Harry Potter and the Way of Reason
Chapter 67: Self-actualization, Part 2
In the heights of Hogwarts castle, the rooms and corridors are changing every day, not only the map is uncertain, but also the territory, the stability of the castle begins to tend to dream and chaos, although the architectural style and the solidity of the surface have not changed —A battle is about to begin at the heights of Hogwarts Castle.
Due to continuous observation, the presence of a large number of students will temporarily stabilize the corridor.The rooms and corridors of Hogwarts sometimes move in plain sight, but don't change.Even after eight centuries, Hogwarts is still somewhat shy about changing openly in front of people. [1]
However, despite its changing nature, the heights of Hogwarts Castle are still of military relevance (so the Defense Professor says): you have to re-study the terrain every time, check every closet again, and see See if there are secret corridors hidden inside.
The time is March [-]st, Sunday.Professor Quirrell has recovered enough to oversee combat again, and they're all trying to catch up.
Dragon General Draco Malfoy was watching with a compass in one hand.One of the compasses is the color of the sun, and the other is the color of the rainbow, representing chaos.Draco knew that the other two generals had also received their own compass; the difference was that in the hands of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, there would be a compass that was orange red, flickering like a flame The shadow of the dragon has been pointing to the biggest vitality of the dragon team.
Without such a compass, they could search for days without finding each other, such is the geographical danger of fighting high above Hogwarts Castle.
Draco had a foreboding about the upcoming battle between Dragon Troopers and the Legion of Chaos.Harry Potter has changed since Bellatrix Black escaped, and the Heir of Slytherin now looks like a real king (How did Professor Quirrell know this was happening? ) Draco would have felt a lot better with Hermione Granger and her 23 Sunshine Soldiers at his side, but no, the Sunshine Corps general refused in stupid pride to fight against General Potter Receive assistance in this matter.She told him that she wanted to defeat Potter in her own right.
The noble and oldest of the Malfoys have been influential in England for centuries simply because they understand that they cannot always be the most powerful.Sometimes other rulers are indeed stronger, and you must be content to be only his chief lieutenant.The status, wealth and power accumulated by more than a dozen generations of second-in-commands are considerable.You just have to be careful every time you don't let your family suffer when the master you serve is down.This is a tradition honed by the Malfoy family over hundreds of years of experience...
So my father explained in detail to Draco that if he meets someone who is obviously stronger than himself, Draco can't hate this, can't deny it, can't lose his temper, and endanger the position he might have obtained, But Draco must ensure that he is at least No.2 in the power structure of the next generation.
Granger had clearly never been taught this by her parents, and she was still denying the obvious reality that Harry Potter had grown stronger than she was.
Draco then secretly met with Captains Goldstein, Burns, and Captain McMillan, and they agreed to try to keep Mutalisks and Sunshine from attacking each other before engaging the greater threat of Chaos.
This doesn't really violate the treaty against traitors, if you have an honest intention to help the other side's army, it doesn't count as instigating treachery.
A high-pitched bell echoed down the corridor, announcing the start of the battle, and after a while Draco yelled, "Go!" and the dragon soldiers started running.It would tire his men, even after stopping to rest, but they had to keep the Chaos Legion between themselves and the Sunshine Corps.
Harry and Neville walked leisurely down the corridor, Harry observing the golden compass that pointed to the Sunshine Corps' position.Neville was on guard in case he encountered other enemies.
If you listen closely, their steps are a little heavy.
"So," said the lieutenant of the Chaos Corps after a while, "is that why you have us practice dueling with weights strapped on?"
Harry nodded, still staring at the compass pointing at the Legion of the Sun; if the direction of the compass began to change rapidly, they were close.
"I don't want to say this in front of other people, but you don't gain much muscle in a week or two," said Neville, "and the balance feels different, and I think this one is actually heavier, and isn't it Is it a deformed Muggle product?"
"No," Harry said, "I checked beforehand. Some of the Hogwarts statues have it, so it's something wizards used to wear, though it's just medieval fashion." No one would do such a thing if they were fighting a first-year student with such a weak spell, so it wasn't a good idea.
They came to a Y-shaped intersection and ran into a little trouble; the two forked roads at the moment were in the wrong direction, and they couldn't directly intercept the marching route of the Sunshine Corps following the Chaos Legion following the Flying Dragons.Harry took the one that seemed to be the stronger of the two, and Neville followed him.
"We'd better try a silence spell before we get any closer," said Neville. "It's quite loud, and they might notice."
Harry nodded, and said, "Good idea," in case Neville hadn't seen his nod.
They plodded through the stone corridors high up in Hogwarts Castle, sunlight streaming in through plain or stained glass windows, and they passed statues from time to time, witches, dragons, and now and then statues in slabs. Wizard knight in armor or chain armor.
