, it is translated into "blazing flames".
In a narrow circle, the marble tiles were charred and shattered by some blasting spell that only the most powerful first-year witch could cast, with the last of her strength.
On the balcony stood a huge, hulking, dark granite-gray creature, still moving in the sun.Its body is like a huge pebble, with a stone-like head at the top, small and bald, short legs as thick as tree trunks, and a pair of flat and thick feet.In one hand it held a gigantic stone club, as long and wide as a man, and in the other
The Weasley twins screamed.
Harry's Patronus shattered.
The troll, snorting, turned to face them, holding his club high,
Falling into the red pool that spreads out at its feet.
At this moment a Weasley yelled a spell, causing the club to fall from the troll's hand and smash it hard into its face, causing the troll to step back, a blow to the head that might have killed a Muggle.The troll let out an angry growl. Its nose was smashed and bloody, but it stood up again and regenerated.The troll stretched out his hands and waved in the air, trying to grab the club back, but it flew away quickly, narrowly evading the troll's grasp.
"Keep it away from me," said a voice.
The stick, controlled by the Levitation Charm, retreated from the troll, and from the balcony to the open floor below the ceiling; the troll almost reached the stick with a leap.Then the troll jerked again as the club moved to the other side; the broom moved forward and Harry jumped off, running straight to Hermione Granger in a pool of blood, eating her from the thigh down. Lost.
Harry's hand slid in the blood as he tore open the first aid kit from the pouch, pulled a self-tightening tourniquet, and wrapped them around a stump with jagged teeth marks. A moment, no trembling, they have no room for trembling.The tourniquet formed a closed loop, and it tightened violently, and more blood gushed out, but then the stump stopped bleeding and Harry turned to the other.Some part of his brain was screaming, screaming, screaming, even the part where he was picking up another self-tightening tourniquet could hear it, but that wasn't allowed either.
The two Weasleys were busy chanting spells, casting spells one after another like a cannonball. This kind of battle could bring Harry down within 60 seconds. The spell broke apart in a harmless rain of sparks just on the surface of the troll's skin.As the other tourniquet tightened on its own in a spurt of blood, Harry looked up and saw a pair of "Shatter!"/"Shatter!" spells that burst the troll's fragile eyes, forming two bursts of vitreous fluid. Rain, but the troll just roared again, and its eyes had begun to regrow.
"Fire and acid!" cried Harry. "Use fire and acid!"
"Fire!"/"Fire![1]" Harry heard, but didn't look, busy with the syringe filled with the glowing orange liquid, which was the oxidizer, which he injected through Hermione's neck Go in and hope I find the right carotid artery so that her brain can survive her heart and lungs shutting down. As long as her brain is intact, everything else can be repaired. Magic must have a way to fix it. Magic must have There is a way to fix it, magic must have a way to fix it, Harry pushed the plunger of the syringe to the bottom, and a faint glow was produced under the pale skin of her neck.Then he squeezed her chest down, giving hard chest compressions where her heart would be, hoping that would get oxygenated blood circulating to her brain, even though her heart might have stopped beating, he didn't really want to Had to check her pulse.
Then Harry stared at the other items in the first aid kit, trying to find what else, anything else that would work, his mind blank.The screaming in the far corner of his head was growing louder than before, because his hands had stopped their frantic work.He suddenly felt wet, with blood soaking through his robe and over the knees of his trousers.
Behind Harry, there was another troll's roar, and he heard one of the Weasley twins shout "The Chosen One!" followed by, "Help me! Do something!"
Harry looked over his shoulder to see one of the Weasley twins, with the Sorting Hat on his head for some reason, fighting the troll, who was holding a huge stone club in both hands, and now the troll looked kind of charred, with a streak or two on his arm. A smoking scar, but still intact.
At that moment, the Sorting Hat let out a loud roar, which seemed to shake the wall:
A powerful force scorched the air, and even Harry's young senses could sense that the magic power was almost tangible. Accompanied by a startled snort, the troll took a step back.Fred or George, with strange expressions on their faces, as if by magic, smoothly swept the Sorting Hat off their heads, and drew out a sword with a shining ruby on the top of the hilt, The handle is a wide cross-shaped gauntlet made of shiny white metal, and the blade is as long as a tall child.When the sword appeared, the air seemed to be filled with a silent roar of fury.
Cast in golden writing on the blade, "Above him there is nothing".