Soldiers of the Sunshine were marching down a long, wide corridor, wands in hand, pointing around.Prismatic shields cannot be used while marching, but Parvati Patil and Jenny Rastad maintain a united shield spell around the ranks of officers, as in the event of an ambush the officers are primary target of attack.
She and her officers decided that the strategy for this battle was to mix with enemy soldiers as quickly as possible and form a melee situation-they had pre-trained internally how to support each other, how to avoid hitting their own people, and how to stand up to the enemy's position. The soldiers were in a position where they were hesitant to fire.They had only practiced for four hours, but she thought her troops were better at handling melee than soldiers with no training at all.It seemed like a tactic the Chaos Legions would use, they just hadn't used it yet.
It's a good strategy, she thinks.The problem was that no matter how much she lectured her soldiers, they were still secretly spreading rumors about what Harry and Neville had learned in private.Eventually she gave up and went to talk to Captain Goldstein, because he understood morale issues, and Anthony's advice was—
"Strange," said Captain McMillan suddenly, frowning at the fire and rainbow compass in his hand. (Ernie has "very good spatial imagination," according to Harry, so he's in charge of holding two compasses at once, trying to gauge where the enemy is going.) "I don't think... Dragon Troopers are moving so fast anymore. ...I think they circled to the other side of the Chaos Legion first...and the Chaos Legion seems to be attacking them instead of trying to get out of this position where they will be attacked from both sides?"
Hermione frowned, trying to make sense of the message; she saw the same frown on Anthony's and Ron's faces.If Chaos and Flying Dragon fight directly and attack each other with all their combat power, it is tantamount to handing over the victory to the Sunshine Corps...
"Potter thinks we're allied, so he's attacking Malfoy before the Dragons join us," Blaise Zabini said at the ranks of ordinary fighters, "or Potter thinks that if he comes one by one If you do that, you can take turns defeating the two armies." The Slytherin boy sighed condescendingly. "Can I be re-promoted to officer now? You guys can't do without me, you know."
They all ignored the noise coming from Zabini's mouth.
"Are we going in the right direction?" Anthony asked.
"Yes," Ernie replied.
"Are we close to them?" Ron asked.
"not yet--"
At this time, the black wooden door at the end of the corridor opened suddenly and hit the wall, revealing two figures wrapped in gray cloaks, with gray cloth hanging from the gray hoods, covering their faces, one of the figures had already He raised his wand and pointed it at her.
Then the game changed dramatically, and Harry's voice shrieked with difficulty:
"Passed out!"
This duel-level stun spell flew towards her, and she was taken aback. When she thought of dodging, it was almost too late. The red lightning directly pierced through the protection of the shield, and she dodged in a thrilling manner. She felt a sting as her arm flew past, and out of the corner of her eye she saw that Susan had been hit, knocking Ron as she fell—
"Drown to sleep!" Anthony roared, and a moment later, a dozen voices shouted together, "Drown to sleep!"
Hermione stood up hastily, and when she did, she saw two figures in gray cloaks standing motionless.
Sleeping spells are invisible, the spell is too weak—
But it's impossible to miss all of them.
"Damned!" Neville Longbottom's voice yelled, and another red flash hit her, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment while trying to dodge, and when she got up panting, She found that the lightning of the Stunning Spell hit Ron who had just stood up from the ground.
"Hi, Sunshine Corps," Harry's voice came from under the hood.
"We are the Gray Knights of Chaos," said Neville's voice. [2]
"We are your enemies in this battle," said Harry's voice, "and the rest of the Chaos Troopers will slaughter the Dragon Army."
"By the way," said Neville's voice, "we are invincible."
The two boys wore gray cloaks and robes, with gray cloth covering their faces, standing in front of the entire Sunshine Corps, seemingly completely unmoved by the attack of a dozen sleeping spells.
Daphne heard a soft sigh beside her, and she turned her head to see Hannah's lips parted, her eyes wide open, the Hufflepuff girl looking at—
The chaotic thoughts passing through Daphne's mind at this moment are difficult to describe in words. When she realized that the person Hannah was looking at was not Harry, but Neville, a part of her heart seemed to notice a fact, As a boy, Neville has indeed become quite interesting recently. In fact, the last heir of the Longbottom family looks so handsome in front of her. Something awakens in her heart, and she also opens her lips. Her aristocratic mother taught her to be reserved, and her sweet words and fragrant shampoo were all blown out of the sky, and it should have been rolled up and blown away from the hair around her ears; she had seen Hermione and Harry, so she knew What does she want her love story to be like—
Her aristocratic mother had also recently taught her several spells, which it would be a shame to be a member of the noble and oldest Greengrass family not to know.
Daphne swung her wand to the left and yelled, "Thunder boom!"
She raised her wand above her head and said the incantation, "Roar to the Skull!"
Finally, she took her wand in both hands and screamed, "Shining blade unsheathed!"
The sheer mana drain brought her almost to her knees, but she held on, draining a little slower as the glowing shape was fully formed and stabilized.
Still, she felt it best not to fight like this for too long.
Everyone was staring at her, it was self-evident, and she wanted to jump up and rush towards Neville with her hair fluttering, but all she could do was walk steadily forward, wrapping her The Ancient Blade was aimed at Neville Longbottom.It goes without saying that everyone gave way to her.
"I am Daphne, of noble and oldest Greengrass!" she cried, "Greengrass of the sun!" She had forgotten all about the rituals of dueling, she knew duels to the death from the plays she had seen What about a duel with blood, but she had absolutely no idea what to use in the situation, so she just aimed the fiery lightsaber at the object of her fascination and yelled, "Let me see what you have What are you doing, Neville!"
Harry's voice yelled again, "Swoon!", and in hindsight she couldn't believe she actually did it, but she swung the lightsaber like a batter's bat and hit The lightning bolt of the Stunning Charm knocked it back in Harry's direction, and Harry barely dodged it.
"Thunder and thunder!" yelled Neville from the noble and oldest House of Longbottom.
For a few seconds, everyone did nothing but stare at Neville and Daphne hacking at each other.They were slow, and Hermione guessed the spell would take a lot of power.If you're Muggle-born and you've seen certain movies,[3] the scene doesn't really look like much.
But for using the lightsaber on them, you should give them extra points.
"Just a procedural question," said Harry's voice, "I know the Defense Professor is watching, but I still have to ask, does anyone know if they'll split in half if they hit— —”
"No," Hermione replied absently.She had read about it in a history book, but she had no idea at the time that magical dueling swords looked like this. "According to the way they cast it, if they touch it, it will only have a stun effect."
"You know this spell?"
"Oh no, this is the curse of the Ancient Blade, only the noble and oldest families can legally use it—"
Hermione stopped and looked at Harry, or rather at Harry's gray hood.
"Okay," said Harry's voice, "in that case, I'll kill the rest of the Sunshine Corps by myself." She couldn't see his face, but from his voice, he seemed to be smiling.
"When Daphne threw your own spell at you, you dodged it," said Hermione, "so no matter what you do, you're not invincible. Stunning spells can still knock you out."
"Interesting theory," said Harry's voice from under the hood. "Can anyone in your army test this theory?"
"I read the instructions for the Stunning Spell," said Hermione. "It was a few months ago. I don't know if I remember?" She raised her wand and pointed it at Harry.
There was a brief pause, and near them, a boy and a girl were panting, slowly swinging their lightsabers back and forth.
"Of course," said Harry, pointing his wand flatly at her, "I'll just use the Sleeping Charm on you. It'll save a lot of effort."
Before Harry could finish his sentence, a new All Minds as a Shield spell appeared in front of her, which was cast by Jenny and Parvati.
The tip of Hermione's wand began to make small movements in the air, a rhombus in a circle, a rhombus in a circle, practicing over and over again to ensure that it was exactly the same as what I saw in the book.It was difficult even for her, but she had to succeed once, and a failed attempt would waste her energy, which she could not afford.
"You know," said Hermione Granger, "I know it's not your fault, but I'm tired of hearing people talk about the Boy Who Lived, like you're— like you're a god or something. of."
"Me too, I have to say," said Harry Potter. "It's sad that people keep underestimating me."
She practiced drawing a rhombus in a circle with her wand, again and again.Harry was recovering, she knew, but she had to practice as much as possible before attacking. "I'm starting to think that someone needs to shake your prestige, General Chaos."
"You may be right," said Harry quietly, starting to move what she recognized as a dueling gait, "but alas, unless there's another Harry Potter, there's nothing left Can beat me."
"Let me be more specific, Mr. Potter. I want to put you down."
"You and what other army?"
"You think you're cool, don't you," Hermione said.
"Well, yeah," said Harry, "yes, I do think so. Some might say it's arrogance, but am I supposed to be the last person at Hogwarts to notice how good I am?" ?”
Hermione raised her left hand in the air in a clenched fist gesture.
This is a signal.Eight pre-selected soldiers from her army would point their wands at her and silently cast Wingardium, Leviosa's spell.
They have also trained in this part. After Hermione gave up teaching her warriors, she followed Anthony's suggestion and worked hard to create a General Sunshine for everyone who seemed to be able to defeat the invincible enemy.
"You're always pretending to be Superman," said Hermione.Her left fist was raised higher in the air, and the combined force of eight soldiers made her fly from the ground, "Now let me show you Super Hermione!" Flying towards Harry, wishing she couldn't see the expression on his face, she exhausted all her magic power and drew a rhombus in a circle with her wand. When this overpowering spell passed through her body, how did she feel? Like hitting a live wire in an electrical circuit, her voice screamed, "Damn out!"