Then, one of the Weasley brothers raised the sword aloft, as if the great blade was weightless, and rushed forward, shouting.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, something long like, no, stop, you don't know how to use a sword, but he couldn't get a single syllable out of his mouth, and the sword knocked the troll His right arm was chopped off at the elbow, cutting through skin, flesh, and bone like jelly; at the same time, the stone club that had been swung out earlier hit the charging Weasley, knocking him flying and passing through the marble. Above the floor, past the exit they had broomed through until the Weasley hit the wall on the other side and collapsed, motionless.
The dazzling sword fell into the opening on the floor and disappeared without a trace, and there was a distant click as it fell.
"Fred!" exclaimed George Weasley, before he yelled "Kamikaze!"
An invisible wind grabbed the troll and hurled it sideways and into the air.
"Whirring Divine Wind!"
The troll was hit again, scraped to the edge of the floor, next to the exit leading down.
"Whirring Divine Wind!"
But the troll had already gripped the floor, its only remaining hand crunching the marble floor, trying to hold onto it firmly.A third gale caused the troll's body to fall through the exit; but its hands were still gripping the edge.Then, the troll pulls himself up with one hand and drags himself back to the floor, roaring and furious.
George Weasley staggered, tottering, hands hanging at his sides. "Harry—" said the Weasley reluctantly, "run—"
The still Weasley took a step to the side, slid against the wall and fell to the ground.
Time snapped in Harry's mind, and the world around him seemed to be moving slowly, deforming, perhaps his own consciousness was twisting, folding.He was supposed to move, do something, but a strange paralysis seized his muscles and he couldn't move.No time for nonsense, a bunch of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning: if Harry escaped, the troll would eat the Weasleys as well as Hermione, and if the Bludgers couldn't kill the wizard, then Frey De should still be alive, the Weasley brothers are stronger spellcasters than he is, even them they can't stop the troll, not enough time to shapeshift what he doesn't have at hand, the troll seems agile enough not to be lured to the balcony The edge, dropped from the edge of Hogwarts castle, the man who used the troll as a murder weapon had enchanted it so that it was no longer afraid of the sun, and perhaps increased its power in other ways.Then he had images of Hermione running away from the troll, running into the sunlight, the troll in hot pursuit, and finally running up to the bright balcony, only to find that the others had already considered the possibility.
The piercing fear in his heart was overwhelmed by another emotion.
Harry stood up.
At the other end of the room, the enemy also stood up, his arm, which had been cut by the sword and could not regenerate, was still bloody and bloody.
killing intent
The troll's remaining hand grabbed the big stick that fell to the ground, let out a loud roar, and smashed the big stick to the floor, splashing flying marble fragments.
pure want to kill
The troll began to move awkwardly in the direction where George had fallen, a thin stream of drool dripping from its mouth.
kill it by all means
Harry took five strides forward, and the enemy let out another snarl, turned away from George, and stared straight at him, eyes focused.
Unblock, don't hesitate
Nature's third-perfect killing machine leaped at him.
Harry had grasped the deformed diamond of his ring in his left hand and his wand in his right.
"Wingardim, Leviosa."
Harry's wand sent the tiny jewel into the troll's mouth.
"Stop the curse."
As the stone swelled to its original size, the troll's head fell off his spine, and Harry stepped aside, the foe's body crashing to the ground where he had been standing.
The enemy's head has begun to regenerate, the jagged sections of the jaw and spine are healing, the mouth is repairing itself, and the teeth are being replaced with new ones.
Harry bent down and picked up the troll's head by his left ear.His wand smashed into the troll's left eye, driving through the jelly-like substance and puncturing the wide eye socket in the skull.Harry materialized a one-millimeter-thick cross-section in the enemy's brain, turning it into sulfuric acid.
Enemies stopped regenerating.
Harry threw the body over the edge of the balcony and returned to Hermione.
Her eyes moved, focusing on him.
Harry crouched hurriedly beside her, despite the blood soaking his robes again.You'll be fine, he formed the words in his head, but his lips couldn't move.You'll be fine, we'll find some sort of magic to heal you and make you normal, just hold on, don't—
Hermione's lips moved, slightly, but they did.
"your fault……"
Time froze.Harry should have told her to stop talking and save herself, but he couldn't open his mouth.
Hermione took another breath, and her lips murmured softly, "It wasn't your fault."
Then she exhaled and closed her eyes.
Harry stared at her with his mouth half open, his breath caught in his throat.
"Come on," he said.He was only 2 minutes late.
Hermione twitched suddenly, her arms twitching to the sky as if to reach for something, and her eyes snapped open again.A wave of something more than magic, a cry greater than the rumble of an earthquake, covering thousands of books, a thousand libraries, all told by one cry, that is Hermione; too vast to decipher , Harry just suddenly realized that Hermione was out of pain, that she was glad she didn't die alone.For a moment, it seemed as if the unleashed magic would settle, take root in the stones of the castle; but then the release stopped, the magic faded, and her body stopped moving, all motion stopped, because Hermione Jane Granger, no more—
Harry stood up from the corpse, staggering.
A cluster of flames ignited, and Dumbledore stood there with Fawkes on his shoulders, his eyes full of horror. "I feel the death of a student! What—"
The old wizard's eyes saw everything on the ground.
"Oh no," murmured Albus Dumbledore.Fox let out a sad, mournful moan.
"Bring her back."
There was a moment of silence on the balcony.Fred Weasley rose into the air with the motion of Dumbledore's wand, floating towards them, surrounded by a reassuring pink glow.
"Harry—" the old wizard began.The voice was hoarse and broken. "Harry—"
"Let Fox cry on her or something. Come on." The voice sounded extremely calm.
"I, I can't, Harry, it's too late, she's dead—"
"I don't want to hear that. If it was me lying there, you'd be juggling my life, yes, because the main character isn't allowed to die until the story is over. Well, she's the main character too, so whatever you do for it Whatever you have prepared for such an extremely special occasion, go ahead and use it now. I promise I will reciprocate."
"I can't do anything! Her soul is gone, she's gone!"
Harry opened his mouth, about to yell out all his anger, and then closed it again.Yelling doesn't make any sense, it doesn't solve anything.The unbearable pressure rising in his body cannot be relieved through it.
Harry left Dumbledore and looked down at Hermione's remains in a pool of blood.A part of his brain was hammering at the world around him, trying to make it disappear, waking from a nightmare to find him back in his Ravenclaw dormitory, morning sunlight streaming in through the curtains.Yet the blood was still there, Harry hadn't woken up, another part of him had figured out that this was reality, part of that flawed world with the House of Azkaban and the Wizengamot and
A sense of splitting came over him, as if time around him was still being torn to shreds, and Harry turned his back on Dumbledore, looking down at Hermione's remains in a pool of blood, with two tourniquets tied around the stump of his thigh, his Decide
I don't accept this kind of thing.
There's no reason to accept that, especially when there's magic in this world.
Harry will learn whatever he needs to learn, invent whatever he needs to invent, rip the knowledge of Salazar Slytherin from the Dark Lord's head, explore the secrets of Atlantis, open any door , Break any seal, find the root of all magic, and redesign.
He would tear away the very foundations of reality itself and bring back Hermione Granger.
"The crisis is over," said the defense professor. "You may come down, ma'am."
Trelawney had been sitting behind him, the two-seater broom had just burned through Hogwarts, burning all the walls and floors in their way, and she came down hastily and sat heavily on the floor. Up, just a step away from the red-glowing edge of the newly created crack in the wall.The woman was still panting heavily, bent over, on the verge of vomiting, as if she was about to spit out something bigger than her.
Through the bond and magical resonance between the two, the Defense Professor sensed the boy's terror; he realized that the boy had searched for the troll and had found it.The Defense Professor had tried to send a wave of retreat, urging the boy to don the cloak and flee; but he had never been able to influence the boy through resonance, and this time he hadn't succeeded either.He sensed that the boy had given himself up to kill.That's when the Defense Professor started burning the stuff that made up Hogwarts, trying to catch up with the battle in time.
He sensed that the boy wiped out the enemy within seconds.
He sensed the boy's grief over the death of his friend.
He sensed the boy directing his rage at something annoying, probably Dumbledore; followed by an unknown determination, stubbornly firm enough even for him.With any luck, the boy had just let go of his silly little scruples.
Unseen by anyone, the Defense Professor's lips curled into a smile.Although there are some small twists and turns, overall, today is an unexpectedly good day——
"Here he is. The one who would tear the stars from the firmament. He is here. He is the end of this world."
[1] The original text of the mantra here is Incendio, a verb form. The original text of the mantra with the same root in Chapter 88 is Incendium, a noun form. After discussion, it is translated into "blazing flames".
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