Red lightning burst from her wand and it was perfect.
Harry ducked.
Then, because they hadn't practiced that part in the hallway, she bumped into a wall.
"Sleep!" Draco screamed, and then, after taking a few seconds to recover, "Sleep, damn it!"
He clearly hit Theodore, the boy didn't dodge at all, and the Knott's heir just laughed, as evil as his father, with the wand flat-
Draco jumped away just in time for Theodore to say "fall asleep", but Draco was so tired that he was out of breath, he couldn't keep going like this, Theodore didn't even have to hide , and Draco had to keep moving, which was insane.
He had the strength to fire again now, but—
Doing the same thing and expecting different results would be retarded, Harry said so; it must be Harry's masterpiece, it couldn't be a Muggle product this time, but Draco didn't know it would What, he had to make some assumptions and then find a way to test them, but he was dodging like hell, Theodore was laughing and hitting him again with the Sleeping Charm, and Draco was twisting When he passed, he felt a numb feeling in his waist, and this time he almost hit it. Finally, Draco couldn't take it anymore, and stopped bothering to think about what hypothesis he wanted to test, and didn't think about why. but just—
"Phosphorism!" Draco shouted, and Theodore's whole body was enveloped in red light, "The light disappeared!" The red light went out again (so Theodore would still be affected by the magic), "except You weapon!" Theodore's wand flew out (and Draco realized it was a spell worth trying anyway), but then Theodore opened his arms and charged straight at Draco. , so Draco yelled, "Shockwave!?" Theodore's feet were suddenly hung upside down—[4]
——When Theodore's back fell to the ground, there was a metallic sound, which was surprisingly loud.
Draco's vision began to shake because of casting four spells in a short period of time, and Theodore was already getting up, Draco didn't even have time to think in words, but he still insisted on saying "Fall asleep!" This time, though, he aimed at Theodore's face, not his chest.
Sildo dodges (he dodges!), while yelling, "Tact Seven, target Malfoy!"
"Rainbow shield!" Padma yelled, and suddenly a shining rainbow wall appeared in front of Draco, at this time the four Chaos soldiers shouted together, "Sleep asleep!"
There was a pause, and everyone was looking at this huge rainbow shield, blocking all the remaining dragon warriors.
Casting the fifth spell brought Draco to his knees at last, but he lifted his head and tried to say as clearly as possible, "If the Sleeping Charm - unsuccessfully - is aimed at their faces - I think the lieutenants are wearing metal armor."
"You've lost too many warriors," Finnigan said loudly from outside the shield, "we'll kill you anyway," and the Gryffindor boy laughed wickedly.His wicked laugh was almost on par with Harry Potter's, and the other Chaos soldiers soon followed suit.
Out of the corner of his eye, Draco could see Gregory and Vincent lying unconscious on the ground.Padma still maintained her prismatic shield spell, the first time he'd seen her unleash a shield of this size; but she was panting, still sweating from her running march.This Ravenclaw girl is a powerful witch, but not physically strong.
He very much hoped that General Granger would come over as soon as possible and attack the Chaos Legion from behind.General Potter and Neville from the Legion of Chaos weren't here, and Draco could guess where they had gone, but two soldiers couldn't hold up the entire Legion of the Sun for long, could they?
Hermione knew it wasn't fair, and Daphne had done her best, but she still couldn't help but wish the girl would last a little longer.
"Snail rock breakthrough!" Neville said behind her as she was flying through the air, and then there was the sound of the shattering of the rainbow wall, and Hannah's voice cried out in despair, "Sleep!" After a while, Naville Wei's voice calmly said "sleep", and with a plop, another of her warriors fell.
The force keeping her afloat weakened again, and Hermione could feel the Levitation Charm supporting her grow harder and harder, and now it simply wasn't enough.
The flight was over, and she began to slowly descend to the ground.She should have instructed her soldiers to throw her on the ground, but she was too angry and confused to think, and was gathering the last of her strength to cast a stun spell, so when Harry pointed his wand at She, she had no room to dodge when she said "slumber", the last word Hermione Granger heard in her battle.
[1] Even after eight centuries, Hogwarts is still somewhat shy about changing openly in front of people: this is anthropomorphic, and in English, changing clothes and changing are the same word (change).
[2] Gray Knight: Suspected allusion to the gray knight in "Warhammer 40000" who wears scriptural armor and is good at penetrating into the enemy's core: baike.baidu/view/283942.htm
[3] If you have seen some movies: Refers to the scene of using lightsaber to fight in the "Star Wars" series of movies: zh.wikipedia/wiki/Lightsaber
[4] Flipendo is a knockback spell (knockbackjinx) introduced in the Harry Potter game series, but it does not actually have the effect of hanging people upside down.This is suspected to be confused with the Fuchsia (Levicorpus).
Due to continuous observation, the presence of a large number of students will temporarily stabilize the corridor.The rooms and corridors of Hogwarts sometimes move in plain sight, but don't change.Even after eight centuries, Hogwarts is still somewhat shy about changing openly in front of people. [1]
However, despite its changing nature, the heights of Hogwarts Castle are still of military relevance (so the Defense Professor says): you have to re-study the terrain every time, check every closet again, and see See if there are secret corridors hidden inside.
The time is March [-]st, Sunday.Professor Quirrell has recovered enough to oversee combat again, and they're all trying to catch up.
Dragon General Draco Malfoy was watching with a compass in one hand.One of the compasses is the color of the sun, and the other is the color of the rainbow, representing chaos.Draco knew that the other two generals had also received their own compass; the difference was that in the hands of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, there would be a compass that was orange red, flickering like a flame The shadow of the dragon has been pointing to the biggest vitality of the dragon team.
Without such a compass, they could search for days without finding each other, such is the geographical danger of fighting high above Hogwarts Castle.
Draco had a foreboding about the upcoming battle between Dragon Troopers and the Legion of Chaos.Harry Potter has changed since Bellatrix Black escaped, and the Heir of Slytherin now looks like a real king (How did Professor Quirrell know this was happening? ) Draco would have felt a lot better with Hermione Granger and her 23 Sunshine Soldiers at his side, but no, the Sunshine Corps general refused in stupid pride to fight against General Potter Receive assistance in this matter.She told him that she wanted to defeat Potter in her own right.
The noble and oldest of the Malfoys have been influential in England for centuries simply because they understand that they cannot always be the most powerful.Sometimes other rulers are indeed stronger, and you must be content to be only his chief lieutenant.The status, wealth and power accumulated by more than a dozen generations of second-in-commands are considerable.You just have to be careful every time you don't let your family suffer when the master you serve is down.This is a tradition honed by the Malfoy family over hundreds of years of experience...
So my father explained in detail to Draco that if he meets someone who is obviously stronger than himself, Draco can't hate this, can't deny it, can't lose his temper, and endanger the position he might have obtained, But Draco must ensure that he is at least No.2 in the power structure of the next generation.
Granger had clearly never been taught this by her parents, and she was still denying the obvious reality that Harry Potter had grown stronger than she was.
Draco then secretly met with Captains Goldstein, Burns, and Captain McMillan, and they agreed to try to keep Mutalisks and Sunshine from attacking each other before engaging the greater threat of Chaos.
This doesn't really violate the treaty against traitors, if you have an honest intention to help the other side's army, it doesn't count as instigating treachery.
A high-pitched bell echoed down the corridor, announcing the start of the battle, and after a while Draco yelled, "Go!" and the dragon soldiers started running.It would tire his men, even after stopping to rest, but they had to keep the Chaos Legion between themselves and the Sunshine Corps.
Harry and Neville walked leisurely down the corridor, Harry observing the golden compass that pointed to the Sunshine Corps' position.Neville was on guard in case he encountered other enemies.
If you listen closely, their steps are a little heavy.
"So," said the lieutenant of the Chaos Corps after a while, "is that why you have us practice dueling with weights strapped on?"
Harry nodded, still staring at the compass pointing at the Legion of the Sun; if the direction of the compass began to change rapidly, they were close.
"I don't want to say this in front of other people, but you don't gain much muscle in a week or two," said Neville, "and the balance feels different, and I think this one is actually heavier, and isn't it Is it a deformed Muggle product?"
"No," Harry said, "I checked beforehand. Some of the Hogwarts statues have it, so it's something wizards used to wear, though it's just medieval fashion." No one would do such a thing if they were fighting a first-year student with such a weak spell, so it wasn't a good idea.
They came to a Y-shaped intersection and ran into a little trouble; the two forked roads at the moment were in the wrong direction, and they couldn't directly intercept the marching route of the Sunshine Corps following the Chaos Legion following the Flying Dragons.Harry took the one that seemed to be the stronger of the two, and Neville followed him.
"We'd better try a silence spell before we get any closer," said Neville. "It's quite loud, and they might notice."
Harry nodded, and said, "Good idea," in case Neville hadn't seen his nod.
They plodded through the stone corridors high up in Hogwarts Castle, sunlight streaming in through plain or stained glass windows, and they passed statues from time to time, witches, dragons, and now and then statues in slabs. Wizard knight in armor or chain armor.
Soldiers of the Sunshine were marching down a long, wide corridor, wands in hand, pointing around.Prismatic shields cannot be used while marching, but Parvati Patil and Jenny Rastad maintain a united shield spell around the ranks of officers, as in the event of an ambush the officers are primary target of attack.
She and her officers decided that the strategy for this battle was to mix with enemy soldiers as quickly as possible and form a melee situation-they had pre-trained internally how to support each other, how to avoid hitting their own people, and how to stand up to the enemy's position. The soldiers were in a position where they were hesitant to fire.They had only practiced for four hours, but she thought her troops were better at handling melee than soldiers with no training at all.It seemed like a tactic the Chaos Legions would use, they just hadn't used it yet.
It's a good strategy, she thinks.The problem was that no matter how much she lectured her soldiers, they were still secretly spreading rumors about what Harry and Neville had learned in private.Eventually she gave up and went to talk to Captain Goldstein, because he understood morale issues, and Anthony's advice was—
"Strange," said Captain McMillan suddenly, frowning at the fire and rainbow compass in his hand. (Ernie has "very good spatial imagination," according to Harry, so he's in charge of holding two compasses at once, trying to gauge where the enemy is going.) "I don't think... Dragon Troopers are moving so fast anymore. ...I think they circled to the other side of the Chaos Legion first...and the Chaos Legion seems to be attacking them instead of trying to get out of this position where they will be attacked from both sides?"
Hermione frowned, trying to make sense of the message; she saw the same frown on Anthony's and Ron's faces.If Chaos and Flying Dragon fight directly and attack each other with all their combat power, it is tantamount to handing over the victory to the Sunshine Corps...
"Potter thinks we're allied, so he's attacking Malfoy before the Dragons join us," Blaise Zabini said at the ranks of ordinary fighters, "or Potter thinks that if he comes one by one If you do that, you can take turns defeating the two armies." The Slytherin boy sighed condescendingly. "Can I be re-promoted to officer now? You guys can't do without me, you know."
They all ignored the noise coming from Zabini's mouth.
"Are we going in the right direction?" Anthony asked.
"Yes," Ernie replied.
"Are we close to them?" Ron asked.
"not yet--"
At this time, the black wooden door at the end of the corridor opened suddenly and hit the wall, revealing two figures wrapped in gray cloaks, with gray cloth hanging from the gray hoods, covering their faces, one of the figures had already He raised his wand and pointed it at her.
Then the game changed dramatically, and Harry's voice shrieked with difficulty:
"Passed out!"
This duel-level stun spell flew towards her, and she was taken aback. When she thought of dodging, it was almost too late. The red lightning directly pierced through the protection of the shield, and she dodged in a thrilling manner. She felt a sting as her arm flew past, and out of the corner of her eye she saw that Susan had been hit, knocking Ron as she fell—
"Drown to sleep!" Anthony roared, and a moment later, a dozen voices shouted together, "Drown to sleep!"
Hermione stood up hastily, and when she did, she saw two figures in gray cloaks standing motionless.
Sleeping spells are invisible, the spell is too weak—
But it's impossible to miss all of them.
"Damned!" Neville Longbottom's voice yelled, and another red flash hit her, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment while trying to dodge, and when she got up panting, She found that the lightning of the Stunning Spell hit Ron who had just stood up from the ground.
"Hi, Sunshine Corps," Harry's voice came from under the hood.
"We are the Gray Knights of Chaos," said Neville's voice. [2]
"We are your enemies in this battle," said Harry's voice, "and the rest of the Chaos Troopers will slaughter the Dragon Army."
"By the way," said Neville's voice, "we are invincible."
The two boys wore gray cloaks and robes, with gray cloth covering their faces, standing in front of the entire Sunshine Corps, seemingly completely unmoved by the attack of a dozen sleeping spells.
Daphne heard a soft sigh beside her, and she turned her head to see Hannah's lips parted, her eyes wide open, the Hufflepuff girl looking at—
The chaotic thoughts passing through Daphne's mind at this moment are difficult to describe in words. When she realized that the person Hannah was looking at was not Harry, but Neville, a part of her heart seemed to notice a fact, As a boy, Neville has indeed become quite interesting recently. In fact, the last heir of the Longbottom family looks so handsome in front of her. Something awakens in her heart, and she also opens her lips. Her aristocratic mother taught her to be reserved, and her sweet words and fragrant shampoo were all blown out of the sky, and it should have been rolled up and blown away from the hair around her ears; she had seen Hermione and Harry, so she knew What does she want her love story to be like—
Her aristocratic mother had also recently taught her several spells, which it would be a shame to be a member of the noble and oldest Greengrass family not to know.
Daphne swung her wand to the left and yelled, "Thunder boom!"
She raised her wand above her head and said the incantation, "Roar to the Skull!"
Finally, she took her wand in both hands and screamed, "Shining blade unsheathed!"
The sheer mana drain brought her almost to her knees, but she held on, draining a little slower as the glowing shape was fully formed and stabilized.
Still, she felt it best not to fight like this for too long.
Everyone was staring at her, it was self-evident, and she wanted to jump up and rush towards Neville with her hair fluttering, but all she could do was walk steadily forward, wrapping her The Ancient Blade was aimed at Neville Longbottom.It goes without saying that everyone gave way to her.
"I am Daphne, of noble and oldest Greengrass!" she cried, "Greengrass of the sun!" She had forgotten all about the rituals of dueling, she knew duels to the death from the plays she had seen What about a duel with blood, but she had absolutely no idea what to use in the situation, so she just aimed the fiery lightsaber at the object of her fascination and yelled, "Let me see what you have What are you doing, Neville!"
Harry's voice yelled again, "Swoon!", and in hindsight she couldn't believe she actually did it, but she swung the lightsaber like a batter's bat and hit The lightning bolt of the Stunning Charm knocked it back in Harry's direction, and Harry barely dodged it.
"Thunder and thunder!" yelled Neville from the noble and oldest House of Longbottom.
For a few seconds, everyone did nothing but stare at Neville and Daphne hacking at each other.They were slow, and Hermione guessed the spell would take a lot of power.If you're Muggle-born and you've seen certain movies,[3] the scene doesn't really look like much.
But for using the lightsaber on them, you should give them extra points.
"Just a procedural question," said Harry's voice, "I know the Defense Professor is watching, but I still have to ask, does anyone know if they'll split in half if they hit— —”
"No," Hermione replied absently.She had read about it in a history book, but she had no idea at the time that magical dueling swords looked like this. "According to the way they cast it, if they touch it, it will only have a stun effect."
"You know this spell?"
"Oh no, this is the curse of the Ancient Blade, only the noble and oldest families can legally use it—"
Hermione stopped and looked at Harry, or rather at Harry's gray hood.
"Okay," said Harry's voice, "in that case, I'll kill the rest of the Sunshine Corps by myself." She couldn't see his face, but from his voice, he seemed to be smiling.
"When Daphne threw your own spell at you, you dodged it," said Hermione, "so no matter what you do, you're not invincible. Stunning spells can still knock you out."
"Interesting theory," said Harry's voice from under the hood. "Can anyone in your army test this theory?"
"I read the instructions for the Stunning Spell," said Hermione. "It was a few months ago. I don't know if I remember?" She raised her wand and pointed it at Harry.
There was a brief pause, and near them, a boy and a girl were panting, slowly swinging their lightsabers back and forth.
"Of course," said Harry, pointing his wand flatly at her, "I'll just use the Sleeping Charm on you. It'll save a lot of effort."
Before Harry could finish his sentence, a new All Minds as a Shield spell appeared in front of her, which was cast by Jenny and Parvati.
The tip of Hermione's wand began to make small movements in the air, a rhombus in a circle, a rhombus in a circle, practicing over and over again to ensure that it was exactly the same as what I saw in the book.It was difficult even for her, but she had to succeed once, and a failed attempt would waste her energy, which she could not afford.
"You know," said Hermione Granger, "I know it's not your fault, but I'm tired of hearing people talk about the Boy Who Lived, like you're— like you're a god or something. of."
"Me too, I have to say," said Harry Potter. "It's sad that people keep underestimating me."
She practiced drawing a rhombus in a circle with her wand, again and again.Harry was recovering, she knew, but she had to practice as much as possible before attacking. "I'm starting to think that someone needs to shake your prestige, General Chaos."
"You may be right," said Harry quietly, starting to move what she recognized as a dueling gait, "but alas, unless there's another Harry Potter, there's nothing left Can beat me."
"Let me be more specific, Mr. Potter. I want to put you down."
"You and what other army?"
"You think you're cool, don't you," Hermione said.
"Well, yeah," said Harry, "yes, I do think so. Some might say it's arrogance, but am I supposed to be the last person at Hogwarts to notice how good I am?" ?”
Hermione raised her left hand in the air in a clenched fist gesture.
This is a signal.Eight pre-selected soldiers from her army would point their wands at her and silently cast Wingardium, Leviosa's spell.
They have also trained in this part. After Hermione gave up teaching her warriors, she followed Anthony's suggestion and worked hard to create a General Sunshine for everyone who seemed to be able to defeat the invincible enemy.
"You're always pretending to be Superman," said Hermione.Her left fist was raised higher in the air, and the combined force of eight soldiers made her fly from the ground, "Now let me show you Super Hermione!" Flying towards Harry, wishing she couldn't see the expression on his face, she exhausted all her magic power and drew a rhombus in a circle with her wand. When this overpowering spell passed through her body, how did she feel? Like hitting a live wire in an electrical circuit, her voice screamed, "Damn out!"
Red lightning burst from her wand and it was perfect.
Harry ducked.
Then, because they hadn't practiced that part in the hallway, she bumped into a wall.
"Sleep!" Draco screamed, and then, after taking a few seconds to recover, "Sleep, damn it!"
He clearly hit Theodore, the boy didn't dodge at all, and the Knott's heir just laughed, as evil as his father, with the wand flat-
Draco jumped away just in time for Theodore to say "fall asleep", but Draco was so tired that he was out of breath, he couldn't keep going like this, Theodore didn't even have to hide , and Draco had to keep moving, which was insane.
He had the strength to fire again now, but—
Doing the same thing and expecting different results would be retarded, Harry said so; it must be Harry's masterpiece, it couldn't be a Muggle product this time, but Draco didn't know it would What, he had to make some assumptions and then find a way to test them, but he was dodging like hell, Theodore was laughing and hitting him again with the Sleeping Charm, and Draco was twisting When he passed, he felt a numb feeling in his waist, and this time he almost hit it. Finally, Draco couldn't take it anymore, and stopped bothering to think about what hypothesis he wanted to test, and didn't think about why. but just—
"Phosphorism!" Draco shouted, and Theodore's whole body was enveloped in red light, "The light disappeared!" The red light went out again (so Theodore would still be affected by the magic), "except You weapon!" Theodore's wand flew out (and Draco realized it was a spell worth trying anyway), but then Theodore opened his arms and charged straight at Draco. , so Draco yelled, "Shockwave!?" Theodore's feet were suddenly hung upside down—[4]
——When Theodore's back fell to the ground, there was a metallic sound, which was surprisingly loud.
Draco's vision began to shake because of casting four spells in a short period of time, and Theodore was already getting up, Draco didn't even have time to think in words, but he still insisted on saying "Fall asleep!" This time, though, he aimed at Theodore's face, not his chest.
Sildo dodges (he dodges!), while yelling, "Tact Seven, target Malfoy!"
"Rainbow shield!" Padma yelled, and suddenly a shining rainbow wall appeared in front of Draco, at this time the four Chaos soldiers shouted together, "Sleep asleep!"
There was a pause, and everyone was looking at this huge rainbow shield, blocking all the remaining dragon warriors.
Casting the fifth spell brought Draco to his knees at last, but he lifted his head and tried to say as clearly as possible, "If the Sleeping Charm - unsuccessfully - is aimed at their faces - I think the lieutenants are wearing metal armor."
"You've lost too many warriors," Finnigan said loudly from outside the shield, "we'll kill you anyway," and the Gryffindor boy laughed wickedly.His wicked laugh was almost on par with Harry Potter's, and the other Chaos soldiers soon followed suit.
Out of the corner of his eye, Draco could see Gregory and Vincent lying unconscious on the ground.Padma still maintained her prismatic shield spell, the first time he'd seen her unleash a shield of this size; but she was panting, still sweating from her running march.This Ravenclaw girl is a powerful witch, but not physically strong.
He very much hoped that General Granger would come over as soon as possible and attack the Chaos Legion from behind.General Potter and Neville from the Legion of Chaos weren't here, and Draco could guess where they had gone, but two soldiers couldn't hold up the entire Legion of the Sun for long, could they?
Hermione knew it wasn't fair, and Daphne had done her best, but she still couldn't help but wish the girl would last a little longer.
"Snail rock breakthrough!" Neville said behind her as she was flying through the air, and then there was the sound of the shattering of the rainbow wall, and Hannah's voice cried out in despair, "Sleep!" After a while, Naville Wei's voice calmly said "sleep", and with a plop, another of her warriors fell.
The force keeping her afloat weakened again, and Hermione could feel the Levitation Charm supporting her grow harder and harder, and now it simply wasn't enough.
The flight was over, and she began to slowly descend to the ground.She should have instructed her soldiers to throw her on the ground, but she was too angry and confused to think, and was gathering the last of her strength to cast a stun spell, so when Harry pointed his wand at She, she had no room to dodge when she said "slumber", the last word Hermione Granger heard in her battle.
[1] Even after eight centuries, Hogwarts is still somewhat shy about changing openly in front of people: this is anthropomorphic, and in English, changing clothes and changing are the same word (change).
[2] Gray Knight: Suspected allusion to the gray knight in "Warhammer 40000" who wears scriptural armor and is good at penetrating into the enemy's core: baike.baidu/view/283942.htm
[3] If you have seen some movies: Refers to the scene of using lightsaber to fight in the "Star Wars" series of movies: zh.wikipedia/wiki/Lightsaber
[4] Flipendo is a knockback spell (knockbackjinx) introduced in the Harry Potter game series, but it does not actually have the effect of hanging people upside down.This is suspected to be confused with the Fuchsia (Levicorpus).
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